the main - Bathroom
  Bathroom design with shower and toilet. Shower cabin in the interior of a small bathroom

As soon as it occurred to you to make repairs in the bathroom, you should be prepared for the many difficulties and nuances that have to be taken into account. The fact is that the offer of a wide variety of finishing, as well as facing materials is so wide, and the equipment is sold in such an incredible range that it is no wonder to get confused and make annoying mistakes. It is especially important to put together all that is required in small spaces so that they do not seem, and are not close. For such options, the best solution would be just the bath, and the shower in a small bathroom, the photo of the options should be considered more closely, paying attention not to details and nuances.

Original shower cabins in small baths, photo  best projects

When it comes to repairs in the bathroom, it is worth understanding that here you will most likely need a substantial amount of money, since you will need to purchase plumbing, decoration materials, equipment and accessories, appliances and so on. Among other things, you will also have to pay for the work of masters who can do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, before bothering about this, it would not hurt to independently invent and develop an original project that will help you figure out what quantity you need to buy in the store.

First of all, you should understand what should fit comfortably and ergonomically in your bathroom, and all these items should not interfere with each other in any way. That is, you can not do so that turning on the water in the bathroom, you can no longer access to the toilet and the like. It is for this reason that it is preferable to install precisely compact shower cubicles, and not bulky, huge baths, which only interfere though some comfort and pleasure do bring to our lives. But you should not be upset if there really is not enough space, it will be quite normal to do without a vessel, where you can flop all over.

Worth remembering

The design of a bathroom with a shower can be designed in any style, and the equipment itself can also be varied. Fortunately, the choice in modern stores is large enough to pick up just what you need. For example, there are cabins, decorated with artificial stone from the inside, tiles, imitation of natural materials and so on.

When installing the original booth in their own, extremely small bathroom, many are faced with a rather serious problem - where to put all the necessary communications. Understanding for yourself will not really be easy, because it is best to entrust this difficult, and very tedious, question to real professionals, even if you are going to do the rest of the repair yourself. When he installs all the necessary and hides the pipes, he will still need to understand what else it will be necessary to install in the bathroom and proceeding from this, to make the rest of the calculations. So what you need to have in the bathroom:

  • In order to wash and brush your teeth you will need a sink, because taking a shower every time you just need to wash your hands is not an option.
  • A washing machine is also preferable in the bathroom than in any other room in the house. So the plan should also include a place for it.
  • The shower itself, and for excessively small rooms, its semi-circular shape will be optimal.
  • It should be understood that free space in the bathroom should also be enough to not stumble and be able to turn around.
  • The distance from the open door, at any point, must be at least forty centimeters, otherwise it will be close there, as if in a barrel.
  • If the bathroom is shared, which is often done, saving the total space of the apartment, then you need to allocate space also for the toilet.
  • It is also worthwhile, if possible, to find a place for a basket in which dirty laundry is folded, as well as for shelves on which towels, soap, shampoos, shower gels, etc. will be stored.

Beautiful and roomy bathrooms: photo design with shower

When the space is completely planned out, it is worthwhile to start design solutions, which can be found on the Internet just a huge amount. And you need to understand that you will have to use the advice of a professional, because incorrectly designed walls and floors can make even so a tiny room even smaller, and the right materials and colors can visually expand and expand the walls.

Most often for the decoration of bathrooms, and both for flooring and walls, use beautiful and durable tile, which will also be durable, practical and easy to clean. If you choose light colors, as well as glossy textures, and even with reflective elements, then a small room will look much larger.

It is better, nevertheless, to refuse from drawings and prints, as well as matte textures, but if you really can’t be unbearable, then you should choose an ornament very carefully and meticulously. Large pictures just will not go here, and it is better to choose a tile with a vertical orientation of the pattern, so it will seem that the room is taller and larger.

