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  The sole has come off in the shoes, it makes sense to repair. Peel off the sole warranty. Product preparation and glue application

No matter how high-quality and expensive shoes you buy, sooner or later it wears out, and sometimes it even breaks. Most people in this case resort to the help of a specialist. Some prefer to save on repairs and solve the problem on their own. About 80% of all modern footwear is produced using adhesives. In the repair, they also use glue, which almost completely displaced threads and studs. Professionals say that currently, adhesive products provide the best and most reliable grip. What is the best glue for shoes is definitely difficult to say. It depends on the type of product and the specific task.

Without experience, it is impossible to choose the right shoe glue. Experts recommend to resort to the help of products only known brands. Here are the advantages that adhesives should have:

  • reliability and durability;
  • water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • the thickness of the glued elements should not greatly affect the strength of the clutch;
  • lack of rigidity;
  • preservation of the integrity of the bonding materials;
  • elasticity of seams.

Possessing these parameters, glue will effectively cope with its task. Of the variety of adhesive substances available on the market, we have identified the highest quality and reliable. Helped us in this reviews of real users.

Top 10 best adhesives for shoes

10 Contact

Best price
A country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 37 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

More than 10 years ago, the domestic company "Rosel" developed an excellent glue for shoes. In 2002, only instant adhesives represented the assortment; however, in 2008, contact and epoxy adhesives were sold. To date, Contact is the second in the market in terms of sales, second only to Moment. In this case, the price of the first is much lower than the second.
The contact is suitable for gluing leather, rubber, ceramics, porcelain and many other materials. They are very high quality shoes can be repaired. Glue perfectly fills cracks and gaps. Contact is 100% fulfilling its functions. In carrying out all the recommendations indicated on the package, the substance is glued tightly. Buyers speak about it only on the positive side.

9 Eva

Economical consumption
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Glue for shoes "Eva" fully justifies the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. Therefore, it deserves a place in our ranking. Consumers can not find a single flaw. Glue "tightly" sticks and corner, side cuts and tears in the bend. Keeps on the shoe for a very long time, keeping the damaged area from repeated damage.
"Eva" is water resistant. The sun does not flow. Even slash cuts are stuck with a bang. Moreover, the place of the cut after glue treatment is almost not noticeable. Buyers recommend "Eva" as the best glue, which perfectly copes with its task, is economical and inexpensive. Shelf life is 2 years.

8 seconds

Most popular glue
Country: China
Average price: 85 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

One of the best-selling and best tools for gluing shoes. Instantly "grasps" the necessary parts of the surface. Glue does not leave stains and dries quickly. Masters of shoe repair actively recommend the use of a second. After use, shoes can be worn in various conditions without fear of new injuries. The product is resistant to alkali, fat and moisture. It consists of polyurethane, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and various additives. It has a helium consistency and a transparent color.

The tube is small and convenient, users note easy use and quick action. In addition, the ridiculous price suits all buyers. The second will firmly seal the sole for a long time. The effectiveness and versatility of the glue pleases buyers. After complete curing, the product has neither smell nor color. It can also be used in various household tasks: to glue together the elements of the interior or to realize creative ideas. Despite all of the above advantages, Secunda has negative sides - uneconomical use and a characteristic smell.

7 Moment Marathon

Fast bonding
Country: Ireland
Average price: 149 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Henkel has made a glue gel specifically designed for footwear. Its main advantages are efficiency, economical consumption and ease of use. The gluing process is fast enough, which saves time. The tube contains only 3 grams of substance, however, it lasts a long time.
Glue is waterproof and elastic, it also has high strength. Due to its consistency, it does not flow. This makes it easy to use. The special thin nose allows to apply glue with accuracy on those sites where repair is required, and it is easy to control a dosage. User feedback testifies to the good quality of the Moment. They say that the glue copes well not only with repairing shoes, but also with other repairs of leather goods.

