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  Insect bites. presentation to the lesson on obzh (7th grade) on the topic. The lesson on insect bites and protection from them "How to protect yourself from insect bites

During summer outdoor recreation, many troubles are delivered to a person by widespread blood-sucking insects. These are mosquitoes, midges, biting midges and gadflies, which appear in early May and disappear only in the fall. Their bites are painful, and the continuous presence of day and night tires a person, negatively affects his mood, reduces the positive impression of communication with wildlife.

These insects can also be carriers of infectious diseases.. Therefore, being in places where there are a lot of mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, you should cover as much as possible all parts of the body with clothes.

During the hike parking should be arranged in open areas, well ventilated, and make a fire to repel insects.

Certain danger to humansbeing in natural conditions present   and other insects: bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets, if disturb their habitats. Nests of forest bees and wasps are located on trees, hornets - in the hollows of trees, and bumblebees - in underground holes. It is better to avoid them and not to disturb.

The sting of a bee has the appearance of a harpoon and is equipped with 8-10 barbs.which do not allow to completely extract it after a bite. Stinging, the bee tears off its sting with a part of the abdomen, leaving it in the body of the victim, thereby inflicting a fatal wound. In this part of the abdomen are poisonous glands, which continue to inject poison into the wound after the bee has flown away. At such a desperate step insects go only in a state of concern if their nest is in danger.

In the second half of summer, wasps and hornets can bring a lot of trouble.They have a sweet tooth and flock to the smell of fruits, jams, sweets. These insects are very aggressive and attack without special reason. The sting of wasps and hornets is longer than that of bees and does not have chipping, therefore, they are able to sting repeatedly. Bumblebees are considered more peaceful than bees, and attack extremely rarely, as they have fewer reasons for worrying about their home.

After a bite of a bee, wasp, bumblebee or hornet, an itchy swelling forms on a person’s skin. For some people, the bite can be very dangerous: after 5 minutes, a painful blister appears, which increases over two days. But there may be more serious consequences of a bite: urticaria, edema, sore throat, vomiting.

With this in mind in the campaign it is desirable to bypass the habitat side of these insectsand especially not to ruin their nests. If during the movement you accidentally disturbed a swarm of bees, you should stand still for a few minutes until the insects calm down, and then carefully leave the dangerous place. Check yourself

  ■ What danger does a blood-sucking insect pose to humans?
  ■ What remedies help protect against the attack of bloodsucking insects?
  ■ How to avoid bee, wasp and hornet bites?


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Summer is a great time of the year, no matter what anyone says, there are, of course, individual negative moments that everyone has their own, but the common and unpleasant minus is worth noting a lot of diverse and biting insects. It must be said that in recent years something is not right, because they bite very viciously, even through thin clothes, plus everything with consequences. The consequences are expressed in prolonged itching, sores and huge blisters.

Varieties of biting insects and their bites

Of course, we all treat bites differently, someone calmly and without irritation, someone, on the contrary, does not tolerate these buzzing and stinging. It all depends on the perception of the body to their bites. If the bite does not bother the person much, then the person himself will be calm towards insects. If the bite causes physical problems, itches for a long time, swells, and sometimes they turn from scratching to painful sores, then such a person will experience extreme hostility to insects and irritability. When an insect bite occurs mechanical damage to the skin, a wound is formed. Insect bites in two cases - only when they are hungry or protected, but in both cases they inject formic acid into the wound, which serves as the causative agent of irritation. If we talk about our latitudes, then it is worthwhile to list the main blood-sucking and biting: mosquito, midge, tick, fly, flea, horsefly and bedbugs (bed). It should be said about spiders, although they are not insects, nevertheless, we have such species that can really bite.

Do not confuse biting with stinging insects, because there are a lot of recent problems, in this case, the consequence can be not only itching, like mosquito or nasal congestion, but also severe allergy, in some cases it is even life threatening due to anaphylactic shock. These insects include: hornets, wasps, red ants and bees, their bites should be taken seriously.

The fact that the biting insects cause skin problems in the bite sites is due to the fact that there is a substance in their saliva that can even cause severe inflammation under the skin, which is often seen when a purulent wound appears on the ground of the bite of the midge. It all depends on the reaction of the body and the ability to resist the poison, so someone can swell the bite slightly and hardly scratch it, but for someone it comes around with a huge itchy blister or a rash on the skin in the form of urticaria. When a person severely combs a wound, an infection gets there and a local inflammatory process begins.

Our lands do not have such insects that can infect us with malaria, fever or sleeping sickness, but do not discount the ticks, they can be a mortal threat.

