the main - Bedroom
  Draw as it should be located a single plant on the windowsill. Flowers in the interior of the apartment and house. Setting a learning task

During the design of the space flowers in the interior of the apartment help to solve important problems. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the dignity of a room or disguise flaws, divide the room into zones, create a unique atmosphere. To avoid errors associated with decorating, before starting work, review the proposed information.

Potted flowers as part of the interior

Making the living space, it is worth noting that the design should not only please the eye, but also provide comfort. The arrangement of flowers in the interior of the apartment should be arranged so that the room is not cluttered, but its dignity is emphasized. The interior with flowers in the apartment looks more comfortable, has undeniable advantages:

  • the abundance of greens relieves eye fatigue, helps to relax after a hard working day;
  • fresh flowers regulate humidity, purify the air;
  • plants can optically change the proportions of a room.

It does not matter whether you use natural flowers in the interior of the house or use artificial analogues, you must adhere to the following recommendations. Plants, regardless of their origin, must:

  • conform to the dimensions of the room;
  • combined with the existing furnishings, decoration;
  • to be in harmony with color scale, the general concept of registration of an interior.

Important! Owners of miniature rooms should take into account that the composition containing large plants in the background, and smaller ones in front of them, creates the illusion of perspective, visually expands the space.

Fresh flowers in pots

Real greenery, located in the room, will be a win-win option for those who like plants, who are willing to care for them. Unpretentious dracaena, delicate orchids, popular rubber plants and palm trees have become familiar neighbors in our homes. When placing fresh flowers on the wall in the interior, on the shelves or in the window area, consider the suggested recommendations:

  • Do not stop at the traditional version of placing plants using a window sill. Create compositions, using stands, racks, place the pots directly on the floor.
  • Do not make the composition of traditional and fashionable home plants. For example, “grandmothers” violets are easy to replace azaleas.
  • Creating a floral interior in the apartment, pay attention to the colors of the pots. They should be combined with each other, in harmony with the interior. The delicate pastel colors that will perfectly fit into any interior will be a win-win option.


Artificial greenery will be a great solution for those who want to diversify the interior, but do not have the opportunity to fully care for living plants. Composing the composition, do not occupy all window sills and corners with pots, use fantasy. For example, artificial flowers on the wall will look original. Before you begin, read the advice of professionals:

  • Arrangement of artificial plants will look great on the coffee table - it does not need a lot of light, and the coating will not deteriorate, because they do not need to be watered.
  • Tall flowers look great in floor vases. This solution will be an excellent decoration for the living room, hallway.
  • Artificial climbing plants can be beautifully arranged on the wall. They will not deteriorate due to lack of light, they will not have to be sprayed, which will help preserve the finish.


Large flowers in the home interior feel great on the spacious, free areas. They will be a wonderful decoration for rooms equipped with full-length windows. Large are considered species that are larger than 1.5 meters. Individual plants can reach the ceiling.

Large flowers can be placed separately or become part of a composition with more miniature brethren. Such ensembles are an excellent solution for recreation areas, because they can create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When planning the use of such options, consider some of the nuances:

  • you should not place large plants on window sills - they will look bad there and experience a lack of light;
  • flower pots play a big role, they must be in harmony with the decor, fit into the concept of the room design;
  • large plants with a sprawling crown will optically increase the room; tall specimens will visually raise the ceiling.


Today, randomly arranged flowers in the room, the interior of which is created with the latest fashion trends, replace stylish compositions. Popular miniature gardens, located on the wall or on the windowsill, florariums. Special color room will bring predatory flowers, rare exotic plants, giant specimens.

Krupnomery will help to create a home greenhouse: dracaena, palm tree, coffee tree. Floor flower pots in the interior help to visually change the configuration of the room, to hide the flaws. If you line them up, you get a hedge that allows you to divide the functional areas.

Using florariums (aquariums for plants) it is easy to create a miniature garden that will allow you to feel perfectly succulents, orchids, ferns.

