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  How to paint the wallpaper for painting. Tips for sticking wallpaper on non-woven fabric. How to paint non-woven wallpaper for painting?

If you like to frequently change the interior of the room, but do not want to re-glue the wallpaper, then buying wallpaper for painting will be an excellent choice. They can be repainted up to ten times, and at the same time they will not lose their original appearance. The work itself is very simple and does not take much time. Next, we will describe in detail how to paint the wallpaper, and which dye is better to choose.

We will offer the term and calculation of the painting work.

It is suitable for walls and ceilings in all types of interiors - halls, schools, residential restaurants, hospitals, offices. The certificate of the chief hygienist of the Czech Republic and the certificate of the testing institute have this product. The walls are gray, the starter starts to live. You have two options: either start painting yourself or give it to experts.

First ask about the procedure and the price. Paintings must be preceded by a selection of companies. Ask questions, view online quotes. Painting consults - for you, experts choose colors and, above all, look for places. You get an idea of ​​the cost of work and time. Preparing for painting and own implementation usually do not work in one day. First, we destroyed the old coat of arms, sharpened the walls or even crushed them if there were big holes in them. We draw the other day - says the captain, the captain of Malaysia.

   Wallpaper selection

There is a wallpaper created specifically for painting. They are durable and able to provide up to ten repainting cycles. These include:

  • non-woven;
  • paper;
  • fiberglass wallpaper.

All of them are very easily glued to the walls. The cheapest option would be to choose a paper web, but it is very poorly protected from moisture. The best purchase can be considered non-woven or fiberglass. They will be able to hide minor surface defects and provide good protection against bacteria.

This will increase the inequality and send mud. Are you abusing public office or company? You can learn more about adventures and racing. If the wall is so damaged that you need a new package, the price of painting will increase significantly. For example, for stamps you can pay 80 CZK per square meter, sometimes even 165 CZK. The prize will also pick up various sails and fouls to prevent a dirty room.

For example, Malbita costs about 100 crowns, a bird that covers one room, Ekomal nine crowns per square meter. Work can also be performed on elevations, on staircases or in stunning rooms - in the middle of three crowns up to five crowns per meter. But companies also offer discounts; For a pensioner, for a big purchase or for ordering over the Internet - 10% of the shares.

Of course, you can paint the usual wallpaper, but remember that the result can be unpredictable. If the slightest mistake is made, the material will lose its original appearance, repairs will have to be redone and glue new wallpapers.

The cheapest classic white painting. The captain has from three to four crowns for each meter, Frank Decor from three to six crowns, the work of Malinsky Zdenek Zelenski from two crowns, Telko - even nine crowns. Up to 550 CZK per meter can be paid to those who want to see the bed of a bed that looks like a tree. Price increases with decorations and other unusual patterns.

Most companies do not care about the amount of money they make during mowing. Some Malaysian companies also offer a service - they will also rent other residential areas or it’s difficult only where they painted. A picturesque company - a fictitious room of 50 m2.

   How to glue wallpaper

The process is no different from ordinary. Be sure to primer the walls before proceeding to pasting. As a primer, you can use wallpaper glue, diluted with water.

To properly glue the wallpaper, you must follow the basic rules:


   Required Tools

Before you begin to paint the wallpaper for painting, the first thing you need to prepare the tools for the job. It is necessary that they are always at hand, because sometimes you need to act quickly. So, you will need:

You know that the little ones will scratch the patch and keep the wallpaper on the ceiling. Think of painting in advance. And how many days should you guarantee earlier? “It depends on how much we have at the moment,” says Captain Michal. What is the role of season recruits? Perhaps they are starting to make facades at home, the picture, as a rule, is of great concern. We can get the buyer for 14 days, maybe even for a shorter time. Malaysian companies can arrive at speed the next day, and you do not pay anything.

How to prepare the walls for painting?

