the main - Entrance hall
  Lighting over the board at the school on Sanpin. Illumination of educational institutions

Educational institutions are designed to develop pupils mentally and physically. At school, the child spends at least 5-7 hours every day, 5 days a week. That is, a significant part of their time. Therefore, it should be provided with the conditions for productive, comfortable, safe work. In addition, according to Philips, in educational institutions for lighting takes about 70% of the electricity. And in connection with the growth of tariffs, the issue of economical electricity consumption in educational institutions is quite acute. Modern lighting solutions can not only provide high-quality lighting that meets the standards, but also significantly reduce the power consumption.

Why is light important?

According to physiologists, 80% of information is perceived by man through the organs of vision, and only 20% thanks to all other organs of perception. Poor lighting, outdated lamps and lamps, flickering or dim light adversely affect children's mood, activity, concentration, concentration, memory and perception of new material, as well as lead to the development of vision problems.

According to the Department of Maternity, Childhood and Sanitary Security of the Ministry of Health,   for 10 years of schoolchildren's vision, vision deteriorates on average by half. If in elementary school only 3% of children have visual impairment, then in grade 3-4 this figure increases to 10%, in grade 7-8 - 16%, and among high school students - about 20% are myopic. In addition, from the first to the fifth lesson, visual acuity decreases in 13% of students with normal vision, and in 30% of schoolchildren with myopia. The latter get tired much faster, especially in low light. Significantly improve these indicators, as well as increase efficiency and reduce fatigue, you can use high-quality lighting in classrooms.

Proper lighting  in school class

Since lighting affects the well-being, mood and productivity of schoolchildren, it is important that it be correct. As recommended by Philips, school coverage should meet the following minimum specifications:

In classrooms should be a neutral white light - 4000 K, the minimum illumination - not less than 300 lux.
  - In recreation areas - warm white light - 2700 K-3000 K.
  - The color rendering index at school must be at least 80 Ra.
  - The surrounding walls, ceiling and floor should be painted in light colors.
  - The ripple coefficient of the fixtures should not exceed 15%.

Unfortunately, in many schools use lamps with outdated design and electromagnetic control gear. They have poor quality lamps with poor color rendering and short service life, low quality starter, electronic ballasts (for cold start lamps), high noise levels.

Replacing the standard lighting with a more modern and energy-efficient lighting will improve the quality of the child’s environment, increase his academic performance, and improve his well-being.

In addition, energy-efficient lighting systems last longer and are replaced less frequently. And the cost of operation is lower than that of outdated fixtures.

How does the coverage on schoolchildren - the results of the study

Producers of light sources, while developing solutions, realize the importance of light and take into account the peculiarity of the audience for which they create it.

For example, the Philips School Vision system was designed to illuminate classrooms and is used in a school in Hamburg (Germany) and a Dutch university in Twente. The system has 4 lighting modes - “Energy”, “Calm”, “Standard” or “Concentration”, which are switched by pressing a button. School Vision operated during the year in two lower grades, and the experiment showed that dynamic, controlled lighting of classrooms had a positive effect on the learning process. In particular, attention concentration increases and the number of errors decreases almost twice (from 17.85 to 9), reading speed increases - by 35% (from 780 words to 1051) compared to classes, compared to classes with standard lighting.

It was found that the change in lighting modes contributed to an improvement in pupils' marks by an average of 18%. Schoolchildren also increased their motivation and duration of concentration during the period of study. Also, the change in regimes significantly influenced the interest of students: children who composed puzzles when lighting in the “Energy” mode communicated with each other by 95% more than with standard lighting. Thus, it was possible to get illustrative examples of how high-quality, proper lighting favorably affects perceptions and increases student performance.

Modern energy efficient lighting for schoolchildren

Since energy efficiency improvement is one of the priorities of international financial institutions (IMF, EBRD, etc.), many organizations finance the replacement of old lighting with new, modern systems.

For example, Philips within the framework of the program “Healthy Schools - Simple Solutions” implemented a project on comprehensive re-equipment of the lighting system in a secondary school. The school was chosen according to the following criteria: the school has a typical plan for building a room, so this experience is applicable to other educational institutions in the country; lamps in school have not changed for more than 30 years. Another argument in favor of this school was the presence of three classes where children with hearing impairment were educated. For such students, eye contact is the most important, so it is necessary that there are no other distracting sounds in the classroom. The old lamps made noises at work, which the new generation lamps lack.

As a result, 910 obsolete luminaires installed in 1982 were replaced by 435 luminaires of the new generation with energy-efficient fluorescent lamps such as the TCS 260 and TCS 165.

After replacing the lamps, the energy audit showed that the level of class lighting improved 4 times and the electric power consumption for lighting decreased by a third (32%). Electricity consumption in the whole school decreased from 58.4 kW / h to 39.55 kW / h. The amount of light (at the level of the surface of the desk) has grown from 200 lux to 800 lux, that is, four times, and now meets the standards. The color rendition has grown from 55 Ra to 85 Ra, by 55%, and now this level corresponds to standards and norms.