6 DoneDeal

Excellent bonding dissimilar surfaces.
Country: USA
Average price: 185 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Glue that fits almost all materials. With it, you can glue up air mattresses, boats, camping equipment, shoes, sports equipment and more. It connects things of diverse origin - rubber with metal, plastic with wood, glass with leather. The tool perfectly makes temperature differences and reliably holds at low and high rates - from -45 to +105 degrees. Sealant glues the sole or the upper part of the shoes in the best way. A solid connection will allow to wear shoes for more than one season.

Apply glue to both surfaces. Then he quickly and reliably "grab." A prerequisite is a thin layer. Within 24 hours the consistency completely hardens and dries. Heating the glue to a temperature of 70-80 degrees will help speed up the process. Customer reviews are mostly positive. Mark a comfortable tube and easy use. In the drawback column, one can find comments about a pungent smell.


Durability of glue seams
Country: Germany
Average price: 167 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Reliable product designed for bonding hard and soft materials. After application, it dries quickly. One of the most significant advantages is the resistance of the adhesive to moisture. At hit of water it will not soften and will not lose the main properties. Apply it most often to shoes. UHU SCHUH & LEDER does not crack for a long time and keeps firmly, even at extremely high temperatures - up to +125 degrees.

The main rules before use: it is imperative that the shoes are clean and dry. It is recommended to apply with a thin layer if necessary several times, until a barely noticeable film is formed. Users note that the glue does not leave unwanted stains. In addition, it keeps well glued surfaces of paper, leather and others. In addition to all the advantages listed above, the tool has some shortcomings that can be found in the reviews. The disadvantages include not the most convenient tube, as well as the sharp smell of glue.

4 Desmokol

High reliability
Country Russia
Average price: 175 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Shoe glue that is praised for quality and reliability. The composition of the polyurethane resin. Because of this, it quickly connects the surfaces of various materials and firmly holds them for a long period of time. Even the hard parts of shoes are subject to desmokol. Often, it is used to glue the upper part of the shoe or sole. Also, the tool is suitable for plastic, metal or glass. It has water repellency and ductility.

Before use, you must prepare the product for application. It is recommended to clean shoes from dirt, remove the remnants of the old dried glue and degrease the desired part of the surface. It is very important to apply the agent in a thin layer and wait about 10 minutes before drying. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated to form a film. Additional compression glue does not require enough to firmly connect the desired parts. Buyers are satisfied with the purchase and willingly advise this glue. The disadvantages include only an unpleasant smell.

3 Nairit 1 (88-P1)

Best strength
Country Russia
Average price: 299 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the best adhesive materials for shoes is Nairit. Numerous customer reviews tell about its effectiveness. Thanks to a wide range of bonded materials, Nairit can be used in various domestic areas. Adhesion strength depends on the technology of work and the specifics of the material.

During the work Nairit forms a waterproof, elastic seam of high strength. If you need to process a large area - Nairit glue is an indispensable assistant, since the layer applied by it remains sticky for a long time. The substance is safe to use. It does not contain any solvents of narcotic action, such as toluene. Glue can handle most materials in any combination. It can be leather, and rubber, and fabric, and wood, and more. Gluing methods are hot and cold. In the first version, the product can be used already after 4 hours, in the second - in a day.

2 Seam Grip Polyurethane

Dries quickly. Sticks securely
Country: USA
Average price: 780 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Universal glue, which is mainly used for bonding leather, rubber, fiberglass, and is also suitable for repairing shoes. After applying the tool dries quickly and becomes elastic, which allows it not to crack and not crack. It is recommended to use a brush for even application. Usually you should leave the product to dry for at least 12 hours. Then it firmly sticks together the necessary details.

This tool has earned many positive comments in the reviews. This is due to the fact that it performs its function qualitatively and is easy to apply. Seam Grip will allow you to seal the damaged worn sole and return to the shoes a presentable appearance. The glue is waterproof, after drying, you can safely walk in the rain and not be afraid of the appearance of new damage. Footwear repairmen are actively recommending Seam Grip. The only thing that can scare high price.

