the main - Kitchen
  The house of the log design of the kitchen. What should be the kitchen in a wooden house

A house made of wood is the personification of comfort, homely warmth. And the kitchen in such a house is the most comfortable place where the best culinary masterpieces are created. But in order for the kitchen space to be just that, it is necessary to carefully consider its design. Of course, besides beauty, it is also necessary to think about fire safety, for which it is recommended to use modern non-flammable materials, new electrical wiring and high-quality electrical appliances.

Ceiling decoration

For sure, in the wooden house on the ceiling there will be beams. They can be used as a basis for the location of the hooks on which kitchen utensils will be placed. Chandeliers made of wood, metal or in the form of lanterns can be used as light sources. Do not be upset lovers of modern lamps. In the wooden kitchen there is a place for such samples.


For the house, made of wood the best option, will be the parquet floor. You can also use a stone, which should later be decorated with colored fabric mats.


It is reasonable in a wooden house not to close the walls with artificial materials. But so that the kitchen apron does not merge with other surfaces, it must be highlighted with the help of:

  • staining in bright color
  • drawing a pattern, ornament, any image,
  • finishing with plastic, brick, glass.

By the way, wooden walls with stone or brick inserts look original. To highlight any part of the kitchen, on the wall can be placed photos with fruit, still lifes, images of home pets.

We select furniture

The furniture made of rattan and natural wood will be ideal for the interior of the wooden house. But this does not mean that you can not put plastic furniture in the kitchen. The original and practical solution is to use a stone countertop to create a working surface. For these purposes, you can buy marble, malachite or granite.

Selecting the wood from which the furniture will be made, preference should be given to cedar and oak. According to the configuration, the kitchen table should be round or rectangular.

Door and window openings

Usually for a frame of windows in the wooden house use lace curtains. But, modern designers recommend using curtains in the English, Roman style, as well as bamboo blinds. To liven up the windows, you should decorate them with flowerpots with flowering plants. As for the doorways, they are decorated with PVC panels or plastic elements.

Style selection

Wooden house, you can arrange in any style. However, the most suitable - a rural direction. Kitchen in country style - practicality, simplicity and convenience. Therefore, it is appropriate to use massive cabinets, tables and chairs created from natural pine or oak boards.

An important point: interiors in rustic style often include deliberate “aging” of both wood surfaces and furniture accessories - cupboard handles, tiles or tiles, which are used to finish a kitchen apron. An interesting solution in a wooden kitchen can be a kitchen island, which will accommodate the cooking and working area.

Classic style

All design solutions in the classical theme are as close as possible to luxury and at the same time conciseness. That is why the facades of the cabinets are certainly made of natural wood, which is initially carefully processed. Kitchen furniture is underlined by grooved eaves, false ornamental details, metal additions.

Stained-glass windows, granite, marble elements, natural mahogany are used to acquire spectacularity in the interior. To underline the elegance and luxury of a wooden kitchen, the surfaces are painted in ivory.

Vintage solution

Vintage style was popular in the 20s-80s of the 20th century. To create a kitchen in this style it is necessary to use delicate tones, textile elements, floral patterns, artificially aged furniture. To recreate this design direction it is very important to work out the details that were used throughout the kitchens in the last century. However, one should take into account that which was fashionable in the 20s, became irrelevant in the 60s. Therefore, choosing accessories, be interested in what decade our grandmothers used them.

In a log house, everything “breathes” with special energy, such a house carries a certain feeling of harmony with the surrounding world. Therefore, the kitchen in a wooden house should also competently fit into its interior, while being functional and comfortable to use.

It should be noted that the design of the kitchen in a wooden house is desirable to perform harmoniously and naturally, without disturbing the idyll and giving the room a warm, cozy atmosphere combined with modern household technological advances.At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such features of the room as high humidity and susceptibility to pollution, when the choice of kitchen in the house from a bar will be made in favor of those or other finishing materials. Thus, an unusual and interesting interior of the kitchen with the proper finishing of the walls, ceiling and floors will acquire its distinctive identity, making the decoration of the room the most sophisticated and informal.

Types of kitchen planning

A kitchen in a wooden house can be not just ordinary, but made in the form of a combined living room. In individual houses, this combination had their owners to taste and to the place, because by design it has a lot of advantages and advantages. The main thing - to comply with the proposed recommendations and advice from professionals in this matter.

Homes in which the layout of the kitchen-living room is possible should combine the following points and recommendations:

  1. The dividing line between the kitchen and the living room can be an excellent bar area, which can be made from both wood and other materials. It will not take a lot of extra space, but it will perfectly perform the function of separating the border.
  2. At the required height, it will be necessary to construct a platform, that is, a podium. It will also be a good option for the interior of the kitchen-living room of a wooden house.
  3. You can build false walls between the living room in a wooden house and the kitchen, and it is possible to construct them yourself very easily and as soon as possible.
  4. When merging a living room with a kitchen in a wooden house, the floor and walls and ceiling are recommended to be finished with different materials. For example, lay the floor in the kitchen carpet, and in the living room - lay out the floor tiles.
  5. Make different lighting or apply the correct arrangement of furniture in zones when combining the kitchen with the living room.

Proper layout

The kitchen is the place where the comfort and warmth of almost all houses come from. Approaching the question of its arrangement, it should be done very seriously and thoroughly.

For example, there are several types of design kitchen-living room in a log house:

  1. L-shaped. This layout is perfect for a rectangular or small kitchen. In the center should leave a passage, and along the wall in one line to put furniture.
  2. U-shaped. Such design is inherent mainly for square rooms. Furniture in this embodiment is located along the perimeter along the three walls.
  3. Island One of the zones is located in the center of the room, this design is very popular, but the disadvantage of it is the impossibility of designing in small-scale houses.
  4. Peninsular. When combining the kitchen-living room, this layout is the best. If you use a bar or partition to separate zones, visually living area with a similar finish will increase significantly.