Beautiful indoor flowers

Home flowers in the interior should not be the result of impulsive purchases. When planning their acquisition, it is worthwhile to think over the composition in advance, seriously approach the choice of copies. In addition, it is worth assessing the compliance of the chosen place with the plant’s habitat conditions, its functional significance.

Most of the plants will look beautiful only with sufficient lighting, it is necessary to take into account when buying, arrange flowers so that they receive enough sun or arrange additional lighting, which is associated with costs.

For kitchen

Cachepot in the interior of the kitchen will allow to diversify the design, create accents, pleasing the eye. On the windowsill, many plants will easily get along, ranging from the usual violets, ending with exotic ferns.

The peculiarity of the kitchen is temperature changes, high humidity. Pick up plants should be given these parameters. Such conditions will provide excellent habitat for:

  • aloe;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • miniature fruit trees.

When planning the design of the kitchen, note that the plants should be streamlined and look neat. They can be placed directly on the table instead of cut. Flowers should look healthy, they should be free from pests. Sharp, intoxicating aromas are unacceptable for this room.

For the bedroom

To decorate the bedroom, you can use a variety of items. Plants are easy to place on the floor, window sills, create a composition on the wall, nightstand, coffee table.

Since the bedroom is a place to rest, here we spend a lot of time, we should avoid species whose representatives are able to emit toxic substances. This will lead to constant headaches, malaise. Do not choose flowers with a rich aroma. Also, experts do not recommend to use for decorating the bedroom lilies, actively absorbing oxygen. The ideal option for the bedroom will be:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • kalanchoe

Choosing the option for the bedroom, you do not have to worry about the opinions of the guests, as they rarely visit this room. You can make a composition to your taste and enjoy it.

For dark rooms

If the apartment is located on the north side, its windows are covered with crowns of trees, choose plants that easily carry shade. Decorative leafy options perfectly endure the blackout, decorate the room, shrouded in twilight.

Arrange a similar composition easily in any convenient place. You can put on the windowsill, placed on the wall or on the floor. Experts note the shade-loving plants that have become popular:

  • philodendron;
  • fern;
  • money transfer;
  • aglaonema.

When choosing a shade specimen, note that it can be located on the window sill, if it does not fall on the direct rays of the sun. Depending on the light, green pet can be positioned at a distance of 3 to 9 meters from the window. A standard apartment is able to provide the maximum distance from the bright light by placing the plant at the end of the corridor, bathroom.

For bathroom

Take water treatments surrounded by living plants is doubly pleasant. Here the specimens preferring the twilight, high humidity will get along together. If there is no window in the bathroom, you will have to periodically take out the plants to the light, add additional lighting. In the bathroom will be comfortable plants listed below:

  • tropical species;
  • fern;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophyttum

Important! Bathroom - a place that is undeservedly forgotten by lovers of domestic plants. The miniature room can be decorated with small plants located on the shelves. If you have a bathroom of impressive size - diversify the correct forms with an exotic tree in the tub.

In the living room

Flowers in the living room will be an excellent solution when it is free enough, not overloaded with various furniture. Having opted for large specimens, such as dracaena, yucca, it is easy to optically further expand the space.

Choosing ampelous plants, small perennials, as well as climbing, waving options for the living room, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the room. Having a composition, consider the characteristics of plants, moving the light-loving ones closer to the light source.

In the hall

There will be comfortable species that can grow even with a lack of light. Plants should have strong leaves, insensitive to constant touch, lush bushes. It is important that the pots in which the flowers are placed are low and heavy, resistant to tilting.

Ficus, fern, Hederes ivy, cissus will become a luxurious decoration of the hallway. However, even such shade-tolerant plants need to be periodically moved to a sunny place. Otherwise, they will lose their decoration, die. As an alternative, you can use artificial greens.

Starting landscaping, keep in mind that it is necessary to place plants taking into account the features of their care, the rules of design. Choosing a place for permanent habitat, study the conditions that will be optimal for its development.

Flowering specimens often prefer a well-lit area, ferns, representatives of the dracaen family are able to feel great in shaded conditions.

