the main - Not exactly about the repair
  The use of pyrotechnic signal means. Maritime communications and alarms Means of communication and alarms on board

Signaling is the reception and transmission of signals for communication between ships or between a ship and the shore in order to ensure navigation. The means of external communication of the vessel include:

  • radio communication;
  • sound;
  • visual;
  • emergency radio equipment;
  • pyrotechnic.

Any of the above means of communication may be used by the watchman only with the permission of the captain or the watch officer.

Radio communication

Since 1999, the Global Marine Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) radio equipment has been installed on all ships. The main purpose of the GMDSS is the operational organization of the search and rescue operation of an emergency vessel by the coastal rescue coordination center (SCC) with the involvement of vessels and other assets located in the disaster area.

As a result, modern communication means were introduced on ships, based on the wide use of satellite and advanced conventional (including digital selective calling - DSC) communication methods that allow for automatic transmission and reception of alarms at any distance regardless of meteorological conditions and radio propagation conditions (Fig. 2.7). Special communication systems provide for the transmission of information to ships to ensure the safety of navigation (NAVAREA, NAVTEX).

Fig. 2.7. GMDSS equipment

In addition, the equipment allows the provision of conventional radio communications both in the VHF and the MF / HF bands, and using satellite communication INMARSAT. The INMARSAT system provides seafarers with a telephone with direct automatic dialing, telex, fax, e-mail, data transfer mode.

VHF radio is designed for operational communication with the coastal services and other vessels. The range of the stationary ship radio station is approximately 30 miles. The VHF range is also used for organizing onboard communications during watchkeeping, mooring, anchoring, etc.

The main channels of VHF range:

Each instrument has a so-called “red button” for transmitting a distress signal. The watch sailor must be attentive in order not to accidentally press one of them. False distress signal transmission threatens unscheduled inspection of all ship services and penalties.

Audio communications and alarms

The means of sound communication and signaling are intended, first of all, for giving signals in accordance with MPPSS-72. Audible alarms can also be used to transmit messages both on the MSS-65 and, for example, to the connection between the icebreaker and the ships it conducts.

Sound tools include: ship whistle or typhon (Fig. 2.8), bell, fog horn and gong.

Fig. 2.8. Ship Typhon

The whistle and typhon are the main means for sounding signals according to MPSPS-72. The sound signals are carried out from the wheelhouse and from the wings of the bridge by pressing the signal button. When swimming in conditions of limited visibility, a special device is turned on (Fig. 2.9), which delivers fog signals according to a predetermined program.

Fig. 2.9. Instrument panel for filing fog signals

Ship's bell is installed in the bow of the vessel, near the windlass. It is used to send signals to the bridge when anchoring a ship and taking pictures from an anchor, to supply foggy signals when the ship is anchored, aground, to give an additional signal during a fire at the port, etc.

The fog horn is a spare means of fog alarm. It is used to supply fog signals when a whistle or typhoon fails.

The gong is used to supply the fog signals prescribed by Rule 35 (g) of the COLDS-72.

Visual communication and alarm systems

Visual aids are light and subject.

The light includes various lighting devices - signal lights, spotlights, ratier, klotic and distinctive lights. The range of light signal devices is usually no more than 5 miles.

Signal figures and signal flags of the International Code of Signals (MCC-65) are used as subject tools.

Fig. 2.10. Side port light

Fig. 2.11. Ratier

Signal figures - balls, cylinders, cones and diamonds on ships are used in accordance with the requirements of MPPSS-72. The figures are made of tin, plywood, wire and canvas. Their sizes are determined by the Register. They are stored on the upper bridge, except for the anchor ball, which is on the forecastle.

Fig. 2.12. Signal figures

The Navy uses the International Code of Signals, which consists of 40 flags: 26 alphabetic, 14 digital, 3 replacing response pennant. These flags are raised on the files, stored in the wheelhouse in special boxes-cells.

Fig. 2.13. Flags MSS-65

The code is designed to negotiate on the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea using one-, two-, and three-letter signals.

It consists of six sections:

  1. Terms of use for all forms of communication.
  2. Single-letter signals for urgent, important messages.
  3. The general section of the two-letter signals.
  4. Medical section.
  5. Alphabetical indexes of the words-determinants.
  6. Attachments on loose sheets that contain distress signals, special signals and the procedure for radio telephone conversations.

Single letter signals

Digital pennants

Replacement pennants

Pennant vault and return pennant

Emergency radio equipment

Emergency communications include: COSPAS-SARSAT satellite emergency beacon, Search And Rescue Transponder (SART) radar beacons and VHF portable radio stations. Each crew member must be able to independently activate the rescue equipment radio equipment.

The international satellite system COSPAS-SARSAT is designed to detect and locate ships, airplanes, and other objects that have crashed.

The COSPAS-SARSAT system consists of (Fig. 2.13):

  • ship emergency radio beacons (ARB);
  • geostationary and low-orbit satellites, which allow detecting signals and determining the location of ARBs with an accuracy of up to 5 kilometers;
  • rescue coordination centers (SCC), which receive information from satellites.

Fig. 2.13. COSPAS system - SARSAT

Emergency beacons

ARB is installed on the open deck. When the ship is immersed to a depth of about 4 meters, the ARB floats freely, for which a special device is intended - a hydrostat that frees the buoy. ARB after ascent to the surface is automatically activated, the buoy also has a manual inclusion.

The ARB is equipped with a floating line, suitable for use as a tugboat, and a light bulb, which automatically turns on at night. Maintains dropping into water without damage from a height of 20 meters.

The power supply ensures the operation of the ARB for 48 hours. On the outer side of the housing ARB indicated a brief instruction manual and the date of expiration of the battery life.

Radar Beacon - Respondent (AIS - SART)

The radar beacon responder is the primary means of detecting the location of rescue equipment directly in the disaster area. The vessel must have at least two SART, usually located on the navigating bridge.

When leaving the vessel, the SART is installed in a boat or raft in a special mount, after which it is turned on and in standby mode. When the SART receiver is irradiated by the radar pulse of a rescue vessel, it begins to emit a response signal, signaling this by sending a sound and light signal.

The SART signal on the radar screen of the search vessel is indicated by a series of points (12 or 20) located at equal distances from each other, and is also displayed on the electronic map. The detection range of the SART shipborne radar is at least 5 miles; Radar aircraft located at an altitude of 1 km - 30 miles.

SART can withstand dropping into the water from a height of 20 meters, waterproof at a depth of 10 meters. The battery capacity is designed to work in standby mode - 96 hours, in the radiation mode - 8 hours. Easy to operate by untrained staff.

