the main - Bedroom
  Children's for a boy with two windows. Children's room interior design for two boys.

In this article we will give a lot of tips on choosing a room design for your sons. Here you can find a large number of photos in which you create children's rooms, how to place them better, you can get advice on how to properly divide the rooms, so that each child has a soy comfort zone, and you can also compare rooms for children of different ages.

Every person needs their own individual space. A child is a person, so he must have a cozy corner. He should know where his things lie, where he can read a book, do his homework, play with friends, take a break from fuss. The more comfortable the baby’s room is, the happier and cozier he will feel. After all, it is so important for parents to see their child happy.

Yes, the difficult task is to ensure that the two sons were happy at once. Each has its own character, taste, and each has its own preferences and desires. How to make each of the boys satisfied? You will know about it now.

Choosing an interior for a room of two boys

Remember! In order for children to always be comfortable in their personal room, make them participants in the interior design of their new comfortable room. Creating a wonderful children's bedroom, you should listen to the opinion of the future owners of this room. If necessary, you can adjust their desires with your suggestions and suggestions. Creating a room with their children, parents immerse themselves in the fabulous atmosphere of childhood.

Color palette selection

When choosing a color for a child's room, it is necessary to take into account the age of the boys, because at different ages colors are perceived differently. So, for children under three years old, it is better to use calm tones, and when the baby grows up and becomes more active, you can change the color to a brighter and more saturated, pushing for new discoveries.

For two boys of different ages it is necessary to divide their living space. To paint a corner of the baby in pastel shades, and for an older son - in bright colorful colors.

How to choose a color without making mistakes? Usually, boys' rooms are made in colors such as gray, blue, blue, green, and red and brown. The bright red color may be annoying, but if you do not overdo it, you can easily use it. If your children are teenagers, then the black and white room is perfect for them. In this article you can find information on how to arrange a nursery for two children to your taste.

How to choose wallpaper

When the color of the room is selected, the next step in the design is the selection of wallpaper. With the help of properly selected wallpaper, you can carefully hide some flaws and highlight the advantages of a children's corner:

  1. Small drawings and stripes on the wallpaper, will visually enlarge the room (great for a small room);
  2. As you know, dark and bright colors reduce the visual space, therefore, their number should be minimized. Since your goal is a bright and spacious room, it is better to emphasize the light color of the walls with dark furniture and other interior items or arrange one of the walls in bright color (most often it is the partition between parts of the room or the wall at the head of the bed);
  3. For small rooms should use wallpaper. The walls with the image of your kids 'favorite fairytale hero will not only create boys' excellent mood, but also increase the visual size of the bedroom;
  4. Small children are very creative individuals, which means that it is possible and even necessary to allow them to paint on the walls. To do this, use a washable wallpaper or hang a chalk board on the wall.

Ceiling decoration

To create a more refined interior and increase the space of the room, special attention should be paid to the design of the ceiling. Visually raise the ceiling and create a sense of suspicious space can be due to the LED bulbs around its perimeter or 3D images - blue or star sky.

Divide into zones and select furniture

We are working on the creation of a children's living room for two boys, which means that zoning must be carried out necessarily. And our task is not only to break the boyish into key zones (sleeping, work, play and storage space for clothes and toys), but also to divide these zones equally between the owners so that everyone is satisfied. This is done thanks to modern technology to create the perfect comfortable furniture.

Sleeping area

The most common and best way to create a bed for two children were and still are two-story and pull-out beds. In case the area of ​​the bedroom allows, you can install separate beds. A more economical offer is a folding chair or sofa, but naturally, it is better when your children gain strength and energy on a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress.

Play area

When planning a bedroom entertainment area, it is imperative to listen to the desires of your favorite children. After all, they have to use all the equipment located here, whether it be the Swedish ladder, the basketball court or the table for needlework. In the new bedroom of your child should be a designated corner for toys, so that he knows where to take them and where to put them after they have finished playing.

Study area

The layout of this part, as well as the sleeping area, depends on the size of the room. No matter how many tables there will be in the room, one large or two separate ones, the main thing is that they are generally well lit. If the room is quite small, and the boys want to work together, then you can use the table-curbstone or folding table.

Storage of things

To save space in the room, you can use one large closet. But it should be designated where whose regiment. An excellent option is a folding wardrobe, where the left side of one boy, and the right - the other.

Registration of the room depending on the area

Remember! No matter how large the room is, every possible centimeter should be used (under the bed, furniture, on the walls, etc.). The more space there is in the room, the more space there will be for entertaining and learning about the world around your curious little children.

