the main - Drywall
  All about repair. Technology of pasting and painting of surfaces. Performing repair of painted surfaces.

The most frequent defects of the surfaces of building structures and products (significant irregularities, shells, chips and deep shchebina) are the result of violations of their technology, mechanical damage during transportation and installation, poor quality prefabricated elements, linings and plasters

Defective places before painting work are repaired with polymer-cement and gypsol-polymer-cement solutions. Solutions are prepared from dry marketable cement-sand or gypsum-cement-pozzolan mixture and additives (polyvinyl acetate dispersion or synthetic latex) in relation to the cement or gypsum binder 0.2: 1, resulting in a polymer-cement or gypsum-polymer cement solution. Polymer additive improves adhesion, impact strength and porosity of the solution. This allows it to be applied on various substrates (for example, concrete, gypsum concrete). Adhesion of polymer cement mortar with concrete reaches in 28 days 0.5-0.6 MPa, which is 4 times more than the adhesion strength of conventional cement-sand plaster.

The solution from dry mixes is prepared on construction sites. The dry mixture is thoroughly mixed with water to the working consistency in a mortar mixer or plasterer's boxes. The dispersion or latex is introduced beforehand into water and the solution is shut on it. A small amount of lime-glue retarder setting gypsum is added to the gypsum polymer cement solution.

On the floors, solutions are supplied with mortar pumps.

Before repairs, defective areas are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, then they are primed with 7% concentration aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate dispersion with a brush. Given that the volume of repair work, as a rule, small, plaster mortars will be applied manually with plastering tools.

The plastering shovel (12, a) and scoop-shovel (12.6) consist of a steel blade up to 1.5 mm thick, a cutting with a knee 50 mm high and a wooden handle of standard size impaled on the cutting. Blade blade length is 180 and 200 mm. The handle is attached to the web by welding and less often it is riveted. The solution, which accumulates in the place of attachment of the cutting, is systematically cleaned. Blades with a seamless cloth and a handle are more convenient - it is easier to remove the solution from them. The smaller the mass of the scapula, the easier it is to work.

Plastering blades pour and dispense (approximately) various materials, mix dry mixtures and solutions, throw, smear, level and smooth down the solutions, cut off the excess solution, clean the tools, inventory and accessories from the solution.

Semi-graters (rice, 12, в), intended for leveling and spreading the mortar, are made of wood; the canvas should be flat. Depending on the destination, the canvas is from 150 to 2000 in length, from 20 to 150 in width, from 5 to 30 mm thick.

Shaped semi-graters (12, g), used for polishing husks, barrels and chamfers, are more productive and easier to use than simple ones. They are metal 804 mm long and wooden up to 2000 mm long. In wooden trowels, the canvas is knocked out of two planed boards at a right angle, the handles are fixed with nails. The lack of wooden semi-trailers is that they warp.

Graters (12, d) are used for a smooth finish of the mortar, i.e., grouting. They are made of pine or spruce wood, duralumin, galvanized steel. The handle is made of such height that it was convenient to hold the grater. The average size of the blade grater 110X190 mm. The handle is attached to the canvas with nails or wooden pins. As the grater blade abrades, the ends of the nails or pins are embedded in the canvas.

When wetted and dried, the grater blade warps, which reduces productivity. In order for the grater to rub clean, a thick felt or felt is nailed to the canvas, but such a grater does not cut off the small tubercles, therefore, first rub the surface with a float with a wooden canvas and then with a cloth covered with felt. Sometimes for smoothing the solution used articulated graters on a long handle, the block of which is wrapped with sandpaper. Smooth the surface of the reciprocating movement of the yoke or grater 60-70 cm wide.

Gladilki (12, e) is more productive grater, but the quality of smoothing them below. Ironing can be steel or wood. Wooden trowels are semi-grates, the canvas of which is covered with rubber.

For smoothing the surface of the solution using flap stone or the end of a tree. A piece of flail stone (sandy stone of hard rock), silicate brick or the end of a coniferous tree is inserted into the holder on a long handle, which allows smoothing surfaces in rooms 2.5-3 m high without stepladders or tables.

As a result of repairing and leveling the surfaces with polymer-cement or gypsum-polymer cement solution, a small-roughened surface is obtained that is not suitable for painting, it is additionally leveled with putties.