In addition, the lamp life without replacement has increased by 400%: from 5,000 to 20,000 hours.

It is important that modern lighting solutions not only positively affect the success of students, but also allow to significantly reduce energy costs. published by

Publication in the journal "Safety and Labor Protection", 2008. No. 3. P. 59-61.



E.I. Ilyina, head. laboratory of industrial lighting, Ph.D.

T.N. Chastuhina, Ved. scientific sotr. industrial lighting laboratories

LLC "Research Institute of Labor Protection in Ivanovo"

September 1, the day of knowledge, schoolchildren rested during the summer holidays, go to school with pleasure, for first-graders - the most important event in their lives. The administration, teachers, parents lovingly prepared school buildings for classes, painted walls and ceilings in the classes, hung beautiful curtains on the windows, installed new lamps. It would seem that everything should be fine. Let's see if everything is as good as expected.

According to numerous and many years of research conducted by hygienists and lighting specialists, one of the main environmental factors - lighting - is still at a level that does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

Research has shown that up to 22-25% of young people finish school with a visual impairment. During the period of study, the pathology increases approximately 2.5 times. Weakening of schoolchildren’s view from class to class, above all the appearance and development of myopia, was noted. It was also noted fatigue students from lesson to lesson. So a decrease in visual acuity from the first lesson to the fifth is observed in 13% of schoolchildren with normal vision and in 30% of schoolchildren suffering from myopia, who get tired much faster, and the fatigue process is aggravated in low light.

On the initiative of the magazine “Light Engineering” in 2005, a survey was conducted of the state of lighting of a number of schools in Moscow, Saransk and Tomsk, which showed an absolutely abnormal state of school lighting. Moreover, the survey indicates a deterioration in the coverage of schools compared to 1980-1981, when a similar survey was conducted.

As a result of the survey, it was revealed that more than 85% of lighting installations of school classes do not meet the requirements of the current standards for light levels on desktops in the classrooms and 100% of classes do not meet the standards for the lightness of blackboards. That is, if you use the hygienic criteria for assessing the lighting conditions, then all the places surveyed should be considered harmful by the lighting conditions for both students and teachers. It is easy to establish the presence of harmfulness for any indicators of lighting conditions, and it is not this fact that is the reason for writing this article. We can all criticize. It seems to us that the situation is quite ripe for the lighting installations to be brought into a state that corresponds to the modern level of development of lighting engineering and hygienic requirements. Let's see what components influence the state of coverage in schools.

First of all, attention should be paid to the state of rationing of coverage in general education institutions. Currently, there are three main regulatory documents, to some extent regulating the requirements for lighting various rooms  schools:

1. Building codes and regulations of the Russian Federation. Natural and artificial lighting. SNiP 23-05-95 * with amendment No. 1, approved by a resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia of May 29, 2003. №44

2. Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings. SanPiN 2.2.1 / - 03

3. Hygienic requirements for the conditions of study in educational institutions. SanPiN

It seemed enough documents, open up and use. Unfortunately, the documents contain a number of contradictions, which significantly reduces the value of these documents and caused the appeal of the chief editor of the magazine “Light Engineering” Eisenberg Yu.B. to the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Onishchenko GG with a request to review the requirements of SanPiN for school coverage. What are these contradictions?

Let's start with the light levels recommended and allowed for use in schools. Let us compare for simplicity the requirements for the illumination of tables in classrooms (the standard illumination of school blackboards at the level of 1.5 m from the floor in all documents is assumed to be 500 lux in the vertical plane).

SanPiN requires the provision of 300 lx on desktops. At the same time, it was noted that “in classrooms, standardized levels of illumination and indicators of the quality of illumination (discomfort indicator and pulsation coefficient of illumination) should be provided in accordance with hygienic standards"(What? - The authors).

SanPiN 2.2.1 / - 03 gives a brightness level of 300 lx as a standard value, with the value of 500 lx given in brackets, which, as indicated in the note to the table, is optimal. Pulsation coefficient of illumination should be no more than 10%.

In Appendix I to SNiP 23-05-95 * it is indicated that the illumination of desktops in the classrooms should be 400 lux when the pulsation of illumination is limited to 10% (class A2 of visual works), and the illumination of teachers' offices is 300 lux and pulsation is limited to 15 %. (category B1 visual works).

It would seem that the difference is not so great, but the topic is not less and there is confusion when assessing the lighting conditions for schoolchildren and attesting the working places of the teaching staff.

There is still more confusion when using incandescent lamps (LF), the use of which still occurs in many schools.