The reaction of the organism to an insect bite

In the usual case, the body reacts to the bite by swelling and slight itching, and if you look closely, you will see a red dot with a bite hole. It so happens that the bite is strongly swollen, a transparent liquid is formed inside under the blister, such a blister lasts a long time, sometimes it also increases. If a person has normal immunity, then he will win even a manifestation of allergic reactions, and the blister will disappear in a couple of days. However, there are cases when such bites go too far and you need to influence them, such cases include:

  • severe skin rash or bloating;
  • very severe itching;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • chest pain;
  • severe lethargy;
  • no heart palpitations naturally;
  • convulsions;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, whistling while breathing;
  • fainting;
  • swelling on tongue and lips.

In this case, do not pull, seek medical help.

In addition, the most common wound can be a problem, when it has been scratched heavily and an infection has been introduced, in such cases there may be symptoms:

  • weakness in the body is similar to a flu-like illness;
  • lymph nodes may be inflamed;
  • temperature rises;
  • the wound festers around and inside the bite;
  • severe bite redness or unusually large redness.

If a person is healthy, and his immunity is strong enough and active, then protection against insect bites is developed, and in the case of bites there is no violent reaction, and the poison is neutralized by the body without outside help.

Options for help after a bite

Depending on your body, it is often enough to rinse with cold water, as well as smear the bites with the cream, it also helps with irritation and itching of vinegar, except it removes redness and swelling. To do this, we recommend "Fenistil gel", this tube is easy to take with you to nature or even just put in a bag.

If you know that your body is very prone to allergies, it is worth taking antihistamine medication with you. Of course, you can seal the wound with a plaster, but with a lot of bites, this is problematic. If you use the ointment purchased, first read the instructions. There is such a series of salvage ointments, it is effective in case of strong pokus, there is also a useful and high-quality balm Psilo-balm.

Stinging insects and their bites

Such insects as hornets, bumblebees, wasps and bees, as a rule, do not attack just like that (the exception is the time of swarming), but you can accidentally stumble upon their hive in the wild, and starting to brush off, attract them to yourself even more.

With a small number of bites, the problem may occur in allergic people; in this case, you should immediately use anti-allergy agents, for example, Suprastin, Tavegil or Diazolin. If you reach the site of the bite, then you need to remove the sting, most often it remains in the skin to stick out. If you are in nature, then remove with your hands, and at home it is better to do it with tweezers, after that you need to apply disinfection with available means and apply cold, so pain and swelling are removed.

In cases where the bite is very severe, and standard remedies do not help you, do not hesitate to consult a doctor to prevent swelling of the throat and respiratory tract, which often occurs in severe cases. Therefore, if you go to the cottage, and even more so to rest in the wild, then you need to grab not only mosquito cream, but also antihistamine medicines, and a good disinfectant. In addition, there are a number of rules that will help you spend your holidays safely.

Methods of prevention from insects and bites

Let's start with the house where insects attack us. The most optimal method of protection is mosquito nets on the windows. When you go into nature, whether it is a park or a forest, it is necessary to treat the body and clothes with a special tool, but first read the instructions, sometimes the products are harmful to the skin. Forest walks are best done in clothes that cover the body completely, and you also need to cover your head.

Mosquitoes and midges love moisture and stagnant water, wherever there is such an environment, they can quickly develop. Therefore, even the water of your pets need to be changed more often. It is especially important to close the bin tightly.

It is well established that perfume, white and bright clothes attract insects, all insects love sweets such as sweet juices and soda. In the evening, it is not a secret to anyone that all insects fly into the light and try to crawl through any openings in the house, so take care to protect your entrances. Fumigators and various air diffusers protect well in the process of sleep from especially nosy mosquitoes.

Treatment bites folk methods

Dandelion leaves help relieve swelling, reduce the itching of bites, it just needs to be rubbed or torn and put on the wound. Dill, plantain or parsley help just as well, as an anti-inflammatory agent, you must use mint and onion squeezing juice from them. Garlic juice is a real panacea, cut it in half and apply with a bite.

When stinging people bite: bees, bumblebees or wasps, after medications it will not be superfluous to make a decoction of the elderberry tree and foliage and take a bath. Just steam the leaves for 15 minutes and then add this infusion to the bath.

In soda, you can drop water and make a sort of porridge that you want to put on the bite, this is an effective method. Pounded onions and potatoes quickly and efficiently remove swelling and itching.

Fresh lemon juice or olive oil does not allow the blister to grow, moreover, this smell drives away other insects.