1 KENDA Farben SAR 30E

The best quality
Country: Italy
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Italian manufacturers have developed the highest quality glue. Today it is used in the shoe industry and leaves only the best impressions of itself. Basically it is intended for sticking leather materials with any other types of them. It also shows its properties well when applied to wood, glass and other surfaces. Long-term fixation of parts is not required - the glue “seizes” the necessary parts in a few minutes. It should be used at a temperature not lower than + 17 degrees.

Degreasing and cleaning the surface is recommended before use. Means is applied in 2-3 layers with intervals in time for 10 minutes. The shoes will be ready for wearing after 4 hours, provided that the product is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees. KENDA Farben SAR 30E is resistant to cold and heat, and also keeps well when water enters. Buyers note that the glue has no pronounced smell, which is an undoubted advantage. And they consider a minus a high cost.

Sooner or later, the shoes begin to leak, as the sole breaks or cracks. If you want the pair to serve for a long time, it is better to take the products to the workshop.

Home-made methods will help repair shoes not only for a long time. But if you want to fix the products yourself, we offer methods for how to seal the sole of the shoe at home.

Before starting work, the sole must be cleaned, dried and degreased. For degreasing, use a special solution, gasoline or acetone. After processing, the product is dried again.

Pick up the load so that the shoes do not deform. Ideally suited block in the form of the letter G with an additional load. Hold the product under the press for at least ten hours.

The adhesive composition is applied with a thickness of up to three mm, then incubated for ten minutes, and only then glue the parts. Choose only quality and proven glue. A suitable option would be the classic Moment glue, a product with polyurethane or an epoxy sealant. In addition, you can use special rubber glue for shoes or shoe glue.

According to experts, the best tool will be polyurethane glue due to the strength and elasticity. It provides a secure fit and can restore shoes of any kind. In any case, these are toxic compounds, so ensure safety at work. In case of contact with the nose or eyes, immediately rinse the mucous membranes with running water.

Be careful when working, as the adhesive can ruin the material of the product, especially if it is suede shoes, leather or patent leather shoes. The glue is hard enough to wash off. And now let's see what to do if the soles of the shoes are cracked.

How to glue the sole

  • First method

If the shoes are slightly unstuck at the edges, you can seal the product with a suitable glue. Clean and dry products, degrease the surface so that the glue grips better and provides a secure connection. Then you need to apply the composition to the parts and leave for ten minutes, then glue the shoes and press down with a load.

  • Second method

To seal the crack on the sole, back off from the gap five centimeters in the direction of the location of the heel and draw a parallel line. The line from the nose to the nose is cleaned with sandpaper along with a crack. Then you need to glue the gap with “Moment” glue and make a marking for the holes for the threads.

Remove the insoles from the shoe, take the shoemaker's knife and cut out the small holes on the markup. Then, through the resulting grooves, sew the material with strong threads. From above each seam is covered with glue and left to dry. Clean and degrease the sole again, then cover it with a micropore and press it with a press.

  • Third method

Clean the inside of the crevasses and degrease them. The edges of the sole are cut along the edges with a depth of one mm and indentations of five mm in each direction. Then make a patch of rubber in size with a margin.

For the manufacture of patches suitable camera bike. Sand the material and degrease it, cover it completely with glue on one side, and leave 5 mm dry edges on the other.

Bend the cracked sole so that the breakthrough opens, and brush it with glue. After it dries slightly, glue the rubber patch into the affected area and straighten it. Leave under load. These methods will help if the sole is cracked on the boots, shoes or shoes.

  • Fourth method

You can glue the hole in the sole with silicone adhesive sealant. It is necessary to glue the products from the inside of the shoe under the insole. Carefully insert the open glue into the hole and completely fill the hole with the composition.

Leave the products to dry under the press for the time specified in the instructions for the sealant. You close the big hole with a special horseshoe made of polyurethane and glue it with thick glue. Such a horseshoe can be bought in the shoe department or shop.

Ways of sticking summer and winter shoes

For the spring and autumn, demi-season and winter shoes are often characterized by cellular or lattice design soles. If the sole has burst on such products, as well as during prolonged wear, it gradually wears out. Voids are formed inside, the heel can fall through.

