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  Installation of ventilation for the kitchen. Ventilation in the kitchen - how it works and what it consists of

A kitchen is a room exposed to strong effects of steam, grease, soot, and high temperatures. Cooking here is accompanied by sharp odors that spread throughout the apartment. To avoid this, install hoods of different types. Remember, only specialists know how to make ventilation in the kitchen efficient and of high quality; by sharing it yourself, you risk achieving the exact opposite result. The most effective is considered to be a mixed type of ventilation, which includes the correct natural air exchange and exhaust operation. Therefore, you will learn in this article how to make mixed ventilation in the kitchen.

The design of the ventilation system should begin with the calculation of the capacity of the future exhaust, its type and method of installation. When calculating the power, you need to consider two parameters:

  •   Kitchen area
  •   Ceiling height

Multiplying these figures and multiplying their product by 12, you get the approximate power of the necessary equipment. From this we can conclude that the ventilation of a small kitchen is able to cope with an exhaust of small capacity, but for spacious rooms it is better to purchase a more efficient exhaust system.

All kitchen hoods are of two types:

1 suspended - installed directly above the gas stove;

2 built-in - located inside the wall cabinets, therefore, easily adaptable to the design of any kitchen.

Suspended exhaust ventilation may also vary by installation method. It is mounted:

  • on the wall above the stove (wall hood) - can be of different forms and uses different methods of work
  •   in the corner of the kitchen - corner. Are you interested in how to make corner ventilation in the kitchen? Installation method is similar to the wall
  •   in any part of the room - island (fixed not on the wall, but on the ceiling, therefore it is suitable for kitchens with a central arrangement of the stove)

According to the method of operation, the listed systems can be:

  1 Circulating - do not connect to the ventilation shaft. Air cleaning with their help is due to replaceable carbon filters. Such equipment requires regular expenses for the replacement of filters and constant monitoring of their condition. If you forget to change the cartridge in time, your hood will not be able to fully perform its functions of cleaning the air in the room. 2 Protochnye - are connected to the ventilation shaft and are more reliable, economical and functional equipment, compared with the previous version.

Whatever your chosen ventilation system, regardless of the design or installation method, only the correct installation guarantees a good result.

How to organize ventilation in the kitchen

The ventilation process is based on the removal of air polluted by soot, steam and odors, and replacing it with a new one. When a properly designed system is operating, the flow of fresh air must be equal to the outflow of the old one. Therefore, to achieve the desired efficiency is not enough to buy equipment and install it in the right place.

You should take into account that initially forced ventilation systems were designed for rooms with wooden windows. Such windows easily let in air, which means there are no problems with the influx of necessary cubic meters. But in modern buildings hermetic metal-plastic windows are installed everywhere, preventing air from entering the room.

You turn on the hood, and it actively begins to deflate the air in the kitchen, creating a rarefied atmosphere. And since it is known that air flows easily flow from areas with higher pressure to areas with low, in a few minutes the atmosphere from your apartment will be pumped out through the ventilation shaft. But that is not all. Each apartment has at least two air ducts. One is in the kitchen (our hood is connected to it), and another one or two are located in the bathroom area.

When the entire air supply in your apartment is exhausted, the remaining mines will join the ventilation system. Through them, air from outside will start to flow into your housing, filling up the missing cubic meters. It would not be a problem if only fresh air flows from the street were pumped through the pipe. However, not only your accommodation is connected to the ventilation shaft. Air ducts come out of her neighbors' apartments, located above and below your apartment. And the more floors in the house, the more such ducts will be in the ventilation system. Accordingly, the air flow will begin to flow from the apartments of neighbors, bringing with it new unwanted odors.

From this it follows that the installation of ventilation should be accompanied by proper calculations of air exchange in the room and installation of an additional air duct in the kitchen. Optimal ways of arranging the duct:

  1. Connecting the hood above the vent hole. The exhaust pipe must be loaded straight into the shaft and directed upwards. If you follow this rule, the flows will not mix, and the flow of air can be carried out below its outflow.
  2. Supplement lattice check valve. In this case, the exhaust pipe is not necessary to fill directly into the mine. When the system is turned off, the valve will be constantly open.
  3. Installation of inlet valves in the outer wall. You can install these valves on any wall facing the street, but it is better to place them immediately behind a heating radiator. The incoming air from the outside can immediately heat up as it passes through the radiator, so you can avoid a noticeable difference in temperature and drafts in your kitchen.