In addition to planning, you should pay attention to the colors of the decor of the kitchen-living room, combined with furniture and other small decorations of the room.

Choosing a color palette of interior decoration and furniture

In order to decorate the kitchen and living room in a single coherent design, artists, designers do not recommend the use of sharply opposite colors.

The boundary between the living room and the kitchen can be separated by choosing two similar colors of the same color palette.

For example, a darker color can be used for a smaller room, and a light version for a room that is larger. This contrast will visually clearly mark the difference between the rooms without disturbing the harmony.

It will be much more difficult to choose furniture for the kitchen-living room, so that it looks harmoniously in both rooms. There are several styles in which you can balance the interior of the kitchen and living room in a wooden house:

  1. Country style, or in a different way - country style. It is made with the help of furniture, which is made of natural materials, also uses a minimum amount of jewelry, thereby emphasizing the simplicity of the decoration of the room. Such a decorative element as a fabric curtain or a fireplace in the corner of the living room, etc. will help to create a cozy atmosphere.
  2. Russian style. The design of kitchen space in a wooden house can be recreated as a classic Russian hut. It also uses a minimum amount of artificial materials, and the walls are decorated with wooden carvings. Other kitchen space is made out of wrought-iron items and textile elements decorative for a given style (linen tablecloths, homespun rugs on the floor, etc.).
  3. Vintage style. This type of decor will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen space of a wooden house. All appliances are hidden behind linings made of wood, and pens can be made out of bronze. Furniture, skillfully made antique, perfectly fit in both rooms - the kitchen and living room.

Wooden house today is considered a great rarity. That is why the owners of such housing can only envy. Of course, the design of its interior has its own difficulties, because wood is a special material. However, the atmosphere that prevails in such a house can not be compared with anything. This is a special comfort, rapprochement with nature and a good rest from modernity. If we talk about the kitchen in a wooden house, then arrange it so that in the future it does not cause trouble, it is not so difficult.

The primary highlight of the kitchen in a wooden house will be the tree itself. It will be everywhere in the interior: on the floor, ceiling, walls, furniture. It would be just blasphemy to close it with modern materials. However, as practice shows, a room in which a tree is everywhere, quickly bored and, oddly enough, builds a not very joyful atmosphere. For the kitchen, the most popular place, this can not be allowed.

Natural materials - stone, bamboo, cork - will be perfectly combined with wood in style and color. And for a smaller design leather, fur and coarse textiles are perfect. All this can be seen in the photo below.

Photo: leather chairs in the kitchen interior

Tip:   wooden surfaces need special care. In the kitchen, it is important to maintain optimum humidity, since this material may, under certain conditions, rot or, on the contrary, shrivel and crack and crumble.

Choice for a big kitchen

Often, whether it is a summer residence or year-round housing, there is more room for interior design solutions. Surely the kitchen here will be much larger and more spacious than in high-rise buildings. This makes it possible to use a variety of styles, and also, perhaps, using the whole ground floor, creating the studio effect.

Perhaps, in a wooden house is most often made in country style. And it is not surprising, because this style incorporates the best traditions of different nations of the world. If we talk about European country music, then it just gives priority to natural materials, and wood is in the first place there. The decision remains for the owner, he can choose from several types:

  • provence - the French version of the country, which is characterized by lightness and elegance, pastel colors, as well as wood and an abundance of textiles;
  • english country - a fundamental style that implies good furniture, noble lines, beams on the ceiling and calm, but rich colors;
  • scandinavian country, in which wood plays the most important role, being present in the form of furniture, shutters, stairs and even dishes;
  • russian country, where everything is focused on simplicity and functionality.

Tip:   perfectly decorate flowers, better alive. They can be placed in vases on the windowsill and table, and hang dried bouquets on the walls.

The interior of the kitchen in a country-style wooden house is the best solution for today. Perhaps it will not take much effort to create it, because its main attribute, the tree, was originally laid by the builders. Other features include artificial aging of furniture and textures on the walls and floor, the presence of beams on the ceiling and shutters on the windows. Examples of such a decision can be seen in the photo.

Choice for a small kitchen

Owners hardly envy. However, this problem is solvable. It is important to avoid dark colors in the design or to resort to fundamental changes. For example, you can combine the kitchen with the living room. Of course, this will require a special investment of time and effort, such as redevelopment, communication, lighting processing and a reinforced ventilation system. In addition, it is necessary to work with wood - the material is sometimes picky and fragile. However, all this will once be put in order, and in return in the house there will be a new, very spacious room that meets the modern fashion design trends.

In case the kitchen can be connected to the living room, new opportunities for experiments open up. You can divide the room with a bar, always wooden, stand, sofa or a large dining table. It will be interesting to use the lighting or the podium, which, by the way, can also be highlighted.

If redevelopment is not yet available, kitchen design in a wooden house can also look beautiful without using a living room. When creating an interior, you can resort to any of the classic or modern styles. Thanks to the light colors, the small kitchen will become more spacious. If you leave it completely wooden - it will be too boring and not quite comfortable. Therefore, the tree can be left fragmentary on the floor, on the walls, apply it on the countertops, be sure to lockers and chairs. The use of wood in modern kitchen interiors can be seen in the photo below.

At last

Wood is an amazing material. Kitchen with the use of such material will be fresh and comfortable. However, the design of the wooden kitchen has its own characteristics. This material is not as fire resistant as the others, and needs special care.

However, such a kitchen in combination with bright or, on the contrary, calm colors, can become a real paradise for its owners.



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