SNiP 23-05-95 * contains a clause which states that "the use of incandescent lamps is allowed for general lighting only to meet architectural and artistic requirements and in hazardous areas." This is practically a ban on the use of incandescent bulbs in schools. For those schools whose lighting has not yet been reconstructed and made with lamps with incandescent lamps, the illumination rate should be reduced by one level of the light scale and equal to 300 lux for classes and 200 lux for teachers' classrooms. Also, one level of the luminance scale permits a reduction in the normative level of illumination when using incandescent lamps and SanPiN 2.2.1 / - 03. But SanPiN allows reducing the normalized illumination when using incandescent lamps by 2 steps, i.e. an illumination of 150 lux becomes permissible, which, let us forgive the tautology, is completely unacceptable.

Summing up the above, it seems appropriate to accept as the most reasonable and relevant to the current state of technology and economics the following standard values ​​of illumination (Yn) and coefficient of pulsation of illumination (Kp):

for desktops in classes - En = 400 lx, Kn = 10%;

for teachers' offices - En = 300lk, Kn = 15%.

It should be noted that the standard values ​​of illumination in the classrooms are selected for students. For teachers, whose visual work can be referred to the category of visual works B1, the illumination level of 300 lx can be sufficient, and it is this value that can be used when certifying workplaces. It should be noted that for teachers older than 40 years, the standard value of illumination will be 400 lux.

The second point that I would like to draw attention to is the implementation of lighting installations in schools. At present, regional administrations allocate more funds for the renovation and repair of school buildings, including lighting, and parents are willing to make feasible means to improve the lighting conditions in the classrooms. Aesthetic modern lamps are purchased, lamps are installed either in accordance with one's preferences (warm, cold, daylight), or simply according to the principle of “caught”, and then the specialist comes with the device and sadly states that the new beautiful beautiful “modern” lamps, as a rule, provide normative levels of illumination, but they create such high levels of illumination pulsations (up to 55% at a rate of 10%) that not only weak eyes of our beloved children get tired, but also “hardened” eyes givers A lot has been said about the limitation of illumination pulsations in recent years, their negative impact not only on vision, but also on the general human condition has been proven, measures to limit pulsations have been developed, technically feasible and practically accessible.

To ensure that new lighting installations do not create harmful lighting conditions, it is necessary that at the design stage of installations, ways to reduce the pulsation of illumination should be calculated, and lamps and lamps should be purchased precisely in the design that ensures lighting quality that is safe for both students and students. for teachers.

Currently, Russian enterprises have developed lamps for both general lighting of premises and for lighting boards, there is also a large selection of imported lamps. I would like to draw attention to the fact that with the certification of luminaires in Russia, their ability to limit illumination pulsations is still not evaluated, since with qualified use of any luminaires, having provided a certain switching circuit and using appropriate lamps, it is possible to provide a limitation of the pulsation coefficient. This path is possible, but it is fraught with some difficulties in the installation and operation of lamps. The simplest measure is the use of luminaires with high-frequency ballasts (HF ballasts). The cost of such lamps is somewhat higher, but along with the achievement of high-quality lighting, substantial (about 10%) energy savings are achieved. The same can be said about table lamps with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), which, when using electromagnetic control gears, are also a source of increased pulsations (up to 40%), which, when placed in close proximity to the user's eyes, is completely unacceptable.

Attention should be paid to the case when schools that use incandescent lamps for lighting will try to replace them with spiral CFLs, which are increasingly entering our life as an alternative to incandescent lamps. According to the manufacturers, in order to provide the same illumination, the CFL consumes 4-5 times less electricity than LN. But replacing LN with CFL, one should remember that when using LN a completely different standard was laid down (two steps lower !!), then replacing LN with CFL in the above ratio you will get a deliberately depressing result. In addition, direct replacement of LN for CFLs in existing luminaires, as a rule, leads to an increase in glare due to the large size of CFLs compared to LN. Thus, it should be noted that the lighting device in schools requires a careful and qualified approach.

A few words about computer classes. A lot has been written about the device of workplaces with computers, about their alleged harmful effects on the user in recent years and not always correctly. Each potential user, and even more so the organizer of workplaces with computers, must, before acquiring equipment and install lighting installations, read SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340 - 03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization", where not only are the norms for the placement of equipment, the need for a three-wire network with a zero wire indicated, but also such “minor” details are given which, with constant exposure, can lead to large iatnu. For example, it is indicated that the equipment should be bright and matte in order to reduce the reflected luster and improve the distribution of brightness in the field of view of the worker. It is gratifying that the era of black tables, which were so popular several years ago, has ended. But another disaster advanced — black computer cases and black keyboards. Perhaps their abundance is due to the fact that the “West” once again threw us unnecessary equipment. And we, as always, either rush to the "novelty" or consume what we have bought. It is time to learn not to consume what we were offered, but what we need and what meets the requirements of the norms.

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Department: Russian language and literature

By discipline: Life Safety

On the topic: Lighting in educational institutions


1. Basic lighting characteristics

2. Light sources and lighting

3. Natural lighting

4. Artificial lighting

5. Mixed lighting

6. Lighting classrooms

7. Lighting corridors

8. Dining room lighting

9. Lighting the gym

10. Outdoor lighting

11. Emergency lighting

12. Control of workplace lighting

13. The consequences of improper lighting




Light is a natural condition of human life, necessary for health and high productivity, based on the work of the visual analyzer, the most subtle and universal sense organ.

