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  How to prepare a kitchen layout. Sketch of the kitchen - how to independently design the kitchen on a computer or on paper Equipment in the kitchen project 5 cl

During repairs, many ideas and suggestions may arise. By creating a kitchen layout, you can visually see how certain solutions will look together and be combined in the future interior of the kitchen room. With the help of a well-designed kitchen layout, a consultant in the furniture salon will be able to better understand your design concept and the chosen layout option.

By submitting an interior layout yourself to furniture company specialists, you will save a lot of time explaining to them all your ideas and nuances of layout. Whether it is a schematic drawing by hand, a full-scale projection to scale, or a graphic visualization printed on a printer from a design software package, this, in any case, will make the task much easier for you and the manufacturer.

Why do you need it

Many may wonder why they should do the layout themselves when there are ready-made kitchens of sufficiently high quality, which literally abound in various furniture stores. A sketch of the layout of such a kitchen is provided by the manufacturer, you just need to look at the options and choose the best one.

First of all, a good ready-made set of kitchen set has a rather impressive cost. Moreover, such kitchens often turn out not to be calculated according to the size and configuration of the kitchen room in an apartment, they do not take into account all possible wishes and requirements.

Therefore, many owners take all the responsibility for the independent development of their own kitchen, turning to furniture stores and shops with individual orders. This makes it possible to choose the ideal configuration of furniture and equipment for the existing kitchen space, reasonably spending every free meter, as well as decorating the interior according to its own original design concept.

However, where is the guarantee that the ordered elements of the headset in practice will be convenient, comfortable to use, and look good together? Is it possible to develop a layout and design in advance, observing a possible result visually, prior to purchase? It is for this purpose that the layout of the kitchen interior is created.

What is depicted on the layout

The first thing to be considered is the overall concept of the kitchen room as a whole. It is necessary to provide what household appliances will be used in this kitchen, it is desirable to make a list. Each item must take its place, displaying its location on the sketch.

After that, the issue of placing a dining table with chairs is considered. In cramped kitchens, it is better not to install it at all, in which case it is transferred to another room. Also, in any kitchen you need top cabinets, cabinets and a tabletop with a working area - all this should have its place and be depicted on the layout.

Along the way, we are considering the option of embedding a window sill into a common configuration - it can become part of the tabletop. Sometimes it can be cut at all to free space. In the kitchen, in addition to traditional kitchen appliances, a washing machine can be located, this should also be taken into account.

Layout Principles

The main focus of the kitchen interior layout should be on the overall size of the room, the size and location of each element of the headset. In relation to the space of the room, first of all, they are interested in such quantities as the length of each wall, the height of the walls from floor to ceiling, the distance from windows and doors to the nearest walls. Then, on the basis of these data, the number and dimensions of the lockers are determined. The measurement is carried out with an accuracy of a centimeter, otherwise the furniture may not fit in size.

From the presented figure it should be clear where the basic kitchen objects, primarily such key functional units, are supposed to be located:

  • plate;
  • dishwasher;
  • fridge.

Making a plan for their arrangement, these units are recommended to be placed on the vertices of an imaginary triangle, keeping as small a distance as possible between them. There should be no interference with free movement between these points of the room. Do not forget that the opening door of the refrigerator requires free space.

In close proximity to them should be working kitchen surface on which food will be prepared. Regardless of the size of the kitchen, the worktop must be at least 50 cm in size, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use.

Use when planning the various embedded in the headset and retractable technology should be necessarily negotiated with experts from the furniture store. It should be reported, and it is better to depict on the layout of the layout, the location of the ventilation holes, duct ducts, wiring points and all outlets. This information is required consultant. Using it, he will be able to help you competently develop a plan for placing the upper and lower basic elements of the headset - cabinets, cabinets, tabletops, etc.

On the mock up drawings of kitchens, as a rule, they try to indicate the maximum information about the parameters and location of equipment and furniture. Ideally, data should be depicted according to all criteria, including the dimensions and dimensions of the elements of the headset, electrical appliances and other kitchen appliances, a visual representation of their shape, color and design solutions, relative position and placement relative to the walls of the room.

Since the configuration of the kitchen may be different, you should initially decide on which of all to choose for further design. There are several basic types of furniture arrangement in the kitchen:

  1. Rectilinear - all elements are located along one wall.
  2. L-shaped - a location resembling the letter G; adjacent to two walls forming an angle.
  3. U-shaped - placement on the three walls of the kitchen. The most effective type of arrangement in terms of functionality.
  4. Island - installation of a significant part of the objects in the center of the kitchen room.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, as the specialist will tell you in detail when considering the layout. Basically, the main recommendation is not to use the island-type configuration for small rooms. It is more reasonable to place objects in a small kitchen on a U-shaped system.

