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  Types and methods of editing metal. Techniques for manual and machine straightening strip, sheet, round material and hardened products. What is the technology of the process of editing and bending metal

Category: Locksmith work

Metal editing

The graded, shaped and sheet steel from which they are made, various parts or workpieces, is sometimes bent or warped. To eliminate these defects, before processing the metal, an operation called editing is performed.

Editing of metal is made in a cold or heated state.

When straightening in a cold state, flat, square, round and angular steel is fixed in a chair vice at the place of curvature and manually straighten bent places, arching them in the direction opposite to curvature, and then level the metal with a hammer on the anvil or plate.

The steel is leveled on the anvil by striking a wide hammer punch at convex places, turning the material from one side to the other until it is level. The straightness of steel is checked by eye.

The impact force depends on the degree of curvature and the thickness of the material. With a large curvature or a considerable thickness of the material, at first, stronger blows are applied, as the material is straightened, the blows weaken. To apply very strong blows should not be, as the material will flatten and warp.

If the strip steel is curved along the narrow edge, the curved part is placed on the plate with the wide side, then, pressing the steel to the plate with the left hand, the right hand is struck with a hammer on the wide side of the curved part, first strong, on the concave edge, then gradually loosening the blows, level convex edge strip.

When straightening angular steel, if the strip is curved toward the rib, the strip is laid with a shelf on the slab and is struck with a hammer on the rib; if the strip is curved toward the shelf, the strip is laid on the edge of the slab or anvil and hit the shelf, gradually straightening the strip of angular steel.

Metal sheets ruled by hand. Thin sheets are laid on the slab bulge up. Beats with a hammer are applied, starting from the edge of the bulge to the middle. At the edges of the bulge strikes are inflicted less, and to the center they are strengthened.

Thick sheets rule the sledgehammer in a hot or cold state as well as thin ones.

When editing in the hot state, the sheet is heated in the furnace or on the furnace to 600–700 ° C (red heat).

To protect your hands from bruises when straightening metal, you must wear gloves, use serviceable tools and firmly hold the straightened material on a plate or anvil.

Editing is used in cases where you need to eliminate the distortion of the shape of the workpiece - waviness, warping, dents, curvature, buckling, etc. The metal can be edited both in a cold and in a heated form. The heated metal is much easier to rule, but this is also true for other types of plastic deformation, for example, are flexible.

At home, editing should be done on an anvil or a massive plate of steel or cast iron. The working surface of the plate should be smooth and clean. In order for the impact noise to be less loud, the stove should be installed on a wooden table, with which, in addition, the stove can be evened so that it is in a horizontal position.

For editing the special metalwork tool is necessary. It is impossible to make editing with any hammer that is at hand: the metal can not only not straighten, but also acquire even greater defects. The hammer should be made of soft material - lead, copper, wood or rubber. In addition, you can not rule a metal hammer with a square striker - it will leave marks on the surface of the metal in the form of nicks. Hammer hammer should be round and polished.

In addition to hammers, used wooden and metal trowels and support. They are used for editing thin sheet and strip metal. To straighten hardened parts with shaped surfaces, there are correct headstocks.

You should probably not be reminded that straightening (straightening) of the metal should be done in working gloves, regardless of whether it is difficult work or not, large or small workpiece and whether it is strongly curved.

To check the curvature of the workpiece, you need to lay it on a smooth plate with that surface, which after editing should be a plane. The gap between the slab and the workpiece will show the degree of curvature to be eliminated. Curved places should be marked with chalk, so much easier to strike with a hammer than focusing only on the curvature noticeable by the eye.

  - Editing metal

The curvature of the parts is checked by eye (Fig. 82, a) or by the gap between the slab and the part laid on it. The edges of the curved areas are marked with chalk.

When editing it is important to choose the right places on which to strike. The impact force should be commensurate with the magnitude of the curvature and gradually decrease as the transition from the greatest bend to the least. Editing is considered complete when all irregularities disappear and the part becomes straight, which can be determined by overlapping the ruler. Editing perform on the anvil, the correct plate or reliable linings, excluding the possibility of slipping from them the details upon impact.

Editing of the strip metal is carried out in the following order. On the convex side with chalk mark the boundaries of the bends, after which they put a mitten on the left hand and take a strip, and: take a hammer in the right hand and take a working position (Fig. 82.6).