On surfaces covered with wallpaper or films are not allowed: the location of the edges of the panels overlapped in the direction of the windows, the discrepancy between the color and shade of the individual panels, folds, swellings, bubbles, leaks adjoining the wallpaper or films to the slopes of the openings, as well as skips, pasting, peeling wallpaper and skewed panels (vertical). Inaccurate fitting of the pattern at the joints of individual panels should not exceed 0.5 mm. The joints of individual wallpaper panels when sticking them on end should not be visible from a distance of 3m.

The defects that are most often encountered when pasting surfaces with wallpaper and films, the reasons for their occurrence and the methods of elimination are as follows.

Full and partial flaking of wallpaper near the eaves

Pasting on the surfaces previously painted with water color; Too fast drying of drafts or excessive heating; the use of weak paste with dense wallpaper. Bend the peeled off part of the wallpaper, shade with gel paste on the surface, smear the wallpaper with paste, hold for swelling and then glue; eliminate drafts; apply paste in accordance with the density of the wallpaper.

Bubbles, wrinkles on the wallpaper

Slow drying, low temperature, the use of strong paste with thin wallpaper, careless smoothing. Wallpapers are not sufficiently aged after spreading with paste. Wallpaper to glue. Take measures to increase the temperature in individual rooms, eliminating the causes of insufficient ventilation; apply paste in accordance with the density of the wallpaper; carefully smooth the wallpaper. Withstand the paste-smeared wallpaper for swelling,

Cloth is inclined

Work done without a plumb. Perekleit wallpaper. To paste the first panel strictly on a plumb.

The pattern of individual panels does not match

Poorly matched pattern when sticking wallpaper. Perekleit wallpaper, given the exact match pattern of adjacent panels of wallpaper.

Thickened seam

Pasting is made on old wall-paper without preliminary cleaning of seams or an overlap at dense wall-paper. Perekleit wallpaper, stripping the seams of previously pasted wallpaper. Gluing a dense wallpaper to produce with seams butt.

Visible "stitches" seams

Pasted overlapped against the light. Perekleit wallpaper, cleaning the seams and making wallpapering, starting from the window opening.

Wallpapers are dirty, edges are poured, paste paste through wallpaper. Wallpapers plastered with hot paste (especially wallpaper made of thin paper). Perekleit wallpaper, using for sticking paste, cooled to 20-30 ° C.

Wallpaper broken in the corners of the walls

The corner is sealed with a whole canvas, not trimmed with an allowance of 2-3 cm. Perekleit wallpaper, making the seizure of the wallpaper on the adjacent wall no more than 2-3cm.

Backlog of wallpaper or films from the platbands and baseboards

Places at platbands before wallpapering or films are not greased with paste. Brush with glue and glue loose edges, letting them swell, and then smooth them thoroughly.

The germination of the color of the underlying wallpaper

The use of low-quality aniline dyes in the manufacture of wallpaper. Remove old wallpaper, glue up waste paper and paste over the wallpaper again.

Hard blotches under wallpaper

Contamination of the paste or surface particles. Clean and re-stick.

Torn edge wallpaper

Negligence when cutting wallpaper. Perekleit wallpaper, carefully cutting the edges.

Often when applying adhesives to the painted surface, wet spots or individual spots appear with a "stale" color, the color of which is much darker. This happens when they paint not quite dried plaster. Such defects are eliminated by washing the entire surface with warm water, drying the damp places, and then priming and painting again.

When applying painters with an insufficient amount of glue, a shaving of the paint layer occurs, which is eliminated by also washing the surface, then priming and painting with a color scheme with normal glue content.

When applying painters with excess glue, as well as when painting surfaces, filled or primed with compositions containing an excess amount of glue, the color of the color is fading: marble spots and stripes appear. To eliminate them, wash the paint with hot water, rinse the surface several times with warm water and, when it dries out, cover it with a very weak primer (with a small amount of glue) - the glue from the putty should fix the weak primer. A primer for this purpose is prepared according to the following recipe:

Primer on re-glued putty (per 10 l of composition)

  • Copper sulfate ................................................ ........... 0.05 kg
  • Laundry soap ................................................ .... 0.05 kg
  • Animal glue (10%) .......................................... .0,55 l

In addition to the defects listed above, which are obtained by dyeing with aqueous compositions, including glue ones, there may be other defects. The reasons for their appearance and methods of elimination are listed in Table. 15.

The quality of water colors is determined mainly by the appearance of the work performed.

