the main - Kitchen
  How can I make a set for the corner kitchen? How to make a corner cabinet in the kitchen with your own hands

We continue to collect furniture, I hope, this time we will finish and get the final result

Cutting table tops

After marking the countertops the question arose how to cut them in size? If you yourself get an electric jigsaw uneven, and manually must probably be a week to cut. Started looking for where they sawed? At a sawmill, perhaps, or a carpentry workshop or a furniture factory? In short, we understand and did not have where to go with these tops.

After a long search, it turned out that furniture companies refuse to cut wood tops. But we found a cut that agreed. They had a cool CNC machine, which in a matter of seconds with surgical precision, we drank both tabletops and for only 200 rubles.

Selection and installation of car wash

We started the selection in the article about laying the floor. So after a lot of agony of choice, we chose the more practical and reliable artificial stone Grand Fest and not the beautiful snow-white ceramics Dumse.

After cutting to size, it was necessary to cut openings for a new sink and hob. And just then everything can be done by the electric jigsaw, as ideal evenness is not needed, the edges will disappear anyway.

I just put the sink on top, traced a pencil from the drawn perimeter, sifted 1.5 - 2 cm inside and drew another smaller perimeter. Then he drilled holes in the corners so that the saw from the jigsaw interposed into these holes, well, and began to cut a hole.

Cut out the hole for washing

From under the jigsaw flies a lot of sawdust and they all fall into the nose of the eyes of the mouth and it is unbearable. A long time ago, I was fascinated by Airsoft, since then I have some equipment left, which I used to protect my face from flying sawdust.

A wooden array is sawn very hard, even working with a jigsaw, you need to apply force. Yes, and the sawing very quickly dull, it went somewhere 4-5 pieces.

Sink Hole Ready

It turned out that the sink got in, and the cabinet under the tabletop should also be slightly trimmed.

Everything, the wash stands still

Selection and installation of the mixer

Before this post, we had the simplest Ikeevsky mixer, we got it along with the kitchen. According to him it was clear that he had seen quite a few in his long life, but with no hint of undermining or leakage. I got the impression that Ikeevsky mixers, though expensive but very reliable.


i looked on the Internet for more versions of mixers and found branded German for the same money.

Yes, indeed, mixers such as the German company Grohe costs about the same as a mixer from Ikea. 4500rub

Initially they wanted this - Grohe

But it turned out that from German they only have the name of everything else Chinese, and Ikeevsky is bigger in size, which I just wanted. We bought a mixer Ringsher mat for 4800rub.

But they chose this - Ikea Ringsher

There were short wires in the set with the mixer, I thought that I would install the old mixer, oh hell ... The new mixer has some non-standard ones, the holes for the hoses are a little smaller. Fucking Ikea with their European standards.

Googling found a solution with an adapter, but in the nearest store of this adapter was not, the seller suggested connecting the hoses and standard hoses using a coupling. And he did. Plus another 250 rubles.

Connection to sewage and plumbing

It is quite difficult to make a corner cabinet in the kitchen on your own, but the result will meet all expectations. Creating furniture for kitchens of non-standard dimensions depends on the layout of the room. Stores do not always offer corner cabinets for dishes that save space in a small kitchen.

It is quite difficult to make a corner cabinet in the kitchen on your own, but the result will meet all expectations.

Sometimes you may need only a floor cabinet, but the conditions of a small-sized kitchen do not allow to put it indoors. It will be cheaper to make it yourself than to spend money on custom-made furniture of non-standard sizes. Having thought up the design at the beginning, you should proceed to the development of the drawing with an indication of all dimensions. Purchase of necessary materials is made on the basis of the calculations made.

On sale for the creation of pieces of furniture is always available chipboard and MDF. These types of materials are in great demand. Specialists who trade in them can immediately process the edges of the blanks after the cutting. If you pre-order the drilling of holes, then this will connect the parts with the help of dowels.

You can make not only small floor cabinets, but also sets of furniture. They are necessary for the storage of utensils, dishes, household kitchen appliances, products. Before creating such a project, a kitchen plan is drawn up, where the location of the stove, sink, pipes, hoods, etc. is noted. Hanging cupboards allow you to disguise the gas meter and wiring. Inside them are provided shelves where the dishes should be stored.

If the kitchen is already furnished, then a plan can help to increase its functionality. When compiling it, you need to make sure that the new furniture will fit between the already installed items. It may be necessary to make boxes for the kitchen, the exact measurements of which are of great importance. The doors of the furniture must be opened and tilted open, and drawers must be extended. Making measurements in the kitchen, it should be noted that its corners may not be perfectly straight.