How to place the flowers on the windowsill?

Sill remains the most common option for the location of plants. The windows facing south, west or east are best suited for this. The north side will be a good solution for green, preferring the shadow.

The south side, constantly lit by the bright sun, is an excellent option for succulents, cacti, oleander, roses. Citrus fruits, tradescantia, coffee will be located comfortably on the west. East - will be a cozy place for azaleas, dieffenbachia, fuchsia, bulbous.

Placement of flowers on the floor

Natural greens will feel comfortable on the floor if it is high enough and will receive the required amount of light. A large, heavy pot will make the flower unsafe if placed on a table or windowsill.

Placement of plants on a stand

Flowers with hanging branches, curved leaves spoil when placed on the surface of the window sill, cabinet, shelves. Their decorativeness is revealed only when using different supports. Suspended containers, floor designs allow you to create compositions in any part of the room.

Placement of flowers on the walls

The wall turns into a green zone, when it is necessary to create a bright accent in the room, to give it individuality. To keep the air moist and not to spoil the finish, select deep vessels equipped with a capacious tray.

Flowers in the living room, the design of which you plan in advance, must be in harmony with the surface on which will be placed:

  • Juicy greens, bright flowers will look great on soft, pastel surfaces. Plants with variegated leaves, numerous pale flowers will be lost on a similar background, but will look great on a dark wall.
  • Avoid specimens with small leaves, if you choose a wall with a small pattern as the background. It will look great species with large, sprawling foliage.
  • Combine contrasts, shapes. A strict vertical pattern will revitalize the luxurious climbing plant.

How to choose indoor plants for home

Greenery allows you to refresh the interior, to give home comfort. Before making a purchase. It is worth planning which plants you will acquire, where they will stand. Due to the diversity of species, you can choose an option that will fully comply with the interior, emphasizing its individuality. For example, in a room designed in high-tech style, specimens with large leaves of regular shape will look great. In addition, you should take care of compliance with the conditions in the room.


Most of the flowering plants are light-loving. For forcing the buds they need a sufficient level of illumination, otherwise they will bloom less often, not so plentifully. Choosing options for landscaping a solar window, it is worth considering where future pets grow in a real environment.

It is easy to determine the light-loving species not only by fleshy leaves or the presence of thorns. Often they have bright, decorative leaves, the color of which consists of two or more colors. It is worth noting that by placing them in the depths of the room, you will not lose the green friend, but its decorative effect will disappear.

Shy of love

Shadow-tolerant specimens are much more difficult to pick up, but they are easy to maintain and feel great in a darkened room. The popularity of creating flower arrangements on walls, special stands is growing, so you have to be stricter with the selection of plants that can withstand the proposed conditions of detention, to remain an interior decoration. They have enough lighting, which is provided by artificial lighting, they are perfectly accustomed to the conditions that can provide the far side of the room.

Most people grow plants home mindlessly, most often on window sills. However, floriculture should begin with a careful planning, because different types of indoor flora require certain conditions.

Plants should receive enough light, so do not place them in dark corners or poorly lit rooms. It is necessary to turn them all the time towards the sun, but at the same time it is impossible to allow direct rays that can cause a burn to hit the leaves.

It is desirable that the indoor "garden" blends seamlessly into the overall interior of the apartment. Ideas can be borrowed from magazines or from experienced people, but, in addition, there are several rules that are recommended to be followed when placing plants. So, large ones require space, so they should be placed in a large room, while smaller ones should be placed on the windows. If the plant looks spectacular, then it must be placed separately, and magnificent specimens can be a worthy decoration of the room, if they are put in the center. Plain species are recommended to group and create from them compositions or a single flower girl, especially if they require the same care. This has the advantage not only from an aesthetic, but also from a practical point of view, since the plants placed nearby are easier to water and after that they retain moisture longer. In addition, in this way, shape defects or damaged leaves can be made less noticeable.

