the main - Bathroom
  Beautiful bathroom design. Design of a small bathroom - a small combined bathroom in the photo

Finishing a new apartment, or making repairs in the old, we, of course, are perplexed by the interior design of residential premises. But the attitude to the bathroom is often completely different. We are only concerned that everything is neat and in color. And in vain, because the design is also very important.

The interior can be decorated in the same style as the apartment, or it can be something completely opposite. And special attention should be paid to the interior design because the wrong color or an excessive number of accessories can visually "eat" the already scarce meters.

Interior design of the combined bathroom in the apartment or in the private house

The following styles are often used for the design of bathrooms: Provence, Scandinavian, loft, high-tech and art deco. This section provides an overview of each.

Design of the combined bathroom in the style of Provence and Loft

As a rule, the interior design in the Provencal style is achieved by furniture and textile accessories. But often in the combined bathroom of furniture you can put a maximum bookcase or cabinet under the sink. Well, with textiles here, too, especially not to roam.

This means that the main focus will be on the walls, or rather, on the color and pattern of their decoration. The main background should be light - beige or milky color. Print vegetable, not large, in almost any scale. The main condition - the colors should be muted, as if burned out in the sun. Provencal style does not imply bright spots in interior design. Plumbing and furniture is chosen not too bulky and also white or milky.

How to make the interior of the combined bathroom. Design photo in provencal style

The name of the style "Loft" (English) translates as "loft". The idea of ​​interior design in this design came to us from America. This is an echo of the 40s, when the premises of former warehouses, factories and attics began to be actively used as housing. Today, the loft-style bathroom is a confluence of opposing architectural solutions.

Note:  The main color of the room, the interior design of which is decorated in a loft style - white. The second touch will be ocher - brick and / or natural wood color. Accessories can be metal without coating, as well as white or black.

Combined bathroom with a bathroom: loft design

Here, modern furniture and plumbing are found with elements from the past: sections of brick walls, uncovered ventilation ducts, pipes, etc. Furniture and accessories in the interior design of such a bathroom should be as minimal as possible and functional. The photo below is an interesting example of shelves for loft design.

Scandinavian style and high-tech for a combined bathroom

Scandinavian style suggests interior design. It is characterized by simple forms and convenience of each item. the simplest ones can be used here: tile, wood, decorative plaster and metal. It is these qualities that make the Scandinavian style so suitable for a combined bathroom.

Note:  The main color for interior design in the combined bathroom, decorated in the Scandinavian style, should be bright, cold, dim. It can be shades of beige, gray, or pure white. The flooring is in color close to the color of the walls, or vice versa, contrasts sharply with it. The same applies to furniture.

Photo of a separate bathroom design: Scandinavian style

High-tech style in simplicity and minimalism in design is similar to the Scandinavian. But this is already a modern style, and the relevant materials are used in it: plastic, glass, metal. In the interior design of the combined bathroom, straight lines and angles will prevail over oval and round shapes.

Note:  hi-tech represents the real expanse for fantasy in terms of color selection. Combined bathroom can be made in a single color scheme, as in the photo, and in a combination of several contrasting colors. Drawing on the walls may not be at all, and if it is, then it is simple lines or geometric shapes. Floral and vegetable prints are not used here.

How to equip in a modern style a narrow bathroom: designer hi-tech

Combined bathroom in the art deco style

Art Deco is freedom from functionality, minimalism and conservatism that is obligatory for many styles. This is a mix of original and bold ideas, a variety of elements and interior details. No wonder before the formation of the definition of "art deco", this style was called abstract, or jazz modern. Such an interior design is not used very often, as this is not a budget option. It is assumed that the materials here should be used only natural, and, accordingly, expensive.

Primary colors: black, chocolate, burgundy, ivory. Also plentiful inclusion of gold in furnish or a decor is welcomed. The interior design can be applied drawings with oriental and ethno bias, as well as animalistic.