The shower room itself is in a small bathroom, a photo of which is possible, and you need to carefully consider it, you should definitely make it a light color, since everything dark will make the room smaller. However, it is also possible to choose the booth itself in a contrasting color, adding some trim to the pitch tile, for example, as decorative inserts, borders, and so on. Here the main thing is to withstand the number of dark patches on light surfaces, so as not to make the bathroom motley, from which the eyes will immediately tire.

You should not choose also the large size of the tile, except that it is seamless and the surface will look monolithic. A shower stall also does not cost anything to allocate, for example, around the perimeter to finish with a wide curb, as this will also make the room even smaller.

Correct shower in a small bathroom: photo, benefits and benefits

It is clear that since we are talking about the fact that the design of a bathroom with a shower stall should be carefully planned, you should also think about how to choose the equipment itself, what criteria should be taken into account and what requirements should be applied to it. In fact, there is nothing particularly difficult, and real specialists have long ago developed a special selection mechanism that they willingly share with everyone. However, you first need to consider all the advantages that a shower stall, conveniently and comfortably placed in your bathroom gives.

  • You will spend much less time for the evening, day and morning toilet, as there will be no opportunity, lounging, to sip cognac in clubs of soap suds when you already need to run to work with all your might.
  • Taking a shower is much more sanitary and reasonable and hygienic. All dead skin cells, fallen hair, dandruff, dirt, etc., well, will float around you in rather dirty water, and immediately drain into the sewers.
  • The shower stall, as has been repeated several times, will take several times less space in a tiny bathroom, so this is another additional plus.

Need to know

Interestingly, when you take a shower and not splash in the bathroom, the water saving is just awesome. And the volume of water will allow for a clean wash, which is four times less than what you usually type in a bath.

Small   shower in small bathroom photo, tips and tricks

So, the decision to make repairs and install instead of a large and inconvenient, bulky bathroom, a neat and beautiful shower stall is accepted, a plan is made, materials are selected, all that remains is to choose the equipment that fits best. Moreover, the design is extremely important, since it is the appearance that will be the focus of attention first of all, however, one should not forget about the functionality, otherwise everything will be just a mess and after a while the repairs will have to be redone again.

No matter how insignificant and tiny the bathroom would seem to you, you should never get a cabin that looks more like a spacecraft's rescue capsule designed for one person. The dimensions of the shower stall should be no less than eighty centimeters wide and the same length. Otherwise, look, so that claustrophobia does not suddenly come to you when you soap your back.

Corner booths can be very well beaten up in interior design, or skillfully disguised them, or vice versa, focusing and focusing on them. It is clear that the more contrasting color in relation to the tile on the walls you choose, the more the shower will be evident.

For maximum space savings, you can pick up open showers, the walls of which are the walls of your bathroom, but if they do not get away with tiles, then this option is unacceptable. Water will quickly ruin the surface and it will be necessary to do all the repairs again soon.

Shower area in a small bathroom: photo  from craftsmen

It is clear that the cost of shower stalls is quite high, especially when it comes to high quality and global manufacturers. There are, of course, for example, Chinese counterparts, which at first quite well work. However, they can quickly break down and add hassle. It is precisely because it is better to choose only renowned and proven manufacturers, and if the financial situation does not yet allow to buy just such a booth, then it’s quite realistic to arrange it yourself, and the craftsmen already offer many sufficiently high-quality and attractive options.

It is clear that there will need to solve a great many questions. For example, you will need to plan and make the walls of your future booths. This may be a gypsum block, drywall, brick, cinder block, moisture-proof panels, and so on. And it is worth paying attention to the resistance of materials to constant high humidity, as well as temperature changes. The interior of the booth is best done from tile or artificial stone, which does not absorb moisture, but looks just great. This coating will prevent water leaks, as well as premature damage to the walls of the booth.

For door decoration, you can limit yourself to just a bathroom curtain on a beautiful crossbar, but you can make them of glass or plastic. If you chose glass, then you should take care that it was reinforced with a film, such as triplex. This will not allow small fragments to blow apart upon impact and injure a washable person. It is clear that you need to equip the booth with a siphon, a shower watering can, as well as a mixer, on which you can adjust the pressure and temperature of the water.

