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  Interior of a one-room apartment classic. Interior of a one-room apartment

Habit of thinking in a category that interior of a one-room apartment  necessarily boring, simple, in which you need to give up a lot and definitely need to do redevelopment, it seems to be a thing of the past. Suppose that when examples were popular, we were recommended to demolish the walls, create something unimaginable in our apartments, but today there are a huge number of ideas and technical methods for simpler housing zoning. So, not only a single person or a young couple can be comfortably accommodated in a modern layout, but also a family with one or two children. As proof of this statement - photos of brilliant projects that we have combined for you in a kind of TOP of the best ideas.

Interior design of a one-room apartment

Each sample given interior design one-room apartment, which you will see today in our article, is unusual, be it a well-chosen color scheme, excellent fashionable textures, or methods for expanding and optimally mastering a small space. Therefore, in each case, we will draw your attention to the features that allowed this particular to get on our short list. You will also be sure to note for yourself the common feature of all projects, except that they are all characterized by a modern functional and practical style. This common feature becomes a single concept, stylistic and functional, which is used throughout the dwelling. When it comes to a small footage and one room, bathroom and kitchen, plus a maximum balcony or loggia, it will not be difficult for you to do this, and the whole space will only benefit from such a decision. Let there be different fixtures, wallpapers, even the color of the walls in different functional areas, but they should stylistically overlap and there should be common elements that will all have in common, interconnected.

The first example is a great embodiment of the modern design motto “less furniture - more convenience”. Indeed, despite the fact that the total footage of the room is small, the furniture is arranged in such a way that there is as much free space as possible. In this project, I would like to draw a good color scheme, which is ideal for northern latitudes with a long winter, warm beige shades of walls and green accents will help you overcome any depression.

The successful color scheme also distinguishes the following, in which the idea of ​​improving the Scandinavian style with the help of a few atypical shades has found its brilliant incarnation. Pay attention besides the walls to an excellent solution for creating a storage area, this can be a real problem for interior one-room apartment 40 square meters. m. Here, the problem is solved using a system of built-in wardrobes that frame the sofa in the kitchen and a small sofa in the hallway. Surprisingly, the reception, repeated twice within the same space, does not lose its novelty and relevance. After all, in the kitchen and in the hallway a lot of space is always useful for storing things, besides the reception can create different results, it is worth experimenting a little with the backs of such niches. Inside can be both soft upholstery and imitation of a brick wall.

Modern interior of a one-room apartment

Engineering solutions in our samples sometimes play as important a role as design tricks with color, lighting or textures. Indeed, in a small. it is difficult to put all that we need and so that all this is located conveniently and looks stylish. The following two examples are dedicated to ideas on equipment that can save space for you and make your house look complete.

The first idea that I want to consider is a representative of all popular sliding, modular, prefabricated systems that both save our space and simplify our lives so much. In the living room, which is in this case the main room in the whole house, a special wooden podium is mounted on which a sofa and bean bags are installed, quite in a modern style. The secret of this podium is simple - inside it there is a retractable bed, which in the evening just gets out of its depths and is covered. And in the morning it is removed again. At the same time, the size of this bed allows you to get a comfortable sleep on a quality mattress, and not on a folding sofa or a similar system. As you can see, where you can sit comfortably with something like this: this is a sofa with armchairs, thanks to the backlight, they become an ideal place for evening get-togethers or a hobby, as well as a small sofa on the windowsill in the kitchen.

The second interesting solution, which is more concerned not with saving space, but with the beautiful appearance of the room, with the use of a frame for a bed. Such solutions are also increasingly common today and are no longer worth the fabulous money as a few years ago. In this case, walls are created for the bed with sliding doors, the outer surface of which is mirrored, with a pattern. In the closed state, this design will not differ from the fashionable wardrobe. This is good for those who like to receive guests, because any can ruin the beds, they should not be visible at first glance.

Interior of a modern one-room apartment: photo

Zoning for a small room is the main task that you need to follow at all costs. That is why the following examples interior of a modern one-room apartment, photo which you will see below, are selected according to the principle of successful implementation of the principle of zoning, and, moreover, not visual, but physical. Such a separation is useful even when you live alone and there seems to be no such urgent need to separate the living room from the bedroom. In fact, from a psychological point of view, it is this layout that will be perceived much better, you will have the feeling of several full-fledged rooms, in the bedroom you will sleep comfortably, watch TV in the “living room” comfortably, and a corner of the study will set you up in the right mood.

The example that you see above is not an example at all, but it has everything you need. And a small wall, which is erected in the middle of a large room, helps in such a sensation. Planning carried out as follows: measure the value of the desired bed, along with small gaps for a comfortable approach to it. On this line we are planning a false wall, the height of which should be about a meter, this height will be enough so that you can not see the rest of the area lying on the bed. In the second half, a sofa is installed, with a back against a false wall, and in front of it you can easily afford a built-in wardrobe, even with an electric fireplace, open shelves or a place for your book collection. Just opposite the sofa you can put a TV, but if you like to fall asleep under a TV program or movie, hang it high enough so that you can watch it from the bed.

Many one-bedroom apartments, interior design photo  which are in our selection, are equipped for the needs of a young family, so it is entirely logical that zoning should be not only visual, but also physical, so that you do not interfere with each other or the child, who can be “settled” in the second half of a large room. Such a semi-transparent partition can be a half-measure, which allows a lot of sunlight to pass through, but at the same time allows us to separate the far corner of the room from the near one. If you go a little further in practicality, then it is quite possible to use a rolling shutter or a sliding thick screen that will complement the partition. Such as the desire for convenience of all its inhabitants, you need to consider first.

And the last measure that will finally separate one zone from another is redevelopment, and if we demolished the walls for the studio, now, when striving for minimalist furnishings, we can afford to partition off a large space to get comfortable and practical small zones. In the first one there will be a sofa and a TV set, and a bed will be placed through a thick wall. Such redevelopment is subject to legalization in a general manner, but since you will not build a supporting wall, you will not have problems with obtaining permission.

