the main - Doors
  DIY door frame installation step by step instructions. Installing the door frame: tips for assembling the box in different ways and installing it in the doorway yourself.

Buying a new door, the buyer receives a not completely ready-made design for installation. Manufacturers do not specifically fix loops, do not insert locks, leaving customers freedom of action. It is not known which way the door will open, at what height hinges, locks will be fixed. Therefore, a non-trivial installation issue arises before the buyer. Alternatively, you can use the services of specialists. Or trust yourself in assembling the door frame. To do this, it is recommended to study the technological nuances and prepare tools.

Replacing doors of any kind a priori carries a decorative function. Such designs can revive the interior, complement the standard design with a “cherry from the cake”. Often, new doors do not meet the standards for existing openings and frames, as a result of which any installation of the door frame is made with the complete replacement of the old load-bearing elements.

Stage one: preparation

All the doors on the market in the middle price range are delivered complete with a dismantled door frame. It will not be difficult to independently assemble it, subject to all recommendations. According to technology, the process includes the mandatory implementation of a number of operations.

The advice of carpenters regarding door coverings (decorative film, veneer) seems important. It is necessary to work with the material as carefully as possible, otherwise chips and scratches will ruin the impression of a high-quality installation.

When the door leaves are bought and are waiting for installation, you can proceed to the preparation stage. The following tools should be selected:

  • self-tapping screws 4.2x75;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • miter box;
  • mounting level.

Naturally, for a complete set you will need hinges that will help you understand how to put the door frame.

Second phase: assembly process

Any box for installing an interior door provides the following fragments:

  1. The narthex.
  2. Upper beam (lintel).
  3. Loop bar.

The installer's task is to combine all the details strictly in size. There are several methods of securing the beam, but the most popular is the spike connection. According to it, spikes are created on the vertical and horizontal components, which are then combined with the grooves of other elements. Residents often ask questions like: "How to assemble the door frame so that there are no ugly gaps and chipping marks on the corners?"

For beginners, experts recommend joining canvases at an angle of 90 °. To do this, you do not need to cut and grind the bars. For more confident in their abilities, the second option remains - a connection at an angle of 45 °. We show how to assemble a door frame in a video.

  1. For installation, it is necessary to connect the hinged and ceiling beams. And since the cross-section of these components has a complex shape, the vestibule of the entire structure must be sawn off in the contact area.
  2. Then, the control alignment of the parts to be connected is carried out using a chisel, after which the fixing process is performed. The best tool for this are dark self-tapping screws. In the case of dismantling the box with subsequent assembly, self-tapping screws will not damage the structure of the material.
  3. After that, the place of joining of the canvases is marked, and the components are dismantled for installing the lower hinged cards to the plane of the hinged beam. From the question of fixing the door frame, we turn to the installation of hinges.

Hinge installation

  1. The place for mounting loop cards is set taking into account the location of the hinges mounted on the door leaf. In this case, a 3 mm clearance must be provided.
  2. If the canopies are fixed at a distance of 30 cm from the upper door end, then the position of the lower hinged card on the beam will be located at a distance of 30.3 cm from the mark of the connection. Exactly in the middle is the so-called "dad", a pencil is drawn around the place of the future installation. Then the part cuts into a pre-prepared small recess.
  3. The next stage is the docking of the upper structure, marking the point for fastening the fittings, the process of tapping and fixing the canopy. Experts advise doing this as carefully as possible so that it turns out to be flush with the surface.

The final stage of assembly

  1. We connect the hinge and ceiling beam over the existing holes. A door is hung on the installed hinges. The task is easier to perform on a horizontal surface, such as the floor.
  2. As soon as the design takes on a ready-made shape, from the edge of the door it is necessary to maintain a gap of 3 mm to a mock bar. The junction of the mock and the reverse side of the lintel beam is marked on the basis of this feature.
  3. By analogy with the first case, the vestibule of the box is removed, and the components are combined into the structure by means of self-tapping screws. So that there is no displacement of the elements at the time of connection, the gaps of the lateral and upper parts are supplemented with wedges. They are made of simple hardboard or cardboard 3 mm thick. How to assemble a door frame, you will be shown a photo of the installation. Be meticulous in size and secure in fixing.

