the main - Interior style
  Stylish living room interiors in the apartment. Modern living room ideas

What is a "modern living room"? Most people, most likely, by this concept means "living room in a modern style." What should be the design of such a living room? What, in the first place, must be considered when designing a fashionable and modern living room?

Modern ideas as the basis of design

The modern style of the living room interior is rather democratic. It is suitable for a room of almost any size, make it harmonious and comfortable.

Modern style today has two features - originality and singularity. This effect is achieved by the use of exclusive items or designer furniture. It should however be remembered that beautiful furniture is not always practical and comfortable.

Before you begin to repair the living room, you need to determine for yourself whether you want to see your living room spacious, with a home cinema, or more comfortable: a fireplace and rocking chairs. And the modern solution is to buy a decorative fireplace ().

Electrofireplace in the living room

The living room should be comfortable and spacious, so as to have the maximum to rest. The living room space can be increased by combining it with a loggia. You can combine living room with kitchen or hallway.

Living room combined with balcony

The modern interior always means the free play of shades and tones, the active use of various modern technologies, as well as the freedom to use the decor, including small details of the interior.

Living room with work space

You can also separate or connect the living room with adjacent rooms with the help of interior sliding partitions - this is functional and stylish.

Interior styles

Baroque  characterized by an abundance of mirrors and the presence of gilding in the interior. Often you can find stucco and ceiling painting.

Modern baroque living room

Tables and wooden chairs, with rounded edges. For upholstery on chairs and sofas they use brocade or velvet, and paintings or marble sculptures are suitable as a decor.

Set the overall tone of the interior, choose the wallpaper

The choice of color depends entirely on the preferences of the owner, the main thing here is to choose the right combination of shades. Living room, which is made in shades of gray, contributes to rest. White color creates a feeling of purity and freshness, indoor plants in this case will add vitality. Delicate shades of blue and beige fill the room with a rather pleasant light. Shades of red give design energy and vitality. The combination of white and black colors makes the interior of the living room both strict and festive.

Living room in bright colors

To make your interior harmonious, immediately decide on what exactly you want to emphasize - whether it be walls or upholstered furniture, a single color solution of the wall and floor, and so on. Based on this, it will be much easier for you to continue processing.

Light plays a very important role. Due to modern technologies you have enough opportunities for a different arrangement of light in the living room. For example, point light can be located along the walls or divide the entire living room into special functional areas.

The interior in modern style is made, as a rule, in light shades - it is coffee with milk or beige. Interest adds a decor - for this purpose, usually use objects of bright colors - purple, red, green, blue. The scenery should be in moderation. This is especially true for small rooms.

Decorative plaster or natural wallpaper is now used to finish the walls, for the floor - carpet, mat, floorboard, laminate flooring, multi-level or smooth ceilings, with a large chandelier in the center and spot lighting.

Interior design is a business card of each owner. That is why it is so important for everyone that their own housing be transformed with a part of themselves, their imagination.

The interior of the living room in a modern style has such characteristic features as:

  • Geometric shapes
  • Clear structures
  • Many free spaces
  • Things and objects are as functional as possible.
  • The colors are bright and fresh.
  • Invoices are combined a variety
  • Technologies are used the most modern

Creating your own, unique design, you should take into account some of the nuances:

  • In every modern interior, the base is air, that is, the bigger it is, the better. It is not at all fashionable to use deaf versions of the walls, since today an open type of layout is relevant, which is divided into functional zones only visually.
  • Items are grouped. This means that based on the type of room and its purpose, furniture, as well as other items should be grouped according to how functional they are and what they are intended for.
  • Lighting can be very different. Light simply can not be much! Accordingly, various sources are used, for example, chandeliers and sconces, floor lamps.
  • When choosing furniture, it should be borne in mind that literally everything, cabinets and bedside tables, sofas and ottomans, can have absolutely any form, as well as color schemes. At the same time minimalism and restraint must be present. The furniture does not overload modern living rooms, thereby not taking up much space.
  • Emphasis that is made with extraordinary accessories. They can be arranged as if inaccurately, they can have a fancy shape pattern with simplicity and luxury at the same time.

Modern style is divided into some areas that strive for simplicity, as well as maximum functionality in each element: Hi-tech, techno, art deco, modern, vintage, minimalism, kitsch.