Interior of a one-room apartment: photo

The following also seemed interesting to us. interior of one-room apartment, photo  which you can see below. Here, quite often encountered advice is used to select glossy textures for a visual increase in area. But often, such facades of cabinets and an abundance of mirrors make the room more like a fashionable boutique than a cozy home for a family.

In this case, the brilliance of the facades and mirror textures is very well balanced with the help of upholstered furniture, which distracts a lot of attention due to a rich, bright shade. The sofas in the kitchen and in the hall are in harmony with each other, differing only in color, if in the room we are more comfortable with a calm range, then the kitchen needs more rich colors, here the orange accent wall and the orange sofa match the tone to it perfectly.

Styles in the interior of a one-room apartment: photo

It will be the most common problem for their owners, such layouts are typical, with a large room, a medium-sized kitchen and a not very large bathroom, often combined. Fortunately, there are universal tips, and already developed layouts in various styles in the interior of a one-room apartment (photo  placed below), which will help you ease the choice of furniture flour, wall decoration and excellent techniques for zoning.

White gamma, diluted with a dark blue, noble shade, will surely find its fans. In a large room, there is a bed near the window, a sofa near the entrance door and the opposite wall. The large size of the kitchen allows you to put there a small soft sofa, which will somewhat soften its functional appearance.

However, all interiors of one-room apartments, photo 40 sq. m. m. which you saw in this section, prove to us that we should not be afraid of repairs and changes in their apartments, even small ones. After all, with the help of modern design, you can even turn a small apartment into a real object of your own pride and comfortable dwelling for each member of your family.

A small studio apartment is a cozy space that is easy to make functional. This requires proper planning, selection of a suitable design and careful arrangement.

Pros and cons of a small one-room apartment

One-room apartment of a small area allows you to create a comfortable environment and a stylish interior. Proper arrangement of a small space allows you to organize all the necessary zones. For this, various design solutions are used. An effective method is transforming furniture. And also it is important to take into account all the features of the space, because the method of planning an apartment depends on it.

The interior of a one-room apartment is easy to make practical and stylish.

The advantages of a small one-room apartment are as follows:

  • in a small room is pretty easy to put things in order, and the cleaning process does not take much time;
  • minimalism space design is a relevant and practical solution;
  • there is no need to think over the layout of several rooms depending on their purpose.

  In the only living room it is easy to place the necessary items and furniture.

A small apartment with one room has such disadvantages as:

  • a small area of ​​space that does not allow for the creation of separate functional zones, for example, a bedroom and an office;
  • a careful selection of furniture that does not take up much space and is practical;
  • in the interior it is impossible to use complex and voluminous types of decor, massive objects;
  • careful storage system organization is required to maintain order.

Options for planning small housing (including Khrushchev)

A studio apartment or a small studio apartment requires careful planning. It is not necessary to create partitions and complex structures for the separation of zones. The best option would be the absence of unnecessary details that will make the room more spacious. To determine the appropriate layout takes into account a set of factors.

  Laconic details are optimal for a small apartment.

Planning in a small one-bedroom apartment or studio involves the arrangement of only the main areas. This takes into account the number of people living in the room. For a couple without children or a lonely person, the optimal layout, in which there is a sleep area, workplace, TV. The kitchen is separated by a capital wall and serves as a kitchen-dining room. An effective solution to increase the space is the combination of kitchen and room. This solution is optimal for an apartment of 18, 14 or less square. m

  The kitchen is easy to combine with the living room.

The spacious room is easy to make comfortable and functional. In a one-room apartment of 33 square meters. At the same time, a small dressing room is often equipped in a room or hallway, which is much more practical than a classic wardrobe. The partition is installed in the room, separating the bedroom and living room. A simple option is to combine the living room and bedroom, but the furniture must be transforming.

  In the spacious room it is easy to separate the bedroom area.

Partitioning Zoning

An effective method of space separation are partitions. Elements of various types allow you to zone a one-room apartment and create a comfortable environment. The space is often divided using plasterboard partitions, mobile screens, curtains and other options. Details are optimal for a one-room apartment of more than 18 square meters. m. This is due to the fact that the apartment in the Khrushchev is very small, and the partitions will make the space less free and convenient.

  Rounded partitions are appropriate in a spacious room.

The most voluminous plasterboard partitions, as during their creation, part of the usable area is lost. This option is optimal for a spacious room. In an apartment of a small square, mobile screens and curtains are often used. Elements are compact and allow you to separate the necessary zones. Often used partitions arranged according to the type of compartment doors. The design settles down clearly around the bed and separates the living room from the seating area.

  The compartment partition is convenient and compact

In a one-room apartment of less than 18 square meters. It is best to avoid various partitions. The presence of a loggia or balcony allows you to expand the space by warming and arranging these additional square meters. As an exception, it is worthwhile to separate the sleeping area, but often the transforming sofa is a sleeping place and furniture for the living room. In a small one-room apartment of 14 square meters. It is very difficult to divide functional areas and therefore in this case partitions are not used.

  The partition in the form of cloth is spectacular and comfortable.

The most difficult option of a partition is plasterboard design. The construction is practical, convenient, but requires proper installation. This is due to the fact that the material is sensitive to various factors. At the same time, plasterboard constructions are best suited for a spacious one-room apartment.

The choice of style for interior design

At arrangement of the small one-room apartment style of an interior has special value. The area of ​​33 or 18 or less square. m. requires careful design project. The main requirement for the design of a small space is the use of a minimum number of parts. Massive elements and furniture do not allow to organize comfortable zones.

High tech

This design direction is very popular and is characterized by discreet decor, maximum functionality of every detail. To design a one-room apartment of any area in the high-tech style is quite simple. In this case, appropriate light shades, as well as contrasting combinations. Avoid the cost of many dark tones that visually make the room less spacious.

  Glossy and chrome surfaces visually increase the space

High-tech style involves the use of modern lighting options. It must be saturated. The division of space is often carried out by contrasting the design of areas in the apartment. For example, in one room, the sleeping area is decorated in dark colors, and the living room is lighter. Bright colors are appropriate in the kitchen, but in any room requires a minimum of decor.

  Glossy and vibrant details are appropriate in the high-tech kitchen.