In drawing up the compositions, it is necessary to take into account the shapes and color differences. Large pots with large plants should be placed in the background, and in front of them should be placed in medium-sized containers with motley colored specimens. Contrast color shades are well combined.

It is very important to take into account the biological characteristics of the species and, depending on this, place them under the ceiling, on the floor, walls, trellises, window sills.

Climbing plants are recommended to be placed in containers that are hung from the ceiling or mounted on brackets in the wall. Then the stalks will cascade freely and attract the eye, being at eye level. A single flowering plant located in this way will help to revitalize a monophonic wall or a deep dark alcove, as well as visually increase the height of the composition placed on the floor. However, it should be remembered that the mount must be strong enough to withstand the gravity of the wetted soil, and it is not very convenient to water the plants under the ceiling.

The window sill is not considered the best place to place plants, especially if you put the pots in rows, but you can pick up a look that will harmonize with the interior. A low and bushy specimen is recommended to be placed singly in the middle of the window sill, and a tall and narrow one is asymmetrical. In this case, the light from the window should emphasize the beauty of the leaves. To care for the plants standing on the windowsill, you need to be especially careful and make sure that in the summer they do not suffer from direct sunlight and do not freeze in the winter. So that the earth does not dry out from the heat coming from the batteries, you can protect the pots with a protective screen made of wood or polymers, and in order to avoid hypothermia, put it under the bottom of the stand.

Large plants with a beautifully shaped crown are usually placed singly on the floor. High flowering specimens will visually make the room more spacious, and low ones will have the opposite effect. Two identical plants should be placed symmetrically, for example, on both sides of the door.

How to place the plants in the winter garden? We buy most of the indoor plants unconsciously, obeying a sudden impulse, impressed by the beauty and, only when we come home, we think about how to care for the new "tenant". It is required to find a place for a new plant, where it would receive enough light and heat, and, moreover, the place chosen for the newcomer and the lighting should correspond to its beauty.

In order to achieve the greatest visual effect from the plant, it is, of course, desirable to look at the room where it will stand before buying it, in order to understand what role it can play in the interior of your winter garden. Maybe the plant is purchased to revive a boring interior, where it will become a colorful detail, a bright color spot or green. When the plant arrives home, it is worth trying different potting arrangements to see where the newcomer makes the best impression. Here everything will be decided. Whether to place the plant in a flower girl, hang it from the ceiling, place it on a wall, put it on the floor, on a window sill - it all depends on its appearance.

Most plants look best in composition. So plants with small leaves often separately look unpresentable, but in the composition next to the large leaves of other plants they are very beautiful. The composition is also good because plants that are in a group with others are not as noticeable as drawbacks than when the plants are distant from each other. Moreover, it is easier to water those plants that are gathered together.

Climbing plant is best, of course, planted in a container, suspended from the ceiling or on the bracket in the wall. In this case, nothing will stop the plant stems from developing, and their appearance invariably attracts the eye. In addition, a single plant suspended from the ceiling can visually increase the height of the composition of plants placed on the floor or decorate a monotonous wall or window. On the walls usually have flowering plants and vines. The only inconvenience that you will encounter while caring for hanging plants is some difficulty in watering.

On the window sills are placed such plants, in which the beauty of the leaves is emphasized by the light falling on them or the light shining through them. Undoubtedly, on plant sills should be put such species of plants that would harmoniously fit into the environment, because a small inconspicuous plant will not give a big window of beauty. In the summer, facing south, you need to pritenyat. Often it should be checked that the earth has not dried up, since the summer sun and the winter heating system can dry out it.

A large single plant is installed on the floor - there is the place for him. As a rule, plants with a beautiful crown shape are placed on the floor. Such plants can perfectly fill the empty spaces in the room, or divide the room into zones. Trees are used for this purpose. With a single arrangement, tall flowering plants or tall vines with large leaves look good.

When choosing plants for a single location, it is necessary to take into account that tall, narrow plants can visually raise ceilings, while low ones will create an absolutely opposite effect. The most common outdoor plants: Dieffenbachia, Fatsia, Drapen, Araucaria variegated, palms, Cyperus, Benjamin Ficus, Ficus rubber-bearing, Philodendron biconseous, Shefflera radiolistina, Yucca.