Scandinavian style

It has never been present luxury and wealth, and this is what caused the comfort with warmth for this style. It should be simple, and the elements untapped. That is exactly what will be the most attractive here. The decor is calm enough, thanks to him, the house is cozy and there is nothing superfluous.

For the Scandinavian style is characterized by light colors, as well as warm shades. Panels with walls of wood. They are painted with pale colors. The flooring is made of wood, also using flooring / laminate.

Furniture necessarily has the convenience and practicality. Lighting make artificial type. Chandeliers are made of pale frosted glass type. All this best characterizes Scandinavia.

The main focus here is a wooden ceramic stove that is installed in the hall. Also, there must be wicker baskets, glass vases, unpretentious types of patterns.

Industrialism and loft

Loft implies in itself a variety of options for open spaces. They are achieved by planning, even if the premises are very small. This trend comes from America, where various institutions, like factories and plants, were converted into residential premises.

The basic concept of this style is the absence of walls separating the space. The premises are divided into zones using contrasting colors, or lighting. The use of glass partitions is acceptable, but the general trend of the interior style should not be broken.

The loft combines industrial features with modernity. For example, unprocessed types of bricks, flooring from boards, floor beams combined with chrome parts, as well as new and modern household appliances are very popular.

You can use any furniture, even antiques will be appropriate here! Nevertheless, one should be very careful with the subject of the bourgeoisie.

The issue of lighting is very important. In the loft there should be a lot of it, the windows are necessarily large in size, start in some layouts right from the floor! No curtains / curtains are used, there should be a lot of light, and the more of it, the better!

Minimalism-living room in a modern style.

Since the eighties, people began to strive for simplicity. Just at that moment, the most popular minimalism began to change postmodernism. Among its main factors is the geometry of the forms, the minimum number of parts. Yes, accessories can also be used, but they should be minimalist, that is, necessarily in geometric forms.

Decorations are not acceptable here, for example, as old paintings set in carved frames, small fountains, statues, and other elements. But, as for abstraction, if they are made under constructive painting, the minimalist interior will be perfectly complemented by them.

Look at the proposed options for a living room photo in a modern minimalism style. You can immediately notice from them that a sufficient amount of free space plays a rather rather big role. The room should not be anything heavy, cluttering, it is not necessary to furnish various chairs and armchairs, cabinets and other things. Chairs choose the form of simple, naturally they will be without backs and some decorative elements.

Kitsch in the living room

This style is modern not only for living rooms, but also for any other premises. It is quite interesting, because decisions can be various, and in order to decorate a room, any ideas with ideas that only visit your thoughts come to life. This method of finishing is quite interesting and extravagant. He protests modern trends that adhere to the strictest rules in design. But here it is very important not to overdo it, otherwise the interior will look ridiculous and tasteless.

The basic principle of style is to mix several styles into one, with the result that elements from the classics will be compatible with the decor of Scandinavia.

Sometimes you can see quite pictures with handicrafts that will be a parody of the classics. They belong to kitsch. They are made of whatever they want, the main thing is that they simply attract the attention of the person.

Classic looks new and modern

In neoclassicism, traditional proportions are used in the interior design, calm shades are used, as well as fresh modern notes. Refinement can be achieved through stained glass windows with gilding, arched mirrors, flower garlands.

To date, this style is quite popular. The walls here are painted with run or white, blue, brown or gold. Furniture, as well as decorative elements trim using fabrics similar to the motifs of Rome. Wallpapers are selected with images in classic styles.

To make the floor covering, choose noble wood. If you choose the more inexpensive material options for floors, the majesty and superiority of style will very quickly become faded and lose its appearance.

As in any classic, modern bronze should also be used, small sculptures, fountains.

High tech

Based on the name itself, one can judge that the style is aimed at the modernity of the technologies used in the creation of unique interiors. At the heart of this style is an open demonstration of the elements of constructivism. Accordingly, today we can see what used to be the other way around, hiding from the eyes, so that it was visible and noticeable how much time progresses and moves forward.

Compared to many styles aimed at a large amount of free space, it is recommended to use different partitions in Hi-Tech, in order to ensure that the background functionality in the room becomes exceptionally better.

It includes a living room in a modern style modular furniture. Such options will be the best among the possible. Elements can rotate, and they can be made of metal tubes, various parts are made of stainless steel, etc.