Interior bathroom with shower, black and white version

Note:  for the design of the combined bathroom in the Art Deco style, it is better to invite a designer who does this professionally. This is due to the fact that this kind of interiors do not forgive the slightest lack of taste: a masterpiece can easily turn into petty bourgeoisness and bad taste.

Selection of primary colors for design

Each of the design options described above involves the use of some specific colors. However, if you need to take into account such nuances as, as well as the height of the ceilings in it.

Small bathroom units

The basic rule here is - the brighter the main color of the walls, the ray. Very light shades of gray and blue are better for walls, milky and boiling white, and light beige. Dark colors in interior design should be included very carefully.

Ceilings are painted in the color of the walls or made lighter than them. Dark color of the ceiling is allowed only with a significant height. The flooring is in the color of the walls or slightly darker. A well-known technique will also help to expand the room: the light color of the walls is at the level and just below the eyes.

Interior decoration combined bathroom in beige tones

Color for the interior of spacious combined bathrooms

The larger the area of ​​the room, the less restrictions on the choice of interior color you will have. Here you can even use dark, rich shades of blue, green and brown. Black is also used. In rooms from 6 to 10 m 2 it is better to combine these colors with light ones, and large areas allow you to make even a monochrome design, say, in black or dark brown color.

Interior design of the big combined bathroom

Design of a shared bathroom small area

Design combined has its own characteristics. The lack of space makes us attentive to the choice of colors, as well as the number and placement of furniture.

Small bathroom interior

For absolutely small combined bathrooms it is better not to use at all in a large and bright print in the interior. Maximum - a narrow frieze around the perimeter. Be sure to think over the storage system, as the various cans, vials and boxes, standing in plain sight, in such a small room will create an impression of clutter. An exit can be a tall and narrow closet - a case in the interior.

It is also necessary to say about in the combined bathroom. Instead of an ordinary toilet bowl it is better to install the installation. It will be less conspicuous, even taking into account the loss of those 30 cm from the square, which will go to create a box under it. And the bath - in some cases, for example, as in the photo, the corner model will help to save a certain amount of free space in the interior.

Bathroom design 3 sq m, combined: the position is saved by the correct placement of plumbing

If you don’t like boring monochromatic walls, you can try the option like in the following photos. We select the finish with a print, but we organize the storage areas differently. Instead of closed drawers and cabinets, which would “eat” the already scarce space, we use open metal shelves. In addition, the mirror here is better to pick up without a frame, or it should be very narrow.

The following two photos represent different perspectives of the interior of the combined bathroom of a small size:

We trim the bathroom: design in Khrushchev

Note: in very small combined bathrooms you should not try to compensate for the lack of storage space by hanging shelves and cabinets. Here and visually the space will greatly decrease, physically you will cling to everything with clothes.

Small bathroom, design. Photo taken from the entrance to the room

And this combined bathroom is a little more, here the area of ​​4 is 4.5 m 2. The lack of space here will still be felt, so when you design your interior design, we adhere to the rules that are given at the beginning of the section. Also, you can “play” with the visual perception of space with the help of stripes. Transverse expands the room, and the vertical pull it up.

However, there are pitfalls: the cross strips also make the ceiling look lower. In the photo below you can see how the designer solved this problem: to the right of the entrance to the decoration picture, wide vertical stripes are included, which compensate for the “low ceiling effect” from the transverse.

Bathroom design 4 square meters, in a one-room apartment. Cross strips visually expand space

And do not forget about the mirror! Even in the smallest combined bathroom the mirror can save the situation and make the room look more than it is. A large mirror in an area of ​​5 - 6 m 2 will do wonders at all - you will get a bright, visually spacious room.

Bathroom design of 5 sq. M. Mirrors will make the standard room spacious.

The design of the combined bathroom can be very diverse, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our photo review and comments on the advantages, disadvantages and selection of color schemes in the interior design.

Combined bathroom - a frequent architectural solution in Russian houses, especially old, Soviet-built.