Only a properly drawn-up ventilation system scheme allows to fully exploit both the electrical hood and the natural methods of ventilating the room.

DIY hood installation

The ventilation device of the kitchen can be very different, so the installation process is also different. Now you will learn how to organize ventilation in the kitchen with your own hands on the example of a flow hood that is built into the cabinet. We chose this type because it is the most common.

Stage I - installation of anti-return valve

To make a reliable ventilation system, start the installation by installing the cracker box. You can make it at home using tin, galvanized sheet or aluminum. All that needs to be done is to take 4 metal sheets and join with screws.
But if you don’t want to mess around, you can simply buy an anti-return valve in the store. It is installed in front of the ventilation shaft and opens the way a butterfly flutters. And yet in this article you will learn in detail how to make ventilation in the kitchen:

  •   To work comfortably, place the valve body on the wall cabinet. Then fasten it tightly to the cabinet and fill all the gaps with foam.
  •   Try on the flapper body and mark the hole cabinet.
  •   Next, remove the cabinet from the wall and using an electric jigsaw, cut a hole in the bottom wall for the lower frame. First of all, drill a hole in the marking area with a large drill. After that, insert an electric jigsaw into the hole and cut a hole of the desired shape.
  •   Work better to perform imported tools, if quality is important to you. By the same principle, make holes inside the shelves in which the duct is located. And leave a margin of 3-5 mm.

Stage II - duct connection

After installing the anti-return valve, we will tell you how to make a conclusion to the ventilation in the kitchen. Connection of the duct is carried out in this way:

  •   In the drilled holes, insert the corrugation. Pushing the corrugation through the top wall of the cabinet, give it a rectangular shape.
  •   Cut the corrugation so that the stock remains. Cut the corners and fold them out.
  •   Now you can hang the cabinet with corrugation on the wall. Do not forget to seal the duct joints with sealant, so as not to lose the exhaust power.
  •   In the next step, fasten the box on the cabinet, which provides a connection of the corrugations and the ventilation shaft. The box can also be planted on silicone, while sealing up large gaps with foam.
  •   Next, fasten the hood in the cabinet with screws.
  •   Corrugate very firmly attached to the hood and secure with a clamp.

These rules for installing ventilation in the kitchen will help you to return to the room clean and tidy air, which is pleasant to breathe!

Features of natural ventilation in the kitchen

With not too active use of the kitchen, you can only manage with natural air exchange, but it is better to speed up the outflow of air through the ventilation shaft. To do this, you must make an improvement in the ventilation in the kitchen, that is, upgrade the shaft with a special fan. This fan is built directly into the ventilation hole, its power is calculated based on the volume of the kitchen.
As with the hood, the fan pumps out polluted air from the kitchen, so you should take care of additional inflow, especially if you have a kitchen with a gas stove. Fire quickly burns oxygen, dilutes the air and lowers atmospheric pressure. To ensure sufficient air flow, you can use the inlet valves in the outer wall, as in the installation of forced exhaust. But you must remember that the main goal is to achieve a balance in the calculations of air exchange in your apartment.
  Heavy, unfit for breathing air, entails the emergence of many diseases. Therefore, a high-quality ventilation system is a guarantee of health and the best way to rid your home of unpleasant odors. But now you know how to make ventilation in the kitchen and solve this problem!

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Often, carrying out repairs in the apartment, especially in the kitchen, we pay great attention to beauty, coziness and comfort, while not forgetting the functionality of this room. But after all that was done, sometimes something prevents us from enjoying our creation, as if there is not enough air. All it really is - there is not enough air.

The thing is that when we make repairs, we forget about the most basic thing with regard to the kitchen space - this is ventilation of the kitchen. The environment in this room, let's face it, is not perfect. There is not only a change in temperature and humidity, food is prepared here, in the process of preparation of which a large amount of vapors are mixed with fats, oils, spices and other things ().

Therefore, the kitchen should always be updated air, and it does not matter whether you are cooking in it or not. This, to our happiness, is the sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations that we recommend that you take into account. Especially in the kitchen, all family members spend a sufficiently long period of time (especially for the hostess).

Attention! If the ventilation in the kitchen works poorly or not at all, then there is a chance that the aromas of cooking or heating food will spread throughout the apartment. Sometimes these aromas do not disappear for several days, which is not always pleasant.

What does the ventilation consist of?