It is important that the corner cupboard can stand close between adjacent pieces of furniture. The curvature of corners and walls leads to the fact that adjacent cabinets have walls that are 1 cm or more apart from each other, and that gap disappears in another. This leads to a shortage of space for new furniture. If you make the corner structure yourself, you can always make it smaller.

How to make a kitchen corner cabinet (video)

Materials for self-creating furniture

A fully equipped kitchen should have a uniform design. If the kitchen has furniture items that are outdated in appearance, you can replace their facades. This will require the purchase of new materials. For this purpose, suitable and decoupage technique. Decorate in this style can furniture made from the same types of materials.

The choice of material can be started after determining the place where the cabinet for the kitchen will be located. It can be angular or wall, which is determined in advance. Measurements are preliminarily made, and then sawing is ordered.

  You can make not only small floor cabinets, but also furniture sets

The material used for the manufacture of kitchen furniture, must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to high humidity and hot steam;
  • strength;
  • ease of care, etc.

The ideal is laminated chipboard with increased moisture resistance and density. The size of the thickness of this material can be 16-18 mm. From above it is covered with a layer of artificial veneer. To make a cabinet for the kitchen, you can use the following types of materials:

  • MDF plates;
  • multiplex;
  • tree mass.

In order to save materials, it will be necessary to plan the manufacture of small pieces of furniture. For example, a narrow cupboard will not take up much space in the kitchen.

The hinged locker for kitchen made of MDF-plates will withstand any adverse effects. The cost of this material is more expensive than particle board, so the product will be of higher quality. The surface of MDF boards can be matte or glossy, painted or laminated.

The kitchen, furnished with multiplex furniture, is resistant to mechanical stress. This material is considered to be moisture resistant, it is made of thick veneer. Polyurethane varnish is used to cover the surface. If you make curved panels to order, you can make an angular sideboard with a radius facade of this material.

Solid wood is the most expensive material that needs special impregnation, as well as treatment with protective varnish. From this canvas you can make an elite sideboard in the kitchen, combining it with other types of materials. For example, it can be a framework for facades.

Corner kitchen do it yourself (video)

Preparing to construct a model

The kitchen is a place for cooking, therefore safety requirements must be observed in this room: the distance between the cabinets and the sink, table or stove must be made acceptable. Corner cabinet design includes left and right sidewalls, symmetrical to each other. The dimensions of the roof and bottom are usually completely identical. Some models may provide a backdrop.

The height of the kitchen cabinet is usually related to the height of the table, stove or sink. If the kitchen has a high ceiling, then you can make a cabinet with your own hands. The table top, which is a cabinet cover, should protrude beyond the facade. The depth of the inner shelves is less than the lid and bottom, as otherwise the door of the product will not close. Wall cabinets sometimes reach to the ceiling, especially in small kitchens.

  The kitchen, furnished with multiplex furniture, is resistant to mechanical stress.

In addition to basic materials, you will need auxiliary elements:

  • fittings (hinges for doors);
  • lifting mechanism with a lock when the door flip;
  • corners for hanging wall cabinets;
  • shelf support;
  • dowels, pins, euroscrews for fastening elements;
  • pens, etc.

From the tools you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • iron;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • frezer;
  • stapler and others

After cutting the material, you can proceed to assembly. It is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Drill holes in the sidewalls for the shelf supports. Connect them with jumpers that are horizontal.
  2. Fix the roof and bottom.
  3. Attach to the body guides under the boxes.
  4. Mount the backdrop and reinforce the back plate.
  5. To strengthen the false panel to the roof, sidewall and bottom.
  6. Hang the door, having previously strengthened the hinges.

You can make your wardrobe, making a preliminary assembly using wooden dowels. If the product is assembled correctly, does not have any distortions, then the dowels can be smeared with glue for further fastening. After fixing the backdrop with a stapler, you can proceed to the installation of accessories.

Talk about secrets ...

Have you ever had joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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Attention, only TODAY!

  • Developing a future kitchen project
  • What materials and tools need to prepare?
  • Making furniture for the kitchen
  • Assembly of curbstone modules of the angular headset
  • How to assemble a headset from individual modules?

Despite the richest selection of furniture for kitchens in furniture stores, sometimes you have to face a problem in the form of a non-standard room in which the finished furniture cannot be placed as the host would like. Many are not satisfied with the rather high prices of kitchens. There is only one way out in such cases - to make the kitchen yourself.