Since this solution is rather unusual, it is quite rare in the interiors of residential buildings. However, high-tech can be found along with elements belonging to other styles.

An example of a living room in an apartment in a modern style

In modern classics, the walls will look great in a pale pink color, but the ceilings in such a room will become his business card. Chairs with other furniture will be carved, made of red wood, and on the floor - a noble tree, which simply goes well with marble tiles. Nevertheless, in the style of a classic it is not forbidden to use the newest and most modern technologies that harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

To dilute the classics of the modern version of the interior can be diluted with a blue carpet, which has an unusual geometric pattern.

On the mirrors, the main decoration is the flowery elements. Furniture items are very simple and comfortable in the style of modern classics. Having chosen the combination very well, the space will not look overloaded. Since the lighting is thought out and landscaped very well, the living room will be comfortable and, of course, spacious.

Loft lounge

Details in this style may be incompatible, but this is only at first glance. The wall can be styled with imitation of brickwork, which will be quite a bright, prominent accent here. Despite the industry touches, the living room is very bright and cozy, which can be achieved by light furniture and flooring options. There will be no bearing walls, for such a style is simply unacceptable delineation of space. But you can make partitions of plasterboard sheets. They will not look massive, will not weigh down the appearance.

Light-colored floorboards, as well as open versions of light gray shelves, visually contribute to an increase in space, while completing the coziness of the style.

The choice of wallpaper for modern housing

In the modern world, wallpaper began to crowd out by painting the walls. Of course, if the walls are decorated with monotonous variations, there is still some chic in them, and simplicity is very popular today. At the same time, it is unlikely that anyone will argue that the bedroom and living room will not look cozy with wallpaper on the walls. Since the walls should be designed according to the style that you prefer for the whole room, choose the wallpaper in accordance with the recommendations as to which option is suitable for a particular style.

And so, what kind of wallpaper is suitable for styles:

  • In minimalism fit wallpaper, which caused an unusual bright geometric pattern. It is very bold and unconventional.
  • In the classic fit wallpaper on a vinyl basis, in pastel colors. It should be borne in mind that they definitely should not merge with the furniture, but on the contrary, they can be contrasted.
  • In High tech, special wallpapers that can be painted are acceptable.

Also today it is very popular to have a picture on the wall. But, in this case, you need to be very careful, since it is important to choose a calm color scheme so that your eyes do not get tired.

By the way, modern types of natural wallpapers, which are made from corks, bamboo, and straw, are no less popular.

We make the ceiling

The fact that few people are looking up is very erroneous, so attention to the design of the ceiling will have to be paid a lot. After all, each, even a minor apartment element is the overall picture of housing, so do not neglect anything.

Among the most common types of ceiling are the following:

  • Stretch
  • Painted
  • Suspended
  • Duplex
  • Treated with decorative elements / plaster

Regardless of which way you choose the ceiling, note that it must support the style of modernity. For example, a modern kitchen will not always be appropriately supplemented with options for stretch glossy ceilings. And if you look at a room with black and white colors, the black version of the ceiling is far from always suitable, since it will literally put pressure on everyone who is in it, and the room will visually appear less.

Very popular options are painted with plaster ceilings, giving the room a certain chic.

Photo of the best living room design in modern style

These living room design ideas are all in different colors, with different furniture and textiles. The fastest and most inexpensive way to change the design of your living room is to repaint the walls and change textiles.

1. If you like a quiet, relaxing and pleasant living room design, then you can use a soft pale pink color. Walls painted in this color make the space warm and comfortable.

2. The combination of several bright colors will help create a more lively and fun living.

3. A beautiful shade of pink in combination with pure white creates a modern and elegant living room.

4. The combination of white and black in moderation will create a modern, elegant and refined decor.

5. For those who think that the white color is not fashionable, we say that this is not true. White is a great solution in any style, be it modern, rustic, minimalist and so on.

6. Wallpaper with violet and pink flowers on a white background can turn a living room into an exciting space full of color and harmony.

7. Here the emphasis is on simple walls painted in rich orange color.

8. Bright orange and white colors in contrast make a modern and dynamic space.

9. Monochrome design is another option for decorating a modern living room. If you choose this option, the colors should be light or neutral, such as pale pink.

10. Turquoise has recently become very fashionable for painting walls. In combination with white, it provides freshness and individuality of space.

