the main - Kitchen
  Kitchen 2 meters wide interior. Long narrow kitchen - layout (41 photos) of comfortable space

The kitchen is the room for the design of which there are special requirements. In this case, not the last value is the area, because there must be located all the necessary appliances and furniture, while providing the most comfortable conditions. Therefore, it is quite natural that the kitchen design is 2 m by 2 m - this is not an easy task.

However, there is nothing impossible if you approach the matter professionally and seriously. Even the smallest kitchen in Khrushchev can acquire proper functionality, becoming attractive and modern. And first of all when carrying out design work you should decide on the layout, style, color, lighting and furnishings of the room.

Kitchen Design 2 5 by 2 5 - Everything you need in a small space

Inaccuracies are unacceptable here, because every centimeter in such a small room is worth its weight in gold and requires a rational approach.

Design features


Despite the fact that an obvious increase in the space between the kitchen and the living room is the demolition of the walls, this method is not useful in all cases.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Not all walls are allowed to tear down, based on the layout of the building.
  2. Such repairs are labor-intensive, require professionalism and take a fair amount of time.
  3. There are less radical methods for expanding the territory.

In that case, if you nevertheless decided to implement a global redevelopment, remember - you can destroy only the interior partitions. Moreover, it is better not to do such a responsible job with your own hands, but to entrust the specialists.

Naturally, the price of professional repair is much higher than the cost of self-finishing facilities.

Secrets of increasing space from professional designers

Nowadays, there are many different techniques in order to correctly plan a kitchen design of 2m 2m.

  1. First of all, pay attention to furniture and appliances.. At this stage, you should abandon all the excess. For a functional kitchen there will be enough refrigerator, countertop, sink, hob, oven. It is desirable to provide a dining table or, alternatively,.

The best solution would be turning sections, folding tables and any variants of transforming furniture (as in the photo below).

  For small kitchens, it is better to choose embedded appliances.
  For example, there are varieties of the hob, which can easily be given a vertical position or put into a special niche.

  1. Wall cabinets to the ceiling will be an excellent tool to visually push the walls. The window sill can become a working area or be transformed into a bar counter.
  2. Pay attention to furniture placement. For kitchens 2x2, a small corner and a table are perfect, spacious wall-mounted cabinets, under it, respectively, is a sink, on the sides is a tabletop and a stove, but it is better to distribute kitchen utensils on the cupboards on the walls.

Color design

The 2 by 2 kitchen design assumes a special role for lighting, since it is designed to visually increase the floor space. Even the smallest kitchen can become cozy if you use white, cream, blue, gray or yellow shades when decorating walls.

The use of dark tones in this case is not recommended, since they can aggravate the situation. To get rid of the "workload" of the premises with objects, designers recommend using neutral shades in the design of the floor and walls.

A good choice would be to make the kitchen in the same color as the corridor with the next room. In this case, you should avoid large and bright elements of the decoration, which constrict the space. However, to completely eradicate juicy accents should not be. The main thing here is a sense of proportion.


Thinking through the design of the kitchen 2 2, many ignore the lighting, and this is not true. This factor is able to emphasize your work favorably or even reduce them to "no." That is why it is so important to make the kitchen light and, therefore, cozy.

There is a simple instruction for this:

  • Small, as well as fabrics with a large pattern.
  • There should be as many sources of artificial light as possible. So, in addition to the main lighting, you will need to install a local lamp above each zone.

  • Make the most of your wardrobes. If you embed the lamps in the hanging cabinets, they will illuminate every corner, which will create the appearance of spaciousness in the room.
  • Contrary to popular belief, mirror surfaces are more than appropriate. Reflecting the light, they are able to visually significantly increase the kitchen space.


As you can see, with the right approach and understanding of the business, kitchen design 2 5 2 5 is not so difficult. Modern design ideas allow literally to transform any room. Therefore, if you are the owner of a small kitchen, you should not consider yourself unhappy in advance, because disadvantages can easily become advantages with the right and professional approach.