How to make a door frame

To get a rigid base of the box, fix narrow timber strips at the corners of the structure. In the absence of a threshold, fasten the lower part of the opening with a temporary bar of the corresponding dimensions.

Do not worry about nail hats, as cashiers will be installed on the box. They will hide all the elements of the joints and fixtures. Naturally, the process of mounting the door frame can only begin after disassembling the previous design and processing the opening.

The best option for fixing the structure is mounting foam. But for increased reliability, it is recommended to fix it with anchor bolts. Learn the nuances of installing a door frame on a video. In doing so, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The box together with the door leaf is fixed in the opening with the help of wooden wedges. If necessary, check the horizon and vertical level.
  2. At least three holes must be drilled in the vertical bars.
  3. Recesses under the anchor are made through the holes.
  4. Then the box is fixed.
  5. The next step is to fill the voids between the opening and the structure. For this, mounting foam is used. You should carefully monitor the level, because the foam after drying increases in volume and produces some pressure.
  6. In order to prevent deviation of the box, it is advisable to perform bursting of the structure by means of wedges around the perimeter. Foam finally dries in a day. After that, all struts and wedges are removed.
  7. Platbands are mounted.

What is noteworthy is that all types of doors are installed in this way. Therefore, if the question arises: "How to assemble a door frame for a MDF door?", You will not experience problems.

How to assemble a door frame for a wooden bath

Natural wood is an excellent material for construction. It is distinguished by naturalness, environmental friendliness, durability and practicality. The only negative for the builder is the shrinkage process.

Openings in wooden log cabins or timber structures should not be equipped immediately after the construction of crowns.

There are two options:

  1. If the opening width indicators correspond to the design solution, a groove is cut out exactly in the middle at the end, after which a beam is installed in it. A box is nailed to him. Curiously, it is categorically impossible to fix the structure to the wall surface again for the sake of shrinkage.
  2. If the opening as a result of construction is not formed, it is necessary to cut out the hole necessary for passage. Moreover, the width should be less than the design by two indicators of the thickness of the ridge. In this embodiment, a box bar is made with a groove.

Experts assure that in both cases, the components of the box play the role of crown connectors. Directly above the opening always provide a gap that protects from significant deformation of the structure during the shrinkage of the entire structure.


Unprincipled, what type of door you are going to install, what is the width of the doorway, the basic rules of installation are the same. Using the recommendations and carefully following the step-by-step installation plan, you will be able to install any interior door.

A variety of reasons can influence the decision to mount a box yourself. Someone wants to save their money in this way, and for someone it is fundamentally important to do it yourself. After all, it is not known how these masters work. Maybe their work will not last a couple of years. And again, you need to redo it for your money. There are many more such premises. But another thing is important - to establish this construction itself is not at all difficult and quite real. Even the lack of professional skills does not hurt to take up the tool. The article will tell readers in detail about how to install the door frame, in what sequence you need to perform this work and what to pay attention to during installation.

Preparatory stage. What you need to have with you

It is impossible to cook any dish without the missing ingredients. So it is here. To be ready for independent activity, it is necessary to ensure in advance the availability of all necessary tools and building materials.

  • electric drills (it will help to drill holes in the wall and in the box, will ensure quick installation and reliability to the wall);
  • hacksaws for wood or a jigsaw (the dimensions of the components of the box are larger than the doorway, and they will have to be cut);
  • a hammer;
  • roulettes;
  • screwdrivers or screwdrivers;
  • chisels (used to create small grooves in the wood and to clean the grooves);
  • a level that will help fix all the bumps and not skew one of the sides of the box;
  • nails / self-tapping screws (it is recommended to use a length of 75 mm);
  • and mounting foam to cover the gaps between the wall and the box.

  It’s better to immediately prepare the necessary tools.