11. The light brown tone of the walls is accompanied by a neutral color with textiles, such as gray, cream or beige. It creates an elegant, calm and warm living room.

12. Other very successful colors: black and white. Furniture and accessories of these colors look favorably against the gray walls.

13. As we saw earlier, brown color helps to achieve an elegant space. Obviously, depending on the chosen shades, the result will be different. In this case, brown is much darker, but it blends perfectly with flawless white walls and a sofa.

14. To create a fun and bright space, use bright pistachio in combination with white.

15. Here, pale pink walls and textiles in soft colors create a cozy and friendly atmosphere.

16. As already mentioned, white and black are the easiest and right choice to give any room a more modern look.

17. Blue walls with beautiful flowers turn an almost empty room into a place full of life and color. When there is a spacious room, but there is little furniture in it, this is the original way to fill the void.

18. As we saw earlier, green is very versatile. Due to the variety of shades, you can create a calm living room, like this one.

19. Rustic style is now in fashion. Although it may seem contradictory, you can create a modern living room just by finding the right colors and materials. For example, as in this room. Here a part of the walls is painted red, the other part imitates stone walls. Dark leather sofas bring a rich touch to the modern country space.

20. Here the modern and minimalist decor is based on hieroglyphs printed on the walls.

21. Of course, to get a modern look for the living room, we can not forget about the wallpaper. In this case, the golden brown striped wallpaper on one wall gives a sense of depth to this narrow room.

22. Brown wallpaper and original patterned curtains are another easy way to decorate your living room.

23. Black, white and gray are another example of how these colors are perfect for decorating a modern living room.

24. Here light brown is accompanied by white, which gives the room elegance. A horizontal line of light gray gives modernity.

25. Sometimes you do not need a lot of colors or too loaded palette. With the gray color of the walls and contrasting textiles, it is so easy to create a modern living room design.

26. Another example of the fact that white is the best color to decorate any space. Here all the walls are painted in pure white. Bright decorative curtains add color to the room.

27. Another decor option using black, white and gray.

28. A simple brick wall can completely change the look of a room. This is an original way to decorate a living room simply and cheaply.

29. Here the living room is made in blue and orange colors.

30. White walls, golden curtains - everything you need to create a warm and welcoming living room.

31. Another option is a combination of orange and white.

32. Pink and blue are another good option for creating a modern living room.

33. Another successful combination is red, gray and black.

34. Chocolate brown, which is evenly distributed throughout the room, creates a cozy, elegant and serene space. And plants enhance this effect.

35. If you like a "cool" living room, then try using a combination of green, blue and white colors.

36. Here the living room is pink.

37. A relaxing atmosphere will help create a white and blue design.

38. Here the walls are painted with horizontal stripes.

39. Never underestimate the power of textile design, because textiles are a fundamental part of design. Here is an example.

40. Here, the patterned wallpaper is well combined with gray furniture.

41. Here is another example of the combination of wallpaper and other accessories.

42. With the blue, white and subtle hint of orange you can give the living room a cool and relaxing effect. As in all cases, the key is to choose the right dose for each color.

43. Green, chocolate brown and wooden furniture are the perfect combination to create a living room in a modern and exotic style.

44. There are other colors that are rarely used when painting walls in the living room. It is, for example, yellow.

45. And here is another example of how green gives freshness. This time it is combined with pink.

46. ​​Another version of the white and black living room design.

47. An example of a combination of orange and white.

48. Modern, fresh, relaxing and warm living room design can be achieved with the help of natural tones - blue and white.

As you can see, using a certain color palette of the walls, and adding textiles and other accessories, any interior can be quickly and inexpensively turned into a living room in a modern style.

What are modern living rooms? What is the design of the living room today in trend? About this and much more in this article. Using the example of numerous photos, we will look at current and modern solutions that will help you determine the interior style, color, choice of furniture and decor.

Modern living room design. Photos of concise design

Can you call a single style or a popular trend in a modern living room? I do not think that any of the designers will decide on this, for design, like fashion, is changeable. Modern styles - loft, minimalism, hi-tech, art deco, Scandinavian, European modern, contempo and others, have ceased to be a common noun and have turned only into directions in design. In other words, a living room can contain the features of many modern design trends and this will be in the order of things. Design in direct accordance with the laws of one style is becoming increasingly rare. If you try to name the direction of the design of the living room and the interior as a whole, then we can distinguish three characters: moderation, extravagance and a return to the classics or ethno in a modern design.