Among the environmental factors affecting the body, light is one of the first places. Light affects not only the organ of vision, but also the whole organism. Light, acting through the organ of vision, causes excitement that spreads to the large hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. Under the influence of light, physiological and mental reactions of the organism are rebuilt.

Numerous studies of the effects of natural light on the human body found that light affects a variety of physiological processes in the body, promotes growth, activates metabolic processes, increases gas exchange.

The importance of light in the prevention of visual fatigue and the most common visual disorders, in particular myopia, is immense, since it is in childhood that the refraction of the eye is formed, which affects the level of visual function and visual performance. Therefore, in the premises for children and adolescents should be created optimal lighting conditions.

Basic information about the world - about 90% - comes through visual perception. That is why hygienically rational production lighting is of great positive importance. Properly designed and rationally executed room lighting has a positive impact on workers, contributes to improving the efficiency and safety of work, reduces fatigue and injury, helps to maintain high performance. Light is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 0.38 - 0.76 microns.

1. Basic lighting characteristics

Properly designed and rationally executed room lighting has a positive impact on workers, contributes to increased efficiency and safety of work, reduces fatigue and injury, helps to maintain high performance. Light is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 0.38 - 0.76 microns. Lighting is characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative indicators include:

· Luminous flux - part of the radiant flux, perceived by a person as light; characterizes the light emission power measured in lumens [lm];

· Illuminance - surface density of the light flux; defined as the ratio of the luminous flux, uniformly falling on the illuminated surface, to its area, measured in lux [lx];

· Surface brightness at an angle to the normal is the ratio of the intensity of the light emitted by the illuminated or luminous surface in this direction to the projected area of ​​this surface on a plane perpendicular to this direction.

For a qualitative assessment of the conditions of visual work, such indicators as the background, the contrast of the object with the background, the indicator of blindness, and visibility are used.

The background is the surface on which the object is distinguished. The background is characterized by the ability of the surface to reflect the luminous flux falling on it. This ability (reflection coefficient) is defined as the ratio of the light flux reflected from the surface to the light flux incident on it.

The contrast of an object with a background — the degree of distinction between an object and a background — is characterized by the ratio of the brightness of the object in question (point, line, sign, stain, crack, or other elements) and background.

The blinding indicator is a criterion for evaluating the blinding effect of a lighting installation.

Visibility is the ability of the eye to perceive an object. It depends on the light, the size of the object, its brightness, the contrast of the object with the background, the duration of exposure.

2. Light sources and lighting

natural lighting artificial lighting

Light sources used for artificial lighting are divided into two groups - gas discharge lamps and incandescent lamps. Incandescent bulbs are sources of heat radiation. Visible radiation in them is obtained as a result of electric heating of the tungsten filament. In gas-discharge lamps, the radiation of the optical range of the spectrum occurs as a result of an electric discharge in an atmosphere of inert gases and metal vapors, as well as due to the phenomenon of luminescence, which invisible ultraviolet radiation converts into visible light.

Due to ease of operation, ease of manufacture, the absence of additional starting devices, reliability of operation with voltage fluctuations, etc., incandescent lamps are widely used in industry. Along with the noted advantages of incandescent bulbs, there are also disadvantages: they have low luminous efficacy, a relatively short lifetime (up to 2.5 thousand hours) in the spectrum is dominated by yellow and red rays, which strongly distinguishes their spectral composition from sunlight.

In recent years, halogen lamps - lamps  incandescent with iodine cycle. The presence of iodine vapor in their flask allows the filament temperature of the filament to increase, that is, the light output of the lamp (up to 40 lm / W). lamp life up to 3 thousand hours. The emission spectrum of a halogen lamp is closer to natural than the spectrum of an incandescent lamp.

The main advantage of gas-discharge lamps in front of incandescent lamps is a large light output of 40-110 lm / W. They have a significantly longer service life - in some types of lamps it reaches 8-12 thousand hours. Discharge lamps can have a luminous flux of any desired spectrum. The main disadvantage of gas discharge lamps is the pulsation of the luminous flux. The disadvantages include a long period of ignition, the need to use special starting devices that facilitate the ignition of the lamps.

When choosing light sources for production premises  It is necessary to be guided by general recommendations: give preference to gas-discharge lamps as more energy-efficient and with a longer service life; To reduce the initial costs of lighting installations and the costs of their operation, it is necessary to use lamps of the lowest power, if possible, but without degrading the quality of lighting.

