the main - Entrance hall
  How to place the lighting in the apartment. Proper lighting in the house. How to create a literate light script in the house

Creating a comfortable cozy home, we can not forget about the lighting. After all, we create it not only to illuminate the room or the surrounding area. It is also important to create a mood at home.

Proper lighting in the house

Properly selected light tends to change the mood, create an intimate or work environment, soothe or, conversely, serve as an irritant. Interior lighting is selected depending on the functionality of the room. We always want to create harmony in the home or office.

In addition to functionality, the light can perform and decorative function.Correctly arranging lamps, wall lamps, floor lamps and choosing the brightness and color of lighting, you can significantly change the internal appearance of the house. Then the lighting becomes one of the most important components of the interior, turning into a decoration. Decorative lighting will help to hide the flaws, to create the illusion of a game of light with a shadow, thereby emphasizing the dignity of the room.

Coziness and mood depend on the light in the house

Each room in the house performs its function., because the interior for it is selected depending on the destination. Also, the lighting should be selected individually for each room of the apartment or cottage. If we are talking about holding holidays and receiving guests, we must take care of very good lighting. The color for them is better to choose in the yellow-red tones. And, for example, a cold light will look better for the bedroom. Also for the rest room it is better to choose cold bluish shades. It relaxes well, allowing to sleep. As for the yellow-red tones, they, on the contrary, are annoying, prompting them to be active. The remaining rooms in the house, which do not require regular rest and sleep, should preferably be lighted with warm tones.

One of the design tips for choosing   lighting is that the lighting in different areas of the house should have a different intensity.  In addition to the selection of lamps, their location and color, the light intensity becomes an important component of the correct approach to solving this issue. Not only the mood of the guests and the owners of the house, but also the aesthetic appearance of the home depend on this characteristic. Therefore, simply choosing the lamp you like will not be enough.

Light in the kitchen

Creating lighting in the kitchen, it is necessary to calculate the illumination of different areas of the room.So, we try to make the most intensive coverage of the work area, which includes the area around the stove, the work table and the sink. This is achieved by the location of lamps at different levels.

Light in the living room

Living room, as a rule, is used for the purpose of receiving guests, so the lighting here is necessary to create a different kind. Although it is also possible to arrange the light sources at different levels, and at the same time provide for different light intensity in different lamps. Then this process will become multifunctional. It can be used for receiving guests, and for weekdays.

Light in the hallway

Other rooms of the house, such as a study, bedroom, nursery or hallway, also need a special selection of lighting just for their functionality. Let's say the hallway should always be in a warm bright version,which helps to set the guests in a positive mood. The dim lighting of this room in the house becomes a common mistake in the interior. Lamps should be positioned in such a way that the area around the mirror is well lit, but the flow of light does not fall directly into the face of a person looking into a mirror.

Light in the bedroom

The bedroom disposes to diffused light. In this special room bright central light is better not to use at all.Given that the purpose of the bedroom is a rest, the light in it should contribute to relaxation and tranquility. Proper selection and location of local lamps, such as wall sconces, a floor lamp by the bed or a night lamp on the bedside table, will help to create a focused light, for example, for reading before going to bed. It is also necessary to enhance the brightness in the area of ​​the mirror and the cabinet. The color solution for the night light will help to create in the bedroom not only comfort, but also some kind of mystery.

Light in the nursery

Children's room, as a rule, should be well lit by natural daylight.But this circumstance should not prevent the creation of proper illumination by sources of artificial light. If parents take care and think about this issue, then the lighting in the nursery will be the key to peace and good sleep for the baby. Bright lighting can be an excellent option for a child's room, but use matte lamps for it. Directional bright light may cause eye irritation and visual impairment in a child.

Light on the workplace (office, home office)

Often in the house we arrange and office. It is clear that here it is very important to take care of choosing the right lighting. After all, this room is different from all the others in its functionality. To create a decorative light in it is not quite appropriate. To maintain the atmosphere of the working environment lighting can be created by zones. So, the table lamp supports the working attitude, but you need to remember that it can tire the eyes.

