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  Family horoscope for august. Monthly Horoscope

August is one of the most favorable months of 2017, and the first decade will even be crucial. This will encourage people to update plans and relationships, to make important decisions regarding work and their place in life. Depending on how a person makes his choice this month, the whole second half of the year will pass.

At work, with a small amount of risks, he offers a position for which there has long been a desire. Go forward to the head, you cannot lose. The stars in August take care of the changes at home. You get every bit of the desire to change one thing in your home, and you are surprisingly lucky. Changes also take the form of work, and finally get the opportunity to bring God's own projects to the light. Thank you for being Mercury and Jupiter. Be careful of close friends who know too much about you.

Obviously, you must face the events you have long forgotten. For a long time you do not pay his second substantial other, and therefore she decides to do in August. Trying to do something you have never tried. And not only in sex, but also in other areas. Always stand behind your view in August, but you must understand that you are not only because the Earth is spinning. Sometimes he was right, but someone else is a little solidarity and let others speak. Work provides an opportunity to increase salaries.

After the lunar eclipse on August 7, the Earth will enter a more favorable zone, and you can safely begin to implement the plans that you have begun, as well as strengthen and develop relations both in business and in personal life.

In the second and third decades, many people will be able to strengthen their health and invest more energy in business, career, implementation of creative ideas. If in the first decade old projects and undertakings will be successfully completed, then in the second and third decades there will be an opportunity to receive a well-deserved reward, as well as to settle some controversial issues that hamper the dynamics of further development.

Holiday, this is not for you! You will not stop at your laurels like your colleagues, but you will get the most out of when others catch the claws. You have not had the courage for a long time to take an important step that will affect the direction of your life. And here it is, your big changes just happened. With your partner, you should talk about issues that have long been in your heart. You see that he does not want much, but both of you are surprised. For family members, you have a surprise that sighs.

Something like this would not have awaited you in a dream. Keep track of finances, unexpected expenses that await you a little from your cashier. In August, you will be able to solve the financial problem that you have been dragging for some time. Unfortunately, there will be another insidious task, so you can not relax for a moment. In August, stars slow you down for some reason, so you can get a couple dates for work. Fortunately, no one will notice. But try not to repeat the same situation.

See also: Horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs

August is favorable for new agreements, the settlement of old business relations, for investments, business expansion, the implementation of personal plans and will be remembered as one of the most favorable periods of the whole year. Energy growth and renewal will continue until mid-September, so despite the holiday season, business people can significantly improve their well-being. This will be promoted by Mercury in the sign of Virgo, which will encourage people to finish old things faster and prepare for new plans.

Finally, take the time for a formal question that has long been at your desk. View all important documents or copy everything. The novice moon will save you from all the barriers in sex life. You decide to say out loud not only what you feel, but also what you need. There is something in your heart that you do not want to burden your relatives. But if they need to know, let's go to the divine. You should be more careful about contracts, finances and documents.

Check everything twice and leave nothing. Aquarius literally accelerates in August. You want everything right now, and so you are beginning to change in love, work and home. You are lucky that the stars in the implementation of even the most terrible ideas are on your side. And they also advise you to keep an eye on thieves and scammers at the end of the month. Listen to your hidden voice that tells you what to avoid. Dissatisfaction with partnerships will be reached in mid-August. However, a seemingly small problem could return hypotheses and quarrels.

After August 13, Mercury will begin a retrograde movement, so people will need more organization, care and the involvement of competent specialists in their projects. The favorable state of the biosphere can neutralize the adverse aspects of the new moon and solar eclipse, which will occur on August 21 and will be negatively strengthened by Mars. This is an important period that will draw a line between the old plans and the new choice that was made in the region of the lunar eclipse on August 21, which will mark the beginning of a new round of evolution. The Sun, which will enter the sign of Virgo on July 23, and Saturn, which will begin its direct movement on August 25, will also contribute to this in the third decade.

It is best to relax with your family. They know how strong you are, so they will not allow you to ask for anything. We know that there are holidays, but you should not go down and work more on the projects that you manage. There is still time to relax, but first you need to earn a reward, just in accordance with the motto "No work" is not a cake.