It is equally important to choose and indicate the color scheme of the interior, to depict aesthetic ideas, to express wishes for the design style of the kitchen room being designed.

The color and shape of the furniture is of great importance for the choice of materials, which, in turn, greatly affects the cost of the purchased headset. Separately, the designer should pay attention to the presence of glass surfaces, if they are included in the plan.

It is important not to forget about the design elements, in particular the decoration of the walls. For compact rooms it is recommended to use light colors that visually expand the space. The effect of a bright and spacious environment is most strongly ensured by white and beige colors. Light shades of any other colors also cope well with this task, for example, light green (light green) and light blue are very popular. The color of kitchen furniture can be a little darker than the walls, but no frills - too dark shades fit extremely poorly into such an interior.

The final stage

After developing the initial layout and demonstrating it to the consultants in the store, they, in turn, make their edits and recommendations based on the wishes of the client, preparing the final plan for the future kitchen and calculating its estimated cost.

In furniture stores and shops, as a rule, there are computers with special programs installed on them for the design and layout of the premises. With the help of these applications, according to the available sketches, a full-fledged virtual layout of the designed kitchen is being developed. Thanks to this, you can visually assess how the future kitchen will look like, how harmoniously the selected colors are combined and the uniform style of the room is observed. Moreover, you can build and consider in detail several options for the interior.

It seems incredible, but in the tiny kitchen it is quite realistic to place everything that is required for the comfortable existence of not only one person, but also the whole family. Kitchen design 5 square meters in general is amazing imagination wonders of ergonomics. Every centimeter is involved here, only in order that the compact space becomes not only functionally convenient, but also attractive aesthetically, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem not quite standard.

Small kitchen: comfort and beauty - reality

Ideally, the entire area of ​​a small kitchen should be turned into a functional space. And the very layout of this room suggests that the best place for a dining area is in another room. Modest in size kitchen, in theory, should remain a pure workplace. Here they cook food, store food, dishes and any kitchen utensils. But what to do if the features of the rest of the living space do not allow carrying the dining area outside the kitchen? In this case, you should consider thinking about its optimization.

kitchen design 5 square meters in red colors

The main task of the decor will be the expansion of space by any available features. The desired effect in practice can be achieved if:

  1. Connect the five square "crumb" with one of the adjacent rooms, which may be a pantry, loggia, corridor, living room. In this case, the desired square will be provided.
  2. To expand the kitchen, involving in this process a doorway. The standard box is replaced with an aesthetic arched vault. It turns out both beautiful and practical.
  3. There is no possibility of even a very modest redevelopment - push the walls with a game of color and light on all global surfaces. They are in the design of the kitchen of 5 square meters can be made light, glossy, mirror, shimmering.
  4. Do not use modest spaces of defiant bright colors, large ornamentation, prints or patterns, as well as clear contrast drops in the decor.
  5. Rationally plan the interior of this kitchen.

Zatovaya redevelopment, in which it is supposed to demolish the wall, change the system of water and gas supply, you should not forget to get permission for these actions issued by the relevant organizations. In other cases, experiment with the arrangement of furniture and the selection of color trim.

mDF glossy panels visually increase the space and add light

Interior subtleties of a small kitchen

"The maximum should be used and the vertical space in the design of your kitchen 5 sq. M."

In the interior of a small kitchen everything is thought out to the smallest detail, but the little things themselves should be present as little as possible. It is worth refusing bulky, unnecessary, cluttering up room accessories. Each of the present items in the design of the kitchen of 5 sq. M must have a certain functional load.

Everyone means everyone. Even the windowsill. It can be expanded by installing the table top, and in the space under it to equip cabinets and shelves. Such a converted window sill may well become an additional work surface or a dining table. In the event that you are going to expand the kitchen by adding a loggia or balcony area to its space, do not demolish the window sill! It will make a great bar counter.

The maximum should be used and the vertical space in the design of your kitchen 5 square meters. Under the ceiling, it makes sense to store those items that are not often needed in everyday life. It is rational to reduce the depth of the lower pedestals, making them forty-centimeter. This will win some free space.

Equipping the set of "smart fixtures" like ergonomic fittings, rails, pull-out stands, cutting boards, "magic" carousels holding corner cabinets and other "cunning" inventions, you also get precious decimeters of the functional space.

Technique, to save space, you should choose small. The high and narrow refrigerator will become the excellent decision. Wonderful if you can equip the kitchen with integrated appliances. Being a part of the headset, it will never “overload” the interior.