Some people deliberately choose a combined bathroom, even removing the wall for the sake of it, others are still not happy with this layout. The combined bathroom has both its advantages and disadvantages - we will consider both of them.

Advantages of the combined bathroom

The main advantage of such a bathroom is, oddly enough, an increase in living space. Most people associate a bathroom with closeness - to recall at least the same "Khrushchev".

But if you think about it, a separate bathroom is even closer - a place where you could put, for example, a washing machine, is “stolen” by a wall. And this applies both to lavatories in the “Khrushchev” and spacious bathrooms in modern new buildings.

The second advantage of the combined bathroom is significant savings on repairs. To finish the bathroom you will need much less tile, panels or paint - thanks to the absence of an extra wall. takes much less time and money.

It will be possible to save money on the doors - instead of two, you will have to buy only one. Yes, and time to bring the design of the combined bathroom in order will need less.

And finally, the combined bathroom is simply easier to clean. Any hostess knows how uncomfortable it is to wash the floors and corners in a cramped room. And in the combined restroom there is where to turn, and all the necessary cleaning products are at hand.

The disadvantages of the combined bathroom

However, along with the advantages of the combined bathroom there are drawbacks.

The main one is that inevitably “queues” will arise in the toilet. After all, if someone went alone to take a shower, other family members would have to wait to use the toilet, or break each other’s privacy - which is always embarrassing. But you can put up with it.

If the apartment is initially equipped with a separate bathroom, but the owners want to remove the wall, problems may also arise - such work requires permission. True homeowners do not always follow all the rules.

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of combined bathrooms, we can conclude. A single room for a bathroom and toilet is convenient only if the apartment is large enough by itself, and no more than two people live in it.

If we are talking about a "Khrushchev", and use the toilet three or four, the bathroom becomes a "problem" place in the house. Here you need to carefully consider the layout and design of the combined bathroom.

Is it possible to make a combined bathroom comfortable?

However, this problem is quite amenable to solution - at least in part. Modern construction market offers enough opportunities to equip even the closest bathroom practical and stylish.

What techniques are used to visually increase the volume of the combined bathroom?

Color is the main design tool.

The most important thing when creating an interior in a small room is the right choice of colors.

The basic rule is probably known to everyone, even those who are far from the design tricks. Light colors expand the space, dark ones narrow. And this axiom is actively used in practice in the design of small combined bathrooms.

It is not at all necessary to make the toilet completely white - and not even desirable.

In any bathroom - both spacious and small - always appropriate "marine" themes: blue, blue tiles, sand colors.

There is one important point: if your bathroom is very small, but you still would like to see in it a tile of rich, deep shades of blue and green, try to make sure that it does not set the tone.

Let the dark elements only create an emphasis on the general light background - this will allow not to overload the space.

For a small lavatory, not only blue, but also a light green color (as well as dark green in combination with white and other light shades) is well suited. The shades of yellow will look harmonious - this color always makes the room wider, lighter and happier.

But with brown, black and purple shades need to be careful.

If you use them in large quantities, they will finally compress and so small space. Therefore, if you like, for example, purple color, use it for small design elements - as color inserts, in accessories and furniture.

Another secret to expand space is glossy surfaces. Prefer brilliant tiles - reflecting the light, it will visually increase the volume of the combined bathroom. The same applies to the ceiling - glossy hinged panels "lift" it.

And lovers of bold solutions can equip a mirrored ceiling in the bathroom.

Minimalism is not a problem, but a style

As for design styles that are suitable for a close bathroom, then three of them will look best.

First of all, it is the design of the combined bathroom in   hi-tech style. The abundance of shiny chrome and glass elements, the absence of unnecessary parts, translucent surfaces - the perfect set to expand the space.

A narrow shower instead of a bath, cabinets with mirrored doors, bright glossy tiles in metallic colors, spotlights and a shiny ceiling will help make the bathroom one and a half times wider than it really is.

