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  Punching aperture in the bearing wall. Punching aperture in a brick wall

Deciding on the reconstruction of the building or redevelopment of an apartment or house, the owners are faced with the need to install additional doors and windows for which it is necessary to pierce new openings. Punching an opening in a brick wall is a responsible, difficult and not safe job.

Before starting the punching of the opening in the wall, it is necessary to detect the wires, pipes and metal fittings hidden in it. To do this, you can use a small metal detector.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, check whether there is a wiring or chimney in the place of punching.

If necessary, the wiring is transferred to another place, and the distance from the hole to the chimney should be at least 300 mm.

Before direct penetration of the opening, it is necessary to install: A and B - beams; B - telescopic future opening; G - jumper.

It is also important to know in which brick wall there will be a hole punching: carrier, non-bearing or it is a wall of rigidity. As for the curtain, then it can be determined if it plays the role of a dividing wall or if the draft states that the wall is curtain and did not rebuild it.

Even if there is an overhead wall above this wall, then it cannot be argued that it is carrying, because the load distribution can be carried out via jumpers or steel beams supported on the bearing walls. If it is not possible to determine what wall it is, then approach it as a carrier.

Although this and dismantling, nevertheless, certain tools are needed. It:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • trowel;
  • empty container;
  • bulgarian;
  • perforator.

Parsing brick walls

Unbearers are dismantled from top to bottom to reduce the risk of collapse of part of the wall. If you need to pierce the opening in the brick wall to the ceiling, the marking is done. With the help of a hammer and a chisel, the top row is knocked out. Removing the following rows you need to remember that the brick can lie freely without adhesion to the masonry. The chisel is directed perpendicular to the wall.

  • in order to punch a hole in the wall for the doorway, it is covered with a jumper that transfers the load to the wall sections on both sides of the opening. The opening is drawn on the wall, and take into account the gap of 30 mm, which should be between the door frame and the wall;
  • the size of the jumper is drawn above the indicated element. It goes for a vertical mark of 250 mm in each direction. Punching begins with a hole for the web.

You need to make sure that it matches the jumper. This is done because the bottom mark of the lintel does not coincide with a multiple of the rows of bricks. Because of this, an extra row is removed and the jumper is mounted on the desired mark.

With a large thickness of the walls fit two lintels and monolithic.   The gap between the wall and the laid lintel is filled with cement mortar trowel. Further punching is done as described above. If there are concerns about the collapse of the brickwork, it is disassembled completely to the ceiling and spread on the new over the lintel.

Punching openings in bearing walls

When work is carried out with load-bearing or reinforced walls, attention should be paid to the load and impact that the wall transmits to the base.

The overlap is reinforced by so-called shoes, placed on both sides of the wall. A timber, a thick board is taken and a pole of non-circular timber is placed on it.

  • the support beam for wide openings is prepared and laid along the wall on both sides of the hole before the supporting structure is installed, otherwise it will interfere with the movement of bridges;

The process of punching the opening is done after the screed and the embedment of the beams.

In all cases, it is required to maintain strength and stability, and this requires knowledge of the structures of floors and coatings. Concrete floors are best for supporting, but the use of wooden floors and drywall is not recommended.

The bearing parts of the ceiling, supported on the wall, in the masonry of which the doorway is made, are temporarily supported. For safety, installation of jumpers is carried out in two stages.

  • select the groove in the wall at half its thickness. Jumper fits into the penalty, monolithic. Work on the installation of the second jumper start only after the solution hardens;

It should be noted once again that when punching an opening in a brick wall it is necessary to treat with great responsibility.

  • in cases where the laying is fragile, vertical stripes are punched on it on both sides and new slopes are attached to the old laying. Laid out the slopes of baked bricks. The old wall is moistened, and the bricks are moistened before the laying of slopes;

Additional masonry is connected to the old masonry using spike ligation. It is performed in 1/2 brick with a height of 5 rows. The length of the laying is 300-450 mm.

  • at the end of the installation of the lintel and punching the opening in the wall, it is necessary to fix the loose bricks with the mortar;
  • the edges of the structure are aligned at 90 degrees to the wall plane. On the edge of the boards are installed, arrange them vertically and bursting. The edges should be flush with the applied layer of plaster;
  • when installing the door, install plugs before leveling the slopes.

When punching in a solid masonry, there is no need to reinforce the old one, only the slots for the supporting blocks are punched. They are installed later.

