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  How to punish noisy neighbors above. Ways to revenge a neighbor

ABOUT! People! Shas will write.
  Yes, everything is just like God's day.
  There are home neighbors - they have rented an apartment to third parties.
  Renting an apartment has been going on since 2000.
  The first lodger poured us 5 times. But paid off from us with paint and plaster. Drove off.
  But we communicated normally with him - he turned on the fool, he called the plumbers, went to apologize, said hello, was interested ...
  Now there are people with a child (crazy mine) who runs and jumps in the morning and DAY.
  Not at night.
  And then people talk about the law on violation of silence there and so on. But there it is said about night time, and not about day time. It happens just in the afternoon.
  So here. We live in a brick five-story building. We have floors in the house such that you can hear EVERYTHING. And they are made on the principle of the drum. Wooden beam and on it batten. The floors are empty. Any sound is enhanced. But this is from the category of physics. I'll tell you about the lyrics.
  There are people brought up, but not very much.
  So, the roar and trampling would not have been so terrible if it had not been produced by a child of preschool age, whose parents are frank insolent. We asked them politely - well, follow the child - well, do not let you rush around the WHOLE DAY, the audibility is such that certain words and phrases from above can be heard on a quiet day. And as trampling - as much as torture. The walls tremble, the chandelier rattles. The battery is in the corner, and from the hole in the ceiling where the pipe at the battery something is rattling.
  We call them and we say - this way and that-we live under you and we end up with a tramp and crash. Will be kind. Are you people or what?
  And they answered: - buy us a kovoyoyor, change our floors. Well, and so on.
Appealed to the district officer, they - APARTMENTS - apparently sent him. Because he got rid of the whole situation by gathering everyone in his team, inviting members of the public there. Grandmothers there, representatives of women, law students and someone else there. They have long convinced us that everything is as it should be and WE will have to be patient until the child has passed the running age and he has not settled down. Carpet tenants and the owner (he was present), of course, lay a bed Recommended!
  That's all. Neither answer nor greetings.
  And they went a long and painful everyday life. From above everything jumps and jumps, falls to the floor and squeals.
  No control. Everything is as it is.
  He wrote to the Moszhilinspektsiyu - an answer, they say, not our competence.
  Rospotrebnadzor - an otpatiya, they say contact the NIImos_gogotota they can measure the noise and stuff.
  MosNii - no answer.
  Now the new district police officer, but I will go to him again - I think it will be the same.
  The argument for all officials is the same - there are no laws so that children do not run at home.
  I have hope for a new housing code, but everything there is painful.
  Call your neighbors with requests? How much can you humiliate ... I live in my apartment for 25 years, they have been without a year for a week, they came from 44 regions and behave this way. Asked politely, please tell them. Don't care
  Three letters are not sent, but they all make it so that I cannot live in my apartment.
  When you run around the head all day long, you won’t get too rich.
  I studied the laws and other scribbles. Draw conclusions from the housing code.
  I went to a lawyer, I gave 1000 rubles for talking to him. I demanded from him - explain to me the housing code. Tell the legitimate interests of the neighbors, tell the rules of the hostel.
  And he tells me - buy wine and sweets and go and make friends with them, suddenly they make it easy.
  No words anymore ...
  Well, now I am writing here on the forum.
  There are similar articles and topics here, but people have a slightly different situation. they deal with stomping Homeowners, and I am with lodgers. Although it doesn’t matter who is jumping over you, it’s important how to be in such a situation.
  Therefore, I ask - WHAT DO I DO?
  My mother is elderly, she has had a stroke during this time and she is now disabled in group 3.
  Because of the rumble from above or not - this is still a moot point, but the fact is a fact.
  I am not against children, I am not against people who go to Moscow to work, study, steal, and so on.
  I am against the noise that interferes, prevents me from living.
I understand that everything always happens differently for everyone. Noises are different and there are people (schizophrenics) who play the game of a cat from a neighbor on top is called a tramp. Cat they say your stomping does not give me sleep. This one.
  But the trampling of children over empty floors is another. This is really unbearable.
  8 in the morning - squeals and crashing from above - woke up.
  Then run and crash ... break 5 minutes. Again. Again. Again.
  It seems to subside. Are you gone? Thank God!
  An hour later, the roar again - came ...
  Rattle on the ceiling through the entire apartment - aha - went on a scooter ...
  BUBUH ... threw.
  And so the whole day.

So what should I do, people?

Noisy neighbors - this problem applies to all people who live next to them. For this reason, it is impossible to do everyday activities, relax or get enough sleep.

As a result, you have to constantly endure loud sounds, be in a stressful state, which negatively affects your mental state and, of course, your own health.


Conflict with neighbors is highly undesirable. It is not known how long you have to live next to these people, perhaps a very long period of time.

No one knows what may happen tomorrow, especially since no one vouches for what will happen next year or more. That is why it is recommended to avoid conflict.

How can I do that:

  1. First, clearly explain the problem, try to convincingly talk with the neighbors, but at the same time showing respect for them.
  2. Secondly, refer to the letter of the law, which will make your appeal more convincing and solid.


The legal basis for resolving disputes arising with neighbors is the LCD RF, and other Federal Laws.

In them:

  • set the time in which you can not and carry out repairs;
  • sanitary requirements for premises and common property of an apartment building are determined;
  • issues related to smoking are being addressed, etc.

Remember that reliance on legislation - the key to a successful resolution of each case.

How to punish the neighbors?

How to punish the neighbors? First try to find a compromise, for which you need to contact them personally. Sociologists call this appeal strategy “peace talks”.

In some cases, namely 35-40 out of 100, this allows us to convey to the troubled neighbors the essence of the problem.