Layout for a room of 10-12 square meters. m

For such a small room, a two-level organization of space is usually applied. On the division into two parts will have to forget. The most suitable range of furniture for such a case:

  • A two-story bed, in the steps of which there are storage boxes. At the bottom of the bed is a retractable pallet, which can also be used to store things. It should be located in front of the window, but do not block the exit;
  • in the training part of the room we put one long and narrow table with drawers and shelves, which are hung on the wall or installed perpendicular to the table top. This table gives the opportunity to work simultaneously to two boys, while not interfering with each other. Do not forget that in the working area there should be as much daylight as possible;
  • it is better to put a closet or a dresser against a wall opposite to the window;
  • as a basket for toys you can use drawers in the bed.

Layout for a room of 14 square meters. m

For this bedroom option, the separation method is already applicable, in which you can install:

  • separate beds and a common table or two tables with a loft bed. You can put them under one wall, but do not forget about daylight. Place the table under the window;
  • volume cabinet or wardrobe;
  • you can give free rein to the play area by installing the Swedish ladder.

Layout for a room of 18 square meters. m

In this case, you can divide the room in half and install not only completely separate furniture, but everything that you want. Our layout option:

  • bookshelves and shelves;
  • curtain or portable partitions;
  • two cabinets;
  • plasterboard partitions;
  • twin beds;
  • separate tables in the study area.

But it is necessary to understand that such a variant of the bedroom layout is possible if both sides of the room are well lit with natural light. If it is impossible to divide the room correctly, and the children want to live separately, then in dimly lit parts you can make a bedroom, and in the lighted area you can make a play and study area.

Room decoration according to age

Room for the little ones

Making a bedroom for babies, the most important factor is safety! Paul, where the kids spend most of their time learning all the secrets of life. Furniture, where, in their opinion, a huge number of very interesting things are stored, which will most likely be tasted, all this should be environmentally friendly, safe and made of natural materials. Remove as far as possible all sharp corners, electrical wires, open sockets. In the case of installation of a sports projectile, ensure a soft fall, that is, lay mats on the floor.

While the kids are still very small, then remove all the extra furniture. Leave only cots and a wardrobe or chest of drawers for diapers and baby clothes. The rest of the area of ​​the room should be used under the playing area, so that the little ones can easily and interestingly explore the world.

Such a room should be well lit. It is better to decorate the walls in soothing pastel colors to create additional lighting and visual expansion of the bedroom.

Keep in mind that your kids are growing up and in the near future you will need a training area, which you can take care of immediately. Put a general wide table with good lighting (preferably natural), a shelf for books, and highlight a cabinet for the office so that students can do their homework perfectly. When the boys grow up, you can use more saturated colors in the design of the bedroom.

Room for teenagers

The only distinctive feature of the room of teenagers from the bedroom of schoolchildren is a more adult direction in the design. The zones of the room remain the same, the color of the walls is also unchanged.

Bedroom for boys with a big age difference

The boys' room with the age difference should be divided into two parts, since the brothers have different interests and they must have their own space. If the area of ​​such a room is small, then the sleeping area can be combined into a common one by putting a double or bunk bed. But the game and training should be separated so that the guys do not distract each other.

If you are lucky to raise two sons, and you do not have the opportunity to provide your children in their own separate room, a common nursery for two boys is what suits you. There are lots of wonderful children's room projects for two boys and ready-made solutions for creating coziness and comfort.

Basic principles for the design of a nursery for two boys

The design of the children's room for two boys, as well as its decor, focuses on practical functionality. This means that you will be looking for or inventing solutions for compact storage, trying to free up space from unnecessary pieces of furniture, while also taking into account the personal preferences of children, such as hobbies or hobbies.

Any caring parent wants to see their children happy. But a recipe for all time, how to do it, is not found. The design of the room, which brought joy to the first-grader, does not suit the high school student at all.

To achieve a bright and noble goal, the age of children becomes a fundamental factor in the choice of design. Any age has its own characteristics  and subtleties. They are explained by external, physiological changes, and changes in perception - psychological.

By changing how the decor and interior design, changing, you can see how the room "grows" with the children.

Baby room design

It is obvious that in the first months of life children have no special need for furniture. In this regard, babies can be called ascetics, because apart from cots, they essentially don’t need anything.

The focus in the setting is on the needs of the mother.. She will need a chest of drawers for storing children's things, diapers, pillowcases and diapers, a comfortable chair in which she can comfortably relax while being next to the babies.

Whatever the furniture in the nursery, choose the one that is made without the use of paints and varnishes based on formaldehyde. The preferred material is natural wood.

In infancy the child has a heightened perception of the world. In order not to frighten the baby, in the design of the walls, adhere to combinations of neutral and pastel shades.

Avoid thick curtains on the windows and wall carpets, they will accumulate dust - the habitat of dust mites that cause allergies.


