the main - Doors
  What refers to the tableware. Types of tableware. What is the tableware made of: a review of materials

Comprehensive notes

Summary of integrated classes in the middle group
  "Acquaintance of children with the classification of dishes:
  kitchen, dining room, tea

Zhirkova O.N. tutor MBDOU №51

  Purpose:   To acquaint children with the classification of dishes - kitchen, dining, tea. To consolidate knowledge about the generalized concept of dishes. Continue to teach children to highlight the essential features of dishes, differences and differences in the classification of dishes for the intended purpose. Continue learning to decorate dishes (cup)familiar elements of decorative drawing. To cause interest in the lesson, the ability to clearly and correctly answer the questions of the teacher.

Visual material:   sets of kitchen, dining and tea utensils. Three tables covered with beautiful tablecloths.

Course of the lesson

The teacher offers to sit in a semicircle on the chairs. In front of the children there are three tables covered with tablecloths. On one table are placed items of various dishes - a saucepan, a frying pan, a kettle, plates, deep and shallow.

What items do you see on the table? (children list all the items, each name only one item)

What are all these items for? (To eat, cook)

How can you call in one word the items that are needed for cooking and for food? (Dishes)

So, guys, we remembered what dishes are.

Now imagine, that you need to meet guests. First we need to cook dinner - cook soup, fry meatballs.

What do you think, what dishes we first take, for cooking?

For example, we need to cook soup. What dishes do we need?

Guess the riddle

I cook your food

For dinner - soup and porridge. (Pan)

Go, Zhenya, take the pot and put it on this table.

What is the name of the place where they cook food? (Kitchen)

Here we will have a kitchen.

"Shhhh, - potatoes sizzle, -

Add some oil to the butter. ”

This is the heat, what the hell!

Burning hot (pan).

Go, Acne, put the pan, where there is a pan.

(This is how children name and take turns putting dishes away on a separate table).

Lunch prepared. Now you need to put food in another dish.

It happens deep, sometimes shallow,

And called ... (plate).

We called all the dishes, but forgot about something. Look carefully and name something without which they never sit at the table. (without spoon).

Spoons, forks and knives at the table are always needed. They are called cutlery.

This dish is called CANTEEN

And now, I will make you a riddle, and you try to find a solution to my table:

I stand on the table, puffing,

I want to treat with tea.

What is it? (Teapot).

How did you guess that this kettle?

A game "Putting the kettle".

Deal done. Now you can drink tea too. But something happened to the kettle? He crashed.

(Children assemble parts of the “Teapot” cut picture)

On the table she stands

Tea is hot in it.

What is it? (A cup)

Listen to the following riddle:

Impregnable in appearance

Akimbo stands

And look inside

Treat inside (Sugar bowl)

And now I offer a little rest.

Outdoor game “Find the dishes”

Children are divided into 2 teams, stand behind each other. On the opposite wall on the table is dishes. On the signal "Kitchenware" the first team must jump to the table and take the item of kitchen utensils. For another team, the caregiver gives the command “Tableware”.

The teacher draws the attention of children. Look, guys, at this table. What is all this dish for? (To cook food).

Food is prepared in the kitchen, and the dishes that are needed for cooking are called KITCHEN.

Children together call this word, they say it.

So, the food we have prepared. Now we need to set the table for dinner.

What dishes do we need for lunch?

(Kids call the dishes and put it on another table).

When all items of tableware will be on the table, the teacher says:

What is this dish for? (For lunch)

The dishes you need for lunch are called CANTEEN.

The teacher offers to repeat the chorus and several children individually.

The lesson continues, the educator draws the children's attention to the dishes that remain on the table.

Guys, what do you think, and this dish for what we need?

(Cup, saucer, sugar bowl, kettle)

To drink tea.

The dishes that we need when we drink tea are called TEA.

Children repeat the word in unison.

Today we have learned that dishes are different, because they are used differently. It is the kitchen, dining room, tea.

Fizkultminutka "My dishes"

We opened the crane with water

(4 times to produce rotational movements of the hand, as if to open the faucet)

And washed the dishes

(put the right palm on the left and make circular movements on it, as if to wash the plate)

Turley, rubbed, washed, washed

(same movement, but left hand on the right)

Turley, rubbed, washed, washed

All around in the water and soap.

(Spread your arms to the sides).

II part

Let's have some tea. But boring to drink tea from white cups.

The teacher shows the children paper cups.

And to make the cups beautiful, let's decorate them.

