the main - Hallway
  What is the lighting in the room. We preserve vision: the right light

Lighting is a very important aspect of any repair in an apartment or house. Not only coziness and comfort, but also the appearance of each room depends on the correct arrangement of light sources, a competent choice of intensity and design of lamps. Many styles of interior design involve the use of several light sources located in certain places. Living room and bedroom are rooms that require special attention, because it is in them that a person spends most of his time at home. These zones are designed for rest, relaxation, so you should carefully consider not only the location of all fixtures and lamps, but also their power, angle, distribution of light.

As in other rooms of the house, bedroom lighting should begin with an adequate general light that does not leave corners in the shade, but at the same time warm and not too powerful. For this, regardless of the type of lamp that we will use, the overall level of lighting recommended by experts is 250 lux. To achieve this, it is advisable to use medium power bulbs, preferably LED technology, guaranteeing minimal heat generation and maximum energy efficiency, as well as warm color temperature.

Choose lamps for the bedroom and living room

Multilevel lighting is the key to a functional, comfortable and beautiful bedroom or living room. The peculiarity of this distribution of luminaires is that for each section there is its own light source. So, for example, a wall sconce located above the bed in the bedroom allows you to read books without disturbing the sleep of another person in the same room. A floor lamp in the living room by the armchair also simplifies life: one person can embroider in full lighting without tiring his eyes, while the rest watch TV in the same room.

All this information is usually included in the packaging of fixtures. In spacious rooms, floor lamps are a good addition to the general lighting, which if necessary creates a more intimate atmosphere. This option gives great lighting to the lamp, so it is important that the model matches the style of the bedroom, because it will not go unnoticed. As for screens, it is better to choose them with opaque, fabric, paper or tinted glasses, as they filter the light, creating a more intimate atmosphere.

Once the general lighting has been eliminated, it is time to focus on the environment deciding in the room, such as the bedroom, in which warmth and comfort should prevail. Since this is a lighting with a large decorative function, it is very important to consider the design of the lamps. The most common option is to place two models of a desktop computer on both sides of the bed on a table, although there is also a wall or hanging for this purpose.

Usually this type of lighting is represented by a common overhead light (chandelier) and several local light sources (sconces, table lamps, floor lamps). The ideal result can be achieved with the help of switches that regulate the intensity of lighting. Thus, you can customize each lamp individually for yourself, to achieve the power that you need. As a rule, such a “setting” is carried out once, since the functions of the luminaires usually do not change even over time.

A table lamp or even standing, although always with an adjustable or flexible arm, is a very versatile alternative for its mobility and an opportunity that they offer to use in different parts of the room. They should offer direct and well-focused light that avoids visual fatigue and does not blind.

Of particular note is the perimeter lighting power in some furniture elements, such as the headboard or even the lower part of the bed in models that have flown LED stripes. Available even in flexible materials that allow you to adapt to any profile, some versions can change the color of the light using the remote control to create different settings.

Particularly popular are the point ceiling and floor lamps, because they simultaneously perform two different functions: illuminate the room and zoning the space. The lamp itself is usually small in size, which allows you to "hide" it - to be built into the floor, ceiling, furniture or any other structure. The peculiarity of spotlights is that their light has a direction. It does not have to be bright, there are models with dim lights, but the direction is always clearly defined. That is why spotlights are so often used in living rooms and bedrooms, with their help you can separate the various zones without resorting to additional funds.

Reading, choosing clothes for the day, or applying makeup are just some of the activities that are often performed in the bedroom and which require on-site lighting that provide greater visibility and the best possible color rendering without being too strong. Since this is a very specific lighting, it must be designed in accordance with the activity for which it will be used. So, for example, to read in bed, wall sconces on both sides of this or the headboard are one of the most common resources.

For our apartment, we bought spotlights here -, because in this online store you can find exactly what you need, and at very reasonable prices.

Basic rules for competent lighting

Dressing or dressing rooms require powerful and clear light that accurately reproduces colors, for which it is recommended to use a color temperature that is slightly colder than the rest of the room. It is best to illuminate these areas with small spotlights embedded in ceiling or wall lights, preferably orientated to minimize shaded areas. In addition, despite their white and intense light, halogen lamps in these areas are discouraged by their high consumption and the heat they give off.

Always start repairs with. This can be either a 3D model or a regular two-dimensional drawing. On the plan must be present all the furniture, arranged in their places. Only in this way can you determine where the switches will be located, as well as which zones will require additional lighting.

Be sure to consider the size and amount of natural light penetrating into the room from them. Owners of apartments with windows facing the sunny side will not need additional lighting in the daytime. But apartments, which almost do not get natural light, need artificial lighting, not only after sunset, but also during the day.