Before the children went to school, their interests, tastes, preferences, hobbies are clearly not yet manifested.

Therefore, you should follow these rules:

1 Children's for two boys is furnished with furniture, simple and resistant to vandalism. Consider that at this age, boys tend to have pranks. Try to make every effort to to secure the stay of children in the nursery. Be sure to isolate the outlet.

2 In choosing furniture, stop at the one that has no traumatic sharp corners. On the floor, lay a lush, soft carpet or carpet with a long nap.

3 At a younger age, kids are capricious in response to the demand to put things and toys in place. To teach a child to keep order will help, for example, drawers, rattan baskets, storage systems, wardrobes. Throwing toys into them, you can instantly eliminate the unrest, as if they were not there.

4 General recommendations in the design of the walls are in the rejection of expensive finishing materials, the boys must paint them. A great way to revitalize the interior of the children's room for two boys of preschool age - use bright prints and stickers on the walls. Older guys will perceive funny wallpapers with cartoon characters positively.

At preschool age, parents need to restrain their desire to emphasize the individuality of the child, and try to make the corner of both kids the same. If the age difference is small, then details such as bed, bedding, toys, if possible, duplicate. This will avoid conflicts between children on the basis of envy.

5 Do not be afraid to show imagination. Decorate the room under the "nautical theme", for example, by placing photos in round photo frames like portholes.

6. The physiological need for movement in the Karapuz sets the task for parents. to provide a place in the nursery for a multifunctional sports area  or in a simplified version to place only the wall bars.

School room design

Pupils spend much of their time in their room. It is used for games, activities, study and sleep. Their space reflects their individuality.

When it comes to the design of a nursery for two teenage boys, there are no strict and precise rules. There are just a few notes to follow. The boys will enjoy the stylish, practical, fun and comfortable room, which will comfortably spend time and meet guests.

For this there are a number of good design solutions, for example, in choosing colors. If the main color is the color of the walls, and the auxiliary color is the color of the interior, then psychologists and designers claim that:

  • green walls or perfectly combined with yellow, purple, brown flowers;
  • shades of blue are combined with colors such as beige, cream, sand, yellow, apricot and gray;
  • in a room with gray walls, both bright pieces of furniture and dark ones look good: green, blue, brown, and even calm yellow.

There are no special restrictions on the choice of color for decoration.

An interesting theme for decorating a room for schoolchildren can suddenly become a geographical map. A modern white table with thin and inconspicuous metal legs in combination with a transparent acrylic chair will allow the World Map to take a central place in the room.

Bright, stylish, ergonomic interior affects the mood and performance, it becomes an inexhaustible source of inspiration. And the dump and chaos, on the contrary, will affect the mood and the assessments; in the rubble, you will not learn the lessons properly.

Together with puberty in high school students, there is a period of changing idols, hobbies, judgments, changing criteria in assessing themselves and others. Moms would like to recommend to take this into account and restrain the flight of fantasy, romantic impulses and not impose too bright and vivid design ideas.

Remember that future men are growing in this room. They will simply be uncomfortable in front of their peers. No frills! Strict reserved walls, dark tones of interior objects emphasize their maturity and masculinity.

Teen Room

In adolescents, the role of individual space increases. Sure to arrange for future applicants two full-fledged jobs. Remember, entrance and successful training in the university depends on it.

For zoning a room into 2 separate habitats, an excellent find would be, for example, a tall open shelving between tables. He will divide the room into two work areas.

In adolescence, a desire to choose the theme for the decor naturally appears. Surely it will be something related to sports, movies or music, and even a combination of all these elements. Let the guys choose for themselves what to decorate the room with. Even if all these posters, in your opinion, are full of bad taste.

As for the color palette, the options for practically grown-up children are significantly poorer. Whether they will be based on gray, blue or black, or, conversely, it will be bright colors - everything depends on personal preferences. You should listen to the guys.

Children's room for two boys of different ages, especially with a significant difference, poses additional tasks for the designer.

In this case, separate the personal zones as much as possible: let the younger tomboy play in one, and the older learn in the other. This room will help you decide on the design of the room for a boy and a girl.

In the design of "adult" children's emphasis and the main focus is more reasonable to do on practicality. Sports gear, books and board games require a lot of space. Look for efficient storage systems.

How to smooth the disadvantages of unsuccessful premises

Despite the current economic situation, which is closely linked to the demographic situation, there are many families who are planning to start or already have 2 boys.

Of course, any parent, regardless of the level of income and security, wants to see their children healthy and happy in a room in which the parents put their whole soul into the renovation. But everything depends on real opportunities that do not always correspond to desires.