Eco style

Natural shades and materials, natural surface structures, simple elegance and comfort are the distinctive features of an eco-style apartment design. The interior in this style suggests the correct form of all objects and the maximum naturalness of colors. Furniture, decoration, textiles blend harmoniously with each other. At the same time there are no unnecessary elements that make the interior complex, and the situation - difficult.

  The interior in eco style differs comfort and brevity

One-room apartment of any area is easy to draw in eco-style, using light shades. Bright elements of natural green, moderate yellow, brown tones emphasize the harmony of combinations.

  Laconic paintings, bright pillows and other details are appropriate in eco-style.


The lack of pretentiousness and luxury, slightly worn surfaces, faded fabrics and uneven wall decoration are the main characteristics of the Provence interior. The decor does not imply luxury, brilliant decor, glossy surfaces and perfect repair. This design direction is appropriate in a country house, but you can create an atmosphere in Provence style in a one-room apartment of any size.

  The interior uses pretty calm shades.

At registration of the room it is important to consider that the worn, aged parts should be present in moderate quantities. In a harmonious interior rather uneven wall decoration or a frayed tabletop. Provence implies a slight hue of simplicity, inconspicuousness.

  Bright details of natural colors make the interior stylish.

Art Deco

The interior in the art deco style is distinguished by refined luxury, originality of color combinations and unusual decor. This design option is suitable for a spacious one-room apartment. In the design it is appropriate to use ceramic figurines, wooden furniture with chrome fittings, items from exotic materials.

  Rounded furniture is appropriate in art deco style.

In the interior of the art deco are appropriate abstract paintings, contrasting combinations, glossy surfaces. To increase the visual space is often used light shades, rich lighting. The high ceiling allows you to create multi-level designs, giving the room style and luxury.

  In the kitchen, appropriate glossy surfaces


The main distinctive characteristic of the modern style is the combination of simple elements with elegant details. Furniture made of natural wood is made of frosted glass, carved facades, shiny fittings. At the same time, all the details of the furnishings are functional and compact, which is optimal for a small one-room apartment.

  Contrast color combinations are often used in modern style.

In the interior you can use mirror surfaces, light partitions. Such details allow you to visually increase the space. An effective solution is wallpaper with patterns in the form of large flowers or leaves. Optimal and monochromatic colors of the walls.

  In the Art Nouveau style, appropriate bright and vibrant shades, combined with elegant elements

Scandinavian style

In the room, decorated in the Scandinavian style, there are concise and elegant elements. At registration elements from natural materials are used. Light shades are best suited for a small apartment, visually increasing the space.

  Unusual elements of the decor will easily complement the interior in the Scandinavian style.

At registration the furniture from a light natural tree is pertinent. Finishing, textiles can be dairy, pale yellow, peach tones. Beige or light brown details complement the decor.

Room decoration

When arranging the apartment requires special attention to finish. Different materials are used for this, but complex structures should not be used, occupying useful space and not differing in functionality. Finishing is carried out after careful planning, the development of the design project. Pre-selected color scheme of the interior, the type of surfaces used, furniture.


Floor covering in any apartment should be comfortable, practical and durable. Laminate and linoleum are popular options, and ceramic tiles are often used in the kitchen. The color of the material is selected depending on the style of the interior. For furnishings in bright colors you should not use a very dark floor covering. At the same time, the space can be zoned using a coating of contrasting shades.

  Light carpet looks spectacular on a dark floor


To finish the walls easily with the help of various materials. Decorative plaster is suitable for Provence style interior, and wallpaper is universal. Photowall-paper or a combination of contrasting coatings help to zone the space. For example, the wall behind the sofa should be covered with dark wallpaper, and the rest of the space should be light.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually "lift" the ceiling

The working area in the kitchen is best to arrange ceramic tiles. In the hallway or room should not use panels, drywall construction. This is due to the fact that such structures occupy useful space.


The high ceiling in the apartment allows you to create original multi-level structures. Such decoration is appropriate in any style of interior. Stretch ceiling is also suitable, and especially effective glossy finish. And also the color background of light color on which the light sources are placed looks original.

  The unusual combination makes the situation in the apartment stylish and cozy.

Light patterns may be present on the ceiling. The decoration of this type allows you to not use complex elements in the interior.

  Light colored patterns are optimal for small spaces.

How to furnish an apartment with furniture

The main requirement for furniture for a one-bedroom apartment is compactness, functionality and the ability to transform. The living room, combined with the sleeping area, working area, suggests the presence of a universal sofa. And also need a TV, small and narrow cabinets, a table. With a large area in the hallway is to place a narrow closet or replace one of the walls with built-in furniture. An effective solution is a small dressing room, but to create such a zone in a one-room apartment in the Khrushchev street is very difficult.

Placement ideas

In the one-room apartment of a small area used compact furniture. At the same time, its location is of particular importance. The window is often the desktop. This piece of furniture is more functional on the insulated loggia, if such space is in the apartment.

The sofa is installed against the wall, but on the contrary it is best to place an area with a TV. A practical solution is a bed that is separated from the rest of the space by a partition.

  The bed-transformer is ideal for a small room

Shelves for decor items, books, flowers are best placed in the corners of the room. At the same time, the useful space is saved, and the situation acquires a special comfort. Above the sofa or bed, shelves, paintings, tapestry and other similar decor options are appropriate.

If the apartment does not have a wall between the room or kitchen, then a partition is required. The design, imitating the bar counter, a common design solution.

  Lack of partitions makes the room more spacious

Lighting, decoration, textiles

When arranging the living space of a small area, it is important to pay attention to the lighting. Massive chandeliers, lots of wall lamps and floor lamps are inappropriate, as they occupy useful space. Therefore, the best solution are spotlights. On the ceiling of any type is very simple to arrange a complex of such elements, providing bright lighting.

   Furniture of fantasy shape is appropriate in high-tech interior. Light shades visually increase the space. Functional furniture is appropriate in a small apartment for a family with children. In an apartment of 33 square meters. m. easy to create unusual partitions. The absence of partitions makes the room more spacious.

   Unusual chandeliers are suitable for a modern interior. Pictures of any type will decorate a small room. Spotlights provide intensive illumination. Compact details keep a useful area. Light colors make the interior cozy.