Wearable VHF radio station

A wearable VHF radio station provides communication at the disaster site between rescue equipment and search vessels.

Each ship must have at least three VHF portable radio stations that are permanently stored on the navigating bridge, from where they can be quickly transferred to a lifeboat or raft.

The battery of the VHF radio station must have sufficient power to ensure work in active mode for 8 hours and 48 hours of work in receive only mode.

The ship's alarm schedule should indicate those responsible for the delivery of emergency radio equipment to life-saving appliances.

Pyrotechnic communications and alarm systems

Each ship should have the following signal pyrotechnic means: rockets, false lights, smoke bombs, luminous and illuminated buoys to indicate the place of the lifebuoy on the water in the dark.

Pyrotechnic products are moisture resistant, safe in handling and storage, they operate under any hydrometeorological conditions and retain their properties for at least three years.

Pyrotechnic products are stored in waterproof metal cabinets and boxes with cells on the deck of the navigation bridge or in cabinets embedded in the bulkheads of the navigation bridge, with a door to the open deck. Drawers and cabinets are always locked. One key must be in the senior (third) assistant captain, the other - in the navigational cabin.

Pyrotechnic means of boats and rafts, laid in containers, in the sea should be at the regular places in the boats, and when parked at the port, they are recommended to be stored in a safe storage lock.

Red or green single-star rockets are designed to signal during rescue operations.

The red distress rocket ejects at an altitude of 300 - 400 meters red stars that burn for at least 20 seconds.

Parachute rocket is designed to give a distress signal. The take-off height is 300-400 meters, the burning time is 45 seconds.

The hand flare is the sleeve in which the pyrotechnic composition and the incendiary device are located. The hand flare burns with a bright red light for 1 minute and is a distress signal. To attract attention, false white lights are used.

Sound rocket is designed to give a distress signal, exploding at height simulates a cannon shot. The sound rocket is launched only from launching glasses fixed on a gunwale or guard rail on both wings of the bridge. In the event of a missile failure, it is allowed to remove it from the glass in no less than 2 minutes.

Floating smoke bombs are used to signal a distress during daylight hours. The checker is a tin box, inside which there is an igniter and a mixture that forms thick orange smoke. Smoke release time is 5 minutes, visibility range is up to 5 miles. Light-emitting buoys are attached to lifebuoys, which are located on the wings of the bridge. The main purpose of lifebuoys with light-smoking buoys is the designation of the place where a person falls overboard.

Distress signals

The following signals, used or displayed together or separately, indicate that the ship is in distress and needs help (Annex IV of the COLREG-72):

  1. cannon shots or other blast signals at intervals of about 1 minute;
  2. continuous sound by any device designed to supply fog signals;
  3. rockets or grenades emitting red stars, released one by one at short intervals;
  4. a signal transmitted by a radiotelephone or by using any other signal system consisting of a combination of sounds ...- - - ... (SOS) in Morse code;
  5. a signal transmitted over a radiotelephone, consisting of the word “MAIDAI” spoken aloud;
  6. distress signal according to the International Code of Signals - NC;
  7. a signal consisting of a square flag with a ball above or below it, or something like a ball;
  8. flames on the ship;
  9. the red light of a parachute rocket or a red flare;
  10. smoke signal - the release of clubs orange;
  11. slow and repeated raising and lowering of arms extended to the sides;
  12. wireless telegraph alarm;
  13. radiotelephone alarm;
  14. signals transmitted by emergency position-indicating beacons;
  15. established signals transmitted by radio communication systems, including beacon-transponder signals on lifeboats and rafts;
  16. an orange panel with a black square or a circle or other appropriate symbol (for identification from the air);
  17. color spot on the water.

It is prohibited to use or display any of the above signals for purposes other than the indication of distress and the need for assistance; Signals that may be confused with any of the above signals are also not allowed.

The detection range of a single human figure, as well as a small group of people, when observed during the daytime from an airplane flying at an altitude of 200 m, is: in the summer - 1 - 1.5 km, in the winter - 1.6 - 1.8 km. In order to increase the effectiveness of the victim's visual search, additional technical means should be used, which first include various power and purpose signal light-emitting diode-sound pyrotechnics (parachute rockets, rocket launchers, mortar cartridges, PSND, false flares, smoke bombs, etc.).

There are not many emergency sets, the set of which would not include one or several signaling rockets. There is a huge number of types of signal, lighting and other rockets (single and multi-star, burgundy, snow-white, greenish, etc.) designed for emergency and other signaling, lighting, and other highly specialized purposes.

! A distress signal is considered to be one or several bright velvet or crimson stars, produced one by one at short intervals using a pistol-gun, or a long reddish light of a planning parachute rocket (Fig. 10).

As a distress signal, the fires of all other missiles, produced in batches of three, with small intervals between shots, can be interpreted.

Small signal rocket  has a diameter of 32 mm, a length of 230 mm, a mass of 190 g. The height of the asterisk sprocket is 150 m, the burning time is 6 - 12 s.

Parachute rocket distress  (RPSP ‑ 40, PRB ‑ 40, RB ‑ 40SH) 44 mm in diameter, 212 mm long, and 390 g in mass are distinguished by a more saturated and long glow of the signal sprocket and a greater height of its rise (right up to 300 m). The color of the star is only reddish. The duration of the light signal can be 30 seconds or more. Power shines up to 40 thousand candles. With suitable weather conditions, the light signal of a large parachute rocket can be seen 25 to 30 km from the place of supply at night and a few km - in the afternoon (Fig. 11).

Signal flares colored lights  have similar parachute appearance and dimensions, but an even wider color spectrum: one- and two-star signals of reddish, snow-white, greenish, and yellowish lights. Duration of luminescence - 5 - 40 s. There is also a special sound rocket  exploding at a height of 300 m with a sonorous sound like a cannon shot (pic 12).

Combined flare,  similar to them outside, but a bit large in size (diameter 41 mm, length 255 mm, weight 450 g), gives a light-sound signal at a height of 200 m: 5 claret lights glowing for 5 s, and a howling sound lasting 8s.

I will give an excerpt from the annotation on the use of signal parachute rockets:

1. Take a rocket in your left hand so that your fingers tightly clasp the iron sleeve of the launch tube, and the palm does not close the cap.

2. With the right hand unscrew the cap, carefully release the lanyard with the ring, take the ring in your right hand.

3. Attach the required direction to the rocket: hold the lighting flares at an angle of 50-60 °, and signal flares at an angle of 70-90 °. In winter, the angle of shooting of lighting flares is recommended to increase.