To restore such products, you must first remove the rubber, which covers these cells. To do this, tear off the insole, thoroughly clean each hole of dirt, debris, cardboard and adhesive residue. Then the empty cells are filled with fine scraps of the micropores and filled with silicone sealant.

Recovery is continued when the sealant dries and hardens. Prepare new insoles, impregnate with sealant or glue, glue to the sole of the shoe and press it with a load for the time specified in the instructions for the adhesive.

For summer shoes, shoes, sneakers and other light shoes, you can buy a separate thin rubber sole and glue the products with rubber glue. This method is suitable if the products have flat soles. When gluing rubber on leather shoes, first make an edge of 45 degrees.

In order for the rubber to adhere firmly and permanently to a polyurethane or nylon-based footwear, first cut a cotton fabric pattern to size and weld it to the base with a hot iron. Already then glue a new sole.

After repair, it is important to monitor the shoes and care for the pair. Wash and dry products regularly. What shoe cream is better to choose, look.

How to fix sports shoes

If sneakers or sneakers are erased at the location of the socks, treat the damaged areas with sandpaper and degrease. Take a rubber or polyurethane of different thickness and cut the patch. Thicker material is applied to the site of damage, and less - to a normal sole.

To process a patch with a sandpaper in a place where it adjoins the damaged site. Then cover the material with glue and press it to the sole of a sneaker or shoe. Keep under pressure the day.

If there is a hole in the sole of the shoe or sneakers, you must first clean and degrease the edges of the hole, then apply the adhesive. A fiberglass mesh (serpyanka) is inserted into a large hole.

A crack on the sole of a shoe is not such a rare occurrence. This situation is especially unpleasant when the product warranty has already expired. And although it will not be possible to perform quality repairs at home, it is possible to partially reanimate shoes. Sometimes repaired shoes or boots can be carried through for several more months.

Method 1

To repair a broken sole, prepare:

  • knife shoe;
  • sandpaper;
  • degreasing agent, for example, acetone;
  • instant glue that quickly sets;
  • hook;
  • thread.

Repair technology:

  1. Sand the surface of the sandpaper.
  2. Bend the sole, seeking disclosure cracks. From there you will need to remove all the dirt, the remnants of the old factory glue, while using a shoe knife.
  3. Grind the place of the break with acetone or gasoline, apply instant glue and press the walls against each other. To the note: shoemakers advise to use glue "Desmacol" or "Nairit". For the repair of the soles, you can also take the rubber glue "Moment", epoxy sealant "crazy hands."
  4. The crack was sealed, but the repair was not completed. So that the shoes can be worn, the broken sole must also be stitched. With a pencil, across the entire crack, apply zigzag lines. Use a grinder or a shoemaker to make shallow grooves along the whole marking, about 2.5 mm. Now, using the hook, sew the break point, placing the stitches in the grooves made. It is desirable to perform several rows of stitches: it will be more reliable, besides the upper layer will protect the lower thread from abrasion.

Method 2

For the work will need the following materials:

  • shoe knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • acetone or gasoline;
  • a piece of camera from a bicycle;
  • rubber glue.

What should be done:

  1. As in the first case, the burst sole must be cleaned, degreased. Use a shoe knife to remove part of the sole: cut along each edge of the crack by 5 mm. Maintain a cutting depth of approximately 1 mm.
  2. The next step is to measure the depth of the fault at the bottom. Add 15 mm to this value - this will be the width of the strip to be cut out of the chamber.
  3. Strip the cut out strip, degrease well, apply rubber glue on it. Fill one side completely with glue, leave 5 mm of the dry surface on the other.
  4. Take the spoiled shoes, bend so as to open the crack as much as possible. Holding in this position and not closing for 10 minutes, glue the damaged area with glue.
  5. Bend the prepared strip from the camera in half and push it into the crack. Now you can straighten the sole. Press down the edges of the strip protruding from the crack to the surface of the sole. Put your shoes under something heavy for a day.

