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  The color of the walls is on the south side of the living room. Color in the interior of the living room (50 photos): beautiful combinations

What color to make the living room? In this room it is customary to relax with the whole family in the evenings, receive guests, have noisy parties and have tea parties together. In this room, family members of different ages, interests and taste preferences gather. When planning an interior indoors, it is worth considering the fact that all people should be comfortable here. Colors must be selected carefully so that they do not tire and irritate, but contribute to relaxation and concentration. Let's talk about the most important thing in the interior - the color scheme.

   Living room in rich burgundy tones looks stylish and unusual

Design living room interior: how to choose professional colors for decoration

To create for us an original and soulful design of the living room, designers carefully think over the colors and shades. Here are some useful tips professionals use:

  1. The general color palette of the hall should have a smooth transition from a dark floor to a light ceiling. For example, the flooring may have a wenge color, then the ceiling is best done white, milky or cream. And the walls should have a transitional shade between dark and light color. It is this option that is considered the most favorable for the eyes and a win-win, since such a palette fits into any style.
  2. If you want to make the living room as comfortable and cozy as possible, use natural shades for wall decoration.
  3. To repair the living room, use only those colors that you really like. Do not force yourself to use any shades, because they are fashionable, but you do not like them at all. In this case, you need to be guided by one rule: "Use the color that you would like to put on yourself in the decoration of the living room."
  4. Try to use neutral colors such as white and beige in your room. And ideally, try to choose three colors that are close to each other. If it seems to you that the room will be boring, then against the background of neutral walls you can arrange bright accessories and in this case the room will sparkle with colors. Moreover, if you don’t like something or if you get tired of the decor, you can always replace it.

  Bright green walls in the living room with dark floors and white furniture

How the color of the walls depends on the side of the world

To choose the color of the walls in the living room, one important factor must be taken into account - which side the windows in the hall face. Here you need to be guided by the rule of opposites. It consists in the following: if the hall window faces the north side, then the color of the walls should be warm. Here, shades such as:

  • peach;
  • beige;
  • pale green;
  • light yellow.

  Pale orange walls with light furniture and beige floors.

If the windows face south, it is better to give preference to cold shades, for example:

  • lilac;
  • gray;
  • saturated green.

In this case, the shades must be light. If the living room is well lit, these colors will bring coolness to the room. As for the eastern side, it is appropriate to use pastel shades for painting walls. For the western side, you can also use cool colors in the design.

  Among soft peach walls and floors, red upholstered furniture looks original.

Remember that in daylight any shade will look much more natural. Consider how the walls will look in the evening under artificial light.

  Gray-blue walls harmonize with a rich turquoise sofa

How to combine the color of the walls with the color of the furniture in the interior of the living room

The color of the furniture depends on the color of the walls and vice versa. Therefore, if you plan to replace furniture, then you should definitely take into account the shade of the walls. In order to harmoniously compose the interior of a room, use the five-color rule. It follows from this that in one room more than five colors cannot be combined.

  Pale pink walls combined with a fuchsia sofa and a white ceiling

The walls should be several tones lighter than the furniture, and it is lighter than the floor. This is a traditional combination that never goes out of fashion ever.

  In a well-lit living room you can make the walls bright pink

The basics of color matching on walls in a living room design

You can combine colors in the room according to one of the above schemes, observing the proportion 60/30/10. Where 60% is the main color. More about. Here are the recommended schemes:

  • monochromatic: the use of shades of the same color;
  • neutral: the use of muted and delicate colors, for example, white, beige or gray;
  • contrast: the use of opposite colors, for example, combinations such as white and black, orange and purple are appropriate;
  • harmonious: the use of close shades from the same color spectrum.

  And if you are afraid to make pink walls, then hang up the appropriate curtains and arrange upholstered furniture.

Fashionable and popular colors for living room decoration

There are several fashionable shades, the use of which will make the hall harmonious, tasty and natural. Consider them.

Chocolate tint in the living room interior

This wall decoration has a rather strict appearance, but at the same time is original and luxurious. In such a room all family members will feel comfortable. From a psychological point of view, a chocolate shade is a symbol of financial stability and wealth. Here, the main thing for such a background is to choose the right furniture and accessories and then the room will be filled with light. The following shades are ideally combined with the color of chocolate:

  • turquoise;
  • white;
  • pistachio;
  • orange.