To begin with, in any apartment building there is an already arranged ventilation system, the ventilation hole of which is located in the kitchen and in the toilet and bathroom. Building a house always provides for a ventilation system that must ensure sanitary and hygienic standards. But during the operation of the house, this system is often clogged and works inefficiently. Therefore, there is a need to think about additional measures.

How can I check if the built-in ventilation system works well?

There are two options:

  1. Attach a piece of paper to the exhaust port.  If it stuck to the grill, it means that the ventilation system in the kitchen works fine.
  2. You can bring a lit match or a lighter to the hole.  Flames of fire must be drawn into the system. If this happens, then it works well.

All other options suggest that ventilation does not work well or does not work at all. You can’t do it yourself. The maximum that you can do is remove the ventilation grille to the kitchen and clean the channel for the length of your arm. But, as practice shows, this is a “dead poultice”.

For cleaning, you need to call specialists who work with special tools and equipment. True, the price of such a service will be not cheap, so management companies should deal with this. Surprisingly, very often the reason for the poor ventilation of the house becomes a bird-nest at the exit of the mine. By removing it, the problem is solved.

But there are different situations that concern the willfulness of the tenants. For example, a neighbor could, in the process of redevelopment of his own apartment, unknowingly remove, as it seemed to him, an “extra pipe”. And all the apartments below were left without ventilation. In this case, we will all have to “press” the neighbor so that he can restore everything ().

Nuances of the ventilation system

As you understand, ventilation for the kitchen is a necessary thing. But there is one point that concerns a completely different problem. In order for the air to go outside it is necessary that it come in from somewhere. Cyclicity and circulation are the main criteria for proper and efficient operation of the entire system.

It is no secret that the majority of residents of apartment buildings replaced wooden windows with plastic ones. The good product possessing magnificent physicotechnical and operational characteristics. But the problem of plastic windows is that it is a hermetic construction through which air does not flow into the apartment. Circuit absent.

The consequences of installing plastic windows:

  • High constant humidity;
  • Reducing the amount of oxygen;
  • Increase in carbon dioxide and radon;
  • There are colonies of microorganisms (mold, fungi);
  • The percentage of microbes increases.

And this is the effect on your precious health. Many may argue, they say, often ventilate the room. But this will not solve the whole problem. In addition, there is the likelihood of a sharp decrease in temperature, which can lead to diseases (ARVI or ORZ).

Solve the problem

Solve the problem

So how to solve this problem? There are several options:

  1. Install plastic windows, which are provided for ventilation "microairing".
  2. Some manufacturers of ventilation systems today offer ventilation with heat recovery (this is a forced scheme), in which air not only circulates, exchanges, but is also heated or cooled, cleaned and even goes through a stage of ionization. True, such a system can be installed only in private homes.

We draw your attention to the fact that if the exhaust ventilation of your house, and accordingly your apartment, will work well, like a Swiss watch, then all the same it will not be enough.

In the process of cooking, a huge amount of substances that are not quite useful for our body are released. Let's face it, for the furniture, and for the lining of the kitchen space, these substances do not bring any benefit. They need to be removed (removed) from the kitchen. This will help a good extractor (the benefit of the current types of this device on the market in a large range).

Ventilation of the kitchen in a private house

Building your own private house covers a wide range of problems associated with comfortable living in the future. And ventilation in this regard is not in the last positions. As mentioned above, the best option for this system for private buildings is a forced-air and exhaust technology. What is she like?

Pay attention to the photo above. This is a diagram of the exhaust air supply system, where you can clearly see how air is supplied from the street and how it is removed from the room. Of course, this air exchange cannot take place independently under the influence of physical forces (as it happens with an exhaust type), here you need equipment that will force air into the interior. Fans are used for this.

This suggests that this system is volatile. Is this good or bad? Of course, nobody needs additional expenses. Yes, and this unit is not cheap.

But all these shortcomings are fully covered by comfortable living conditions inside such a house. Neither you smell, nor you stale air (especially its lack of). In addition, it should be noted that this system is equipped with special filters that purify the supplied air. Plus installed heaters, which also warmed it, when such a need suddenly appears (in winter).

What is most important in this equipment is the fact that it is possible to send purified and heated air to all rooms in the house. Here it is important to create a proper distribution scheme for air ducts, carry out installation work correctly and correctly connect all parts of the system into a single technical complex.