Decorative ornaments, decorative garlands, lanterns, and even compositions with such branches, decorative resources for creating attractive and ingenious sets of lights that enrich the bedroom’s ambient lighting and respond to different moods are almost endless.

Obviously, the first requirement that light must satisfy is to illuminate in the most efficient way, but also an important role, to make a comfortable room that will become the arena of our relaxation. Artificial bedroom lighting should be warm to create a relaxing state. Choose warm lights, measure the appropriate intensity and take advantage of the shadow features offered by adjustable screens or lights, give a relaxing break.

Proper lighting of the apartment completely eliminates sudden transitions from bright light to dark areas, glare and excessive reflection of light. The fact is that such “games of light” negatively affect the human psyche, cause rapid fatigue and even irritation. That is why for living rooms and bedrooms they usually use multi-level lighting systemsto avoid such shortcomings, while maintaining the comfort of the rooms and pleasant conditions for residents.

Ceiling panels provide sufficient overall light, allowing us to see well without leaving corners in the shade. If the room is high enough, placing floodlights in different directions, hidden under a false ceiling, is a good option that creates great brightness without being aggressive. Halogens built into the ceiling, so common until recently, were overtaken by LED technology luminaires with the same function. Wall branes, on the other hand, offer indirect light, which is usually enough for a bedroom if they are well located.

We also advise you to pay attention to the decoration of the premises, since the perception of light noticeably depends on it. For example, they actively absorb light, therefore, in rooms with similar interiors, additional lighting is required. Light colors, on the contrary, increase illumination. Use caution with glossy surfaces that reflect light and may cause the room to become oversaturated with light.

Bedroom Lighting Points

As soon as we achieve sufficient visibility in general lighting, it is advisable to have a warmer light in the bedroom, which is not too strong or can be modulated. In this way, we will achieve the feeling of comfort that relaxation offers. In addition to lighting, the lamps perform another important decorative function, creating a cozy atmosphere. Although aesthetics should be considered in all elements, the central lamp is one of the most striking decorative points.

If we are among those who cannot sleep without reading a little in bed, we will have to increase the lighting in the head area. The lamps on the nightstand are very decorative, but if they do not have a good base, they can be unstable. To avoid possible falls, you can choose articulated arms on each side of the bed. It is also important to choose bulbs with dimmer controls to control the intensity.

And, of course, do not forget about interior design. It has its own characteristics that must be considered when planning lighting. However, choosing between style requirements and room features, it is recommended to stay on the second point, since comfort is much more important than strict adherence to the rules.

A bedroom is a room that also serves as a dressing room. This requires intense and clear light that does not change color, so it is recommended that you use a color temperature that is slightly cooler than the rest of the room.

How much light do I need in my bedroom?

Color temperature: can be defined as the sensation that the human eye perceives before light, being warm if amber or cold predominates, if blue prevails. It is expressed in degrees Kelvin because it is obtained from the spectrum of light that comes from applying different levels of heat to the black iron. Up to 300 K is light with a warm effect, so at 300 K we will talk about white light, and there will be a cold look above this figure.

Decorative lighting in the bedroom and living room

Lighting can be not only functionally necessary, but also decorative, contributing to the correct perception of the room, the arrangement of accents. Correct illumination of home decoration brings a truly indescribable result. In the living room deserves special attention, for example, an aquarium or a collection of coins located in a display cabinet. Without additional decorative lighting, these important objects can be missed by an inattentive look, with it they will appear in full glory. Illuminated shelves in general dim light look “airy” and easy, as if they are hovering next to a wall, rather than screwed to it.

Lighting is fundamental to a pleasant atmosphere for our home, and to take full advantage of ours. Ideal, at least during the day, should use sunlight, as it is not only healthy, environmentally friendly and economical, but also enlivens colors and gives rooms a comfortable light.

During the night hours, we advise you to illuminate each room in accordance with the tasks that will be performed inside, accumulating a greater light intensity in areas of greater activity or where more clarity is required. Types of lighting depending on the room.

Want to highlight a work of art located in your living room or bedroom? Take advantage of the light.

A correctly located lamp will emphasize all the advantages of a sculpture or painting. For decorative lighting, spotlights are often used, since the directional light is ideal for this purpose. You can pick up special rotary spotlights to change direction depending on your desire. The price of rotary spotlights is slightly higher than their usual "counterparts", however, you will always have the opportunity to make adjustments to the light source without changing it. The most common recessed spotlights can be purchased from 42 rubles  for 1 pc., but models with custom design or color will cost 80-200 rubles for 1 pc. If you want to decorate your home with exclusive options from world famous brands, then be prepared for significant amounts from 5,000 rubles per unit. Prices for original models, consisting of several fixtures, can reach up to 300,000 rubles.