3. Naturallighting

The level of natural lighting in the classroom depends primarily on the size of the windows. The larger their size, the more it penetrates the room of light rays, the greater the illumination of the student’s workplace. It has been established that the area of ​​the glazed window surface in urban schools should refer to the floor area as 1: 4 or 1: 5. This ratio is called the coefficient of light. In rural areas, where schools are usually built in open spaces, the light coefficient can be 1: 6. The upper level of the window should be located as close as possible to the ceiling (20-30 cm), since the most distant places from the windows in the classroom are illuminated by this part of the window. In this regard, the device in schools of windows with a semicircular upper part or in the form of a triangle is unacceptable, since in this case the light-carrying part of the window decreases. Class lighting depends on the size of the walls between the windows, since the pupils' places located against the wide walls will not be sufficiently illuminated. Therefore, the walls between the windows should be made as small as possible (from 30 to 50 cm). Class windows should not be darkened by opposing buildings. Located opposite the school windows of the house should be painted in bright colors, best in white color. Furniture in the classroom should be positioned so that the light falls on the left side in relation to the students, because otherwise the shadow of the hand while writing to the student will obscure the notebook.

The listed requirements for natural lighting of school premises are taken into account when building a school building, and little depends on school employees. But there are a number of points that affect illumination and can be fully implemented by teachers and other school staff.

Illumination class depends on the color of the walls, ceiling and furniture. Dark colors absorb a large amount of light rays and thereby reduce the degree of illumination. The ceiling in the classroom should be painted white, the walls should be light (yellow, beige, light pink), the desks should be painted in light colors: the covers should be light green, and the sides and seats should be white.

Tall flowers, located on the windowsills, also reduce the illumination. It is completely unacceptable to arrange in window opening  special shelves, ladders, which, together with flowers, completely closing the window, obscure the classroom. It is known that if the flowers obscure even about 20% window openingthen this leads to a loss of 15-22.6% of the light in the class.

To create coziness and beauty, flowers in school are necessary, but they should be placed on the wall opposite to the windows, and large flowers on the floor so that they do not block the light.

Some classes and laboratories used to show educational films have blackout curtains. Teachers should be very careful to ensure that the curtains after viewing rise above the top edge of the window, otherwise they will block the most light-bearing part of the window.

Dust on the window panes, too, delays the light, and therefore affects lighting. About 50% of the light rays through dirty, dusty windows do not pass. Window panes should be smooth, as wavy panes, like dirty ones, hold up to 50% of the light.

It is absolutely unacceptable to paint over glass with white oil paint or to insert matte glass, as is sometimes done in some schools, so that children do not look out the window and not be distracted from classes. It is doubly harmful. First, because in the classroom it will be darker (only 60% of the light passes through the frosted glass), and secondly, in this case, the students do not have the opportunity to rest their eyes. Educational work, as noted above, is associated with a constant strain of the muscles of the eyes. For the rest of the eyes it is useful to relax the muscles by directing your eyes into the distance, to infinity. Students instinctively take their eyes off the book from time to time and look out the window, but with the windows shaded they cannot look into the distance, as their eyes constantly meet an opaque white surface.

To assess the level of illumination use a special device - luxmeter. In its absence, natural light can be determined in simpler ways. One of them is the following: if from the most distant place of the room the sky is visible in the entire opening of the window, then the illumination is considered good; if 2/3 of the window lumen is satisfactory, and if the sky is visible only in 1/3 of the window, it is unsatisfactory.

There is another method. If a student with normal vision in a checked place reads the fine print of the book at a distance of 50 cm from the eye, then the illumination is considered to be sufficient. Both of these methods for determining the level of illumination can be easily used by the teacher.

4. Artificial lighting

To improve natural lighting on cloudy days and during the second shift, school buildings are equipped with artificial light sources. Artificial lighting in schools, as a rule, electric, with the use of incandescent lamps or fluorescent lamps.

It must be emphasized that if the level of natural lighting in the classrooms does not always depend on the teacher, then the sufficiency of artificial lighting depends only on the attention of school staff to this issue.

Artificial lighting in comparison with natural is deprived of a number of advantages (primarily of general biological action) of sunlight. However, its influence on the visual functions and performance of students is quite large. It is established that the visual acuity of students is directly proportional to the level of illumination. With illumination of workplaces in 100 lux, visual acuity during a school day does not decrease, whereas, with illumination of 50 lux, a slight decrease in visual acuity is observed by the end of training sessions, and with illumination of 30 lux visual acuity decreases already in the second and third lessons.

With the increase in the level of artificial lighting increases performance.

Mass examination of pupils' eyes showed that there are more myopic children in schools with poor coverage than in schools with good coverage.

In order for artificial lighting not to reduce the performance and not impair the visual functions of students, it must meet a number of hygienic requirements.

The first hygienic requirement for artificial lighting is a sufficient level of illumination. The permissible hygienic minimum of illumination for classrooms, laboratories and workshops is 150 lx for incandescent lamps and 300 lx for luminescent ones. To ensure this level of illumination in a class of 50 m2 should be 6-8 lamps with a capacity of 300W each, that is, about 48 watts per 1 m2. The highest illumination (200lk) in the workplace is required in the offices of drawing and drawing.