I have a brush (shows), with the help of her turn into masters. The teacher offers to close his eyes.

We ended up in the workshop, and I suggest you go to the desktops.

(Watercolor paint, jars of water, brushes, coasters, rags) are prepared on the tables..

Duty hand out paints, brushes, rags. Children decorate cups with different familiar elements. (circles, strokes, points, sticks, rings, etc.)

Evaluation of work.

After drawing the children independently clean the workplace. (wash brushes, cups)

Tableware plays a big role in creating the image of the place, creates a certain style in the hall. Dishes in the hall to meet all the requirements for serving.

Kitchen utensils should be comfortable and functional.


Cookware is classified according to its purpose. In accordance with this, it is divided into types:

  • for serving dishes and serving the table: oilers, sauceboats, milk jugs, sugar bowls, salt shakers, pepper shakers, trays, napkin holders, vases, creamers, salad bowls, and so on;
  • for serving dishes and food: plates, portion salad bowls, tea pairs, sockets;
  • dishes for the kitchen: bakeware, pans, pots, pans;
  • household utensils: cans, containers, caps, gastronome containers;
  • ware for drinks: jugs, decanters, glasses, glasses, glasses, wine glasses, shtofs.

Types of dishes and serving items

Must meet several requirements:

  • be universal;
  • be in a large assortment;
  • be practical;
  • meet sanitary standards.

Bar inventory

Inventory, which is used in bars, is divided into dishes and equipment. The bar has a lot of various devices, the purpose of which is to help the bartender, usually working alone, in his work. There are strict requirements for not only in terms of reliability, functionality and practicality, but also in appearance and design, since the whole process of preparing drinks takes place in front of visitors. And most of the dishes are also stored in plain sight.

Dishes in the bar is designed mainly for drinks:

  • wineglass;
  • collins - a cylindrical shaped glass with straight walls;
  • beer mugs - they are glass, ceramic, porcelain;
  • wine glasses;
  • glasses;
  • piles;
  • wine glasses;
  • highball - tall glass for alcoholic cocktails.

Some bars serve sandwiches and salads, so they use plates and a la carte salad bowls. Now many bars for such dishes buy disposable dishes. In any bar, coffee and tea are served, so there are corresponding dishes there. Tea and coffee dishes in the bar is usually white.

  • jiggers;
  • measuring dishes;
  • ice splitting equipment;
  • juicers;
  • slicers.

The main purpose of such equipment is the preparation and decoration of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Professional dishes for restaurants

Why it is important to buy high-quality dishes

Dishes used in restaurants, bars and other catering establishments must meet the following requirements:

  • to be whole, without cracks and chips;
  • the material from which it was made should not have harmful impurities;
  • easy to wash and not damaged by detergents;
  • to be strong enough not to beat and not deform in the washer;
  • be comfortable and have the ability to save heat;
  • cutlery should not blacken and oxidize;
  • upon impact, do not split into too small parts and it is advisable not to leave thin chips, which can be easily injured;
  • have an original modern design;
  • to be in the right quantity and the necessary range.

In order for the dishes to meet all the requirements, you need to choose it responsibly and, when buying, give preference to proven companies, check the relevant certificates.

The quality of the service and the quality of the dishes served directly depend on the quality of the dishes.

For a visitor to any catering establishment, there are three things by which he judges an institution: cleanliness, politeness, and dishes.

Without dishes, a person does not do a day if it is a good day. According to its purpose, dishes are divided into kitchenware, intended for cooking and tableware, intended for serving the table and eating.


Cups, glasses, plates, salad bowls, sauce bowls and cutlery. In addition to convenience, appearance is important for such dishes. Tableware should be pleasing to the eye and on a holiday, and on weekdays. It looks very impressive dishes, matched in a single style, harmoniously combined with the interior design.


Pots, pans, bowls, knife sets, beaters, measuring containers and cutting boards. Important requirements for kitchen utensils are ease of use, durability, quality and hygiene of the material used to make dishes. Kitchen utensils should have forms that prevent the accumulation of dirt and provide easy washing. It should be noted that the shape, size and design of kitchen utensils in the first place should be suitable for the kitchen in which they will be used.

The ware is made of various materials, each of which has advantages and shortcomings.

Ceramic tableware

Differs in the high thermoisolating properties. She is able to maintain the temperature of food or drinks for a long time. As a rule, ceramics are used to make tableware, but you can also cook in ceramics. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that ceramic dishes absorb fat well and are more difficult to wash.