There is no better way to place a climbing plant than to plant it in a container suspended from the ceiling or on a bracket in the wall. Nothing interferes with the falling cascade of stalks, and the appearance of living plants hanging in the air especially attracts the eye. We pay attention to the plants in the hanging basket on the wall of the house, while we don’t even look at the same plants in the flowerbed below. Hanging a single plant can visually increase the height of the composition of the plants standing on the floor or revive a boring wall, a deep window. Unfortunately, hanging baskets have their drawbacks. They can not be hung in those places where they will walk under them - nothing should interfere with the passage. Be careful when choosing a container and make sure that it is securely suspended - the mount must withstand the weight of the container with the ground after watering. The plant in the hanging basket should be in good condition - miserable ivy or a dangling stem of a philodendron climbing can only disfigure the room. Care for plants in a hanging basket is not easy - it is obvious that watering them is much more difficult than standing on the floor or on the windowsill.

  • Location on the windowsill.
On the windowsill of the plant, usually people who treat them like pets are placed. This does not mean that a professional decorator would not use window sills to place plants, but the current series of pots placed on the window sill cannot be called an exciting spectacle. From the point of view of the external effect, it is better to use a single plant - low and bushy, if it is located in the middle of the window or tall and narrow when asymmetrically placed. Choose a plant in which the beauty of the leaves would be emphasized by the light falling on them or the light shining through them, for example, hypoestes or irezin. Of course, you should choose a look that would be in harmony with the environment - a small nondescript plant on a large window is unlikely to look beautiful. South window in summer is necessary pritenyat. Check more often if the ground is dry - the sun in summer and central heating batteries in winter can force you to water the plant without end. If the view of the window is not important to you and you do not need a lot of light, consider whether you can also hang a hanging pot above the plant on the windowsill.
  • Location on the floor.
  Place to accommodate a large single plant - the floor. A large pot on the table will look cumbersome. Usually, plants with an attractive crown shape are taken as such, but you can resort to other types of plants. Good flowering plants or tall creepers with large leaves (philodendron, monstera) look good in solitary arrangement. Designers love these tall single plants. Two identical plants on both sides of the door give a spacious room symmetry. A flower pot standing near the door to the garden, as it were, continues the garden in the room. Carefully select a single plant. High narrow plants visually lift ceilings, low prostrate will create the opposite effect. Keep in mind that a container with a plant can damage the carpet, so put a plate or cork plate under it.
  • Placement on the stand.
Some indoor plants with long arcuate stems look unattractive if they are located on a bedside table or on a window sill. Such plants should be installed on a special high stand or placed in a hanging basket. If you have antique furniture in your house, you can buy antique or stylized antique stand, but if you have modern furniture, it is very easy to make a wooden stand with straight walls. You can buy a metal or bamboo stand and place several pots on it.
  • Placement on the wall.
  Ornamental flowering plants are usually placed on the walls to enliven a smooth light wall with color and creepers for window decoration. Since the pots are usually small, the plants should be watered more often, but when they are so high it is difficult to determine when they need watering. With this method of placing plants, choose strong, not too colorful containers with a sufficiently large and deep tray.

Evseeva Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

teacher of technology MBOU "Chelkasinskaya secondary school"

Urmara district of the Chuvash Republic

first qualification category

Theme of the lesson:

Houseplants in the interior of the apartment

Abstract to the lesson. The lesson of studying new material on the topic “Houseplants in the interior of an apartment” is designed for 1 hour and is held in the 6th grade according to the program and textbook of N. Sinitsina, V. Simonenko. Technology. Technology reference at home. The lesson is held in the technology office using ICT. A multimedia presentation consists of various sources of information, which makes it possible to significantly optimize the educational process.

Type of lesson:   combined

The purpose of the lesson(for teachers): the formation of ideas about indoor plants, their diversity and role in human life.