General outline of actions

The installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Measurements and alignment of the installation location of the door frame (DK - further);
  2. Determination of the exact dimensions of the recreation center and its assembly;
  3. Installation of the box in the doorway;
  4. Fastening and leveling the structure;
  5.   and checking its performance;

Determine the size

There are several rules that establish the dependence of the thickness of the recreation center on the wall thickness.

According to experts, the ratio of such sizes should be as follows:

  • to brick wall   75 mm thick a box of 108 mm is suitable;
  • for a wooden 100 mm wall, 120 mm DC will be successful;

The two cases given are the most common. In almost every building, the indicated wall sizes are used. Therefore, choosing the right box will not be difficult.

  The thickness of the door frame depends on the thickness of the wall

Observance of such proportions is also necessary so that the Palace of Culture looks good against the background of the wall, does not protrude strongly from it, or, conversely, is not too thin. With this approach, the box will hold firmly and reliably. And then the installation of platbands will then seem nonsense.

After all, if the wall thickness is greater than the box, then the latter will need to be "enlarged" with the help of additional slats or boards. This is, on the one hand, additional costs, and on the other - an unaesthetic look.

Getting started

First of all, you need to measure the width and height of the entire opening with a tape measure. The resulting figures should be greater than the width of the future door and frame in the aggregate. This is necessary in order for the box to enter the opening without problems and not be larger than it.

It is recommended to subtract 30 mm from the obtained opening width in order to get a small gap between the recreation center and the wall (that is, 15 mm on both sides). The same gap should be left on top. The clearance does not apply to the bottom. But if a structure without a threshold is installed, then between the lower part of the door (and not the recreation center) it is recommended to leave from 0.8 to 2 cm free space. The size of the latter is affected by the purpose of the room and the type of flooring.

Next, you should attach the level to the sides of the opening and to its upper part. According to the information received, it is necessary to evaluate how vertical or horizontal is littered. If such irregularities have been identified, then they must be eliminated. If one of the sides is skewed, then the door will then not close or will spring and do not fit snugly everywhere. If the opening is perfectly even (which is extremely rare), then you can safely proceed to the construction of the box.

How to assemble the structure yourself

Typically, DC is sold unassembled. These are four long slats, two of which are lateral, plus the upper and lower. The last threshold bar may not be included. It all depends on the type of door.

After calculating the exact dimensions of the recreation center, taking into account the fact that it enters the aperture without problems and there will still be a small gap, it is necessary to proceed with its design. The assembly of the box implies a reliable connection of all the planks to each other so that they form one.

In such cases, the following types of fasteners are used:

  • Spike connection. On one segment of the recreation center, the so-called spikes are sawed, and on the opposite part of the box, corresponding grooves are made. After that, the two parts are connected by tight entry of the spikes into the grooves.
  • Sawing at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees and the subsequent connection of the parts with nails or self-tapping screws.

The collection procedure itself will look like this:

Go to the installation process

To put the assembled DC in the doorway, you must completely make sure that it is assembled reliably, correctly and has no flaws.

The procedure consists of the following steps:


Installing the door frame is not at all difficult. This work is within the reach of everyone. Even those who do not have special skills. Such a decision carries many positive aspects. On the one hand - cost savings, and on the other - the acquisition of new skills for further work.

All newcomers to a reliable and safe installation only need to follow the recommendations of professionals. Only in this way can success be achieved when carrying out repairs at home. And the rules presented in the article will only contribute to this.

Greetings, friends!

When it comes to repairs, many of us often face the issue of replacing interior doors. In order not to resort to the help of professionals and save a "tidy" amount - I will teach you how to correctly and competently install a door interior door do-it-yourself.

For example, in Rostov-on-Don, installing one door costs about 1,500 rubles. And if you need to install not one but several? - there is a saving :) In order not to “make a fuss” - you only need to adhere to a few simple rules!

By the way, installation is carried out only after its competent assembly, and if everything is ready for you, then you can proceed.

Essential tool

  1. Impact drill or hammer drill
  2. Plasterboard hangers, 1 mm thick
  3. Building level
  4. Self-tapping screws and plastic "plugs" to them
  5. Wooden wedges
  6. Foam - preferably with the smallest expansion
  7. Phillips screwdriver or screwdriver

If everything is available, then you can proceed.