On such walls photographs and paintings will look beautiful.

  Neutral walls can be decorated with turquoise furniture, curtains and ceilings.

Beige tint in the interior of the living room

This is the most win-win design of the hall. Most often, this shade is suitable for classic interiors. To beige, you can easily find your partner. Colors such as:

  • brown;
  • white;
  • terracotta.

Be sure to decorate such a living room with indoor plants.

  The living room can skillfully accommodate several bright colors, while the room looks stylish and comfortable.

White color in the design of the living room

This is a classic color that always remains in fashion and does not lose its popularity. This color fits perfectly into any interior of the hall. Bright accessories, contrasting furniture will help revive the room and you will get the right mood and comfort. If you are not impressed with the white color, then do not draw them all the walls. One of them can be made in a contrasting shade. In the snow-white living room, black furniture looks beautiful.

  Living room interior in pale purple hues

Bright colors in the decor of the living room

It became very popular to use such bright colors as:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • green;
  • violet.

They are able to make the living room fresh and unusual. Use such contrasting colors carefully. One has only to make a mistake with the shade or oversaturate the room with it and the whole interior will be spoiled. The main bright color must be diluted with neutral shades. It is best to paint one of the walls in bright color, and make all the others neutral.

  A bright lemon wall will help to dilute the white furniture and the floor.

As you can see, choosing the right color for the living room is a responsible and important step in the repair. If you prefer conservatism, then choose beige, brown and gray shades. Such a room will not be original, but all your loved ones will surely like it.

  The neutral living room can be decorated with a colorful sofa and a bright yellow ceiling border.

If nevertheless you decide to take a chance and get an unusual relaxation room, then feel free to choose bright colors for decoration and accessories. Do not be afraid to use unusual color combinations that are so rare in the design of residential premises. You can think about how to paint the wall in the living room with bright colors, maybe that will help to decorate the room.

  Saturated gray walls look appropriate with a fuchsia sofa

Photo gallery: various shades of colors in the interior design of the living room

Many rightfully consider the living room to be the soul of the house and a reflection of the nature of the people living in it. By equipping the interior, we, first of all, create the best atmosphere for ourselves, through which habits, tastes and opportunities are manifested.

We are convinced that there are no living rooms like two drops of water similar to each other, because everyone strives for uniqueness in the selection of furniture and materials, a combination of textures and patterns, and the selection of a suitable color scheme. Quite often it happens that it depends on her whether the room for receiving guests will become cozy and comfortable, or restrained and respectable.

  • Dimensions A spacious room with high ceilings has significant advantages over a small room. In it, you can allow the use of dark saturated tones or unusual combinations with bright colors, while the modest size of the living room is better to dress in light, light shades.
  • The more massive or diverse the pieces of furniture, the calmer the palette of shades on the surrounding surfaces should remain.
  • If your living room is characterized by the presence of large windows that fill the room with rays of daylight for a long time - the use of deep, rich color combinations is welcome, but in order for the room to look decent in the evening, you will need to take care of high-quality lighting with additional sources: sconces, floor lamps, tabletops and decorative lamps, chandelier.

The style of the living room is important for the competent selection of the right color scheme. Therefore, in this article we decided to start from the stylistic orientation of the room in order to show which palette of shades is better to choose if the living room is designed in one of the most popular styles in interior design.

Eclectic living room

Beautiful and inimitable images in eclectic interiors have been and are being created for different rooms. So, in the design of the living room find their place modern technical devices installed on pieces of furniture from the past, and catchy colors   difficult, but, nevertheless, harmoniously combined with   pastel shades .

A remarkable condition in the arrangement of an eclectic living room is the presence of different, sometimes opposite and not similar cultural trends. From here comes all that liveliness, originality of decisions and the unexpected combination of shapes and colors of objects.

If you are sure that eclecticism should sound in the room for receiving guests in your house, remember: gloom and monochrome are not permissible in it, because the contrast of textures and colors is a prerequisite.

For example, original items and furniture with patterned bright upholstery will look very colorful against the background of the neutral color of the walls with classic tricks in the lining. Spectacular image of the room can create beautiful bright colors for classic forms of furniture, the contrast of walls and decorative stucco elements.


Classic living room

When a decision is made in favor of pure classics, it must be borne in mind that the realization of such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior, in this case, in the living room, is unthinkable with the use of ridiculous, too bright colors.