Thus, we can sum up some of the results. Since you are going to do the repair yourself in the bathroom, and you also need to replace the bathroom with a shower stall, you should carefully think over all the design solutions, not the least. Moreover, it is also necessary to save wisely, in order not to regret about the gift of wasted time, as well as about new spending, to rework repair.

The bathroom is perhaps the most important room in an apartment or residential building. Each member of the seven visits the bathroom during the day at least 3-5 times, so the convenience and rationality of its equipment has a great influence on the comfort of living of the household.

The owners of a small bathroom know how difficult it is to place all the necessary equipment, plumbing and equip a sufficient number of storage spaces. In situations where there is a real shortage of space inside the room, a bathroom with a shower, it becomes the only way to rationally organize the space. In this article we will tell you about the design options for a small-sized but comfortable bathroom with a shower and toilet.

What is a shower?

Most of the apartments, even with a small area of ​​the bathroom, are currently equipped with a bathroom. However, the justification for such a decision is doubtful, since a large, convenient wash tank will not allow the modest dimensions of the room to be installed, and small-sized models are quite inconvenient to use, as you have to wash there while sitting or standing.

The design of the bathroom with shower allows you to more efficiently use the free space in the bathroom with the help of modern plumbing equipment. Cabin for taking a shower is a specially designated corner of the room, fenced from above, below and the assembly of glass or polymer fencing. It consists of the following components:

Consider that a modern shower in a small bathroom is a godsend. A deep tray that allows you to perform hygienic reclining or wash, numerous additional functions (built-in radio, lights, hydromassage) allow you to turn the washing process into a pleasant pleasure.


Of course, some conservative homeowners can hardly imagine a bathroom design with a compact shower stall instead of a traditional, bulky wash tank that takes up most of the free space. Experienced designers believe that many people underestimate how much a shower stall simplifies the planning of a small sanitary room, in which there is little space. The design of a small bathroom with a shower has the following advantages:

Professional designers believe that, over time, traditional bathrooms with a stationary wash tank will crowd out a bathroom with a shower stall, because the design projects of such solutions have already become affordable even in the budget price category.

Types of booths

In recent years, it has been said that a bathroom with a shower stall, the design of which is notable for its utility, is the lot of only small apartments of economy class. However, high-quality, multi-functional showers can be a decoration even for luxury apartments, in which there is more than one bathroom. A design project can organically fit a shower stall into an interior designed in any style. There are the following types of booths:

Note! When choosing a suitable model for a small-sized bathroom, it is necessary to take into account not so much the size as the shape. Most often it is rational to place a place for washing that allow corner showers that occupy one corner, while freeing up the rest of the space for installing household appliances or furniture.

Finishing the bathroom to install a shower stall

A shower in a small bathroom can be a real salvation, freeing up enough space to install a washing machine, dryer or furniture. However, in order for the interior of the room to look harmonious, and also not suffer from the effects of high humidity typical of a room with a shower, it is necessary to provide a special finish:

Important! When choosing a bathroom with a shower cabin, it is necessary to check that its walls reliably protect the bathroom from splashing water, and the doors are tightly closed, otherwise a puddle will always accumulate on the floor of the shower room.

Video instruction

In the conditions of modern small-sized apartments, shower cabins become the actual equipment for daily hygiene procedures. And the design of the shower room can change the usual space beyond recognition.

Showers are also being introduced in private homes, where large bathrooms allow installing a jacuzzi and mini-pools. What is the popularity of this universal system? In a variety of options for their appearance, as well as to save water, time and space, if it comes to small bathrooms.

Showers in small bathrooms

What a bliss - quickly rinse under trickles of water and wash off the remnants of morning sleep or tiredness accumulated during the working day in just 3-5 minutes. A shower will invigorate, defuse, give the body a tone, and thoughts - clarity.