Using lighting and color variations can achieve amazing results:

  • in a room with a lack or lack of natural lighting will help the yellow color of the walls;
  • white and green color upholstery will bring elements of a sunny day and spring freshness into the room;
  • gradient painting of walls from blue below to white under the ceiling allows you to visually raise the ceiling;
  • a bright, patterned rug on the floor of your boys' bedroom will easily give it a game element and compensate for the darkness of the room.

A picture of the children's room for two boys will allow you to get an idea of ​​how such ideas look.

Options for small rooms and more

In a small room, children's furniture for two boys must be practical, transformable - this is an indisputable fact.

For a small nursery, you can use, for example, such ideas:

A small nursery for two boys forces parents to look for compromise solutions in which the role of design is often not in the foreground.

Another thing, if there are no problems with space, then there are no restrictions for the flight of fancy. For example, in spacious rooms, real, genuine delight will be presented by two beds placed side by side in the form of natural-looking racing cars.

The task of the parent, who has taken on the design of a small nursery for two boys, is to beautifully and competently manage the available space.

Psychologists advise that the room has a window facing east. With the rays of the sun sliding around the room, it will be easier for children to wake up in the morning.

Thinking over the decor of the children's room for two boys, first of all think for yourself what you need for a comfortable life. Children of any age are little different from adults; they also need lockers for storing personal belongings, a sleep and rest area, a workplace for training lessons or lessons, etc. It is more difficult to think about the situation in space for two children at once, each of whom has their own habits and tastes. How to divide the room so that everyone has enough space and no offense?

Beautiful room for two boys

The choice of colors for the room depends on the age of the brothers. In different periods of life, the human brain perceives colors differently. The older the child, the richer the palette should be. As they grow older, children begin to show more activity, physical and mental, to feel the world around them more acutely.

Important!  If the boys are of different ages (especially when one of them is a newborn), the room should be divided into two parts. One of them is arranged in a softer palette, and the other to make it brighter and richer, while maintaining the overall style.

The design of the children's room, in contrast to the adult, allows the use of brighter colors. Boyish colors are usually considered to be different shades of blue, green, gray, brown and blue. Red and orange will give brightness to the interior, it is important not to overdo them. The abundance of bright colors makes it difficult to concentrate and calm down. Black and white gamma is suitable for bedrooms “for growth”, but this combination does not suit kids under 3 years old.

Choosing colors, it is necessary to take into account the square of the room. Shades are able to differently affect the perception of the interior. Light colors visually expand the room, while the dark ones make the room smaller. The zone is also important. Bright colors are out of place in the bedroom, and soothing shades are good for the workplace.


Room decoration

Regardless of which style will be chosen for the main interior, the surface finish is the background for furniture and decorative accessories. Since this is the largest area in the room, do not neglect the choice of finishing materials and colors.

  Bright room for two boys

Wall decoration

In the selection of finishing materials there are several tricks to help hide the defects of the walls and highlight the advantages of the room.

  1. In a small bedroom for two boys, small-sized patterns or stripes look good. Such ornaments visually make ceilings higher.
  2. The pattern on the wallpaper may overlap with the bedspread and decorative pillows on the bed.
  3. Care should be taken with bright and dark colors. They are suitable as “accent”, but for the background it is worth choosing more neutral shades. If you want to add brightness in the interior design, you can select one of the walls in a contrasting color.
  4. Photowall-paper with 3D-effect not only will expand a room and will emphasize style, but also will delight children of any age with its bright design. With their help, each zone can become accent.
  5. Part of the wall can be used as a drawing board, pasting a small surface area with washable wallpaper or attaching a chalk board.

  Bright room for two boys

Ceiling finish

Finishing the ceiling affects the perception of the interior as a whole. Dark surfaces make walls lower than they really are. If the area is small, the surface is better to finish in bright colors. Stretch ceilings with a print of the starry sky or cosmic nebulae look stylish.

The glossy surface of the stretch ceiling, together with the built-in lights, will visually make the room larger. With the help of single-tier constructions it is possible to zone a bedroom for two boys, visually dividing it into equal halves.

  Design room for two boys

Choice of furniture

To furnish a children's room, if the boys have not yet reached 3-5 years old, you need to be very careful. Purchasing everything you need is not a problem, since there is a rich assortment in modern specialized stores. Products should not only be suitable in size and color, but also comply with safety regulations.

  Bright room for two boys

Requirements for furniture in the bedroom for two boys:

  • no sharp corners and traumatic parts;
  • robust and reliable construction of shelves, tables and beds;
  • corner models of cabinets and wall shelves significantly save valuable space;
  • if the size of the room is small, two separate beds for children can easily be replaced by one bunk;
  • there are whole sets of modular multifunctional furniture, often they are already made in the same style;
  • the workspace should be well lit;
  • for the correct development of the spine it is necessary to purchase orthopedic mattresses.