Rules of communication with a neighbor:

  • you should not be too aggressive or suspicious;
  • try to be polite or amiable;
  • state the problem quickly and clearly, indicate the reasons for your appeal;
  • suggest solutions, tell why they need to be applied.

Given these nuances, in most cases you can find a common language with your neighbors and solve the problem that has arisen.

Above or below

How to punish the neighbors above or below? Do not rush to take retaliatory measures - try to resolve the situation yourself.

If you fail to do this for certain reasons, then the only way out is to contact the police. For this purpose it is necessary with the indication of the reason.

For noise

You can punish neighbors for noise only if they violate legislation. Federal Law No. 52 establishes restrictions relating to this issue.

For example, on weekdays, you can only make noise or carry out construction work from 8 am to 9 pm. On holidays and weekends this time varies slightly - from 9 am to 10 pm.

Subject legislation may provide for other provisions.

For trampling

Tramp from the neighbors on top can be heard for various reasons - most often, it is a game of small children, or living a large number of people. Why are the steps of outsiders so audible? This is usually due to the poor quality of the flooring, the design resembles a drum.

Responsibility for the trampling is not provided, with the exception of situations where it violates the noise limit.

To begin with, try to talk with the neighbors, if it does not help, then the only way out is to contact the police.

For loud music

Loud music is one of the most common reasons for reporting on neighbors to the police. Such complaints are made in the event that sounds are heard regularly, and at night.

If the volume exceeds the norm established by law, then this issue can be resolved.

For insult

Insult - the humiliation of the honor and dignity of a person, expressed in non-causal form. If you are offended by a neighbor, then you need to make a statement to the prosecutor's office, since it is she who initiates the cases provided for by the Administrative Code.

Responsibility - the imposition of a fine, the size of which ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. For officials - up to 30,000 rubles.

For smoking in the stairwell

You can fight against smokers in the stairwell in various ways:

  1. Make a neighbor comment in a polite tone. The effectiveness of this method is not high, but in some cases the technique works.
  2. Repeat the warning, threatening that if the case is repeated, the police will be called. The purchase may not cease, but relations with the neighbor will greatly deteriorate. In addition, he may know that a law prohibiting smoking in the stairwell does not exist.
  3. Call the police. There are several problems here - most likely, the employees will not respond to such a call, and it will also be difficult to prove that the person smoked in the stairwell. Exceptions are situations if you have the testimony of two or more witnesses or photographs (videotapes).
  4. Make an announcement about the fact that smoking in the stairwell is prohibited.

The only, more or less effective way is.

He should know the tenants of each apartment building located on the property owned by him. His task is to conduct a conversation with a smoker.


Many different situations may arise, for example, a neighbor is not familiar. If you live in a house where the neighbors do not communicate and practically do not know each other, they must be notified of the gap in writing.

Compose a letter of appeal indicating that you or other residents are unhappy with the behavior, without giving a name or address.

As noted above, try to show diplomacy. This method is one of the best ways to pacify the neighbors, and besides, anonymous compilation is a guarantee that the recipients do not recognize the applicant himself.

Another situation that may arise is inadequate behavior of the neighbor.

Such a problem cannot be solved by simple letter or a conversation attempt.

If you know that your neighbors are not quite adequate people and can take action in response, then you should not be “contacted” - transfer the case to law enforcement agencies.

Appeal to law enforcement agencies

When contacting law enforcement agencies, you need to make a statement on the neighbors.

  It should include the following information:

  • information about the recipient;
  • indication of the name of the applicant, address of residence (if the complaint is compiled collectively, the name of each citizen is indicated);
  • description of the problem;
  • a statement of the request to resolve the situation;
  • signature and date of compilation.

The application is submitted in two copies - one is handed over to the district police officer, the other remains with the applicant.

It is necessary to submit the document to the district police officer or the police, but remember that the case will still be handed over to the district police officer, therefore it is recommended to write a statement to his name (the exception is when this official is inactive).

On the video about the fight with smoking neighbors

You can find a lot of opportunities to take revenge on your neighbor, it all depends on the ingenuity and sophistication of your mind and the degree of bitterness on the harmful dirty dog.

  Human life is very complex, and its foundation is human relationships. And most often the most painful topics from human life are relationships with lovers, relationships at work and relationships with neighbors. In the modern world, where the density of life is constantly growing, and a person, often, simply does not have time to adapt to ever-decreasing personal space, we all have neighbors.

Neighbors in the apartment above and below, neighbors in the cottage and so on.

We are nowhere and never alone, moreover, these very neighbors seem to be just specially prevent us from living!

They turn on the music loudly when we have a headache or a child is sleeping, put their car in our parking space, fry something in the kitchen so that it is simply impossible to breathe, they flood us, they don’t want to change the burned out light bulbs.

We can recall another million reasons and situations that forced us to lose our temper and hide anger at our neighbors. So that our life does not become a constant torment in our own house, you can arrange for your neighbors instructive trickswhich should show them in an accessible form that it is impossible to live this way anymore.

There are many ways to spoil your neighbor’s life. From the simplest to the most original. It all depends on your wits and on the ability to escape from the crime scene in time.

for example, very annoying neighbor grandmothers can be stuck with adhesive tape "eye" and hang the inscription "Do not peep!".

The method is good, but it is interesting only as a light entertainment, but you can take revenge on your neighbor with the help of a sign saying “Disturber!”

If your neighbors interfere with sleep, arrange night parties and drunken violent feasts, then you should not complain about them in the tax or sanitary epidemiological station.  Let them constantly call, bored with the morning parishes "to visit."

Rest assured, they will get tired very quickly from annoying tax authorities and will not bother you anymore. For neighbors who listen to loud music or invite guests there is an original method of revenge: insert a few needles pre-lubricated with super glue into the keyhole of the neighbor. Break off needles. Neighbors will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time., and locks will have to change. After several such “acts of retaliation”, the neighbors will quickly understand what the matter is. For the same music lovers, the old method of striking the battery is suitable. Old as the world, but still effective.