Light in the house - photo

Creating a harmonious home lighting is not always easy and easy. Therefore, for successful placement of accents on the shape of the light and its color, it is better to ask for help from the designers. Their professional approach will help maintain a functional and harmonious atmosphere at home.

Starting to design the interior, the owners first of all think about the layout, style, colors and pieces of furniture. However, experienced designers recommend thinking and light scenario in the home. A competent lighting project will smooth out the flaws in the layout and provide all inhabitants of an apartment or house with a good state of health and mood.


There are general principles that can guide anyone who plans to create a literate light scenario of his home. When lighting each room and choosing a luminaire, you must first take into account the purpose of the room and its dimensions. It should be said about such an important factor as an indicator of discomfort: this feeling of inconvenience and tension caused by sharp differences in brightness in the illuminated space. If a person is in such conditions for a long time, his attention and ability to concentrate weaken, he quickly gets tired. There are certain mathematical calculations of the above indicator. Under normal conditions, to create the most comfortable level of illumination, you can use several tips:

For illumination of large rooms should use lamps of direct light;

Volumetric objects are better not to illuminate uniformly from all sides, but to use a combination of diffused or reflected and direct light;

Using directional light fixtures, it is necessary to avoid the formation of undesirable shadows that can change the shape of the illuminated and nearby objects, as well as the outlines of the interior as a whole. If the surface is illuminated unevenly, its individual parts are perceived as located at different levels. To correct this flaw can be using the backlight, sconce or floor lamp. The most general recommendation is as follows: in order to properly illuminate the interior, it is necessary to use various types of lamps: from large ceiling chandeliers that give powerful light to miniature built-in appliances that create additional functional lighting.

The value of light for man

The influence of light on humans has long been well studied. The sun's rays increase the activity of the cerebral cortex, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and speed up the metabolism. In the dark a person becomes passive and drowsy, his reactions slow down. No wonder in the winter a lot of people suffer from a lack of energy, lethargy, irritability, fatigue. In the case of serious disorders, light therapy is sometimes used. But many problems are easily avoided if you properly organize the lighting in the house.

Sun in the house

Speaking about the light scenario in the room, do not forget about the natural insolation. For example, if the windows in the bedroom are facing east, it will be easier to get up in the morning, and in the evening nothing will prevent the owners from falling asleep peacefully. If the windows face west, a competent project provides an opportunity to hide from the bright daylight in the afternoon. And in a room with windows oriented to the north, you must carefully consider the use of artificial lighting. By the way, natural light can also get into rooms with weak insolation (entrance hall, bathroom), if you install glazed doors, interior windows under the ceiling or walls of transparent materials (for example, glass blocks, which also have good sound insulation).

With the help of the right lighting, we open the space

Artificial lighting is common and local. For the first use of ceiling lights, evenly illuminating the whole room or part of it. However, such lighting does not always allow the interior to "open up", so designers often shift the source of general light from the center of the ceiling, highlighting one zone and leaving another in the mysterious semi-darkness. In addition, manufacturers offer models of chandeliers that can be adjusted in height, as well as in the direction and intensity of the light flux. For local lighting apply floor lamps, wall lamps, table lamps, night lamps. They illuminate only a certain zone, bring diversity to the light scenario, create a feeling of warmth and comfort. Nonstationary lamps can be rearranged, moved, in a new way placing light accents in the room.

Decorative lighting allows you to give the situation a unique look. With the help of special lamps and LEDs, you can highlight works of art, arches, niches, mark the boundaries between zones in a spacious living room or studio. In non-illuminated rooms, luminous stained-glass windows are also used, playing both a decorative and a functional role. Salt lamps are popular, which make it possible not only to bring new touches into the interior, but also to improve health: the pair of the mineral from which the lamp is made when heated heats up the skin, respiratory organs and the nervous system. These lamps - nightlights will be appropriate in the bedroom or rest room, where you meditate or do yoga.