But, as you know, it is better not to allow the problem than to solve it, so pay attention to prevention and use remedies.

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Insect bites and protection from them

Bloodsucking insects mosquito biting midge gnats

Sting and insect bites are painful conditions associated with insect bites (mainly Hymenoptera and Diptera).

The sting of a bee has the appearance of a harpoon and is equipped with 8-10 notches that do not allow to completely remove it after a bite. Stinging, the bee tears off its sting with a part of the abdomen, leaving it in the body of the victim, thereby inflicting a fatal wound.

Nests of forest bees and wasps are located on trees; hornets - in the hollows of trees; The bumblebee's nest is in the underground fields.

Immediately after the bite, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the poison from entering the tissue and its spread. The sting at the site of the bite is left only by the bees, since their stinging apparatus has notches. Bee sting must be carefully removed along with a poisonous bag.

Wasps and Hornets - Sweet Tooths

The wasps belong to the order of Hymenoptera, also called real, or paper wasps, due to the fact that they build their nests from paper.

Wasp nest

The sting of the wasp The sting of the wasp and hornets is longer than that of the bees, and has no chipping, so they are able to sting repeatedly.

Bee bites and wasps are very painful. About 1-2 percent of people are allergic to hymenoptera poison. Even if such a person was stung by just one insect, the consequences can be very serious.

When bees and wasps bite, the general condition of the victim depends mainly not on the amount of poison in the body, but on the degree of sensitivity to it.

A person can endure up to 500 insect bites, but in people with hypersensitivity of the body, even one bite can cause a severe allergic reaction or death.

Bites of bees and wasps are very painful, urticaria and edema can appear. It is dangerous when the bite was made in the head, especially if the sting entered the blood vessels. Fatalities are known (mass sting, bite in the carotid artery).

The hornet belongs to the order of Hymenoptera, the family of wasps. These are the largest wasps on Earth. There are more than 20 species of hornets.

The sting of hornets is more dangerous than that of bees and wasps. The mosquito net cannot always protect it, as the hornet can “shoot” poison into the eyes and cause serious burns.

When a hornet bites a patient begins to "grow cold" limbs and torso. There is blueness of the lips, visible mucous membranes, neck and ears. Breathing problems (shortness of breath) begin. The victim's pulse increases to 150-180 beats per minute. Worsen the work of the heart and lungs. Pulmonary edema may occur, which is already life threatening.

Bumblebee Bumblebee is considered more peaceful than the bee, and therefore attacks very rarely.

Ticks Ticks are carriers of severe encephalitis.

Ants Some ants that fall into our house bite people, especially sleeping ones. Quite often, after insect bites, a variety of allergic reactions to poisons that ants release into the skin can develop. In addition, permanent scratching of the skin after such a reaction is dangerous, because through microtrauma a serious infection can get into the human body.

Mosquitoes and fleas The reaction to insect bites is almost always the same - swelling, redness, inflammation of a small area of ​​skin and the formation of papules, severe itching, and sometimes pain.

Bedbugs These are more dangerous members of the insect class than simple mosquitoes, and their bites may well cause swelling after an insect bite, swelling, burning and itching, severe allergies, even anaphylactic shock. Approximately they can also affect the human body and the following insects - mosquitoes, midges, gadflies and others, all depend only on the individuality of the human body.

What diseases are transmitted by insects? Lyme disease, severe allergies and even anaphylaxis can occur due to a tick bite. The culprits of yellow fever, dengue fever and encephalitis can often be mosquitoes. Typhus and relapsing fever are transmitted by lice that do not stop at nothing to bite a person. Multiple allergies, E. coli, bacterial and complex infectious diseases are carried by flies.

How can you escape insect bites? Being in places where there are a lot of mosquitoes, midges, gadfly, if possible, cover all parts of the body with clothes. Parking should be arranged in open areas. Make a fire to scare away insects.

How to protect against mosquito bites? If you want to protect housing from mosquitoes, you must install special nets or gauze frames on doors and windows to limit the access of insects inside. It is necessary to roll a small cotton ball and moisten it abundantly with lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, clove or cinnamon oil. Mosquitoes do not tolerate the aroma of these plants, and therefore they will try to be away from such repellents. If you want to protect yourself from mosquitoes on the street, for example, during dinner in a gazebo in the country, it is recommended to light special candles with flavors that scare mosquitoes (pills, plates, spirals). Try to use the least amount of flavored cosmetics, if you expect an evening walk through the "territory of insects." Rub your skin or spray yourself with special repellents, especially if you are fishing, hunting, on a picnic.