Method 3

To restore the sole you need a soldering iron and a piece of nylon.

  1. First, remove the dirt from the shoes, clean and degrease the burst surface.
  2. With a heated soldering iron, swipe inside the damaged area. The sole material will begin to bubble, become sticky.
  3. Next, you will need to rub the molten capron into the damaged surface. To do this, place a piece of capron on the bursting place and press it down with a soldering iron. Kapron will melt, you just have to fill it with a crack, until it completely disappears.

To the note: in order to smooth out the melted kapron, during the work use not the heated tip of the soldering iron, but the handle.

Method 4

In winter shoes, a thick, burst sole can be repaired as follows:

  1. Clean and dry your shoes well. Clean and degrease the crack itself.
  2. Apply a layer of Desmokol glue to the inner side of the fracture, hold the product for 10 minutes.
  3. Once again, coat the crack, as usually the material from which the sole is made is porous and easily absorbs various substances. Wait 10 minutes, during which time a glossy film forms on the surface.
  4. Preheat the glue using a blow dryer of hot air and press the sides to be bonded with force.

To the note: when using Desmokol glue, the quality of gluing depends on pressure on the surface.

Method 5

Repair of winter shoes using a single-component, polyurethane rubber-based glue. You can take glue "Monument, PVC." It is often used to repair boats made of PVC.

  1. Clean and dry well the surfaces to be glued.
  2. Bend the sole and go through a large sandpaper inside the crack, degrease.
  3. Spread the glue on both sides of the defective area. Wait 15 minutes and apply another layer of adhesive. To the note: as long as glue is applied and dries, the crack should be open.
  4. After 5 minutes, flatten the sole, dock the surface to be repaired.
  5. Next, to fix the sole, take a round stick, place it lengthwise and secure with a string. Put shoes on the table, soles towards you, warm up with a hairdryer for 30 minutes. The heating temperature should be 60 ° C.

If you carry out shoe repair in the evening, then in the morning you can already go there in the street.


You will need

  • - glue;
  • - Acetone;
  • - rags or cotton wool;
  • - Press;
  • - Sealant (MS polymer), silicone sealant;
  • - Porous rubber;
  • - Cardboard;
  • - Insoles;
  • - Rubber outsole;
  • - A piece of cotton cloth;
  • - Knife and scissors.


Repairing the sole with durable rubber glue is the most common way to lead. As a rule, this is a temporary measure. If the front edge of the sole has peeled off a bit (“asks for cereals”), clean the surfaces to be glued off from dirt and after drying dry them with acetone. Usually used in super-glue and "Moment". Epoxy glue (EPD), “Crazy Handles” sealant and “Desmokol” polyurethane agent have proven themselves in the practice of self-repair of the soles.

Use glue according to package instructions. Usually it is applied not in a very thick layer (2-3 mm), kept for 10 minutes and squeeze the shoes heavily with a load from night to morning. Ideally, this will be done in a shoe shop with a special press. In the same use improvised means, trying not to deform the shoes. Ideally use a “g” -shaped pad with extra weight.

If a leaky sole has a honeycomb structure, when worn, voids are formed in it - the heel fails, the shoes in this place become thinner. Tear off the insole and carefully clean the honeycomb from dirt, glue residue and torn cardboard. After that, you can fill them with a sealant (for example, MS polymer) and let them dry properly. Cut out the cardboard templates according to the shape of the old insole, soak them with the same tool and glue it on the sole, then install the new insoles.

Sometimes the cellular sole leaks due to a small puncture. In this case, the insole is also detached (if it is in order, then this can be done only at the puncture site). Fill the honeycomb with silicone sealant, fill it with scraps of porous rubber (micropores) and apply silicone again. Place the insole on top and press it firmly until the repaired sole dries out.

To correct the sole, cracked across, at home is almost impossible. To do this, go to the shoemakers and make a rubber sticker ("prevention"). The same should be done in case of abrasion of heels and toes.