Table 15
  Defects of water paints


The reasons for their appearance


Grease stains

On plaster stains of non-drying mineral and animal oils

Cut down the plaster on the spot, re-plaster and paint; rinse the surfaces with alkaline water and paint

Traces of grease stains on the surface of paint on reinforced concrete surfaces

Traces of non-drying oils from form lubrication

Clean the surface of the paint layer together with putty, wash it with 5% trisodium phosphate solution or soda ash, neutralize the surface with 5% hydrochloric acid solution and paint again

Yellow rust spots

Penetration of resinous substances through plaster and paint

Remove old ones: wash them with warm 3% hydrochloric acid solution and, if the spots are small, prime with copper-ground primer without chalk, and with large sizes shellac alcohol or rosin varnish

Vysola (white crystalline bloom)

Isolation of soluble salts from plaster or brickwork under the action of water vapor

Dry and clean the surface with a metal brush, prime with white oil paint, putty with glue putty, prime and then re-paint with glue paint

Translating the previous paint layer

The use of primer, different in color from color

Rinse and dry thoroughly, re-primed and painted. For solid and intense colors, prepare a primer to match the color of the color coat.

Peeling paint film

The surface is painted over a thick layer of the previous backwaters; excessive amount of glue in Kohler or too thick Kohler

To shade nabelae with clean water, and with a significant peeling, scrape off the paint, rub the plaster, prime it and paint it again

The surface was painted, without priming the plaster, rubbed, without having cleaned the old surface, the repaired damages, cracks and dents in the plaster were not sufficiently primed.

Thoroughly wash the painted surface with clean water, remove the trimming with a steel spatula, if necessary, grind, dry, prime and re-paint

Not enough primed places repaired with gypsum mortar. Cracks, sealed with lime mortar, poorly wiped and not aligned with the rest of the surface

Brush off the paint, rinse with water and rub the plaster, then re-primed and painted over the dried surface


There is not enough glue in the color coat; contains large grains of pigment or chalk

To fix, spraying the surface of the spray with a weak adhesive solution, re-prime and paint with drained compounds

Not enough mixed pigments in the color scheme; Kohler's badly shaded

Rinse and paint with a liquid color spray gun

Spray, drip passes

A liquid color is applied and the paint layer is oversaturated due to the slow motion of the fishing rod or the hand spray gun; the hole of the nozzle disc spray gun increased

Rinse the paint with water, re-prime and paint the surface. Replace nozzle disk

Painted on a weak primer; inept work with a brush or spray gun

Rinse the surface with water, re-prime and paint

Change color tone

In calcareous colourants, non-monolithic pigments are used, and in glue-based soap-making primers, they are resistant to lime; cause a change in color tone and pigments that are not resistant to the action of light, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide

Wash off the color, surface re-primed and painted, using pigments resistant to alkalis, light and hydrogen sulfide in the color scheme

The painted surface dries unevenly.

Ambient temperature fluctuates; the primer is not clean enough and uniform

To establish the causes of fluctuations in ambient temperature; check the preparation of the primer

test questions

  1. List the technological operations for preparation for painting:
    • 1.1. improved glue;
    • 1.2. lime on plaster and concrete;
    • 1.3. improved casein;
    • 1.4. emulsion.
  2. What are the requirements of the SNiP to the quality of coloring water formulations?

Section 3 PM 03 "Surface pasting with various materials",should:

have practical experience:

· Pasting surfaces with various materials

be able to:

· Prepare glue

· To control the quality of preparation and surface treatment

· Apply adhesives to surfaces

· Wallpaper ceilings

· To paste over walls various wall-paper

· Control the quality of the wallpaper


· Basic labor law

· Rules for reading drawings

· Methods of work organization at the workplace

· Rates of raw materials and materials for work performed

· Basic labor economics

· safety rules

· Types of basic materials used in the manufacture of wallpaper

· Requirements for the quality of materials used in

wallpaper production

· Ways of preparing surfaces for surface pasting

· Purpose and rules for the use of hand tools, tools, machines and mechanisms

· Methods of cooking glue

· Quality requirements

· Safety regulations when performing wallpaper works

· Technology of pasting ceilings and walls with wallpaper and films

· Types of wallpaper

· The principle of cutting wallpaper

· Conditions for pasting various types of wallpaper and films

Topic 3.1. Methods for preparing surfaces for wallpapering.