The living room in the classical style is restraint and dignity in all manifestations. So, the surface of the walls and ceiling should be as neutral as possible: white, cream, beige, light gray, blue, pale pink, baked milk   etc. Parquet on the floor is better to use natural shades of oak, walnut, beech.

Naturalness is also welcomed in the choice of upholstery furniture colors: pale yellow, light green, brown. But darker shades can be used in furniture for storage (dressers, cabinets, bureaus), in tables and consoles, which should be made of natural wood.



Art Deco in the living room

For those who would like to bring a creative atmosphere to the interior of the living room with a touch of pathos and claim, a luxurious Art Deco style is suitable. Something elusive and languid reigns in him, the essence of which seems to be hidden behind a thin veil of obscure smoky shades.

Be prepared for the fact that in the Art Deco living room you have to work hard to show the true features of the style. Here you should use complex shades consisting of different tones, for example:   brown and silver lilac, blue and gray-green, black with a hint of burgundy , and many more like that.

To apply such colors in the interior of the living room you need in the furniture and its textures: silk, velvet and velor; in textiles and carpets. But for a more distinct nature of art deco, it is recommended to use golden or silver decor items in the living room, as well as glass and mirror surfaces, without which a bohemian image of the room is not possible.


American style living room

White color   is the main and leading in the interior of the living room with features of the American style. Also, in large quantities, its shades can be applied ( ivory, cream, eggshell ), which are used in painting the ceiling, wall panels, window frames and platbands.

If you have an American-style living room decoration, you need to understand that the room should be spacious and bright with large windows that never hang with heavy curtains with draperies.

For walls, choose neutral shades of paint and wallpaper colors, but some furnishings may well be brighter (upholstery, table decor, carpet and paintings). The flooring should also be done in natural colors: natural colored boards, beige or gray tiles.



Contemporary style living room

In the interior, based on the style of contemporary music, in principle, there are no specific instructions regarding the use of certain colors. It is only necessary to note that the gamma shade, basically, should be neutral, monochrome, but against its background you have the right to apply bright beautiful colors in the decor.

So, for upholstered furniture, choose practical tones: dark blue, chocolate, slate, ashy, swamp . In the interior of contemporary music, a combination of these tones with light pastel shades for walls, floors and ceilings will be successful, but when it’s the turn for accessories, don’t be shy, choose bedspreads, vases, pillows and decorative items of rich colors.


Minimalism in the living room

The functionality of objects, not beauty, is the condition under which a minimalist interior can be created. If you want to recreate the features of style in the living room, remember that it should be distinguished by free space, only necessary pieces of furniture and plentiful lighting.

The living room's color palette in the minimalism style does not differ in the complexity of transitions from one shade to another, here the whole environment should be calm and simple, neutral, using black and white, gray, beige , but contrast is also possible in small elements of decor.

The living room is one of the most important rooms in the apartment. This is the place where we relax, meet guests and generally spend quite a lot of time. Today, living room interior ideas are no secret behind seven seals, and they can easily be viewed online.

When decorating the living room, pay attention to color. After all, it creates an atmosphere in the house and affects your mood. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable and not scare away guests, follow these tips.

Variants of the interior of the living room. Design Examples

In the article below we will consider the color options for the interior of the living room. What colors are combined, how to choose tones that will delight the eye and at the same time relieve the nervous system.

The main thing is to maintain balance and dilute colors. The living room can be decorated in one of the directions of the interior:

  • art Nouveau;
  • high tech;
  • classicism;
  • country;
  • provence
  • minimalism.

Each style has its own combination of colors. Warm shades are typical for Provence, country and classics, while cold shades are typical for modern and hi-tech.

Color in the interior of the living room. The right combination of colors in the interior of the living room

Just note that the color in the interior of the living room is a very important design element. The right combination of colors in the interior of the living room will help not only narrow or expand the space of the room, but also create a certain mood.

With the help of some shades you will create a sunny mood, others will plunge you into depression, and from the third you will just have a headache. So you need to choose the right color palette for the room, which can be safely called the center of the apartment.

If you have a spacious room, with the help of warm colors you will create comfort and good mood. To visually expand the area, use cool and light colors. Other factors influence the choice of color:

  • personal preferences of the owner;
  • fashion trends this year;
  • the purpose of the living room.