In addition to general lighting, additional local lighting of blackboards, workplaces in workshops, and tables in reading rooms is provided in the classrooms.

Another hygienic requirement is an even distribution of light over the whole area of ​​the room. To create a uniform lighting it is necessary to correctly place the lamps. To this end, in a typical classroom of 50 m2, lamps are located approximately at the same distance from each other in two rows, four in each, the height of the lamp suspension is at least 3 m from the floor.

The light coming from the lamps must be diffused, which is achieved by using special lamps that provide not only diffused lighting, but also exclude excessive brightness. The use of open lamps in classes, when the light from a glowing filament gets into the eyes, is completely unacceptable. Such lighting, irritating the retina, adversely affects the eyes, causes headaches and early onset of fatigue. Therefore, use a variety of lamps.

In recent years, schools have been equipped with fluorescent lamps, which have significant advantages over incandescent bulbs. The spectrum of light of these lamps is close to the visible part of the spectrum of natural light; In addition, fluorescent lighting gives diffused light, does not have a large brightness and does not create harsh shadows. Fluorescent lamps, as opposed to incandescent lamps, do not affect the air temperature, since they give cold light. This circumstance makes it possible to provide a high level of illumination without increasing the air temperature.

Hygienic studies of the effect of luminescent illumination on the body of schoolchildren have shown that when lighting a class with luminescent lamps, the working capacity of students is better than that of illumination with incandescent lamps.

5. Mixed lighting

Many believe that mixed lighting is harmful to the eyes. However, this is not quite true. Mixed lighting consists of different wavelengths, this fact makes it less desirable than, for example, sufficient natural lighting. But it does not have a negative effect on the human body. It is harmful to perform visual work with an insufficient level of natural lighting, in which case mixed lighting will favor visual functions. Therefore, turn on the electric light without waiting until it is completely dark. In some foreign schools, artificial light is turned on automatically, with the help of photocells, as soon as the lighting is reduced to a certain level. This device is advisable, but even without it, with sufficient attention from teachers to safeguarding the students' eyes, it is possible to ensure a sufficient level of classroom lighting in a timely manner.

6. Lightingclassrooms (classrooms)

The most important premises in the school are classrooms - classrooms, in which the learning process itself takes place. Proper coverage of classrooms contributes to an increase in mental activity of students, concentration of attention, and, as a result, an increase in student performance in school. Most often, built-in or overhead fluorescent lamps or daylight lamps are used to illuminate classrooms.

Coupled with natural light, fluorescent lamps provide optimal lighting parameters, as well as energy savings. The arrangement of luminaires in a school class depends on many parameters: the geometry of the room, the brightness and the scattering angle of the luminaires, etc. special attention when covering school classes should be paid to the lighting of the school board.

Basic requirements for blackboard lighting:

· No glare effect;

· Providing a good view of text and graphics from anywhere in the class;

· Secure network connectivity;

· Independence from other electrical appliances;

· Low noise level;

· Profitability.

Most often, fluorescent lamps with long tubular fluorescent lamps are used to illuminate the school board. Such a lamp is fixed, as a rule, to the wall above the board with the help of brackets, or to the ceiling with the help of suspensions.

7. Lighting corridors

School corridors - this is a place where students spend breaks between classes and free time in general. School corridors should be well lit, no dark corners should be present. School corridors should be safe.

Most often for lighting school corridors recessed or overhead raster lamps with fluorescent lamps are used. The main feature of raster fixtures is that they are equipped with a grille that reflects and diffuses light. The grille also prevents the lamps from falling out of the luminaire housing. In addition, fluorescent raster lamps provide optimal lighting parameters for school corridors, as well as cost-effectiveness, which is important for the budget of an educational institution.

8. Dining room lighting

School canteen is a very important room at school. And it is important here not only the high quality of food, but also the decor and lighting. For lighting the school canteen, you can use a variety of lamps: recessed, overhead, pendant. Very important sources of illumination, which are used to illuminate the premises. The most suitable are fluorescent lamps of warm chromaticity. Lighting of this type makes the food offered attractive and more appetizing.

9. Lighting the gym

Lamps in the gym must be placed along two walls of greater length. On the short walls of lamps should not be, as they give the effect of blinding, especially when playing games. The type of luminaires most suitable for lighting the school gymnasium are overhead fluorescent lamps with a protective metal grille. The optimal luminaire model for lighting school gyms: the sport luminescent luminaire, the main feature of which is the presence of a metal grill that protects the light source from various physical influences. If there are not enough fluorescent lighting, you can add spotlights in the corners of the gym.

10. Outdoor Lighting

All approaches to the school should be covered. Outdoor lighting of the school should provide safety and comfort for schoolchildren and teachers in the dark. Outdoor lighting will help to make the school building not only more aesthetically attractive, but also to alienate fans of illegal activities. Outdoor lighting plays the role of a psychological restraint, adding additional security to the school building, illuminating the surrounding space. Ideally, outdoor or outdoor crowns are suitable for an outdoor lighting project.