It is quite possible to create a functional and attractive kitchen from a small room. If you want more information on the design of small kitchens, check out the video below. Here are collected visual tips on the visual expansion of the space and functional enrichment of kitchen facilities.

Modern and high-quality repair of the kitchen in Khrushchev requires the accounting of certain nuances from the contractor. Especially, if it concerns the kitchen room with a total size of 2x2 sq. Despite the apparent savings in materials, it requires a very competent approach to their choice.

It is necessary to take into account both the specific requirements of such premises, as well as some design nuances during their subsequent arrangement. Materials must be selected taking into account the presence of temperature differences and humidity levels in kitchens, and the interior requires reflection in terms of visual expansion of the existing space.

High-quality repair of kitchen 2 on 2: general list of works

In general terms, repair work in a small kitchen includes the following list of practical work:

Preparation of surfaces of walls and ceiling (plaster, putty)
   installation of selected ceiling coverings;

Pasting by wall-paper or painting of walls, partial finishing by a tile;
device flooring;

Device of sanitary and electrical parts. Installation of lighting equipment, as well as switches and sockets;

The device of the kitchen and ventilation system;

The sequence of general repairs to the kitchen involves:

The development of the general idea of ​​your kitchen 4 sq. M;

Implementation of all dismantling works;

Laying plumbing and electrical networks;

Preparation of all surfaces for finishing works;

Final finishing works and arrangement of the kitchen room.

Finishing the ceiling, walls and floor in the kitchen

The whole complex of preparatory work should start from the ceiling and move along the “top-down” principle. You must carefully examine the ceiling surface for defects and flaws. They can be removed with plaster or putty, as well as building foam. In the case of ceiling finishing wallpaper or modern waterproof paint, it is necessary to align it carefully.

If you plan to use the design of the stretch ceiling, it will remove all possible defects of the base surface and will provide additional protection against possible flooding from above by neighbors. Further, it is similarly necessary to eliminate all defects of wall surfaces. Due to the use of ceramic tiles in the work area of ​​your kitchen (as an “apron”), it is enough to apply only one layer of putty, making a preliminary primer.

When choosing a floor covering for a kitchen of 2x2 sq. M, you should take into account the fact of increased loads on this surface in small rooms.

The following materials can be used as potential materials:
   ceramic floor tiles
   modern porcelain tiles
   natural stone
   linoleum (without felt pad).

Qualitatively thought over kitchen renovation in Khrushchev, design options of which assume strict adherence to the principle of compactness, provides for the absence of any unnecessary items and accessories in this small room. Particular attention in the arrangement of the kitchen 2x2 sq. M is required to pay attention to the choice of furniture. Apparently, it is advisable to order a set of individual performance.

It is not always possible to choose a ready-made kitchen set considering the small area and the location of the door and windows. Curbstones should not be done deep, and the use of a variety of niches and compartments, as it will increase the total capacity, and visually expand the space.

Wall cabinets (preferably with glass surfaces) will also allow you to functionally use the space and not clutter it with kitchen accessories.

When choosing a stove, in order to increase the size of the working area, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of two-fridge options.

  It is also important to think about the need for a giant refrigerator.

The use of a modern refrigerator model built into the cabinet of the cabinet will not only significantly save space, but also provide additional space (on top of the canister above the refrigerator) for storing dishes and other kitchen utensils. Arrangement of a kitchen with an area of ​​4 square meters should include a variety of glossy surfaces. Also very effective and reflective surfaces of mirrors.

Thus, the repair in the kitchen 2x2 sq. Only at first glance is a simple task. However, with a competent and well-executed approach, your small kitchen can turn into a cozy corner of the apartment, which is convenient for both the cooking process and warm pastime in the company of family and friends.