Shower often put instead of a bath because of the elementary space savings. In the 3-meter bathroom, where the washing machine, sink and toilet are hardly placed, you can only dream of a lying bath! Most owners of small premises undertake repairs and redevelopment for the shower. Her “presence”, like a fresh stream of air, changes the interior, making it more modern and original.

Those who live in small apartments, often go to the combination of a bathroom and a bathroom, so that in the “compartment”, where the drain flank with the toilet used to stand, make a shower.

The savings are obvious: instead of two doors, one, in the bathroom combined with the bathroom, quietly accommodates a sink, washing machine, boiler, toilet, “compartment” with a shower or shower.

As a shower, some users choose a ready-made cabin with shower equipment, others order an exclusive shower from experts. The shower cubicle is mounted in a small bathroom in a corner or to a “free” wall (see photo).

The design of designs is various, as well as the type of shower cubicles:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • corner;
  • pentagonal.

If desired, and the possibilities of the room, you can purchase an ultra-modern design of a completely compact size. This is a bath combined with a shower, in which you can take a shower and soak in the water lying down. The design provides for the functions of hydromassage, tropical shower, radio.

This type of plumbing differs by type: an open model, where only a place for a shower is closed, a fully enclosed hydromassage box, a design with curtains, screens. However, with all its “compactness”, such baths are better to choose for more or less spacious premises, and not for 3-meter rooms.

Bathroom in a new way: with a shower or fences?

As for the shower cubicles, their advantage is in the possibilities of choice: from a very simple open-top design consisting of a tray, a shower and lockable doors, to models equipped with shelves, seats, a marble tray, a rain shower, a hydromassage, a waterfall and other effects . The price of this model "bites" compared to a simple shower stall, but it almost does not require care, is relatively spacious, will deliver aesthetic and psychological pleasure in quality, design and comfort.

A shower stall in finished form with a tray fits perfectly into the interior of a bathroom of any type. Despite the apparent fragility, the design is durable and reliable. In addition, the range of models is not limited to only white, so the design of a bathroom with a shower will appeal even to conservatives who prefer the old way of washing in a bath. Modern designs suggest the presence of a high pallet or it is built into the floor; the doors are made of thick glass (plain, colored) or plastic.

Planning to repair and create an exclusive shower? Stop your choice on quadrangular sliding and fixed doors, divided into frameless and frame, deaf and sliding, as well as sliding. They are made in different configurations (quadrangular, rounded, multifaceted), with tinting, coloring, matting, reflirovanie glass, drawing a picture, different colors. The disadvantages of shower enclosures include the fragility of the mechanism and caution when installing.

What is the plus shower, created by the hands of experts:

  • does not require a separate pallet, drain - in the "floor";
  • non-slip flooring materials;
  • an original design that fits the overall style of the room, even for a small bathroom with a shower compartment or shower;
  • "Openness" of the design visually expands the space.

An open shower “room” is closed with a regular curtain for a bath, fixed or sliding doors or separated by a special partition: glass or decorative.

Thus, the wet zone of the bathroom, although “hidden” behind the fence, is partially visible, so it is important that it harmoniously fit into the design of the bathroom with shower.

And for this go:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic tile;
  • ceramic granite;
  • marble;
  • plastic;
  • combined facing materials.

Photos of interiors

What to choose facing materials to shower in a small bathroom looked amazing, was comfortable and easy to clean? With ceramic tiles, the room will become stylish and noble, and thanks to the variety of colors, glossy and matte surface features, imitations for different natural materials, the idea to create a unique interior in the bathroom becomes a reality.

The disadvantages of this facing in the accumulation of dirt in the joints between the plates, in the complexity of installation and the inability to change the appearance of the bathroom in a short time.

Mosaic tiles are much more versatile veneer materials than tiles, but their installation is a pleasure out of expensive ones. It is also suitable for cladding the whole room, and for creating individual artistic images, edging, and decoration. Mosaic tiles have a variety of colors, patterns and surface types: ceramic, glass, mirror.