The decor is no less important. It can be bright drawings on the facades of cabinets, photos, lights, etc.

  Light room design for two boys

Room zoning

It implies the division into spaces plots. Even if the area is not so large, a full-fledged sleeping area, a workplace and a common playground should be mandatory. It is important to think about storing clothes, books and toys.

  Children's room design for two boys

Sleeping area

In order to save space in the bedroom for two boys, bunk beds or roll-out models are often made. If the area allows, you can place full-fledged sleeping places. The optimal solution is a loft bed under which the desk can easily fit.

Of course, instead of the bed you can buy a folding sofa or chair. However, such furniture harms the growing skeleton of a child. Orthopedic mattresses are necessary for normal posture. The sleeping area is the most peaceful place in the nursery in terms of colors and lighting.

  Children's room interior for two boys

Game Zone

Making this area of ​​the room, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of the children. Boys at an early age are very active and they want to throw out this energy in games. A useful acquisition is the wall bars. If the children want an Indian hut or a medieval castle, do not deny them.

It is appropriate and common toy chest. If the area of ​​the children's room allows, it is better to purchase two boxes at once, so that each boy has his own place for toys. Alternative option - suspended mesh. Such designs do not take up much space, they look stylish and modern.

  Large room for two boys


The design of this area depends on the size. It is important that each brother has enough free space. In large rooms, it is desirable to put two tables. If there is not enough space, you can do with one long table, behind which both can be accommodated without interference.

An alternative option is sliding models that are assembled as needed. The work area should be well lit. Suspended or table lamps of good power is enough.

  Bright room for two boys

  Bright room for two boys

Storage of clothes and things

A wardrobe in the bedroom for two boys can be common, the main thing is to divide it into equal parts. Double-wing models are a great option. On the doors you can write the names of the children or paint them in different colors. Properly selected design allows you to create an individual design of the nursery.

  Children's room design for two boys

Finish by age

Up to 3 years

In the bedroom, special attention should be paid to the safety of interior items. All finishing materials and furniture must be hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Soft flooring will save from bruises in the fall, and plugs at the corners will not allow much hit.

In sight should not be wiring and open outlets - curious kids just do not pass by their attention. If possible, it is not necessary to acquire step lockers, kids can try to climb up.

Do not overload the bedroom furniture. Get a minimum set (beds and a wardrobe), and the rest of the room can be arranged under the playing area. The main finish should be kept in bright colors.

  Children's room for two boys

For school children

As soon as the children grow up and go to school, they will need a well-lit place to study. To the bed and chest of drawers must add shelves for books and textbooks. Many desks are often equipped with additional shelves, which saves space. It will be a great place to work. To the boys were not bored for the lessons, you should use a more saturated tone. Blue calms the mind and adjusts to work, but bright shades should be used for other areas.

As children grow up, the situation practically does not change except for the bed, if it becomes small. However, in the bedroom of teenagers should be present more “adult details” and moderate shades.

  Football room for two boys

If children have a big age difference

If the difference is several years, it is a reason to divide the bedroom into two parts, so each will have their own autonomous zone. The brothers have few common interests, if one is 5 and the other 14. It is important to provide each with a well-equipped personal space. If the area is small, two beds can be replaced with a bunk bed, but the play area should not intersect with the workplace of the older child.

  Bright children's room for two boys

Planning in different areas

The size of the available space greatly affects the amount of furniture. The smaller the area, the more you need to show imagination to accommodate all the necessary. In the interior, it is important to use all free surfaces, including the walls and the area under the bed. The less furniture will occupy space, the more space for games and creativity.

  Children's room for two boys

Children's 10Х12 m2

  • In such a small bedroom is better to organize a two-tier space. The following basic rules for decorating small rooms are recommended.
  • When placing a bunk bed it should be borne in mind that it should not block the entrance and stand parallel to the window. It is better to purchase a model with built-in boxes.
  • A long table, complemented by a shelving or open hanging shelves, is enough for comfortable accommodation of two children. Do not forget about comfortable chairs with the ability to adjust the height.
  • Corner closet for clothes and other things easily fit in the corner opposite to the window.
  • Chests for toys can be replaced with soft puffs with a box under the seat.
  • Different materials in color and texture are suitable for bedroom zoning. It is better to refuse massive partitions, sliding doors and screens.

  Multi-colored children's room for two boys

Room 14 m2

This area already allows you to divide the room in half. You can use one of the following layout options:

  1. arrange the beds along the walls opposite each other, so the brothers will have an individual sleeping area;
  2. a pair of separate desks is best located closer to the source of natural light - the window;
  3. on the wall opposite to the window will fit a large spacious closet for two;
  4. there is enough space for a sports corner or an entire fortress near a free wall.