A very large part of the modern housing stock in the cities are the so-called "Khrushchev". And in such houses, the kitchens of the apartments are premises of 3 meters by 2 meters. And it is quite difficult to choose a design for such a kitchen, but nevertheless, to make it cozy and interesting is quite real.

If the kitchen has a small area, it seems that there is no room for furniture, there is no place for the hostess to turn around so as not to touch the corners. And when it comes time for repair and improvement, the question naturally arises, how to arrange the space of such an area, what should be the design of the kitchen 3 by 2 meters.

But it turns out, thanks to the use of advanced technologies, with the help of modern art of interior design, you can make a beautiful, spectacular and functional kitchen design 2 on 3.

So, let's find out what is needed to create in the kitchen a small-sized comfortable environment, necessary not only to prepare food, but also to meet with relatives.

Work zone

This part of the kitchen space is central, so it is important to create convenience here, bordering on modernity. The interior of such a room as a kitchen 3 by 2 meters, does not necessarily have to be filled with super-ergonomic furniture that will take up extra space.

But then again, there should not be an extra kitchen utensil, that is, it is necessary to say goodbye to it quite uncompromisingly. It requires a choice: cooking and using it in a limited space, or having freedom and comfort.

Placing built-in household appliances is a great way to place in a kitchen interior, which does not clutter up the kitchen space. It would be better if the wall cabinets had doors that could open upwards and not in any direction.

Retractable shelves are necessary for floor cabinets, they allow, without bending down, without a long gimp to find the right thing. In corner cabinets, roundabouts that can rotate around the axis, which is built into them, will be of great use. This will help you get the most distant items without any problems.

The drawers of some cabinets can be supplied with special trays in two tiers, where every little thing can be found. With their help, the net volume will increase, it will be easier to maintain order.

Dinner Zone

The 2 by 3 meter kitchen also needs a dining area, and it is as important as the working one. Taking into account the fact that the creation of a full-fledged interior, in which decorative tools are used, does not allow the size of the kitchen, it is the dining area that should solve this issue.

A round table is almost always able to decorate a kitchen, besides sloping chairswill give the room softness and tenderness. With proper placement of accents interior sparkle colors.

Interior color solutions

In no case should this aspect be left unattended. For example, the interior, made in bright colors, will fill the kitchen with a soft and warm light.

The light wood from which the kitchen furniture is made, the accents made for example on the orange color can create a certain contrast, the presence of which should be in the interior. Installation of LED panels will add decoration in the dining area, in addition will serve as an additional source of light.

Tip: The use of unusual clocks, interesting prints or paintings, will complement the interior, will bring an extra positive to the kitchen atmosphere and will allow you to cheer up the owners.


A 2x3 meter kitchen is small-sized, and the view that it is easy to illuminate it, and that only one lamp is enough to light it up is actually not quite right. It is necessary to cover all important areas separately. For example, to decorate a dining table, use a cozy lampshade, and for the working area - lamps that are built into the hood.

Tip: For such a small area there is no need to use a powerful, bulky and expensive hood. Saving space and money will help the use of a small retractable hood, which is easy to build into the bottom of a hanging cabinet.

Recommendations for the arrangement of kitchen space

  1. The use of bright and active warm colors such as red, yellow, etc. is not recommended. These colors are able to visually "eat" the room, initially small.
  2. No need to overdo it with the use of dark colors, it is best if they will be used as accents, for example, for the socle, the edge of the table top, the light-shielding socle, the cornice and other accessories.
  3. If tempered glass is used for the kitchen apron, the surface pattern behind this glass should not be uniform. Because in this case, every drop, every spray will be clearly visible on this glass.
  4. Mirrors. This element is not very familiar to this room. But if you approach their use correctly and reasonably enough, the kitchen will not just transform, but also visually increase.
  5. Wall mural. If a wall remains that is not covered by kitchen furniture and seems bare, the wallpaper can “break” the closure of the space. In addition, they add to the comfort of the kitchen.
  6. Light floor. Dark floor, placed in a very small room, sharply limits the space.
  7. The floor will be laid diagonally. The kitchen in this case looks wider.
  8. It is necessary to finish the top and bottom of the kitchen set in different colors. As a result, a visually horizontal “reading” of the kitchen and, consequently, its visual expansion will be observed.