The stars advise you to achieve all the important responsibilities of the full moon in August. Get rid of everything that bothers you and try to enjoy the other half of your vacation. You should think not only about what you eat, but also about spending your free time. How about reducing alcohol consumption or stopping smoking? Long-term friendships will get a place in August. Take care of what your dear half has done for you. Get ready for a real recovery. You brush your teeth with family property, but this is not the best time to talk about these things with your relatives.

The influence of Venus in the Leo sign (from August 26) will make relations between representatives of different sexes more positive, vibrant and deep, which will be activated by Mercury, which will also be included in the Leo sign on August 31. Therefore, in the third decade, many people will have the opportunity to successfully arrange their lives, acquire profitable relationships and receive rewards for past efforts.

And not with the elders at all. You don’t even like it at work, because you only have a dream vacation. Choose a slow pace, but do not close completely. August will be successful because various difficult things can be avoided. The atmosphere of the holiday is relaxed. You will be in a good mood, you will refuse conflicts and forgive the old misunderstandings. It will be especially good to deal with problems associated with traveling abroad, acquiring the necessary skills and messages. Mercury will make important decisions regarding your education.

August for Pisces is a difficult and very dynamic period. So, in the first decade, conflicts and clashes of interests at work are possible, caused by the reluctance of people of this sign to obey other people's influence and discipline. At the same time, criticism from colleagues and partners may give rise to blues and gloom. The second and especially the third decades will be more positive when Pisces can successfully express themselves in creativity, as well as experience inspiration, love, and elevated spiritual states. Promising financial projects can offer fishes, and the need to search for additional sources of income can invite them on the road or join new communities. At the same time, in the third decade, the plans of Pisces can destroy the romantic mood, they will be so subordinate to their feelings and conditions that they may not notice the betrayal of a loved one.

But the most important thing is to be calm and calm. Venus loves love and good fun. But 08 keep your favorite secrets hidden because someone can be jealous and rude. Take care of your health, and while playing sports, do not give up various defenders and defenders. Because of Mars, you may be more distracted and so hungry that you have been injured. Play and fight for pleasure, and nothing will happen to you. In the work of Jupiter, you can take care of your career, but instead of fighting at the moment, you will think more promisingly.

August for many Aquarius can be difficult, but interesting, because they will be tested for the strength of relations with partners, for the ability to accept someone else's point of view. So, in the first decade, an active and punchy position of a partner (both in business and marriage) can both bring tangible results for Aquarius and provoke conflicts and protests from them. The second decade will be more fruitful, since a common idea, dreams and goals can make relationships more durable. True, Aquarius should be more restrained in their spending, otherwise this may give rise to serious disagreements. Unexpected trips, meetings can “breathe” fresh energy into relationships with partners and renew them. And in the third decade, Aquarius need to relax more, engage in their health. At the same time, on trips and travels, it is better not to experiment with food.

Horoscopes from last month for Aquarius

It is important, finally, to sleep. The characters you belong to are Clintons and Pisces, watch out for the Greedy Bull. Keep track of your interests and do not make any of your professional and loving secrets. You will be more mysterious than usual and distrustful of strangers. At work, you now have the opportunity to skillfully fight for your own. Use proven experience, develop intricate plans and intrigues, and get the desired position or promotion. It is worth spending a few evenings at work, because now you will defeat every professional opponent.

For Capricorns, August can turn out to be a very dynamic and not very favorable period, since their strong will can face opposition when they have to “bend” and accept other people's conditions. The first decade will be especially unfavorable when Capricorns will attract unpleasant and even dangerous situations. Moreover, it is not always that who seems to be a friend, it may turn out to be such in fact, and Capricorns may encounter an insincere attitude, with intrigue. In the second decade, they need to listen to the promptings of intuition in order to maintain relations with partners and avoid disagreements. At this time, Capricorn is better to engage in individual activities and not get involved in collective affairs and showdowns. In the third decade, their energy will be restored, and at this time unexpected events are possible that can drastically change the situation around Capricorn.

