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  How to create comfort with their own hands. Four tricks to create comfort in the apartment

We have already talked about how to make the house more stylish and modern. Although the decor and design is certainly very important, but unfortunately, in many cases, it can be a little difficult to combine style and comfort, especially when trying to add the most to the interior, which do not always create comfort in the apartment.

In order to help you create a fashionable and cozy space, let's look at four tricks.

Four tricks to create comfort in the apartment

Blankets and pillows should always be at hand.

Decorative basket can be a great place to store, and at the same time be a stylish accessory in the living room or bedroom, creating comfort in the apartment. Even if the blankets and pillows are rarely used, and there are sure to be such, they will be able to make your living space more comfortable and relaxed.

The order in the house should be constantly.

The disorder can instantly destroy the comfort in the apartment, so you need to immediately eliminate this problem. Do not underestimate the investment in items such as baskets, and furniture with a hidden storage system.
Read also:
  All these items will help rid your home of unnecessary trash, and you will feel much more relaxed, and comfort in the apartment  secured.

The right choice of furniture.

One of the drawbacks of modern furniture is that some parts of the sofa and chair have a rigid structure, and a low back. Although this furniture is perfect for offices, but certainly will not add comfort in the apartment, and certainly not the best option for relaxing in front. On the other hand, plush furniture with extra pillows offers comfort and convenience.

Do not clutter up the living space.

Like a mess, too many items in one room can make you feel as if you were choking. Too many photos or paintings on the walls, various trinkets and other similar elements will stifle comfort, and you can forget about comfort in the apartment. In addition, too many conflicting colors can also reduce your living space. Let the design be simple. Get rid of unnecessary decor, and you will immediately breathe easier.

Why is there no real comfort in the house, for the repair of which an incredibly large amount was spent? And in a small small apartment, where furniture has long been replaced and overhauled, everything seems so cozy and nice?

Many young housewives ask how to make coziness in the house, but they want specific advice, and is it so easy to answer such a difficult question?

The comfort and warmth of your home depend on you, on your taste and desire to create your own unique style, where every little thing will be in its place and will delight all family members.

Family comfort in every home

  Comfort in the house is impossible to buy. You can invite a professional to create a unique interior, you can buy a lot of attractive things for the house, but for some reason, all the same, residents will not live in it happily.

There will be a lot of similar interiors, where individuality will not be felt.

Under the lifestyle of the family, under the habits of all family members, you should always strive to create a comfortable home. Kindness, warmth, tranquility, convenience, comfort - that’s what should be in it, and these qualities will be present only in the house where true love reigns.

What is meant by the term "comfort"? In all dictionaries, this concept is interpreted as a pleasant arrangement of life, environment. This comfort in your home will create only the owners themselves. Who, no matter how they themselves know best, what they need in order to get home as soon as possible after work.

Let them say that paradise is possible in a hut too. This is so, if in your hut will always be:

  • reign individuality;
  • dominate cleanliness and order;
  • a lot of light and space;
  • please at least one houseplant;
  • always fresh smell.

How to create comfort in the house? We start with general cleaning

  Many women for some reason believe that in order to create a pleasant stay, it is imperative to make repairs. Of course, even a simple inexpensive redecoration will refresh your apartment, fill it with light and add visual space, if all the finishing materials are used only bright.

But it will be unpleasant if several months after the repair work is done, the door in the handle area will be covered with greasy stains, good-quality parquet will look like a floor in a barn, and new windows due to polluted windows will not let sunlight through.

Order should always be present, and the comfort in the house will follow. If the hostess always seeks to keep the house clean, then even a poor environment will not be evident. What can be easier than to maintain exemplary cleanliness in the house? If a woman does not work, then it is.

  And what about modern girls and women who spend most of the day at work, they do not even have enough time to cook dinner, and not to sweep up dust and vacuum the rooms every day.

Create a schedule in which one day in two weeks is dedicated to general cleaning. It is clear that it will be a day off and better Sunday. On Saturday, you rest after the work week, communicate with friends and relatives, but the next day you can begin to restore order with full strength.

You can not deceive yourself. If you remove the dust, then let no little bit left without your attention. If things after ironing are laid out on the cabinets, then put so that later it was convenient to take.