Developing a future kitchen project

First of all, they make measurements of the premises taking into account all communications, window and door openings and walls between them. Then choose the desired type of furniture placement: linear, corner or U-shaped.

Usually in the kitchen there are several main areas:

  • for food storage (refrigerator, cabinets and drawers);
  • for placing dishes and utensils (drawers, cabinets, shelves);
  • place to install a dishwasher;
  • place for cutting products;
  • place for cooking (stove, hob, oven).

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the convenient placement of zones in the neighborhood of the exits of the utilities necessary for them: water supply system, electrical outlets, gas pipe, etc.

Countertop for the corner kitchen with stove consists of several parts:

A wing along one of the walls should include a slab between the pedestals. In any case, this part of the tabletop is divided into 2 pieces, the dimensions of which are dictated by the size of the room, the dimensions of the plate and its location.

Another wing is made solid, its dimensions are calculated based on the total length of the wall minus the width of the 1st wing and a small gap (1-2 cm) between the edge of the tabletop and the door jamb, if it is located here.

The height of the table top is calculated based on the size of the facades chosen for the manufacture of the kitchen.   They are most often standard, and if they have a pattern, frames or panels, they will not be able to change their size. Therefore, before drawing up a project, it is best to familiarize yourself with the range of facades offered by the outlets.

When drafting a project, it is necessary to take into account the placement of the illumination of work areas.

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What materials and tools need to prepare?

According to the draft and calculations made on its basis, you will need to purchase:

  • furniture facade (cabinet doors, front panels of drawers);
  • 16 mm laminated chipboard for side walls and shelves;
  • Fiberboard or plywood 5 mm for the rear walls;
  • countertop made of any material according to the choice of the owner;
  • washing;
  • accessories: hinges, legs, rails, handles, etc .;
  • fasteners: self-tapping screws, confirmatics, intersection furniture ties, corner;
  • drill, drill 5 mm;
  • screwdriver with 6-sided bat and screwdriver;
  • construction level;
  • jigsaw;
  • measuring tool.

Sawing chipboard is best ordered upon purchase, but you can do it yourself. In this case, you need to additionally purchase an edge for laminated chipboard and, after cutting the parts, glue it with a hot iron to all the cut points opened in the finished product.

For ease of operation and accuracy when drilling holes for fasteners, you need to make a template of 2 flat planks or rulers, fastened in the shape of a T. The angle between them should be carefully aligned to make it exactly 90 °. On the "leg" of the letter T put marks 8 mm, 16 mm, 32 mm, 50 mm, 70 mm and 100 mm. The distances lay from the edge of the “upper crossbar” of the structure. The 8 mm mark will help to drill the holes exactly in the center of the end of the particle board, from which the thumbs will be collected. The rest can be used to accurately mark the distances between the holes, between the edge of the bollard and the hinge mounting hole, etc.

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Making furniture for the kitchen

Most often in small kitchen premises of modern city apartments furniture is installed, which occupies 2 adjacent walls and the angle between them. Corner kitchen allows you to get the maximum area of ​​work surfaces and storage space for kitchen utensils. At the same time there is a lot of free space for the installation of a table and several chairs to eat in the same room.

If desired, and the ability to make a kitchen of a different configuration, it is only necessary to double the number of thumbs and make the 2nd corner for U-shaped furniture placement or limit part of the headset parts for a linear shape.

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Assembly of curbstone modules of the angular headset

  1. On the details of the sidewalls of the modules cut to the required size, mark the fastening points of the shelf holders, door hinges and drawer guides. Mount fittings according to the labels. To drill holes for cross-shaped fastening of doors, use a 35 mm cutter (attachment on a drill).
  2. When assembling dowels, mark and drill holes for them. Fasten the dowels in the holes on the glue. In the relevant details, mark and drill the response holes, avoiding errors greater than 0.5-1 mm. The easiest way to do this is by applying a pattern.
  3. The assembly is done by placing the protruded ends of the dowels lubricated with glue into the corresponding holes.
  4. When assembling on confirmatics, mark up and drill holes with a 5 mm drill bit, first in the part through which the fastener will pass. The distance from the edge to the hole should be equal to 8 mm. Through these holes with a screwdriver produce mounting transverse parts in their end.
  5. Thin fiberboard or plywood is fastened to the back of the cabinet, screwing the screws into the end surfaces of the chipboard around the perimeter of the heel with a step of 5-10 cm.
  6. The ready “box” of the stand is turned over and the legs are fixed at the bottom.
  7. To hang the doors you will need to put the module on the back wall and use the services of an assistant who will hold the facade while fixing it on the screws.



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