In early July, you can love melancholy, but not give up this mood. Acquaintance with the mysterious Aries will be very touching, but do not take risks if you are in a relationship. It is better to have what you have than to change something. On vacation, you improve humor and want to enjoy new adventures. Lone Aquarius will fall in love again at the end of July. Lions and women who love to travel are not afraid of risk. Avoid cancer that trembles with fear of seeing unknown places and new people.

Now you can slow down and relax a bit. Risky tasks can wait a while, but this does not mean that it will be boring. Work in early June to strengthen your position and keep up with new ideas, even if you are brilliant. It is time to take a vacation. Falling in love is also a time of quiet work on relationships and the development of important relationships. Having a date with someone else will make you bored quickly. If you have a choice, talk to your best friends because their advice can be inspiring.

For many Sagittarius, August is a period of travel, unusual meetings, as well as trials to which many of them will go voluntarily in order to assert themselves, to gain strength in spirit. Even those who do not travel, fate will experience the ability to defend their opinions, beliefs, especially in the first decade. At this time, Sagittarius can fall into situations that entail emotional experiences. In addition, there may be problems with relatives, the need to help them. In the second decade Sagittarius will have more opportunities and forces to implement their plans. They can get the protection and arrangement of friends, which will help them gain more confidence and achieve popularity. In the third decade, Sagittarius will feel more freedom for self-expression, and at this time unexpected love adventures and adventures are possible.

At work, the time for new tasks will come in the second half of the month. Jupiter will encourage you to study and collaborate with people who are true professionals in their field. The signs and scorpions that will accompany you will be interesting with them every day. Avoid Capricorn, who always knows everything.

In May, various trips and activities may cost you a little more than you usually do, but you will not have to pay anything. Venus advises focusing on your needs and not asking others if you can do something. You will find places where hamburgers do not reach. Bungee jumping, diving and wildlife gathering will allow you to collect a lot of material for new stories. In love, it will be difficult for you to watch, because there will be many different temptations. Throughout the planet, you can enjoy new friends and adventures, where you will flirt.

For Scorpions, July 2017 can be very difficult, because they will have to actively deal with professional issues, affairs, and a low level of vital energy can lead to nervous breakdowns, exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially in the first decade. The second decade will be more harmonious, since they can get support , patronage, which will allow them to stabilize their position, especially financial. At this time, Scorpios may not be very convenient interlocutor, because they will be too emotional to defend their innocence, regardless of their faces. In the third decade, their energy will be restored, their emotional state will be balanced, so during this period they will be able to achieve more success, especially in terms of career. This is a time of active actions, manifestations of initiatives that will not go unnoticed by the leadership.

Be careful because this time your partner will be jealous of you. There is no time for a career to make risky decisions, so reassure peacefully. The last days of May help improve your financial situation. Sagittarius and Pisces are friendly to you, and every traveler will be inspired and alert.

Avoid complaints that may criticize your great ideas. In August you will find many pleasant events, social events and holidays. So don’t worry about stock, just use a good time. If you just go to people and see new opportunities, many in your life will now be able to change for the better. You can know a very valuable and fascinating person. Mars will help overcome the void and complexity. Cows in relationships will seek peace in the yard, preferably from relatives and extra friends.

August for Libra is a very attractive and positive period when they will be able to achieve success through collective activity. Libra can lead a new project, take a leadership position, a higher social position, becoming the spokesman for the interests of a large number of people. True, in the first decade, not everything will turn out, and often they may encounter condemnation and criticism. But the second and third decades are a very positive and active period. Those around will need their support, so Libra will be drawn into other people's affairs, voluntarily or involuntarily. They may prefer real things to words, therefore they can become excellent reformers, fighters for justice. However, these same qualities can gather around them not only like-minded people, but also attract ill-wishers, whose actions may be "under the gun" of all-seeing Libra.

Make sure that your professional obligations do not jeopardize your plans. However, if you have a partner with your partner, then it can be hot. Cats that are not happy in love can break an unrelated bond. Work on getting money, avoiding participating in various intrigues and coalitions. Take the opportunity for interesting training or certification.