Differs in beauty and grace, can keep heat for a long time. Decorating porcelain tableware can be done as a pattern painted, and by engraving or perforation. Often, the decor elements are made separately and glued to the base. Ware from porcelain is used only for table setting.


As a rule, it is used for drinks - these are glasses, wine glasses, glasses and decanters. They are very fragile and require careful maintenance to preserve their original brilliance and transparency. Currently, kitchenware made of refractory and durable glass is being actively used. This dish is ecological clean and hygienic. Glass does not enter into any reactions with cooking food and is capable of retaining heat for a long time. A separate type of glassware, usually rectangular or oval, is designed for microwave ovens. Glassware allows you to heat food in the microwave evenly.

Metal dishes

It is used both for table setting and for cooking. Kitchen metal utensils can be made of aluminum, stainless steel, cast iron, enameled metal, metal with teflon coating.

Cast iron cookware

It is used for dishes that require long-term cooking with uniform heating of the entire contents. Ware from cast iron is heavy and at the same time rather fragile, besides, it tends to rust with prolonged contact with water. After washing, cast-iron dishes should be quickly dried. Keep the finished dish in the cast iron is not recommended.

Aluminum cookware

Lightweight, durable and cheap, it has a high thermal conductivity, that is, it quickly heats up and cools down. However, aluminum cookware has many drawbacks. Aluminum enters into chemical reactions with products containing acids and alkalis, such as some soups, sauces, dairy products. Best of all, aluminum cookware is suitable for boiling water, boiling vegetables and pasta. It is not recommended to store cooked food in aluminum cookware.

Stainless Steel Cookware

Durable and functional. An important characteristic of steel cookware is the thickness of the bottom and walls. The thicker they are, the more evenly the heat is distributed and, therefore, the better the food is cooked. Smoothly polished surface with proper operation allows you to avoid burning and even cook without oil, as in a teflon pan.


It is characterized by the absence of chemical reactions with food and an attractive appearance. In this dish, cooked in an enamel pot, tends to stick. It requires proper care, because if the enamel is damaged, the dishes start to rust.

Teflon dishes

The main advantage of Teflon-coated cookware is anti-stickness. Teflon dishes require careful handling, you can not cook on it using metal spoons and spatulas to avoid damage to the Teflon coating. It should be noted that it is not recommended to cook in Teflon dishes with a damaged coating.

Features of some types of dishes

Modern pans can be made of aluminum, stainless or enameled steel, fireproof glass or ceramics. The best option is a steel pan with a double bottom, since the probability of sticking of food when cooking is minimized. The bottom of such pans consists of two layers, the first layer is steel, the second is of metal with high thermal conductivity, for example, copper, bronze or aluminum. This design provides quick and uniform heating of the contents of the pan.

For frying and stewing, the pan is indispensable. The pan can be made of cast iron, stainless steel or metal with Teflon coating. Cast iron pan is ideal for dishes that require prolonged stewing. Teflon or stainless steel pans are used for fast frying at high temperatures.

Tableware - dishes that serve the table and which serves hot dishes. The history of the emergence and reincarnation of tableware evolved over the centuries, as it is inextricably linked with the culture of eating.

The roots of the art of table setting, probably, should be sought in the days of the Italian Renaissance, when merchants staged magnificent feasts. Catherine de Medici, marrying the French king Henry II, took these Italian dining traditions with her to France. But only under Louis XIV, that is, in the second half of the 17th century, the first rules of table setting and gala dinners were established in France. But this was the impetus for the development of the production of tableware, and by the mid-18th century no one was surprised by the abundance of factories producing china and glassware.

This fashion was picked up by England, it was she in the Victorian era (1837-1901) who was destined to become a legislator and a zealous champion of the traditions of serving the table. Tableware has reached its peak - from a chocolate fork to 8 kinds of salad forks. It is not surprising that at this time the highest in the history of the production of tableware is noted.

The current time dictates its own conditions, the modern pace of life does not allow us to devote food to as much time as during the reign of Victoria. Table setting has become easier, and as a result, the number of tableware has decreased. In ordinary life, we get along with a small set consisting of two or three plates, a salad bowl, a cup, a fork, a pair of spoons and a knife.

And yet sometimes, when we celebrate an event at home, I want to set the table for real, beautiful and luxurious, like in the good old days, when delicious dishes placed on an exquisitely served table were an indicator of culture and inspired guests and hosts to high conversations. Table setting is a whole art, which we will definitely discuss in another article, but for now let us return to our topic and see what types of tableware are used now.