4. Make a right hand along the axis of the rocket a sharp jerk of the exhaust cord towards you (Fig. 13).

5. If the need to use the rocket has disappeared, then put the cord with the ring inside the rocket and screw the cap.

Missile shortcomings include their significant size and weight.

At the moment, instead of parachute missiles from time to time used small mortar cartridges,  launched by a special mechanism, the size of a bit more than a fountain pen and, by the way, having the appearance of a fountain pen. When firing a mortar, exploding at a height of 50 - 80 m, forms a colorful star, which glows in the sky for about 5 s and can be seen at a distance of 7 - 10 km (Fig. 14).

Another type of mortars used in Russian military sets is shown on rice 15.

In the hunting stores at the moment, you can find the civilian version of mortars, which has the title "Pyrotechnic signal hunter." Redhead, ammunition and cartridges of reddish, yellowish and greenish lights (Fig. 16).

To bring the "fountain pen" into a combat platoon; screw the mortar key onto the nozzle, remove the safety cap from it earlier, cock the spring, depress the shutter button all the way and fix it in a special cutout on the body. Now, to fire a shot, it is enough to point the “fountain pen” at the sky at an angle of 80 - 90 ° and push the shutter button with a huge finger out of the groove.

Tourists, climbers and other amateur travelers in most cases take with them to the march as an emergency signal means ammunition to the rocket launcher. True, they refused the rocket launcher itself because of its extra size and weight and produce home-made short-barreled rocket launchers from duralumin alloy, the weight of which does not exceed 50 g. The drawings of such rocket launchers can be found in the special tourist literature.

In hunting stores, special signal cartridges are sold from time to time, which can be fired from a conventional hunting rifle. There are also various signal pistol and rifle tracer cartridges. They are all designed to signal an alarm from a combat and hunting rifle.

In the near future, the gas tool, which, apart from the well-known tear and noise cartridges, is widely spread, is capable of shooting light-signal charges. It is only necessary to take care that in the equipped holder there were at least several similar cartridges. Since it is difficult for a rescuer to search for rescuers with tear tears. Unless there was enough to cry about the forgotten houses in the nightstand of signal charges.

! It should be noted that the light power of similar auxiliary ammunition, the discharge height of the charge and the burning time of the signal sprocket are much lower than the parachute flares. Therefore, it is better to have them more and shoot them only when there is a possibility that they will be seen.

Night and daylight signal cartridges  (PSND), having a cylindrical body with a length of 172 mm, a diameter of 35 mm and a weight of 190 g (fig. 17)  enjoy well-deserved recognition from travelers. The principle of their actions is the same as that of the missiles. The cartridge is activated by pulling the ignition cord. Only you need to keep in mind: the placement of the launch cord in the signal cartridge back rocket! In other words, the signal is triggered in the same direction where the cord is twitching! If you forget about it and pull the cord not from yourself, but according to the rocket habit - to yourself, you can scorch your face (fig. 18)!

! The start cord of the PSND is located in the same place where the signal nozzle looks!

The detection limit of the PSND night signal (bright orange or crimson flame) reaches 15–20 km in the black time of day, if it is observed from an airplane soaring at an altitude of 500 m. The daylight signal (crimson smoke) from the same height can be seen from a distance to 5 - 8 km. When viewed from the ship’s bridge, the detection limit for night and day signals decreases by 20–30%. The most ideal daytime smoke signal is read against the background of snow, ice, water, but in the sands of the desert or in the thick of the forest you can not see it in 3 hundred steps. The action of the signal cartridge in the short term - less than 10 - 20s. In order not to confuse the sides of the signal cartridge in the darkness, you need to keep in mind that the cover of the “day” signal is flat and level, and the “night” signal has a recess.

In addition, there are special false lights, torch ‑ candles, smoke bombs and similar pyrotechnic devices that can glow longer, sometimes up to 10 minutes or more. They are usually used for emergency search signaling in transport, environmental protection and other departments.

Reddish Fire Flare designed to give a distress alert. Its length is 225 mm, diameter 37 mm, weight about 250 g. The light signal is burning for 60 s, the luminous intensity is 10 thousand candles (Fig. 19).

Ground signal cartridge  It has twice the smallest size and weight and, accordingly, the smallest duration and brightness of the light signal. All the hand flares are driven by pulling the starter cord.

I will mention torch ‑ candle  used in the railway transport to signal an alarm approaching the scene of the accident. More precisely, once used, and at the moment everywhere emergency communication being displaced by more modern radio engineering means. A torch-candle is the same flare, for convenience, having two retractable wire handles. They allow you to hold your hand at a non-hazardous distance from an open flame and contribute to the complete combustion of the flare (Fig. 20).

When the signal is needed, the knobs pressed to the case of the torch ‑ candles with 2 cardboard rims extend to their full length, the upper, protective, cap is removed and the inside side is struck along a protruding pilot wick. In the absence or wetting of the cap, the torch ‑ candle can be lit using the side wall of a matchbox either from a match flame or a lighter. The torch-candle burns for 10 minutes (which distinguishes it profitably from other hand flares) with a bright-reddish pulsating flame, with a greater intensity of flash observed in the first seconds of burning.

With the ability to choose, it is better to prefer a torch ‑ candle, not afraid of water. There are even those who are able to glow being 100 percent submerged in water.

Due to its own long-term effect, the flare can be used for making fires in bad weather.

A few words should be said about the various chinese  and the like fireworks (fig. 21).  As signal means, all these rockets, firecrackers, “bugs”, “butterflies”, “airplanes”, lights, Bengal candles, and similar flappers are not very reliable. At first, by the fact that they are poorly executed and not created for operation in complex meteorological criteria. Hence the frequent misfires, incomplete combustion of light charges, the inability to calculate the flight line of the signal sprocket.

Such primitive pyrotechnics is very difficult to transport and use in real emergency conditions. But still it can be, if nothing more reliable under the hand was not. It is better to be able to give at least some kind of signal than absolutely no! Even more so, unlike all other pyrotechnic means, solemn salutes have two irrefutable advantages - low cost and accessibility. And as possible travelers from their acquisition or discourage them, they all may still not listen to good advice.

When choosing similar improvised signaling means, one should prefer pyrotechnics made at Russian defense factories (it is more similar to real signal flares and false-flares), or pyrotechnics of industrially developed countries. Such fireworks are more reliable and not dangerous in the appeal, than collected in semi-handicraft workshops of developing countries. It is better to choose cases not “paper”, but made at least from thick pressed cardboard with metal reinforcing rings. Shells must possess the greatest hardness and density.

! And the most important thing: of all the fireworks of rockets, "Bengal lights" and the similar solemn pyrotechnic products made for fire alarm means, only those that have the ORANGE-Maroon colors can be used as alarm signals! Reddish color is the accepted color of disaster! All the others, of course, can also attract attention, help to be interpreted as an ordinary salute.