If you are not a big fan of culinary business, then replace the standard hob with four cocks for a more compact two-comforter.

Is it important for you to gather at the dinner table all households? Get a transforming table. This is just an indispensable item in kitchen design with an area of ​​5 square meters! It can always be assembled when there is no need to use it, and simply release a lot of space.

small kitchen 5 sq m in classic style

Furniture with shining gloss facades, mirrors, glass, stained-glass windows and metal used in the decor will help to make the small kitchen cozy and bright. Imagine how spacious it becomes in the five-meter kitchen when decorating the ceiling with mirror inserts or when you make an apron with glass tiles!


It would seem that the kitchen is small, which means that there should be no problems with the light in it - but no! Just with this task it is necessary to tinker thoroughly. The fact is that in the design of the kitchen of 5 square meters it is necessary to organize multi-level lighting. In our case there should be at least two levels. One of them will be the base, which will provide general kitchen lighting, and the second - auxiliary. Its task is to make certain places sufficiently illuminated: a cutting table, a kitchen sink, a cooking surface or a corner with a pencil case in which the dishes are stored.

Since our version of the kitchen space has a limited area, it needs warm and very soft lighting. In this context, you will need fixtures that could be installed evenly, and even better - pointwise. You will need to buy halogen lamps and use them to illuminate the floor and cabinets, as well as mirrors and other reflective surfaces.

for a kitchen of 5 square meters one chandelier is enough

During the day, do not block access to the kitchen by sunlight. Do not use in the decoration of the kitchen with tiny dimensions of bulk and heavy curtains. They do not just steal space, but also make the kitchen atmosphere dark and completely non-viable.

Steps to perfection: stylistic kitchen design 5 sq. M

  1. "Minimalism". This style does not imply an abundance of decorative elements, welcomes the monochrome of the color solution and offers the use of furniture with different geometric shapes in the setting. With such a compact environment, the coziness of the working area will always be provided.
  2. "Modern" is very good for the decoration of small spaces. It is distinguished by the convenience and functionality of the built-in equipment, excellent lighting with a large number of various lighting fixtures and a harmonious color palette.
  3. "Hi-tech" is replete with glass and metal, the radiance of which in a small area of ​​the kitchen will be most welcome. The interior will be light, and the space will seem unlimited.
  4. "Country" will appreciate the admirers of natural comfort. In this stylistic design, the furniture of the kitchen of 5 sq. M is made of light-facade furniture, and the decor is wickerwork made from natural materials. The atmosphere of this cuisine is particularly harmonious!
  5. "Classic". In its pure form, it practically does not occur in kitchens of modest areas, but professionals often borrow light interpretations of floor and wall finishes from the classical interiors, as well as furnishings. The furniture used in the classics has very gentle tones, therefore it will always be in demand in the arrangement of small spaces. Spectacular lighting, stylish curtains, original furniture accessories are frequent "guests" in small kitchens.

Kitchen design 5 square meters in the style of hi-tech

Color combinations for kitchen interiors

In order to successfully cope with the main task of interior design of small-sized kitchens, by all means attract light colors to the decor. Only with their help it will be possible to slightly expand the visual boundaries of the room, raising the ceiling and tearing off the walls. You will certainly be able to do this if glossy paints appear in the design of the kitchen on its 5 square meters. Do not neglect the effect of the game of shades, in which one color smoothly flows into the Bo saturated. However, do not get carried away and do not enter into the situation flashy-bright colors. Remember that the contrast and large figures, in addition to being too intrusive and quickly annoying, will also nullify your attempts to somehow increase the kitchen space. If you decide to finish the kitchen wallpaper, then stop at the monotonous variations with a low-key relief ornament. Such colors as ocher and beige will help to make the atmosphere more comfortable and fill it with warmth.

in a narrow kitchen cabinets are placed in one row

Furniture in a small kitchen

“The arrangement of the headset with the letter G in the design of a kitchen of 5 square meters is considered a classic approach to furnishing”

Playing with the visual perception of space allows properly arranged furniture. There are several interesting techniques that make the layout of 5 square meters very rational and original.