  Big beautiful room for two boys

  Sports room for two boys

Children's 18 m2

In such a bedroom there is plenty of room for creativity. A nursery for two boys can be easily divided in half, where everyone will have enough space for study and entertainment.

The optimal set:

  • two separate beds;
  • convenient shelving and open lockers;
  • wardrobe;
  • mobile or stationary partitions, curtains.

  Bright room for two boys

  Children's room for two boys

When placing furniture in a room, it is important to take into account that it does not obscure the natural light. So half for the two boys will be well lit during the day. If the bedroom is shared for both, it should be placed in the far corner from the window.

The style of the bedroom and its design depends on the age of the children and on their own wishes. Each zone can be made in contrasting colors or in harmony with all the others. The choice of design and specific style depends only on imagination, available space and financial possibilities.

Children's room for two boys is a separate world, even the universe, which lives by its own laws. The interior of such a room must meet the needs of two mischievous, restless and extremely inquisitive developing personalities.

A feature of boys at any age is that they do not tolerate routine, monotony, and boredom.

It is impossible to take them for a long time in any one business, in everything you need variety. The ideal filling of the nursery is not something that is simply beautiful and functional. The largest possible number of interior elements should be transformed, folded, laid out, moved and, if possible, not broken. It is incredibly difficult for an adult to understand what a child’s venture can turn out to be: their room can turn into a sports stadium, a racetrack, a place of hostilities or a natural disaster, as well as a platform for building shelters, huts and pillow houses.  In this case, all transformations can occur during the day and even several times.

Children's for boys

Two sons in the family - this is real happiness. But at the same time, the whole disaster for the interior. Everything that can be unscrewed will be unscrewed, everything that can break will surely break, and everything that can be moved will definitely be in another part of the room.

When planning the design of a children's bedroom for two boys, first of all, at least five factors should be considered:

  • age of children and age difference;
  • the character and preferences of the sons;
  • room functionality;
  • strength, reliability and durability of interior items;
  • security.

At the same time, the interior should be decorated in the appropriate style. Soft bed colors will surely be boring to ugliness, and sooner or later the sons will have a burning desire to diversify the color palette. For example, with the help of markers, gouaches, stickers, toothpaste, lipstick or even shoe polish.

Before embarking on the plans for the organization and design of children's space, it is important to decide what should be done and what you should not do. The choice should be largely based on the age of the children.

Baby room

In early childhood, boys do not exhibit a particular all-destructive activity. During this period of their life, peace, comfort and a sense of security are important. At the same time, the interior should have children to any actions: drawing, games, or, for example, to reading. In order to concentrate the sons' attention on really standing things, one should divide the space of the room into functional zones.

  • Sleeping area . A bunk bed for kids is unacceptable, as falling even from such a seemingly insignificant height can result in injuries, screams and hysteria. Beds can be arranged along two opposite walls so that children can see each other and talk among themselves. It is advisable to place a roll-out box under the beds where you can place toys, bedding or things. On the walls at the beds you can hang a photo in the framework, with the captured bright and unusual moments from the lives of children.

  • Work zone.  The working area is a place for creativity and experimentation. Be sure to need a wide table where you can make crafts and draw, comfortable chairs, as well as a number of low shelves for storing written and artistic supplies.

  • Game Zone.   The space for games should occupy at least half the area of ​​the room. Here you can place drawers and dressers for toys, low soft puffs, as well as any soft objects on which you can jump and jump.

  • Functional area.   Cabinets, shelves and dressers should be located in a separate area. First, it will avoid the desire to rummage in things in search of something interesting and facilitate the cleaning process.

The interior should be decorated in accordance with the zones of the nursery: the bedroom - the classic soft undertones that soothe the minds of the little ones; the work area is the lightest part of the room where you can work comfortably; playground - bright and interesting prints, photos and pictures, lots of toys, trinkets and entertaining things.

The functional area should be as boring and unattractive as possible.

Room for teens

The subject of a separate conversation.   Growing up boys are incredibly active, inquisitive and omnipresent, and therefore they just need appropriate conditions for the proper formation of the personality.  Here, again, it is necessary to resort to the division of space into zones.

  • Bedroom. Recreation area should be interesting. A bunk bed or a loft bed would be a great choice. Next to the bed it is better to place a small rack or a couple of nightstands, where children can store all sorts of things, ranging from colorful advertising flyers, to details from the once broken watches and toys. If there is no such "storage", then under the mattresses and beds will regularly appear clusters of trash and debris.

