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  Organization of a children's room for a newborn. Children's rooms for newborns.

Alexey Shamborsky, 08.13.2014

The baby needs a warm room, with the ability to regularly ventilate the room. It is necessary to properly illuminate the room. It is necessary to ensure the sound insulation of the room, full or partial, so that any sounds do not wake the baby. For example, TZI can be used - it is a sound-insulating material in three layers, or any other.

Shaggy colors in the children's room

One of the serious mistakes made by parents when designing a room for a child is to paint the walls in very intense colors. Roses, fiery red, grayish-green or deep, blue are the colors that definitely should not fill the walls of the children's room.

Of course, not everyone should love pastels and information. "Roses can not" immediately protest the parents of little girls. So let's explain - not about the taste here, but about attention and eye strain. The strong colors that fill the entire child’s room are just as tedious and create the impression of tremendous chaos. Children's toys, plus colorful furniture and walls - no.

The first room in the life of a newborn should be bright enough, cozy, you should cause positive emotions, because your child will feel them.


It is necessary that the finishing materials, as well as the floor, walls and furniture, still toys were environmentally friendly, and did not represent a danger to the child. Therefore, the walls should be painted or pasted over with paper wallpaper. The ceiling should be painted with safe paint.

On the other hand, we obviously should not be bright gray. If a girl likes pink, then let it be - but rather in the form of pink powder, stripes, thin points on the wall. Something that does not get tired and does not "strike" upon entering the room. Or let it be one wall, not all four.

Outstanding furniture color for kids

"We are afraid" of bright, tinted furniture in the nursery. We choose those in different colors that look great in catalogs. Please note that real rooms are different from real rooms. When this “all” is combined with the intense colors of furniture, we have an excess.

Floors are best laid out of cork or laminate of high quality. Cork floors are eco-friendly, warm enough, easy to clean, safe. You can make the floor of the floorboards of natural wood, varnished. Carpets in the room are not needed, as they accumulate dust and serve as a source of germs. Also, therefore, you need not to hang curvy draperies on the windows. Hang light curtains of light shades. It is not necessary to make voluminous bright figures on the ceiling of a children's room for a newborn, as well as steps with many levels, they are perceived by the child as a threat.

There is no topic in the children's room.

Therefore, you should wear white or light, muted furniture, which will create a harmonious whole. This is by far the biggest and most common mistake - you have a stylist. Parents go to the store and choose what they are, instead of looking first into the room, wondering what will fit and then look.

Before you start organizing a children's room, think up a topic. In points or romantic patterns? Browse the web, find inspiration, then select a topic. Select the three that will appear. One is the background, the hopeful base. Gray, beige, blue, white. The second and third are the colors that should be displayed in the additional functions.

Registration of a nursery for the newborn

It would be nice if the room was painted in pastel colors, as they act soothingly. Try to arrange a nursery for a newborn in such colors that it is bright and as calm as possible.

Children's furniture, from which they quickly "grow"

For girls - for example, roses and mint, for boys - pomegranates, red or green and brown. Another mistake we often make is to buy furniture in a very short time — that is, in two or three years. Furniture can basically be divided into three categories: usually a child “growing with a child” and those with “adult” sizes. If we do not want to change them very quickly, do not buy the first one! The best solution is to buy more expensive, but "growing" or simply standard sizes.

Psychologists believe that bright colors are necessary in a child’s room as an additional stimulus for brain development, but a rapidly growing and developing brain needs rest, for example, use cream and chocolate colors when coloring.

If there is not much time left before the baby is born, it's time to think about how to arrange a room for a new family member. What should be the room for the newborn? How to make a nursery? What furniture do you need? Which decor to prefer? What to do when the family does not have the opportunity to provide the child with a separate room?

Toys in sight due to the lack of toy containers

If they are additionally in a universal color, they will serve for many years. And the money saved can be spent on accessories adapted to the age of the child. Many shelves and bookshelves, each doll and toy car has its place, but small containers for toys is a big mistake.

Well, first of all, it prevents the child from cleaning the room. It is much easier for children to put toys in different boxes than to put them on the shelves! Secondly - a lot of toys on top - more clutter in the room. Finally, thirdly - such confusion prevents your child from concentrating. Not only during coloring, but also in training or even falling asleep.

How to choose a room for the baby

First of all, it is necessary to make the right choice of a room in which a small family member will live. It is necessary to abandon stereotypes and allocate for the child the smallest room in the apartment, as was done before!