If you managed to get a thin rubber sole to fit your shoes, try to stick it yourself. Use durable shoe glue. In order for the rubber part to adhere to the basis of polyurethane or nylon, first weld the precisely cut cotton linen lining onto it with a hot iron. When gluing rubber soles on the skin, it is recommended to make a 45-degree edge. However, only experienced craftsmen will be able to more reliably repair a fracture or abrasion of shoes.

Helpful advice

If you plan to wear shoes for a long time, take them to the workshop right away and ask them to make polyurethane stickers. Then you will not soon have to think about how to glue the sole. Such prophylaxis is inexpensive and easy to replace. In winter, stickers will save you from ice. At this time of the year, handicraft methods of shoe repair are only a short-term measure, since boots and shoes from frost quickly fail.


  • Million Tips

Rubber boots are usually used by us only a few times a year, for example, to go fishing or in the woods for mushrooms. But the flow is often given, because we walk around in them not through Canadian greenery, but through forests and slums. So there is a dilemma - and it’s a pity to buy shoes for boots, and you don’t want to go to a specialized workshop, as there repair of boots can do if not more expensive, then on a par with the cost of a new product. In this case, it is more rational to stick the boots yourself.


Carefully cut a patch out of old rubber by puncturing or cutting into boots that need repair. Clean the sides, both on the boot and on the prepared patch, with a large file and then sandpaper or sandpaper.

Spread both skimmed surfaces with a brush or a piece of foam rubber with a thin layer of glue suitable for working with rubber products. Leave the parts to partially dry the glue for 15-20 minutes. After the indicated time, apply the second layer of glue in the same way.

Press the patch to the damaged area, supporting it from the inside with the fingers of one hand, and from the outside with the fingers of the other. Try to do this with maximum effort to ensure optimally strong contact between the parts to be glued. Do not use glued shoes during the day after the manipulation.

In order to mask the cut patch, you can smooth the surface, thinning its edges with sandpaper. If desired, paint over the patch with special paint.


  • how to glue the boots of pvc in 2018

Most often, self-repairing sneakers, shoes, sandals and other shoes use second-hand glue. Household adhesives are divided into liquid, contact, reaction and thermal. They allow you to solve almost any problems related to home repair.

Liquid glue

Water-based liquid adhesives, both with and without a solvent, are used in a “wet” method, that is, they are applied to one of the sides that need to be glued together. Such tools are best suited for bonding porous surfaces: paper, cardboard, fabrics, leather and wood. For example, with their help it is easy to glue a new insole or fix the tongue on sneakers using a patch of leather or thick fabric.

Contact adhesive

If it is intended to fasten surfaces that are deprived of pores, for example, rubber, porcelain, plastic, as well as such items that should retain their elasticity (soles or straps), it is best to use contact glue in tubes or spray. Unlike liquid glue, the contact must be applied to both the parts to be glued. In addition, it is necessary to allow the glue to dry slightly for 10-15 minutes before joining the surfaces. Clay grabs instantly, but it takes a lot of effort to secure it in two pieces. When repairing the soles of shoes, it is best to use a load, such as an old iron. In order not to disrupt the shape of the pads, you can lay a layer of thick cardboard between the shoe and the socket.

Reaction glue

In cases when it is required to glue high-loading objects that have no pores, or heat resistance is required, professionals recommend the use of reactionary adhesives, also known as seconds. They work instantly as soon as the active component reacts with another component of the glue or with a certain element of the external environment. When choosing a reactionary adhesive, pay attention to the requirements for operating conditions. If conventional single-component glue is sufficient to oxidize it in air, more specialized products may require special media and factors to work effectively. Second glue is suitable for repairing heels, straps, as well as rapid repair of the sole on flowing winter boots and boots. Under the brand "Moment" produce many varieties of reaction glue, including specialized for repairing shoes.

Hot melt glue

Versatile in everyday life and hot melt glue, widely used for repair and creativity. It is not required to be dosed or mixed, and it does not contain a solvent, therefore it is suitable for gluing any materials, including plastic types that are unstable to solvents. The glue is heated to 110 ° C and applied to the surface with a special gun. With it you can not only glue the sole or insole, but also fasten loose decorative elements or decorate a pair of shoes with rhinestones, sequins and other decorations.