Keep summer items separate from winter items. If the window is being cleaned, do not forget to remove the web in the corners of the window opening. Cleanliness should be induced everywhere, and not only where it can be seen. Spend a couple of hours (provided that all family members help you: the husband, for example, washes the floor, the children put books and toys) and the house has already been transformed.

In a clean house less mess is created. Children participating as far as possible in general cleaning are less littering. All family members strive to maintain coziness and comfort in the house. It may be advisable to schedule any cleanliness activities for each day of the week in the evening. Small cleaning, which does not take much time in one evening, will be time consuming if all the items on the list are done in one day.

Here is an example of how the works of one hostess are painted. She comes home from work no earlier than seven in the evening, but always seeks to do everything that was planned earlier:

  • monday - cleaning the toilet and bath;
  • tuesday - cleaning the stove;
  • wednesday - washing the floors in the kitchen and in the hallway;
  • thursday - ironing things;
  • friday - vacuuming rooms.

Cozy home with your own hands: no bad smells

  Another component of a cozy home: it should smell good. No one calls for baking cakes all the time so that the flavor of the baking spreads even to the landing. By pleasant smells we mean first of all a fresh smell.

In modern homes, where plastic windows are installed, natural ventilation is disturbed: in the winter, condensation appears on the windows, the corners are dampened. Try to air your home as often as possible.

If cleanliness is maintained, bad smells are less likely to occur. .   They arise from dusty curtains, damp floor cloths in the bathroom, from undressed footwear in the hallway, from cat litter. Do not leave dirty laundry in the washing machine, this creates an unpleasant smell from the washing machine, which is then very difficult to remove.

  Store food correctly. There is nothing worse when the refrigerator opens, and from it the smell of rotten vegetables spreads throughout the house - cleaning the refrigerator, the revision of everything that is in it should be regular.

The fresh smell of the house is good, it can be supplemented with air fresheners, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, the caustic chemical odor is not liked by anyone. Let there be things for comfort in the house: sachets with fragrant dried herbs, essential oils, fragrant candles.

Citrus aroma, the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, bergamot - your sense of smell from such delicate notes will not be irritated, but on the contrary will tune in to calm the nervous system.

House of warmth and comfort begins with the kitchen. Put a good hood to soot and the smell of rancid oil is not walked throughout the apartment. The presence of such high-quality kitchen appliances ensures that fatty deposits will not settle on the walls of the kitchen and all the furniture in it.

Creating comfort in the house with the help of indoor plants

  Incredibly simple, but always falling into the "top ten" ideas for comfort in the house - indoor plants. The harmonious combination of upholstered furniture with pots or any other textile in color with the plant will give the opportunity to always look stylish.

Any style means that there will be at least a small number of plants in the house. One cannot accommodate a lot in a one-room apartment, but at least a couple of pots with useful indoor plants can always be put on the windowsill.

In the style of minimalism, when everything is extremely light, indoor plants will become an accent - a bright living spot. Beautiful flowers will look high, located on the floor as a separate composition. House plants are acquired not only to create comfort in the house, but also in order to saturate the house with oxygen. Do not forget that at night they absorb it, so in the bedrooms, especially small ones, there should not be many plants.

Many live plants prefer artificial. They look good, their care is minimal, but they are a real trap for dust, which is not always possible to remove from them qualitatively.

Buy a live flower and he:

  • create comfort in your home;
  • will be a real healer for you;
  • clean the air;
  • improve the energy of the house;
  • can become a talisman;
  • will help fruitful work.

It’s just like that to start a young family to create coziness in the house with their own hands and you don’t need to spend large amounts of money. Do not forget that your home should express your individuality, it should be a place for you to go back to live and relax in comfort and coziness. Everyone wants to live in an ideal home, but to get it without creating comfort in it is impossible.

Each person’s home is for him a fortress and a resting place where he feels an atmosphere of comfort, care and security. How nice to return to a warm pleasant home after a hard day’s work and being in various tense situations in society. At home we relax and rest not only physically, but also with our soul. Often, women are faced with such a situation: the husband does not want to return home and comes up with a lot of other things, then he and his friends rest, then he is late at work. Many panic and start swearing with their man, which only aggravates the problem. If we consider the psychology of behavior of men, then we can notice a very banal and simple rule of their behavior: they linger where they feel good. If they do not stay at home, then they are not as good as they seem.