Another harmonious style for close spaces is minimalism. Carefully choosing plumbing, furniture and accessories in the same style, you will achieve that the lack of space will cease to be evident. The modesty of the situation will not be a forced condition, but a "highlight" of minimalist design.

Finally, gracefully in a small room will look japanese style. It does not imply bright or too dark colors in the design, is completely neutral, does not require “heavy” decorative elements, but tends to be horizontal - that is, again it visually increases the space.

The choice of plumbing for combined bathroom

Color tiles and lighting in the combined bathroom play an important role. However, the right choice of plumbing is no less important - otherwise, all efforts to create a design can be negated.

Bathroom, sink, toilet - all this should be functional, comfortable and at the same time take up as little space as possible.

The most “bulky” element of the toilet is, of course, a bath. In close lavatories, it is often sit-down - there is simply not enough space for more. But modern manufacturers offer another comfortable and stylish option - showers.

A variety of sizes and shapes allows you to choose just such a cabin, which is ideal for specifically your bathroom - square, rectangular or corner. The last two will save the maximum space.

There are both flat and deep. Therefore, if you do not want to completely abandon the familiar bathroom, you can choose a deep pan. In size, it is not much smaller than a sitz bath, and it looks much more modern and interesting.

The walls and doors of shower cabins are made of translucent plastic, so they do not “steal” extra space. In addition, the shower can be equipped with additional features. From aroma and color therapy to the built-in radio, which will bring even more comfort to the design of the combined bathrooms.

Choosing sink for the combined bathroomit is better to abandon square models with wide sides.

A narrow and rounded sink will look much more harmonious. This rule applies generally to all plumbing and furniture for a close restroom. The less clear and sharp corners - the more useful space.

Standard, "standing" models of the toilet are both wide and rather narrow. However, if you want to exclude all unnecessary elements from the combined bathroom, you can choose a wall-hung toilet - due to the absence of a leg, the bathroom will also look a bit more spacious.

Summing up, it is safe to say that the lack of space in the combined bathroom is not a sentence for stylish design and practical convenience.

A competent choice of plumbing, color solutions and accessories will help to create a harmonious interior, even in the most cramped conditions, and going into the bathroom, you will feel pleasure, and not annoyance for those who designed your bathroom.

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Combined bathroom - not a new one, but always a popular trend in interior design. And it is not surprising, because such a solution significantly increases the area of ​​the room and allows you to install furniture in it or the same washing machine, which previously did not fit the banal. Consider how to plan a new design of the bathroom and properly position the plumbing as convenient and compact as possible. And at the same time - and what pitfalls can meet on the way to the bathroom of your dreams.

Together or separately: advantages and disadvantages of combined sanitary facilities

Before deciding to redevelop, it is worthwhile to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. Let's talk first about the shortcomings. The main disadvantage of the combined bathroom is obvious: the impossibility of simultaneous use of the bathroom and toilet, which is a tangible problem for a large family. In addition, such redevelopment will require documentation, which always takes a lot of time and effort.

But there is another important point: poor ventilation in old apartments. And if you combine a bathroom without upgrading the duct is not possible, you will have to deal with unpleasant odors with the help of air fresheners, and they, as you know, do not eliminate the problem, but only partially mask it.

But the benefits of redevelopment are very tempting:
   In a large room, it is easier to update all communications systems and correctly assemble them.
   You can save on materials for interior walls and the second door.
   In the combined bathroom there is an opportunity to fulfill the dream of many cleaners - to install an additional shower stall or replace the standard bath with a jacuzzi.

  And the last detail: the design of even a small combined bathroom always looks more attractive and spectacular than repairs in a separate but small bathroom and toilet, where there is simply no place to turn fantasy.

What you need to know about redevelopment

As already mentioned, the change in the internal space of the apartment should be legalized. Of course, it is possible to knock a wall at your own risk, but such amateur activities will “come around”. And it is not necessary for this to resell the apartment - a complaint from neighbors about illegal redevelopment will lead to your house inspection, and with it the restoration of the destroyed wall, in addition to a very tangible penalty.