We engage the corners. The arrangement of the headset with the letter G in the design of a kitchen of 5 square meters is considered to be a classic approach to furnishing. In this case, the objects are arranged so that one side borders on the doors or a window sill, and the other ends in a refrigerator. The free space that forms in the corner can be made with an additional working surface or filled with household appliances. The corners of such a kitchen should be rounded. In addition to being more aesthetically perceived, it also ensures the safety of movement in tight spaces. If the kitchen has a rectangular perimeter, then it is better to leave the sink on a short wall, and set the stove, work tables and refrigerator along the long one. In this case, in the diagonal corner there is a great place to place the dinner table. Under certain conditions, you can create a whole zone by attaching light, non-massive shelves or cabinets of an open structure above the table.

great solution for small kitchens: window sill and table in one version

You can go to the kitchen design modest 5 square meters in another way: to install a sink in the corner space. To make it easier to operate, sew it into a curved or beveled table-bollard. On the long side, it will now be possible to bring out the work surface, as well as place a refrigerator with a stove. In the case when the set is made to order, ask the short side to make it a bit narrowed - then you will get additional centimeters of space, which are so lacking in a modest kitchen area. Instead of washing in the corner, you can also put an ergonomic corner model plate. It will not only organically fit into the decor, but will be convenient to use.

Possible in the interior design of the kitchen of 5 sq m and U-shaped arrangement of elements. The furniture in this variant occupies three wall areas, that is, the entire usable space is used to the maximum. You get the opportunity to create the perfect arrangement in which the refrigerator-cooker-sink will be the tops of the working triangle. However, this way of arranging the furniture will be only in those kitchens whose space is square, because the width of the internal space must be at least 1.2 meters. Only in this case it will be pleasant and comfortable to work in the kitchen without clinging to the corners and not squeezing between the surfaces.

a small bar in the interior of the kitchen 5 sq m

To solve the problem of the situation will help vertical furniture unit at the entrance to the kitchen. In this case, high and bulky objects migrate to the far corners of the room, where they will not be so noticeable. However, experts refer to this method of design of cramped rooms ambiguous. Some people consider this an excellent opportunity to fill the kitchen with a sufficient amount of equipment, spacious drawers and cabinets, while others strongly advise against this in the kitchen design with an area of ​​5 square meters, because it drastically cuts free space.

Looking at the decor of any kitchen, you can not miss that the most cumbersome decoration is a refrigerator. If you remove it to a warmed loggia or carry it out into the corridor, then you will instantly and substantially unload the space. You will have a chance not only to set the dining table, but also to decorate the kitchen with a real comfortable seating area or make a luxurious working area, just as you like. But at this convenience, and end, because you can not just reach out and take the right ingredients from the refrigerator. If you do not mind reeling extra mileage, then feel free to use this idea in the design of your kitchen of 5 square meters.

the option of placing a car wash near the window

Economical and simple way to equip the kitchen is a single-row direct layout of the furniture arrangement. To provide additional space, a narrow cooking surface (45 cm) is installed here and, if possible, a refrigerator is brought outside the kitchen.


As you can see, a minimum of furniture, bright background solutions and attention to literally every millimeter of space are three “whales” that help make the kitchen design 5 square meters comfortable. Do not dwell on the minimality of the area, take from it all that it has to offer - and your kitchen will become the most comfortable corner of the house!

Gallery - kitchen design 5 sq m:

Kitchen area of ​​5 square meters. meters often found in Khrushchev, typical panel houses and the houses of the old fund. It is quite difficult to fit a working and dining area in such a tiny space, but it is quite possible. From this material you will learn how much depends on what furniture is selected and how it is arranged, in what color the walls are painted, how the light is built and what curtains hang on the windows. And here you can learn a lot of super-ideas on design, repair, planning and redevelopment from a selection of 50 photos of real interiors.


To the kitchen 5 square. meters fit and working, and dining area, there is no way out how to plan the placement of furniture L-shaped or linear.

  • L-shaped (corner) layout  It is good because it allows you to place the stove, sink and refrigerator according to the rule of the “working triangle”, as well as use the angle and two walls. Having assembled kitchen furniture in this way, you will get a spacious working area and plenty of storage space. True, the size of the dining area will have to "save" and choose a table / stand for 2 people. Sample corner kitchen 5 square. meters presented in the photo below.

  • Linear layout is more compact, but a little less convenient, since the cook will have to run along the entire kitchen line many times to prepare food. However, in such a small room is not so well and difficult. But the dining table can be put and more spacious - designed for 3-4 people.

If the kitchen is only a utilitarian room, and the dining area is moved to another room, then you can consider a U-shaped or two-row layout.

  • Double-row arrangement of furniture is a great option for narrow room  . As a rule, the kitchen is composed as follows: a stove, a sink, a food preparation area and a dishwasher are placed on one side, and a refrigerator, oven and microwave oven are on the opposite.
  • U-shaped layout - the most convenient, because everything you need for cooking is at hand. The downside is the bulkiness of the U-shaped headset. Most of all, this option is suitable for square kitchen. In the next photo slider you can see the interior of the kitchen of 5 square meters. meters with a U-shaped suite and a dining area in the living room.