Recently, the interiors use the so-called pixel tile. Its small form allows you to create the effect of walking rain, flying soap bubbles, hanging plants, a shiny metal surface, as well as intricate mosaic patterns.

It is interesting to combine ceramic and mosaic tiles, where the latter can be used fragmentarily, for example, in a bathroom niche or as an arch facing.

Porcelain tile - a material with high performance. It is resistant to mechanical damage and temperature changes, moisture resistant, durable, eco-friendly and has a huge range of colors. It is made with a matte, polished and glazed surface. Today it is used not only as a floor covering, but also for wall cladding, combined with other materials.

Planned repair of the bathroom often turns into a reconstruction. In an effort to create comfort, to expand the usable area, to modernize the situation, many refuse from the standard large-size bathroom model in favor of a more ergonomic design. Particularly relevant is the issue of bathroom design with a shower for small spaces.

To choose a beautiful, functional model is half the battle. Harmoniously fit it into the available space, to create an organic bathroom design - this is not an easy task. The shower cabin can play a key role of the interior or become an easy addition to any design.

The presence of a shower is a prerequisite for any bathroom. It is difficult to imagine the opposite. Increasingly, apartment owners prefer full-fledged showers instead of standard bathrooms.

Not without purpose there is a trend of popularity of these technical means, because they are distinguished by a number of significant advantages:

  • Efficiency of water procedures. In the presence of a classic bowl, the shower unit is present, used more often by the bathroom itself. Here the dependence is directly proportional to the time cost. Sometimes everyday turmoil significantly limits the duration of water treatments. Take a shower much faster.
  • Saving water resources. Using a shower significantly reduces the cost of water. The cabin does not have to fill with a large volume of water. The pressure of the resulting resource is regulated as needed. The duration of the washing process is small.
  • Increase in usable space. A shower stall is a godsend for a small bathroom. The use of compact models allows you to significantly save space.
  • Safe use. The use of anti-slip coatings on the shower tray tray allows you to talk about minimizing the risk of injury when making water treatments.
  • Functionality. The latest developments allow you to make a choice among the variety of models offered. Equipping the cabins with all kinds of additional features will satisfy the needs of the most demanding customer.
  • Aesthetics. Manufacturers care about the appearance of showers. Ergonomic, original design allows you to create a unique environment, to embody interesting design ideas.

A shower cabin, possessing a fairly weighty set of positive qualities, requires careful maintenance. Relief surfaces, joints need regular cleaning, otherwise the design aesthetics will quickly lose the desired appeal.

Shower enclosures

Getting ready to repair the bathroom with the installation of a shower cabin, first of all it is necessary to find a model that meets the requirements. The choice is great, requires a serious approach, a thorough study of useful characteristics.

Any shower stall is a design that limits the place of washing. Conventionally, the models are divided into open, closed.

Open showers

Such a model is often referred to as a shower corner. It is equipped with side walls, but does not have its own base, rear panels. Mounted model directly to the walls, the ceiling of the bathroom, which become its continuation. Open shower is economical, usually has only the most necessary functionality, no frills.

The installation of such a model requires preparatory activities. Mandatory conditions are conducting waterproofing, leveling the main surfaces of the bathroom: the floor, walls, ceiling.

The need for additional actions is connected with the creation of the tightness of the future shower corner. Works are carried out with high accuracy. Even an insignificant gap can regularly upset the owner by leaking, by the accumulation of water outside the shower space. In the absence of high-quality waterproofing it is fraught with problems with neighbors.

The design is the simplest, so the set of functions is extremely limited. Installation of an open shower cabin is made exclusively in a corner of the room, or in a niche. It is possible to install such a cabin model directly on the bathroom floor. Saving space, funds secured.

