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  What a choice of this or that. Which water heater is better? What influences the choice of a particular type of water heater? What kind of development in terms of open and closed RU offers KTP-Ural plant and production business unit of EnTerra Group of Companies?

Any hot water system (HWS), regardless of its type, can be equipped with independent water heaters. They serve as a primary or backup device for preparing hot water. Which water heater is better? What influences the choice of a particular type of water heater?

In order to choose a water heater, you need to consider the conditions in which it will work and how often it will be used.

By way of heating water   water heaters are divided into direct and indirect heating.

. TO   "Direct" typeinclude electric and gas water heaters. Electric type of water heaters works like an electric kettle, the second - akin to a saucepan, hermetically closed lid and set on a gas stove.

. Indirect water heaters and their combined varieties, continuing the culinary analogy, can be compared with a steamer, where rice is cooked (it is impossible to steam it just under steam - you need to heat the steam, which, in turn, will participate in the preparation of rice). In combined water heaters, indirect heating comes from two sources: first, the water is heated by pipes of otherwise heated water or another coolant. Secondly, this heating is enhanced by a gas burner or an electric heating element.

According to your device electric and gas units are divided into flow and storage.

In appearance, different water heaters are almost the same, but the device is different for everyone.

Instantaneous water heaters work, as they say, “on the move” - the liquid heats up during the flow through the heat exchanger or the chamber with the electric heating element installed in it. Accumulative water heaters are arranged differently: a certain amount of liquid is heated in a special tank inside the case.

Absolutely all heating methods are used for storage water heaters. But flowing water heaters can only work from direct heating - because of the low power, the indirect heating system simply does not have time to significantly raise the temperature of the running water.

By connection type to the cold water pipeline storage water heaters are pressure and non-pressure.

A pressure water heater is able not only to provide a large house with hot water; on its base you can organize a system of water heated floor.

. Pressure water heaters   designed to work in highways with constant pressure (pressure) of fluid and, as a rule, are used for centralized supply   at home with cold water or in autonomous systems in which a step-up circulation pump is installed   (an automatic pressure pump increases the pressure of the water in front of the electric water heaters in case the water pressure from the water supply system is not sufficient).

Water weekendDue to low productivity, free-flow cumulative ones are not widely spread, however, the demand for them still exists. Most likely, this scheme can serve a small country house "for two", visited infrequently - on weekends, holidays, etc. That is, where significant amounts of hot water are not needed there.

. Non-pressure storage water heaters installed on pipelines where there is no constant pressure. Roughly speaking, there is a pump that pumps water, for example, from a well strictly as needed. When the water tank is full, the pump shuts off. As the hot water is consumed, the pump is turned on again - manually or on command from the sensor inside the water heater body - and fills the tank.

Which water heater is better? The answer to this question can only be given on the basis of the structure of the water supply system in which it will work: for each of them a “best water heater” can be recommended.

Water supply scheme

Centralized DHW system

The water heater will be used as a backup when possible disconnection of hot water.

It is possible to establish both flowing, and accumulative pressure head unit of any type. Most often use a flowing electric or gas water heater.

Centralized cold water supply only

The water heater will serve as the main device for preparing hot water.

You can install a water heater of any type, except free-flow cumulative. If there are many tenants in the house, preferred combination: accumulative boilers for bathrooms + instantaneous water heaters for water points with low consumption (kitchen, utility rooms, etc.).

Autonomous water supply with water tanks and boost circulation pumps.

Such a scheme is similar to the centralized supply of cold water, therefore, the recommendations here are the same.

Autonomous supply, in which the pump supplies water from the well as needed, and there are no tanks for storing water reserves.

With such a system, it is advisable to use only cumulative   and strictly free-flow boilers, the volume of which will depend on the number of tenants and their needs for hot water.