The original way to take revenge on a neighbor is putting up ads with the text “The young man wants to meet a handsome middle-aged man for living together” and always with his neighbor's address. Then you can enjoy watching the reaction of neighbors to the emergence of "roommates".

Good, but more humane, may be the announcement of the sale or exchange of apartments, the sale of a neighbor's car, the purchase of a land plot for giving or the sale of a summer house.

Calls will come to your neighbors with enviable regularity.

How to get revenge on your flatmate on top?

  • Method 1.  For neighbors on top, the good old method of punishment "through the battery" is suitable. Just when the neighbors bother you, knock on the battery, maybe it will work!
  • Method 2  The original and modern way to take revenge on neighbors is the purchase of the so-called "GSM signal jammers". It guarantees the inability to call in the area of ​​its action. Write a note to your neighbors with warnings that, in addition to a mobile phone, you can deprive them of the Internet in the same way. If your neighbors are still young, then believe me, they value these amenities.
  • Method 3.  The old and proven way to calm down noisy neighbors above, and not only them, is cut the wires from the phone, Internet, intercom, to deprive the neighbors of electricity. Only it is worth repeating such actions several times.
  • Method 4.  If the neighbors above you are flooded regularly and do not respond to your requests, then pour a bucket of water in your bathroom. Let your neighbors come running from below. Show them flowing streams across your ceiling. Double onslaught "swimmers" on top just will not stand. If this does not work, then you can organize a "share of good neighbors." If you manage to negotiate with the tenants below.
  • Method 5.  If you have enough money, then buying will be an elegant way of revenge. powerful speaker system. Neighbors who love music, I think, will not withstand powerful sounds from a speaker connected to a battery.

How to get revenge on your flatmates below?

  1. Method 1.  Easier than revenge on your neighbor! There are a lot of ways to make noise: move furniture, jump, dance, vacuum, turn on, finally, music.
  2. Method 2  Pour the neighbors! Water is a terrible power. Pour the neighbors, and when they “unexpectedly descend” to you, pretend that you are dry. Or remove everything in advance.
  3. Method 3. Put a raw egg in the syringe. Then fill it all with a door frame or upholstery. Further events will develop according to a well-known plan: the egg will die out and will produce “divine” flavors. Neighbors will be happy.

    After all, to find the source of the stench will be very difficult.

How to get revenge on a motorist neighbor?

Neighbors' car problems are a topic on which you can write monographs on psychiatry. A busy parking place, a scratched car, a car alarm siren and so on. Will offer several ways  revenge.

Method 1.  A wonderful way to hint at the inconvenience caused by the neighbor's car will be laid on the hood of the car brick.  For the first time, instilling respect for your intentions is necessary to spread a newspaper. If the suggestion did not work, then the brick is placed directly on the car. Believe me, after that all inconveniences will be eliminated.

Method 2 Sprinkle neighbor machine  grain or bread crumbs. All the birds in your area will enjoy this treat, and the car after the feast will leave traces of bird claws and beaks, as well as litter. The neighbor will very quickly understand your subtle hint.

Method 3.  This is a more radical and effective method. Mix the silicate glue with the sand, the resulting mass smear on the windshield  neighbor car. Since the properties of glue and glass - the same thing, but, as you know, "like dissolves in like", when the glue dries, it can no longer be washed off. The neighbor will have to splurge on a new glass for the car, and you will live in peace.

How to revenge the neighbors in the cottage?

Method 1.  The simplest and most effective way of influencing neighbors' landings will be splashing a powerful herbicide on them. Young seedlings will not endure such a harassment, and the neighbors will not know who did it. You can also pour neighbor landings with a lot of saltpeter. From this, their growth is also broken.

Method 2  You can still take revenge on your dacha neighbor with the help of destroying his favorite tree.  To suppress the growth of neighboring trees, you can use a hole in the trunk with the introduction of the same herbicide.

The growth of trees will slow down, and after regular similar exposure they will die altogether.

Method 3. Destroy the neighbor tree  You can use a copper nail. Just hammer it into a tree trunk, it will quickly die from an impaired diet, and the neighbor will not know the reason. But for this, most likely, you will have to climb over the fence, so you need to be extremely careful and act imperceptibly.

Method 4. If your neighbors are not keen on planting, but are disturbed by frequent parties with friends, barbecue and drunken fights, then there is an original way of solving for such a case. The way to take revenge on a neighbor is simple: throw a pack of yeast into the neighbors' toilet (if it is outside, with a normal toilet, this method will not work). After a few hours, the yeast will begin its work to produce an unpleasant odor and not only. At the heart of the life of yeast is the fermentation process, and for him the toilet is full of substrate. Only this very substrate under the influence of yeast in the volume will increase, like dough. The result: a neighbor's holiday will be spoiled by the “substrate” flowing from the toilet and a terrible smell.

Human life consists of many relationships. The hardest things are with the people who live nearby. Often cultural requests do not work, and then you have to use more practical methods. There are many opportunities for revenge on the neighbors from above, which are constantly noisy. Nafost or spoil much, many, but to eliminate the source of the problems can only be strong-willed people. It is enough to use your ingenuity and then the problem will be solved.

Claims to the neighbors can be very much. The main factor is the noise when people constantly swear, listen to music or gather guests.

There may be other reasons for discontent with the neighbors, for example, smoking in an apartment, and the smoke is felt through the walls.

The entrance is considered a public place where silence must also be observed. There are different ways to punish offenders. Perhaps some of them will help to fix life.

You can post an ad with a request to behave decently. And it can be expressed in a standard or original form. An example is a sign that says “Disturbator!”. When night parties living on top you can contact the tax or sanitary epidemiological station. Employees will constantly check them, come. Everybody is tired of such adventures, and therefore anxieties may cease.