An open shower cabin equipped with transparent internal doors can significantly free up space and create the effect of lightness, weightlessness, and elegance. Efficiency of use, visual space is important for limited spaces.

The absence of a pallet requires high-quality waterproofing, equipment drain drain. These actions "eat up" several centimeters of the height of the room. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of tiles on the floor. Anti-slip options are most preferred.

Drain ladder is better to perform from high quality stainless steel so it will last longer.

Closed showers

An enclosed cabin or shower box is a separate structure with its own walls, floor, ceiling. Functionality, tightness guaranteed features of the model. Shower boxes are made of various materials, vary in size, shape, availability of additional features.

Cabin pallets vary in depth (3-45 cm.), Are made from:

  • Acrylic;
  • Cast iron;
  • Become;
  • Ceramics.

Acrylic pallets are the most popular. They are lightweight, durable, retain heat, do not lose their color. The presence of a metal frame provides rigidity. Scratches, other minor defects in operation are simply corrected with a special paste.

Cast iron is heavy, but retains heat well. Steel creates a lot of noise from the stream of flowing water. Both versions are enameled, which is excessively susceptible to mechanical damage: chips, scratches. Ceramics is hygienic, requires a minimum of effort to care. Cold surface, brittleness significantly impairs properties.

The walls, doors are made of impact-resistant glass, acrylic. Opened in a sliding, hinged way. Roller rail designs are compact, have high tightness. Swing doors require extra space.

Additional features enclosed showers

Additional functionality allows you to get a number of significant advantages:

  • Hydromassage;
  • Aromatherapy;
  • Bath;
  • Tropical rain;
  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Chromotherapy;
  • Ventilation;
  • Voice control, telephone, radio;
  • Lighting, mirrors, shelves, dispensers, seats, handrails, etc.

The hydromassage function is the most requested. Elastic jets of water supplied by nozzles, promote relaxation, improves blood circulation, metabolism, helps in the fight against obesity, cellulite. Caution should be shown hypertensive patients with cancer, in the period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Hydro massage is divided into vertical, horizontal. Water supply is carried out by nozzles located in a special way. There is an opportunity to regulate a pressure of streams, air. The number of nozzles, the ability of regulation will tell about the quality of the hydromassage procedures. The possibility of turning, adjusting the head, direction, the availability of high-quality filters must always be clarified with the purchase.

The function of the bath is obtained by creating a high humidity at a relatively low water temperature. The steam generator distributes the smallest particles with a fan, forming a bath microclimate. The function only works with a certain pressure in the pipes.

Aromatherapy distributes a pleasant smell around the perimeter of the booth. Tropical rain disperses the smallest droplets of water, helping to relieve stress. The contrast shower alternates hot, cold streams, providing stress relief, tempering the body. Chromotherapy tints water with LED light. Color perception helps to improve the body.

A variety of other useful features are selected according to personal needs. Many properties of the enclosed shower are simply not used by the owners, so it is better to choose the necessary set in advance.

The variety of possibilities creates the need to supply electricity. It is better to allocate a separate line with a mandatory grounding.

Small bathroom with shower

The space available influences the design of the bathroom with a shower. Perhaps the limited space will indicate a complete rejection of the standard bathroom, or a replacement with a more compact model.

For modest-sized rooms, it is preferable to make a choice of shower enclosures. It turns out to save a lot of space, it is possible to accommodate a classic bath and toilet. An open shower is installed in an angular space, which is usually little involved. If the bathroom is combined, perhaps the layout of the space will be better.

The presence of a niche of suitable size allows you to put a closed compact model. The possibility of summarizing the necessary communications will be the determining factor. You should pay attention to the model with a sliding type of door.

Transparent versions of booths, or painted in light colors, are preferred. So the space will look less loaded, light shades will give volume. Pallet is better to choose medium depth. He is able to cope with its main function, it does not load the interior.

Decorating a small bathroom is better to carry light materials. The combination of a darker floor, lower extremity of the walls and very light central, upper borders separated by a low-contrast border is a classic design model of a small space.