If we are talking about the simplest redevelopment - the demolition of the partition between the toilet and the bathroom, before diving into the fascinating world of bureaucracy, you should make sure that the wall is not bearing. Otherwise, the game is not worth it - the chances of getting permission are almost zero. If this is a common interior wall and there are no plans to move plumbing equipment outside the bathroom / toilet, there should be no problems. Just prepare a sketch of the future room (you can also by hand).

But if you have planned to “capture” a part of other rooms under the bathroom, consider the following nuances:
   The expansion should be planned in such a way that the new bathroom is not above / under the living rooms of the neighboring apartments.
   Do not touch the hallway - according to sanitary standards, leaving the house can not be from the territory of the bathroom.
   You can not expand the bathroom at the expense of living rooms and kitchens. Redevelopment can be done only by combining the bathroom with a pantry or part of the corridor.

To agree on this design option in the project organization, the sketch will not pass. You will have to prepare a detailed project of redevelopment, calculations for the additional load on the floors and documentation for the wiring of engineering communications, if your repair of the combined bathroom includes changes in the location of the plumbing.

Design features in bathrooms up to 4 m2

A small bathroom is a real scourge of most old houses. The main problem faced by designers is how to choose and locate plumbing in a limited area.

There are several solutions for optimizing space:
  1. Replace the bathroom shower. As a result of such castling, the mass of space is freed up, for example, for a locker or a washing machine. But this option may be inconvenient for families with small children.

2. Choose a "sit down" bathroom. The compact model, of course, can not be compared with a full bath, but if you choose the design of a shower cabin with a deep base, you can use it for the same bathing of a child or cosmetic procedures.

3. Corner washbasin with cabinet and built-in shelves for storing things - occupy a minimum of space.

4. Hanging toilet - a compact design with hidden communications looks spectacular, meets all the rules of ergonomics and allows you to correctly use the space in the upper part of the wall.

5. For a shower enclosure, you can order a design with transparent doors and without a pallet - such masking visually eliminates the massiveness of the cabin.

  As for the location of plumbing - it all depends on the shape of the room itself and the stylistic design. For example, an elongated combined bathroom, the design of which is built on the principles of minimalism, may look more spacious and spacious if you use the linear placement of all strategically important devices.

With this layout, you can find a place for a small pencil case with a mirror and even a washing machine, which is always a problem to fit into a small bathroom.

But in a square room it would be logical to place all the plumbing in the corner zones, freeing the center. Thus, on an area of ​​less than 3 m2, you can place everything you need, and there will not be a feeling of overloaded furniture. Pay attention to the following layout - everything is thought out here. At the entrance you immediately find yourself in the washbasin area, the transparent cabin occupies a compact corner, the pencil case is hidden behind the door, and the toilet does not crawl to the fore.

When arranging plumbing, consider the recommended distances and dimensions:
   From the front edge of the toilet to other items - at least 38 cm.
   Shower dimensions - minimum size 76 * 76, optimal - 90 * 90, comfortable - 120 * 120cm.
   From the sink to the nearest wall - at least 50 mi, from the front of the sink to other objects - at least 55 cm (optimally - 75 cm).
   From the shower door to the wall - at least 60 cm.

Solutions for combined bathroom area of ​​5 m2 and more

A full-fledged straight or small corner bath and a washing machine can easily fit into the bathroom of 5 m2. Here not only the necessary furniture and sanitary ware is used, but also the decorative elements - wicker laundry baskets, vases, and hinged shelves with cosmetic accessories.

In rooms from 6 m2, you can select several functional areas and think about additional amenities. For example, install a bidet, washbasin with two sinks, a shower corner in addition to the bathroom.