For those cases when music constantly interferes, there is another method to annoy. In the keyhole should be inserted needles that need to be pre-lubricated with super glue. Needles need to break off. In this case, the offenders will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, because a lock will need to be replaced. Constantly they will get tired of doing this and, perhaps, they will understand what the matter is. The shots on the battery work perfectly. This will help to teach disloyal people a lesson. There are special substances that emit unpleasant odors.

There is another original way to annoy - posting ads with unusual entries. They may have unexpected content. You can write about the sale or exchange of a neighbor's apartment. The entrance will be the best place for sticking them. It remains only to observe the reaction of offenders.

Proven methods

In order to harm neighbors for their constant noise or other actions, it is necessary to use effective methods:

  • The method of "strikes the battery": you need to take some object and knock. This usually works;
  • A convenient way to get revenge will be the use of "GSM signal jammers". With it, you will not be able to make calls in the area of ​​your action. It can be warned that the Internet can also be disabled. If the offenders are young, then without these amenities it will be difficult to live;
  • To upset the neighbors, you can cut the wire from the phone, the Internet, intercom. Without these conveniences it is difficult to live for a modern person;
  • If flooding occurs constantly and no requests bring results, then you can pour your gender. Naturally, the residents will come from below. Then everyone will complain and the problem will disappear;
  • Secured tenants can afford the purchase of a high power speaker system. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test. So get a lesson to offenders.

Do I have to declare war

If noise is constantly emanating from those living nearby, then you can first try to solve everything in a peaceful way.  Many people are quite adequate and it will be enough just to talk calmly with them. You can use a few simple rules:

It is not necessary at the slightest noise to immediately make people remark. They also have the right to carry out minor and major repairs, if necessary. If this occurs at the time allowed, then it should be tolerated. With prolonged noise, you need to talk with your neighbors. It is necessary to explain that they behave more quietly;

In some apartments, the audibility is good enough, so you need to think about high-quality sound insulation. A dense carpet is excellent for walls and floors, and drywall for the ceiling, which must be laid on an insulator layer. In this case, any noise will not be very noticeable.

Resolving the issue by legal means

Constant noise from above is very annoying, and therefore it is better to resolve the issue in a legal way. The law requires silence from 22.00 to 06.00.  At constant noisy evening events, you must contact the police. In the morning, be sure to write a statement and give it to the precinct. Such actions can be repeated until these illegal actions are completed.

If, once again, law enforcement officials refuse to leave, then you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. Proving a challenge is easy, since all conversations are recorded. After that, the police will carry out checks even when no one has called them.

Active activities

If no measures help, then the offenders can be punished using the following methods:

  • It is necessary to create uncomfortable living conditions. A great result is the posting of ads describing the life of neighbors. You can use the Internet, using the help of friends. Now there are a lot of directories and newspapers;
  • A caustic paint, which is used to write the word “noise” above the abuser’s apartment, will help to avenge violators. But nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that it is not worth much harm, since retaliatory actions may follow. There are special smelling substances that are unpleasant for people.

Other methods

An effective way to take revenge on noisy people is mental exposure. You can use a program such as "auto dialer". She will perform the dialing on the assigned number herself, and at the wrong time.

For those versed in electricity, the method of turning it off is suitable. And cut should be such a section of the wire, so that it was difficult to connect.

Basic knowledge of physics will help to improve your life and spoil relations with offenders. A metal pan is needed, which must be filled with water. You just need to leave the top blank. Then the container should be placed on the cabinet so that the edges are tightly pressed to the ceiling. Then the headphones should be fixed on the walls of the pan, and turn on the music. From this comes a strong buzz. And in his apartment there will be silence. For this there is a vibrating column.

To spoil the neighbors, you can use the advice of superstitious people. Under the rug of their apartment you need to pour salt, earth, feathers. On many, it works. It is the entrance will be the best place for reminders of the offender.

To really eliminate noise, you need to use the following tips:

  • Any measures must be carried out carefully so as not to lead to war;
  • You should not use radical methods, because often you only need a hint;
  • His actions must be accompanied by at least a note. Man must realize that he is disturbing people;
  • It is not necessary to become personal, you should point to actions;
  • Do not use obscene words and physical strength;
  • It is forbidden to create situations that are dangerous to people and animals;
  • No matter how much you would like to take revenge on your own, it is better to involve law enforcement agencies for this. They will do it legally.

What does the law say

To regulate such issues there is a law “On the sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population”. It spelled out the rules of conduct, not only for those living above, but also for the rest. For it is important to observe the following restrictions:

  • During the hours of 23.00-7.00 should be quiet. Noise can be up to 30 dB. The entrance is in a zone where order also applies;
  • In the period 7.00-19.00 noise can only be due to the reorganization of the dwelling, repair. Such events can be held only on weekdays. The law prohibits noise on holidays and weekends.

These rules do not apply to cases of emergency and construction work, when it is important to ensure the safety of people. Only about this should be a preliminary warning. The entrance is also among the territories where silence is required. The duration of the repair work should be about 6 hours, and then there should be a break. The actions that cause noise include:

  • The use of amplifiers used in commercial premises;
  • Fireworks and pyrotechnics;
  • Repairs;
  • Singing, screaming and whistling.

Necessary measures

If noise emanates from the neighbors, it is necessary to determine how strong it is. Sounds louder than 40 dB in the afternoon and 30 dB in the evening are considered a violation, as the law prohibits such behavior. This is determined by a special device.

To establish a violation can law enforcement officers, on the basis of which the violator requirements are made. Responsibility for this comes when tenants start complaining. It is best to resolve such issues peacefully.