The strip is placed on the correct plate so that it lies flat on the plate with a bulge upwards, touching at two points. The blows are applied to the convex parts, adjusting the impact force depending on the strip thickness and curvature size; the greater the curvature and the thicker the strip, the stronger the blows. As the strip is straightened, the force of impact weakens and more often turns the strip from one side to the other to complete straightening. With a few bumps, first straighten the closest to the ends, and then located in the middle.

The results of edits (straightness of the workpiece) are checked on the eye, and more precisely, on a marking plate for clearance or by applying a ruler to a strip.

Editing round metal. After checking on the eye on the convex side with chalk mark the boundaries of the bends. Then the rod is laid on a slab or anvil (Fig. 83) so that the curved part is convex upwards. The blows with a hammer are applied on the convex part from the edges of the bend to the middle part, adjusting the force of the blow depending on the diameter of the rod and the size of the bend. As the bend is straightened, the force of the blow is reduced, ending with straightening with light strokes and turning the bar around its axis. If the bar has several bends, first coming closest to the ends, then located in the middle.

Editing sheet metal is more complicated than previous operations. The sheet material and blanks cut from it may have a wavy or bulging surface. On blanks that have a waviness at the edges (Fig. 84, a), they preliminarily trace wavy sections with chalk or soft graphite pencil. After that, the workpiece is placed on the plate so that the edges of the workpiece do not hang down, but lie completely on the supporting surface, and, pressing it with a hand, begin to edit. To stretch the middle of the workpiece, hammer blows from the middle of the workpiece to the edge as shown in fig. 84, in circles. Circles of smaller diameters correspond to smaller blows, and vice versa.

Stronger strikes are applied in the middle and reduce the force of the blow as it approaches its edge. In order to avoid the formation of cracks and work hardening of the material, it is impossible to apply repeated blows to the same place of the workpiece.

Special care, attention and caution are observed when editing blanks of thin sheet material. Slight blows are inflicted, since if the blow is not properly applied, the side edges of the hammer can either pierce the sheet stock or cause an exhaust of the metal.

When editing workpieces with bulges, the damaged areas are detected, it is established where the metal is more bulging (Fig. 84.6). The convex areas are encircled with chalk or a soft graphite pencil, then the blank is pressed up onto the slab with convex portions upwards so that its edges do not hang down, but lie completely on the supporting surface of the plate. Editing starts from the edge closest to the bulge, on which one row of blows is struck with a hammer within the limits indicated on the surface covered with circles (Fig. 84, d). Then hit the second edge. After that, a second row of blows is applied to the first edge and again goes to the second edge, and so on until they gradually approach the bulge. Hammer strikes are often, but not hard, especially before the end of the edit. After each blow, take into account its impact on the workpiece in the place of impact and around it. Do not allow several blows in the same place, as this may lead to the formation of a new convex section.

Under the blows of the hammer, the material around the convex place is drawn out and gradually leveled. If there are several bulges on the surface of the workpiece at a short distance from each other, blows of a hammer at the edges of individual bulges cause these depths to join you into one, which is then ruled by blows around its borders, as indicated above.

Thin sheets are ruled by light wooden hammers (mallets - Fig. 85, a), copper, brass or lead hammers, and very thin sheets are laid on a flat plate and smoothed with metal or wooden bars (Fig. 85, b).

Editing (straightening) of metal

Edit (straightening) hardened parts. After quenching, steel parts sometimes warp. Editing the curved parts after quenching is called straightening. The accuracy of the straightening can be 0.01 - 0.05 mm.

Depending on the nature of the straightening, they use hammers with a hardened striker or special calibrating hammers with a rounded side of the striker. At the same time, it is better to place the part not on a flat plate, but on a trimming grandmother (Fig. 86, a). The blows are applied not to the convex but to the concave side of the part.

Products with a thickness of at least 5 mm, if they are hardened not through, but only to a depth of 1-2 mm, have a viscous core, therefore, they rivet relatively easily; they need to be straightened as raw parts, i.e., hit the convex places.

The edit of the hardened square, whose angle between the shelves has changed after quenching, is shown in fig. 86.6-g. If the angle is less than 90 °, then the hammer strikes the top of the inner corner (Fig. 86.6 and d on the left), if the angle is more than 90 °, the blows are struck at the top of the outer corner (Figure 86, c and d on the right).

In the case of warping of the product along the plane and along the narrow edge, the straightening is carried out separately - first along the plane, and then along the edge.