Opening preparation

Friends, on my personal example I will tell you how correctly install the door frame from MDF.   But in order to start - it is necessary to correctly prepare the doorway itself.

Let's do it on my example. The whole curve and oblique, made of 50th beam and 150th thick - this is an old door loot in my house. Her height is 180 cm, and the height of a standard door leaf is 200 cm :(

This indecency must be removed

Insert scrap and break! (sorry for taftalogy)

Usually one cut is enough to extract the whole “loot”, but in my case the opposite part stubbornly resisted and I had to resort to scrap again.

And the doorway is free

It would seem - everything is ready, but there is one small but. The thing is that the doorway is almost 15 cm lower than the required one. Since the wall is made of bricks, it is necessary to slowly remove the "mortgages" - in our case this is the 50th metal corner. With the help of a hammer, we remove the corners and such a picture remains.Above in the photo you can see how much I need to remove in order to install a standard two-meter canvas!

With great care, I remove the masonry with a chisel.

I make a “shtrob” under a new “mortgage” and put everything in its place.

I weld the design so that nothing "scatter"

As you can see, some of the bricks fell off themselves, leaving a decent gap, but nothing - the gimmick of a fiction! The main thing is that the door jumper is standing tight!

So, the doorway is fully prepared for the installation of the door frame - go ahead.


We proceed directly to the installation of the door frame.

We install the door into the opening and fasten it to the wedges. We are trying to achieve alignment with the walls, so that later we can easily establish cashing.

We fasten the looped side of the box at the level - this is the place where the loops are installed. First you must comply with the horizontal level.

Yes, I completely forgot - I install the door frame without holes. In order to do this, I use 1 mm thick suspensions for drywall. On each side of the door frame, I fixed 3 suspensions. I chose the place for fastening so that the holes that I will drill fell directly into the brick itself, and not into the solution. If you have a wall made of foam or gas block - then even easier - and you don’t need to drill anything - you can simply fix it with a self-tapping screw. Use flat-head press washers to prevent the hangers from hanging out.

It is important to know!

Friends, many masters use “solders” to install a door frame without holes. That is, drill holes are drilled under the hinges and in the place of contact of the lock plate of the lock. This method has a place to be and is in great demand, but I have a 2 cm thick MDF box that “walks” in all directions and my mounting method gives me the opportunity to clearly set the gaps!

After you put the hinge side in level - drill a hole and fasten.

After the doors are vertical, you must set the horizontal. Using the level we fix the door frame.

Thus, it turns out that the suspension, which is located on the side of the door opening, exposes the vertical, and the other side is responsible for the horizon. Nothing complicated - just try it!

The hinge side is exposed - hang the door on the hinges. Adjust the door pressure, that is, the door should close close to the door frame. If there are gaps, then pushing or pushing the second side - adjust the closing / opening.

Then wedge the opposite hinged side of the door and fasten. In my case, I again use suspensions.

It is important to know!

Right installed door   should not be closed or opened by itself.

The next step is foaming the door.

Foam should be used with an extension of not more than 1 to 3. For lack of a professional pistol and foam, I used Titanium 65 foam.

Before foaming, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that it will not be possible to use the door for 4 hours (this is how much mounting foam is needed until it solidifies completely at room temperature).

Before foaming the door, it is necessary to carry out a series of manipulations so that the door does not crush.

How I do it:

  1.   I close the installed door
  2. I cut thick cardboard into long strips
  3. I insert these strips around the entire closing perimeter of the door
  4. Penim

Especially for those who don’t understand anything ничего

  How to install a door frame with your own hands - video

That's all my dear handshakes!

I hope I was able to answer the question how to install a door frame. The next step in installing interior doors will be what I will certainly teach you too.

Good luck in your repair and construction endeavors!

The front door has always been considered the face of the house, and people were especially responsible for installing it. Currently, the door is installed no less carefully, and special scrupulousness is present when installing interior doors. In each case, the door frame plays a key role in the installation.