To maintain harmony, it is important to be able to correctly combine the tones in the design of the hall or living room.

Living room interior in beige colors. A cup of coffee with milk?

The interior of the living room in beige colors is a good choice for relaxation of the nervous system.  The interior of the living room in brown, beige, coffee tones creates a soft cozy atmosphere, soothes and gives the opportunity to relax after a hard day. Dark chocolate tones in a beige interior will complement the style. Brown color and its shades generally embody stability and tranquility.

Beige and warm colors - this is a classic that does not bother. They are relaxing, suitable for relaxing after a hard day's work. The living room in beige colors is designed to create a secure environment, as well as to achieve success in life and stability. Lighter colors visually expand the area and are suitable in cases where the windows of the apartment overlook the north side.

Gray color in the living room interior

The gray color in the interior of the living room is a complex and ambiguous color. Depending on the shade, the gray color can either drive into the abyss of despondency, and soothe. Light shades will add sophistication to the room, while dark shades will give restraint.

Gray color is a controversial option for the design of the hall. Previously, it was associated with poverty and old age, a little later - with wisdom and elegance. Gray is a neutral color, so it is used with soft and muted shades. It is allowed to experiment: add bright details of the decor, zon the walls.

In combination with warm colors, gray will give comfort (a living room in gray and orange tones), and with cold colors, the atmosphere in the room will also become cooler.

The gray color has many shades - this is the color of asphalt, and coal, and the color of steel, ashen color, the color of thunderclouds, and many others.

Living room interior in green

The interior of the living room in green evokes thoughts of the smell of mowed grass, a green lawn and relaxation. The design of the living room in green is the most neutral in color.

Light shades of green (for example, a living room in pistachio or light green color) cheer up, and dark (a living room in olive color) soothe. Green goes well with white, yellow and brown.

In dark tones, it is better not to decorate the living room, otherwise it will produce a gloomy impression. The turquoise color in the interior of the living room (and it can be attributed to both green and blue) - relieves stress and fatigue, creates an atmosphere of peace and purity.

Green has about 10 shades and is chosen by reliable, restrained and conservative people. In the East, it is the color of freshness and growth, it favorably affects vision. Looks good in spacious rooms. If you need to visually reduce the area, use dark tones.

Lilac tones living room interior

The interior of the living room in lilac tones is both a simple and very elegant way of color design. And although this color is strongly associated with female nature, the right combination can make it fun or even restrained.

From time immemorial, the lilac color is mystical, mysterious and mysterious. When decorating the living room in lilac tones, a light purple color is used, combined with silver, gold and bronze. For classics, a combination with cream, milk, blue and light green colors is suitable. Lilac stimulates intuition and has a beneficial effect on vision.

Living room interior in bright colors.

Light colors visually make the room bigger. The living room interior in bright colors, however, can be both warm and cold. The design in pastel warm colors will fill with calm and comfort, and the cool shades will make you get inside. Bright light colors will create a sunny mood (for example, a living room in yellow).

The bright room always looks beautiful, gentle and elegant. Universal light tone is suitable for any direction of the interior. The use of light allows you to combine it with any color palette. Usually repelled by fashion trends and personal preferences of the owner.

Violet color in the living room interior

The violet color in the interior of the living room can have a varied effect on the person. Depending on the saturation of the hue, purple color can excite, increase self-esteem. Light shades symbolize tenderness and romance, dark shades symbolize mystery. Purple color in the interior goes well with white, orange, pink and red.

It is attributed to cool and fresh shades. Violet is chosen by noble and powerful people for whom mysticism and creativity are integral elements of life. At the same time, it is considered a dangerous part of the interior due to the many shades - with a lack of experience, it is easy to miscalculate with color and incorrectly dilute with other colors.

Photos - 42 Apartment Design in Purple

Living room interior in red

Red is the color of passion, danger, courage and militancy. Therefore, the interior design of the living room in red should be done with great care. Too much red in the interior will tire and annoy. On the other hand, a competent addition to red will give a charge of vivacity and good mood. It goes well with white, gold and shades of brown.

It has a powerful effect on human psychology. Interiors in red are quite rare. To design a living room in red should be trusted exclusively to professionals. Red will tell you:

  • love an active lifestyle;
  • often receive guests;
  • prefer luxury and wealth.