If this cannot be done, then legal methods will help to cope with it. Other measures apply:

  • Independent examination. On the basis of this event, an act is drawn up indicating the date and time of the measurement of noise. All readings are recorded in the document. The work is performed under the guidance of experts with a license. The device must be accredited, otherwise the document will not be valid;
  • Appeal to the precinct. It is this law enforcement officer who is obliged to monitor compliance with the law on silence. Not everyone is willing to do these things, but you should persevere in enforcing your rights. The district police officer must take measures to eliminate the offense, for example, to make a remark or issue a fine. Collective appeals are welcome, because everything is much easier to solve;
  • Appeal to the court. The extreme measure in the presence of noisy neighbors is going to court, which will allow revenge offenders. The law governs such relationships. In this case, the issues will be handled by the judiciary. If repairs are carried out, it is necessary to warn people living nearby. You must write a statement indicating all the facts.

Legislators will be difficult to understand in those cases, if the children are noisy. Many irresponsible parents leave them at home alone, which is why many unpleasant situations result. Then you only need to talk so that the children do not run and do not jump. It is possible to appeal to the guardianship authorities and the children's ombudsman.

If you make noise on the street

Loud sounds emit not only the neighbors from above, but also the company from the street. What to do if you got such situations? This is governed by the rules for residential premises, which indicate that silence should be observed in the house and on the street 100 meters away from it.

The entrance also belongs to the territory where it is necessary to behave decently. Usually there are shops near where various companies like to gather in the summer. Nearby should not be noisy institutions, cafes, bars, clubs. Residents, in a similar situation, often visit the thoughts of how to take revenge on the offenders.

The first thing to do is try to fix the problem in a peaceful way. If the perpetrators do not want this, you can call the police. Usually this allows you to calm cheerful companies.

Noise at the wrong time causes serious consequences. The precinct draws up a protocol that is submitted to the court. There will be a case of administrative responsibility. Fines for this rely:

  • 500-2000 rub. - for citizens;
  • 1000-5000 rub. - for officials;
  • 3000-7000 rub. - on legal entities.

The penalty is paid within the prescribed period, which exactly will allow revenge against dishonest residents. In case of violation of this obligation, double amount is imposed. Sometimes defaulters are delayed. Although extreme measures will spoil the relationship of living, but it will allow to find peace in the house.

Neighbors and silence - are these concepts compatible? Increasingly, one has to make sure that no. Nevertheless, it is necessary to live as it is, and to live in maximum comfort, and not in noise. What to do when you are deprived of this happiness, when neighbors, day and night, remind you of their existence, and they often do it very, very loudly? The answer is obvious - fight! After all, there is always a way to solve the impending problem. It remains only to find the Solomon solution that would suit everyone. I would like to talk about these methods in this article.

All methods can be divided into four categories. Immediately I warn you that it is highly undesirable to resort to some of them, here they are more present to complete the picture. These categories are conventionally denoted as follows - silence by law, a wedge wedge, petty revenge and on the verge of a foul.

But first, some stories from your life. My first acquaintance with my neighbors happened back in school. We then lived on the seventh floor of a ten-story house. At that time I loved to listen to music very much, and the louder it turned out, the more I dragged from it. It is clear that one day the neighbors could not stand the bottom of this horror, they came and complained about the kind of music I listened to, and the louder it turned out, the more I dragged from it. It is clear that one day the neighbors from below did not sustain this horror, they came and complained to their parents. I was later "explained" that doing so was not good. I had to calm down for a while)). But as soon as the parents left somewhere, a rock concert started again in the house. Especially cool for me at that time was considered when I came out of the door, I could hear my music, and the farther from home I could hear it - the cooler).

Yeah ... tough was the time for the neighbors. Oh, as I understand them now. How poor they endured all this ... But after some time, I, to their joy, safely left my father's house and moved with his girlfriend to live in another apartment.

By that time, I had already got rid of this “noisy” habit. And he began to enjoy the pleasures of joint independent life. However, this enjoyment was not destined to last long. At first we were flooded, flooded not even from the second floor, but already from the third to us, it was completely broken.

Then there were eight months of almost quiet life, which ended with the repair of neighbors from above. Moreover, this repair lasts for more than a year, then calms down, then again begins to rumble. In fairness, I will say that the neighbors have at least a distant, but still an idea of ​​night and day. This is me to the fact that by 22-00 from the top, as a rule, everything calms down. But at 8-9 in the morning it all starts again. At one time it didn’t bother us much. Since we both work, we leave in the morning, we arrive in the evening, we do not go to bed early. But here, our vacation coincided and it began. From eight in the morning they start to peck from above, if they don’t start they cut in Mouzon All this lasts, as a rule, until lunchtime, then everything calms down for a while, but then it goes on without fail. You understand that you can not sleep, is at this time at home is also not a good idea. How long did I have to go short swear. I don’t know if it coincided or not, but after that the repair from above was under pressure. No, he, of course, resumed occasionally, but it was all wrong.

However, the habit of listening to music in the morning for the whole house, we then eradicated that way and could not. I had to go again and again. Now it seems, as well as with this business better. However, it was too early to rejoice. If the neighbors from the second and it turns out, as it is to call for silence, then those who live in the third - no. As I wrote above, they were noted first, at the moment when they were flooded. But later did not allow themselves to forget. Moreover, they did it very interestingly. Imagine the time of the night, on the clock ten-eleven-twelve, one or two nights - you are trying to sleep in a crib. In vain. After all, at intervals of five to fifteen minutes above, something crashes. I do not know, as if someone drops something heavy on the floor. Moreover, this happens not once or twice, but about two or three hours in a row. I still do not understand what they can do there at night, which would create a shock noise with such frequency.

At one time, I sinned on my neighbors from the second, because it seems logical to suspect them of striking the floor, my ceiling, from above. However, after I tried to drive them over this, it turned out that the neighbors were the third to blame. I had to go higher and arrange to scold there. For a while, it really helped. But still there is no former calm, and it seems that while we live there, there will not be.