As you can see in the photo, such an installation is usually placed in the attic, so it does not take up space in the usable space of the house, there is no need to build a separate building or room, as, for example, for a boiler room.

This installation works without noise, without vibrations, it practically does not require maintenance (once a year - prevention). The main thing is that this equipment is equipped with modern automation, which monitors the temperature and humidity parameters inside the rooms, a slight deviation and the mode of operation of the system changes immediately.

Types of exhaust ventilation

Currently, manufacturing companies offer two technological schemes, which differ from each other in the scheme of heating the incoming air.

  1. With the help of special heaters.  It can be water heaters or electric heaters.
  2. With the help of a recovery system.  What it is? This is when the air entering the house is heated by the outgoing air, which has already reached the temperature inside the premises of the house. The excellent system which is not demanding extras, heat carriers and energy carriers.

Regarding the method of recovery, you need to make several additions. Many are interested in the question of how the outgoing air transmits its temperature to the incoming air. The principle of temperature transfer is quite simple; for this purpose, special air ducts have been developed, so to speak, a pipe in a pipe.

A small diameter pipe moves the air from outside. And between the walls of the small pipe and the large one, the air moves from the room. So two streams are separated by a thin metal wall of the inner tube through which heat is transferred. The most important thing is to create tightness of air ducts and conduct their thermal insulation.

Conclusion on the topic

So, the efficiency of the ventilation system in the kitchen will depend on two main parameters:

  1. Does the ventilation shaft work well?
  2. Is there any air circulation in the room?

If both criteria are met, then it is a guarantee that you will not have problems with ventilation. And at the end, as always, the video instruction to you is in “width =” 640 ″ allowfullscreen = ”” frameborder = ”0 ″\u003e

If both criteria are met, then it is a guarantee that you will not have problems with ventilation. And in the end, as always, a video instruction to help you.

Any housewife knows how important high-quality and efficient ventilation in the kitchen. For many reasons, this room of an apartment or a private house needs regular air exchange more than other rooms. To solve this problem, installation of a kitchen hood over a gas or electric stove, which can be completely and completely made by hand, helps. Our article contains step-by-step instructions on how to install this equipment, but first let's find out what specific tasks the hood can handle.

What is the hood in the kitchen?

During cooking on the stove, many gases and vapors are released into the air. They increase the temperature and humidity level in the kitchen. Accordingly, the connection of the hood, which takes all of this out of the room, allows you to always maintain a normal temperature and prevent dampness.

  Another unpleasant consequence of the lack of kitchen ventilation are smells from cooking.  They may not leave the kitchen for a long time, constantly reminding visitors of this room about themselves, and even spread throughout the apartment or private house. Agree, you will not experience any particular joy when the bedroom smells like fried chicken all night long.

In addition to this, in the course of culinary manipulations, surplus gases are thrown into the air. And this already creates a threat of sudden fire and bears immediate danger to the health and lives of family members.

In addition to its direct functional purpose, the hood installed above the gas stove with its own hands can decorate the interior of the kitchen and become its highlight. The blessing of a variety of designs and stylistic solutions of this equipment makes it possible to choose the device optimally combined with the specifics of the design of the kitchen.

The fact is that due to the reduction of the air duct, the pressure in the ventilation duct increases, and this already leads to the fact that the dirty air is not brought out into the street, but is sent to the apartments of the lower floors. If you are the victim of such a negligent and selfish neighbor, then you need to turn to him and persuade him to the decision to restore ventilation in the kitchen. The benefit of this service today is provided by many companies, and besides, it can be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

Types of kitchen hoods

This kitchen unit for efficient ventilation is divided into different types according to several criteria. But, first of all, I would like to say what hoods can be according to the installation method:

  • Suspended.  They are also called flat and are the type of hoods that use the greatest consumer demand. Mounted between wall cabinet and gas stove.
  • Island  Suitable for kitchens with an island. Considering that they are suspended from the ceiling surface, they can be installed in any room.
  • Corner. Placed in the corners.
  • Wall mounted.  The installation site is a wall, just above the slab. They are made in a large designer variety.
  • Embedded.  Such exhaust devices are distinguished by a rather non-standard method of fastening - they are placed in a table or in a wall cabinet. Thanks to this feature, they easily fit into the interiors.

Also hoods are divided by type of work:

  • Flowing. This kind of devices brings dirty air masses to the ventilation chamber. Many experts recognized more effective than other species.
  • Circulating. The extracts of this variety draw air into them and, using special filters that are part of the design, purify it. The air that is already back is returned. When connecting appliances duct is not required.