Correctly assemble it and install it in the doorway - this means ensuring reliable (without distortions) locking the door and the precise operation of all mechanisms. Let's try to figure out how to assemble a door frame.

Firms manufacturing door blocks of the highest quality are engaged in the installation of their products.Such work is carried out through organizations by attracting specially trained personnel. The point is this: it is easier to ensure the installation of the door than to receive a number of complaints about the quality of the goods and lose a number of potential customers. A simpler door can be sold not only without a door frame, but also without the availability of parts for making this box. We consider in detail this particular case.

What materials and tools will be needed?

So, you need to make all the parts yourself and assemble a box from them. To do this, you will need:

  • wooden blocks;
  • electric plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • mallet;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • sharp knife;
  • square with a ruler;
  • rubber compressor.

Work order

First we process the bars (measurement, planing, additional drying). The bars should be 3-4 cm wider after processing than the door leaf. Now you need to measure the thickness of the door and set aside a segment 2 mm larger than the measurement result from the edge of the bar. At this distance you have to draw a longitudinal line along the entire bar. The marked part should be planed or cut on a milling machine.

Cutting is preferable, since the surface will be much smoother and will look more aesthetically pleasing. The sequence of your actions will completely coincide with those that you would carry out if you had stocks of factory production. Namely, you have to fulfill several more important points: to think over and implement all the articulations of the door frame elements, mount the gaskets, prepare the places for fastening the door hinges and in the doorway.

Wooden spikes or metal screws?

The joints of the bars that make up the door frame can be different. Very often, the door frame is connected to the spikes. It is a worthy and durable connection, but for an inexperienced joiner, such work will be very difficult. It is much easier to assemble all the details on the joints using self-tapping screws. It is easy to do.

First you need to attach the blank for the top of the box to the horizontal cut of the door and, making a slight indent from the edge of the door leaf, draw two lines on the blank at the edges of the door. We saw off a bar along these lines. The blank should be 4-7 mm wider than the door itself. We also make the lower blank (if you are going to provide a door with a threshold) and two vertical blanks.

We place two vertical blanks on a horizontal plane and lay vertical elements on them so that none of the blanks protrudes beyond the edges. On the vertical parts of the box, mark the lower edge of the vertical elements. According to these marks, the protruding part of the profile of the uprights will be cut.

First, make a neat cut perpendicular to the workpiece to the entire depth of the protruding profile. The incised part is carefully removed with a chisel. In this case, there is no need to rush, because with a strong push (hit) on the chisel, you risk getting a chip on the door box, so all the preliminary work will have to be done again. When all the protrusions on the vertical blanks are removed and all the places where the deletions were made are cleaned, the door frame can already be assembled into a single whole.

Door frame assembly

First, we make through holes in the vertical elements of the box with a thin drill. It is necessary to distribute the drilling places so that they are at least 15 mm from the edge of the workpiece and fall on the central part of the horizontal bars. And now we are collecting two marked elements for self-tapping screws.

It is advisable to take self-tapping screws of such a length that they are immersed in a horizontal bar by at least 3 cm, and the step should be small. Similarly, collect all other elements into a box.

There is no need to rush, since it is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of all elements in one plane. And to do this is not easy, since it is difficult to find an absolutely horizontal plane for assembly, so even the construction level will not help here.

How to do without a building level?

It is appropriate to use the old way: we pull two strings along the diagonals. If all points of the box are in the same plane, then the threads should touch each other without creating sagging or tension. If this is not the case, then release the mount at the corners of the box and align. Then tighten all screws securely.

On this, the door frame can be considered assembled. In fairness, we note that the described option will be considered the simplest, even primitive. The box still needs to be “completed” by installing seals on it and ensuring the availability of places for fastening the hinges. Seals should be installed on the box according to the instructions attached to the seals.

Very often, door seals come on an adhesive basis. With proper surface preparation, even these elements will last you a very long time, but it is better to use more reliable seals. Remember that the pads not only provide thermal insulation of the door, but also very “dampen” the noise from closing. For this reason, it is impossible to refuse such an important element.