  • Work zone.  Reading or studying for teens can be a real challenge if the work area is not properly framed. The space of this part of the room should focus the attention of children on important things from the parent's point of view: books, notebooks, textbooks and albums.

    You can warm up your interest in developing activities with the help of various tricks: a colorful and atmospheric poster on the wall depicting a crazy genius from a cartoon constructing something unimaginable, or, for example, a map of the world decorated in the spirit of the first navigators, or a photo of some famous person - everything this will open the space for the flight of the child's fantasy and become a kind of motivating factor.

Teens love to imitate interesting personalities. And in the work area, let these people be seafarers, pioneers and inventors, than heroes from comics or films.

  • Functional area.   Cabinets and dressers for teens are something that goes without saying and do not cause much of a desire to turn everything upside down in them. And then these elements of the interior can be placed throughout the room, in any convenient places.

  • Game Zone.  The game zone for teenagers is, perhaps, the most difficult at arrangement. Here it is necessary to take into account the interests and preferences of the sons, remembering that they can change overnight. First of all, this area should be spacious. Boys may find the most unexpected use of empty square meters: build a house of pillows, arrange a football game or fight on pillows ...  Everything is limited only by the imagination of children. And the surrounding objects.

Making the interior of a nursery for two teenage boys is quite difficult. Should take into account, first of all, the wishes of the children themselves. It is important not to try to manipulate their opinion, not to elicit the phrase “well, like it”, in order to later declare that they themselves chose such an interior.

Of course, blindly following their ideas is also not the best option, but it is still necessary to consult with your sons about the colors, furniture and other items.

Children's bedroom walls can be decorated with interesting posters, posters and photos of your favorite actors or movie characters. The beauty of printed decorative elements is that they can be easily changed or removed altogether.

It is also worth considering the creative option: make walls suitable for drawing. Desirable multiple. This can be implemented using a marker board, which is easily cleaned with the most ordinary sponge.

Updated: July 28, 2017

We will help you choose a children's design for two boys. Here you will find many photos of amazing interiors of rooms of various layouts and areas, recommendations for dividing a room into zones, as well as learn how to decorate a room for children with a large difference in age.

If you asked the question “Do you need a children's room?”, Think first about how important personal space is for you. Each of us has his own place where his personal belongings lie, where you can do your favorite thing and where you can take a break from your family, read a book or just lie in silence. So the child. Creating a personal space for him is a way of saying how much you love him, how you trust him and understand him.

It is especially difficult to single out a full-fledged personal place when you have, but at the same time it is extremely necessary for every child to feel like a full-fledged person. How to do this, how to delimit the space between the territory of one and the territory of another, as well as how to arrange a boy's room, we'll talk in this article.

The choice of finishes for the nursery

Remember! In order for the child to feel truly comfortable in his own room, he must also take part in the creation of its interior. You can prompt and guide, but the decisive opinion must remain with him. Listening to it and creating a children's room together with your boys, you will find yourself in an amazing, fascinating magical world of childhood.

Choose a color scheme

The choice of colors depends on the age of the child, because at different times we perceive colors differently. For kids up to 3 years old it is not recommended to resort to a bright palette in the interior, on the contrary, it is preferable to calm pastel shades of bright colors. With age, you can change the interior in a richer combinations that cause more activity, desire for creativity, increase the sharpness of feelings.

Therefore, in the room for two boys, when one of them is a newborn, you will have to resort to the division of space - for the baby to arrange the interior in soothing colors, for the older boy - in a richer palette.

Now color. Traditionally boyish bedrooms make out in blue, blue, gray, green, brown colors, red color is less often used, which is considered exciting, but in reasonable quantity has the right to life. Classic black and white color is perfect for the room “for growth”, but it would not be entirely appropriate if one of the children is not 3 years old. Rather, it is an option for two. Below is a table of shades and their compatibility in the interior, as well as examples for two boys.

Choosing a wallpaper

Having decided on the colors of the future interior, go to. There are several secrets that help to highlight the advantages of the room and hide its flaws:

  1. Small pattern and a strip on the wallpaper raises the ceiling and visually expands the space (ideal for a small bedroom);
  2. Dark and bright tones constrict the space, so they should be at least in the room. If you want to get a bright room, it is better to shade the bright wallpaper with rich furniture and accessories or to single out one wall for the bright color (for example, at the head of the bed or as a partition between the two room halves);
  3. Use wallpaper, especially in small rooms such as Khrushchev. Deep 3D drawing will expand the spatial framework, diversify the interior and probably will appeal to your boys.
  4. The walls can also be used for creativity - make room for children's drawings (using washable wallpaper) or stick a special vinyl chalk board.

We make the ceiling

Do not forget to involve in creating the interior, the aesthetic appearance of the room and the volume of space depend on it. Visually raising the ceiling, making it more light air allows lighting along its edges or a 3D illustration - blue or starry sky, space, etc.