Before taking with you to the forest, all the above mentioned festive signaling means should be checked in: to shoot and see how high the asterisk rises, where it flies, how long it burns, how much it is affected by bad weather and strong wind, etc. P. If the light signals are not bright enough and rapidly burn through, then it is better to launch rockets, replacing quality with quantity, “bush”, in other words, several at once or one after another, with small intervals so that the next one has time to flash before the previous one goes out.

! With a similar signal consumer goods need to handle even more cautious than with "military missiles." It is necessary to scrutinize the annotations on the application and make a few "training" shooting.

It must be remembered that all parachute rockets, PSND and some other pyrotechnic signal means are constructively prepared for the shot, and therefore they should be treated like a charged instrument, observing extraordinary caution! When a missile misfires, you need to keep it for more than 30 seconds in the position of a shot, not directing people! All memos and annotations prescribe to throw out non-shot missiles and in the most categorical form forbid repairing the failed pyrotechnics. Similarly, they caution against the use of pyrotechnics with an expired shelf life (usually 3 - 4 years).

Coming up to the rocket while the fire is burning under it is CATEGORICALLY Unacceptable!

Straight to the complete burning down of the fire and cooling of the rocket body!

The detection range of pyrotechnic distress signals in almost everything (from time to time to a decisive degree!) Depends on the place of their supply. Even the strongest rocket can be managed to launch in such a place and at such a time that no one will ever see it.

First you need to take into account the time of day and weather conditions. The colorful star in the sky is practically inconspicuous during the day, while at night it draws attention to itself for many kilometers. Therefore, in the daytime it is better to use smoke signals, saving the rocket for darkness. In the same way, a rocket launched in the case of a cloud floating above your head can disappear without any usefulness. Therefore, if possible, postpone the signal for a few seconds, wait until the clouds pass, or try to get into a part of the sky free from clouds or fog.

To work with false flares and smoke bombs, you should choose elevated points of relief. With all this, you need to try, so that on the leeward side, where the smoke will be assigned, there is an open place - a reservoir, a glacier, a glade.

! When giving a signal, any pyrotechnic means should be held in an outstretched hand, turning it nozzle away from you. On the leeward side, there should be no people standing, there should be flammable and fire-fighting objects. It is categorically unacceptable to direct missiles and cartridges in the direction of rescue aircraft, helicopters, ships!

When using rockets, one should take into account the direction and strength of the wind, which can very much demolish a parachute with a flaming asterisk glowing under it. If you want the signal to burn above your head, shoot a little towards the wind.

Another purely “rocket” mistake is to underestimate the power of its recoil. This is especially true of huge parachute rockets! If it is not enough to firmly hold the rocket sleeve, it can, jerking down, slip out of her hands when fired. I managed to verify this at one point by giving a light (not alarm) signal in the winter taiga. The mittens frozen to the state of ice did not allow squeezing the fingers with sufficient force, and for this reason the rocket fired in two directions: an asterisk in the sky, a sleeve in the ground. Only by a miracle did the light charge that did not follow its own line of motion did not burn my hair. And it could be worse, even worse. For example, during a rock concert on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, a missile suddenly released in the mass, having hit the temple, destroyed the audience standing nearby. That is why the rocket should be taken only with a bare hand, for wiping out your palm and fingers for dry before.

And another very important advice. Most of the pyrotechnic means have a one-time action, in other words, having given a signal once, it is unrealistic to repeat it. Therefore, it is necessary to give a signal from a very close distance and only when there is confidence that they will see it. For example, when you see a rescue plane or vessel, or you clearly hear the increasing noise of working engines.

On the other hand, in the presence of a supply of one-time pyrotechnic means, it is better not to save the missile when approaching a still-invisible rescue plane or helicopter. Here stinginess can serve a bad service. The search plane is not a city tram, which takes the same route several times a day. The search plane is far from always returning to a place that has already flown around. Therefore, to give a distress signal (I repeat again: if you do not feel the need for pyrotechnics!) It is better before it can be found visually. Giving in the direction of sound, by the ability of calculating the direction of flight by its increase or decline. A rocket, breaking through low clouds, can be seen by pilots, while you will never see this plane.

If the need for a signal disappears, the ignition cord with the ring should be carefully placed in the socket created for the rocket and screwed on the protective cap.

While driving, signaling means should be stored protected from shocks and precipitation and at the same time in the accessible place. And during halts to keep away from fire. Many pyrotechnic tools are afraid of heating, saturated friction and shocks, from which they can fail or even be blown up!

Apart from their intended purpose, almost all pyrotechnic signaling means can be successfully used to scare away carnivorous animals - snow-white and brown bears, wolves, jackals, etc.

Though with a stretch, a simple pyrotechnic signal means can be considered spray cans.  Any - from hairspray and other cosmetics to repellents. A jet of aerosol, released from a can, if you let it through a flame of a match or a lighter, flashes with a flashy, several 10 cm long, torch visible from the air for several kilometers. The aerosol should be released in small, less than 1 - 2 seconds, pressing with 2 - 5-second pauses.

With a longer burning spray spray can be blown up in your hands!

As the need for a long signal is required, the can should be dug into the ground, a thin stone should be placed on the start button or a rubber band passed through the bottom should be pulled, a small torch should be left in the path and retreated a few meters to one side.

And if you recall childhood pranks, you can make various “bombs”, firecrackers, “Bengal lights,” etc. from sulfur heads of matches, magnesium, cerium, etc. self-made, incomprehensible characteristics, but still pyrotechnic light-sound signaling means. Their manufacture and use are associated with a certain risk, because I don’t give a specific recipe here. Whoever was interested in similar “chemistry” earlier, I think, will be able to use children's abilities not for comfort, but for business.

International Maritime Distress Signals (fig. 22):

· the release of clouds of orange smoke (1);

· a flame on a ship (for example, from a burning tar barrel) (2);

· rockets or grenades emitting reddish stars, released one by one at short intervals (3);

· a reddish parachute rocket or a reddish flare (4);

· nC flag signal (NC) according to the International Code of Signals (5);

· a signal consisting of a square flag with a ball above or below it (6);

· unhurried, repeated raising and lowering of arms extended to the sides (7);

· cannon shots, or explosions made at intervals of about one minute, or a continuous sound made by at least some devices for supplying fog signals (8);

· sOS distress signal transmitted via wireless telegraphy or by means of another signal system, or the word “meyday”, pronounced by radiotelephone (9).

All of these signals have one and only, known to seafarers around the world - "I am suffering a disaster, I need help."