Tasks of the lesson:

Teaching:   to study the value of indoor plants in human life; to acquaint with the basic rules of placement of plants in the interior; continue the formation of general educational skills (work with a textbook, notebook, dictionary.)

Developmental:   the development of cognitive interests, the ability to analyze information obtained during the lesson, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, to learn to find the similarities and differences between different groups of indoor plants.

Nurture: Generate interest in the subject, to indoor plants.

To help you feel the beauty and harmony in the interior.

Planned results(for students):

Personal: the formation of motivation and self-motivation to study the topic, aesthetic feelings, moral and aesthetic orientation.

Meta-Subject: the ability to organize their work in the classroom, to define its goals and objectives, to choose the means, the ability to conduct independent search, analyze and select the necessary information; ability to use tables, maps, charts, PCs; ability to conduct research and project activities;

the ability to interact with classmates and work in a team; the ability to navigate the world around.

Subject: the assimilation of the concepts "phytodesign", "terrarium", "jardinière", "phytodesigner"; compile an information card for the care of a plant and its placement; knowledge of the technology of growing indoor plants.

Equipment:   multimedia equipment, computer, presentation, pots with indoor plants, reference books, textbook, workbook.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon guys. Let's look at each other and smile. They say that "a smile is a kiss of the soul." Sit down on your seats. I am glad that you are in a good mood, and I hope that we will work very friendly and active today. I do not even doubt it.

2. Determination of the lesson theme.

What it is?

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

Bloom all year round.


3. Setting a learning task.

So, how does the theme of our lesson today sound? (Indoor plants in the interior ).

Open notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

Based on the topic of the lesson, state its main goal. What do we have to find out today?

That's right, at the end of this lesson we must be able to distinguish the main groups of indoor plants, to be able to place them in the interior of the apartment.

4 . The study of new material.

The historian came to our lesson and wants to tell about the history of the origin of indoor plants.


Long since people decorated themselves and their dwellings and shrines with flowers and plants, expressed gratitude for courage and bravery (they gave bouquets), awarded for services to the Fatherland (they wore laurel wreaths). So, in Burma, India and in some other countries, the custom has been preserved to this day to decorate with garlands of flowers of honored guests.

The custom of decorating a home with plants may have arisen in a country with a pronounced change of seasons in order to detain a green island of wildlife at home.

The history of the use of indoor plants has more than 3000 years (evidence - excavations in Egypt). At first, only those that grew only in this country were used as indoor plants. With the development of navigation, plants from other countries (exotic) began to be imported. One of the first overseas wonders were lemon and orange trees. Special premises were created for them - greenhouses (later they will be called greenhouses), winter gardens. In Russia, the first owners of greenhouses and winter gardens were Prince Golitsyn and Count Sheremetev.

At present, those plants that are most resistant to the microclimate of the dwelling are used as indoor plants.

Teacher:   plant requirements for environmental conditions are not the same. One needs a lot of heat (most tropical plants), the other less (subtropical); some of a fairly small amount of light (shade-tolerant), and many demanding of him (light-loving plants).

    Guys spent research work on the topic "Varieties of indoor plants"

Objective: the study of varieties of indoor plants in relation to the light and on external data.

According to the degree of illumination, all plants can be divided into groups: photophilous, shade-tolerant and shade-loving.

(write in the notebook the names of groups and representatives).

In the shadow   (far enough from the window, but there is enough light to read the newspaper), the aucuba, sansevieria, scinapsus, and the philodendron are doing well.

In partial shade(near an unlit window or away from a well-lit window) you can place arundinaria, monstera, ivy, diploadiyen, dragon, arrowroot, asparagus, ofiopogon, roitsissus, ficus dwarf, tsiperus and fittonia.

Light, but without sunlight.On the window sill of the window, where direct sunlight does not fall, or in a place near the lighted window you need to place aphelandra, achimenes, hanging begonia, gloxinia, gusmaniyu, zigokaktus, equal bell, columnar, primula, stephanotis, fuchsia and cineraria.