1. Make a table: "The sequence of the processes in the preparation of surfaces for wallpapering on monolithic plaster and concrete, on dry gypsum plaster, on wood."

2. Write a summary.

Subject for essay: "Adhesives for wallpaper works."

Topic 3.2. Technology pasting walls and ceilings wallpaper.

1. Prepare a report.

Subject for the essay: "Which wallpaper to choose?"

2. Create a table of the most common defects on the surface, when pasting with wallpaper. Identify the causes and remedies.

3. Prepare a project presentation on a removable disk: “Apartment of the Future” - collective work.

Section 4 PM. 03 Repairing painted and pasted surfaces.

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and relevant professional competencies the student, during the development   Section 4 PM. 04 "Repairing painted and pasted surfaces",should:

have practical experience:

· Repairing painted and pasted surfaces

be able to:

· Repair the glued surfaces with wallpaper and films

· To repair painted surfaces with various painting compositions

· Control the quality of repair work

· Comply with safe working conditions


· Technology of repairing surfaces pasted over with various materials, painted with aqueous and non-aqueous compositions

· Requirements of sanitary norms and rules for the repair of plastered and painted surfaces

· Safety regulations when performing repair work

Under this section, for independent work is proposed:

Topic 4.2. Technology of repair painted and pasted surfaces.

1. Preparation of flow charts:

o To repair painted surfaces with water formulations;

o For repair of painted surfaces with non-aqueous compositions;

o For repair of surfaces pasted over with wallpaper.

Criteria for evaluation.

An important part of the student’s independent work is the preparation and protection of essays, reports, projects, essays, test and term papers.

Types of independent work in the study of any discipline are the preparation of a report, essay, messages or notes. These works are written work.

1. Report this is a verbal or written presentation of a message to a specific

The report is compiled according to the following algorithm:

1. To pick up the literature on this topic, to get acquainted with its content.

2. Using bookmarks to mark the most significant places or make

3. Make a plan for the report.

4. Write a plan of the report, in conclusion of which it is necessary to express your

5. Relation to the stated topic and its content.

7. To issue in accordance with the requirements for the design of written work.

Approximate structure of the report:

1. Title page

2. Explanatory note

3. Introduction

4. Text of work

5. Conclusion.

3. List of references.

Abstract (from the Latin refero - I report, I inform), a summary in writing or in the form of a public presentation of the content of the book, scientific work, the results of the study of a scientific problem; A report on a specific topic, including a review of relevant literature and other sources. As a rule, the abstract has a scientific - informational purpose.

In the process of working on the essay, there are 4 stages:

1. Introduction - the choice of topics, work on the plan and introduction.

2.Basic - work on the content and conclusion of the abstract.

3. The final - design of the essay.

4. Protection of the essay (in the exam, student conference, etc.)

The structure of the abstract:

· Title page

· Introduction: justification of the topic of the abstract, its relevance, significance; listing issues addressed in the abstract; definition of goals and objectives of the work; review of sources and literature.   Its volume is 1-3 pages.

· Main part:the main part has a name expressing the essence of the abstract, may consist of two or three sections, which also have a name. The main part of the state of the studied issue is described in a deep and systematic manner; contradictory opinions are given, which are contained in various sources, which are analyzed and evaluated with special care.

· Conclusion (conclusions and suggestions): the results of the analysis of the evolution and development trends of the issue under consideration are formulated; Suggestions are given on how to resolve significant issues.

The volume of the conclusion is 2-3 pages.

In presenting the material, the following rules must be followed:

· It is not recommended to lead the story in the first person singular. It is necessary to choose the impersonal forms of the verb. For example, instead of the phrase “conducting my experiment,” it is better to write “the experiment performed.”

· At the mention in the text of the surnames it is necessary to put initials before the surname.

· The quotation is given in the form in which it is given in the source and is enclosed in quotes on both sides.

· Each chapter begins with a new page.

3. Synopsis - it is a consistent, coherent presentation of the material of a book or article in accordance with its logical structure. The main part of the abstract consists of theses, but evidence, facts and extracts, charts and tables, as well as notes from the reader about what they read are added to them. If the summary consists of only extracts, it is called textual abstract. This is the most “non-developing” type of the abstract, since when it is compiled the thought of a student is practically turned off from work, and the whole thing comes down to a mechanical rewriting of the text. If the content of the read is presented mainly in the form of presentation, retelling is free abstract. If only one or a few of the problems relating to the topic are singled out from the read, as the main ones, but not the entire content of the book is a thematic summary.