It got to the point that you have to throw sleeping pills, think seriously about earplugs and other attributes of “quiet” life in a high-rise building. Oh, how I now envy the inhabitants of individual houses, but I have not seen any joy in this before. Well, it's true that you live well in your house, you sit there all day long, and there is silence all around and you can’t see or hear anyone. Skukotischaaaa. However, the last time I want to have such a separate house more and more. Well, or in extreme cases, move to the top floor and enjoy the silence, at least from above.

But what about the neighbors asking some? They, too, can deliver no less trouble? And in general, why not take and make high-quality soundproofing premises. Everything is good, but not everything is as simple as it may seem. As I found out, isolating an apartment from the noise from above is almost impossible. In this case, it will be more confusing if the neighbors build “floating floors” for themselves. But why should they do it? As for the noise from the side, there with good sound insulation you can achieve good results. Therefore, for the time being, I would be satisfied with the upper floor, but it will be clear there

Something I talked about. Where are the articles promised at the beginning of the struggle for silence? A little more patience, finish my stories - reasoning and move on to the most delicious.

From all this "good" life, I had to start to be interested in the issues of sound insulation of the room. So that's what I found out. In the panel house that I lived (as indeed in any other), the level of noise isolation is one of the worst. Well, why wonder if in the hole in which I hang a chandelier, I can see the neighbor's parquet? Not surprisingly, I hear what they are talking about, what they are watching and listening to, not to mention the louder noise. In brick houses with this matter a little bit better, but the neighbors are often heard well there. True, all these are examples of apartments from the secondary market. Here, many may think that now they have learned how to build houses as it should. Well, even if they are the houses that are now called elite. Already there all the norms and standards are maintained to the maximum! Unfortunately, this is not the case. The concept of additional, or even due to sound insulation, is a wonder even for builders of luxury homes.

Well, for example, a friend lives in my house. And what do you think? The thickness of the interroom walls there is 1 brick. That is, in fact, apartments are separated from each other as rooms in an apartment. That is, in principle, if a young couple housed behind the wall, then all their nights of love will be heard as if it happens in the next room. And what is there to do? You have to hire people, and in an already repaired room, install additional noise insulation. And this, then another pleasure.

This is perhaps the lyrical part of the article will end and proceed to its practical part. All of the above is the emotions and the truth of life, which rarely one of the residents of apartment buildings passes by. But not everything is so scary, often many of the problems voiced are amenable to solution. After all, not everyone knows and not everyone guesses about the wide variety of available methods of influencing the neighbors. So let's consider these methods.

Silence according to the law.

It is clear that many of those who suffer from the noise of neighbors, first try to talk with them peacefully and try to explain that their stormy livelihoods do not allow people around to rest easy. However, as practice shows, such an approach does not often help, and sometimes does even worse. Therefore, it is worth pre-assessing the mental abilities of the neighbors, and if there is doubt about their ability to dialogue, it is better to refrain from communicating with them. After all, if your neighbors are a family of alcoholics, a bunch of criminal elements, gopniks and other bydlopodobnyh creatures, then at best you obmateryat there. But they will certainly not be quieter, and more often it will be the other way around.

In such and some other cases, it is time to think about more radical ways of influencing the minds of insane neighbors than just talking. One of these ways is to contact the police. Let's look at this moment in more detail.

Do you know what is the Administrative Code? That's right, this is a code of administrative offenses. In which, among other things, moments are spelled out, which help people to assert their right to peace and quiet, especially at night. In it, if I am not mistaken, it is forbidden to make noise and interfere with the people around you from 22-00 to 6-00. How it works? The neighbors buzzed tightly from above, on the clock at twelve o'clock at night. We call the police and ask to come and stop it.

Eh, if everything would be so simple). Life is much more complicated. The fact is that the police squad may simply not come. Well, what interest is it to ride on such trifles. After all, even if they come and ring at the door of the brawlers, they have no right to open this door. And nothing for them will not be. Well, even if they bring them and they lure the neighbors outside - the maximum that they can do is take them away to the station for a couple of hours. And then what? Well, then everything can continue, maybe not this day, but the next. And what, every time cause outfit? It is possible to call that, only they will go less and less.

There is a truth here and another option. This is a precinct. Yes, there is somewhere such a person. I've never seen one of my own in three years. How can he help us in our grief? Or maybe he, for example, conduct an educational conversation with your neighbors, you can even expect to initiate an administrative violation case. But this is the maximum you can count on. And even if your neighbors are found guilty of violating silence, they will be fined a maximum of 500 rubles, and in fact they may be fined 50.

Eh, I think this is hardly capable of stopping or scaring anyone. However, to refuse the help of the police is still not worth it. Who knows, and maybe the neighbor will be frightened by the visit of the district police officer and next time he will not want to make such a noise. Anything can be, but you have to try. Indeed, in principle, this is the most convenient and easiest way to solve noise problems. That's only in life that rarely helps. Therefore it is necessary to apply more sophisticated techniques to the neighbors.

Yes, I almost forgot, except for the police, you can try to pacify the neighbors through the court. Here of course you have to pretty tricky. Ideally, you would not be disturbed by other injured neighbors as witnesses, a couple of police reports on the facts of the noise of the neighbors, and other proofs of "noise". Of course, this may not work on other neighbors, but often a subpoena is a very effective argument.

Wedge wedge.

Police, court, district, etc. things are certainly good, and sometimes even effective. But often all this is clearly not enough. Indeed, it is often problematic to prove the facts of noise from the neighbors, and it is difficult to scare with ridiculous fines. We have to resort to several other methods of struggle. And the first thing that comes to mind is stupid revenge. I do not propose to knock on batteries, because this is a stage already passed. We need to come up with something more serious.