Experts advise you to make a choice of room, based on the following criteria:

The decoration in the children's room is constantly collected

The solution is simple - buy toys that match the style of your child’s room to create harmony with your furniture and decor. Avoid wallpapers or furniture with the motive of your favorite fairy-tale character. These tastes change instantly, and in half a year the Spider may be on the wall, and you will hear: “Mom, change!”.

Unconscious furniture combinations

In order for the children's room to look good, the furniture cannot be placed anywhere, but it should be emphasized that the table should stand in a bright place - preferably by the window. There should be free space, so we can not buy furniture without thinking.

  • The room should be bright and spacious.
  • Be sure to have a window, preferably - a balcony.
  • Preference is better to give a room oriented to the south, southeast or east.
  • The room should be as far as possible from the front door and the kitchen area.
  • It is best to mark the nursery near the parents' bedroom so that the mother can always quickly respond to the crying of the child.

Arrangement and design of the room for a newborn

Very carefully it is worth considering the design of the nursery. Of course, you can focus on your taste, but it is better to consult a specialist or search for proven ideas and competent advice on the Internet.

Accurate measurement, layout, and then after purchase. If you see your tummy, then you are thinking about creating a children's room. Everything from which it begins, it is important to choose wisely, and not just the appearance of the furniture, paint on the wall or lamps. It is also worth thinking about what is invisible.

Ninety percent of expectant parents first buy a cot. The newborn spends in it most of his time, not counting the hours on his hands. For him, comfortable and safe for you practical. Because of this, the child will not put his head between them. It's good that two or three steps are removed - your child will be able to get out of bed in a year when he or she is about to walk. It is also important to adjust the height of the bottom and, thus, the mattress. At the beginning can be at the highest level. It will be easier for you to remove your child.

Color palette

Registration of the room for the newborn should be mainly in bright colors. This is done not only for reasons of aesthetics and psychological comfort, but also pursues a very practical goal. On the floor and furniture in bright colors, dust and dirt are better visible, which immediately signals to the mother that it is time to do the cleaning.

But as soon as you notice that he is trying to sit down, the bottom is lowered. Comfortable bed with sideways down. About the pillow and blanket to forget about it. For a slightly better sleeping bag. You can sleep well instead of worrying about opening or worse, covering your head with a blanket.

Get out of the radiator, it is desirable that the reclining child saw the front door. He will feel more secure. Do not hang shelves, cabinets or heavy objects above the crib. There is a risk that they may fall. When choosing children's furniture, keep in mind that the best of them - solid wood, not painted, if not organic paint. When shponirovanii need to check the certificate of conformity of the product to the requirements of hygiene. Veneer can produce formaldehyde.

It is best to choose shades inspired by nature - green, yellow, light lilac, blue, delicate pink

Despite the fact that the main design is better to prefer a light one, one can and should dilute the room with a bright interesting decor so that the child has something to “catch on the eye” and, considering beautiful colored objects, develop vision.

Just a few days after you return from the hospital, you will notice that the second, after the crib, is an important piece of furniture in the room for the baby. It must be high enough not to lean towards the babies. Scroll through it, all you need, such as creams, diapers, clothes that you should have at your fingertips. Never, but never leave a child on a scrambler. Even if you think you are not spinning. You do not know the day when he will do it for the first time. If you accidentally forget the cream for the soup, it is difficult.

This time you will be without him. Change the colored toy. It was time for the baby, and who knows, maybe she won't cry when she doesn't want to take care. And if you feel unstable, because your boyfriend is fucking and afraid of falling, you can always change his diaper on your bed or even on the floor, on the mattress. The pad should stand in a place where there are no drafts. So definitely far from the door to the room and the window.


Children's room for a newborn baby should be well lit. Mandatory one or more of the main sources of light - ceiling and wall lights and a night light with a soft diffused light.

If parents prefer modern diode or energy-saving lamps, then you need to choose variations with yellow light. Bright white light will blind the baby and give him discomfort.

In the room of the youngest house you will find a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, although in this first period a comfortable armchair with soft armrests is much more convenient. Of course, not for beaver, but for you. You will soon find out when breastfeeding can last up to forty minutes. Children's room should be bright. Of course, you can apply intense colors, but moderate and only in addition. And remember that colors are not indifferent to us. Blue and green are calm, relaxing, yellow and orange - stimulates and blush - stimulates.