The atmosphere in the house creates a woman. Often it depends on two factors:

  1. Relationships and what place a man is determined in the house: The man in the house is the owner, the hero of his family, his beloved husband, and the main patron, or the man who is commanded and neglected. A person who is valued, or, conversely, no.
  2. Comfort and warmth created by a woman in the house.   Today we will focus on the homely atmosphere that wise women so skillfully create. It is about such women that men are remembered with special trepidation and rush to get out of work as quickly as possible in order to be home early.

There are 10 simple secrets that help to create coziness and comfort in the house and make it mysteriously enjoyable.


No matter how clean it is in the house, but the extra things that everyone is used to collecting, litter it and completely destroy the atmosphere of decoration. First, things that are not useful, but just lie “just in case,” need to be thrown away. Secondly, you need to clean up everywhere, especially behind furniture and in hard-to-reach places. If the house is cluttered up, there will never be comfort and there will always be a desire to escape.

Clean energy

After cleaning the space, it must either be consecrated with holy water, or it must be fumigated with incense, or light aromatic sticks and candles. Each housewife chooses the method that is closer to her heart. The purpose of such rituals is to clean the house on an energy level. The best way is to read prayers or other things (mantras, etc.), depending on your faith.


In a pleasant house is always bright. It is recommended not to pile up windows with large curtains and not to block access of light to the house. If you have windows facing the west side and the sun doesn’t visit your house so often, think up how to refresh your space with the help of artificial lighting so that it is not dark. Dark rooms make melancholy and depressed; in them, as a rule, I don’t want to do anything and laziness and apathy develop.


As many people know, those houses from which abuse and loud aggressive music emanate create an impression of not very cozy and prosperous dwellings. On the contrary, the influence of sounds helps to adjust everyone in the house to a harmonious wave. It can be classical or other quiet music, or even better the sounds of nature or flute. When quiet harmonious music sounds in the house for a long time, the energy balance arises there and a subtle note of joy visits all who enter there. Many people turn on music channels and do not even understand that they not only affect the human psyche, but also confuse the balance in the room, because the diversity and diversity of sounds completely destroy any harmony around them. This can be done, but it is rarely desirable, but it is better to abandon this habit altogether.


There are many interesting ways to spread pleasant scents in the house. The main rule is that they are natural. You can light aromatic sticks or aroma lamps, pour a few drops of essential oil into a candle or use other aromatic products. The influence of fragrances is a whole separate art, with the help of which one can influence a person's mood and even his health.


In each house there are many different items, except furniture, for example, paintings, souvenirs, clocks, soft toys and others. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how these objects begin to annoy us with their long-lost freshness of view, often they do not fit into the interior of the dwelling, which creates disharmony and negatively affect the mood of the residents of the house. Get rid of unnecessary items, and arrange the rest so that they make you feel good and do not violate the aesthetics of the house. It happens that souvenir items in the house becomes so much that it seems as if there is nothing to breathe. It is important not to overdo it and keep track of your space.


See what colors surround you. It is known that color affects the mood of a person. In many homes dominated by neutral shades. You can dilute your interior paintings with bright juicy colors. For example, in the kitchen it is best to hang a picture with a cornucopia or a juicy still life with various delicacies. Imagine and add paint to your home. It may be new curtains, repainted wall or new upholstery on the sofa, everything that you consider necessary for the reforms in your hearth.

homemade baking

Many women are excellent housewives and great cooked, but not everyone knows that it is home baking that gives the house an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. From such a home do not want to leave. Since ancient times, it is the unsolved mystery of how a baked cake, bread, cakes or other bakery products can affect the energy of the house, but everyone notices this fact. In the house, which smells like freshly baked cake, can not be uncomfortable. This is the secret of all wise housewives, this is the magic of turning flour into bread, which is a symbol of everything God has sent us, and the woman is endowed with the gift of being an accomplice to this great sacrament. Homemade cakes really carry an inexplicable riddle, and even those who do not like baking, can not resist them. In such a house is always nice to stay.