Are you going to paint yourself or are you more likely to gain the skills of experts? Preparing paintwork is very important to achieve great results in the painting itself and to avoid any complications. However, most of the time is the work of all the most unpopular when it is necessary to scratch the layers of old paintings in order to eliminate the unevenness of glue residue from wallpaper, adhesive coatings and, if necessary, provide walls with penetrating coating.

  • paint brush;
  • roller;
  • colorants to make the desired color;
  • capacity to dilute the paint;
  • ladder.

We do not recommend saving on tools, because quality will depend on them. Pay special attention to the roller. It is advisable to buy it with an elongated nap, it will help to easily paint the wallpaper below. In order to paint the correct angle, you can use a narrow brush.

Perfect background preparation is the key to painting success. This will affect the final result in several ways - but you do not have to worry about peeling or spilling color. Thus, if the layers of the original old paintings are cleaned, they should be removed immediately. The substrate, on which new colors may be applied, must be clean, free from dust, stains and irregularities, such as various protuberances, cracks or crevices. We also need to get rid of the holes that remain on the nails or nails.

Before starting work, pay attention to the preparation of the workplace, saving time and subsequent cleaning at the final stage. If you do not remove the furniture from the room, place it in a group in the middle of the room where it does not hurt. It is important to have access to all walls and to the ceiling. Then cover the furniture with foil, which is good to prevent it from blowing out. In addition, sockets, lamps, switches, floorboards, window frames, door frames and other accessories that can be painted, should also be covered with foil and glued with paper tape.

   What paint to buy

Paint selection is a very important thing. His right choice is influenced by a huge number of factors that will have to be considered when purchasing. The main thing to remember is that the paint should fall flat and not leave streaks on the wall. Many sellers try to deceive by diluting the paint with water, so check the purchase before paying. There are such types of dyes:

It easily removes and leaves no residue. Due to this, the pollution of your interior after painting will be minimal. Whether we like it or not, if we live in an old house or apartment, replaced by many owners over the years, there is no doubt that the walls in his rooms will be “West” with several layers of old paint. If there are about 5 or more, be sure to remove them. Wash the wall with a brush or sponge with water, and then use a special scraper to clean the layers. However, plastering should be avoided.

Basically, unfortunately, it is not enough just to scratch the walls, but for this you need a ceiling, which is very tiring for one person. If you have such an opportunity, invite someone to help. As soon as we scratch, penetration penetrates. We use special penetrating substances to strengthen the wall, creating a substrate with a lower and even absorption capacity. To apply a penetrating agent, the brush is best suited to insert it into the wall better than a traditional roller.

For non-woven wallpapers, we recommend using a water-based paint, but for painting on the inside it is better to use an acrylic solution. Vinyl wallpapers perfectly cope with any paint, but since such a material has different strength indicators, we advise you to consult with the seller. Paper wallpapers are also universal, any dye will be suitable for their finishing. But it is better to paint glass fiber surfaces with dispersion paint. After the choice has been made, it will be possible to proceed to the main work.

What about cracks, holes and grooves?

In each room there is a picture, a shelf, a mirror or just a stuck poster. After all these "decorations" on the walls will remain holes, cracks, grooves, sometimes large holes or nails. You need to do some leveling agents. Previously, gypsum plaster was widely used for these purposes, but it turned out that it has many drawbacks. First of all, it collapses significantly, after a certain period of time it cracks and can create visible stains under the paint. Therefore, it is advisable to use modern leveling compounds, which are characterized by high strength.

   Paint application

Before you start, do not forget to read the instructions on the package with paint. Paint on the wallpaper is applied in two layers, and the second is applied only after the first is completely dry. It is advisable not to pause at work, but if you had to stop, clean wallpaper from dust or other contaminants before resuming. In order not to form stains, try to evenly apply paint to the roller.

They are made on the basis of lime, gypsum or cement - in this case they are particularly suitable for wet areas. When we fill irregularities and imperfections on the walls, we can only overload the area with a leveling compound. After it dries, it is aligned with sanding paper or steel spatula, which completely destroys the mass - we will achieve the so-called effect of the gypsum board. To get a really flat surface after applying a smoothing compound, we can also apply a wetted sponge on the latest modifications and apply it.