Photo - 47 Red color in the interior of the living room

The interior of the living room in blue

Living room in blue will give a feeling of peace and tranquility. Blue color is a noble color. It is perfect for almost all interior styles - from classic to modern.

Looks organically in Scandinavian, Mediterranean and Provence style. Blue promotes relaxation, symbolizes the success and confidence of the homeowner. It has shades from light to almost black. Therefore, the blue living room looks multifaceted. It all depends on the chosen color.

Photo - 52 French living room interior with a blue tint

The opinion of you as the owner of the home depends on how your living room will be decorated. Indeed, in the living room we hold meetings with friends, relax, drink tea in front of the TV and just gather as a family to find out how the day went. In addition, the overall emotional state of family members depends on the design of the living room.

The color of the furniture, its style, and decor will directly depend on the color of the walls. The prevailing color will determine how others perceive the room. With the right choice, this part of the apartment will become not only your pride, but also the subject of admiration of others. Therefore, such a question as the color of the living room should be given very close attention.

Start repair

Before proceeding with the repair of the living room, you need to consider in what colors the cladding of the walls, floor and ceiling will be performed.

Choose furniture based on the basic gamut of room design, choose decor, textiles, lamps.

You should not choose bright, catchy paints as the color of the walls. It’s better to have calm shades for the eyes. And if you still want to use bright colors on the walls, then paint one wall in a bright color, and let the rest be neutral. With this technique, you will visually enlarge the room. Or, you can use bright accents on the wall in the form of paintings.

Choosing the right shades

The right color for wall, ceiling and floor cladding is already half the success, therefore, you need to figure out how to choose the right color at this stage of repair.

All colors can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Warm colors: red, orange, green.
  • Cold tones: lilac, blue, white.

Some tips for using flowers in your living room

  • If the living room windows face the sunny side, then it is worth giving preference to wallpapers of cold shades, since when facing in warm colors it will seem that the room is always hot and stuffy. Even air conditioning will not save. Of course, this is a psychological phenomenon, but if a lot of sunlight comes into the room covered with yellow wallpaper, you will not be very comfortable in it. And vice versa, if the north side, and sunlight does not often pamper you, then the walls of cold tones will play a role, and you will always be cool in it.
  • When the living room faces east, it is worth painting the walls in pastel, muted tones, because the colors appear brighter and more contrasted in the light from the rising sun. The western living room is best painted in cool colors.
  • When decorating the walls of the living room, pay attention to the texture of the walls. Colors look brighter on glossy surfaces than matte ones.
  • Another color property is the visual resizing of the room. Light tones of the walls of the living room will help visually make it larger, wider. The same effect is achieved with cold shades of flowers. Warm, on the contrary, will make the living room visually a little smaller than it actually is. The ceiling can also be slightly “raised” with color. Higher, the ceiling looks a lighter shade than the walls. In addition, the ceiling will appear higher, in contrast to the dark floor.

Having correctly orientated in space and choosing the right tone and texture of the walls, you will make the living room more pleasant to the eye and cozy.

Tip: it is possible to visually shorten and expand a narrow and long living room if the long walls are painted in light or cold colors, and the walls are smaller, on the contrary, painted in dark and warm colors.

Furniture in this case should be darker than the walls on the sides.

Color in the interior of the living room

Knowing the rules for combining colors in the interior will help you make a stylish living room that will delight the eye.