How to protect yourself from ticks? If you are in the habitat of ticks, or even simply suspect their location is near, try to hide the skin from these insects to the maximum: dress the pants in socks or shoes, wear long sleeves, lift and button up the collar, wear caps or caps. Do not walk barefoot on high grass where mites might fall, and also try not to be under the branches of the trees on which the mites live. Use repellents to repel ticks and prevent the bites of dangerous insects.

How to escape from the bites of bees and wasps? Never attack an insect, do not try to show that it is dangerous for him in your society - do not wave your hands. Always be on the lookout for relaxing outdoors and savoring sweets, eating watermelon, peach, drinking sweet water. Try to dress when walking outdoors, especially if you are in the country or nature, where there are a lot of bees and wasps. Do not go barefoot, wear long sleeved shirts and long pants. Remember that sweat attracts insects. Try not to use strong-smelling cosmetics. Use special insect repellents.

First steps for insect bites. Be sure to wash the affected area with water, warm and boiled, using soap, to remove dirt and germs. So you will wash off some organic insect particles that can remain at the site of the bite and cause inflammation and even suppuration of the wound. Try not to scratch the itchy bites, lubricate them with alcohol, a solution of vinegar, diluted lemon juice and other means. Remember, if an insect has bitten on a finger or hand, it is necessary to immediately remove the rings and bracelets, otherwise it may become impossible after edema. If a bee left a sting and a bag of poison at the site of the bite, it is necessary very quickly, within 30-40 seconds, to remove them from the wound. This can be done with a credit card, a fingernail, a knife edge, and so on, gently removing the sting and the sac and not exerting pressure on them, due to which the poison can be squeezed into the wound.

Among the many animals living on our planet, there are quite a few that represent a danger to health, and sometimes to human life. First of all, they include snakes, some spiders, fish and stinging insects. The necessary and useful information about these animals is contained not only in the text of this paragraph, but also in Appendix 8.

Insect bites

In the spring, as soon as the sun begins to warm, nature revives. Insects wake up: bees, wasps, gadflies, mosquitoes and aggressive hornets (these are very large wasps). The bites of these insects can cause complications in human health, sometimes even life-threatening. When an insect bites into the wound gets a toxic substance that causes poisoning of the body. The body's reaction to insect bites is called allergic reaction. For many people, it can be quite strong. In this case, the person needs urgent help.

Signs of insect bites are rather inexpressive: a barely noticeable wound forms on the skin. However, after a few (15-20) minutes, a swelling, redness, soreness, itching on the skin may appear at the site of the bite. Body temperature may increase. It may cause a rash all over the body. There is a headache.

The most severe consequences can be, if the mucous membrane of the mouth is stung, when bees or wasps accidentally get into the mouth with sweet foods (fruits, sugar, jam).

First aid for insect bites is to reduce the body's response to the action of a poisonous substance.

After the bite of a poisonous insect (bee, bumblebee) in a wound, as a rule, there is a sting with a vial filled with poison. It must be carefully removed, then rinse the wound with alcohol. It is recommended to put a cold on the bite site.

After that, the victim should be given 1-2 tablets of diazolin (or suprastin, tavegila) and 1-2 tablets of calcium gluconate. If the condition of the victim continues to deteriorate, it is necessary to deliver him to the doctor as soon as possible. It is recommended to drink plenty of water.

Tick ​​bites

In the spring, after hibernation under the moss and fallen leaves, hungry ticks awaken, which can attack a person at any time of the day or night, infecting him with viruses of encephalitis, Lyme disease, and typhus.

The habitat of forest ticks is usually mixed forest with a predominance of deciduous trees and young stock and with the presence of dense grass cover, as well as overgrown shrubs.

Tick ​​bites can not be noticed: for a person they are painless. When bitten, some ticks add encephalitis virus to the wound along with their saliva. In encephalitis affected by the virus, the temperature rises in 10-15 days, it is in a fever. Then there are signs of damage to the central nervous system: headaches, nausea, vomiting, inability to move the muscles of the face, neck, upper and lower extremities.

The disease can end with complete recovery and death of the patient. Often the disease leaves behind severe injuries, and the person becomes disabled.

Rememberthat the greatest danger of tick-borne encephalitis infection is in May, June and the first half of July, not only in the forest, but also in the park, in the country.