When painting a room or the whole apartment, select paints that do not contain volatile solvents - toluene, nitro, gasoline. After painting even such a safe paint, the room needs to be ventilated for a couple of days before it enters your greatest treasure. We are convinced that the child is afraid of the dark, but this is not true. At least when it comes to newborns. This young mother does not want to lose sight of her comfort, even for a moment and only for the whole night. That is why it is good to have in the room, besides the overhead light, a light that gives a discreet light of natural color.

  Wiring and placement of sockets and switches should be well thought out. It should be possible to turn on a small bedside lamp by the bed, for example, to read a fairy tale or to leave for the night

Construction and decorative materials

Making repairs and equipping a room for a child, you should adhere to the main rule - this is absolute security! Wallpaper, flooring, decorative items must be of good quality, meet all the requirements and safety standards.

Suddenly, the light does not frighten the child, and if you need to burn all night, it will not stop him from sleeping. Healthy air is just as important as furniture or lighting. Weathering is an effective way to get rid of germs, but it does not guarantee that the air will be properly humidified. Especially in winter, when there is a frost outside, and radiators are heated at home. Then the moisture level drops to 10 percent, and breathing with such air dries up the mucus in the nose and throat, which in turn can often occur. And if it turns out to be too dry, buy a humidifier with an air purifier.

For the floor is better to choose parquet, laminate or linoleum. No carpets or rugs. They accumulate dust (the strongest allergen). Tiled floor is also not suitable, as it is very slippery and threatens injury in the fall.

For walls, any modern wallpaper is suitable, but it is better to choose the most natural options - on a paper or bamboo basis. Also well suited cleaning options wallpaper. This will provide an opportunity to more thoroughly do the cleaning in the room.

Wet towels hanging on the radiators did not pass the exam. Quickly develop bacteria on them. Do not leave the flower in the room for the child at night. Although they ionize the air and affect well-being, at night, when the light is out, not only do not produce oxygen, they still extract it from the environment. In the nursery, he stayed only during the day. We have a bed in the nursery.

In the first months of life, the child most often wakes up several times at night. Running from room to room can be too burdensome. That is why it is worth getting up in the nursery bed of mothers. When the child stops eating at night, you will come out calmly. In my opinion, this is a better idea than a small dream in the parents' bedroom. It is easy to get used to it and I don’t understand why someone suddenly moves it.

The window can not be made deaf, even for the safety of the child!   Be sure to be able to wash windows and ventilate the room. It is better to choose a window hardware with a detachable handle so that the grown-up kid cannot open the doors himself.

To curtain the window the best option - Roman blinds or blinds. You can use regular tulle and curtains, but then they should be washed as often as possible, as they also accumulate dust.

Creating a children's room, we want our comfort to feel comfortable and safe, so we very carefully choose furniture, carpet and toys. However, when we put in a baby pot, we do not always remember that this can cause problems. Appetizing, colorful puppies or a white milky-like liquid flowing from a damaged triple leaf is certainly attractive to kids, but can be very dangerous for its health and even life. Therefore, we must be careful when choosing.

What plants are not placed in the nursery

Do not place ornamental plants, cacti and poisonous plants in a room for a child. In addition, do not place flowering or fragrant plants in children's rooms that may cause allergies or allergies. Large plants are also not a good idea, as they can knock, crush or damage a nearby child under their own weight.


The interior is better designed in a classic style, no need to strive for the avant-garde, futurism or other radical solutions. For the most part, a newborn baby is still not interested, but parents and guests too an intricate room can be annoying and quickly get bored.

Also, you should not strive for too childish interior and an abundance of various decorations and decorations in the style of kindergarten games. The baby's room should be fun, but in moderation. It is best to diversify the room with such a decor, when the child turns 2-3 years old, and he can already appreciate the efforts of the father and mother in this direction.


Choosing furniture for the nursery is a serious matter. Since the price of high-quality furniture is quite high, you need to clearly know what you need, and without which it is possible to do without.

What you need to:

  • Bed with orthopedic mattress.
  • Baby changing table. It is better to stay on the option combined with a chest of drawers.
  • Comfortable chair or sofa for mom to feed the baby.
  • Cabinet or shelves for storing first toys and things.