A small studio apartment in Khrushchev or a larger living space in need of a competent layout. As a result, the space will be comfortable, functional and convenient for each person living in the apartment.

Designing a one-room apartment is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that the only dwelling should perform several different functions at once - to provide an opportunity for work or study, to serve as a place for socializing, relaxing and spending the night’s sleep, and in some cases being a children's room. In addition, the footage of such apartments, as a rule, does not allow the designer to use standard solutions, it is not enough just to fence off a corner for each zone, you still need to retain the maximum sense of free space, which increases the comfort of living.

Presented to your attention are 12 of the best modern designs of one-bedroom apartments.

1. Modern design of a one-room apartment of 42 square meters. m

The use of light colors in the design of the apartment allowed to create comfort in a small space and keep the feeling of spaciousness. The living room has a total of 17 sq. M. m. square, but here are located all the necessary functional areas, each of which performs several functions at once. So, the recreation area, or “sofa”, at night turns into a bedroom, a rest corner with a chair and a bookcase is easily converted into a study or playroom for a child.

The angular arrangement of the kitchen made it possible to organize the dining area, and the glass door “to the floor” leading to the loggia added light and air.

2. Design of a one-room apartment without redevelopment, 36 square meters. m

In this project, the bearing wall was an obstacle to changing the layout, so the designers had to act within the specified space. The living room was divided into two parts by an open rack - this simple solution is very effective in many cases, allowing visual separation of zones without cluttering the space and reducing the luminous flux.

The bed is located at the window, there is also a kind of mini-office - a small desk-bureau with a working chair. The rack performs in the sleeping part of the function of the bedside table.

In the back of the room behind the shelving, playing the role of a bookcase and a display case for souvenirs, there is a living room with a comfortable sofa and a large TV. A full-wall wardrobe allows you to store a lot of things and does not clutter up space, its mirrored doors visually double the room and increase its illumination.

The refrigerator from the kitchen was moved to the hallway, as a result, a place was made for the dining area. From the wall cabinets on one of the walls refused, so that the kitchen seemed more spacious.

3. Design of a one-room apartment of 40 square meters. m

A good project showing how convenient and taking into account all the requirements for a modern level of comfort is to equip an apartment for one or two people, without resorting to changing the original planning solution.

The main room is a living room. From the furniture in the room: a comfortable corner sofa, a large screen TV mounted on a hanging console on the opposite wall. For clothes and other necessary things provided bulk storage system. There is also a coffee table that adds completeness to the interior. At night, the living room is transformed into a bedroom - the unfolded sofa forms a comfortable place to sleep.

If necessary, the living room easily turns into a study: to do this, you must open two doors of the storage system - behind them is a tabletop, a small shelf for documents and books; the work chair extends from under the table top.

In order not to burden the space, which is already not too much, they abandoned the traditional upper row of wall-mounted shelves in the kitchen, replacing them with open shelves.

At the same time, there are even more places where you can keep kitchen utensils and supplies - the entire wall opposite the working area is occupied by a large storage system with a niche in which the sofa is embedded. Next to him is a small dining group. Rationally organized space allowed not only to keep the volume free, but also to reduce the cost of kitchen furniture.

4. Modern design one-room apartment 37 square. m

The design of this one-room apartment 37 sq. M. m. used every square centimeter. The sofa, the armchairs and the coffee table, forming the rest corner, are raised on the podium and thus separated from the total volume. On the night from under the catwalk a sleeping place is put forward: an orthopedic mattress provides a full sleep.

The television panel, on the other hand, is built into a large storage system - its volume has made it possible to adjust the initially incorrect, too elongated shape of the room. Beneath it is a living flame covered with a bio-fireplace glass. In the box going above the storage system, the screen is hidden - it can be lowered to watch movies.

A small kitchen occupies three functional zones at once:

  • along one of the walls is built storage system with a worktop and kitchen equipment, forming a kitchen;
  • near the window there was a dining area consisting of a round table and four designer chairs around it;
  • on the windowsill there is a lounge area where you can relax and have a coffee over a friendly conversation, enjoying the views from the window.

5. The project of a one-bedroom apartment with a dedicated bedroom

Even in a small “odnushka” area, you can have a separate bedroom, and you don’t need to move walls or build a space like a studio: the kitchen occupies a separate volume and is completely fenced off from the rest of the apartment.

The project provides for the location of the bedroom near a single window. It houses a standard double bed, a narrow dresser that serves as a dressing table, and one bedside table. The role of the second bedside table is performed by a low partition between the bedroom and the living room - its height allows you to save the feeling of large space and provides daylight to the entire living area.

Lilac wallpaper with an elegant pattern in harmony with the mustard color of the walls in the design of the kitchen, made in the same style as the room.

6. Design apartment 36 square. m

Maximum functionality and impeccable design are the main advantages of the project. The living room and the bedroom were divided visually with wooden slats: starting from the bed, they reach the ceiling and can change orientation in the same way as the shutters: in the daytime “open” and let the light in the living room, in the night - “close” and isolate the sleeping place.

The light in the living room is added by the lower lighting of the console dresser, which effectively highlights the main decorative piece of furniture: a coffee table from the slice of a huge trunk. There is a bio-fuel fireplace on the dresser, and a TV panel above it. On the contrary - a comfortable sofa.

The bedroom has a closet for dual use, it stores not only clothes, but also books. Bed linen is removed in a drawer under the bed.

Due to the angular location of the kitchen furniture and the island oven, it was possible to organize a small dining area.

7. Design of a corner one-room apartment of 32 square meters. m

In the project of a one-room apartment, the residential volume is divided into two: private and public. This was done thanks to the angular location of the apartment, which caused the presence of two windows in the room. The use of IKEA furniture in the design has reduced the project budget. Bright textiles were used as decorative accents.

Storage system from ceiling to floor divided the bedroom and living room. From the living room in the storage system there is a niche for the TV, as well as shelves for storage. Near the wall opposite is a construction of drawers, in the center of which cushions form a cozy place to relax.

From the side of the bedroom it has an open niche, which replaces the owners bedside cabinet. Another bedside table is suspended from the wall - under it you can place a pouf to save space.