How to avoid encephalitis

  • Going to the forest, you need to protect yourself from crawling ticks under clothes and sticking them to the body. For this purpose it is recommended to use clothes in the form of tightly closed jumpsuits. The trousers are tucked into boots or boots, the shirt is tucked into trousers and tightened with a wide belt, the cuffs of sleeves are tied tightly to the hands with a strip of cloth or a bandage. The collar should fit snugly to the neck. It is better to tie a head with a handkerchief, tightly covering the ears and neck.
  • Buy drugs that repel insects, and put them on exposed skin, clothing, backpack and even shoes.
  • Regularly conduct self-examination and examination of clothing and body. Every 2 hours and when leaving the forest carefully inspect clothing and body.
  • For sites, choose dry, undamped glades far from shrubs and trees. To clear them of grass, fallen trees, bushes and not to arrange there dumping of household garbage.
  • After returning from the forest, do not enter the house in outerwear, without having previously examined yourself and your clothes in order to timely detect and destroy ticks.
  • Mites found on the surface of the clothing are immediately destroyed by throwing them into a fire or into a can of kerosene. Do not push them, especially with your hands, and if this happened, you should immediately wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Sucking ticks is best removed in the medical center. This is important for the timely introduction of the drug to the affected person, which protects against the disease. The sooner the tick is removed, the less danger of encephalitis infection. If the medical center is far away, the tick should be removed by itself. In the place where the tick stuck, you need to drop oil, kerosene or petroleum jelly. The tick starts choking and can be removed with tweezers. The remaining at the site of the bite, the proboscis or the head is removed as a splinter, a needle or a filament loop calcined on the fire. The bite is treated with alcohol or iodine. After this, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Snake bites

To wander through the forest, pick berries or mushrooms is always a great pleasure. But where snakes are found, one must be very careful. Snakes are useful reptiles. In a small amount of snake venom has a healing effect. It is used in many ointments. The snake will never attack first and always seeks to avoid meeting with the person. Therefore, do not kill snakes. They should be protected, as well as the whole nature. But if the snake is still bit the person, it is necessary to give him first aid very quickly and to send him to the doctor immediately.

The bites of venomous snakes are very dangerous for humans.

Signs of a bite of such snakes: large points (blood drops) are visible on the skin - bite marks. In this place the swelling quickly grows and bruises are formed. After 2-6 hours the temperature rises, the victim feels dizzy, dry mouth, thirst, nausea, sometimes drowsiness or, conversely, agitation.

First aid bitten by a snake

  • Rinse the bite wound with boiled water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • If there is a special device for suction, then it should be attached to the wound and draw blood along with the poison. You can suck the poison mouth (at least 15 minutes), constantly spitting it.
  • Apply a dry dressing (preferably sterile), provide the victim with complete rest (lay, warm, cover with blankets), give the bitten limb an elevated position to reduce swelling.
  • Put cold in place of the bite (ice pack, plastic bag filled with cold water, clean cloth moistened with cold water). After 10-15 minutes the cold must be changed. This procedure prevents the rapid absorption of poison into the body.
  • Give the victim plenty of drink (3-4 liters) to reduce the concentration of poison and more quickly remove it from the body.
  • Give the victim a laxative (solution of table salt or baking soda).
  • To deliver the victim to the doctor for rendering the qualified help.

You can not cut the wound with a knife, cauterize it, put a tourniquet above or below the bite.

Precautions against the bites of venomous snakes

  • Do not walk barefoot in the woods.
  • In places where snakes are found, it is better to wear leather or rubber boots or wear thick woolen socks, and dress trousers with socks.
  • Do not lie down on the ground without a felt bed.
  • In places where venomous snakes are found, exercise extreme caution, especially at night.
  • When walking or gathering mushrooms and berries in the forest, have a cane or a stick in your hand, with which you can push the grass in front of you so that the snake can crawl away.

Questions and tasks

  1. Why are insect bites dangerous to health?
  2. What insect bites are most dangerous to humans?
  3. What is the body's response to insect bites called?
  4. List signs of an insect bite.
  5. How to give first aid for an insect bite?
  6. Your companion was bitten by a wasp (conditionally). Give him first aid.
  7. What are dangerous tick bites? What is encephalitis?
  8. How to protect yourself from tick bites?
  9. How to remove a sucked tick?
  10. Get acquainted with the two situations described below and determine which is extreme and which is extreme.

    BUT.   You went camping in the summer. During the passage through the swamp, one of the participants did not notice the snake warming up in the sun, and she, frightened, bit him. He noticed two large yellow spots on her head (too). The snake crawled away. To the nearest village 3 km along the forest path. There is an ambulatory in the village.