When designing your kitchen U-shaped or in two rows, remember that the passage between the furniture should be at least 90 cm.

Color spectrum

Kitchen area of ​​5 square meters. meters must be light and rather monochrome than multi-color or contrast.

  • Best of all, it visually increases the space and solves the problem of lack of light white color. In a small kitchen of 5 square meters. It should be more meters than any other color. In fact, the facades of the headset, the decoration, the dining room, and even the curtains can be white. Do not be afraid of the marbiness of white surfaces. In fact, they are as practical as any color. And so that such an interior does not seem too "hospital", use several shades of white (from milky to ivory) and different textures (from gloss to stone).

Design small kitchen 5 square. meters in one-room Khrushchev

  • In a pair to white, you can pick up other light shades: light gray, light blue, cream, beige.
  • Try not to use more than 3 colors in the interior, otherwise there is a risk of overloading the interior.


  • "Spread" the wall will help the proper laying of the floor. If a did you choose ceramic tiles  then it should be laid diagonally. Wooden floors and laminate in narrow rooms are also placed diagonally or across the room. Ideally, the dies of the floor covering should be small, folded into a run or “herringbone”.
  • The well-known shortage of kitchens in Khrushchev houses is not only a small area, but also low ceilings. "Lift" they will help wallpaper in diamond or vertical stripes. But beware, the narrow kitchen's plethora of vertical lines narrow down even more.

Design project of a small kitchen with striped wallpaper

  • It is desirable that the walls were plain and without drawings. But if you want to glue the wallpaper, then choose canvases with a small pattern of muted shades. Wallpaper with a large and colorful print safer to glue only on one wall.
  • Create the illusion of large space help wallpapers  with perspective image. For example, it may be a city street, a road leading into the distance or a forest path.

  • Another super-efficient technique is facing a wall with a mirror. If you make them the whole wall or a large area (for example, an apron or a wall near the dining area), the space will visually seem larger. And if a window is reflected in the mirror, then natural light will increase.

  • To add a feeling of lightness and lightness to a small space, use shiny, glossy or “satin” surfaces in the decoration of the apron. For example, tile-hog  or glass .

Redevelopment and zoning

Redevelopment is always a labor-, time- and financially costly measure, but with its help you can drastically change and increase the small kitchen. There are two options for redevelopment: the union of the kitchen with adjacent rooms or the transfer of partitions.

  • Transfer partitions and increase the kitchen due to adjacent premises. Pros:  an increase in the kitchen by a couple of square meters, making it possible to equip a full-fledged dining and working area. At the same time, the kitchen remains isolated - smells and noises will not penetrate into the other rooms. Minuses: the living room / corridor area is reduced, the repair is complicated and increases due to the construction of new partitions.

Below is a plan of the apartment with the transfer of partitions and an increase in the area of ​​the kitchen due to adjacent rooms.

The following photos show the interior of the kitchen in the one-room Khrushchev, which was increased by the living room.

Keep in mind that the redistribution of the apartment, even with the demolition of non-bearing structures requires coordination with housing inspections.

  • Combining kitchen with living room  and / or the hallway  . Pros:  the space becomes convenient for family holidays, meals and meetings with guests, the kitchen is increased by moving the dining group to the living room area or to the border of two rooms, it becomes possible to equip a full-fledged and roomy dining area. Cons: there is no opportunity for privacy, noises and smells from the kitchen can interfere with the rest in the living room (and vice versa), the mess in a particular area will spoil the overall look of the room.

Below are the plans of a two-room apartment in a typical Khrushchev apartment before redevelopment and after combining the kitchen with the living room.

Plan one-bedroom apartment in Khrushchev before redevelopment

And here is a clear example of the design of a combined kitchen-living room in a one-room Khrushchev.

Apartment layouts “before” and “after” rework

In order for the combined kitchen-living room or kitchen-hall to look orderly, it must be zoned. The border of zones can be designated only by visual methods (with the help of different finishes for walls, floors and ceilings, lighting, carpets) or by physical “delineators”. For example, it could be furniture, a low partition, a ceiling beam, a partition with an arched or open doorway, plants, a glass partition, sliding doors and curtains. The following photo compilation presents examples of zoning combined kitchen-living rooms.