The first step is to estimate the daily routine of your “favorite” neighbors. Calculate the time of day at which they sleep or rest. Often if they do not let you sleep at night, they themselves also apparently do not sleep, but do it in the morning or in the afternoon. After all, should they ever sleep). Here it is our task to determine when this wonderful moment occurs. And as you probably already guessed, they need to arrange a similar entertainment. The logic here is simple, since people do not understand that by their actions they interfere with the lives of others, then maybe it is worth giving them the opportunity to feel for themselves all this “joy” from repair and Mouzon during sleep?

The next stage is the choice of mode of action. Do you leave for work in the morning? And the neighbors only calmed down in the morning? Fine! We cut the music to the full volume, push the speakers to the wall, floor or ceiling where the enemy is located and leave)). I think that such prevention will leave few people indifferent. Of course, for this you need a powerful enough speaker system, even better if it is equipped with a subwoofer (after all, the low-frequency sound tickles the nerves very well).

I remembered in connection with this story. My grandmother, the neighbors, too, often liked to make some noise. To her own happiness, she had a powerful acoustic system in her house (do not ask why and where she came from), and after another noisy night, she put the record for The Ugly Duckling especially for them and turned it on to its fullest. After a couple of such auditions, the neighbors began to behave much quieter.

Here is such a story. It is clear that the method described by all is good, but, unfortunately, it also has a number of significant drawbacks. The first drawback is that once you have launched a counterattack against the neighbors, be prepared for the fact that they may come back with a showdown or you will have a war of survival. Well, it's okay, since you are brought to this, it is unlikely that you will be worse off. It is quite another thing that this method is not very addressable. Those. thus punishing some neighbors, other, completely uncomplicated people may suffer from your music. Therefore, either make sure that your music will not interfere with them, or go to more accurate beats.

To a more sophisticated method of influencing the "enemy", can be considered unscheduled repairs. Although the repair is too loud. Nevertheless, this method will require you to some cost, well, an irresistible desire to take revenge. At a minimum, you will need a perforator, which you will periodically turn on and hammer in the place where restless neighbors live. Also, for the best effect, it is desirable to do this when people are trying to relax behind the wall. A couple of such sessions can help you regain peace and quiet.

As an option, you can hire people who will do it for you. You can move to your relatives, friends or just rent an apartment for this time. After a month of such preventive procedures, the neighbors will most likely give up, and peace and quiet will settle in your house for many years).

However, all the described methods are not always applicable, well, or do not have the desired effect. In this case, you have to invent something else.

Small revenge.

If you do not want an open confrontation with your neighbors, you can do some dirty tricks. Here, however, there is one important condition. To secret revenge can only be resorted to when a neighbor, gets not only you, but also other inhabitants of the house. Then, in which case, suspicion of the involvement of his misadventures, will fall not only on you, but also on someone else. Let the neighbor sit and wrestle with who and what to thank for a pile of fallen troubles.

The main task of a petty dirty dog ​​is to harm the calmness of a neighbor, and make his life unbearable. Let him feel in his own skin what it is like to suffer and not be able to stop it somehow. Your strength and success is anonymity. It will protect you from accusations or physical violence if anything happens (yes, and it happens).

In addition to such harmless pranks as a call to the intercom, leaving in the morning for work. You can also start practicing morning dialing from your cell phone to the enemy's phone number, there is nothing for him to sleep, since he does not give to others.

In continuation of the telephone theme can be offered such a sophisticated way. You take a newspaper or search the Internet for ads related to rental housing, offers with profitable work, or selling - buying something, at a very good price. Further, on the basis of the information received, we place our announcement in the same place, where we indicate the home or cellular (if known), and better both the telephone numbers of the noisy neighbor, and the address is also possible. It is advisable to place these ads in such places from which it is impossible to track who submitted an ad. This can be done on the Internet on any message boards, on job sites, etc., and even stick an ad somewhere in a busy place.

What's next? We live further and enjoy revenge. If you guessed the announcement, then the cross is at rest - the neighbor will endlessly ring the home, cell phone, not to mention the doorbell and intercom. You look at his desire to make some noise, it will calm down. The only difficulty here is to get the phone number of the neighbor, but in our age it is often an easy task.

You can also try to scare your neighbors by placing them in a mailbox or at the door of a fake subpoena or order imposing a fine, or something like that. They may not run to understand, but at least they will be alerted and probably will stop making noise so as not to tempt fate. Here for you to be more convincing it is advisable to arrange everything on the official form, which you can get on the Internet or try to make yourself similar to the official paper. If you do not know the name of your neighbors, that would indicate it in this paper - you can peep it in the receipts for payment of utility bills, for example. Perhaps this method will eliminate the legal ignorance of neighbors, and they are afraid of punishment will take a prudent decision - to return peace to others.

If you are friends with a soldering iron, then on the Internet you can find a bunch of diagrams of various devices having built a neighbor will lose the opportunity to make noise or will suffer. So if the neighbors turn on the TV loudly, you can spoil their antenna. To do this, we stick a needle into their antenna cable, thus closing it, breaking off the ends and everything is impossible to find, only the replacement of the entire cable will help. There are also many radio frequency suppression devices, this will help if your neighbor loves to listen to the radio. Riding the skill can be considered installation in the counter of the neighbors of a bug, which will forcibly chop off a neighbor's light, for example, at 10 pm, and in the morning it was turned on. Such a device, not every electrician will be able to find, and when the light comes on call, it will already be turned on, beauty. You can also find a variety of schemes for various radio silencers, emitters, jammers and jammers, and other means of dealing with noise sources.