Message writing rules

1. On the card in the library, select the literature on the topic.

2. Study the literature, make a plan for individual sections.

3. Make a plan of messages (systematization of information received, conclusions and generalizations).

4. When making messages, use pictures, diagrams, etc.

The time for reading a speech with a message and a summary is 3-5 minutes, with a report and an abstract of 5-8 minutes.


1. Scissors.

2. Roller for leveling pasted wallpaper.

3. Brush for smoothing wallpaper.

4. Brush for smearing glue.

6. Ruler.

7. Roller knife.

When accepting works, the compliance of the wallpaper with samples approved by the author’s supervision is checked. Wallpaper works are accepted only after drying pasted over with both surfaces or after glued on a crust.

The quality of the wallpaper should meet the following requirements:

On the glued surfaces there should not be bubbles and spots;

All panels should have the same color and shade;

The fit of the pattern at the joints should be accurate - with tolerances of no more than +0.5 mm;

Gaps, pasting and peeling are not allowed;

Joints of wallpaper when gluing them abutly should not be visible at a distance of 3 m.

When gluing wallpaper overlap, the edge of the panel should be turned towards the light - towards the windows.

DIARY REPORT number 27

date<<13>\u003e 06 2015

Theme:Preparation of surfaces for painting.

Purpose:To master the techniques of preparing surfaces for painting.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools - brush, roller.
  Task 1. Preparation of surfaces for painting.

Before painting the surface must be definitely prepared. Before the start of painting works in the premises, all construction works are completed (except for laying linoleum on floors and parquet flooring), electrical work, installation and testing of central heating, water supply, and sewerage. The surface to be painted must have a certain moisture content (for plastered and concrete surfaces no more than 8%, and for wooden surfaces - 12%). In winter conditions, internal painting works are carried out in insulated and heated premises at the temperature of the coolest surfaces above 8 ° C. Wooden structures should be well secured, not have cracks, burrs and other flaws. Window and door blocks come to objects painted once (i.e., all the processes preceding the first coloring are performed by the manufacturer).

DIARY REPORT number 28

date<<13>\u003e 06 2015

Theme:Facade painting with acrylic paints.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting facades with acrylic paints.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools - brush, roller.
  Task 1. Facade painting with acrylic paints.

The article describes one of the ways to protect the facade from premature aging - painting with paintwork materials. In particular, the most common type of facade coatings is presented - based on aqueous acrylic dispersion. Acrylic coatings are characterized by environmental safety and high performance. The service life and performance properties of the paintwork depend not only on the quality of the paint, but also on the preparation of the surface of the facade, compliance with application technologies. Therefore, we consider in detail all the stages of painting. Preparation of the facade surface The facade surface should be clean, not crumbling and not “grinding”, dry, without signs of fungal infections. Old crumbling and cracked paint coatings must be removed. To strengthen the "grinding" surfaces, you can use an acrylic primer of deep penetration, for example, the VD-AK-051 primer of the Galamix trademark diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Puttying Before painting it is necessary to level the surface of the facade - to putty chipped, cracked, notched, etc. In order to prevent the putty from drying too fast due to water being absorbed into the wall surface, it is recommended to prime the wall first. The result of quick drying of the putty may be the appearance of "scuffing" when puttying. For the same reason, when applying putty in 2 layers, it is desirable to carry out intermediate priming of the first layer. It should be borne in mind that before painting with water-dispersion acrylic paints it is necessary to use water-based putty. If the finish painting is made with structural paints that create a relief pattern, small grooves, cracks and chips are allowed on the surface. This is due to the fact that acrylic structural paints are usually applied in a thick layer and can hide small surface defects. Therefore, the filling stage can be excluded from the process using structural paints. Priming To increase the service life of the paintwork, you must first prime the surface of the facade. Priming will protect the wall from environmental exposure before painting it with paintwork material, reduce paint consumption, improve its adhesion to the surface. Domestic manufacturers offer two main types of acrylic primers. Primers of deep penetration are recommended for highly porous substrates, for strengthening fragile surfaces, for use in rooms with high humidity. Another type of primer - filled, they fill small defects and surface irregularities. Both types of acrylic primers form a thin film on the surface of the facade, level its porosity and moisture absorption, stabilize the surface layer, and allow to avoid different shades of the coating after painting. Acrylic primers are suitable for applying to new and previously painted concrete, plasterboard, brick, plastered and wooden surfaces before painting them with water-dispersion acrylic facade paints. Primers can be applied by manual methods - roller, brush, and also by pneumatic spraying. Primer consumption depends on the absorption surface of the facade. For example, for acrylic primers of the Russian brand Galamix, the average consumption is 80-120 g / m2. Painting the facade with acrylic paints Acrylic water-dispersion paints have a high weatherability, pass gases and water vapor well, and are highly resistant to washing and wet abrasion. Styrene-acrylic paints have a higher alkali resistance than acrylic, which is important when painting high-alkaline concrete surfaces. However, the durability of the paint, meaning the absence of "chalking", yellowing, cracking, peeling, dirt absorption is determined not only by the nature of the binder. It is important that the correct ratio of fillers and pigments in relation to the binder in the paint. The optimum ratio provides good adhesion, low water absorption in combination with the ability to diffusion of air and water vapor from the interior. Also important are the type and amount of pigment that makes up the paint. The amount of pigment determines the hiding power of the paint, and accordingly its consumption, and the light resistance depends on the quality and chemical nature of the pigment, i.e. color change due to solar radiation. The paint should contain additives that affect its storage stability and ease of application.