Deep dining Plates with a diameter of 20-24 cm and a capacity of 250-500 cm 3. Used to serve the first dishes, both hot and cold.
Small dining room Plates with a diameter of 27-32 cm. Used to serve second courses (side dishes and dishes with side dishes).
Large snack bar Plates with a diameter of 26-31 cm. Used to serve hot and cold snacks, cold meat dishes, sweet hot dishes with sauce.
Small snack A plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used to serve cold snacks.
Dessert deep Plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used to serve desserts with sauces.
Dessert fine A plate with a diameter of 20 cm, usually with a wavy edge or a pattern on the rim. Used to serve fruit and sweet desserts.
Pastry A plate with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Used to serve bread, croutons, pies.
Fish plate A plate 33-37 cm long and 23-26 cm wide. Used to serve fish dishes.
Plate chill Used for snack dishes such as oysters, stews, salads.
Plateau plate Used to serve several types of side dishes and salads, as well as to serve fondue.
Dish Round and oval, square and rectangular plates with a diameter (long) of 40-45 cm. They are used to serve cold dishes from fish, meat, poultry and game. You can also put canapes on them.
Salad Bowl Deep plates of different shapes with a volume of 120 cm 3. Used to serve salads, fresh vegetables, pickles, marinades, etc.
Herring bowl Oblong plate for serving herring and canned fish.
Caviar plate Plate with a diameter of 15 cm. It is intended for feeding pressed caviar.
Egg plate Designed for feeding scrambled eggs.
Saucer Plates on which put cups or glasses.
Socket Saucer with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Used to serve jam, jam or honey.
Ice-cream bowl Deep dish with a diameter of 9 cm (maybe on the leg). Used to serve jelly, fruit salads, fresh berries.
Bouillon cups Cups with a capacity of 350-400 cm 3 with one or two handles. Used to serve broth and puree soups.
Tea cups Cups with a capacity of 200-250 cm 3. Used to serve tea, cocoa and hot chocolate.
Coffee cups Cups with a capacity of 75-150 cm 3. The smallest is used to serve coffee in the east, the largest - for cappuccino.
Cup A large volume cup with a handle. The purpose is the same as that of the cup, but they are used for everyday life, are not suitable for serving on the table.
Piala Cups with a capacity of 220-400 cm 3. Used to serve green tea and koumiss.
Kese (Kise) Cups with a capacity of up to 900 cm 3. Used to serve lagman, pilaf and similar national dishes.

Special dishes

Rams Dishes with a lid for serving: round - for hot dishes from meat, poultry and pancakes; oval - for hot fish dishes.
Round vase A vase with a diameter of 20-24 cm with a recess, can be one-, two- and three-tier. Used to serve fruit. It can be both on a leg, and without it.
Flat vase Vase with a flat surface. Used to serve cakes and pastries.
Ikornitsa In such elegant things served granular caviar.
Kokilnitsa The sink on the stand, as a rule, metal. Used for cooking and serving fish and seafood.
Cocotte Device up to 90 cm 3. It cooks and serves special hot snacks, such as crabs or mushrooms in sour cream.
Coffee pot The device volume 200-1000 cm 3 for supplying black coffee.
Jug with lid The device up to 2 liters for water supply, kvass and similar drinks.
Milkman The device volume of 100-400 cm 3 to supply milk to coffee or tea.
Shepherd Stand for feeding the peeled eggs, welded in a bag, to the broth. Also called a saucepan, reminiscent of the shape of a ladle, in which these eggs are cooked.
Spice Devices Small containers for salt, mustard, pepper, etc. Oil and vinegar are served in special bottles.
Glass Stand for feeding soft-boiled eggs with a diameter of 5 cm.
Napkin holder Napkin holder.
Sugar bowl The device volume of 100-400 cm 3 for the supply of sugar.
Creamer The device volume of 50-200 cm 3 for the supply of cream.
Gravy boat The device volume of 10-400 cm 3 with a handle and drawn toe. Used to serve sour cream and various cold sauces.
Hrennitsa The device volume of 100-200 cm 3 for serving horseradish sauce.
Kettle for brewing The device volume of 100-600 cm 3 to supply brewed tea.