The main color in the design of a small kitchen is white, which makes it visually more spacious. The dining table is folded in order to save space. Its natural wood table top softens the strict style of decoration and makes the kitchen more comfortable.

8. Interior of a one-room apartment in a modern style

The main condition set for the designers was the preservation of the isolated position of the kitchen. Additionally, it was necessary to provide a fairly large number of storage sites. In the living area were to accommodate a bedroom, living room, dressing room and a small office for work. And all this - 36 square meters. m

The main idea of ​​a modern design of a one-room apartment is the separation of functional zones and their logical combination with the help of contrasting colors of the spectrum: red, white and black.

Red in design actively allocates a recreation area in the living room and an office on a loggia, logically connecting them together. The black and white elegant pattern that adorns the head of the bed is repeated in a softer color combination in the decoration of the office and the bathroom. A black wall with a TV panel and storage system visually pushes the sofa part, expanding the space.

The bedroom was placed in a niche, having built a podium - it can be used for storage.

9. The project of one-room apartment 43 square meters. m

Having at their disposal a standard “odnushku” series 10/11/02 PIR-44 with a ceiling height of 2.57, the designers decided to use the square meters provided by them to the maximum, while doing without the redevelopment in the design of a one-room apartment.

The successful arrangement of doorways allowed us to allocate a place in the room for a separate dressing room. The partition was laid out with white decorative bricks, as was part of the adjacent wall - the brick in the design provided a place to relax with a chair and a decorative fireplace.

The sofa serving as a berth was selected with the help of wallpaper with a pattern.

A separate resting place was also organized in the kitchen, replacing two chairs in the dining area with a small sofa.

10. Design of an apartment of 38 square meters. m. in a typical house, a series of KOPE

The combination of white, gray and warm beige shades allowed to create a relaxing, calm atmosphere. The living room has two zones. Near the window there is a large bed, in front of which there is a TV panel on a bracket above a tall narrow chest of drawers. It can be deployed in the direction of a small seating area with a sofa and a coffee table, accented with a plain-colored beige floor carpet and located in the back of the room.

The upper part of the wall opposite the bed is decorated with a huge mirror attached to the wall on a special frame. This adds light and makes the room visually more spacious.

The corner kitchen provides many storage spaces. The combination of gray oak facades of the lower row of cabinets, white gloss of the upper and shiny surface of the glass apron adds a game of texture and brilliance.

11. Design one-room apartment 33 square. m

The design of the apartment is decorated in a modern style - a lot of wood, natural materials, nothing superfluous - just what is needed. To separate the sleeping area from the rest of the living space, glass was used - such a partition practically does not take up space, allows you to maintain the illumination of the entire room and at the same time makes it possible to isolate the private part of the apartment from prying eyes - for this is the curtain, which can be moved if desired.

In the decoration of an isolated kitchen, white is used as the main color; the additional color is natural light wood.

12. Studio apartment 44 square. from the nursery

A great example of how competent zoning can achieve comfortable living conditions in a limited space of a family with children.

The room is divided into two parts built with a special construction for this purpose, which hides the storage system. From the nursery’s side, it’s a wardrobe for storing clothes and toys, and from the living room that serves as a bedroom for parents — a spacious storage system for clothes and other things.

In the children's part placed the loft bed, under which is located a place for schoolchildren. The “adult part” serves as a living room during the daytime, the night sofa turns into a double bed.

Someone and penthouse a little, but someone is completely content with "odnushkoy." And, frankly, in a small housing area is spent more efficiently, so that a lot of space may not be needed. The main thing is to know the secrets of a competent layout to increase the usable area.

Interior ideas for a one-room apartment - planning features

At all times, young couples and bachelors are in constant demand at all times for rooms with one living room. But youth is not the time for imprisonment in a tiny, inconvenient "punishment cell" from the Soviet construction industry. Applying a little imagination, you can unrecognizably reschedule your square meters and embody them on the beautiful interior of a one-room apartment.

Depending on personal wishes and requirements for the organization of space, many moments of redevelopment will vary. For example, it is important for someone to have a dressing room, and someone wants to clearly separate the sleeping area for a child, someone likes the idea of ​​a “studio”, and someone does not accept it. Starting to implement their plans need to meet all these requirements.

Interior of a one-room apartment for a family with a child

If one room needs to be turned into a full-fledged dwelling for parents and a child, it is necessary to apply some secrets of zoning. Specific methods for this will vary depending on the age of the child. For the smallest, a crib can be placed next to the parent's bed. But if the child is already a preschooler, he needs his own corner - a cozy and functional. And it should be the brightest and warmest. You can isolate it with a screen and select visually by creating a multi-level floor.

It may seem implausible, but in the “odnushku” you can successfully accommodate even with two children. Up to a certain age, their cradles and toys will easily fit in the common parental zone. But as they get older, they need to arrange additional space. The interior of a one-room apartment with two children can be beaten with a bunk bed and other multifunctional ergonomic furniture, and it can be placed in a pre-warmed loggia or in a fenced-off part of a large bedroom.

Interior of a one-room apartment with a niche

The presence of a niche provides additional opportunities, and they should be used as efficiently as possible. With proper planning, this niche can become a very functional space. Choosing one or another interior design of a one-room apartment with a niche, you need to build on what you would like to place in it. For example, it can be a folding bed, a small cozy sofa or a cot.

In a niche, you can equip a small office and realize your desire to have a separate workplace right at home. This will fit a small compact table, which is enough to accommodate a laptop. Visually isolating the “room” from the rest of the room can be done with a different finish, the difference in the color of the walls, or you can even put a light screen so that nothing distracts you while you work.

Interior of a one-room studio apartment

Wanting to get a modern interior of a one-room apartment, we often come up with proposals to turn it into a so-called studio. And I must say that this option is very useful. The absence of walls and their replacement with less bulky partitions makes the space visually and in fact much more spacious. It is important in this case to use light shades and laconic furnishings.