Smoke and color distress signals.

These include (not counting the daytime PSND signal) various smoke bombs and firecrackers, in most cases used at sea. These checkers are triggered after pulling out the ignition cord and glow, emitting orange smoke, from 1 minute (hand check) to 4 minutes (floating check).

The smoke floating bomb used in Russian fleets has a length of 253 mm, a diameter of 80 mm and a weight of 820 g. The calculated visual range of a smoke signal lasting 3 minutes is one nautical mile. The checker is activated by pulling the ignition cord (Fig. 23).

There are other varieties of smoke bombs. Right up to those with whom one person simply can not cope. For example, a large smoke bollard has a length of 74 cm, a width of 21 cm and a weight of 32 kg! This huge "smoke" burns for 8 minutes, and its signal is visible for 20 km (pic. 24)!

Apart from the color-smoke signals, there are special dyes, which, dissolving in water, make a huge, color, noticeable spot from a distance.

These include, for example, uranin, created for use at sea or in wide freshwater bodies. Upon contact with water, uranin spreads over the surface, forming a huge spot of saturated green-emerald color (if it falls into cool water) or orange (if it was in warm water). The dye remains noticeable for about 4 to 6 hours on measured water, and only 2 to 3 hours during agitation. (Fig. 25).

To some extent, the color of distress signals can be different orange panels, awnings of life rafts and lifeboats, clothes and tents of bright red colors.

To tell about the subsequent type of signaling means, I will ask the reader to remember his childhood. How many of you in the happy time was not amused, blowing a bright sunny rabbit along the walls with a pocket mirror? This “rabbit” was also installed by specialists at the service of those in distress by creating several signal mirrors of different design.

Each ship should have the following signal pyrotechnic means: rockets, false lights, smoke bombs, luminous and illuminated buoys to indicate the place of the lifebuoy on the water in the dark.

Pyrotechnic products are moisture resistant, safe in handling and storage, they operate under any hydrometeorological conditions and retain their properties for at least three years.

Pyrotechnic products are stored in waterproof metal cabinets and boxes with cells on the deck of the navigation bridge or in cabinets embedded in the bulkheads of the navigation bridge, with a door to the open deck.

Drawers and cabinets are always locked. One key must be in the senior (third) assistant captain, the other - in the navigational cabin.
Pyrotechnic means of boats and rafts, laid in containers, in the sea should be at the regular places in the boats, and when parked at the port, they are recommended to be stored in a safe storage lock.

  red or green are intended for signaling during the rescue operation.

red color throws out at a height of 300 - 400 meters red stars that burn for at least 20 seconds.

  designed to give a distress alert. The take-off height is 300-400 meters, the burning time is 45 seconds.

- This is the sleeve in which the pyrotechnic composition and the incendiary device are located. The hand flare burns with a bright red light for 1 minute and is a distress signal. To attract attention, false white lights are used.

designed to give a distress signal, exploding at a height imitating a cannon shot. The sound rocket is launched only from launching glasses fixed on a gunwale or guard rail on both wings of the bridge. In the event of a missile failure, it is allowed to remove it from the glass after at least 2 minutes.

  used to give a distress signal during daylight hours. The checker is a tin box, inside which there is an igniter and a mixture that forms thick orange smoke. Smoke release time is 5 minutes, visibility range is up to 5 miles.

Light-emitting buoys are attached to lifebuoys, which are located on the wings of the bridge.

The main purpose of lifebuoys with light-smoking buoys is the designation of the place where a person falls overboard.

Distress signals

The following signals, used or displayed together or separately, indicate that the ship is in distress and needs help (Annex IV of the COLREG-72):

1. cannon shots or other blast-generated signals at intervals of about 1 minute;

2. continuous sound by any device designed to supply fog signals;

3. rockets or grenades emitting red stars, released one by one at short intervals;

4. a signal transmitted by a radiotelephone or by using any other signaling system consisting of a combination of sounds ...- - - ... (SOS) in Morse code;

5. A signal transmitted by radio telephone, consisting of the word “MAIDAI” spoken aloud;

6. distress call according to the International Code of Signals - NC;

7. a signal consisting of a square flag with a ball above or below it or something similar to a ball;

8. flames on the ship;

9. red light of the rocket with a parachute or false red in color;

10. smoke signal - release of orange clubs;

11. slow and repeated raising and lowering the arms extended to the sides;

12. wireless telegraph alarm;

13. radiotelephone alarm;

14. signals transmitted by emergency position-indicating beacons;

15. Established signals transmitted by radio communication systems, including radar beacon signals on lifeboats and rafts;

16. orange cloth with a black square or a circle or other appropriate symbol (for identification from the air);

17. color spot on the water.

Pyrotechnic alarm devices

In annex IV<Сигналы бедствия>  MPPSS-72 says:<... сигналы, используемые или выставляемые вместе, либо раздельно, указывают, что судно терпит бедствие и нуждается в помощи>. These signals include pyrotechnic means - rockets, grenades, false lights, smoke bombs, luminous and smoking buoys. Pyrotechnic signaling devices are supervised by the Register of the USSR. Vessels are supplied with pyrotechnic signal means depending on navigation areas. On oil ships, false flares are provided only for lifeboats.

Before launching missiles or using other pyrotechnic means, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the launch instructions. Rockets are made of special metal cups, which are installed on the suspension bridge railing. Missiles must be extinguished at a height of at least 50 m from the surface of the sea.

Pyrotechnic products must be moisture-proof in handling and storage, operate in any climatic conditions, and retain their properties for at least 3 years. The marking is applied with indelible paint on the pyrotechnic itself (with the exception of single-star rockets), on its packaging and includes the release date, service life, purpose and instructions for use.

The distress signal parachute rocket is red. The height of take-off is not less than 300 m, the duration of burning is not less than 40 s, the speed of descent is not more than 5 m / s.

Rocket-grenade sound is designed to give a distress signal. Range. audibility of at least 5 miles.

One-star rocket or red or green color is used for rescue operations; take-off height of at least 80 m; burning time 6 s.

The hand flare is a plastic or cardboard sleeve in which the pyrotechnic composition and the incendiary device are located. During burning it is held in the hands. The purpose of the false engraver: red - for a distress call, the duration of burning 60 s; white - for attention, burning duration 20 s.

The smoke bomb is designed for lifeboats, produces a clearly visible orange-colored smoke and serves to give a distress signal during daylight hours. After bringing the checkers into action, they throw it overboard, where it must give smoke for 3 minutes, visible for at least 3 miles.