All this tableware is made mainly of porcelain and earthenware. Dishes, in which not only are served, but also baked dishes, often made of stainless steel and nickel silver. Metal appliances are also often used for spices and small special dishes (for example, nickel silver or silver cornice with a crystal insert). Ceramic dishes are more appropriate if you serve the appropriate dishes of national cuisine.

A separate topic of conversation are such types of tableware as

It is difficult to calculate how much and what kind of tableware exists in the modern world. And how many classifications have been invented for it: by purpose, by material, by shape, by size, by color, by style, by heat treatment, by way of decoration, by completeness, etc. It is unlikely that we, ordinary housewives, need to know all these nuances, but some of them will prove useful. So, all the dishes can be divided according to its purpose and the materials from which it is made.

Types of dishes to destination

Cookware.   These are habitual pots, patches, stew-pans, woks, pans ... well, in general, all the dishes in which food can be cooked.

Utensils for storage.   These are containers, glass jars and bottles, and containers for cereals of various materials.

Dinnerware.   This is all the dishes, which served the tables and which serves dishes. This is the largest class of dishes in which you can select your subclasses, for example, tea-ware, coffee, for vodka products, cutlery ...

Types of dishes on the material

  Cookware made of materials that have good thermal conductivity. The main materials for such dishes are various metals.
  • Aluminum dishes.Aluminum has the best thermal conductivity, but not too good for our health, so now all the dishes made of this metal are made with non-stick coating, which excludes contact of the metal with food. The thicker the bottom of such dishes, the better its quality.
  • Enamelware.   These are dishes made of cast iron or black steel, covered in 2-3 layers with a vitreous enamel coating. This coating is resistant to both acids and alkalis, so you can not only cook food in this dish, but also store it.
  • Cast iron cookware. Perhaps the most durable type of dishes. Possessing low thermal conductivity, but high heat capacity, dishes made of cast iron can be heated to very high temperatures and retain heat for a long time, which is important for cooking some dishes. Not for nothing, some housewives still keep a cast-iron pan for cooking pancakes and a cast-iron roaster in the house - an ideal dish for long-lasting dishes. The main disadvantage of such dishes is the possibility of rust, if left wet.
  • Copper and brass dishes.   Once copper dishes were very common. Until now, in some houses you can find copper pots with a long handle for cooking jam. The hostesses of these houses can be understood, because copper has the highest thermal conductivity, which allows you to cook jam faster and eliminates the possibility of its burning. But, unfortunately, copper, as well as aluminum, interacts with alkalis and acids from food, which makes copper dishes not very useful for humans.

    Copper-zinc alloy is less harmful and harder - brass utensils. But, remaining still harmful, such dishes significantly lose in thermal conductivity. Therefore, in our time from the copper and brass can be found only the Turks for brewing coffee and samovars. But both copper and brass are still used for the production of kitchen utensils, but in combination with stainless steel. Thus, they began to give the positive qualities of these metals missing to it.

  • Stainless steel cookware.   Such dishes are hygienic, resistant to acids and alkalis, even at high temperatures. But she has one drawback - very low thermal conductivity. This means that stainless steel cookware slowly transfers heat from the stove to the inside and distributes it unevenly along the bottom. Hence the constant burning of food.

    Copper and aluminum helped solve this problem. Since 1990, began to produce stainless steel dishes with a double, and even with a triple, bottom. That is, one layer of aluminum or copper is placed between two layers of stainless steel. This made it possible to preserve all the advantages of stainless dishes and to supplement them with the properties of high heat-conducting metals. Cookware with such a bottom keeps heat for a long time, does not burn and does not enter into chemical reactions with the prepared food.

  • Ceramic tableware. This cookware has a very low thermal conductivity, which makes it absolutely unsuitable for use on hobs. But she does not enter into a reaction with any food, does not burn and easy to clean. This dish has no equal for cooking in ovens and microwave ovens. Due to its property of absorbing water, and then (when cooking) gradually give it away, the food in such dishes acquires the most refined taste.
  • Refractory glassware.   Such dishes are used for cooking, both on the stove and in the microwave. Thanks to its transparency, it is easy to track the process of cooking. And being chemically inert, such dishes do not change the taste of food.
  • Ware from heat resisting porcelain and faience.   This dish is still a novelty on the kitchenware market. Its properties are very similar to ceramic dishes, but unlike it can be used for cooking on gas and electric stoves.
  • Utensils made of titanium.   It is rarely used as kitchenware, mainly as pans and cauldrons. This is due to the fact that titanium is more expensive than aluminum or steel, and does not have particular advantages over them.



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