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  The interior of children's rooms for heterosexual children. Design nursery for heterosexual children

Families with two or more children know how important it is to maintain family friendliness in order to avoid jealousy, quarrels and conflicts between them. Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for each child, so children often have to share one room. The task of parents is to arrange the room in such a way that none of the children feel restrained, and this is not easy to do, especially when children of different sexes. In this article, we will consider all the nuances of designing a children's room for two heterosexual children.

  Layout and zoning options for each child

So, there is a task to equip and decorate a nursery for two heterosexual children. Where to start? First of all, you should learn the opinion of the children themselves about the desired color scheme, what kind of furniture they want, maybe they will want to decorate the walls with cartoon characters, etc. Your task is to gently guide their channel of practicality, a dedicated budget and the general logic of a house or apartment.

The children's room must be divided into functional areas: rest and sleep area, work area, storage area, sports or games. The sizes of each zone are adjusted depending on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as on the age and needs of the children. For example, for preschool children, more space should be allocated for the play area, for students to add places to follow the study area. For children of different ages, they will have to contrive in order not to provoke a conflict, due to the fact that one of the guys will feel impaired.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each functional area

  Rest and Sleep Area

Let's start with the most sensitive area for children of different sexes. There are two main layout options:

  1. With the help of a bunk bed, the main thing here is to agree with the children who will sleep upstairs and who will sleep downstairs. It is advisable to immediately beat this arrangement with the help of decor - various decorative elements, bedding, color scheme.
  2. Install two separate beds (by the way, you can install two bunk beds, on the lower floors of which work desks or cabinets will be placed, so you can kill two rabbits with rhinestones) and separate them using a decorative partition.

  Game Zone

Children, especially small ones, must put their irrepressible energy somewhere. Better if they will dump it in the playing area. It makes sense to make the play area common, but take into account the interests of both children. For the boy, this is some kind of equipment for strength exercises, for example, the Swedish wall. For the girl, the play area, this is primarily a place where she can play with dolls, a folding table is perfect, in addition, children can play board games on it. Also, the girl will be able to use the Swedish wall, but not with such interest as the boy.

  Study and Creativity Area

Modern realities oblige, already since childhood, to master a computer. Therefore, in addition to the desktops, in the work area, a place should be provided for a computer, and preferably two, a separate one for each child. Modern manufacturers offer many models of furniture that combine the functions of a computer and a desktop. This solution is especially true for small rooms.

Also, as already mentioned above, bunk beds can be a chic option, where the workplace will be located on the first tier.

  Storage area

It is perfectly acceptable to purchase one closet and divide its space between the children. In the general closet, a little more space can be allocated for the girl, and to compensate for this slight infringement on the boys, the design of the sports corner is slightly more oriented to his wishes.

If the room is small and the roomy wardrobe does not fit, you can use bedside tables or choose a bed with drawers as additional places for storing things.

  The choice of color palette and zoning with it

For children of different sexes, it is possible to effectively and efficiently beat different areas of the nursery with the help of various colors and shades. The main thing is that the room has a holistic image and the colors must be selected, guided by the tastes of both the girl and the boy.

Let's look at the various options and the nuances arising from this:

  • Monochrome design. His idea is to zoning a room using different shades of the same color. Ideal colors for this option are: gray, beige, brown. To the room did not seem boring, it is worth adding bright details.
  • Contrast design. The principle is to divide the room using contrasting color schemes. The most common contrasting patterns: green-lilac, green-blue, blue-yellow.
  • Common topic. It suggests finding such a design that equally pleases both the girl and the boy and decorate, thus, the entire room, without separation. In this case, any subject is acceptable, for example, the sea, the jungle, space, etc. The main thing is that the design is neutral, and not expressed “girlish” or “boyish”, even if both children like it.

It is important to remember that the choice of the color palette does not end with the choice of the color of the wallpaper, textiles, furniture, bedding must conform to the general style, flooring  and so on. Only in this way can an excellent result be achieved.

  Furniture selection

Today on sale there are a large number of different options for mobile and cabinet furniture, which is perfect for use in a nursery for children of different sexes. Using the right choice, equal conditions can be achieved for both the boy and the girl. Good options  I can be:

  • bunk beds;
  • chair beds;
  • a bed with built-in compartments for storing things;
  • loft beds with a work desk on the ground floor;
  • racks that can be used both for storage and for dividing a room;
  • countertops, for the organization of two full-fledged jobs.

  Design features of the room of different areas

  Design room up to 12 sq.m

Rooms are less than 12 square meters. m. are considered small. If there is no way to allocate a larger room for the nursery, do not be discouraged. Here are the tricks for different parts of the room that will help to effectively use such a space:

  • Ceiling. Stretch glossy ceiling creates the illusion of a large space. To enhance the effect, you can choose stretch ceiling  with 3D volumetric pattern. You can also increase the height of the room by painting the ceiling in a light color or by pasting light wallpapers.
  • Furniture. Bunk beds, beds with built-in drawers, multi-functional tables, convertible furniture, etc. - all these items help to maintain free space.
  • Lighting. Multipoint lights located around the perimeter of the room make it visually larger.
  • Walls. Wallpaper with vertical patterns or stripes “pulls” the room in height, and with horizontal visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • Cupboard. You can use a shallow sliding wardrobe with mirrored doors. Thanks to its shallow depth, it takes up little space, and mirrored doors visually expand the room.