The editing of a short bar material is performed on prisms (Fig. 87, a), regular slabs (Fig. 87.6) or simple linings, striking the convex points and curvatures with a hammer. Eliminating the bulges, achieve straightness, striking light strikes along the entire length of the bar and turning it with his left hand. Straightness is checked on the eye or on the clearance between the plate and the bar.

Strongly springy, as well as very thick blanks rule on two prisms, striking through a soft pad to avoid nicks on the blank. If the efforts developed by the hammer are insufficient for straightening, manual or mechanical presses are used.

Editing shafts (diameter up to 30 mm) on manual presses (Fig. 88, a) is performed as follows. Shaft 2 is placed on the prisms 4 and 5, and the pressure is carried out by screw 3. The deflection is determined here in the centers 7 using the indicator 6 (Fig. 88.6).

To eliminate residual stresses in the places of editing, the responsible shafts are slowly heated for 30–60 minutes to a temperature of 400–500 ° C and then slowly cooled.

Working on the work hardening is done by laying the bent shaft on a flat slab with the bulge down and applying frequent and light blows to the shaft surface with a small hammer (Fig. 89 a). After the sticking layer appears on the surface (Fig. 89.6), the gap between the shaft and the plate disappears, straightening is stopped.

Editing by the method of heating (unstressed). Profile metal (angles, channels, taverns, I-beams), hollow shafts, thick sheet steel, forgings rule with heating of the curved place (bulge) with a blowtorch or welding torch to a cherry red color; layers of metal surrounding the bulge are cooled with wet asbestos or wet ends (rags) (fig. 90).

Since the heated metal is more ductile, when cooled with a stream of compressed air, the heated place shrinks and the metal straightens.


1. Classification of metals

2. Varieties of metal straightening

3. Basics of using tools

4. Characteristics of the editing process

5. Characteristics of the process are flexible




Editing refers to an operation to eliminate defects in workpieces and parts in the form of concavity, convexity, waviness, warping, bending, etc. Its essence lies in the compression of the convex metal layer and the expansion of the concave.

The metal undergoes dressing, both in cold and heated condition. The choice of one or another method of editing depends on the size of the deflection, the size and material of the workpiece (part).

Editing can be manual (on a steel or cast-iron regular plate) or machine (on correct rollers or presses).

According to the methods of work and the nature of the workflow, another metalworking operation is very close to metal editing - metal bending. Metal bending is used to give the workpiece a curved shape according to the drawing. Its essence lies in the fact that one part of the workpiece is bent relative to the other at any given angle. The bending stresses must exceed the elastic limit, and the deformation of the workpiece must be plastic. Only in this case, the workpiece will retain its shape after removal of the load.

1. Classification of metals

In the life of our country, in the development of its economy, the production and processing of metals play an enormous role.

In machine building, iron and carbon alloys are widely used - steel and cast iron (ferrous metals), which are the most accessible and cheap, as well as non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, etc.) and their alloys (duralumin, brass, bronze, etc.).

Therefore, the most important task of our industry is to develop the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in the first place, and on this basis to ensure the rapid growth of engineering.

It should be borne in mind that all metals must be properly selected not only in terms of properties, but also quality.

Correctly choose metals and alloys for various purposes and metal science-metal science helps us to determine their quality.

Metal science is the science that studies the structure and properties of metals and alloys in their relationship.

This science not only explains the internal structure and properties of metals and alloys, but helps to anticipate them, as well as change their properties.

The simplest information about metals was obtained in the distant past. But this information was not scientific in nature until the XIX century. Only with the development of physics, chemistry and other sciences, the theory of metals acquired a coherent system and reached a modern, high scientific level.

In the development of the science of metals, many of our compatriots have achieved exceptional merit. Among them, an outstanding role belongs to P. P. Anosov, who created the basis for the production of high-quality steel at the Zlatoust plant for the manufacture of damask blades, for the first time in 1831, when studying the structure of metals, he applied a microscope and discovered a method of gas cementation (carburization) of steel.

DK Chernov deepened the scientific methods of studying metals and laid the foundation for metallography — the science of the internal structure of metals.

In the further development of metal science, Soviet scientists N. S. Kurnakov, A. A. Baikov, A. A. Bochvar, S. S. Steinberg, and many others have great merit. An outstanding role in the development of the theory and practice of metal production belongs to academicians M. A. Pavlov, I. P. Bardin and other scientific and industrial workers.