Narrow opening device

Structures up to 100 or 120 mm wide are considered to be a narrow element. In solid masonry, they make their way without supports. For the lintel, the groove is cut to the full width immediately. After the jumper is installed, the hole itself is punched.

Vaulted Jumper

After punching the opening, it is necessary to weld metal strips from the bottom of the beams to reinforce the structure.

The laying above the new device is also strengthened with a vaulted lintel. This is possible with a system width of 100 mm, and the height between the overlap and the opening is sufficient to transfer the load to the masonry.

Then the design for the vaulted lintel is punched simultaneously with the main device. Laying start with the heel of the arch. The heel of the arch is chipped, the lower front surface intended for the device of the vaulted crosspiece is covered with a thin solution until the form of the vaulted overlap is obtained. The laying of this overlap is made of baked bricks on the mortar.

  • they begin to lay out simultaneously from both toes and are directed to the center of the arch. The height is 300-450 mm. The vaulted lintel is extended with the help of horizontally laid bricks;
  • mounting to the old masonry is carried out by a brick battle, which is laid on the cement mortar. The opening makes its way only after the mortar of the vaulted ceiling is set.

Niches and corners are used to house electrical appliances, built-in cabinets. When analyzing niches, there is no such need as retaining floors or walls if they are made in solid masonry.

In this regard, you can completely disassemble a niche, and then build a jumper. If the walls are made of mixed masonry or they are fragile, then work on the liner support under the ceiling. The jumper is set in advance.

We all want our home to be cozy, convenient and comfortable. Unfortunately, the typical layout of apartments can not provide the desired conditions. But it can be fixed by resorting to redevelopment of their living space.

Redevelopment is a process that requires obtaining permission from various authorities, since unauthorized re-planning is prohibited by law. Although many repair and construction companies relieve their customers from going to instances and bureaucratic red tape - they have established connections in this area and will take over the whole process by settling all the formalities.

In addition, they will perform a thorough analysis of the building materials from which the apartment or house was built, and will propose a project that would fully comply with state standards and safety requirements, responding to your wishes. You can perform redevelopment by moving window and door openings, as well as creating additional walls or partitions.

Experienced specialists will do all the necessary work to strengthen the window and door openings, cutting new ones in the bearing walls, as well as creating additional openings, partitions and windows. It is important that all works be carried out using new technologies and not cause damage to the basic structure.

But when making such a responsible decision, many immediately get a logical question: “How much does it cost to make an opening in a brick wall? And is it necessary to apply for this service to specialists? ”

Proper planning of cutting openings in brick walls is a protection against expensive and consequential damages. For this reason, before starting work, be sure to consult with experts and find a plan for an apartment or house.

How much does it cost to make an opening in a brick wall: average prices on the market

  walls in mm
Cutting the opening in rubles Strengthening the opening in rubles The cost of the material in rubles Total for the opening, rubles Type of metal
  beam / reinforcement
up to 130 5 400 10 000 5 500 20 900 L 50 × 50
up to 160 6 600 12 000 7 500 26 100 L 75 × 75
up to 180 7 100 12 000 10 500 29 600 L 100 × 63
up to 200 8 200 12 000 10 500 30 700 L 100 × 63
up to 250 11 500 12 000 10 500 34 000 L 100 × 100
up to 300 12 500 18 000 12 500 43 000   It is worth noting that the cost of manufacturing the opening in the wall includes: cutting along the contour, cutting or destruction of the cut-out fragment into lifting parts to reinforce the reception (arrangement of the beam plus framing along the contour), delivery, and also lifting the material.

Removal of garbage in a container of 8m 3.

The production time of the usual opening up to 500 mm is one day (three to six hours).

When performing work, noise usually has permissible norms.

The device opening in a brick wall

It's no secret that making an opening in a brick wall is not an easy task. In some cases, it requires intervention in the common wall of the pulp. It is important that the reinforcement of brick openings be made in the form of a U-shaped frame from the corner and channel bar and include a jumper (tank) and two racks supported on a steel sheet, ensuring uniform load distribution.

Making an opening in a brick wall should be divided into 3 parts:

  • the device of the beam in the brick (directly above the future opening);

  • punching aperture in a brick wall;

  • reinforcement of the opening along the contour.