Interior for a one-room apartment with a bay window

If you are lucky enough to have, your interior of a small one-room apartment has every chance to become stunningly beautiful. His presence alone makes the space much brighter, wider, more solemn. In this area, you can arrange the dining room, so that during the meal you can watch the beautiful landscape outside the window. If necessary, you can turn it into an office, a nursery or a recreation area, than to diversify and complete the interior of a one-room apartment.

Interior of a one-room apartment with a balcony

The presence of a balcony makes it possible to expand due to it the usable area. You can make the zoning of the interior of a one-room apartment in different ways: by removing the wall and joining the balcony to the general square or having a separate room on its territory. The second option is simple and less costly financially. You have to think in advance about what you are missing - a room, gym or play area for the child, and accordingly proceed to the arrangement of the balcony. If you want to tear down part of the wall, first coordinate your project with the architectural service.

Interior design of a one-room apartment

The main feature of such housing is its multifunctionality. The only room is at the same time the living room, bedroom, office, nursery, dining room. Therefore, the interior of a one-room apartment with a bed and a sofa, as well as extremely useful cabinet furniture is often provided for. Expansion of the usable space occurs due to multi-level space planning. Zoning also occurs due to partitions, screens, shelves. At the same time the embodiment of the most various styles is possible.

Interior of a one-room loft-style apartment

The perfect bachelor style is this. Spectacular walls with brick trim, minimal furniture, conditional zoning, modern storage systems - and housing becomes spacious and comfortable for living at the same time. Open planning in the embodiment in the interior of a one-room loft design apartment allows you not to clutter the space, while the main areas are the kitchen, living room and bar counter. The sleeping place is unobtrusively hidden in a niche or behind a small partition.

Provence style in the interior of a one-room apartment

Tender and purely feminine style is a romantic Provence. Its color solution is very pleasant to the eye, because it has pastel colors. The use of natural materials - wood, stone, clay-colored tiles, makes it very comfortable. It will bring you closer to the French style the interior of a one-room apartment with a corner fireplace. Even if it is artificial, the fire will wrap you in warmth and give you the feeling of a truly homely atmosphere.

Interior of a one-room apartment in the style of minimalism

The most compact interior of a one-room apartment is the minimalism style. Plain surfaces, many mirrors, simplicity, geometric shapes, a minimum of furniture. In the hallway there is enough of one closet, in the kitchen - several drawers, including hanging ones, in the main room - a rectangular sofa, a bed with drawers. It is better to hang the TV directly on the wall, so as not to take the place of a pedestal. Blinds and roleta can be used instead of textiles.

Scandinavian interior of a one-room apartment

For a small room Scandinavian style fits perfectly. He is known for his ability to push the boundaries, to give a lot of light and space. The interior design of a small one-room apartment in the Scandinavian style is simple and elegant at the same time. He absolutely does not need any additions. Light finish, a few bright accents, well-arranged furniture - that's all you need. Of particular interest is the angular location of the housing — the more natural light from different directions, the better.

Classic interior one-bedroom apartments

If you are striving for eternal values, harmony, sophistication, the interior of a classic one-room apartment is what you need. The style is characterized by symmetry, high quality materials, the presence of decorative stucco, figurines, paintings, mirrors in gilded frames. The color scheme should be calm, neutral, monochrome, with low-key prints or stripes.

Massive furniture in a small space can be replaced by a more compact and lightweight. And in order not to overload the interior of a one-room apartment with accessories, it is better to pick up 2-3 really antique and strictly elegant items. The central element, as a rule, becomes a luxurious chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Glass doors, arches or columns can play the role of partitions.

With a tiny living space, if desired, you can transform it and adjust each centimeter for yourself. The necessary interior of a one-room apartment is even easier to implement than in a big house. It is important to take into account the number of households, their age and needs, in order to correctly distribute the available space and keep it uncluttered and cozy.

Space does not happen much! A large area is usually consumed irrationally. And those of us who live in one-room small-sized apartments, willfully or unwittingly get used to the fact that you need to use every centimeter of your home most thoughtfully. Consider the best ideas for the design of a one-room apartment.

Interior decoration of a small apartment

Most of us will not always be able to think out the interior of a one-room apartment on our own, often having to resort to professional interior studios. This is especially true of project development, since it is very difficult to combine all the functions in a small space. A small apartment should have a recreation area, a working area, a place for meals, a children's area, and at the same time there should be free space for everyone in the small size !!! Not an easy task ... But you don’t need to worry, I’ll give a lot of tips and rules for arranging and repairing a small apartment that will be the subject of admiration of others.

Read more about the interior of the kitchen-living room here.

This section contains the most interesting design tips that will significantly ease your headache about the interior in a small size. So, let's begin:

Small one-bedroom apartment should be functional and modern, grandmothers' cabinets need to be cleaned, replacing it with transforming pieces of furniture.

About the design of the apartment in Khrushchev

A room, a kitchen, an entrance hall, a combined bathroom, a small storage room and a balcony, if the floor is not the first - that’s the whole space of a one-room Khrushchev apartment in Moscow and other cities in the post-Soviet space. Only about 28 square square, where we have to place everything you need. Already I see the rounded eyes of readers, and the dumb question is how?!? The organization of space in such apartments is on a par with the functionality. Nothing is impossible - and this is true.

I'll start from the entrance. The first room is an entrance hall. Usually it is a narrow corridor, in which everything is complete, but there is nowhere to go. To make the hall in the Khrushchev spacious and at the same time save the functions assigned to it, you can do this:

  • In the presence of an adjacent pantry, we convert it into a spacious closet, and on the wall of the hallway you can hang a pair of hooks for casual wear. The mirror visually expands the space and is convenient to use before leaving the house. You can install a narrow shoebox with a seat on top or put puffs with voids inside.
  • The geometry of the hallway in Khrushchev may be different. For elongated spaces, you can use a compact wardrobe or a corner wardrobe. But the mirror, preferably high, should be in any home. But from the extra parts (vases, shelves for small items, etc.) must be abandoned. It is better to make the room bright, and this applies not only to the color of the entrance hall, but also to the lighting. The most advantageous to install the light source near the mirror.