    B.   You went camping in the summer. During the passage through the swamp one of the participants did not notice the snake warming up in the sun, and she, frightened, bit him. He noticed that there were no two large yellow spots on her head, she was gray, with a dark wavy stripe on her back (viper). The snake crawled away. The village is not far, but the hospital is not there.

    Check your answer with that given in the “Answers to tasks” section at the end of the textbook.

  11. What effect does a small amount of snake venom have on humans?
  12. Where is snake venom used?
  13. What are the signs of a snake bite?
  14. What should I do when providing first aid for snake bites?
  15. How to protect yourself from snake bites, walking in the woods?
  16. Agree with the parents that one of them was bitten by a snake (conditionally). Give him first aid. Do it quickly, as suggested in the tutorial.

    When help is provided, explain what is recommended to protect against the bites of venomous snakes.

If you are bitten. Help with insect bites, animals

Leaving on nature, you need to remember that most animals and insects themselves attack humans only if they invade their habitat zone and provoke them to attack. If an unpleasant incident nevertheless occurred, first aid should be given to the victim.
Insect bites

Insect bites can be divided into two large groups: hymenoptera bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps, hornets, gadflies, etc.) and arachnids (tarantulas, scorpions, mites). The human body responds to insect bites with three kinds of reactions. Local reaction - redness, swelling, pain, itching or severe burning in the area of ​​the bite, a local increase in lymph nodes. General toxic reaction usually occurs with multiple bites - chills, fever, nausea and vomiting, headache, pain in the joints. An allergic reaction can also occur on single bites in people predisposed to such reactions. Allergic reactions occur as urticaria, angioedema, or even anaphylactic shock.
  Hymenoptera Bites

Mosquitoes, midges, gadflies do not have poisonous glands; when they are bitten, they inject a special substance into the wound that prevents blood from clotting. The reaction to their bites, as a rule, only local. A person is able to transfer multiple bites of these insects (up to 100 or more) without disturbing the general condition. To reduce local manifestations, try using the following remedies. Dipping your finger alternately in water and in dry soda, rub this finger over the bite points; can be smeared with a strong solution of soda. It is believed that soda reduces swelling and itching. Menovazine has a good analgesic and antipruritic effect, but it cannot be used by people who are sensitive to Novocain. Reduce inflammation and itching ortofenovaya and butadionovaya ointment. Someone well helps balm "asterisk". There is a special cream “OFF” after bites. To prevent infection of bite sites, they can be smeared with brilliant green. From folk remedies it is recommended to use grated young potatoes, gruel of crushed onions or garlic, parsley leaf juice. To repel insects can be special means: creams and lotions ("Moskitol", "OFF", "Taiga", etc.), which are applied to the skin and clothing, repellents aerosols, smoking spirals, etc. Remember that all these products are toxic, and they are not recommended for use by children under 3 years old and pregnant women.

Bees and bumblebees “reward” us with poisonous bites (they bite only once in their lives, after which they die), wasps and hornets (they can sting several times). Local reaction to the bites of these insects, as a rule, is very pronounced. Characterized by the development of significant edema, which, although it is a local reaction, can be dangerous if it is located on the face, especially in the lips or inside the mouth. Allergic reactions to the bites of these insects are quite common. Urticaria is a rash merging together blisters on the background of redness of the skin, accompanied by severe itching. It can be located on any skin areas. Quincke's edema ("giant urticaria") - rapidly increasing, delimited swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. It can occur not only directly at the site of the bite, but also in any other. His “favorite” localization is the face, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the soft palate, limbs, and genitals. Allergic edema of the larynx is especially dangerous. A rare but very dangerous reaction is anaphylactic shock. Within a few minutes, the victim develop shortness of breath, severe chills, fear of death, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure drops sharply, and coma occurs. Locally with this - blister, rapidly increasing edema, hemorrhage.