Unfolded sole is a common problem that can be solved in two ways: contact the repair shop or glue the sole at home.

The second option is the most common, but the quality of gluing with a wrong choice of glue and the way of gluing is “lame”.

In the article we will tell you how to choose glue for unglued shoes and how to glue the sole to the shoeso that it lasts as long as possible and does not come off until the end of the wearing season.

What glue to glue the sole

Manufacturers of shoes and shoemakers share adhesive compositions for use for gluing the soles, gluing the piercing elements and for gluing the insoles.

Sole adhesive  after drying it must have strength and elasticity, resistance to low and high temperatures, moisture-proof properties.

When choosing a composition, it is important to understand what materials the sole and the main part of the shoe are made of (information can be found on the sticker / stamp in the shoe or on the shoe box).

  • Polychloroprene glue, also known as nairit / neoprene glue, is created on the basis of low-temperature polymerization chloroprene rubbers.

Suitable for bonding rubber, leather, fabric, wood and polymer parts.

Nairit glue for shoes is available in small tubes for home use, as well as in cans for industrial needs.

The best representatives for gluing the soles of shoes:

  1. Nairit glue (88, Nairit-1, Nairit)  - a common Russian adhesive composition, glues a lot of materials for which he is popular with the masters. Many note the high quality of products in cans, however, the glue in the tube has gained poor fame.
  2. Shoe glue Sprut.
  3. Glue for shoes Marathon, Moment.
  4. KLEYBERG shoe glue for soles.
  5. Glue shoe professional SAR 30E Kenda Farben .
  6. Clay Nairit BOTERM GTA, BOCHEM.

Chloroprene glue requires a proper bonding process with activation of the adhesive film by means of heat.

  • Polyurethane adhesive is made from urethane rubber mixed with an isocyan hardener. This adhesive is suitable for gluing leather base shoes to the soles of leather, rubber, thermoplastic / TEC and PVC / PVC.

Best shoe glue:

  1. Shoe desmokol / Desmokoll glue.
  2. Uranus.
  3. Polyurethane adhesive UR-600.
  4. "Professional" glue.
  5. Glue for shoes BONIKOL PUR, BOCHEM.
  6. Polyurethane shoe glue SAR 306, Kenda Farben is a professional Italian composition for leather goods and shoes, it can withstand high loads and copes well with the bonding of natural and artificial leather, fabric, rubber and plastics.

For gluing the sole, proper preparation of the surfaces is necessary, as well as glue aging until gluing.

How to glue the sole to the boot - instructions

For high-quality gluing of the sole with shoes, it is necessary to observe the technology of applying the adhesive composition.

Choosing a polyurethane or nairit composition can be based on this instruction, since both types of glue are applied using a similar technology.

  • Cleaning and degreasing gluing sites - regular acetone will do.
  • For high-quality adhesion, the sole and the glued part of a shoe made of leather or a sneaker need to be slightly sanded. Fabric and cardboard parts are not exposed to sanding.
  1. We apply a thin layer of glue on both adhesive surfaces of the shoe, without closing, we withstand the time in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (time may vary) - on average 5-15 minutes.
  2. After the first layer of glue dries, apply the second one and again wait for the formation of an adhesive film, the composition should not be fluid - about 10-15 minutes.


In order for the glue to glue the shoe sole properly, it is necessary to create a thermoactivation of the glue film; at home, this can be done with a household or building dryer.

It is important that the heating temperature should correspond to the time of exposure to warm air:

  1. 80-100 ° C 30-90 seconds
  2. 120-140 ° C 20-40 sec.
  • After heating, the sole is pressed tightly with a high pressure force to the shoe part for 20 seconds. Next, shoes must be left to stick together for a period of 24 to 48 hours.



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The resistance of which materials strongly depends on temperature.

The resistance of which materials strongly depends on temperature.

One of the characteristics of any electrically conductive material is the dependence of resistance on temperature. If you portray it as ...

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