Painting wallpaper can be started from the corners using a brush. Paint the wallpaper you need on the wet edge, while he has not yet had time to dry. Before switching to the next wall, first process the current one completely. Depending on the area of ​​the wall and wallpaper, use different tools.

The advantage is that we no longer need to grind the place. If irregular cracks or bumps appear on the walls, this is the first signal of the peeling plaster. If you find such cracks or bulges in the walls, try pressing a finger on them and a sound that you decide if it is below the surface of the hollow space. If so, you have nothing to do to fix the plaster. Repeat the same procedure, even if the plaster is too rough or uneven. Different types of plaster can help you with all these problems.

If the paint on the roller dries, be sure to change the coat. Also, do not forget to periodically dip the roller into the water to save it from small particles of dust and other contaminants. For drawing relief patterns, use a special velor roller.

After paint all areas of wallpaper, be sure to treat them with acrylic varnish. This will protect the surface from bacteria and moisture. Remember that painting for painting is not necessary. If you decide to abandon the painting, just treat it with a colorless varnish. To as much as possible to deal with the process of painting wallpaper, be sure to watch the following video:

If dirt is found on the walls, such as grease stains, wash them with soap and water. You can make it from 10 liters of warm water and about 1 kilogram of soap. However, the use of this solution can only be recommended for lime dyes and selected washable dyes. We will have enough general soap for washing small areas. To better dissolve in water, cut it well. The soapy water is then applied with a large brush. If tar spots appear on the walls resulting from smoking in the room, you can only remove them with special resin removers.

   Which color is better to choose

Choosing a color is no less important than glueing or painting. It determines the interior of the room and the mood that it will transmit. If the store you did not manage to pick up the desired color, you can create the desired shade at home by applying colorants.

You may also have visible maps on the walls of water or other liquids, in which case the walls must be cleaned or soaked with a brush. Maps will not be visible under the new paint. Anyone who has an apartment with poor thermal insulation or in a house faces the building structure, struggling with house molds. They must be disposed of deep in the substrate material, and it is worthwhile to deal with them comprehensively. If you click on the site a new layer of color, it will be only a temporary solution to this unpleasant situation.

So, how to continue bringing the result longer? First, we dry the molded surface with a hair dryer or a fan, then apply a seam on the affected surface, and if necessary, clean the substrate. Instead, work the mold against the mold, and if the substrate is damaged, weigh the spatula again in the plane. Finally, the entire substrate is hardened with penetrant.

The color should be selected based on the characteristics of the room in which the repair is planned. It is necessary to pay attention to the lighting, temperature and degree of pollution. For example, for the kitchen, you can buy dark colors, as they are not so visible pollution. For a teenager's room, it is better to pick up light colors so that he always has a good mood. For the living room and hallway it is also better to choose bright colors, or you can choose a shade under the furniture that is installed.

Colors necessarily complete the interior. Appropriate or improperly selected colors create the atmosphere of the room and take care of the perception of the room in the room. In the living room you can get more color than anywhere else. The most common biological pests in furniture are woodworm insects, fungi and molds. Insects are the most common worms that put eggs in cracks in wood or in pre-pierced corridors. Placing them in furniture, beams, or other wooden furniture often leads to complete degradation of the wood.

Do not forget that during operation, the shade may slightly change. Also, after drying, the dye tends to slightly change its palette. If it is difficult to find the right color yourself, you can consult with the seller or a professional designer.

How to get rid of these uninvited guests? Another orange color that we talked about a few weeks ago is purple. It is the color of dreamers, mystics and melancholy, greatly contributes to creativity and fantasy, and at present it is abundant in class. However, not everyone has the courage to incorporate any of their inspirations into the interior.

Dyeing means stains on a new paint that may be caused by residual paint under a new paint. Before re-grinding, you must treat the stains with a primer to cover the stains. If cracks appear in the new layer, you must paint the wool and fill it before repainting.