Advances in the scientific study of metals are of great practical importance, since they allow us to correctly solve questions about the methods of treating metals and using them for various purposes.

All metals and metal alloys in solid state are crystalline bodies.

Solid, liquid and gaseous substances that are found in nature are various combinations of simple substances called chemical elements. Currently, there are about 100 elements in nature. Studying the properties of chemical elements allowed us to divide them into two groups: metals and non-metals (metalloids).

About two thirds of all elements are metals. Metals are chemical elements (simple substances consisting of identical atoms), the characteristic features of which are opacity, good conductivity of heat and electric current, a special "metallic" sheen, malleability. At normal, room temperature, all metals (except mercury) are solids. Recently, thanks to the development of chemical production, along with metals, non-metals have acquired great importance.

Non-metals do not have the properties characteristic of metals: they have no “metallic” luster, they are fragile, they do not conduct heat and electricity poorly.

In the metal industry of non-metallic substances, oxygen, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, hydrogen, and nitrogen play a large role.

Not all elements have pronounced metallic and non-metallic properties. For example, mercury compared to other metals is a poor conductor of heat and electrical current, but compared to non-metallic substances, it can still be considered a relatively good conductor. Therefore, elements should be attributed to metals or nonmetals by their properties (metallic or nonmetallic) most strongly pronounced.

In practice, chemically pure metals are almost never used. This is due to the difficulty of obtaining them, as well as their lack of a number of technical useful properties. Metallic materials are widely used in technology, which are divided into two groups: technically pure metals and alloys.

Technically pure metals are metals whose composition, in addition to a chemically pure element, includes other elements in small proportions.

Alloys are complex materials that are produced by fusing one metal with other metals or non-metals. Due to the fact that alloys can be given the most diverse and higher mechanical, physical and technological properties, their use, especially in mechanical engineering, is more common than technically pure metals. Making alloys with different content of elements, you can give them a variety of properties that are required for a particular part.

2. Varieties of metal straightening

In his work, a locksmith often encounters the fact that billet bar or sheet metal blanks arriving for processing may be bent, curved, warped, or have bulges, waviness, etc.

The locksmith operation, with the help of which a bent or warped workpiece or part is given a regular geometric shape, is called straightening.

You can edit the workpiece or parts of ductile metals (steel, copper, etc.). Workpieces or parts made of brittle metals cannot be ruled.

Editing is also necessary after heat treatment, welding, soldering and after cutting blanks from sheet material.

Editing can be done in two ways: manually using a hammer, a sledge hammer on a steel, cast-iron plate or anvil and machine using the correct rollers, presses and various devices.

For manual editing, it is best to use a hammer with a striker (and not with a square one). The hammer should have a well-fitted handle without knots and cracks: The surface of the striker should be smooth and well polished.

When editing parts with a finished surface, as well as thin steel billets or products from non-ferrous metals and alloys, hammers with inserts made of soft metals (copper, brass, lead) or wood are used.

For editing thin sheet and strip metal use metal and wooden leveling boards and bars.

In some cases, the editing of the treated surfaces is carried out with a hammer machine, but then a pad of soft metal is applied to the place to be edited and blows are applied to it.

When editing in the correct rollers, the workpiece is passed between cylindrical rollers rotating in different directions. The workpiece, passing between the rollers, is leveled.

Performing the editing press, the workpiece is placed on two supports, and then press the press ram on the convex part and the curved workpiece straightened.

The metal undergoes editing both in a cold and in a heated state. The choice of method depends on the amount of deflection, the size of the product, as well as the nature of the material. Editing in the heated state can be performed in the temperature range of 800-1000 ° (for Art. 3), 350-470 ° (for duralumin). Above heat is not allowed, as this may lead to a metal burnout.

Cold dressing should be carried out at temperatures below 140-150 °, but it cannot be done at a temperature of 0 °, as at zero temperature the metal breaks easily (cold brittleness).

3. Basics of using tools

Fig. 1. Editing of metals: a is a regular plate, b is the direction of force and the place of blows during editing

The correct plate (Fig. 1, a). It is made of gray cast iron of solid construction or with ribs. Plates come in the following sizes: 1.5x5 m; 1.5X3 m, 2X2 m and 2X4 m. The working surface of the plate must be smooth and clean. The slab must be massive, heavy and stable enough so that there will be no shaking when the hammer hits.

Plates are installed on metal or wooden supports, which can provide, besides stability, horizontal position.