It is the abundance that helps to feel joy and relax in the house of a good housewife. When the house is rich, it gives a sense of celebration and joy for the soul. To create such an atmosphere, it is necessary to put a large vase with fruit and sweets on the table, decorate the house with fresh flowers in beautiful vases. It is not necessary that the flowers were expensive, you can use and not very expensive bouquets, but it is important that they were fresh and pleased with their appearance. You can bring more flowerpots into the house, which is also very beautiful.


The rich house is a generous house. Doing charity and helping others is a great initiative for every family. You can have a box or a basket where to put money for charity, and give it to the needy once a week. It is also important for every guest at home, even uninvited or passing, for example, to the postman, neighbor, etc., to give sweets or other treats. A house that is constantly sharing with others becomes alive and happy.

The disadvantage of most modern apartments is their small size. And what kind of comfort to talk about, if the main problem is the placement of the necessary furniture. But even in such conditions, you can create a warm atmosphere in the house, improve the quality of life and make the home as comfortable as possible.

Convenience and comfort, adaptability to the needs of a particular person make housing cozy and attractive. Being in such a room is always pleasant: with time for its inhabitants it becomes so natural that they cease to pay attention to comfort. But in an uncomfortable house a person will constantly feel discomfort, such a space will certainly annoy him.

How to create comfort in the house?

The first commandment of a good housewife is cleanliness and order. Comfort in a dirty house is impossible. Of course, making a fetish of purity is not worth it, but it is necessary to restore (from time to time) and maintain (constantly) order.

It is not only cleanliness from washed dishes and hastily wiped dust. Door jambs and handles, switches and sockets, glass and the uppermost shelves, too, should please the lack of dirt. The order must be maintained even behind closed cabinet doors.

How to get rid of unpleasant odors?

Curtains and bedspreads should be periodically washed or cleaned. Dirty textiles may not look, but any smell (especially unpleasant) it absorbs, and therefore exudes, great.

Not only curtains or sofa upholstery can smell bad. The source of unpleasant odors are often dirty kitchen rags, bath towels, undried umbrellas and dusty books. But the most important "enemies" of an attractive "olfactory" image of housing are trash cans, cat trays and dirty toilet bowls.

To create a pleasant smell in the living room, use air fresheners, aroma lamps or scented candles. The smell of cinnamon, vanilla, peppermint, coffee, bergamot, grapefruit and lemon are considered the warmest and kindest flavors. But the most attractive smell for any guy is the smell of fresh pastries. But from the majority of other kitchen flavors better to get rid of using the hood.

Lighting and colors

Light and heat must be in a cozy home. Under the light means the correct lighting of the space, and under the heat - finishing in warm colors or the presence in the interior of warm colors.

Another major detail of a cozy home is indoor plants. They will not only become an excellent interior decoration, but will also bring invaluable benefits. Potted flowers purify the air, improve the energy of the house, they are able to become healers and talismans.

Textiles: without it, the apartment will look like an office, not a dwelling. To give comfort used curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins, pads. You can also decorate the wall with decorative panels, created by yourself.

If you feel at ease in the house, it is pleasant and convenient for you in it, it means this accommodation is cozy for you. But creating a warm atmosphere in the room keep in mind that the interior should be comfortable not only for yourself, but also for your husband, child and other family members.

  • Get rid of unnecessary things. Nothing should spoil the interior with its appearance, quantity and incompatibility with each other.
  • Do not clutter up the space. In a small apartment small things look harmonious.
  • Use tricks - tricks that allow you to visually enlarge the room.
  • Do not purchase freestanding furniture. Embed everything that can be embedded.
  • Pay special attention to the location and size of the mirrors. After all, a mirror can not only expand the space, but also distort it, make it “difficult” and unattractive.
  • The facades of cabinets and wall shelves are recommended to be done in bright colors.
  • Carefully pick up decorative objects, because in a small space all the details of the interior will be excellently viewed.
  • Table lamps with adjustable light will help to create a unique atmosphere.
  • You can decorate the apartment with the help of engravings or herbaria.



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