11. School emergency lighting

Each school must be equipped with emergency lights. In the event of situations in which the regular supply of electricity is terminated, the presence emergency lighting  can save the life and health of our children.

Thus, the best sources of lighting for the school are fluorescent lamps, and the most suitable lighting devices are fluorescent lamps. They are effective, economical and safe.

12 . Control of workplace lighting

It is the responsibility of the teacher to control the lighting of the student’s workplace at home. The teacher should recommend the following to parents: the table at which the student is engaged should be placed near the window, the window should not be blocked with flowers, curtains and curtains. In order to ensure sufficient artificial lighting at the student’s workplace, it is necessary, in addition to a common light source, to have a desk lamp with a 50–75 watt light bulb and always with a lampshade completely covering the bulb.

The color of the lampshade also matters. The maximum performance happens when the yellow - green or white light. Therefore, in the workplace of the schoolchild the lampshade should be green or milky white. Schoolchildren should not be allowed to work when the general lighting is off, when one burns table lamp, because the sharp transition of vision from a well-lit book or notebook to the viewing of dark objects in the room has a harmful effect on the eyes.

13 . Afterimproper lighting

The lack of lighting leads to a strain of vision, weakens attention, leads to the onset of premature fatigue. Prolonged work in low light results in lower productivity and safety. Due to inadequate illumination, deep and sharp shadows and other adverse factors are formed, vision quickly becomes tired, which leads to discomfort.

The presence of sharp shadows distorts the size and shape of objects and thereby increases fatigue, reduces productivity. Shadows need to be softened using, for example, lamps with light-diffusing milky glasses, and in natural light to use sun-protection devices (blinds, visors, etc.).

Excessively bright lighting causes blinding, irritation and pain in the eyes. The wrong direction of light in the workplace can create harsh shadows, glare, disorient the worker. All these causes can lead to accidents or occupational diseases, so it is so important to correctly calculate the illumination ..

Fluctuations in illumination in the workplace, such as those caused by a sudden change in voltage, also cause the eye to adapt, leading to considerable fatigue. The constancy of illumination over time is achieved by stabilizing the floating voltage, rigid mounting of luminaires, and using special schemes for switching on gas-discharge lamps.

Improper lighting can cause diseases such as myopia, spasm, accommodation, visual fatigue, and other diseases, lowers mental and physical performance, increases the number of errors in production processes, accidents and accidents. The importance of light in the prevention of visual fatigue and the most common visual disorders, in particular myopia, is immense, since it is in childhood that the refraction of the eye is formed, which affects the level of visual functions and visual performance. Therefore, in the premises for children and adolescents should be created optimal lighting conditions.

It is extremely inappropriate in the classroom blinding light sources. When looking at a brightly lit object or a bright light, the pupil narrows much faster than its expansion occurs after looking at a normally illuminated object. In this case, the child poorly distinguishes between text or objects. Therefore, to arrange light apertures in front of the student is unacceptable.


The child spends most of his time during the day at school. That is why it is very important that not only education was of high quality, but also the situation in the school corresponded to the norms and contributed to the development and physical health of the younger generation.

At present, the school is of paramount importance and occupies a colossal place in our life and in the life of our children. It is the school that forms most of the child’s personal and social characteristics,

Most of the teacher’s attention should be paid to classroom lighting, as this is one of the main components of the hygienic content of the classroom that has the greatest impact on the children's body.

Illumination of school premises plays an important role and has a significant effect on the physical and mental health of students and school employees. It is very important in the process of organizing the lighting of the school, to know that each lamp here performs its function. Each sector of the school building has its own purpose and requires an individual approach to lighting.


1. Life safety under the editorship of L.A. Mikhailova M., 2005

2. Life safety under the editorship of L.A. Ant M., 2003

3. Hygiene of children and adolescents V.R. Kuchma M., "Medicine" 2001.

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The school is tasked to ensure not only the education of children, but also the wide scope of their extracurricular work, which is of great importance for the political and cultural growth of students. This work is mainly carried out during extra-curricular time, that is, in the evening hours and, therefore, under artificial light.

But for educational work in the morning hours artificial lighting is necessary. In many areas of our immense Union, due to the peculiarities of the light climate, natural light is not sufficient either in the early morning hours or
  at the end of classes - from 2-3 o'clock in the afternoon, and in some cases (Circumpolar and Polar) for a significant part of the school year, the school can work only if there is artificial lighting.

The following requirements are imposed on artificial lighting:
  a) It should be sufficient in light intensity, but not blinding.
  b) It should be as uniform as possible over the entire surface of the desks, not give harsh shadows and dazzling reflections.
  c) The light must be diffused and not give harsh shadows.
  d) Lighting should be smooth, not flickering.
  e) It should not change the products of combustion, both chemical and physical properties of air.
  e) It must not be dangerous (fire, explosion, electric shock, poisoning).