Hammers with a round brisk. They are used most often, as they prevent nicks and dents on the surface of straightened parts.

Hammers with inserts from soft metals. Inserts can be copper, lead, and also wooden. These hammers are used when editing parts with a finished surface and parts or blanks of non-ferrous metals and alloys.

The industry of metallurgy is actively developing, one of the most popular and popular techniques in this area is bending and straightening.

What is the technology of the process of editing and bending metal

Metal editing is the process of eliminating defects and defects in metal billets. Defects can be considered bumps, waves on the surface, scratches, curvatures, as well as depressions. The essence of metal straightening operations comes down to compressing the bumps on the surface and expanding the valleys.

Editing can be carried out and when the metal is in a cold state and when it is heated.

The choice of the state of the metal during heating depends on the size of the defects, so, in case of serious damage to the surface, it will be easier to eliminate the drawbacks with the use of hot-straightening technology, and for small defects you can work with cold metal.

Editing can be done manually, for this purpose, a steel or cast-iron regular plate is used, and also it can be machine-made, it is carried out using a press.

The process of bending metals is very close to editing. Bending is necessary to give the workpiece a curved shape.

The essence of this technology is that one part of the part is bent relative to the other at a certain angle. The action takes place under heavy load. It is important that the bending stress is greater than the elastic limit, and the deformation, which is a consequence of the impact of the load on the part, must be plastic. Otherwise, the workpiece will not retain the shape.

Types of metal editing technology

Editing and bending of metals can be of two types - manual and machine. Plastic metals such as copper and steel are subject to editing and bending. Fragile metals cannot be ruled.

Editing is necessary not only to eliminate defects, but also after welding, soldering and cutting blanks from a sheet under the influence of temperatures.

  1. Manual edit  suitable in case you need to fix minor defects. For its execution are used tools such as sledgehammers on the basis of cast-iron and steel plates, as well as anvil. Requires great effort.

  2. As a rule, today applies machine straightening and bending. It provides a better result, in addition, this process is much easier. It is carried out with the help of presses and rollers.

For editing it is best to use hammers with a round head, which have a solid handle, and also sometimes use metal hammers and hammers with inserts made of soft metals. For editing sheets use bars.

On an industrial scale, only machine methods are used. The workpiece is passed between the rollers, which rotate in different directions. Under their pressure, the metal becomes smooth.

When using a press, the workpiece is placed on supports, then the press is lowered onto it, as a result of which the workpiece is also straightened. As a rule, in case of serious defects, metal is ruled by temperature. The optimum temperature for this is 350-450 degrees, it is impossible to heat up anymore, as burnout is possible.

When cold straightening, the temperature should be about 140 degrees. At a temperature of 0 degrees, it is impossible to rule, as the metal becomes brittle and breaks.

The processes of straightening and bending metals  used everywhere. When bending it is very important to correctly calculate the angle of bend and proportion. For the quality of these processes, you need good equipment - bending machines and presses.

Modern technologies are flexible and metal straightening at the exhibition

In May, the metalworking exhibition "" will traditionally be held in Moscow. At this event, the world's leading engineers will present their development.

The exposition will show high-quality and reliable newest machines for working with metals, and innovative developments will be explained at the presentations. The exhibition will be held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

During the processing, storage or operation of metal parts and blanks may lose their original shape.

To perform subsequent operations, respecting the size and shape of the finished product, it is important that the configuration and dimensions of the blank coincide with the design values. This is achieved by an intermediate preparatory metal straightening operation. The operation is carried out on a cold part or it is heated for the purpose of plasticity.

Sheet blank can be washed, having a cylindrical shape - bend. Shafts and axles may be bent.

What is metal editing?

The process of returning the metal blank to its original form is called straightening. Defects are as follows:

  • Wave.
  • Dent.
  • Convex.

And also some others.

Types of metal editing

The operation is divided into two subspecies:

  • Manual.
  • Machine.

Manual straightening and metal straightening are used in home workshops and in the manufacture of unique products. Tooling is simple, but requires high qualification of the worker - the right ruler.

Machine editing is used in industry. The equipment is massive and complex, but it has high performance and process automation capabilities. In addition, the operation of machine straightening is often combined with flexible and cutting sheet blanks, including it in a single technological complex.

The operation can be performed at room temperature. Work at a temperature of 0 ° C and below is unacceptable - the material loses its plasticity and becomes brittle. Sometimes the billet has to be heated to 140-400C to increase ductility.