And in a room with an area of ​​9 m2 there is a place for a screen or partition, enclosing the toilet, linen closet, dressing table, cubicle with infrared sauna or a chic Jacuzzi built into the podium.

The choice of colors and interior style

When the problem of planning and redevelopment has already been solved, it remains the most fascinating - to determine the style and color scheme for your new bathroom. But since most thematic designs have specific requirements for the type of furniture, decoration and decor, consider the most popular solutions for rooms of various sizes.

1. For small bathrooms with an area of ​​up to 5 m2, the best option would be to choose concise minimalism or Scandinavian style. Optimal colors are white and light cold shades that visually expand the space (blue, emerald, pearl gray, ash-pink). As accents, you can use panels, furniture or fragments of finishes in more saturated colors of the same gamut or dark colors.

2. If the size of the bathroom varies from 5 to 7 m2, the choice becomes wider: you can equip almost any interior style, except for those where you need a volumetric finish and space (for example, loft, cartridges, retro). Here you can "play" with colors, combine different shades and textures, highlight the accent wall, protrusions, niches.

3. And if you are a happy owner of a spacious bathroom, you can turn around with any color and style - from elegant classics to trendy hi-tech. For lovers of home comfort ideal country, Provence or eco-style. And connoisseurs of shocking can wipe on retro or pop art. And do not forget to consider options for accommodation "raisins", which can only afford in a spacious bathroom - a free-standing bath.

When making a bathroom, be sure to consider the design of other rooms, because there are incomparable styles that are difficult to combine within the same apartment. And if the living room, for example, is immersed in the luxury of baroque or bright colors of Indian interior, it will be strange to get into the bathroom, the design of which is decorated in strict high-tech. But there is one universal option - marine style. This design is always important for the bathroom, it looks impressive and perfectly complements any interior.

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  • The combined bath and toilet is the perfect solution for more room space. But for some, this solution is not always considered convenient. Someone prefers small bathrooms, which can be cozy compared to uncomfortable bulky ones.

    But this is not always true. The interior, functionality and comfort of the room, regardless of more or small room, depends primarily on a carefully planned project, equipment and preferences of its owner. Therefore, if a joint bathroom plays an important role for you, then surely it will be beautiful and cozy.

    Combined bathroom with bath, design, photo of which is presented in the gallery of the article, suggests the following layout options:

    1. Square  - such an arrangement of the room allows you to place a bath, sink, toilet and washing machine. You can also install a curtain rod with a screen, visually separating it from the toilet.
    2. Rectangular  - this arrangement allows you to set the bath opposite the door, well, and on the sides - a washbasin and a toilet.
    3. Stretched  - this solution is achieved by combining a bath with a toilet by itself. Well, if the bathroom was originally deep, it will install the equipment and not feel cramped. Another thing, if there is no depth, then you can install a bathroom, sink, toilet, washing machine in the line. If there is not enough space, you can replace the bathtub with a shower stall, thereby freeing up space for a washing machine or washbasin.
    4. Narrow  - allows you to install a shower cabin, sink, toilet and a compact washer.

    Combined bathroom with bath

    As you can see, it depends on what the layout of the combined bathroom you have, and further interior design will be carried out.

    Bathroom design large measure

    1. Classic. This design involves the use of natural finishing materials. The room should be spacious, with high ceilings. Here you can place a beautiful bath on the legs, a marble bath, which can be placed on the podium. The combination of light and saturated colors allows you to create a spectacular interior: golden with brown, copper, bronze and gilding will look advantageous on a pastel beige background. According to the results, such repair of the combined bathroom, a photo of which can be viewed in the article gallery, will be enjoyed by even the most sophisticated people.
    2. Antiquity. Using this style allows you to resort to the design of the room with natural materials. White color is taken as a basis. Here it will be perfectly possible to install a marble bath surrounded by columns, around it you can install amphoras, small vases in order to create a certain atmosphere. If a shower cabin is installed, then it is better to use fences with an antique pattern, to decorate walls.
    3. Provence.  The interior design of the bathroom and the bathroom assumes a design in light shades that will be combined with natural decorative elements. If you install a bath or a shower cabin, it is important to supplement the room with various forged elements, under a tree, with linen textiles, wicker baskets.