How are door hinges fastened?

And now the door frame should be provided with places for fastening the door hinges. Since the loops are available in various options, then the places for them can be different. After purchasing (or manufacturing) the hinges, they must be attached to the vertical beam of the door frame at least 20 cm from the horizontal beam and circle the loop with a sharpened pencil.

In the marked area, a layer of wood equal to the thickness of the loop itself is to be removed. It is better to make an incision along the line with a special wood cutter. But you can use the usual sharpened knife. The main thing is that the cut line is flat. And now along the line at an angle of 40-50 degrees with a chisel, cut off the edge. Then with the same tool we remove the wood along the entire marked plane.

Door frame bar: h - height, m \u200b\u200b- width, l - length.

The door frame must be installed in its place of operation. If all the work described above was performed correctly, then align the door frame along the front with an electric planer. This measure is necessary, since even the most experienced craftsmen cannot “fit” the parts during the assembly so that they fit perfectly together. A planer will easily correct this drawback.

Sometimes you can hear that planing is best done after the door frame has been installed. You can agree with this opinion if the house is just under construction. If the door frame is installed instead of the old one that has become unusable, then it is better to carry out all the actions before installation.

During the installation, we constantly monitor the levels, otherwise you will get a skew.

And this means that the door will spontaneously open or close. After installing the door frame, you need to hang the door, adjust the hinges, install the lock (or latch) and make the lining. And the most pleasant moment is the finishing work.

Door frame finish

You can create in this direction as much as you like, but adhere to the main rules when working with wood: a tree does not like pests, moisture and paint. Alas, many residents do not see any beauty in the wood structure, so mercilessly paint all the wooden products. Do not follow this direction.

Just try to polish the door, soak it and cover all this beauty with a colorless matte varnish (and, together with the door, also process all the other elements of the wooden block). Then, you will definitely say to the envy of your neighbors that you collected it yourself.

Sometimes you can hear other tips on how to properly assemble the door frame. You can trust everyone, but you yourself will appreciate all the advantages of designs. Naturally, an experienced carpenter will describe the whole process more carefully, having thought through all the details. And along the way, he will add so many operations incomprehensible to you in the description that you can get a complex of technical inferiority.

You should only take on those designs that you can do without special skills. Complex structures can only lead to cost overruns and your time.

  • Installation and tools for him: recommendations
  • Stage Three: Hanging the Canvas

Those who like tinkering and do-it-yourself repairs may want to familiarize themselves with how to assemble and install interior doors. In fact, this process takes some time and requires effort. Therefore, at the very beginning, you should familiarize yourself with all the steps that you have to go through, and only then get to work.

First of all, they assemble the interior door, and only then they are engaged in its installation. In order for the products to be free of gaps and other defects, the following steps must be performed:

  • prepare the room;
  • prepare a doorway;
  • get supplies and tools;
  • assemble the product, taking into account its design features.

Stage one: preparatory work with the room

When buying a new door, you should be prepared for the fact that the doorway may not correspond in size. Therefore, before heading to the store, it is advisable to take the dimensions of the opening, and here it is also taken into account that the new door will have its own jamb, which will have to be replaced in place of the old one.

Next, pay attention to which room the doors are selected: in the kitchen, bathroom, restroom, etc. Why is this so important? Because each room has its own communication, which by the time of installation should already be ready. The same goes for water pipes or heating. They are installed taking into account the necessary slope, and it is better to entrust this matter to a professional.

Exclusive lovers should pay attention to wiring. Now it has become fashionable to design interior doors with lighting. This means that all wires must be pre-routed to the necessary points.

How to prepare a doorway? It was indicated above that special attention should be paid to this place. First of all, take out the old opening. At this stage, only the box can be damaged; the walls of the opening themselves must be preserved intact. Many are trying to save money by installing a new door in an old jamb. As practice shows, this does not lead to anything good. The door may at least not enter the box, and at the very least - leave significant gaps in the closed state or not close.

After dismantling the old frame, marking is made, with which the location of the door handle, the method of opening (inside or from the room), etc. are indicated.