Modern living room design and its characteristics

Moderation and restraint in the modern living room is becoming more common. This applies to the background and finishing in general, the choice of furniture and upholstery, a more pointed elaboration of the decor. Monochrome walls, decorative plaster, natural textures and materials, from stone and wood, to concrete walls and brick imitation come to replace the fashion on beautiful patterned wallpaper. It all started with minimalism and picked up a wave of Swedish design, the game of other modern styles in contrast to simplicity and luxury. Can not be called restraint boring. This living room design is not only elegant, but in its interior it is easier to emphasize the dignity and bright accents. Against the background of neutral walls in the living room photo below, the design is enlivened by sunny splashes of yellow and blue.

Modern design wallpaper living room photo

The design of modern wallpaper is changing after the interior and design trends. In a modern living room you can find not only monochromatic, soft, classic paper and textile, but also highlighting the wall with expressive wallpaper, bright and colorful. The combination of several types of wallpaper of different designs as in the photo - a bold reception. But the designers did not stop there. Wallpapers in modern design are glued to the ceiling, including fragmentary, combined not only with plain wallpaper, but also other materials of the living room decoration. It emphasizes the zone, for example behind the sofa in the photo, table or TV. It is suitable for those who love bold modern living rooms and creative design, or want to breathe a bit of modern energy and vitality into the classics. These experiments require a professional approach, otherwise there is an opportunity to ruin the design of the living room.

Combining living room with kitchen as a modern trend

The overall combined layout becomes popular. The point is not always in modern fashion, but also in the fact that the area of ​​most apartments is not large. This is not always the right decision, but if it was originally conceived or redevelopment allows, then the total area will give more space for life and imagination in the arrangement. The design of a modern kitchen-living room in the photo shows all the wealth of choices and opportunities for a design project. To zone or not the two territories of the living room and kitchen depends only on the design. Visually divided by the flooring, the transition of the color of the walls, the kitchen counter can serve as a separation. On the other hand, the unity of the composition increases the volume. Some modern design projects have a single floor not only in the kitchen and in the living room, but also combine with it with a corridor, a hallway and even a bedroom, as in the living room photo.

What about the balcony? - you ask. And it falls under the combination, if possible. This is not new for modern design for a long time, but today its design has invented the same much interesting.

Bright solutions in modern living room design

Individuality is the main feature in the design of a modern living room. In the photo we see many examples of how this can be achieved. It is not necessary to saturate the entire living room with bright colors, it is enough to be able to present several creative elements of decor and decorate the room in a single harmonious image. Modern design is not afraid of rich colors and rich colors. Brave people use them in decoration, but here it is important to love the color with which you paint the walls of the living room, others emphasize unusual furniture with colorful upholstery, design objects, anything, even the refrigerator in the photo below. He is not the only one who gives the living room expressiveness. The design was not complete, without that game of black and white ornaments, designs and the opposite of materials from soft carpet to stone and tile. Other colorful solutions in the photo:

Modern minimalism or classic in the living room design in the photo

The design of a modern living room is not always a departure from the classics, more precisely it is its rebirth in new images and roles. In the photo we see modern living rooms, where carved wooden furniture harmonizes in a minimalist interior, as it adds luxury and sophistication. Parquet floor, stucco, picturesque wallpaper with floral ornaments, even a Persian carpet - all this finds its use in design. Modern living room is universal, there are no clear canons for the choice of materials and their use, this is its charm. The design of the living room is repelled only by the taste of the owners, their preferences in design, lifestyle, hobby.

A modern living room doesn’t appear without a soft sofa. The modular sofa finds the increasing popularity. The variable design allows it to adapt to any living room interior. The fabric is still fabrics of calm tones, often without a pattern. Leather and juicy colors are used if you need to highlight the furniture in the overall picture.

Modern living room and decor

When such variability and use of objects not only of a different style, but also of different eras, is in fashion, decor and decoration are not facilitated, as it may seem. In order to make the living room harmonious, designers are looking for any clue to connect images and interior objects, creating a unified atmosphere. This binder can be a color, a single material (the same fabric in the upholstery and curtains), even the similarity of the form. In the photo, the living room is decorated with black pots of unusual round shape and a lamp of similar shape with a black shade. This color has something in common with chairs. We see warm beige and brown shades in the sofa, carpet and pictures. The glass table does not stand out, but instead becomes invisible. These and other photos of the modern living room on our website will help you choose the desired design and realize it in your home, creating a cozy living room of your dreams.