Light allows you to hide the flaws of the layout and emphasize the dignity of the interior. Here are some practical tips that will surely be useful in home improvement:

In order to visually expand the space of the room, it is necessary to illuminate the walls as much as possible, for finishing of which materials with good reflective properties should be used (Venetian plaster, decorative plaster with reflective particles, wallpaper with silver or gold pattern painted on them, glossy ceramic coatings);

- “raise” the low ceiling will be provided by luminaires placed on the walls with upward beams (this effect will intensify if you arrange a stretch glossy ceiling in any color except white);

If the ceiling is too high, it is necessary to place a lamp on it, the rays of which are directed to the walls;

In a long and narrow corridor, you need to install lamps on the same line along one of the walls (if the wall opposite the lamps is mirrored, this will visually make the corridor twice as wide) or brightly light the wall at the end of the room;

Due to the hidden lighting, located around the perimeter of the ceiling, the room seems higher. But while this should not be used chandeliers - for general lighting more suitable ceiling-hemisphere;

Mirrors located opposite the source of natural or artificial light, can improve lighting without additional devices. It should also be borne in mind that abrupt transitions from light to shadow are harmful to the eyes. And one more thing: the excess of light is no less harmful than its lack. Therefore, you should take care of the optimum level of illumination;

You can adjust the volume of the room due to the brightness of the light source: the smaller the room is lit, the more compact it looks.

Plan the placement of sockets before repair

A big role is played by wiring accessories - sockets, switches, dimmers, motion and presence sensors, touch panels for controlling light and electrical equipment in the house. The owners plan their layout with the architect (or electrical engineer), and on the basis of this, a project is created. Then you can control the light from different points of the home. Automatic switches with motion sensors and presence will relieve from complicated manipulations on the lighting of the house. The future is for smart lighting. It is important to correctly position the switches in the bedroom: they must be provided at the entrance and bed. If the bedside lamps are equipped with dimmers - switches with the possibility of smoothly regulating the intensity of the luminous flux, this will allow you to "adjust" the light depending on your mood and time of day.

Lighting design

Light itself plays a beneficial role in creating a harmonious environment. But the design of the lamps is also important. Now the market has a large variety of models, and you can choose products for the traditional classic interior, and for the room, decorated in avant-garde style.


Light can be harsh, literally beating in the eyes, and soft, warm, as well as cold, directed (for example, to a certain object), diffused, reflected. In residential areas, it is recommended to use diffused and reflected soft light (it visually enlarges the space and “lifts” the low ceiling). To create an atmosphere of comfort fit a warm light, and for reading - a cold, slightly bluish. The effect of warm light gives all incandescent lamps, fluorescent sodium lamps, as well as LEDs. Cold lighting will provide fluorescent mercury lamps. It should be borne in mind that in the rays of incandescent bulbs blue and green colors fade. Luminescent, on the contrary, emphasize these tones, but warm shades with such lighting look unprofitable. Pay attention to modern lamps with LEDs. Their bright enough and natural light may be to your taste.


We purchased a chandelier, from which you can change the location of the lights and the direction of the light rays. How best to use these features?

For uniform illumination of the room, it is necessary to direct the light flux to the ceiling or upper part of the walls, and if you want to work out or read - down, so that the light falls on the table surface. This solution is suitable for a family dinner or reception of guests.

How to light up the workplace?

It is best to use a flexible pendant lamp or a mobile floor lamp, because with different types of work you need lighting from different points. An ordinary table lamp is static and is suitable only for reading.

What kind of lamp is better to choose for the house - ordinary or energy saving?