Much depends on the choice of furniture. Here are some tips to help you plan your kitchen:

  • Since the tiny 5-meter kitchen is sorely lacking space for storage, you need to use its height, that is, the wall. Choose a three-tier kitchen set up to the ceiling and place on the uppermost shelves those things that are not often needed in the kitchen (glasses, a festive service, food supplies, bottles for delicacies, etc.). By the way, in the additional tier, you can hide the duct.
  • In addition to the top of the kitchen cabinet, you can also use its bottom, namely the base. If you embed several rollout boxes into it, you will get excellent vaults for trifles.

  • Ideally, a kitchen set should be ordered according to individual sizes, because not a single centimeter should be wasted.
  • In order to visually facilitate the interior, the facades of a kitchen set should be selected glossy or with glass inserts; solid doors without panels and even without handles are well suited.

  • The universal color of the kitchen set is white. He is also good if the kitchen has a gas stove  . Indeed, among the white facades, the white box will be almost invisible (see photo).

  • Another good option - set to match the walls.

No less scrupulous need to approach the choice of the table and chairs. After all, in the kitchenette, they should be maxi-functional and super-compact.

  • The most "tiny" solution will be a bar counter. In an isolated kitchen, it can be equipped on the basis of a windowsill (see photo examples below), and in the kitchen combined with the living room, put on the border of the rooms.

In the corner kitchen of 5 square meters. meters, you can carve out a place for snacking, refitting the window sill in the bar

Example of table-sill

Here is an example of the design of a combined kitchen-living room with a bar.

The mini bar can also be built into the headset niche, as shown in this photo.

  • Another mobile solution is a folding table which, when assembled, turns into a hinged shelf.

  • In the 5-meter kitchen will fit a small round coffee table for 1-2 people.

If your lifestyle does not fit with the mini-tables, choose a table for 3-4 people of rectangular or square shape - they spend their space more efficiently. It is desirable that he could easily fold and unfold.

  • Chairs fit light, compact and functional. For example, it can be folding "garden" chairs, transparent chairs made of polycarbonate, benches, stools or corners with built-in storage boxes.


To save space in the work area, choose small and built-in equipment.

The refrigerator is better to choose a narrow but high dishwasher suitable for a width of 45 cm, and the hob - with 2-3 burners.

It is good if household appliances combine several functions at once: the slow cooker + bread maker, the combine + the meat grinder + the juicer or the oven + the microwave.


Proper lighting is a pledge of comfort. In a small kitchen it must be a lot.

  • Neither curtains, nor furniture, nor excess items on the windowsill should interfere with daylight penetration.
  • Artificial light is important to distribute as evenly as possible throughout the room. The following lighting scenario is ideal: spotlights around the ceiling + furniture lights for the work area + sconces or a chandelier above the table.

  • Lamps themselves pick miniature and concise.


All small kitchens tend to seem cluttered and cluttered. Even the fridge magnets can bring a sense of disorganization to the 5-meter kitchen. Therefore, the most important principle of its decor - “less means more.” However, it is not necessary to give up completely from jewelry and accessories, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too minimalistic. A pair of small paintings / posters / photo frames on the wall, a pot with a room flower and a wall clock will be quite enough to create coziness.

As for curtains, short and laconic types of curtains are best: Roman and roller blinds, blinds and curtains-cafes as in the photo below.

The dream of any owner is to have a comfortable, stylish, unparalleled kitchen available. Design proposals are very diverse, but expensive, so you should try to make a sketch of the kitchen yourself. This will require paper, pencil, tape measure, cardboard, glue and a good mood.

The advantages of independent work

The main advantage is the ability to simulate a sketch of the kitchen of your dreams, using your previous skills in drawing, measuring, computing, creative ideas and the desire to draw a kitchen project unique and inimitable. This exciting work will bring a lot of pleasant emotions, because In addition to self-expression, it provides for the wishes of the household in terms of comfort for everyone. Therefore, all family members will be able to draw a kitchen on paper, and on the general council you can choose the most original sketches.

The second advantage is significant cost savings on the designer’s call and full project design. Having presented this amount, it is recommended to try to draw a sketch of the kitchen on your own.

Disadvantages of independent work

There are always very few minuses in creative work, because It allows you to gain additional skills and gain experience in a new business. The only thing you should pay attention to is a thorough, meticulous execution of the task of measuring each centimeter of kitchen area and transferring it to paper, making cardboard mockups and other work that requires time and accuracy. Otherwise, the kitchen set will not fit in size or the door will open halfway, hitting the furniture. Therefore, when making a sketch, you should not ignore the tips for completely recreating the future kitchen of a small size on paper, then everything will turn out and fall into place.

Sketching Instructions

Before you design your dream kitchen, you need to stock up on some sheets of paper, pen, pencil, cardboard, glue, scissors, ruler and tape measure.