The answer to the question: “Draw the possible types of the profile of directional wells. What factors influence the choice of a particular type of profile? Name the types of diverters and their areas of application. "

The rational profile allows to minimize the work of the deflecting assembly at the lowest possible depth, provides the necessary displacement of the face relative to the mouth (horizontally) and the allowable intensity of curvature, as well as free passage through the barrel of the drill and production columns. The profile should ensure the well operation with all modern methods and equipment for a sufficiently long and trouble-free. Moreover, the bottom hole must necessarily be in the so-called “tolerance circle”.

  Fig. Types of inclined well profiles.

Type A Profile   consists of three sections: vertical 1, section of the zenith angle set 2, stabilization section (obliquely rectilinear) zenith angle 3, continuing to the design depth of the well. The use of this profile allows to limit the number of flights with a diverter to a minimum, to obtain the maximum amount of waste with the minimum zenith angle. The absence of kinks in the trunk facilitates and accelerates tripping operations.
  The operation of wells with a similar profile does not cause difficulties. However, the drilling of the stabilization section requires special arrangements of the bottom of the drill string and high technological discipline.

Type B Profile   also consists of three sections. But unlike BUT   the third section is the natural decrease (fall) of the zenith angle. In this case, it is necessary to gain a larger zenith angle (with the same waste), which increases the workload of the deflecting layout, impairs the permeability of the tool and geophysical instruments, and complicates the conditions of well operation.

Type B Profile   It has four sections: vertical 1, zenith angle set 2 along radius R B, section of incidence of inclination angle 3 along radius R * B (usually R B< R* B) и вертикального участка 4.

Type G profile   consists of four sections, but unlike the type AT   after the vertical 1 and section of the zenith angle set 2, an obliquely rectilinear section 3 is drilled, which then passes into section 4 - the inclination of the zenith angle.

Type D profile   has five sections: vertical 1, zenith angle set 2 along radius RD, stabilization section 3, portion of additional angle of inclination angle 4 along radius R 'D with the entrance to the producing formation at angles of 85 ° and more, and horizontal section 5 passing through the productive formation . The length of section 5 can be from several tens of meters to 10 thousand meters or more (the water area of ​​the North Sea).

Type E Profile consists of two sections: a vertical section and a low-intensity section of a zenith angle over a large radius R E. This type of profile can be applied when using directionless drilling or in cases of self-orienting deflecting systems that are currently beginning to appear both in Russia and abroad .

When moving up to 300 m, the profile is applied. BUT, with large waste - profile R. When drilling wells with a horizontal end, the profile is applied D.

According to the existing instructions, the intensity of the zenith angle set should not exceed 1 ° 30 ′ at 10 m, (R min = 382 m), and the maximum value of the zenith angle in the stabilization section< 20° при максимально возможной его протяженности. Как правило, на таких участках проектируется установка в эксплуатационных скважинах ЭЦН.

The main types of profiles are: tangential; S-shaped; J-shaped.

    Features of the 3rd interval (tangential) profile
  • The number of flights with a diverter is reduced to a minimum.
  • Theoretically, a large deviation from the vertical is obtained with a slight angle of inclination of the well.
  • The simplicity of the profile ensures the operation of the well without significant complications.
  • Usually the maximum zenith angle in sections 2 and 3 should not exceed 20º, which is associated with the operation of electric submersible and sucker rod pumps.
  • The main difficulty in drilling wells for this type of profile is that it is very difficult to ensure the straight nature of the wellbore.

S-shaped profile. It is used in cases where geological conditions do not allow stabilizing the zenith angle on an inclined section. Therefore, in section 2, a large zenith angle is accumulated in order to obtain the necessary deviation of the bottom hole from the vertical.
  The area of ​​curvature set is not lower than 500-800 meters, which greatly simplifies the management of the diverter (without expensive tele systems).
  The main work on the removal of the wellbore in the tolerance range is carried out when drilling the upper profile intervals, and in the future, the BHA with centering elements is not used.
  Increases work with a diverter, therefore, the cost of work increases.
  In the area of ​​reducing the zenith angle, the tool life of bits (milling of the lateral surface) is reduced.
  Maximum loads on drilling equipment during lifting of BC due to friction forces.