Horoscopes from last month for cancer

Signs for you are Taurus and the Virgin, watch for the attacks of Aries. Believe in yourself, and you will see that everything is possible. The sun, Mars and Mercury will visit your zodiac sign and show you that it is never too late to make positive changes. In July, you will achieve many successes if you only appreciate what you are capable of, instead of looking at others. Make a balance of your profit and loss, and you will see how much you have achieved through your work. You do not have to be infinite, because you have a lot of knowledge to go to a better position and be appreciated by the authorities.

August for the Virgo is the most difficult period, as it ends their annual cycle, their energy is updated. However, very active energies will not allow them to stay away from events. So, in the first decade Virgo can offer a profitable job, contracts, because of which, you may have to overcome yourself, your doubts. This is generally a period of deep spiritual transformation of the Virgins, when fate will offer them a choice: active participation or inaction, stay in the shade or make a leap upward, overcoming their limitations and doubts. In the second decade, they need to listen more to themselves, rather than the advice of others, which will bring confusion and confusion to the consciousness of Virgins. The third decade will turn out to be the most favorable period for them, as along with the growth of life potential, their self-confidence will increase, as well as unexpected prospects in business.

You will be responsible for other professional and emotional issues. Your advice will cure some kind of broken heart or save your career. Now you can meet someone special who has a chance to stay in your heart for a long time. The signs are the Bull and Sagittarius, which you will maintain no matter what others do. Avoid Aquarius, who always wants something other than him, and complains about the festive climate.

Mars advises you not to worry about what you do not influence. Take part in sports, rent an apartment and don’t look at others. If you are upset, better run away from you! You will be very thorough and even oppressive. In love, avoid talking on difficult topics. If your partner has not been in a good situation with you for some time, do not attack him, just calmly explain his point of view. Thus, you will avoid misunderstandings. At work, you will do everything faster, better and more efficiently than others.

For Lviv, this is the most harmonious period of the year, when updated creative and sexual energies will help them to reveal their talents, personality. However, in the first decade, Leos may not notice the clues of fate, which can lead to trouble and dangerous situations. In the second decade, they will have more opportunities for self-assertion, for success and the heights of power. At the same time, the responsibility of the Lions will increase, they may lose some freedom, but the approval and admiration of the crowd will inspire them, encourage them to take more decisive actions, even if secretly they would prefer a calmer rhythm of life. In the third decade, Lviv will have a very active life, bright events, as well as unexpected trips and unusual impressions. At this time, the rebellious spirit of Lviv can clearly manifest itself, which will help them succeed, neglecting conventions.

In the first ten days of August, Cancers need to take care of their health, not be too zealous in business, and also monitor their nutrition. This is an unfavorable period for traveling, especially on water. The second and third decades will be more harmonious for them, and the Crayfish will be very successful financially, they can get profitable contracts, offers, and although they will have to work hard and postpone other plans, but “the game is worth the candle”. By the way, in the second decade it is important not to rush things, and especially your partners, because this will not bring them success, but only complicate the relationship. The material successes of the Crayfish will help them fulfill their dreams, make large purchases, purchase real estate, and equip their home. The third decade in this regard is the most positive, since the Rakov’s life potential will increase, which will allow for more energetic implementation of their projects and a lot of communication.

The horoscope for September 2017 promises an ambiguous month, both financially and spiritually. You will want transformations, innovations and drastic changes. The desire for the fulfillment of desires is so great that the control of feelings and emotions will go by the wayside. In September 2017, you need to be especially judicious and attentive even to the little things. On the part of loved ones, harsh criticism is possible, but you should not be offended by it. Especially if most of it is well deserved.

The horoscope for September 2017 does not recommend occupying legal issues and contacting higher authorities. It is unlikely that you can go against the bureaucratic "top". Do not try to give or take a bribe, otherwise the situation will turn out to be more tragic for you than expected. More attention in September should be given to health and the accumulation of positive energy. Current affairs can inspire boredom, but a lot of work depends on them. In early September 2017, there is a chance to increase energy, as well as to build relationships with people. Even the most extravagant dreams will come true in the first autumn month.