The presence of a mirror - a prerequisite. Reflective surfaces are able to expand the space. Even the ceiling can be mirrored, but it is better to give preference to the film, since it does not carry danger.

If you refuse the classic bath is difficult, and you want to have a shower, you can choose something in between: a bathroom equipped with panels for taking a shower It looks like a regular cabin. You can also equip your bathroom with sealed screens on the rails.

Spacious bathroom with shower

Possessing colossal space allows you to make an informed choice. Fully focus on the design of the shower cabin, bathroom interior.

Here you just don’t have to sacrifice the necessary elements of a comfortable bathroom to accommodate a multifunctional booth. However, often in a large bathroom a shower is also placed in the corner. This location is convenient, provides the best ergonomics. Rational use of space always gives a lot of additional features.

The possibility of acquiring an autonomous monoblock is a significant advantage of a spacious bathroom. Separate shower has several significant advantages. A wide range of additional functions is able to diversify water procedures, additionally take care of beauty and health.

Choosing a spacious shower cabin, it is necessary to think not only about the rationality of use, but also competent placement in the interior of the bathroom. The presence of unrestricted space allows you to place the block not only in the corner, but along the perimeter of the wall or even in the center.

The substantial area of ​​the bathroom allows you to freely arrange all the elements. Here it is better to resort to zonal division of space. To delimit the place of water procedures, storage of supplies, bathroom, bathroom. Large spaces allow you to freely accommodate the couch, chair.

Features of the design of a bathroom with shower

A good interior bathroom with a shower is easier to create for owners of a significant floor space. In any case, it is necessary to think over all possible options, perform measurements, calculations. Drafting a project will greatly simplify the task.

Rational use of a small space and at the same time harmoniously fit the shower cabin into the interior is also possible. It is necessary to look in advance at the existing options, design, specify the size, the possibility of installation.

Decide what items will be in the room, their configuration location. After all, the shower in any case takes enough space. A convenient approach to the sink, washing machine, cabinet, toilet should be provided. The presence and location of the boiler, towel warmer is also important.

Autonomous models require more space, they are more difficult to fit into the interior. It is necessary to think over the design in detail, to compare the appearance of the monoblock with the intended picture of the room. Such models, with an unsuccessful approach, look somewhat silly against the general background. Like a spaceship in the middle of a pure field.

Prefabricated models that imply the absence of the rear wall of the booth - it is replaced by a stationary, tiled, fit into the interior much easier. If the booth is transparent, it looks organic with any design. The colored frame is more difficult to maintain the overall theme of the bathroom design with a shower. We'll have to try to pick up the finishing materials to match or choose universal.

Finishing, repair, design

Choosing the style of the bathroom, it is necessary to determine the main task - a quiet relaxation or recharging with energy. The space can be made light, calm, classic or bright, dynamic. When choosing a style, it is better to be guided by modern trends, since the shower cabin is fresh and it is much more difficult to beat it with a classic design. Minimalism, hi-tech, modern perfectly combined with small spaces. In a large space you can embody loft, classic or even baroque.

Communication is better to hide in the wall, and if the bathroom is combined - to reduce to the general box. The box is made of plasterboard, leaving a window with a door-louver. The cabinet with communications can be decorated by connecting it into a common interior line. By creating shelves-niches on the box, you can further solve the issue of storing small items.

The choice of plumbing unusual shapes and colors will give the space of originality. The main thing that selected non-standard fit into the overall design. The combination of ceramic tiles and mosaics can refresh the interior. Finishing materials can be any, the main thing that they meet the requirement of moisture resistance, hygiene.

Shower is not a luxury, but a necessity. The bathroom equipped with a shower cabin, is capable to be functional, beautiful, to meet all modern requirements. Various models will find their refuge in the space of any area, of all kinds of design. The presence of a shower cabin in the bathroom will help to make life easier, caring for yourself easier.