Such devices are found both home-made and industrially produced - although the latter are usually quite expensive, and for the common man are not always available, and often certain skills and permits are necessary for their management and use. Therefore, we can advise you to contact specialized offices, for example, some private security companies - surely they have similar equipment that can be used. Also, if you are lucky and you have friends or are familiar with law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB), you can ask them to help you with your misfortune, because they also have similar equipment at their disposal.

You can think of many more ways to poison the hated neighbors life. Neighbors left the car at home - beauty, you can start to periodically check the performance of the alarm system in various ways and so on.

Using all these methods, however, remember that your task is to go unnoticed and to be above the suspicion of those misadventures that have befallen the neighbors. After all, most of these methods of influence are not entirely legal, and in which case, you may suffer from your actions much more than your neighbors. Therefore, first think three times, and you need it?

In general, the purpose of using such methods is to push the neighbors to the idea that all these troubles are connected with their disregard for others. Well, if with the ingenuity of the neighbors tight, you at least quench your thirst for revenge.

On the verge of a foul.

If all peaceful and relatively harmless methods of struggle did not have a result, then such an outcome often pushes people to extreme measures. We will talk about them below. However, I want to ask you - is the goal to pacify the neighbors of such drastic measures on your part? After all, the consequences of many of the ways described are quite serious, can you better find yourself another apartment? And then it will not be necessary to go so far into the desire to call such stubborn neighbors to order and silence?

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the actions described on your part can cause a similar reaction from neighbors. Therefore, be prepared for this, it is worthwhile to think about your children and wife separately, because they, being the weakest, may be subjected to reprisals first. If you don’t feel sorry for yourself, at least think about your loved ones!

However, if all of the above did not stop, then let's move on to the study of tough methods of struggle. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is the use of physical force. In this case, you should have a constant numerical and physical advantage. If your neighbors are teenagers, students and other weak individuals who rustle and have fun, you can of course scare them, or even beat them slightly.

But if noisy neighbors are people with a criminal past, drug addicts, residents of the former Soviet republics (who usually live in large numbers, and behave ugly only by feeling their physical superiority), gopnik, etc. elements, then it is worth acting differently. Even if you can beat them for the first time, there is a great chance that they will watch over you and will often take revenge in a more rigid form. Therefore, in such cases, it is not reasonable to behave this way. But in all other cases, you can risk intimidating the physical violence of restless neighbors, although there is a chance to run into more serious troubles for yourself. Remember that the use of force in response to the noise of neighbors, is not a proportional response and can be qualified as a threat of violence, injury to persons, etc. Here the goal is achieved by using non-proportional means of exposure, so think about the consequences in advance.

As a continuation of the previous method, it is possible to offer to contact people who, for money or by old friendship, will take on the physical education of their neighbors. This is a better option on the one hand, because if these people communicate with their neighbors convincingly enough, then you can quickly solve your problem with your neighbors. However, the disadvantage of this method is that you can later turn out to be dependent on these people (there is a lot of room for all sorts of blackmail and extortion), so be careful here too.

In addition to the physical methods of educating neighbors, there are other less rigid, but no less effective methods. For example, why not act as a victim? To do this, however, it will be necessary to call a neighbor for aggression. If you cause any harm or damage, do not be shy, call the police and file a lawsuit (if possible, make an audio-video shooting or enlist the testimony of witnesses). True, this method is more suitable for sadomasochists, probably). Yes, and hope in our country on the law, too frivolously like that.

For lovers of chemistry, there is also fertile ground here for exposure. I will not describe specifically what to mix and with, if desired, smelly cocktail recipes can also be easily found on the Internet. The bottom line is that you get the necessary drug, in every possible way trying to inject it into the apartment of the neighbors through the lock, the cracks in the door, there to irrigate the door itself, the mat and everything nearby. The selected drug should exude an extremely fetid odor, while being resistant to flushing, but does not directly cause harm to health. I think in the quality of prevention is a very effective way.

Desperate people in the fight with neighbors reach the point that they seek to isolate them, that is, they do so that the neighbors cannot leave or enter their apartment. For this, for example, at the time of the absence of neighbors, you can find a welder and brew them the front door, and even windows (it makes sense for the first floor). This method is more suitable for those neighbors who do not have the money to quickly eliminate it - alcoholics, drug addicts and other disadvantaged poor citizens who, with their round the clock courage and brawling, poison the lives of normal residents of the house.

The method with welding is suitable when there are no neighbors at home, and even realizing it imperceptibly is quite problematic, therefore enlist the support of the whole house or porch before you take this step.

And if the neighbors are at home, and they mostly interfere with you - in such a case, waiting for the right moment, you can fill the door or the lock with foam, for example. It is noiseless enough, but to get out without assistance from such an apartment is unrealistic, and it will take a long time to open the door. Instead of foam, you can think of another way to lock the door.

Here is such a collection of bad advice. Of course, you can come up with many other ways to deal with your neighbors (for example, there is such an interesting resource in the internet - “The Club of the Defenders of Silence”), but I think this will be quite enough in most cases. As you could see to win the battle with the neighbors, the task is not trivial, often requiring ingenuity and resourcefulness. But playing these games with neighbors, do not forget about the letter of the law.
  Since most of the above, if desired, and under the circumstances, can easily lead to much more serious consequences. Agree to sit for a couple of years, not the price that most people are willing to pay for peace and quiet. And if all the legal and human methods of influence have not given proper results, it is better to find a new apartment for yourself, with more sane neighbors.

In general, of course, it’s a pity that we don’t have the habit of taking care of people around us, everyone thinks only of their own comfort and convenience. Therefore, people have to fight for their right to live in human conditions. And while often have to resort to extreme measures, because no one else, unfortunately, is not interested in protecting our rights and freedoms.

In conclusion, I would like to ask the reader a question - how did you fight with your noisy and restless neighbors? It would be interesting to hear your story of confrontation ....



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