Beam device in brick

The beam above the opening acts as a hold on the masonry and overlying floors. That is, its purpose is to withstand and redistribute the load that was carried by a remote fragment of the wall. The beam is made of a channel or a steel corner.

Before we start working on the opening in a brick wall, you need to perform some measures to ensure the preservation of the stability and strength of different parts of the building.

For the device beams need to cut out the grooves on both sides of the wall for the installation of the channel. Further in the made shtroby it is necessary to establish a channel, then to pull off hairpins. Then the beam is caulked with the help of a concrete solution and you can proceed to the direct cutting through the opening.

According to the requirements of design organizations and SNiP, in order to make an opening in a brick wall, it is necessary to resort to the diamond cutting method, which ensures the safety of parts of structures without visible cracks. In this case, the cutting of the opening in the brick wall is performed by stationary or manual wall saws. The opening is cut into pieces, and if necessary, resorted to further disassembly of the brickwork.

Cutting a brick wall with a manual carver

The depth of the cutters is up to 15 cm, which allows you to cut the walls up to 30 cm, having access from two sides. Deeper walls should be sawn in several stages. During the work of the cutter, water is used to ensure the absorption of dust, and the power supply will require a voltage of 2 kW / 220V.

Cutting a brick wall using a wall saw

Stationary wall saws quickly cut openings in a brick wall with a depth of more than 50 cm, and the diameter of the diamond disc in this case reaches up to 1500 mm. For wall-cutting will need a three-phase voltage of 32kW / 380V. Water to remove dust and disc cooling is consumed at the rate of 7 liters per minute.

Strengthening the opening in the brick wall

Of course, punching a new opening causes a weakening of the carrying capacity of the whole house. The wall, weakened by the opening, is not able to withstand the weight of the load in the form of overlying floors and brickwork. To prevent collapse and to ensure safety, the cut out part of the wall should be reinforced along the contour, by framing. To do this, you need to make a calculation of the gain or prepare a special project.

Knot of connection of a beam with a rack from a steel corner. It is important that the ends of the beams protrude 10-25 cm beyond the edges of the opening. On these centimeters of the wall falls part of the load, which is redistributed by the beam.

The corner itself is connected by plates, and also attached to the wall with a spacer anchor, forming vertical metal posts. The design of these racks strengthens the end portion of the opening and transmits the load on the floor through the steel plate.

In the bearing walls, since this method of device openings is most convenient, then the lion's part of the materials on the site is dedicated to this very topic. There are, however, other ways of arranging openings in load-bearing walls, one of which is piercing the opening. We decided to devote our article to this topic, in which we will talk about how to punch an opening in the bearing walls of houses of various types.

Before punching the opening

Punching the opening in the supporting wall - an event rather complicated from the technical side and if improperly performed can lead to tragic consequences, especially if we are talking about an opening in the supporting wall, and not a partition. That is why it is strictly forbidden to make openings without prior approval on the basis of the technical conclusion and the redevelopment project. You can order the redevelopment project in any project organization with the admission of SROs (including in our company), but for technical advice you should contact the author of the project at home directly. We recommend not to save on their safety and not to carry out unauthorized, not coordinated work.

During punching the opening

Most likely, you will use the services of professionals for punching the doorway, but even in this case it will be useful to inquire in advance about exactly how the technical side of the event will take place. So you will not bother builders with unnecessary questions and at the same time you will definitely notice errors in their work.

Before starting work, you need to check with the technical passport of the house, as the technical passports of apartments often do not indicate the type of wall (carrier, partition, unloading), for the presence in the place of the planned opening of chimneys, electrical wiring or ventilation ducts. Wiring can be carefully moved to another place, but it is forbidden to affect the ventilation ducts, so you have to abandon the device opening in this place. The same can be said with the detection of the chimney (not even exploited) - the distance from the opening to the chimney should be at least three meters.

As we said above, all the works on the opening should be carried out according to the redevelopment project, which specifies the dimensions of the opening, as well as the necessary type of reinforcement, which may differ depending on the type of building in which the apartment is located.

Punching aperture in walls of various types

Depending on what type of wall an opening is arranged in, the actions may differ. For example, in apartments of monolithic and panel (to a lesser extent) houses located on the upper floors, reinforcement of the opening with metal structures is sometimes not required, whereas in brick houses even the opening in the partition requires such reinforcement. In prefabricated houses built after 2006, it is not allowed to make openings under any conditions at all.