Perform power calculation

Asking how to do the ventilation in the kitchen of a private house or apartment with their own hands, many people pay a lot of attention to the study of installation technology, while depriving them of the calculated activities. Such a relationship can not be allowed, because in order for future ventilation to work efficiently, you need to know what the minimum power required to have ventilation equipment. Power primarily depends on the dimensions of the kitchen and is calculated by the formula: P (power) = S (room area) * H (height) * 12.

Due to the curvilinear shape of the air ducts, power may be lost, so 30% is added to the figure obtained in the course of mathematical operations. This allows you to calculate a more correct value.

Different models of hoods have different indicators of noise emitted during operation. Pay attention to this characteristic when purchasing. The limit of the norm is the value of 50 dB. If the planned to purchase model is more “noisy”, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition for the reason that residents of an apartment or house will feel discomfort because of loud noises.


Safety - above all, and in the case of an exhaust device that provides ventilation in the kitchen, it would be appropriate to clarify the issue of electrical safety. This is due to the fact that in the process of work sprays and fats fall into the hood, which can cause a short circuit to itself.

That is why the exhaust unit must be connected to the network with 3 wires: ground, phase, zero. The ground cable must be colored yellow and have a green stripe on it. Do not underestimate the importance of organizing grounding, since such actions can play a cruel joke with you in the future. Before installation, be sure to conduct a reliable grounding.

It’s just great if the apartment has a ground loop and euro sockets - in this case, you just need to connect the wire to the ground terminal, which can be recognized by the inscription "Ground" or "GND". If you didn’t find such a connector, then you shouldn’t get upset, because to solve the problem you just need to screw the cable to the case.

In certain situations, you will have to carry out a zeroing with your own hands. We are talking about apartments, where there are no euro sockets and ground connections.

In principle, this is easy, you can easily cope with the goal, if you do everything strictly with our instructions:

  • We go to the electrical panel (located at the entrance) and find in it a zero bus. By the way, when performing these manipulations be sure to wear special rubber gloves, because the wires have high voltage.
  • On the bus, with a high probability, you will see a sticking pin with zero cables draped over it. You see that deaf neutral, and this means that the pipe is well grounded.
  • Further from it to the kitchen is conducted the multicore wire, which has a cross section of not less than 2.5 mm2.
  • The hood is connected through a 6.3 A separating machine.

The important point - throw your wires on top of those that are already present at zeroing.

Do not try to remove them and place your own in the free space, as this is fraught with electric shock and short circuit. When fasten the wire, secure it with a nut on top.

Hood installation

As you could understand from our article, there are many types of exhaust equipment for kitchen ventilation. On the description of the installation of each of them will need a dozen of such textual publications, so let's focus on one - flow hood placed in the cabinet. Why on it? Yes, because it is such an exhaust ventilation in the kitchen is widely popular.

The first step is to take care of creating a box for crackers. For this, it is not necessary to have some rare and expensive materials - you need only 4 metal sheets (it can be aluminum, zinc or tin) and screws. As for the latter, they need to be selected, starting from the selected material.

You can not engage in amateur and just buy an anti-return mechanism that is installed in front of the vent.

Here everyone has the right to make his decision on how to proceed, but for those who have opted for a more complicated path, we will describe the correct sequence of steps:

  1. First, the case is placed on a wall cabinet for convenient work with it. Then it is tightly fixed to the cabinet, and all openings are filled with foam.
  2. Now you should try on the clapper body and mark the cabinet under the holes.
  3. Remove the cabinet from the wall with the electric jigsaw cutter for the hole for the lower frame. Opportunities to immediately wield a jigsaw, for obvious reasons, no. Therefore, you need to first drill a hole with a large-diameter drill within the marking and only after that, taking the jigsaw and positioning it in the resulting hole, cut out the necessary shape in the cabinet.
  4. For more successful results, it is recommended to use foreign-made tools. Of course, it will cost a large amount of money, but “the game is worth the trouble,” because it has no equal in quality. Similarly, the holes for the air duct are drilled in the internal shelves. Perform this work should be with a margin of 3-5 mm.