  The ideal version of the children's room in terms of choice of furniture

Any other furniture (toy box, playpen, highchair) is also needed, but for now you can wait a little with the purchase. Especially if the funds are limited or not specially designated room for the child.

All furniture should be from natural materials, treated with non-toxic paints and varnishes. The design of objects must be selected without sharp corners and decorative elements representing a potential danger. Special attention should be paid to the stability of the furniture and secure fixings.

Important: It must be remembered that the most important thing is a cot. You cannot save money on it, because a newborn baby spends most of its time in it. You can choose a chest of drawers and a sofa for mom cheaper, but the cot and mattress should be of high quality.

The bed is best placed in a bright place in the room, but not in the middle or directly under the window. The ideal place - against the wall, away from the entrance, and the window. The remaining elements of the interior can be placed as you like.

There are several opinions about the use of the canopy. Some experts believe that this accessory is undesirable because it complicates the access of air and accumulates dust. Others use the canopy, explaining that the baby feels more comfortable and calm in a confined space than in a fully open crib.

Whether to use this decoration in the nursery, to decide, of course, the parents of the child.

What mistakes in the design and device nursery should be avoided

In an effort to make the crumbs room perfect, parents can go to extremes and make mistakes. What you should not do:

  • To allocate for the child the smallest and most stuffy room in the apartment.
  • Make the design too colorful or too light.
  • Save on furniture, in particular, on the bed.
  • Buy at once a lot of toys and decorative items that collect dust and impede daily cleaning.
  • Decorate the room with too many textile elements and carpets with a thick pile.
  • Constantly trying to add something and improve. The main rule is that less is better.
  • To make the room too "adult" or too "childish." Must be the golden mean.
  • To clutter the room with unnecessary pieces of furniture and huge toys (slide, "dry pool", game tents, etc.). The newborn does not need it yet, but mother will interfere.
  • Blindly follow various tips and recommendations without projecting them to the needs and possibilities of the family.

How to prepare a room for a newborn for the arrival of mother and baby from the hospital

For an important event discharge from the hospital should be thoroughly prepared:

  • All work on the repair and assembly of furniture should be completed a few weeks before the birth of the child. There should be no foreign odors and remnants of building materials in the room.
  • Be sure to carry out a thorough wet cleaning, wash the entire removable textile decor and baby bedding in children's hypoallergenic powder.
  • During the cleaning process, no aggressive chlorine-based detergents can be used; it is better to replace them with regular soap and baking soda.
  • Remove all soft toys, books, decorative figurines and other dust collectors from the room.
  • It is better not to leave flowers in the room for a newborn, as they can cause allergies. This applies to both cut bouquets and potted plants.
  • It is necessary to take care in advance of a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room. This will help air conditioning and humidifier. Humidity should be from 50 to 70%, the average temperature - 19-22 ° C.
  • There is not always a material possibility of installing an air conditioner, so it is necessary to make sure that the room is regularly ventilated. You also need to put the battery heating regulator (the usual faucet, which can shut off the flow of hot water).
  • Now it is very fashionable to shoot the arrival of mother and baby on video or hire a photographer. For this room for newborns are decorated with a large number of balloons and other festive decor. This is a great idea at the time of filming, but immediately after they need all the scenery very quickly removed. You can not leave the balls and stuff in the room for a long time, they instantly accumulate dust, which is very harmful for the child.

  Good use of zoning. This will help to organize space for both parents and baby in a competent and beautiful way.

How to prepare if the child and parents will live in the same room

Unfortunately, not every family has the opportunity to allocate a separate room in the apartment under the nursery. Often mom, dad and child live in the same common room. This, of course, is not the best option, but not a reason for despondency.

If there is an opportunity, it is better to make repairs in advance, using quality materials, good lighting and a pleasant calm color palette.

It is necessary to carefully consider the interior, layout and placement of furniture, so that the baby has a corner in the room where the bed and, ideally, a changing table will stand. If a chest of drawers with a changing table does not fit in any way, you can do with one cot and swaddle your baby on the sofa or parent's bed.

All tips on preparing the premises for discharge from the hospital also apply to the situation where parents will live with the baby. Caring for the right climate, wet cleaning, getting rid of household plants, carpets and other "dust collectors" are required!

Preparing a space for a child is not easy, but so pleasant! Choosing things, a cot, first toys, reviewing interior ideas, making repairs will all take time and money, but it will be pleasant efforts that will bring joy.



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