When direct sun occasionallya window sill or a place in the immediate vicinity of the east or west window can be grown; valotta, nerterum, chlorophytum, hypocyrt, saintpaulia (Uzumbar violet), codiaum and laurel can be grown. Summer may require protection from the hot sun. .

On the sunny window(Window sill south window or in the immediate vicinity of it) can be placed Astrophytum, cleistocactus Strauss mammillaria, Notocactus Leninghauza, pelargonium, parody, passionflower, trihotsereus, Ficus benjamina, Ficus Elastica, cereus and Peruvian citrus .

For cool rooms or cool places in winterplants such as calamus, aloe, articular, Rowley's priest, Morgan's stonecrop, Havortia Reinwardt, aionium longline, bristly echvertia, young roofing, ivy and nerta are suitable.

But bilbergia, bokarneyya, dieffenbachia, dracaena, chlorophytum, pandonus, peperomy, echmea and yucca should be in the winter near central heating.

When choosing a plant of great importance is its appearance and size. A low, small plant will be inappropriate against the background of a bare wall, and a tall tree is unlikely to fit on a narrow window sill.

According to external data, almost all indoor plants can be divided into 6 groups: ( write in the notebook the names of groups and representatives ).

Cereal plantsthey are distinguished by long, narrow, bunched leaves. The most popular among them are species with wider leaves. These include sedge, tillandia, calamus, arundinaria, bilbergia, valotta, ofiopogon, and chlorophytum.

Bushy plants -These are the types of plants that can not be attributed to any of the other groups. In such plants, several stems usually grow from the ground, and it cannot be said about them that they grow predominantly in horizontal or vertical directions. They may be small and compact, like peperomia, or tall and spreading like aucuba. Some regularly form branches, others need to pinch from time to time to branch. The bushy plants include rogon begonia, coleus, touch-me-not (balsam), pyleus, arrowroot, peperomy, aucuba, asparagus.

Plants with upright stemshave a straight upright growing stem. They can have different heights - some of them barely reach three cm, others rest on the ceiling. Plants with erect stems of medium height are an indispensable component of a mixed group, balancing the impression of climbers, low bushy and horizontal rosette plants. Tall, straight-stemmed plants are often placed separately and used to attract attention. Such plants include bokarneya, laurel, Peruvian Cereus, citrus, sheflera, yucca, dieffenbachia, dracaena and ficus.

Creepers and ampelous plants.Their stems need support to curl up, or hang down on the sides of the pot. Some plants of this group can grow in both ways. They can curl over the trellis, supports of sticks, loops of wire. When grown in wall pots, their hinges can curl around the window. And if they are sent along well-supported supports, they can form green dividing walls in the room. The varieties of this group are philodendron spear, begonia, bellflower, zygocactus (ampelous) and ivy, scyndusus, passionflower (lianas).

Rosette plantshave leaves pulled together at one point. These plants are not tall and go well with bushy or upright plants in groups or winter gardens. Flat (gloxinia, primrose, saintpaulia), succulents (aloe, striped havortia) and funnel-shaped rosette plants (nidularium, gumania, aechmea) are common.

Spherical plantsthey do not have flat leaves, their stem is almost smooth or covered with hairs or spines. This is a rebution, ferocactus, echinocactus of Grusson, mammylaria, parody.

    Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment.

Work on the textbook (paragraph 3, pp. 17-19). Read and highlight the basic methods of placing indoor plants.

There are several rules for the location of plants. They should be appropriate to the environment - large plants should be placed in spacious rooms, small pots - on window sills. Spectacular plant can stand alone, but the nondescript should always be grouped together.