The horoscope for September 2017 advises to go in for sports, swim in the pool and generously waste creative potential on good deeds. But, be careful in words and deeds, do not make false promises and hide your feelings from prying eyes. Work with documents, signing contracts and resolving conflicts will be excellent in September 2017. Personal life will sparkle with bright colors, although many will want to radically change it. Possible, mild depression and fatigue on the background of active work. It is advisable to immerse yourself in creativity, art or poetry. Extreme personalities in September 2017 will want to conquer the mountains and plow outer space.

Horoscope for September 2017 Aries
  Aries horoscope for September 2017 promises a lot of new and unforgettable experiences. In love, dizzying changes for the better are expected. If you have not met your soulmate, then in September the chances of success increase. Camping and sports exercises will help Aries to strengthen health and tighten the figure.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for September 2017 Aries

Horoscope for September 2017 Taurus
  In September 2017, Taurus has to solve numerous monetary problems that have plagued him since the summer. The hereditary issue will finally be safely resolved in your favor. If Taurus gets sick in September, then you should not self-medicate. At the time, consult a doctor, then avoid serious complications.

Love Horoscope for September 2017 Taurus
Career Horoscope for September 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for September 2017 Gemini
The horoscope for September 2017 advises the Gemini to pacify its pride and compromise more often. A lot of trouble and problems will fall on your lot in September 2017, but you will endure everything steadily. Possible insomnia and spleen, which will undermine the mental health of Gemini. In September, be generous with those you love. This applies not only to gifts, but also to spiritual qualities.

Love Horoscope for September 2017 Gemini
September 2017 Horoscope Careers Gemini

Horoscope for September 2017 Cancer
  In September 2017, Cancer will have to summarize everything he has done. Do not build far-reaching plans, but you can invest money in a promising business. Family Cancer should not pamper children with pocket money. Be more rational in shopping, and in your relations with people behave more restrained. In September, a lone Cancer can recklessly and passionately fall in love.

Love Horoscope for September 2017 Cancer
Career Horoscope for September 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for September 2017 Leo
  The horoscope for September 2017 predicts Leo rivalry and competition in the business sphere. Foreign trips and the settlement of financial problems with the help of influential individuals are possible. To save strength and energy, Leo in September needs to eat right and go to bed earlier. In love, try to be flexible and compliant, and not “swing” your rights.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for September 2017 Leo

Horoscope for September 2017 Virgo
  In September 2017, Virgo will have to solve all the accumulated problems on her own. Even relatives, alas, cannot help you if you yourself give up. In September, Virgo successfully develops trips, both short and travel. Most importantly, there’s enough money for all this. It will be more difficult to deal with love, but you can cope if you have real feelings for the chosen one.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for September 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for September 2017 Libra
  Horoscope advises Libra to relax abroad or go on a tour of Russian cities. In September 2017, you need to listen more often to the call of the heart, not the mind. Only in this way, Libra will arrange a personal life with a loved one. If you haven’t "matured" yet for your career, then aim to increase capital through a hobby. In terms of health in September, you need sports, fresh air and running in the morning.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Libra
Career Horoscope for September 2017 Libra

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio.
  In September 2017, a scorpion should not hope that love itself will come to their home. Take the initiative, keep an eye on the environment, and possibly meet a soul mate. September is not suitable for financial investments, but Scorpio can be sent on a business trip abroad. To enhance health, use a contrast shower, physical exercise and vitamins.

Love Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio
Career Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius
  The horoscope for September 2017 recommends Sagittarius to find a new job and complete past affairs. Success will certainly come to you, but from an unexpected angle and not instantly. In the Sagittarius family, all kinds of disasters, disputes and disagreements on financial issues await. If possible, then go on a trip in September. Only not alone, but with a loved one.

Love horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for September 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for September 2017 Capricorn.
  If Capricorn in September 2017 will work without a break for lunch and rest, then he will definitely get health problems. This, by the way, can be not only physical, but also mental ailments. In his personal life, Capricorn needs to become, at a minimum, a brave knight, and not go on about his complexes. With finances, the situation in September is normalized if you are paid back debts or offered a bargain.



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