Do not forget about stripping, which involves the removal of excess trim, such as pieces of hanging cement, etc.

Back to the table of contents

Regardless of the type of door being installed, the installation has the basic classical steps:

  1. Assembly and installation of the door frame.
  2. Hanging the door.
  3. Installation of additional parts.
  4. Mounting platbands.

As for the tools, it is as follows:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer drill;
  • a circular saw;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • building level;
  • hammer;
  • yardstick;
  • nail clipper;
  • mallet;
  • miter box;
  • chisels;
  • dowels, screws;
  • scotch tape, which is used for painting;
  • mounting foam;
  • wooden struts and wedges.

A little advice from specialists: to control the evenness of the installation, it is best to have a plumb bob on hand. If you use a rubber mallet, there is a chance that traces will remain on the surface, so it should immediately be replaced with a wooden one.

To fix the frame, dowels are best suited.   And when it comes to the hinges, it is better to entrust this task with yellow-pass galvanized self-tapping screws. The standard fasteners in the kit are not particularly reliable.

In order not to purchase wedges and spacers separately, they can be made independently, and the entire process of preparation must take place along with the installation of the door itself, since this is how you can choose the right sizes.

Back to the table of contents

Stage two: assembly and installation of the door frame

First of all, the process of clearing gaps is carried out, while it is necessary to take into account flooring. If interior doors are intended for residential premises, then gaps are best done in 1 cm.

The procedure for collecting the box is as follows:

  1. The cantilever beam is sawn under a buttonhole, that is, two elements need to be fixed, then a line is marked, after which a careful cut is made and chipped off the end with a chisel.
  2. Next, the lintel and looped beams are connected with self-tapping screws, and the connection angle should be 90 °.
  3. After that, loops are attached to the loop bar.
  4. Then the three lutes are connected and the door is put on. The ceiling foot is fitted at the end.

To fix the box, it is recommended to use pieces of cardboard or hardboard, but only so that they all have the same thickness. This will help to provide gaps between the edge of the door and the frame itself. They will be 0.3-0.4 cm. But here it is necessary to control the wedges during the twisting of screws so that they do not move freely.

In order for the door to function correctly, special attention is paid to fitting the fittings.

To mount the lock, do the following:

  1. Checks the fit of the door. To do this, the door leaf is inserted into the box, after which the hinged edges are connected. Gaps are measured from the top and sides, which should be equal to: from the floor - up to 4 mm, the rest - 2 mm. If they do not correspond to these sizes, then the edges of the canvas are planed.
  2. Next is the placement of the nests. To this end, a line is drawn across the hinge side, measuring 15 cm from the top first. Then the loop is adjusted along the contour and the lower side of the element is marked. After that, the thickness gauge is installed between the central and edge parts of the plate, a line is drawn from the front side along the edge. Next, the two circuits are connected. As soon as the work with the main marking is completed, the location of the subsequent loop is measured, while the distance from the bottom edge is retreated by 22.5 cm.
  3. Then, deepenings are made using a chisel, bevel and mallet. Departing from the edge by 0.2 cm, the material is cut to a depth equal to the thickness of the plate. In order for the process to turn out correct, the chisel is held at an angle of 45 °, and the blows are clear and sharp. We should not forget about the evenness of the edges, for which a chisel is installed on the line vertically and cleans chips.
  4. To hang the interior door, the hinge is placed in the upper socket, marking with it the future holes for the screws, after which the hinges are fixed. Next, the door leaf is mounted in the box itself, lined with wedges, a similar marking is done on the jamb. Then it is necessary to fix the hinges on the sash by means of screws.
  5. Work is underway to mark the location of the lock, spindle and lock well. After that, holes are drilled at the prepared points. The lock is fixed with screws. The last point at this stage is the attachment of the receiving pad.
  6. With the help of a chisel, recesses are made under the tongue of the castle and the heck. To fix the door frame in the opening, use wedges. Their fixation should be tight. To prevent the loot from losing its shape during blowing with foam, spacers are installed.



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