DIARY REPORT number 29

date<<13>\u003e 06 2015

Theme:Facade coloring with silicate compositions.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting facades with silicate compounds.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-brush roller.
  Task 1. Facade painting with silicate compounds.

The surface for painting with silicate paints should be carefully prepared. Loose surfaces (plaster, brick) are pre-primed with water or, if it does not help, with a solution of liquid glass (specific gravity 1.13-1.15) with chalk; coloring in case of priming with water is made on the wet surface.
  The required strength of the primer is determined by the method of test paint on the surfaces of buildings. If after 2-4 hours after applying the primer the wall has no spotting and does not shallow, its coating has a summer sheen (reminiscent of egg shells) - the primer is well chosen and you can start painting. When grinding, the strength of the liquid glass solution is enhanced, and when spotting is weakened.
  Coloring is made in two layers. The second layer is applied no earlier than 20 hours. after the first coloring. Painting work is usually done with an airbrush, but it can be done with a roller, brush or spray gun at air temperatures below 24 °. In dry sunny weather, facades facing south are painted only until 10 o'clock. in the morning. At negative temperatures it is impossible to work with silicate paints.

DIARY REPORT number 30

date<<13>\u003e 06 2015

Theme:Facade painting with cement formulations.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting facades with cement compositions.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

The surface for painting with cement compositions should be prepared as for ordinary painting of facades, and after washing it should be abundantly moistened with water to create normal conditions for cement hardening and prevent water from sucking from the painting composition.
  On the prepared surface, the coloring is carried out twice with pistol-sprays, rollers or brushes, and the second coloring is performed in a day, carefully protecting the freshly-painted surface from direct sunlight, otherwise fast drying will violate the normal conditions for hardening the cement.
  On 1 m2 of surface consumed 0.5-0.9 kg of dry paint.
  To avoid damage to the instrument, it should be flushed immediately after completion of the work, trying to use any breaks in the work.


date<<02>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Facade painting with lime structures.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting facades with lime compounds.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Facade painting technology.

Task 2. Defects cause of their appearance and how to eliminate them

DIARY REPORT number 32

date<<03>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of surfaces painted with water.

Purpose:Master the techniques of repairing surfaces painted with water. .

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.

Task 2. The requirements of the preparatory work

DIARY REPORT number 33

date<<04>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Preparation of plaster surfaces for painting the field of vinyl chloride compounds.

Purpose:To master the techniques of preparation of plaster surfaces for painting the field of vinyl chloride compounds .

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Preparation technology.

Task 2. Defects and ways to eliminate them.


date<<05>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of concrete surfaces painted with oil paints. .

Purpose:To master the techniques of repairing concrete surfaces painted with oil paints.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Application technology.

Task 2. Defects and eliminate them.

DIARY REPORT number 35

date<<07>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting borders and friezes.

Purpose:Master the techniques of pasting borders and friezes.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. What is curbs and friezes.

Task 2. Where they apply.

DIARY REPORT number 36

date<<08>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Features of the production of painting works in winter conditions.