Energy-saving lamps have their advantages - long service life and reduced electricity consumption. They are more expensive than conventional incandescent bulbs, although their high cost pays off. But the energy-saving lamp contains mercury that is dangerous for the body, so it is not recommended to break it categorically. If there is such a risk, it is better to use other types of lamps. Nowadays, LEDs are becoming more and more popular: they have a pleasant and quite bright light, are among the most energy-efficient, and their cost is steadily decreasing. Which lamp to choose, decide the owners of the house.

Is it acceptable to use lamps with a red light in the bedroom?

Red improves mood, gives vitality and energy and is considered the color of passion. Therefore, the red light in the bedroom is relevant only if your state of mind corresponds to the atmosphere that creates this color. Otherwise, it can cause anxiety and stress. Experts advise to provide other, more relaxed sources of light.

How should light pictures?

It is better to use horizontal directional light sources located above the picture, or spot ceiling spots. If the placement of the picturesque canvas is planned by the architect or designer in advance, the ceiling section with lamps is specially lowered. Lamps with LEDs will be absolutely safe for good painting. They do not heat up, do not destroy the picturesque layer and at the same time give a natural warm light.

Bedroom. The heart of every home. Only here you can completely relax in peace and quiet. Perhaps that is why everyone is trying to make this room as beautiful as possible. And if you are in search of interesting ideas for your bedroom, then you are on the right page.

Indirect lighting in a luxurious interior

We will show you 48 beautiful lighting photos in the bedroom - 68 modern and original solutions.

It's amazing how big the lighting is in the room. This aspect needs careful planning, because after repair it is already difficult to make some serious changes. Proper lighting will transform even the dullest interior, and today there is a great variety on the market of both the types of lighting and the types of lamps (by the way, a huge choice on superlustyr.rf), so choosing what you like is just a matter of time.

Aristocratic chandelier in the interior of the bedroom

Multicolor lights for lovers of bright colors

As in any other room, there are two types of lighting in the bedroom. General lighting replaces daylight in the dark, spotlights emit separate areas in the room. The skillful combination of lamps of different types can give great results!

Extravagant Chandelier

Chandelier has always been and will be a classic solution for general room lighting. Today, however, chandeliers often complement or even replace with spectacular diffused lighting, mounted in a false ceiling, complemented by individual recessed lights. Modern, functional and very beautiful!

Beautiful and elegant bedroom

How to think about lighting in the bedroom? First of all, you need to build on three main functions: the general lighting should be bright enough for the room to look attractive; an extra light source is required for reading before bedtime; and, perhaps, the most important function - we need light sources that will create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom in the evening. And always remember about the main characteristic of good lighting: it creates a feeling of comfort and does not cast unwanted shadows.

The idea of ​​diffused lighting in the bedroom

The optimum amount of lighting is about 20 watts per square meter of space. However, comfort is certainly an individual concept. Someone likes lighter rooms, then the light, of course, should be more.

The combination of black chandeliers and ambient light

If the room allows, a bedside table and a small desk lamp will be very useful in the bedroom. Do not be discouraged if the room is too small to accommodate two bedside tables: instead of a desk lamp, you can hang sconces on the wall. It should give enough light so that it can be read, and the light should be directed so that the partner on the other side of the bed has the opportunity to sleep at this time.

Unusual design chandeliers for the bedroom

Romance in the bedroom will create lamps behind the headboard, creating an indirect light. Also, when planning a room, you can leave room for candles.

Different types of lighting in the interior of the bedroom

As you can see, lighting plays no less a role than the choice of furniture, wallpaper or textiles. We hope that our today's notes inspired you to create the perfect interior for your bedroom.

Elegant and romantic spotlights

Bedroom full of romance

TV in the bedroom - yes or no?

Starry sky in the bedroom

Properly selected bedroom lighting is just as important as furniture.

Diffuse lighting promotes relaxation

Think over various lighting options for the bedroom.

Unusual design solution creates a dramatic effect.

The combination of different sources of light causes a different mood

General light should illuminate the floor and walls well



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