To reinforce the opening in the brick wall, a channel of the required size is used, which either joins between the bricks (when punching the opening in the wall), or is laid on both sides of the wall into pre-arranged grooves, after which both channels are bolted together.

The length of the bolts should not exceed 50 centimeters, and the extreme bolts should be located at the pivot point of the channels. It is also important to note that the voids between the channel and masonry are filled with self-expanding mortar during installation, and the channel length should be equal to half the height of the opening to which add 15 centimeters.

After the opening is reinforced with a jumper, holes are drilled around the perimeter, and then the opening itself is knocked out using a jackhammer. Side racks are often not mounted as unnecessary, however, sometimes the whole frame of the channel is assembled.

In panel houses, also before the dismantling works, a jumper is mounted, but it is made not from a channel bar, but from an unequal corner, which is also fixed with the help of a self-expanding mortar. After the mortar sets, the opening is punched and its side parts are reinforced. If the opening is arranged in the outer wall, then the metal structures must be insulated, otherwise a so-called cold bridge is formed, due to which the wall will freeze through in winter.

By the way, it is possible to use a percussion instrument when punching an aperture in the bearing walls of panel and monolithic houses only if there are no prohibitions in the technical conclusion and project. Shock and vibration loads on the wall can cause it to crack, which will reduce its carrying capacity and may lead to an accident. From this point of view, it is much more convenient to use diamond cutting tools, since they not only create much less stress on the wall when working, but also have a relatively low noise level and create much less dust and debris. In addition, the edge of the opening when cutting will be expected smoother than when punching, which will save time and money on aligning the opening in the subsequent finishing.

If you are planning to punch an opening in the bearing wall and are looking for an organization that will do all the necessary work, you can contact us using these contacts. We not only carry out physical work on punching or cutting the opening, but also develop project documentation, and if necessary we can carry out the entire process of agreeing on the turnkey redevelopment, until we receive a new apartment registration certificate for a reasonable price and within guaranteed time.

In the existing brick wall it is necessary to pierce a doorway of 1000x2100 mm. How to act in this case?

1 step. We clean the surface of the pier from the plaster layer, we outline the dimensions of the opening.

2 step. Install the jumper in the form of two channels over the future opening. To do this, in the level of the top of the future opening on both sides of the masonry wall we will cut down horizontal grooves (bottom of the grooves - at the level of the top of the opening) with a depth of 60 ... 70mm, height 150 ... 160mm and length 1500mm.

Drill five holes with a diameter of 22 mm in a brick wall with special drills.

Prepare two channel number 14 with a length of 1500 mm for lintels. To do this, drill 5 holes with a diameter of 24 mm in each channel so that when installing channels in the grooves in the masonry these holes coincide with the holes in the wall.

Before installing the channel, clean the grooves of debris and dust-free with a compressor or vacuum cleaner. Cover the furrows with a layer of plastic solution brand M100. We introduce the channels in the grooves of the non-hardened solution, and tighten the structure with bolts and nuts. The next step should be performed only after the solution is set to 100% strength.

3 step. Using a special circular saw, cut the masonry within the intended opening. In this case, any damage to the masonry wall outside the punched opening should be excluded. The use of instruments that transmit significant shock

or vibratory horizontal forces on the wall are not allowed.

4 step. Dust the surface of the masonry on the edges of the new opening and cover it with a layer of plastic mortar and with a clamp using temporary stops or braces to install

vertical corners 75x5 along the edges of the opening, connecting them together with plates 4x40x350 mm. In the lower part of the opening, vertical corners 75x5 should be supported on trimming the corners 75x5. At the top of the opening, weld the corners to the channel shelf.

5 step. After completion of work, all metal structures should be cleaned of rust and weld spatter, degreased, ogruntovat and plaster on the grid.

On this device, the opening in the wall is over.

Attention! For the convenience of answering your questions, a new section "FREE CONSULTATION" has been created.


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1   # 63 Irina 02.20.2014 08:55

I quote Artem:

Good day. I want to make an opening in the supporting wall of a private house made of adobe overlaid with brick. What maximum opening size can be without danger to the house and without jumpers?

Without jumpers there are no guarantees at all. I suppose that absolutely-absolutely without jumpers - up to 300-400 mm aperture in width, in height - arbitrary. If you use the corners, you can make a normal opening, but here you need to select the section of the corner depending on the load.



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