For storage of pyrotechnic products, special waterproof metal cabinets are included that are built into the wheelhouse, or metal boxes fixed on the deck of the bridge. Inside the boxes are divided into sections and upholstered with felt. If necessary, the missiles in the sections are wedged.

Pyrotechnic products for boats should be packed in special containers and stored in boats. While the ship is at sea, access to fireworks should be locked. One key is located in the navigational wheelhouse in a visible place with marking<Пиротехника>, the second is kept by the senior assistant in the cabin. Missiles are stored by the captain, and pyrotechnic cartridges are stored similarly to rockets.

Everyone on the ship needs to know the rules for handling pyrotechnics, for which classes should be conducted with the entire crew.

When handling missiles, no concussions or impacts are allowed. If the rocket failed to launch at launch, it should be immediately thrown overboard. Disassemble the rocket is prohibited. At startup, follow to

There were no people nearby. Before launching rockets using a metal thrower, you should carefully study the instructions for its use.

Light and light-emitting buoys are attached to lifebuoys that are located on or near the wings of the navigating bridge for quick throwing overboard in the event of a person falling into the water. The buoy must ensure a burning time of at least 45 minutes. On oil tankers, they are powered by electric batteries. Smoke bombs act automatically and give orange smoke for 15 minutes with visibility of at least 1 mile in daylight. Self-igniting lights and smoke bombs must be so designed as to prevent damage to them when dropped from a height of at least 25 m. The maximum lifespan of the illuminating and light-beading buoys on ships, taking into account their storage in the warehouse, should not exceed 10 years.

All pyrotechnic products that have expired must be replaced.

It must be remembered - pyrotechnics refers to dangerous in the fire relation and explosive means and when handling it should strictly follow the safety instructions;

The entire ship crew is obliged to study and know the instructions for handling pyrotechnics;

The results of testing the knowledge of the ship’s crew on the use of pyrotechnics are documented by a protocol of the ship’s qualification commission;

When firing rockets nearby, there should be no people and it is forbidden to direct their flight towards ships, structures, buildings, crowds, etc .;

The launch of sound rockets from the hands is prohibited;

A sweeping rocket is launched only with a line attached to it;

Smoking and the use of fire near pyrotechnic products or when using them is strictly prohibited;

For the period of repair all pyrotechnic products must be removed from the vessel and deposited at the warehouse.

Pyrotechnic alarm devices are included in the supply of lifeboats and life rafts and are used to give distress signals and attract attention.

These include:

Parachute rockets;

Hand flares;

Floating smoke bombs;

All pyrotechnic means are enclosed in waterproof cases on which brief instructions or drawings are applied that clearly illustrate the methods of using pyrotechnic means. Their design should ensure the safety of the people who use them.

The rules for using each pyrotechnic agent are listed on each product.

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All topics in this section:

Emergency property of the vessel. The way to announce alarms on ships
   Patches are classified into soft, rigid, pneumatic. Soft plasters include: a band-mail patch (Baranov patch), lightweight

Towing device of the vessel. Elements of the towing device. Rules of TB in the technical operation of the towing device
   Towing device - is a set of products and mechanisms that provide the vessel with the ability to tow other vessels or to be towed.

Types of briefings on labor protection. Frequency of briefings
   Primary briefing and on-the-job training at the workplace of newly recruited, transferred from one vessel to another (even if these vessels are of the same type), learners who arrived at work

Types hatch covers. Rules of technical operation and safety measures when working with them and in cargo holds
Cargo hatches, simple hatch covers, mechanized hatch covers. It is prohibited to open hatch covers until the space around the hatch is appropriate.

Heavy Arms Equipment and Working Methods
   A heavy boom is made much stronger than an ordinary one and is located in a DP vessel. To reduce the stresses in the mast, the boom spurs do not rest on the mast itself, but on a special foundation,

Horizontal sectors of the visibility of navigation lights
   Rule 23 and Annex II of the COLR. The vessel must carry: a masthead light in front, a masthead light behind and above the front masthead light (for vessels more than 50m long). Side lights and stern light

Horizontal arrangement of lights and the distance between them
   If two top lights are prescribed for a motor-driven vessel, the horizontal distance between them should be at least half the length of the vessel, but it is not necessary

Cargo device and its composition. Purpose of the device. Safety when working with a cargo device
   Due to the ease of operation on ships, cargo devices with arrows are common; modern ships are more often equipped with electric and hydraulic cranes. Stationary shipboard carrying capacity

To define what is and for what purposes the products, devices, details of the device of the vessel and other terms used on the vessel are used.
   Steering gear - designed to provide controllability of the vessel. Consists of a working body and steering wheel, a rudder - for its turning, steering gear, steering gear

Documents required for the position of a sailor
   1. Seaman's passport 2. International sailor certificate 3. First aid certificate. 4. Lifeboat and raft specialist certificate.

Pollution of the sea. Convention. Marine Pollutants. Signs of pollutants, marking
   SEA POLLUTION is an offense of an international nature committed on the high seas; consequence of shipping, dumping and dumping of industrial and household waste, mining

Marking and labeling
   1. Cargo packages containing a harmful substance are marked with reliable durable markings with the correct technical name (you cannot use some commercial names) and they must be reliable

Reserve buoyancy of the vessel and cargo mark. Where is the cargo mark on the ship
FLUORY RESERVE STOCK: the volume of the water-impermeable surface part of the vessel, located from the load (constructive) waterline to the upper continuous

Knowledge of the main work performed by the deck crew and tools used in deck work
   The 1st class sailor is responsible to the boatswain for: 1) General maintenance of the vessel as directed by the boatswain. 2) Participation in mooring and anchor operations of the vessel. 3) Maintaining your own

Measurement of distances at sea. Basic units and speeds adopted in navigation. Instruments for measuring speed and distances at sea
   The distance to landmarks at sea can be measured using a radar, range finder or sextant. The most simple and accurate measurement of the distance is performed by radar. Range finders,

Life jackets
   Personal equipment includes: 1) protective clothing made of a material capable of protecting the skin from heat emitted during a fire, burns and scalding; the outer surface should be water

What activities are carried out on the ship in the port to ensure navigation in stormy conditions
   Preparation of the ship for sailing in the storm begins when moored in the port. The correctness of loading is to provide the ship with local and general strength, sufficient stability, delivery of cargo

What work needs to be done to maintain the hull in proper condition
   Properly organized care of the hull of the vessel and its premises offers, first of all, the prevention of metal corrosion and wooden rotting, the main method of protection of which is

ISPS Code. Security levels
   ISPS - Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities adopted on 12.12.2002. Security level 1 (Securitylevel 1) - means the level at which the minimum correspondences should be constantly maintained

Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine, purpose of the code
   The Merchant Shipping Code of Ukraine regulates the attitude that arises with merchant shipping. Under the merchant shipping in this code means activities related to the use of

Constructive and organizational arrangements for the SPS
   The main document regulating the prevention of marine pollution (PZM) from ships is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MARPOL 73/78. Constructive measures

Marking lifeboats and rafts
Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions, are applied to its sides in the nose with indelible paint; the name of the vessel, port of registry (letters of the Latin alphabet) and court

International conventions in the field of maritime shipping and their role
   SOLAS - 74– International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. ISM Code - International Security Management Code. PDNV -

Marine Distress Signals
   · Puffs of orange smoke · Open flames on the ship · Red light flare · Flag signal NC (NC)

Distress lights
   · Signal mirror · Signal fire (3 fires at a distance of at least 50 meters from each other, so that when viewed from above they form a triangle or a straight line) · signal SO

International Code of Signals. Rules of negotiation on the MCC
   The international code of signals (TheInternationalCodeofSignals; INTERCO) is intended for communication in various ways and means in order to ensure the safety of navigation and protection

Security measures and paint work
   Before starting work on the preparation and painting of surfaces (depending on the place of their execution), the following activities should be envisaged:

Precautions for transport by sea
   The ship administration is fully responsible for the correctness of receiving, packing separation, unloading and delivery, as well as for the compliance of documents and the condition of the cargo. During the flight

Flammable liquids
   Flammable solids. Substances capable of spontaneous combustion. Oxidized substances. Must be placed in cool places away from everything

Precautions for the transport of dangerous goods
   Members of crews of ships having a work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year, who have undergone training and an annual knowledge test and briefing at the workplace on b) are allowed to work with dangerous goods

Precautions when conducting fumigation, degassing of the vessel
   Transit fumigation in the vessel - disinfection of cargo in the ship’s holds without taking it out of service, takes place during the voyage and ranges from 5 days or more depending on the depths

Methods of dealing with water. The procedure for putting plaster
   To eliminate the water flow of the hull and various damage, the vessels are supplied with emergency equipment and materials: - all waterproof doors are dragged down; - pressurized

Fire fighting methods on ships. Ways and means of extinguishing a fire
The crew’s fight against fire on the ship is headed by the ship’s captain and should be aimed at: · detecting and identifying the place, size, nature of the fire; · Establishing availability and

Boat knot
   It is used when towing boats and during their stay under a shot at the side of the ship only when there are people in them. At first the running end of the falin is passed into the bow boat.

A set of ship hull. Recruitment systems. Appointment and device of a double bottom. Main transverse and longitudinal links
   The hull is a shell consisting of horizontal and vertical plates, supported by beams. The combination of the plate with its reinforcing beams is called overlap

The appointment of a gyrocompass, magnetic compass. The main parts of the magnetic compass. Types of magnetic compasses. Compass Comparison
   A compass is a navigation device designed to determine the ship’s heading and directions to various coastal or floating objects in the navigator’s field of vision. Compass is used

Unsinkability of the vessel. Measures to ensure the unsinkability of the vessel. Watertight Bulkhead Marking
   Floodability - the ability of a ship to stay afloat and not to tip over if its hull is damaged and one or several compartments are flooded. Fight for non-flooding

The equipment of places of carrying out cargo works. Signal Officer Responsibilities
   Dockers-machine operators (DM) who have been trained, have worked in the port for at least 1 year, qualified as a signalman and who know the signal system

General rules for the production of paint work on the ship. Surface preparation for painting
   Painting work on the vessel (including engine rooms) is headed by a boatswain. The senior sailor (carpenter) is responsible for the preparation of the required tools, materials, protective

Responsibilities of the sailor of the watch on the ship. Forward looking report form about the detected object
   The watch sailor reports directly to the watch officer assistant captain. In the course of the vessel, watch sailors perform mainly two main functions: they stand on the steering wheel and carry on a visual-auditory observation.

Responsibilities of the sailor of the watch while stationed in the port
   While the ship is moored at the berth in the port, the watchman is constantly at the gangway, who monitors the vessel’s visit, preventing unauthorized persons from entering the ship

Supervisory responsibilities. Boat propulsion Ship agility
A sailor of class 1 submits to the senior sailor and, if necessary, replaces him. Sailor class 1 must: - know general information on navigation, coloring and beyond

Responsibilities of crew members upon detection of a fire or water-tightness on a ship
   In the event of an emergency, the captain exercises overall control over the actions of the crew in the aftermath of the emergency and the struggle for the survivability of the vessel. In case of imminent death the court

Mandatory minimum requirements for the rank and file persons carrying the navigational watch
   Rule II / 6. Mandatory minimum requirements for the rank and file persons carrying the navigation chassis watch. 1. Minimum requirements for rank and file marine animals

Regulation 29. Pilot Ships
   a. The vessel, when performing pilotage duties, shall exhibit: i. on the top of the mast or close to it - two all-round lights located in a vertical line; the top of these lights is long

Rule 7 - Risk of collision
   Rule 7 - Risk of collision a. Every ship should be

Art. mechanic is in charge of technical operation of the entire mechanical and electromechanical parts of the vessel
   77. Definition of IC: PI, KU. Commands given to the helmsman when turning and changing course. How to lead a ship on a course on a magnetic compass? Emergency steering.

Definition and terms relating to keeping the watch. Compliance with the ISPS Code
   Section 2. Definition Contains 11 definitions, of which three (such as 1.Cjgvention, 2.Regulation, 3. Chapter) are well known, and the remaining 8 are given below: 4. ShipSec

Organization of service on ships. Ship services. Subordination
   The basis of the organization of the ship service is made up of: - schedules for institutions; - watch service; - technical service; - schedule for alarms;

Labor organization in general court work
   Preparation for the work should include the organization of a safe and convenient workplace, the correct placement of workers, the provision of working specials. clothing and protective equipment.

The main actions related to environmental protection when entering the territorial waters of states
   1. Before the vessel enters the water, stop any operations of oil-containing mixtures and other harmful liquid substances. 2. All locking devices through which these substances are discharged are

Ship stability Stability measures. Ship deadweight
Stability is the ability of the ship, rejected from the position, equilibrium, to return to it after the disappearance of the cause that caused the deviation. Deadweight - the difference between the displacement

First aid for victims of accidents
   1. Terminate the effect of hazardous factors on the injured person (release from the action of the electric current, take out the contaminated area, extinguish the clothing that is burned, remove it from the water, etc.)