  • White. In order not to get a “hospital ward” instead of a living room, you need to work with extreme caution with white. The combination of white and black, although it is a classic tandem, but only an experienced designer can competently use it. White is combined with any color, especially with yellow, green and orange. Using white color, designers visually increase the space of small rooms. It is important to correctly use this color. Combinations of shades of white look advantageous: for example, if you paint the walls in the color of champagne, cover the table with a snow-white tablecloth, and decorate the windows with linen curtains, you will get a bright, comfortable and devoid of unpleasant sterile whiteness.
  • Gray. Universal color. Many consider him dull and dull, but in vain. You can dilute it with bright accents and beautiful paintings. Gray color is suitable for decorating a living room of any style.
  • Beige. With this color, it is impossible to overdo it, unlike white. Any furniture looks great with it, especially in country style, wood-like. Beige is a nice, warm color that will suit any room.
  • Chocolate. Sometimes it is called wenge. A very popular color among designers. It goes well with beige color. The living room, made in a combination of beige and chocolate, is always warm and cozy. But it is worth remembering that when decorating using this color, first decorate the walls, and then purchase furniture, as the furniture can merge with the walls.
  • Red. This is a very bright and aggressive color, so it must be diluted with a neutral decor and interior shades.
  • Yellow. With this color you also need to be careful. For walls, it is better to choose shades that are not too bright. Often the furniture is made with a yellow tint, so it is important that it does not merge with the walls.
  • Orange. It is suitable for any style of interior, but it can only be used in decor or any fragments of design. This color has a very rich shade, so it will cut the eye in large quantities. Orange blends wonderfully with gray and silver colors.
  • Lilac. If your room is constantly flooded with sunlight, then this color of the walls is perfect. This is a cool shade that will make the room a little cooler. The opposite effect will be achieved if you paste over the northern room with lilac wallpaper. She will become cold and gloomy.
  • Blue. Everything that has been described about lilac is actual and with blue color. It is a cold shade, so it is best used in sunny rooms. However, a shade of blue - blue - is often used in decorating rooms. It is a softer color that looks warmer. In addition, the blue color visually increases the space, so it is well suited for wall decoration in small rooms.
  • Green. If the windows of your living room face north, then the green color is perfect for wall cladding. This is a warm shade that will add coziness to the room. The problem of using this color is that it is difficult to find the right furniture for it. Therefore, if you want to use green for the walls of your living room, contact professionals.

There is a rule that must be observed when decorating the interior of any room. This is a rule of five shades. It states that in one room, you cannot use more than five colors. This rule does not apply to shades of the same color. There may be more. In addition, the furniture in the living room must be selected lighter than the floor, while it should be darker than the walls, so as not to merge with the decoration of the room.

Tip: Try not to mix cold and warm shades within the same room, if they are very contrasting in relation to each other.

Properly, this can only be done by a professional designer. However, you cannot make a room completely in cold or warm colors. The proportion of the opposite shade should always be, at least in the decor.

Coloring a living room with color

Color zoning is a good technique for visually delimiting space. Often, zoning is limited only to furniture, which serves as a partition of one zone from another. For example, they often put a sofa as a partition. But if, for example, you highlight a lounge area with a different color of the walls, the interior immediately becomes more interesting and refined. For example, if the walls are painted in beige, then you can zone the corner with the sofa in yellow.

In addition to color, you can enclose the relaxation area with paintings, if you hang them one above the other, or simply by some pattern applied to the wall. It looks good if the walls are painted gray.

Light, also an important component of the design of the living room, and indeed of any other room. If the living room is made in a modern style, then spotlights will look great, above the recreation area. If it is decorated in a classic style, you can install a large floor lamp next to the sofa, which will serve as a kind of zone fencing. In this case, the color of the floor lamp should be the same shade with the walls.

Large flowers in pots and indoor plants will also look good as space limiters. Especially if the living room is decorated in cool colors, green plants will add a touch of warmth.

How to combine colors

We examined the most popular colors for decorating a living room. Now you need to understand how to correctly combine them with each other.

  • Beige and brown colors look good in combination with black. But it is important that there is a minimum amount of black. For example, if the walls are painted beige, hang the paintings in a black frame. Or furniture can be black and beige.
  • White and blue. A fairly common combination. It is easy to use. White furniture looks good against the background of blue-blue walls.
  • Green and red. Only combined if it is not bright shades. The muted tones of both colors can advantageously be complemented by orange or yellow. But this color should be an accent. For example, a napkin on the table. A small touch that will add variety to the color palette.
  • Lilac and black should not be used together within the same room. The interior may turn out too gloomy. But if you like these colors, and you want to design your living room with their participation, contact a professional designer.

If you are decorating your living room on your own, you should turn to the Internet and see photos of the living rooms, which are made in the colors that you have chosen for yourself. Many ideas can be drawn there.

In addition, use only high-quality paints and materials. Do not save on quality, because you do repairs for a long time, and if you save, you will lose the appearance of your home. Poor quality paint will peel off, and poor-quality wallpaper will quickly become worthless.

As you can see, color is a rather complicated science. It is necessary to use a combination of different colors very carefully. There are colors such as white and beige, which will be combined with almost any color, but there are shades that can only be used as decor and accents in the design. Use them thoughtfully and correctly.



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