The next stage of arrangement of exhaust ventilation is to connect the air duct with your own hands in the kitchen:

  • Position the flute in the holes obtained. In the upper wall of the cabinet, it is necessary to square it;
  • Leaving not too much of a margin, the corrugation should be cut, cut the corners and wrap them out;
  • After finishing the “making to mind” the corrugations, the cabinet is hung on the surface of the wall. Allow time for the duct connections to be sealed. This will avoid power loss during operation.
  • Next, the box is mounted on the cabinet. Corrugation should be properly connected with the ventilation shaft.
  • With the help of self-tapping screws, the hood is fastened to the cabinet, after which the corrugation must be brought to it and firmly fixed. Due to the special clamp of the corrugation "tightly" is fixed on the hood.
  • With the direct connection of the hood, it remains only to connect the air duct with the vent shaft.

If you want to avoid the ingress of odors from the ventilation or cold air from the street - you need to install a vent check valve

Summing up

In our article, we tried to describe in detail the procedure for installing the hood, however, given that this process is not very simple, readers may have questions or remain unclear some points. In order to create a complete picture of the hood installation in your head and fill in all the gaps, you can watch video materials on this topic, which are more than enough on the Internet.

Kitchen ventilation is a very important cleaning system for the home. With its help, polluted air masses and unpleasant odors, which are released during cooking, are removed from the room. If you do not timely remove such contaminants from the kitchen, then in the future this will affect the appearance of the room and the furniture in it.

The majority of ordinary people, especially city dwellers, often have no idea about the ventilation system, because for many, a kitchen hood is ventilation. This statement can be true only if a flow-through model of the hood is installed above the hob. Therefore, in the article we consider in detail the types of ventilation in the kitchen.

Types of kitchen pollution

The most dangerous type of pollution that affects the health of the host is carbon monoxide, also known as CO. This chemical element does not threaten the owners of electric cooking stoves, because it is released only when natural energy carriers are burned: gas, wood, coal, and so on.

CO (carbon monoxide) is odorless and is not absorbed by activated carbon, therefore recirculating type extracts are useless against it. Of course, it will take a large concentration of this substance to make it negatively affect the human body. In Soviet times, standards were developed for which the ventilation systems in the kitchen were constructed. They provided trouble-free removal of gas, which appeared in small quantities during the combustion of natural fuel. Such a system guaranteed the safety of people in the kitchen.

Over the years, the ventilation channels are overgrown, as no one ever cleans them, as a result of which the efficiency of the general house ventilation decreases, which, in turn, affects the discharge of polluted air. Therefore, manufacturers of local ventilation systems offer compact devices that provide air from the kitchen. The simplest option is an exhaust fan on the window. Such a device effectively worked and works in many apartments.

The compulsory system is a structure in which the ventilation wiring of the channels or pipes of which is installed a special device that creates a pressure difference within the system. Usually, the role of the fan.

A forced model will work much more efficiently if you choose the right fan in view of its performance. But this criterion is not mandatory. Therefore, when it comes to safety inside the kitchen, natural ventilation is implied. And if it is a question of comfort inside, then there is a forced ventilation system in mind.

Natural ventilation is weak, so it removes a small amount of polluted air from the kitchen. But it does this constantly and without stopping. The flow-through model of the hood is more efficient and more powerful in this respect, but it only works when the fan is turned on. Therefore, for safety and comfort, two systems are installed at once. In addition, the flow hood with the output of the duct on the street is already considered a forced ventilation option.

Pros and cons of natural ventilation

The positive characteristics of natural ventilation include:

  • To remove the air does not require additional energy.
  • Providing a general air exhaust together with the bathrooms.
  • Quiet operation.

The negative characteristics of natural ventilation include:

  • If it is hot outside, then the efficiency of the system is sharply reduced. There may be a reversal of air from the street in the room. Only one way out - to air more often in the kitchen.
  • Can not cope with a large concentration of polluted air, especially odors. For example, if you fry meat with onions in a large skillet, the aroma will spread throughout the apartment.
  • When withdrawing a certain volume of polluted air masses, the same amount of clean air is required. Only under this condition, the system will work effectively.
  • Over the years, the channels are polluted, which affects the efficiency of removal of pollution.

Natural ventilation installation rules

Installation of ventilation in the kitchen is not easy and responsible. Residents of city apartments are more fortunate, because in high-rise buildings the ventilation network is initially present. But the owners of private homes in the construction process will have to construct ventilation with an exhaust hood in the kitchen.

The advantages of forced ventilation is high performance. Even with intensive cooking, the forced system will cope with air cleaning without any problems.