Purpose:Know the requirement in the production of painting work in winter conditions.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Requirement for the production of painting work in winter conditions

DIARY REPORT number 37

date<<08>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Methods of performance and quality control for alternative works.

Purpose:Master the ways to perform and quality control during alternative jobs.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Requirements for the preparation and methods of implementation.

Task 2. Quality control.

DIARY REPORT number 38

date<<09>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Surface coating with casein formulations.

Purpose:To master the techniques of surface coating with casein compounds . .

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Technology of painting work.

Task 2. Defects and ways to eliminate them.


date<<10>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Coloring parquet coatings with special compounds.

Purpose:To master the methods of painting parquet coverings with special compositions.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1.Painting parquet coverings with special compositions.


date<<11>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Processing and coloring of metal surfaces in manual and mechanized ways.

Purpose:To master the methods of processing and painting metal surfaces in manual and mechanized ways.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Processing and painting of metal surfaces by manual and mechanized methods.

DIARY REPORT number 41

date<<12>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Coloring of various surfaces under a texture a step a gray.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting various surfaces for step gray texture.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Coloring of various surfaces under the texture of gray pitch.


date<<14>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Painting window and door surfaces with oil formulations.

Purpose:To master the techniques of painting window and door surfaces with oil formulations.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Painting the window and door surfaces with oil formulations.

DIARY REPORT number 43

date<<15>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting concrete surfaces with imprinted wallpaper.

Purpose:To master the techniques of pasting concrete surfaces with cramped wallpaper.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  The task 1. Coloring of facades by cement structures.

DIARY REPORT number 44

date<<16>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting plastered surface with vinyl wallpaper.

Purpose:To master the techniques of pasting plastered surfaces with vinyl wallpaper.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Pasting plastered surface with vinyl wallpaper.


date<<17>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting the plasterboard surface with washable wallpaper.

Purpose:To master the techniques of pasting drywall surfaces with washable wallpaper.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Pasting the plasterboard surface with washable wallpaper.

DIARY REPORT number 46

date<<18>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting a wooden surface with paper wallpaper.

Purpose:To master the techniques of pasting a wooden surface with paper wallpaper.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Pasting a wooden surface with paper wallpaper.

DIARY REPORT number 47

date<<21>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Pasting the field vinyl chloride self-adhesive films.

Purpose:To master the techniques of pasting the field vinyl chloride self-adhesive films.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Pasting a field of vinyl chloride self-adhesive films.

DIARY REPORT number 48

date<<22>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of painted surfaces with water formulations.

Purpose:own the techniques of repairing painted surfaces with water compositions.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Technology of repair of painted surfaces with water formulations.

Task 2. Defects and ways to eliminate them.


date<<23>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of painted surfaces with water-based paint.

Purpose:own the techniques of repairing painted surfaces with a water-based composition.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  The task 1. Technology of repair of the painted surfaces with a water-emulsion structure.

DIARY REPORT number 50

date<<24>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of painted surfaces with non-aqueous compositions.

Purpose:to master the techniques of repairing painted surfaces with non-aqueous compositions.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Repair technology non-aqueous compositions of plaster and concrete surfaces.

Task 2. Defects and ways to eliminate them.

Task 3. Requirements of SNiP with improved coloring by molar composition.


date<<25>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of wooden and metal surfaces.

Purpose:To master the methods of repairing wooden and metal surfaces.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Technology repair.

Task 2. Defects and ways to eliminate them.

Task 3. Requirements of SNiP with improved color.

DIARY REPORT number 52

date<<26>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of pasted surfaces.

Purpose:To master the techniques of repairing pasted surfaces.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  Task 1. Technology of repair of glued surfaces.

Task 2. Defects causes.

Task 3. Requirements of the SNiP to the quality of repair work.

DIARY REPORT number 53

date<<28>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:Repair of laminated surfaces field vinyl films.

Purpose:To master the techniques of repairing the glued surfaces of the field with vinyl chloride films.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  The task 1. Repair of the pasted surfaces a field a vinyl chloride films.


date<<29>\u003e 03 2016

Theme:The workplace of the painter and individual means are sewn up.

Purpose:Know the workplace painter and individual means sewn.

Place of performance:Training workshops

Working hours -6 o'clock

Tools-drill with a mixer whisk, trowel.
  The task 1. Coloring of facades by cement structures.



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