    Features J-shaped profile
  • As a rule, they have two sections of the curvature set, which allows entering the reservoir more accurately (conveniently for horizontal wells);
  • Minimizes the frictional forces of the drill string with the borehole walls and the load on the hook when lifting the drill string;
  • They will allow you to choose wellbore geometry that is easy to adapt to specific conditions.

With all the variety of personal characteristics, a particular person adheres to certain (inherent to him) principles and norms of behavior, i.e. individual behavior has, as a rule, a certain stability and predictability.

Criteria characteristics of a person determining his behavior are:

  •   location to people, phenomena and processes;
  •   values ​​shared by that person;
  •   a set of beliefs;
  •   principles and norms of behavior.

Factors influencing the choice of a particular type of human behavior are closely intertwined with each other. Location to people, phenomena and processes.

Location affects the behavior of a person and is manifested in the fact that he behaves in accordance with the established attitude to this object, phenomenon or process. This necessitates the formation of the employees desired location for the organization.

The location of workers that have a significant impact on management efficiency:

  •   job satisfaction;
  •   dedication to work;
  •   organization's commitment.

The degree of job satisfaction depends on many factors. The most important among them, according to many scientists, are:

  •   the nature and content of the work;
  •   the amount of work performed;
  •   payment for work (all forms of compensation);
  •   the state of the workplace and its environment (noise, light, comfort, air temperature, etc.);
  •   colleagues;
  •   leadership (bosses, leadership style, participation in management);
  •   career opportunities;
  •   routine, rules of conduct, etc.

Passion for work is one of the most important employee locations. It determines how a person relates to their work. Usually there are two types of dedication to work:

  •   love of work in general;
  •   love for the specific work that a person performs in an organization.

People who are passionate about work in general are called workaholics. This type of location is inherited, is formed in the process of education and work.

The second type of arrangement (love for a particular work), although it is associated with the first type, has its own distinctive features, both in terms of formation and manifestation. Each of the types considered (satisfaction and dedication to work) is relatively independent and, depending on the current situation, may have a greater or lesser effect on the attitude of the worker to work.

The commitment of the organization is manifested in the following:

  • the employee shares the values ​​of the organization;
  •   the goals of the organization are its goals;
  •   the employee seeks to remain in the organization even when it is unprofitable for him;
  •   he is ready to give up his own interests for the sake of the interests of the organization.

Modern management systems are aimed at developing a stronger organization commitment among employees. Those leaders who succeed in this are striving to improve the efficiency of their organizations.

Values ​​shared by man.

The influence of these values ​​on a person’s behavior is manifested in the fact that a person evaluates events or phenomena around him and makes appropriate decisions based on them.

Values ​​differ significantly from locations. If location determines the attitude to an object or phenomenon according to the principle “like - dislike”, “love - dislike”, then values ​​give a person a preference like “acceptable - unacceptable”, “good - bad”, etc.

Highlight values ​​related to:

  •   to the goal of life, the desired results (equality, freedom, justice, public recognition, etc.);
  •   to the means used by the person to achieve the goals (honesty, goodwill, commitment, responsibility, etc.).

Human values ​​are formed in the process of education, education, work in an organization, etc.

The goal of management is to create harmony between the values ​​of the organization and the values ​​of its employees. However, to ensure that all employees share the values ​​that the organization adheres to, it is only possible for individual managers.

A set of beliefs. The term "belief" is derived from the word "faith" (recognition of something true, often without prior verification, by virtue of inner subjective conviction).

On the basis of these beliefs, a person makes certain decisions.

Beliefs are developed on the basis of own knowledge or on the basis of knowledge coming from external sources. Beliefs are subjective. They are positive (constructive) and negative (conflict, irresponsible, etc.). Beliefs serve as a guide when choosing goals, control the views and behavior of a person. Even if a person accepts his beliefs as truth, they may not correspond to reality. Therefore, each person should be skeptical of his, and especially alien beliefs.

Principles and norms of behavior.

Principles are formed in a person in the process of his upbringing and socially useful activities. They can be produced by man and independently.