The second room that needs to be rationalized is the kitchen of Khrushchev. Usually, we have no six squares, the possibility of transferring communications (gas, sewage). Therefore, usually choose a set of furniture with built-in appliances. The dining area is best placed near the window, and the table can be fastened to the wall and cleaned if necessary. Sill in the kitchen must be activated. And from it, if you install a wide window sill, you can make a table or additional working space. Set put either on 2 walls, or along one. The last option I personally bored for a long time.

Finally, the most interesting is the living room in a one-room Khrushchev. A task can stand in several directions:

  • Arrange the living room and bedroom.
  • Combine the work area with a seating area, a living room and a nursery. This option is more complicated and relevant for family people.

For the room and the whole apartment, it is preferable to choose a single solution in style, but you cannot refuse zoning. For small rooms and apartments it is better to choose minimalism, high-tech or Japanese interior design. Even a classic fit, but only in a compact version - furniture of small size, the minimum amount of classic decor.

The colors in the room should not be much, decorative coatings with frequent small patterns will have to be abandoned. You can focus on one wall, it can be a bright color, a drawing or a color-matched material of a different texture. But always look more organically rooms with the same coverage, in which zones are separated by light or air partitions. Many people like shelves to open ceiling, including me. The lower part can be closed with doors, but it is better to choose a level of no more than 50 cm, and leave the rest as it is.

Design of one-room apartments of various sizes

Here you have collected all the most interesting, as for the design of a one-room apartment, plus a photo of finished projects.

Apartment design 30 sq m

An apartment with such an area can be both in a new (studio) and in an old house. If you purchased a new studio apartment, then it is very simple to equip it. Here we have selected a lot of options that will be the basis for your idea. The basic requirement for a small space of 30 squares is all the same functionality. We may not need much, but still there is the furniture, without which we can not do.

The most necessary

Where can I install in a studio apartment?

Dinner Zone

It can be a bar counter, visually delimiting the room into 2 parts. As a dining table, you can use a transforming table, with a small number of people it can be just a coffee table, and when needed, it can be easily and quickly moved apart.


A full berth on 30 squares can be separated by a partition or a screen, it is best to use the space efficiently and stay on the sofa-transformer.

Guest area

As chairs you can use soft poufs, which do not take up much space. If the design is rigid, then you need to choose those in which there is an additional compartment for storing trifles. On the floor in the guest area is best to lay a small carpet, to make it more comfortable. TV should be placed on the brackets, preferably circular, so that you can watch it from the kitchen and other places. Or buy the usual swivel brackets.

Work zone

I insist that the window sills be used in a new capacity - you just need to install a new and wide window sill, and under it you can place narrow retractable drawers. Nearby you will definitely need sockets, so you need to take this into account when repairing.

In new buildings, the loggia must be used wisely, first we will have to carry out insulation work, install heating (heated floors or a battery) and glaze if necessary, then it can be used year-round. And this is at least 6 squares, where you can safely make a study or move the dining area there. The kitchen will become more functional and spacious, as well as the remaining square meters.

Instead of one or several bulky cabinets with things, it is better to make one multi-functional storage system for all things. And shelves for books and other small things can be mounted or narrow and high. In the second case, it is better to choose angular options, they are much more spacious. The main rule for all furniture in an apartment of 30 squares is its multifunctionality. And for this the furniture transformer is the best fit.

In older houses, the possibilities are slightly less, since the balcony is not suitable for use as a dining room or a study. It can be put in order, a little warm, and organize a storage system there. But it’s impossible to store clothes there - in the winter it will become damp. But different boxes, glass and plastic jars can be stored all year round. But in old houses there is a pantry, which can reach 4 square meters in area. And on them it is easy to create a comfortable and spacious closet in which both shoes and clothes fit, and pickles can also be removed there.

The color scheme of the apartments 30 squares - bright warm colors, it is allowed to use and cold, but in such a house would not be so comfortable and cozy. Of course, we still need to organize ourselves so as to get rid of all unnecessary things. The apartment, even if only 30 squares, should not be littered. Therefore, minimalism - becomes the style of not only the interior itself, but also our own life credo.

Design of 1 room apartment 36 sq m

Planning of small rooms should be done thoughtfully to the last detail, all the above tips should be used on 36 squares. The main direction of the idea of ​​a one-room apartment of this size is the integrity of the whole space. Since there are not many doors in it, and this is to the great happiness of each of us, then all attention should be paid to the combination of colors in space and the correct arrangement of furniture.

We must immediately determine the place in which a spacious dressing room will be installed. This may be an artificially built niche or a former storeroom. Necessarily installs compartment doors, swing doors for small rooms are like death. Visually, the space can be expanded by installing glass partitions, mirrors on the cabinet doors or simply on the wall opposite the illuminated areas. You can use light fabric curtains, which also cope with zoning perfectly! Plasterboard structures should be as airy as possible, various cuts, open shelves, additionally built-in niche lighting, etc.

The kitchen on 36 squares is slightly more than 6 square meters Khrushchev, so it can already be positioned perpendicularly along 2 walls, and the window sill be made of the same material as the countertop. Artificial stone is perfect for this task - you can install it without joints and give it any shape. The oven can be built at eye level, and above it put a microwave oven. Then a dishwasher and a washing machine will fit into the bottom row.

Read more about the design of a small kitchen here.

The bathroom and the bathroom is better to connect, if planning allows. Bearing walls of apartment buildings can not be touched. Increasing the area is not necessary, it is better to install a shower, toilet and washbasin. And put the washing machine in the kitchen in a suite with built-in appliances. Or, leave in the same place.

Our room will combine several appointments at once - a guest room, a recreation area and a working space. Furniture choose a compact, sofa or bed with drawers for linen, poufs or chairs, too, is better to take with compartments for storage, a table compact and transforming. At all furniture mobility and the ability to use it in several areas is a very important moment when buying.

The interior should be cozy, functional and comfortable, so I would recommend you to buy only what you can really imagine in your apartment. And before buying, it is better to have some kind of a clear pattern of placement of objects in the apartment in order to determine the desired size in advance. Internet to help you!

The interior of the apartment with an area of ​​40 sq m

The area of ​​40 square meters is quite sufficient to accommodate not only basic necessities and furniture. 3-4 people can live there quietly (for example, a family with a child) and not interfere with each other under their feet. Only now all this will be possible if you correctly arrange the furniture and use every centimeter of space wisely.