Many of us live in houses where the bathroom is separate, though nothing good can be said about it anymore. Here, in the toilet, you rest your knees on the door, and in the bathroom you have to make a choice between a sink and a washing machine.

The only rational solution in this case is to combine the toilet and bathroom into a combined bathroom, when one of the two tiny rooms turns out to be one more. However, many believe that even the union will not allow to increase the free space in the bathroom and place all the necessary items and things in it.

We want to prove the opposite with the help of several ways how to design the combined bathroom. They mostly require not only fantasy, but also financial capabilities, but the result is definitely worth it. We offer some design ideas combined sanitary in your apartment.

Combined bathroom design

The main way to increase the space in a small bathroom is to replace the bath in the shower. There are many different options in the configuration, size and design of shower enclosures.

So, for example, you can buy a regular cabin with a pallet, and you can make the pallet yourself by laying it out with the same tile as the walls - this will make the bathroom more spacious visually. The depth of the pallet can also be chosen: someone likes shallow pallets, and someone - deep. I just want to note that shower cabins with deep trays are more practical, as they can also act as a small bath.

Shower cabins

When designing a combined bathroom with a shower cabin, it should be taken into account that there are different types of cabins: with doors that open into the cabin, and with sliding compartment doors or an "accordion". It all depends on the preferences and complexion of the owners, because the usual doors can be inconvenient for large people. Creating a bathroom design with a shower and a washing machine. Please note that the transparent walls of the cabins do not “cut down” and do not delimit the space, but matte options are more practical in everyday life.

A very stylish and modern design of the combined bathroom with shower is the creation of an open shower area without pallets, and sometimes without partitions - the so-called wet room. To do this, the floor level in the shower area should be lower than in the rest of the room.

For those who cannot refuse a bath even in a small room, we recommend turning their attention to smaller baths or irregular shapes, which will, as it were, repeat the outlines of the room itself and surrounding objects.

Ideas for sink and toilet

The non-standard form can be not only at the bath - today corner sinks and toilets are very common, which are especially suitable for rooms of irregular shape. There are also sinks of completely unusual configurations that, as it were, make up a single whole with the bathroom, saving space.

One of the basic rules for increasing space visually is the following: the larger the visible floor area, the more spacious the room appears. Therefore, we advise owners of small bathrooms to pay attention to cantilever toilet bowls and sinks that are attached to the wall at a certain height from the floor, so they look more elegant and seem to “float” in the air.

By the way, even in a combined bathroom, with appropriate planning, you can symbolically separate the toilet from other objects. This can be done with the help of a decorative partition or with the help of more useful objects: light and high shelving or a heated towel rail.

Sink in the bathroom

Separately, it should be said about the sink zone, which must be used. First, it can be surrounded by a tabletop, and above it hang a cabinet with a mirror. It is also worth using the space under it, putting a locker there. It is worth remembering that the bathroom will look visually more spacious with light open structures under the sink.

Washing machine in the bathroom

It is much more convenient and logical when the washing machine is in the bathroom, and not in the kitchen or in the hallway. However, in a small, and even more so, in a combined bathroom, you need to really try when placing the washing machine.

It will be easiest if you have an option with a shower. Here you can put a washing machine in any free corner, combine it with a sink under a single tabletop, closing the door if necessary, or put it near a shower in the resulting niche. By the way, it is never too late to pay attention to models with a vertical load or shallow washing machines.

But those who have to make a choice between the sink and the washing machine, obviously will like the option of placing the “washer” right under the washbasin.

Shelves and cabinets in the bathroom

None of the bathrooms can not be completely freed from a variety of necessary things: towels, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. In order to place all these objects in a small bathroom, you need to think carefully, although there are certainly different ways.

Naturally, first of all, these are various shelves: suspended open shelves or cabinets, small outdoor racks, and niches in the walls. Please note that it is the open shelves that visually increase the space, but if you still want to close them, it is better to choose compartment doors that will save space.



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