    Combined bathroom with WC - design option

    Small bathroom

    The layout of a small bathroom does not accept the pomp and luxury of classic and antiquity. Here the interior is played up with modern style.

    High tech. This solution involves the installation of a shower cabin and a suspended toilet. If you decorate the walls of light shades, plumbing can be chosen in black, for example, color, playing on the contrast. But it is not suitable for every interior. The small combined bathroom, the design, photos and design options of which are presented in the gallery of the article, still needs visual expansion, because, above all, lightness, lightness and functionality, and of minimalist style. Also here is the installation of spot lighting, the use of glossy walls, well, and the complete absence of various details.

    Bathroom design option

    Japanese. This design is inherent in a neutral color scheme in combination with natural finishes: stone, wood, bamboo. Perfect to install a small sink, shower, low bath. On the walls an important element should be hieroglyphs, sakura, lotus.

    Minimalism. Design of bathrooms and sanitary facilities - minimum piling up, maximum airiness. Because shelves, compact tables, small sink, hanging toilet, shower with clear glass - all this should create a single and inseparable image. Light walls, allowed combination of white with gray, beige, pale yellow, light brown.

    Sea style. This style has relevant for all green, blue, turquoise, white and sand color options. As accessories you can use shells, starfishes, wicker chest for dirty linen, fish, pebbles on small panels or decors. Such a design of the combined bathroom, photo of which is presented in the gallery of the article, will appeal to almost everyone.

    Wall decoration

    Combined toilet with shower in the interior are made using such finishing materials as tiles, wall panels, plaster and paint.

    The use of glossy tiles on the walls allows you to visually expand a small space. Resorting to the mosaic wall decoration, you can realize the most daring solutions, creating both austere and fun bathroom design, the photo of which is presented at the bottom of the article.

    Stylish bathroom design

    Wall panels are an alternative to mosaic and tile. They perfectly imitate stone, wood, ceramic tiles. There are also plain and landscape options.

    The Seine can also be made in a combination of tile + wallpaper, tile + plaster. But this solution is more suitable for large bathrooms. In this case, the walls are treated with antifungal composition. The perfect solution is a combination of ceramic tiles and a mosaic of several colors, which makes it possible to decorate the interior of even a small bathroom in a particularly stylish way.

    Ceiling decoration

    The easiest option to arrange a bathroom, photos of which are presented in the gallery of the article, is high-quality whitewashing or plastic panels. The fine decision for small rooms. If the size of the bathroom allows, you can arrange the ceiling using stucco or photo printing. If you tiled to the ceiling design, then a more organic solution will fit into a large space. The perfect solution is the suspended ceiling. The gloss of the glossy surface will create more air, deepen the space, increasing the room visually. Well, another solution - a mirrored ceiling - rack.

    Installation of sanitary equipment

    1. Bath selection. If you choose a bathroom, first of all, decide on the size of the room itself. If the room allows, you can not limit yourself in size. Another option is if the room is small. Here, either an angular bath or a sit-down bath is perfect.
    2. Toilet Selection. There are no restrictions here. For small rooms will be fine use of suspended structures.
    3. Washbasin selection. If the room is small, a transparent glass bowl is ideal. Alternative - swivel design. But if there are no problems with saving space, any option that fits the overall interior style would be ideal here: asymmetry, shell, corner.

    As for the color option, it all depends on the style and individual preferences.

    Supplement in the interior

    If you use a mirror, it can be framed or add lighting using LEDs. Also framing a mirror with a mosaic or tile theme identical to the overall interior will be original.

    Use shelves. Great solution for large and medium-sized rooms, where there is a place for their location. Products can be made of metal, plastic, glass or wood. For convenience, you can choose not only the direct mounted and sided options, but also the corner ones.