Currently, mainly electricity is used as lighting materials, but it is necessary to dwell separately on another lighting method - using kerosene.

Kerosene lighting. At school you can allow the use of only hanging lamps. In this case, from the kerosene tank itself, located below the light-emitting flame (burner), the shadow of the tank will be superimposed on a significant part of the surface of the desks, which cannot be underestimated.

Kerosene lighting in the practice of the school is used only in areas where there is no electric lighting. The number of schools with kerosene lighting is decreasing from year to year.

Kerosene lamps have a significant advantage over conventional kerosene lamps. In the presence of two kerosene bulbs per class, the illumination in it increases in comparison with two conventional kerosene lamps from 3 to 40 lux. When using conventional kerosene lamps, this result can only be obtained if there are 7 lamps with 30 lines each, or 8 lamps with 20 lines each.

If the school has kerosene lighting, room ventilation should be enhanced. The release of a significant amount of radiant heat has a harmful effect on children in the classroom: the head overheats, fatigue quickly appears, heaviness in the head and headaches appear. Therefore, kerosene lamps should be hung in the classrooms, taking into account their thermal effect as high as possible, in any case, not less than 1.5 m above the heads of the students sitting at the table. To avoid fire, the ceiling above the lamp should be covered with a circle of iron, and the socket should be hung above the lamp glass.

Kerosene lamps require good care, daily cleaning of the wick from carbon, cutting the wick in order to avoid the formation of smoky tongues. The light from the kerosene lamp with the correct wick lifting should be almost white (light orange). If the lamp is badly filled and the wick is not fully extended, then the light will be yellowish and ill-lit.

Electric lighting  It seems the only rational lighting for the school.

Increasing the power of light should not be accompanied by an increase in brilliance, which causes an unpleasant feeling of blinding effect in the eyes.

The brilliance and blinding effect of the light source are eliminated by using appropriate fittings (lamp shades) and the corresponding height of the luminaire suspension. Reflected shine from the surface of the desks requires, above all, a matte coloring of them; the inclination of the desks cover also contributes to this. For the same reasons, both the blackboard and wall panels should have a matte finish. It is desirable that the board had additional special lighting with spotlights that improve its illumination.

Uniform lighting should provide, if possible, the same or not dramatically different illumination in different places of the classroom, as well as at different points on the surface of the same school desk. It is required that in a class the ratio of the smallest illumination to the greatest should not exceed 0.5, i.e., so that with a minimum illumination of 75 lux, the maximum does not exceed 150 lux.
  The uniformity of illumination is best achieved by applying general illumination with an appropriate arrangement of lamps above the desks in the classroom.

The draft of the rules and standards for lighting schools developed by the Moscow Lighting Association, recommended suspension of 6 lamps at a height of 3 m from the floor. Light should be diffused and not give harsh shadows. Scattered light with artificial lighting is achieved by using fittings. In schools and, in particular, in the classrooms are not allowed fixtures that do not have caps to protect the eyes from light.

Luminaries of direct illumination, even if protected from below by diffusing caps, the light from which is directed exclusively towards the surface of the desks, are not allowed for the equipment of school premises. This type of luminaire, due to the exclusion of the reflected light flux from the ceiling and the upper part of the walls, inevitably leads to the creation on the surfaces of the party desks shadows from the head, body, and student's hand. A representative of this type of luminaire is “Universal”, which in school conditions can only be used for lighting sports grounds, ice rinks, school grounds, etc.

For dispersion of a light stream use milk (not opaque) glass.

In the practice of school equipment, at one time, a lampshade, known as "whole glass lyucettas", with a hole at the bottom, was widely used; It has a number of significant flaws, the main of which are the inevitable glare on the covers of desks and the insecurity of uniform lighting. Significantly the best type of luminaire for lighting school premises is the “lusetta team”, mostly reflected light. This lamp consists of two caps connected by a metal ring - the lower one of milk glass and the top of frosted glass. Luminous flux heading downward is scattered, and heading upward is reflected from the ceiling and top of the walls. This type of luminaire is quite suitable for classrooms.

In recent years, spherical and ball-shaped lamps, which most satisfy the hygienic and lighting requirements for class lighting, have become widespread for school equipment.

Currently, they are beginning to be used to illuminate fluorescent lamps (luminescent), which give a stream of rays that is close in its spectral composition to natural daylight.

The advantage of these lamps for the lighting of children's institutions and in particular for schools is obvious. Therefore, as soon as the industry started mass production of such lamps, they were widely introduced into schools and kindergartens.

To ensure the safety of children from current, all places with bare surfaces in the network wiring (knife switches) must be closed with wall or built-in (in niches) lockers with a key lock. All switches should be installed at a height inaccessible for self-manipulation of children.

In order to create the illumination required by the standards in the class, a lamp with a capacity of 200 watts must be installed in each luminaire and, therefore, the total power of the lamps per class will be 1,200 watts. For each square meter  floor space class will, therefore, from 24 to 29 W / m2.



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