A fan or kitchen hood cost a lot of money. When their work is spent electricity, which will have to pay. In the absence of electric current, this system will not work.

Installation rules

Install ventilation above the gas stove in the form of exhaust is not very difficult. The device is attached to the wall with metal dowels or pins. The main task is to connect air ducts to it, along which polluted air will be discharged to the street. Usually there are no problems here, because plastic air ducts are fastened together by double-sided couplings. If you need to make a withdrawal, then use the knee.

Installing a fan on the ventilation duct, the end of which sticks out of the roof is a complicated process. And before you do ventilation with a fan, you should familiarize yourself with some requirements.

  • If there is a check valve in the fan design, blocking the channel, and the exhaust device will not work, then this valve is removed. Thus, the ventilation system will act on the principle of the natural.
  • Do not install ordinary household axial fans on the ventilation duct. They are designed to draw air if installed horizontally. In this case, the horizontal ventilation pipe should not be long.
  • For a vertical system, only centrifugal fans are used. They are overhead and embedded. Of all the proposed models, these are the most expensive. Yes, and their dimensions rather big.

Thus, installing natural and forced ventilation in the kitchen is an easy process. As practice shows, many owners of apartments and private houses deal with it independently. But to say the same thing about the supply and exhaust model is impossible. It is all about the complexity of distributing air ducts, since in a similar scheme two tasks are pursued at once: removal of polluted air and the unpleasant odors of their kitchen and bathroom, and the flow of clean air to other rooms. Consequently, it is necessary to plant ventilation channels in all the rooms of a private house, but through one there will be suction, and through others, on the contrary, clean air will be supplied from the street. At the same time, clean air will penetrate the kitchen and bathroom through doors and other openings. That is, there will be a cycle of air.

But, the main thing is that this system is volatile: there are fans in its design. In addition, these ventilation systems are usually supplied with an air recovery unit. Therefore, when extracting warm air from the premises, he, passing through this block, gives off some of the heat (up to 90%) to the air that is driven into the house. Thus, not only clean, but also warm air returns to the house. And this is a big savings for heating.

Housekeeping men, as you know, strive to make every little thing in the house with their own hands, to be sure of the result. They, probably, came up with worldly wisdom that if you want this to be done well, you must do it yourself.

Many in an effort to improve the convenience and beauty of the interior, and get to the system of kitchen ventilation.

2 Classification of types of ventilation systems in the kitchen

When developing kitchen ventilation with your own hands, first of all, you should decide which type of hood is most suitable for the kitchen, so that the wrong choice of its type does not lead to unwanted redevelopment of the room, or a violation of the kitchen interior. Or vice versa, if your plans include a cardinal redevelopment and a complete change of the interior of the room, then under the new interior is no less important.

  At the moment, there are several main types of this technique:

  • Dome hood  - the traditional and most common option. Suitable for most classic kitchens.
  • Suspended  - a flat hood, often mounted between the hob and wall cabinet. Does not violate the overall style of the interior.
  • Corner hood  - suitable for kitchens with a small area, in which, due to lack of space, the stove is located in the corner.
  • Island hood  - it is intended for kitchens which area allows to arrange a cooking surface on a peculiar island in the middle of the room. This hood is installed to bring the interior of the room closer to the type of professional kitchen.
  •    - it is mounted in the cabinet, hiding from the outside eyes the main part of it, as well as air ducts. A great option for those who do not want to violate the overall style and interior design.

Having decided what type of hood is right for you, you can start exploring the intricacies of doing the installation of a ventilation system with your own hands.

2.1 Independent installation and disassembly of kitchen ventilation systems

When installing a ventilation system with your own hands, it is important to initially correctly calculate the required exhaust power. The wrong choice of performance is fraught with incorrect operation of the entire system.

Calculation of exhaust power - the key to proper operation of the system

There is a standard formula for calculating the extraction power: this is the volume of the room multiplied by 12. The volume of the room is simply calculated by multiplying its area by the height. A figure of 12 - this is the recommended standard for the number of air updates in the kitchen for one hour.

2.2 Choosing the right air ducts for your ventilation system

Having calculated the required extraction power, you also need to select a pipe for connecting the exhaust hood to the ventilation shaft, which is easily accessible by dismantling the decorative grille hiding it. Only the choice of the correct diameter and length of the pipe will ensure optimum performance of the ventilation system.