On the basis of the established principles, a person forms stable forms of reaction to certain situations, stable norms of behavior in the form of certain standards of behavior. They can also be considered as an installation for any activity.

Finishing consideration of the criterion basis of human behavior, it should be noted that so far there is no generally accepted theory explaining his behavior in an organization. In the economic literature there are other points of view about the basic characteristics of a person, affecting his behavior.

Thus, some scientists explain human behavior on the basis of two fundamental principles: the perception and attitudes of the individual. At the same time, the category “installation of personality” is understood as the attitude of a person to something or to someone, that is, established on the basis of past experience. the same as "location" in OS Vihansky and A.I. Naumov. Other authors consider the perception of a key moment of a behavioral act that determines its direction.

Differences in these points of view, in our opinion, are not fundamental. They are due, as a rule, the use of different categories and different interpretation of the interaction of factors that have a major impact on human behavior in the organization.

In what cases is the use of an open or closed switchgear at substations with a voltage of 35 kV? Tells Viktor Ivanov, Chief Designer of the KTP-Ural plant (part of the EnTerra Group of Companies).

The choice of a particular performance must be made on the basis of an analysis of the significant factors influencing the operating conditions and construction of the substation. The use of closed switchgears is primarily justified at facilities located in areas with high levels of atmospheric pollution and harsh climatic conditions. In these cases, closed switchgears, especially in modular design, significantly reduce the time of construction and commissioning, and in the future provide the most reliable power supply.

- If there are no these limiting factors, then an open switchgear is used?

Outdoor switchgear 35 kV, Pakhomovskaya substation

In the absence of the above factors, open-ended switchgear is more cost-effective. This is especially evident in small substations. However, manufacturers of high-voltage equipment today offer a fairly wide selection of 35 kV switchgear assemblies, on the basis of which closed switchgears are manufactured. Along with cabinets of switchgear with air insulation, production of switchgear with gas-insulated insulation is actively developing. The development of this technology leads to a reduction in the cost of closed substations and in the near future can lead to widespread use of closed switchgear, even in areas where open switchgear is traditionally used today.

- What else is significantly different closed and open switchgear? What else should the Customer pay attention to when choosing this or that type of switchgear?

Of course, we must pay attention to the area allocated for the construction of the substation. The area required for the placement of the switchgear can be several times larger than the area occupied by a similar device for the switchgear. In addition, closed switchgears can be used with both cable and air inlets. For open switchgear, air inlet is preferred.

PS "Elizavetinskaya", ZRU 35 kV

- In your opinion, are there any requirements or “tacit policy” of applying either open switchgear or closed switchgear at power facilities of various industries?

When forming the technical policy in the field of energy supply, large companies rely on promising solutions, which, in my opinion, is the use of closed switchgears based on switchgear cabinets with air or gas-insulated insulation. This does not mean that the use of open switchgears for a voltage of 35 kV is excluded. Economic feasibility ultimately determines the final choice. Also, the determining factor may not be a modern technical solution, but the availability of trained personnel, repair facilities, test equipment, which in a particular case would be justified.

- What developments in the part of open and closed RP offer the KTP-Ural plant, the production business unit of EnTerra Group of Companies?

We offer open-type switchgears in the form of block-modular structures (BMP) "Iset" and in the form of blocks of high factory readiness. BMC "Iset" are performed in the form of modules, and stand-alone units, designed for the installation of various sets of high-voltage equipment. Blocks can be supplied to the construction site assembled with the necessary equipment. From these blocks is going to open switchgear. The advantage of this option is a reduction in installation time due to a high degree of prefabrication and compact design. High build quality, provided by qualified personnel and modern equipment, eliminates errors during installation directly at the facility.

Switchgear closed type KRUM-35 we produce in a modular design. This allows us to supply the customer with a fully completed product, equipped with switchgear cabinets, auxiliary panels, communications, remote control and remote control, metering systems. Type of complete switchgear is selected taking into account customer requirements.

Our specialists are ready to assist and select the best version of the switchgear for a particular object, as well as to perform a full range of works on its construction - from design to commissioning.

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