Victim Assistance

Carefully inspect the bite site. The left sting must be removed. At the same time try not to squeeze it, so that the remains of the poison do not fall into the wound. Apply cold to the site of the bite. To reduce swelling and local inflammation, you can use hydrocortisone or prednisone ointment. Persons predisposed to allergic reactions, it is better to immediately give an antihistamine. This must be done in case of “dangerous” localization of the bite (face and, especially, oral cavity). In mild cases of allergic reactions, it is also sufficient to take an antihistamine inside. Claritin is given in 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 tsp. syrup to children weighing more than 30 kg and adults, 0.5 tablets (5 mg) or 1 tsp. syrup to children older than 2 years weighing up to 30 kg, 0.5 tsp. syrup to children up to 2 years. The drug is taken once a day. Tavegil is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years old on 1 tablet (1 mg), for children 6-12 years old - for 0.5-1 tablet, for children 3-6 years old - for 0.5 tablet 2 times a day. In severe allergic reactions (common urticaria with a violation of the general condition, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen; rapidly spreading angioedema), intramuscular administration of antihistamines is necessary. Tavegil (2 ml / 2 mg ampoules) is administered to adults 2 ml (2 mg) twice a day, for children - at a daily dose of 0.025 mg / kg, dividing it into two injections. Suprastin (ampoules of 1 ml / 20 mg) is administered at a dose of 5 mg (0.25 ml) to children under one year old, 10 mg (0.5 ml) to children 2–6 years old, 10–20 mg (0.5–1 ml ) - children 7-14 years, 20 mg (1 ml) - adolescents and adults. The frequency of administration is up to 3-4 times a day, but the daily dose should not exceed 2 mg / kg. In case of allergic edema of the larynx with respiratory failure, prednisone is administered intravenously slowly (within 2-3 minutes), and if it is impossible, intramuscularly at a dose of 2 mg / kg (a single dose of the same dose can be repeated within 24 hours).

In anaphylactic shock, the victim must be laid on his back with a raised foot end, if there is vomiting or there is no consciousness, the person is laid on his side. It is necessary to ensure the patency of the respiratory tract, try to warm the victim. Above the insect bite impose a tourniquet, and to the site of the bite - cold.

Call for medical assistance immediately. The first medical assistance is subcutaneous administration of a 0.1% solution of epinephrine at a dose of 0.25-0.5 ml (for children, a dose of 0.01 ml / kg) directly to the site of the bite and into the free area of ​​the body above the tourniquet, injections of suprastin in a dose 2 mg / kg. In the absence of effect, adrenaline is administered intravenously slowly (2-3 minutes) in the form of a 0.01% solution (1 ml of 0.1% adrenaline is diluted in 10 ml of saline) at a dose of 0.1 ml / kg. At the same time, prednisone 3-4 mg / kg is slowly injected intravenously. For respiratory disorders, a 2.4% solution of aminophylline (5-7 mg / kg in 20 ml of saline) is injected intravenously. Transportation is possible only after the victim's blood pressure exceeds 70 mm Hg.
Spider bites

Spider bites are much rarer, but are accompanied by a more pronounced local and general reaction.

  Tarantula bites
  (poisonous spider found in desert areas, common in Central Asia, from the steppes of Ukraine adjacent to the Black Sea, east to the borders with Mongolia), rarely cause severe intoxication. Local changes in the form of pain, hyperemia, edema, and hemorrhage usually prevail. Possible general reaction in the form of drowsiness, apathy. Help: cold at the site of the bite, antihistamines. Hospitalization is most often not needed.

Scorpion bite   much more dangerous. Into the site of the bite, intolerable pain, swelling, and tissue tension occur. The victim develops fever, pain in the whole body, sweating, lacrimation. There are severe pains in the abdomen and after them convulsions. Characterized by respiratory failure. First aid is to ensure the immobility of the limb, the imposition of a tourniquet above the bite. The victim should be provided with abundant drink, give anesthetic. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Karakurt bite(black spider with red spots on the abdomen, common in the Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, in the Crimea, in the south of Moldova, the most poisonous of the spiders found on the territory of the former USSR) is relatively unhealthy. Local reaction to it, as a rule, no. Characterized by a pronounced general reaction, occurring 20-40 minutes after the bite, in the form of excruciating muscle pain, weakness, fever, drooling, impaired ingestion of nausea and vomiting. The poison of karakurt collapses at high temperatures, so you can reduce the intensity of its impact if you immediately burn the bite with a flame of a burning match. The victim must be assured of rest and a copious drink. Anesthesia and immediate hospitalization are necessary for the administration of specific serum.

Snake bites
Snake bites   may be poisonous and non-toxic. Most of the snakes found in Russia are non-venomous. The most common of poisonous snakes (based on the article by E. Bespalova in the journal “Health of the Vologda Region” for July 2002):

Viper common - its length is 50-60 cm, gray (there are red, red and black colors) with a dark zigzag pattern on the back. It lives in forests and swamps. The bite is very painful, but not lethal.

Caucasian viper - its length is 40-50 cm, orange-yellow or bright red in color with a zigzag dark pattern on the back. There are snakes in black (or black head). Distributed throughout the Caucasus. Bite is life threatening.