The most common options are and. The diameter of the duct must be selected based on the size of the exhaust outlet of the hood. In no case should not install a pipe of smaller diameter, as this will lead to loss of system performance and to an increased level of noise during its operation.

When installing the pipe connecting the hood with the ventilation shaft, it is desirable to avoid a large number of sharp turns of the duct, as this will inevitably adversely affect the power. If you cannot do without turns at all, it is advisable to make them smooth, with a large radius, or to make one bend 90 degrees in two stages of 45.

When the duct is not in the ventilation shaft, but immediately outside, the outlet of the pipe must be equipped with a grille, as well as a non-return valve. at the same time, it will serve as a protection against the entry of foreign objects into the air duct, and a non-return valve will not allow air streams to create a return draft.

The importance of proper ventilation

Unlike the times when the majority of apartment buildings were designed, and the ventilation rates were calculated based on the wooden windows' throughput, the current apartments are mostly equipped with plastic windows that let in much less outside air.

This should also be taken into account in the calculations, since the air in this case, when the hood is working, will start coming from the rest rooms of the apartment, as well as from the ventilation shaft located in the bathroom. Having got rid of one problem, we thus gain the next one. You can avoid this by building inlet ventilation in the outer wall. In fact, this is a piece of pipe through which, when the atmosphere in the kitchen is rarefied, air begins to flow from outside.

Such a system should also be equipped with a grill and a check valve, but now this valve does not allow air from the kitchen to go outside. And the lattice, traditionally, protects the air duct from the entry of debris and foreign objects. It is best to place them behind a heating radiator so that the air coming in from outside can warm up slightly.

The diameter of the pipe should be calculated based on the extraction power, as well as the intensity of its use. In order not to complicate the task, sometimes, at low power of extracts, it is enough to equip a plastic window in the kitchen with a supply valve.

To be or not to be demolished ventilation ducts?

Many, when redeveloping the kitchen, make a decision about demolition, which, in their opinion, does not bring any benefit, but only occupies the useful area of ​​the room. In no way can you do this.

This box is not only an element of the interior. It is also part of the general house natural ventilation system, and its demolition will inevitably lead to disruption of the ventilation shaft. Not only will the ventilation of your apartment be disturbed, but also the smells of the neighboring apartments can become your regular guests.

In addition, the demolition of the box is simply prohibited, which may cause problems if unauthorized redevelopment of this type is detected by the competent authorities. In addition to penalties, you may also be required to restore the ventilation box in the kitchen.

So, when changing the layout of the room, this possibility should be abandoned. Therefore, since it cannot be removed, it is possible to produce its decorative trim, harmoniously fitting it into the overall style of the interior.

2.3 Rules for the operation and prevention of the kitchen ventilation system

Proper operation is the key to system effectiveness.

When installing and subsequently using the ventilation system in the kitchen, an important rule should be “do no harm”. Intervention in the original ventilation system during the redevelopment of the kitchen should be such that would improve the original air vent system, and not reduce its performance.

As already mentioned above, when developing a draft of a ventilation system and redeveloping a room, it is necessary to abandon the demolition of a ventilation duct, since this is fraught with negative consequences for you and your neighbors.

Incorrect selection of exhaust power also affects the performance of the ventilation system. Too weak exhaust will not be able to clean the air in time, and too strong for a given volume of the room will lead to an imbalance of air flow.

Also, one of the guarantees of the long-term operation of the system is its timely prevention.

Timely prevention - as a guarantee of durability and a way to save

It is well known that during the operation of any equipment it is better to carry out preventive maintenance in time than to carry out expensive repairs later. Prevention of ventilation systems should be carried out regularly, and this is a fairly simple procedure that can also be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

At least once a year, air ducts should be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned of soot and dust. Also, it is necessary to clean the grill located at the end of the exhaust channel, if it is brought outside. It is equally important to clean the ventilation grill.

Prevention of the grease trap located on the hood should be carried out as it is contaminated. Sometimes it is enough to wash the grate with warm soapy water, without the use of aggressive detergents and solid metal brushes.

Wrong choice of detergent can spoil, damaging its coating. And the frequency of replacement of the carbon filter should be calculated based on the intensity of use of the hood.

In general, the question of self-installation of the ventilation system is quite wide, but we hope that the information contained in our article helped you to find out some of the nuances associated with this type of work. And the air ventilation system installed by you yourself will serve properly, delighting with its functionality and complementing the interior of the kitchen.



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