    Exquisite and stylish bathroom design

    Cabinets are also used.. If the room has space for them. A certain material is suitable for each style - modern and hi-tech - plastic, metal and glass, classic, Provence - natural wood or MDF.

    Choice of accessories

    If you have a large bathroom and there is a window, it will be nice to decorate it with beautiful curtains to perfectly match the main theme of the interior. In the same color as the curtains, you must select rugs and towels.

    Option design bathroom with toilet

    The waltz window also accepts a certain style in the design. For private houses, a bathroom with a window can be decorated with Roman curtains, blinds, blinds.

    Choosing a laundry basket is an important decision, as it should fit into the overall interior decoration. For example, wicker baskets are classics, prvance, plastic is high-tech, modern, wood is Japanese.

    Combined shower and toilet

    As they say, the taste and color of all the markers are different. Someone prefers a separate shower and toilet, well, and someone to arrange a combined bathroom with shower, photo options which are presented in the gallery of the article. The latter solution allows you to enjoy more space, as more functionality, practicality, and, of course, more features.

    A negative point can only be the presence of family members of more than three people, then it is still better to stay on a separate version. But if there is an additional bathroom, the union will be perfect.

    Bathroom design with a small toilet

    Consider a combined shower with a bathroom, the positive aspects of the integration of a shower stall into space.

    Advantages of combining

    So, by combining the two rooms, we have:

    1. Free location of the necessary equipment and plumbing.
    2. The presence in the apartment of one door, which allows you to spend less money on the purchase and installation of another.
    3. Significant reduction of finishing materials due to the combination of the two zones.
    4. Free installation of the washing machine.
    5. Installing a large-sized shower cubicle, where the depth of the tray and protruding bath.
    6. Installation of the shower - the perfect solution for the elderly. Plus anti-slip coating prevents the risk of falling.
    7. Significant savings in water consumption in the shower, rather than in the bath.
    8. The procedures are increasingly better, as the equipment with hydromassage and steam can turn the bathroom into a real spa.
    9. The appearance of the room is quite compact and stylish.
    1. Before re-equipping the premises, first of all, you need to figure out whether you need to install a bath? Or is it better to choose a solution for the installation of high-quality and multi-functional shower? The second will make it possible to free up space even in a small bathroom, which can either be left free, or filled with plumbing fixtures and appliances necessary for comfortable use.
    2. As a design for such a bathroom, it is best to choose a small tile, stacking it vertically, increasing the height of the walls visually. If you want to lay tiles of dark shades from the bottom, and from half the wall to the ceiling are light, this will only reduce the perception of the room itself.
    3. Also, the original technique is the integration of the mirror into the wall, or the mirror tile on the wall. This will help both to increase the visual space and save the necessary centimeters. Plus, the original “mirror wall” idea will not leave anyone indifferent.
    4. Installation of lighting is also necessary to be done according to the rules, creating a maximum of light, airiness and lightness.
    5. An excellent choice in the interior is the installation of a suspended toilet and a bidet. This will save on additional space.

    From the above, we can conclude that in both large and small rooms, a shower cabin is the most optimal solution. It not only helps to release a significant place in the room, but also to get a lot of pleasant sensations during the procedures. Well, this design looks quite stylish and relevant.

    Design of a combined bathroom with a bathroom Design of a bathroom with a toilet Classic design of a small bathroom Design of a bathroom Stylish design of the bathroom Exquisite and stylish design of a bathroom design of combined bathroom Combined bathroom with bathroom Do it yourself bathroom repair Do it yourself bathroom repair Do it yourself narrow bath design Babe Making a small bathroom with a toilet repair in the bathroom, with WC Interior Decorating Combined bathroom with toilet bathroom with toilet - a variant design Modern interior of a bathroom and toilet stylish design bath design bath design bath Compact interior with toilet Bathroom design, combined with toilet



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