Floating equipment navigation equipment. Hazard Fence Systems
   A floating beacon is a vessel equipped with lighthouse light equipment, radio engineering, and sound-signal devices and designed to determine the position of ships at sea. Buoys - applied

Preparatory work for the reception and delivery of the pilot
   1. Establish communication with the pilot station or with the pilot ship. 2. To clarify the time of approach to the point of reception (return) of the pilot. 3. Prepare a pilot ramp (gangway) to check the wasps

Preparation of cargo premises (tanks) to receive cargo
   The main activities for preparing cargo space for receiving cargo are: All cargo space should be fully prepared to receive cargo (swept up, washed, if necessary

Preparation and launching of lifeboats and rafts. Boarding and launching
   Before launching the boat into the water, a number of actions must be performed: 1. Regardless of the method of launching the boat, additional equipment and supplies necessary for

The procedure for determining directions on the surface of the Earth. Systems of dividing the horizon into degrees and points
   An observer on the surface of the globe can determine the direction of a certain line using a plumb line. Sheer line on the surface of the globe will give direction to the zenith of the observer

The order of abandonment of the vessel in the absence of rescue equipment at the side of the vessel
   Jump into the water in a lifejacket: - put on a vest, firmly press it with your hands; - to inspect the landing place, take a deep breath, push the legs forward from the side, facing the sea;

Safety regulations for the production of freight operations, mooring operations
   On each lifting device are indicated: - register number; - permitted load capacity; - the term of the next test is FORBIDDEN to work as a cargo pendant

Causes of fires on ships. Portable and stationary fire extinguishing equipment
The main causes of fires on the vessel. Treat: - indisputable or careless handling of open fire, heating devices, careless smoking; - fault

Fire mode on the vessel. Sentinel service
   The crew of the vessel must strictly observe the fire protection regime and take all measures to ensure the explosion and fire safety of the vessel in any conditions of its operation. When parking sous

Mast and rigging of the vessel. Their purpose
   A mast is a structure made of metal pipes or wooden blocks that are installed in the center plane of the vessel and are rigidly fastened to its body. The mast includes the masts and their

Schedule for alarms. Responsibilities for anxiety. Types of ship alarms
   The main organization of the struggle for the survival of the vessel is the Alarm Schedule. It defines the duties of the crew members in case of an accident and the place of their collection for the alarms. There are typical odds

Steering gear vessel. The composition of the steering device. Types of steering wheels, steering gears
   The steering device provides controllability of the vessel, i.e. keeps the vessel on course or change its direction of movement regardless of the influence of wind, waves or currents. Composed:

Sanitary regulations and ship hygiene
   Sanitary rules contain requirements for water supply, heating, ventilation, household and waste water systems. Sanitary regulations regulate the standards of illumination of working places;

Separation equipment for bilge water treatment. Waste incineration equipment
   Each vessel with a capacity of 400 rt and more, oil tanker with a capacity of 150 rt and more should have on board: - filtering equipment that provides purification of oily water to

Internal and external communication and alarm systems on ships
   Internal communications and alarms are designed to ensure control of the vessel and reliable communication of the command bridge with all posts and services. These funds include: - ships

Cardinal system
   · Northern buoy: · Coloring: black at the top, yellow at the top Top figures: both cones tops upwards Fire: flashing without pauses, by

Special purpose signs
   Designed to refer to special areas or objects shown on maps or described in other navigation documents, such as signs, fencing off landfill areas, underwater cables

Rescue and duty boats and their types and requirements for them
A lifeboat is a lifeboat capable of preserving the lives of people in distress since they left the ship. Closed type boats and partial closed type boats

Means of internal and external communication and alarm systems on ships
   Internal communications and alarms are designed to ensure control of the vessel and reliable communication of the command bridge with all posts and services; - ship telephone communication; - ships

Means and methods of visual signaling
   1.Signal - distinctive lights (running lights) - top lights; - side lights; - stern (gakobortny) fire; - bunker fire; - anchor lights;

Means of navigation equipment, their types of location, purpose, principle of action
   Navigation equipment of the ship consists of a set of navigation instruments that provide the course laying, determining the geographical coordinates of its location. These devices should provide

Ship fire systems, fire extinguisher brands and their use
   Fire extinguishing system: Water extinguishing - consists of fire pumps, fire horn, hoses, barrels. It is in constant readiness. Sprinkler system - designed for av

Ship systems and their purpose. What is a ship fire extinguishing plan
   Ship systems are a combination of specialized pipelines with mechanisms, devices, instruments and installations. They are designed to move fluids, air or gases into

Fire extinguishing plan
   Firefighting on ships is carried out in accordance with operational tactical maps and fire extinguishing plans. The fire extinguishing plan is a scheme on which plans are plotted in

Ship anchors, their types, requirements for them. The rules of TB in the work anchor
   Hall anchor has a small number of parts and a large holding force. Being buried in the ground with both paws, the anchor does not pose a danger to other vessels in shallow water and excludes the possibility of

Safety in the performance of general shipwork. Industrial sanitation on ships
   The crew of all specialties must be aware of and follow the general requirements of the safety device when operating the vessel. For the safe execution of general shipwork, team members are provided with workwear and

Requirements for the steering device. Checking the steering device before entering the flight. Standard length of intermediate bows of the anchor chain
In preparing the ship for work, all details of the steering device are carefully inspected, lubricated if necessary. Axiometers are checked. Check the stopper. All defects found

Cables and rigging, rope care
   Cables (ropes) are products made of steel wires or twisted from plant and artificial fibers. Vegetable cables are made from vegetable fiber (hemp, mani

Conditions for dumping ballast and garbage from ships
   “Garbage” means all types of food, household and operational waste that forms during the normal operation of the vessel and is subject to permanent or periodic disposal.

The design of the hull of ships, the purpose and the main elements of the set
   Apply three systems set: transverse, longitudinal, combined. In the transverse system of the set, the main beams go across the vessel (flora, frames, beams) In the longitudinal system

Ship bulkheads
   To ensure floatability, the vessel is usually divided by special bulkheads into compartments, which prevents it from being completely flooded due to local hull damage. Bulkhead reinforce the building

Exercises on the transition to emergency steering. Emergency Steering Transition Procedures
   The transition from the main steering gear to the spare should be done quickly: two people should do this work in no more than 2 minutes. To acquire the necessary practical experience of the ship

Anchor device. Preparation for release and anchor sampling
   Anchor device provides a secure parking of the vessel at sea or on the roadstead. When approaching the anchorage, they say the entire anchor device and first of all the windlass. Windlass

Anchor device. Designation and composition. TB at return and selection of an anchor
   Anchor device - provides a secure parking of the vessel in a given area of ​​the sea. The main elements of the anchor: anchors, anchor chains, anchor mechanisms, klyuzy, stoppers. Anchor



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