It is not so difficult to equip a small kitchen with your own hands. On our website you can get acquainted with photo and video materials that allow you to make your kitchen cozy and functional.

In the same place at your service and the instruction for transformation of a small corner into a beautifully decorated room. The price of this arrangement will be much lower than if a professional designer is invited.

The smaller the size of the kitchen, the more reverent attitude to each centimeter of area and the stronger the desire to make this centimeter useful.

To draft a direct kitchen, you can contact the specialists in the furniture salon, but we also have a mustache, right ?! In our article you will find useful information about the layout of the direct kitchen in the Khrushchev.

Layout options in a small kitchen 2 meters long

In a small apartment usually set   either corner or straight kitchen. Consider the option when the furniture is located in a single line along the wall.

Such kitchen projects in Khrushchev   called direct, or linear, kitchens.

To optimize the space, separate kitchen modules should be combined with a table top and equipped with built-in appliances. It is not only convenient, but also beautiful.

2-2.5 meters is very small for a full-fledged workplace of the hostess, so it is important to take into account every little thing, and create a comfortable, cozy corner in a small space.

To do this, discuss where to put the fridge, this bulky, but necessary unit.

Refrigerator and furniture are in the same row

If we put the refrigerator along the working wall, by the window, we get a direct kitchen 2 meters long, which consists of: a sink (50-60 cm), a cooktop (60 cm) and a refrigerator (60 cm).

Those. we actually get a kitchen with a length of only one and a half meters! And the cabinets? Alas: only between the stove and the fridge will it be possible to place only a 15-20 cm bottle.

  • A great option for single and small family owners of a small kitchen - built-in countertop compact refrigerator.  Cabinets will not increase, but we get a comfortable working area. Family people, such an option, of course, will not work.
  • Another option: replace the traditional four-ring stove or 60 cm hob with a 2-ring domino panel. After all, all 4 burners are rarely needed, and such a replacement will not cause inconvenience, and will free up a place for the cutting table.
  • Instead oven to put a microwave with convection function.And if instead of a bulky hood get a miniature, built-in model, there will be additional space for kitchen utensils and above the stove. It might look something like this:

In the kitchen Khrushchev length of 2 meters dining table can be made folding, mounted on the wall.

Lay out and clean as needed. Chairs to buy, too, folding and hang them on the wall. Folding table top and folding chairs are what you need for a small kitchen.

Using the top of the wall in a small kitchen is a must. Above the table, hang the maximum possible number of wall cabinets made of light materials, with glass doors.

This will not only provide additional storage space, but also give weightlessness to the structure and visually spread the walls.

5 tips for organizing the space of a small kitchen

  1. Try to abandon hinged doors in the built-in direct kitchen. For the lower sections, select the sliding mechanisms. For the upper cabinets - lifting. Such solutions fit much better into small spaces.
  2. Actively use rails - metal tubes with hooks and shelves above the working surface. With their help, you can place on the walls of kitchens a lot of utensils: ladles, mugs, spices, towels and much more.
  3. In the small space of a small-sized kitchen, straight lines are absolutely necessary. It can be strips on the wallpaper, straight vertical blinds, long narrow handles on the furniture facades.
  4. Floors with flooring (parquet, laminate, tile) laid out diagonally also visually expand the room.
  5. Small kitchens, in the interior design of which gloss and glass are used, evoke a feeling of lightness and airiness.

In the kitchen Khrushchev length 2-2.5 m, you can put a direct kitchen and at the same time make it functional and comfortable.

You just need to carefully and thoughtfully approach this task.

For your inspiration, look at the photo selection of small straight kitchens:



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