Painting wallpaper in principle is a simple occupation. The main thing to follow the basic rules and in no case be in a hurry. You also need to choose the right wallpaper and paint. Remember that with the help of such finishes you can easily upgrade the repair. This method can be applied both in private houses and in state institutions, so as not to spend large sums on repairs. To learn more about how to paint the wallpaper for painting, you can view the following video:

You can save yourself from time-consuming repairs in the future by gluing wallpaper for painting. They are available for walls and ceilings, most often have a textured surface due to convex relief, and allow you to change the color of the walls in a couple of hours. It is necessary to observe some rules, as it is possible to paint wallpaper for painting not with any paint, but only with its composition. Initially, manufacturers produce such wallpaper white or any light shade. This makes it possible to give them any color from the first layer.

  How to paint wallpaper?

So, it was decided to change the color of the walls, which are glued to the wallpaper for painting. In the first place, the canvases are examined in search of sections that have left the walls. They are glued and waiting for complete drying, controlling the absence of drafts. For work, you can use water-based, acrylic or latex paint. They are divided into matte and glossy, which is important for obtaining the final result.

If it is decided to paint with water-based paint, it should be given a shade of its own. To do this, buy color (pigment), which has a liquid or powdery consistency, and dilute it in paint. It should be noted that they add a little pigment, because the wallpaper should be painted in such a way that the color is uniform and does not leave transitions in the form of stripes. For mixing, use the nozzle-mixer or whisk.

The intensity of the hue depends on the amount of color, so for a guide, manufacturers put a color palette on the package. It should be borne in mind that on a light basis the tone will be lighter than in the tank. To get the desired result on the surface, add a little more color scheme. The type of roller and its ability to leave a thick or thin layer of paint is also taken into account.

At the next stage of work, neighboring areas are protected, which will not be painted:

  • perimeter walls on the ceiling,
  • floor plinth, if it is not dismantled,
  • window slopes and / or frames, if they are not given the same color.

To protect them use a wide masking tape. It is self-adhesive, with better use of a wide tape to ensure maximum surface closure. Roll the roll onto a dry surface and press down. Strong tension can break the tape, as it has a paper base, so you should not stretch it as much as possible.

  How to choose a roller?

Important for obtaining high-quality surface is a good choice of the roller.  It should absorb the paint well, but not flow with it and not spray it during work. The best density are non-woven and glass fiber. They easily tolerate excess paint without getting too wet, but the paper base requires a clear distribution.

The choice of the roller is stopped on 2 types:

  • nozzle roller of short length (up to 10 cm),
  • nozzle roller up to 25 cm.

The first types of nozzles allow you to paint over tight places, and the second - provide a uniform layer without visible transitions. The coat is chosen from faux fur with a short nap. It absorbs liquid paints well and evenly distributes them even with a slight pressure. The paint is poured into a special tray, which ensures that the roller becomes wet and is wrung out, followed by draining the excess into the container.

  Painting features

All types of wallpaper for painting require adherence to certain rules and knowledge of secrets for the best results. At the same time, the composition of the surface is first taken into account, since it is better to paint glass wallpaper with latex, and non-woven substrates are better with water-based paint. It is always necessary to do a test: first on a separate piece of canvas, then on the section of the canvas, which will be closed by furniture.

It should be noted that the paint is diluted only to create the first primer layer (add 10% of water from the total volume). However, they do not do this for glass wall paper, since it is better to paint glass wall paper with two dense layers. At the same time maintain an interval of at least 12 hours. That is why they can be applied to the maximum number of layers compared with other materials.

In total, any type of wallpaper for painting can withstand 5-10 new layers. Then they can begin to lag behind the wall, and, in order not to wait for this, they should be removed if the surface is to be painted again. Then the wallpaper is purchased again, and pasted on the wall according to standard rules. They can be painted only after complete drying, which lasts about 12 hours.



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