The main methods of placing indoor plants

    Single plantsplaced separately on the floor, on a special stand, in pots or pots. They may be evergreen or blooming. A large single plant is placed on the floor. Detached plants pay more attention to themselves. They can be miniature (begonia, cyclomen) or large, like ficus or palm. Single plants with a variety of variegated leaves are the most spectacular against a monochromatic wall. Single plants require a more careful selection of accessories: a pot, sometimes various snags, stones. (Figure 6, p. 17)

    Potted plant compositionswhen the pots are placed close to each other, it can be placed on the floor, shelves, stands to form a green spot. Usually in the background there is a tall plant with large leaves, and near it are lower. (Fig. 7 p. 17)

    Room gardenWhen a container with plants is planted in the ground covered with moss and pebbles, it can be miniature and placed on a table, window, or “winter garden” can occupy part of the room. One of the options for indoor garden - hanging gardens. They are made of baskets suspended from the ceiling or wall brackets on a rope or decorative chains (Figure 8, page 18)

    Terrarium- flower arrangement planted inside a plastic or glass vessel (Fig. 9, page 18)

    Jardiniere -artistically decorated flower tables of different types, located near the windows.

    Climbing plantsbetter to place in a room in a container and hang it from the ceiling or wall.

    On the windowsillit is better to place single plants - low and bushy in the middle of the window or high and narrow - asymmetrically.

    On the wallsusually place decorative flowering plants (to revitalize a smooth light wall) and creepers (for the decoration of windows, paintings).

    Fizkultminutka(Sounds beautiful music)

Once-two-three flowers grew (squatted, we get up)
Towards the sun stretched high: (stretch on toes)
It became nice and warm to them! (looking up)
The breeze flew, the stalks shook (swinging their hands to the left - to the right above their heads)
Left swung, low bowed. (lean left)
They swung to the right - they bent low. (lean to the right)
Breeze run away! (threaten with a finger)
You do not break the flowers! (crouch)
Let them grow, grow,
Children will bring joy! (slowly raise hands up, open fingers)


A certain arrangement of plants not only changes the visual space, but also allows you to divide the room into separate zones or organize a rest corner in the form of a small winter garden. Plants look especially beautiful on a modest, dull background. If the pattern on the wallpaper is small, then large-leaved plants will look great on their background, and vice versa: filigree leaves of ferns or tsiperus are asked to catch a striking pattern of wallpaper. You need to make sure that the color of the flowers is not "fought" with the color of the interior. When the tone of curtains, wallpaper, furniture upholstery are repeated in flowers - it looks very stylish. If the interior is built on the contrast of black and white, the rich colors of plants will give freshness to the overall picture.

Plants in large rooms.

The larger the room, the larger the flowers should be and the greater their number. A single decorative green flower is lost in a wide space. And, on the contrary, many small, but flowering plants in a basket or on a tray will give it the necessary colorful accent. Exceptional decorative qualities have tree-like plants, especially such large-leaf species such as dracaena, ficus, bokarneyya, which look great in rooms where there is little furniture, in halls and hallways.

Plants in small spaces.

Large plants suppress the space of small rooms, therefore for those it is better to select medium or very small specimens - with leaves wider or more subtle. But too many of them should not be, otherwise the impression of each individual flower will be lost.

Practical work "Composition of potted plants"

The art of interior design, creating compositions using plants is called phytodesign.Flower arrangement specialist - phytodesigner.He should know the scientific name of plants, their origin, growing conditions and care. Must understand the trends of floral fashion, know the principles of design, the existing styles.

And now we will visit you a bit as a phytodesigner and create a composition of potted plants. In the class of many plants, each group chooses for themselves pots of flowers, makes up a composition and protects their work:

1 group- composition of potted plants for the floor;

Group 2 - composition of potted plants on a stand;

Group 3 - a composition of potted plants on the windowsill;


    What have we learned today?

    What have you done for this?

    Where can this knowledge come in handy?

Grading for work in the classroom.

    Homework:Paragraphs 3, 4. Make a presentation on the themes “The role of indoor

plants in the interior of a residential house "or" The role of indoor plants in

human life. "


1. Yu.V.Sergienko The complete encyclopedia of indoor plants. - M .: AST, 2008.

2. Sinitsina N.V. Technology. Technology reference house: 6 class .- M .: Ventana-Graf, 2014.






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