1st stage: measurements

The first step is to measure the room. To do this, it is necessary to determine the length and width of the floor, the height, the length and width of the walls, doors, windows, balconies, all projections and depressions located on each surface. Before the measurements, it is recommended to complete the repair with leveling walls, ceiling decoration and floor screed. This will allow to take into account every centimeter and to prevent inaccuracies in the sketch. Walls should be measured at the level of the floor, ceiling and mid-width; the floor should also be determined at the threshold, in the center and at the opposite wall. All this data is transferred to paper. If the repair is performed insufficiently qualitatively, you can correct the errors before the furniture starts, avoiding unforeseen moments with uneven walls or ceilings.

2nd stage: drawings

The next step is to draw the top view. To do this, it is necessary to determine the exact scale, arbitrarily chosen by the master for convenience. It can be 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, etc.

Another sheet will be a sketch of the wall, which will show how to draw and arrange kitchen furniture set as conveniently as possible.

Then you should alternately make sketches of all the walls with the designations of doors, windows, balconies, etc. It is recommended to make several photocopies from each such drawing. This will help to embody all the ideas as much as possible, because changing the design on paper is much easier than subsequently moving the furniture into reality.

3rd stage: project of electrical wiring

Very important is the wiring diagram, which should be carefully thought out. In addition to full lighting, you need to take care of the availability of the required number of outlets. To this end, it is recommended to consider how many household appliances are planned in the kitchen, and where it will stand.

3rd stage: furniture arrangement

The next step will be the direct placement of furniture, and the project should be started from the top view. Having decided on the layout, you need to arm yourself with the necessary dimensions of each furniture block. In this case, there are standard parameters, which are desirable to adhere to for ease of use, but the individual production allows you to deviate from the patterns, and arrange the furniture in the kitchen of the most unusual form. At the same time with the placement of the headset, you should take care of the built-in equipment, which is represented in stores in a huge range and allows you to choose the most suitable size models.

After drawing the drawing from the top, you should proceed to the project of the wall with the arrangement of the furniture set in front view. In this sketch will be presented the entire front of the furniture and household appliances with the appropriate parameters.

4th stage: layout

Having armed with sheets with sketches of kitchens from all sides with the required sizes, you can begin to make layouts of furniture and equipment from cardboard, after cutting out the necessary shapes and sizes. After drying, the glued models of the headset and home appliances sections should be arranged as it is supposed in the real kitchen. If desired, the initial sketches can be downloaded to a special design system in 3D mode on a computer and look at the result of their work in the final version. But psychologists recommend making a layout, because It will be an exciting experience for all family members, especially if there are children in it. The kitchen room and furnishings can be arranged in the same colors as the future kitchen, so it will become even more realistic.

When building a kitchen sketch, you must take into account the size and shape of the room. Based on these parameters, you need to decide what kind of planning is most suitable for a comfortable pastime. So the direct arrangement of furniture in one row can be applied to a small kitchen or household, who rarely use it for cooking and focus on the recreation area or reception. Corner layout is considered to be universal, because It saves space and meets all ergonomic requirements. Double-row linear, U-shaped, island and peninsular are suitable for a large kitchen, in most cases combined with the living room or dining room. Each of them is very comfortable and stylish, allowing maximum use of both the work area and the rest area.

Many beginning masters try to make their own hands not only the layout, but also the furniture itself. This saves money by half and allows you to create a unique design that meets all the taste preferences of the owner. But the danger lies in the fact that to make a quality product without certain skills is quite difficult. In this case, it is recommended to use ready-made facades that are sold in construction markets. A variant can also be a partial independent production of those stages, which is easier to cope with. And professional cutting, fastening and even the consumption of materials can be entrusted to specialists who offer their services in construction firms and specialized furniture manufacturing stores.

Designers recommend novice designers to be very careful about each dimension in the kitchen and a millimeter on paper. Such seemingly minor errors can completely spoil the whole project and upset the balance in the environment. Having made a model, it should be carefully rechecked, and in the case of the smallest mistake, do not be lazy to redo it completely.

Any work requires some effort. But the renovation of his apartment on his own project, taking into account the wishes of the household and the excellent joint pastime, will significantly improve the atmosphere in the family and bring a lot of happy moments.

Grieving over the tiny kitchen is unproductive. It is better to think over the design of the 5 meter kitchen to the smallest detail, trying to use every square centimeter with a good use of business.

Thousands of owners of small kitchens in Khrushchev houses, who managed to make them not only comfortable and beautiful, but also multifunctional, proved that this is possible.

Arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen

In all construction forums, the question about the design of kitchens of 5 square meters sounds more often than others. Especially when people do not want to do redevelopment, combining the kitchen with the living room or pantry, but they dream of putting all the necessary equipment in it not to the detriment of storage space. This seems to be impossible.

But if it comes to kitchen design 8 5 m, immediately there are a lot of examples of how it is possible to organize everything beautifully and well in this area. And baby kitchens are advised to expand visually using various design tricks. But these tricks are able to affect only our aesthetic perception, but not the ability of the kitchen to contain everything you need.

Therefore, let's leave for a while the talk about styles, textures and colors, and we will solve practical problems.

Corner Kitchen

Corner or L-shaped arrangement of furniture is considered the most optimal for small rooms, especially if you need to squeeze the dining area into them.

The following options are possible:

  • With a sink in the corner. This is the most ergonomic design - the kitchen of 5 square meters is the most convenient for the hostess. A corner wall cabinet with a sliding mechanism is hung over the sink, which allows the maximum use of space.

  • With a hob in the corner. Non-standard solution for those who love to cook and do it often. Electric and gas cooking surfaces of a special angular shape are not uncommon today, so it’s easy to fit them into a kitchen design of 5 m2.

For reference. Note that the price of a corner cooktop, corner hood, and even a corner bottom module is usually higher than that of standard counterparts.

  • With a sink under the window. A rather complicated version that requires the transfer of a heating radiator and lengthening of water and sewage pipes. But the result will please you necessarily.

Kitchen without refrigerator or dining table

If you decide to donate a table or fridge that really takes up a lot of space in the kitchen, you will have more opportunities for a 5 m2 kitchen to get a comfortable working area.

  •   - The furniture is located along three walls, allowing you to use all the useful space and create the perfect working triangle. If you do not be lazy and punch a small transfer window into the room adjacent to the kitchen with your own hands, you will be able to fully preserve the functionality of this small room.

  • Double row kitchen. The furniture is located along two opposite walls. Simplified modification of the U-shaped kitchen, allowing you to leave free access to the window and place high storage modules and kitchen appliances.

Ideas for small kitchen design

If you are a fan of antique cupboards, lovely knick-knacks on open shelves and soft sofas with cozy pillows, then even a kitchen design of 8.5 square meters and more will become a problem for you. In a tiny kitchen, every centimeter has to be taken into account and used with maximum efficiency, so country or classic are hardly appropriate here, where too much space is given to decorative elements.

You will have to give up bulky and functionally useless items in favor of convenience and ergonomics.

Furniture and equipment

To provide more free space in a small kitchen, furniture and equipment should be chosen very carefully. With today's assortment it is easy to do.

  • Do not buy ready-made headset. Furniture to order is always better fit into the kitchen design 5 sq. M, without leaving unused even the most inaccessible corners.
  • Reduce the depth of the lower modules to 50 or even 40 cm - the kitchen will be much more spacious.
  • Make the most of the height of your kitchen. Make wall-mounted cabinets up to the ceiling: rarely used utensils can be stored on the upper shelves. Do not close the bottom of the base, better place a basket for storing vegetables under the cabinets.

  • Use small-sized kitchen appliances: a two-or three-burner hob, a narrow oven and dishwasher, a small refrigerator that is built under the countertop.

Council A large fridge with freezer can be put in the hallway or on the loggia, and in the small kitchen one can keep only daily used products.

  • An excellent solution can be a multifunctional technique, for example, an oven with a microwave function or a multi-cooker, which can replace both the hob and the oven.

Attention! Instructions for use of such equipment should be studied by you before buying, so that you can make sure that it really suits you in all respects.

  • When planning the kitchen space, pay attention to folding chairs and transforming tables. The latter can be folding, withdrawable, sliding, which saves space in the kitchenette.

For reference. Watch the video on our portal about small kitchens and transforming kitchens. You may be interested in some ideas from these clips.

Important stuff

  • If we are to use the space to the fullest, then let's pay attention to other interior details. For example, the work surface can be increased by sill, replacing it with a wider tabletop. It can also serve as a bar or a table for quick snacks. Under the window sill you can also arrange small shelves.
  • If you remove the door to the kitchen or replace it with a sliding door, it will be much easier for you to move.
  • Finally, the roof rails and hooks on the kitchen apron and on the inside of the doors can become a repository of a huge mass of small things that are so necessary in any kitchen.


Design 5 m kitchen - a task for people creative and inventive. Without a certain amount of adventurism, it is better not to take it - it is better to entrust this business to professional designers. If you decide to do it yourself, look for non-standard solutions and do not be afraid to experiment.



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