  Design room 12-16 sq.m

Such an area is already quite enough to satisfy all the needs of children, of course, resorting to some tricks:

  • Dividing a room into zones using various color solutions  or screen partitions.
  • The use of bunk beds with equipped workplaces on the first tier.
  • The use of universal tables, which combine the functions of a desktop and a computer table.

  The nuances of designing a nursery for heterosexual children with a large age difference

In the case of children of different ages, it becomes more difficult to satisfy all their needs in a single room. You should think about delimiting space. Even if the room is small, it can be divided using a thin partition or a decorative screen.

The design of the room should also be different. For the youngest child, these can be various cartoonish motifs, while for an older child, a more calm and adult design is needed.

For children with a greater age difference, it is undesirable to put a bunk bed, preferably two separate.

  DIY room design

The case when it is better to demonstrate than to explain. There are a lot of interior details and decorative elements that you can make yourself. Look at the photos below and maybe you will be inspired to create your own decor too.

It is not uncommon when two children grow up in one family - a boy and a girl, and of course, parents want each of them to allocate a separate room, but what if this is not possible, what if the children have to share one room for two ?! This is where the moment comes to thinking over the proper design and layout of the room, because the nursery for heterosexual children should meet the needs of each of the children. Well, how to understand this issue we will describe below.

Children's room for heterosexual children - a choice of colors.

The basic rule for decorating a room for two heterosexual children is the refusal to choose any one generally accepted tone, a boy’s color can be attributed to blue tone, to the girlish - pink color. Think for yourself, if you decorate the room in pink, then the boy will not be very comfortable in this room, if in blue, then the girl will feel left out. You can go the other way, dividing the room into certain zones - blue for the boy, pink for the girl. In addition, designers recommend that parents completely forget about blue and pink, and pay attention to a neutral palette - gray, beige, light green, light yellow, pale orange, that is, all those colors that are equally suitable, as boy and girl.

Arrangement of a nursery for two children.

Each of the children must have its own personal space, such can be an individual bed, a separate desk, as well as a compartment in the common closet where each child will put his personal belongings. In addition, children need a secluded place where they can hide from each other's eyes, give them this opportunity, just divide the room with lightproof curtains, fix the ceiling cornice in the center of the room, and already hang dense curtains on it, we recommend that you look at the blackout fabric. Blackout fabric has a light soundproofing effect and does not transmit light.

The common interests of children can be combined with the help of a single sports complex, where children can develop their physical data, and in case of failure when doing some exercises, help each other.

Furniture in the nursery for heterosexual children.

The design of the nursery for heterosexual children must necessarily include two berths, beds can be parallel to each other or be bunk. Ideally, it is still better to buy free-standing beds, and put them in opposite corners of the room, so that each of the children is the owner of their personal territory. In addition, each child should have a place to store things, it can be a wardrobe or chest of drawers. To save space, you can purchase a wardrobe with a built-in bed located on the top of the wardrobe, so the space for the wardrobe and the bed are combined. The child will climb onto such a bed with a ladder, he simply cannot fall from above, since such beds are equipped with deaf, high side walls. You also can’t forget about desks, don’t get too large desks, it will be enough for each child to buy a table the size of one place at a school desk. Children can keep notebooks, books and textbooks in a closet, on wall shelves or in a small section of a desk.

Nursery for kids:

A nursery for heterosexual children with proper design can be quite comfortable and cozy. Before starting repairs, you can consult with the children, maybe they will offer their fresh ideas for the design of a common room. Listen to each other, and then everyone will be very pleased with the result of the repair.

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The most important aspect of home or apartment arrangement for each parent is the design of a children's room. In typical layouts, zoning is usually used. It allows you to separate the recreation area from the space for preparing for study, sports and active games. A children's room for two children, regardless of their gender, should leave enough personal space for each of the kids for development and relaxation.

Maximum attention should be paid to proper planning when a children's room for two heterosexual children is set up. Of course, gender dictates different hobbies and a way of spending leisure time, diverse toys and household items. It is common for girls to have a dressing table, separate closet or chest of drawers. Boys pay less attention to their appearance, and are more often passionate about outdoor games and active pastime. For parents, the main guide is the temperament, age and taste of each baby. Based on these properties, you can significantly increase the level of comfort for each of the children.

Good furniture in a children's room for two children is a safe design, which is usually endowed with multifunctional properties. Lofts with working area, walls and complexes that combine several useful properties - this is the trend of our time, when every square meter is in price.

Children's rooms for heterosexual children - profitable!

A children's room for two children of different sexes can contain a bunk bed - a joint relaxation area, however, leisure requires a separate arrangement. Different desks or tables for creativity / development of fine motor skills, different wardrobes or chests of drawers for clothes and storage of personal items. Separate niches for storing toys are also required.



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