Gyurza is a large snake of dark gray or dirty gray with transverse dark brown stripes all over its back. Distributed in the southern regions of the country. Cowardly, the first person does not attack, but its bite is deadly.

The Central Asian cobra is 110-140 cm long, large in size, color from light yellow to black. Distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, China, India. Very poisonous, the bite is deadly.

Eastern mink - length 50-60 cm, brown or brown-gray in color with oval spots on the sides of the body. The snake is common on the shores of the Northern Amur, India, China. Swims well, the bite is painful and poisonous.

Efa sand - its length is 50-60 cm, has a color from grayish-sandy to dark brown. On the head is a light pattern in the form of a flying bird silhouette. Distributed in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. The bite is deadly.

By the nature of the impact on the human body, all snake poisons are divided into three groups:
  neurotoxic poisons that interfere with neuromuscular transmission (these are poisons of cobras, tropical sea snakes);
hemovasotoxic poisons, damaging small vessels and increasing their permeability, violating blood clotting and destroying red blood cells (this is how gyurza, effa, shield-mord, viper poisons act);
  poisons combining the action of poisons of the 1st and 2nd groups (poisons of rattlesnakes, Australian asps).

When a poisonous snake is bitten by the first group, the person feels pain and numbness in the bite zone. After a few minutes, coordination of movements, speech, and swallowing is disturbed. Ascending flaccid paralysis develops, gradually spreading from the extremities to the muscles of the trunk and respiratory muscles. If the poison got directly into a blood vessel, complete paralysis occurs within 10–20 minutes. The victim dies from respiratory failure.

When the snake is bitten by the second group, local changes predominate initially: rapidly increasing edema, hemorrhage and tissue necrosis in the bite zone are accompanied by unbearable pain until the pain shock. After 1-3 hours, increased bleeding from the bite, nasal, gastrointestinal, and other bleeding, hemorrhages in the internal organs develops. The cause of death can be circulatory failure or acute renal failure.

Help the victim. Immediately after the bite of a person, you need to lay down and provide him with complete peace, because the more it moves, the faster the poison spreads through the body. Try not to panic - deaths from the bites of most venomous snakes with proper assistance are very, very rare. In the first minutes after the bite, a part of snake venom can be squeezed out of the wound, if the skin fold is squeezed so that a drop of liquid appears from the wound, which is immediately removed.

Over the next 15-20 minutes, you need to suck out the poison from the wound. Hemostatic bundle should not be imposed, because impaired blood circulation will enhance the breakdown of tissues in the area of ​​the bite, and the products of this decay poison the bitten body. Snake venom spreads through the lymphatic ducts, so it makes sense to put a tight bandage above the bite point: a strip of any tissue is tied tightly enough, but so that two fingers can be inserted between the tissue and the skin. Such a bandage does not interfere with blood flow, but somewhat slows the spread of poison. As the swelling increases, the bandage needs to be loosened so that it does not cut into the tissue. The bandage is applied at the time the poison is sucked. This can be done by the victim himself or by the one who helps him.

The procedure for the suction of poison is indeed a danger for the assisting person if there is damage on the mucous membrane of his mouth, but the dose of poison that can be obtained in this way is disproportionately less than that received by the person bitten by a snake, so the risk in this situation is justified. Try to spit as often as possible. A person who provides assistance in this way also risks becoming infected with all diseases transmitted through blood. If any reasons stop you, use not your own mouth, but improvised means. Any analogue of a medical jar is best suited: a glass pile, a glass, etc. First put a burning fuse into it, and then place it on the skin so that the bite mark appears in the center of the jar. The blood from the wound will be sucked into the jar. At worst, you can suck out the poison with a syringe. The wound should not be cauterized, incised and filled with iodine, apply grass.

The victim should not be given alcohol, because alcohol intoxication enhances the effect of the poison and weakens the effect of serum antimeasure. Novocain blockade is done only if you are able and you know that you definitely cannot get the serum (Novocain also weakens the effect of the serum). After you finish sucking off the poison, treat the wound with an antiseptic and apply a clean bandage. To reduce intoxication, poison should be diluted as much as possible. Therefore, be sure to provide the victim with abundant warm drink (tea, coffee). Inside give 2 tablets (10 mg) of prednisone, antihistamines. In severe cases, these drugs are administered intramuscularly (the dosage is the same as for insect bites; see above). Transportation is carried out in the prone position; the limb into which the snake has bitten must be fixed. The sooner you deliver the victim to a health facility, the better will be the effect of the serum that will be administered to him there.



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