Kitchen: requires uniform light, either directly located on the ceiling, or on the job site, or both formulas. Being a room in which light stays on for a long time, fluorescent lamps are suitable, although they consume more energy when they are turned on, they last about 000 hours and consume 20% less than an incandescent lamp. In the bedroom: it does not require anti-aircraft light, except in the children's room or play area, where it is then advisable to light the room to form a common ceiling. You can combine the ambient lighting with which the room is designed, the spot light of a reading lamp and halogen spotlights in a closet or dressing room. Projects should be avoided as they divert attention and blind people sitting under them. Lighting should be achieved with various points of ambient light through standing lamps, which act as general light, complemented by low lights that prevent reflection on television. The dining table is considered as a space in itself, regardless of whether it is in its own room. It is necessary to avoid that the central lamp blinds, placing it at a height of about 75 cm on the table and doing this, they are hidden by bulbs. This is achieved by the fact that the food receives direct light, but it does not reach the eyes of visitors. What comes up is the lights attached to the ceiling that illuminate the table, as well as the rest of the room. Bathrooms: A very common mistake in bathrooms is to put light on a mirror. What you get is shadows that blur the reflection, which can be avoided if the light is on the sides. This light should be accompanied by a common light, with different switches and, if possible, separate, choose one or the other option. Hall and corridors: both must return warm light. There is enough floor lamp or table lamp in the hall, providing durable light; in corridors it is better to overcome the tendency to recharge them with ceiling lights, which cause contrasts of light and shadow, as they blind, consuming a lot of energy. Wall sconces can serve as an indication of the path. Drawing room: this is a meeting place and rest. . Lighting is one of the key elements that helps make your home a home.

Examples of competent lighting of the bedroom and living room

Proper lighting makes it easy to complete tasks, makes you feel more confident and comfortable, and you can enjoy your home to the fullest. Each room has general lighting requirements and other types of lighting. If you are not sure which type of lighting fixture you need or are just looking for inspiration, take a few minutes to navigate this guide.

Lobby, corridors and stairs

Use lighting to get a first impression.

  Upon entering the house, the entrance hall conveys the first impression. Use modern or modern pendant lights to provide basic lighting and create a cozy atmosphere. Make your work a lively halogen lamp or recessed lighting. Mirrors can also add a special decorative touch to the entrance to your home.

Properly arranged lighting can make a person’s life much more comfortable, because a lack of light is not only harmful to the eyes, but also affects the mood - and not for the better. In the room, which is located on the shady side of the house, the lighting should be slightly brighter than for a room on the sunny side. Several correct fixtures located at different levels will create a comfortable environment, highlight the right places and make the apartment more pleasant for life.

Lighting options

To understand how many lighting fixtures and how much power is needed, you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For an apartment, these are the following values:

For the hall and corridor, the illumination is 1 sq.m. should be 50 Lux;

  • For wardrobe - 75 Lx;
  • For bedroom, living room and kitchen - 150 Lx;
  • For children - 200 Lx;
  • For the bathroom and toilet - 50 Lx (up to 200 Lx for shaving and applying makeup).

These parameters allow you to determine the number of bulbs and their power for a particular room. For example, in a children's area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m total luminous flux should be at least 2000 Lm. Knowing the magnitude of the light flux, you can choose the right amount and power of lighting devices. You can take one ceiling lamp with five LED lamps with a power of 4 to 5 watts, or a chandelier with two incandescent lamps of 60 watts each, supplementing it with two single sconces with fluorescent lamps of 10 to 13 watts. Also for children, a good option would be ceiling lights with a dimmer that regulates the brightness of the light.

For a room with light walls and wallpaper, the allowable luminous flux can be almost halved, and for an apartment on the shady side it can be increased on the contrary.


Incandescent lamp

Halogen lamp

Luminiscent lamp

LED lamp

Almost does not get warm


Very fragile

Hardly beats

Power, W)

Luminous flux (Lm)

Service life (hour)

Payment for electricity per year (RUB) in the presence of 20 lamps in the apartment (at the rate of 4 rubles / kW, 5 hours a day)

Wall and ceiling lights

In a room on the dark side, a single chandelier may not be enough. In it, you can make multi-level lighting, which will allow you to adjust the brightness of the stream depending on the time of day and provide comfort to the eyes and nervous system. This problem is solved with the help of a figured suspended ceiling with or additional illumination in the form of wall and ceiling lamps in the most active and dark parts of the room - the working, dining or billiard zones. For places with an increased risk of dust and moisture - near windows, air conditioners, in the bathroom and toilet - choose wall-ceiling lamps with a high degree of dust and moisture protection.

Sconces and table lamps

Spots and track systems

Floor lamps

Interior lighting

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.



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