Living room - this is the most important room in the apartment, which must meet many requirements. Here not only the inhabitants of this house, but also their guests should feel comfortable and cozy. The correct interior will tell about the owners of the apartment: their preferences and hobbies, travel and preferences in art. Active people appreciate simplicity and sophistication combined in one style. Designers quickly caught the trend towards this kind of eclecticism and offered an interesting solution: mix several styles at once. They took a bit off, added a bit. And the resulting mixture was called "modern style", which is ideal for decorating the living room. By choosing it, you can show all your artistic skills, place accents and achieve amazing results. At the same time your living room, acquiring stylish and modern features, will remain cozy and suitable for a relaxing holiday.

Modern style living room design

Before repair, estimate the size of the room. Modern style prefers freedom, so it does not fit well with small rooms. If the living room itself is too small, then removing the wall. In this case, you get something similar to where the separation of the various takes place not at the expense of the walls, but with the help of color, light and other techniques.

The design of the living room in a modern style suggests conciseness and amazing integrity. All items must be perfectly combined with each other. Furniture, appliances, accessories - everything should form a single ensemble. This feature of the style will require maximum effort from you, but without properly selected elements you will not be able to implement the project and create a living room in a modern style.

The main features of the modern style

By combining several areas at once, this style has developed its own requirements for the materials used, the placement of furniture, geometry and the room itself. When planning the interior they must be considered.

The main features of the modern style:

  • active use of chrome parts, as well as plastic and glass;
  • perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • furniture that combines various functions;
  • modern technology;
  • smooth furniture facades;
  • lack of bulky cabinets;
  • use of the most modern materials;
  • full combination of all elements among themselves.

The design of the living room in a modern style behind the apparent simplicity hides the long process of selection of finishing materials, furniture and accessories. The result is a stylish interior that looks like a single unit. Such a composition does not involve rearrangement of objects.

Color palette

The most popular color for a long time is considered. It is all about its two features which so attract owners of apartments and houses. White color is combined with all other colors and shades. It will be easy to pick up a “pair” for him, which means that you can decorate a room without studying color. In addition, white has another indisputable advantage - it visually increases the size of the room. And this is very important, because the design of the living room in a modern style requires a spacious and "light" room. To achieve the desired effect, you can use the background color.

As an additional (and sometimes basic) color, designers use beige and yellow, silver and black, brown and gray. But strict and reserved colors define only the main direction, and bright and even “flashy” shades will help to place accents. Designers recommend highlighting some objects and even zones with blue and, scarlet and red, light green and orange, lilac and purple. But you need to use them as carefully as possible.

The design of the living room in a modern style.

Pay particular attention to the windows, which should be large and transmitting sunlight. It is best to give preference to solid glass, they emphasize minimalism in the interior. You can decorate them with light translucent curtains. No ryusa, bows, complex and attracting the attention of patterns.

The flooring can be either stone or wood. The interior of the living room in a modern style accepts all possible options. But it is considered particularly relevant or parquet natural colors. Light tones, visually increasing the space, can deprive it of homely warmth. Parquet or laminate back it.

But the ceilings in such interiors must necessarily attract increased attention. They can be trimmed with stucco, cornices and complex transitions. Multi-level ceilings with fitted spotlights are also welcome. The ceiling itself should match perfectly with. Ideal option - stucco and lamp from glass and metal. But keep in mind that the chandelier should not cause associations with retro style.

But the walls can simply be painted in the selected color. Also often used. Sometimes the walls of the living room are covered with wallpaper. Discard the drawings and patterns, wall decoration should be as simple as possible. If you need to expand the space, using not only light shades, then pay attention to. But it is necessary to use this well-known technique with caution so as not to overburden the room with light.

The choice of furniture for the living room in a modern style

To create a perfect and harmonious interior, you need to choose the right furniture. Modern style is aimed at "unloading" of space, and this means that bulky cabinets and huge tables will have to be abandoned. The design of the living room in modern style involves the use of multi-functional furniture. Sofas and



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