Zoning and selection of furniture for the nursery

We are creating a children's bedroom for two boys, so zoning is indispensable. Moreover, the difficulty lies in the fact that we not only have to divide the room into main zones - sleeping, work, play and storage space, but also to divide these parts in half so that there is enough space for each boy. This can be done with the help of various tricky variations of modular and cabinet furniture.

The best option to create a bed for both boys in a small bedroom is a bunk or roll-out beds. If the space of the room allows, it is possible to put separate beds or cabinet furniture - a workplace + an attic bed. A budget option can be a chair bed or a folding sofa, but of course, it is better if your child sleeps on a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress. Examples of registration of beds you can see in our photo gallery below.

In the design of the game of the room completely rely on the opinion of their children. They will tell you what they want to see - the wall bars, basketball hoop, hut and a tent or drawing table. Be sure to put in the playing area a chest or a box for storing toys so as not to stumble upon them at every corner of the room.

The design of this area, as well as the bed, depends on the area of ​​the room. The main thing is that each child has his own workplace. If the area of ​​the room is large, you can put two separate tables, but more often it’s the other way around, so it's okay if you put one long table where both boys can settle down without disturbing each other. Another compromise option to save space are sliding tables, which are assembled in case of uselessness. The main thing is that the workplace is well lit.

Storage of things

The closet for two boys can be one, but it will be necessary to divide the space equally for both. Ideally, if the wardrobe is a two-fold, where one half will belong to one boy, the other - to the second. Alternatively, you can designate this division in different colors.

Layout of the room depending on the area

Remember! Whatever the area of ​​the children's room, do not forget to use the walls and the space under the furniture - shelves, racks, laundry baskets that can be put under the bed. The more you free up space, the more freedom your children will have for playing and moving!

The organization of space in such a small room is best done in two levels. The optimal set of furniture for this type of layout:

  • Bunk bed with steps-drawers or sliding cells under the lower bed for storage. It is optimal if the bed will be perpendicular to the window, i.e. diffused light. However, it should not block the entrance.
  • One common table with a long narrow worktop, wallboards, shelving and drawers, allowing you to organize two jobs at once. Comfortable adjustable chairs. Put it near the window or perpendicular to the window (it is believed that the workplace is more comfortable if you sit sideways to the door or with your back to the wall).
  • Small or chest of drawers for clothes. It is better to put it at the wall opposite the window.
  • Toy box. Puffs can be used with an opening lid and storage space.

And, of course, no artificial partitions that clutter the space. If you want to divide the room for boys, do it with different colors of the walls.

In such a room you can think about the separate planning and put:

  • two separate beds or two modules from the desktop and loft bed. They can be placed along one wall, parallel or perpendicular. The main thing is that they do not block the natural light;
  • small separate tables by the window or perpendicular to it;
  • spacious closet opposite the window;
  • play area - a wall or a small toy fortress.

On this area there is where to roam. With full confidence, you can put not only full-fledged separate furniture, but also divide the room into two zones, so that each boy feels comfortable in his own half. We offer the following zoning options:

  • Bookshelves and shelves;
  • Screens and cleanable partitions;
  • Cupboard;
  • Plasterboard partition;
  • Sliding doors;

Naturally, such a plan is possible only if, after the reorganization of the space, both halves remain well lit with natural light. If illumination does not allow dividing a room in half for two boys, select one of the zones, for example, the bedroom in the less lit part of the room.

We make the room according to the age of the children

Creating a room for kids, first of all, remember about security. The floors on which the kids spend the most time, the furniture that can be tested on the tooth - everything must be environmentally friendly, safe and natural. No sharp corners, unreliably fixed modules, open sockets and wiring. If you install any sports equipment, be sure to put mats.

Furniture should be a reasonable minimum - bed and wardrobe (chest of drawers), leave the rest of the place under the games, running around and other joys of kids.

Let a lot of light into the room, the walls are better decorated in soothing pastel colors.

Room for schoolchildren

As the children grow, you will need to allocate space for study, so take care of a comfortable roomy and well-lit desk for both students. Be sure to add a rack for books and stationery.

Colors can be used more saturated than for kids.

In fact, it is not much different from the room for schoolchildren, it is divided into the same zones, the only thing that more adult tendencies will be outlined in the interior design.

Room for children with a big age difference

A big difference in the age of children is a reason to divide the room into two zones, because children have few common interests, and there must be a personal space for everyone. If space does not allow, you can combine a sleeping place in a bunk bed, but here's a playroom for the baby and a study area for the teenager should not interfere with each other.

Find a lot of interesting design ideas for children for two boys here.



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