Editing sheet metal

The complexity of the sheet metal editing operation depends on the type of defect.

The most difficult cases are a combination of different types of defects, for example, waviness of the edge and bulge in the center of the sheet at the same time.


The bulge is ruled by strikes on a circle, starting from the outside of the defect and gradually reducing the radius of the circle, moving from the edge to the center of the defect. The strength of the blows becomes less, and the frequency increases.

If the workpiece is not one bulge, they should be combined into one big one. Beat should be between local defects, seeking to merge them, and then act as described above.

Waviness of the edges

Edging of sheet metal with wavy edges is carried out starting from the edges of the sheet and gradually moving towards its center. After stretching the blank in the middle, the waviness of the edges is smoothed.

Thin sheets

Billets of small thickness are not amenable to editing strikers due to the high probability of the formation of gaps and creases.

For straightening thin-sheet metal, the extended surfaces of metal or wooden smoothing bars are used. The workpiece is smoothed from different sides, gradually increasing pressure.

Periodically it is necessary to turn the strip so that a bulge does not occur in the other direction. If there are several bulges in the beginning, you should straighten the ends of the strip, and then move to the middle.

Soft strikers for straightening do not apply. They are made of high-strength alloy and give a rounded shape or round the sharp side.

To straighten the hardened metal, the blows are directed at the concave part of the part. With the material stretched on the concave side, the workpiece will straighten. The operation is performed on a hemispherical leveling headstock, in which the item is gradually moved up and down.

To straighten a hardened square with a violation of the right angle, two techniques have been developed. If the angle has become sharp, the blows are directed near the inner corner. If the angle has become blunt, the blows are directed to the zone at the top of the outer corner. The material in the impact zone is stretched and the right angle is restored.

The method is similar to working with a strip. Irregularities are marked with chalk, the workpiece is located convexity up. The blows are sent from the periphery of the defect to its center.

When the main defect is corrected, the impact power is reduced and the part is turned around its longitudinal axis, in order to avoid deformation in the other direction. Square and rectangular rolling is ruled in the same way.

Here is used the method of unwinding. One end of the helix is ​​fixed in a vise mounted on the correct plate, the other in a hand clamp.

After a partial unwinding of the spiral, it is pressed against the plate and is ruled like round bars, determining the curvature to the light.

The main ways of editing metal

The choice of method is influenced by the nature and area of ​​the section, the brand and type of alloy, the size of the defect relative to the overall size of the product.

Depending on the method of application of stresses in metal blanks, there are three ways to edit the metal:

  • cold bend;
  • cold stretching;
  • local heating.

Heating is carried out by gas burners or induction method.

For what purpose do metal editing

The configuration of a part can be broken during its preprocessing, transportation or storage. Such blanks are not suitable for further use, but are not a non-returnable, final marriage. Editing of metal is used for the purpose of returning to the blank of the form defined by the design and technological documentation.

Sometimes in order to reduce the cost of production, the company intentionally acquires blanks of improper form, in which case the operation is included in the technological process. Planned dressing of the metal can also be included in the process after heat treatment operations, causing the part to change shape. Otherwise, the work will be unscheduled, and its cost is included in unplanned losses.

Editing equipment

The foundation of any tool kit is the right cooker. It must be perfectly flat, massive and stable, for which it is cast from impact-resistant cast iron or steel, for strengthening the structure is provided with longitudinal and transverse stiffening ribs. Install them on a massive concrete base.

Straightening hammers should be softer than the workpiece material. Therefore, they are supplied with wooden or rubber strikers. To work with steel sheets, use hammers with soft strikers made of copper or lead. The die must have a rounded shape. The square-head pitch is not suitable, as it will leave characteristic marks on the sheet stock — nicks. The mass of the slab should refer to the mass of the hammer as approximately 100: 1.

For work with sheet blank, a lining plate made of thick rubber is also used, with a large number of tubercles of the same height formed on it. Under the blows, the metal itself finds its place, and the productivity of the process increases markedly compared to a bare steel regular plate.

For working with thin sheets, special equipment is used - trowels and supports. For work with hardened parts, cylindrical or hemispherical regular headstocks are used.

In the home workshop use an anvil or a massive metal plate.

At enterprises, special mechanized correct complexes are used with mechanical sheet feeding and automated defect correction. In some, the workpiece is pulled between massive rotating rollers, rotating in opposite directions. In others, the operation takes place on the correct plate by lowering a wide press.



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