The first thing I want to dwell on is storage systems. Corner wardrobes or high-grade full-wall wardrobe with sliding doors, these are the most acceptable options for small apartments. The storage system can be placed in the hallway, if its width is more than 300 cm, then there is enough space for passage, and such a locker fits a lot, of course, provided that it is made to order and its height corresponds to the height of the room. By the way, the level of the floor and ceiling over the entire area of ​​the apartment should be the same. Then the idea of ​​an apartment will be one, different zones will be distinguished by color-matching materials. Although you can completely make the floor of a single coating. Is that in the bathroom lay tiles. Although it is much more practical if the tile will lie in the kitchen, and part of the hallway near the entrance door can be paved with floor tiles. If you decide to do so, then you need to monitor the level of the floor after finishing.

Doors should open compactly, so I would recommend using sliding or folding doors. Give up the swing doors, they eat up a lot of space, which is better to use more efficiently.

Compact and functional furniture - the best friend of small apartments.

You can use folding or sliding (sliding) furniture. If you make a podium on the floor, then you can hide a bed or boxes for linen in it, and you can buy a wardrobe bed or a transformer table that can be easily turned into a full bed if you turn it over. In general, any furniture transformer would be an excellent option for one-bedroom apartments. A baby bed is no exception - buy immediately the one in which there is at least a lower drawer for storing clothes or toys, or even better, sliding beds that grow with your child.

A balcony or a loggia can at least be turned into another “closet”, the shelves on the sides, a podium or similar solutions will remove all unnecessary things from home and free up more space for a small sofa for guests. Next you can put a stylish table, which will be the working area. And on the walls hang open shelves for small items.

Studio apartment 46-50 sq m

How to equip several zones from a one-room apartment up to 50 square meters and at the same time leave maximum free space? Of course, the ideal option would not be building walls, but their demolition. But more often, they are not there anymore, because apartments from 46 to 5 squares most often go as studios right away. But zoning is still necessary, without it anywhere. You can not just set up the furniture in the room and consider this room comfortable. The area seems to be not small, for comparison, two-room apartments in the Khrushchev five-storey buildings have an area of ​​about 42 squares. But we have 50 of them, which is good news.

Receptions that are used for the design of small apartments are similar to each other - light colors, multi-level lighting, proper arrangement of furniture, the functionality of the room, well, then everything depends on the desire of the owner. This also applies to the choice of stylistic direction, the designer must take into account the number of permanently residing people and other nuances in order for the project to become comfortable for everyone.

Mirror and glass surfaces, air niches and partitions, well-equipped storage system, thoughtful arrangement of household appliances in the kitchen and so on - all this is very important. The decor in a small apartment should not be everywhere, it is enough to put interesting objects in several places, and remove all the little things in the closed shelves. If you need a sleep and rest area, you can install a not very wide bed and separate it from the rest of the area with a screen, partition, construction of plasterboard sheets, plexiglass and other materials. If you need to install a baby bed, you can install it in the parents' sleeping area, while it is better not to hang up a TV there. And install it in the guest area on the bracket in front of a small cozy sofa, which, if necessary, can be expanded and used as a second bed.

Materials for finishing, you can use any, but it is better to stay at the combined collections. That, on the one hand, to support the idea of ​​zoning, and on the other, not to spoil the overall impression. Yet the interior should remain stylish and original, but no frills.

The interior of the apartment for a family with a child

A clear answer to how to properly equip one-bedroom apartment for a family with a child can not be given. Here a lot depends on the area of ​​the room, and on the needs of each family member, and on the age of the child.

It is important to focus on the functionality of the entire space of the apartment, not one corner should be wasted, but also to force everything in one line along the wall with furniture, is also not rational. Therefore, to begin with, we need to think about additional storage systems - you can make opening podiums, and on the top you can install a bed, a desk or something else. Beds-attics for a child in a one-room apartment are perfect, especially if it has a mechanism with a roll-out table and a built-in wardrobe. So the child will have his own corner, and he will not take up much space.

Speech about installing beds for adults in a one-room apartment can not even go. Adults will have to sleep on the sofa being laid out. But they are also comfortable, and some models have an orthopedic mattress and modest size.

In the hallway or pantry, re-install the shelves and make lighting so that you can easily navigate there. In general, the light in a small apartment should be installed in several levels, this will allow to further differentiate the space of the living room and highlight zones. Doors in a small one-room apartment are better to use sliding doors, and if you want to install hinged doors, then it should open against the wall. Only it is better to choose the canvas, which in color will be as close as possible to the decor of the walls, then it will not rush into the eyes and the room will not be visually reduced.

Bathtub is combined with a toilet, and in the kitchen we put the set with built-in appliances. It is better to hide the refrigerator behind the closet door, and to make the dining area more compact - you can use padded stools with opening seats, and instead of a backrest, hang several soft decorative pillows.

Photo projects of one-bedroom apartments

Designers have prepared for you a lot of ready-made options, the projects show the location of the furniture and highlight all the zones.

How to make repairs in the apartment

To make a one-room apartment comfortable, cozy and functional, you need to do a lot of work on the preparation of the room. Competent repair should be planned. And the stages of repair are as follows:

  • Replacing old communications  taking into account zoning - sockets should be in those places where it is needed, and not 3 meters before the devices, the same with the rest of the communications.
  • Floor leveling  taking into account the height of the finish (tile adhesive plus the thickness of the tile, the substrate under the laminate and the panel itself, etc.). The final level should be the same throughout the apartment.
  • In parallel, you can install new windows and to glaze a balcony, to warm a loggia.
  • Wall leveling  and the construction of niches, partitions, if they are provided by our project. Then all this needs to be shredded, wiped. The bottom line is perfect walls.
  • We can start leveling the ceiling  or installation of a tension cloth. Or specially trained people will do it for you, resorting to the help of builders and decorators is especially beneficial if they make a comprehensive repair of the entire apartment.
  • You can continue start finishing.
  • Spring-cleaning.
  • And the most exciting stage, furniture placement  and the connection of all devices.



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