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  A letter to the neighbors about silence. A letter to neighbors who make noise

Village Pancakes Eaten

Dear Neighbor.

Maxim ... (I forgot how about the father, Sorry generously!) Sorry and forgive me for the old old man and the ridiculous human soul for daring you to bother you with your pathetic written prattle. So, a whole year has passed since you were so good as settling in our part of the world next to me as a petty little man, but I still don’t know you, and you don’t know the pitiful dragonfly. Allow me, precious neighbor, to get to know you through these senile hieroglyphs, mentally shake your academic hand and congratulate you on your arrival from St. Petersburg to our unworthy continent inhabited by men and peasant people, i.e. plebeian element. I have long been looking for an opportunity to get to know you, I was thirsty, because science is in some way our mother, everything is the same as civilization, and because I sincerely respect those people whose famous name and title, crowned with an aura of popular glory, laurels, cymbals, orders, with ribbons and certificates it thunders like thunder and lightning in all parts of the universe of this world, visible and invisible, that is, sublunary. I fervently love astronomers, poets, metaphysicians, privat-docents, chemists and other priests of science, to whom you identify yourself through your clever facts and branches of science, that is, products and fruits. They say that you have printed a lot of books during mental sitting with pipes, thermometers and a bunch of foreign books with attractive drawings. Recently, Father Gerasim, with his fascism peculiar to him, scolded and reproved your thoughts and ideas about human origin and other phenomena of the visible world and rebelled and festered against your mental sphere and thought horizon covered my ruin possessions, my ruins and ruins. luminaries and aeroglitami. I do not agree with about. Gerasimos regarding your mental ideas, because I live and eat only science, which Providence gave the human race for the precious metals, metaloids and diamonds dug from the depths of the visible and invisible world, but still forgive me, father, of an insect that is barely visible, if I I dare to refute in an old-fashioned way some of your ideas concerning the nature of nature. O. Gerasim informed me that as if you had composed an essay in which you were very pleased to state not very substantial ideas on people’s desires and their original state and antediluvian existence. You deigned to compose that man descended from the monkey tribes of the monkeys of orangutas, etc. Forgive me, old man, but I disagree with you on this important point and can put a comma to you. For if man, the ruler of the world, the cleverest of respiratory beings, came from a stupid and ignorant monkey, he would have a tail and a wild voice. If we were descended from monkeys, we would now be taken to the Gypsies to visit the cities and we would pay money for showing each other, dancing on the orders of the Gypsy or sitting behind bars in the menagerie. Are we covered with wool? Do we not wear robes that are deprived of monkeys? Wouldn’t we love and despise a woman if she would even smell a little monkey, which we see every Tuesday at the Head of the Nobility? If our ancestors were descended from monkeys, they would not have been buried in the Christian cemetery; My great-great-grandfather, for example, Ambrose, who lived in the Polish kingdom at that time, was buried not as a monkey, but next to the Abat, the Catholic Joachim Shostak, whose notes about the temperate climate and the excessive use of hot drinks are still kept with my brother Ivan (Majora). Abat means Catholic pop. Excuse me, neuku, for interfering in your academic affairs and interpreting myself oldly and imposing your wild and some lurid ideas on you that scientists and civilized people are more likely to fit in their stomachs than in their heads. I can not keep silent and can not tolerate when scientists think wrong in their minds and I can not help but object to you. O. Gerasim informed me that you are wrong in thinking about the moon, that is, about the month that replaces the sun in the hours of darkness and darkness when people are sleeping and you are conducting electricity from place to place and fantasize. Do not laugh at the old man for writing so stupidly. You write that on the moon, that is, people and tribes live and dwell for a month. This can never be, because if people lived on the moon, they would obscure for us the magical and magical light of it with their houses and fat pastures. Without rain, people cannot live, and it rains down to earth, not up to the moon. People living on the moon would fall down to earth, and this does not happen. Sewage and slop would have rained down on our mainland from a populated moon. Can people live on the moon if it exists only at night and disappears during the day? And governments cannot allow the moon to live, because on it, because of its far distance and inaccessibility, it is very easy to hide from compulsion. You are a little wrong. You wrote and printed in your clever writing, Kick told me about. Gerasim, that there are black specks on the greatest luminary in the sun. It can not be, because it can never be. How could you see spots on the sun, if you cannot look at the sun with simple human eyes, and why are spots on it, if you can hang around without them? From what wet body are these very spots made, if they do not burn? Maybe in your opinion and fish live in the sun? Excuse me, the poisonous dope that made me so stupid! I'm terribly devoted to science! The ruble of this sail of the nineteenth century has no value for me, science has darkened it in my eyes with its further wings. Any opening torments me like a stud in the back. Although I am an ignoramus and an old-world landowner, but nevertheless the old wretch is doing science and discovery, which with my own hands I produce and fill my ridiculous little head, my wild skull with thoughts and a set of the greatest knowledge. Mother Nature is a book that must be read and seen. I made a lot of discoveries with my own mind, such discoveries that no other reformer has ever invented. I will say without boasting that I am not one of the last about education, obtained by calluses, and not by the wealth of parents, that is, father and mother or guardians, who often destroy their children through wealth, luxury and six-story dwellings with slaves and electric vertebrae. That's what my penny mind has opened. I discovered that our great fiery radiant mantle, the sun on the day of Holy Easter, early in the morning, entertainingly and picturesquely plays with multicolored flowers and makes a playful impression with its wonderful shimmer. Another discovery. Why is the day short in winter and the night long and vice versa in summer? The day in winter is therefore short, which, like all other objects visible and invisible from the cold, shrinks also because the sun sets early and the night expands from the lighting of lamps and lanterns, for it warms. Then I also discovered that dogs eat grass like sheep in spring and that coffee for full-blooded people is harmful because it produces dizziness in the head, and in the eyes a cloudy look and the like. I made a lot of discoveries and besides this, although I have no certificates and certificates. Come to my dear neighbor, by golly. Let's open something together, let us work on literature and you will teach me a lot of different calculations. I recently read with a French scientist that the lion's muzzle is not at all like a human face, as a scientist thinks. And for that we will talk. Come on, take mercy. Come here tomorrow for example. We are now eating lean, but for you we will wake up the skimmer. My daughter Natasha asked you to bring some smart books with you. She is my emancipus, she’s all fools, only she is clever. Youth now I will tell you makes itself felt. God grant them! In a week my brother Ivan (Maior) will arrive to me, he is a good man, but to say between us, Bourbon does not like sciences. This letter should deliver to you my key attendant Trofim at exactly 8 pm. If he brings him pozhzhe, then beat him on the cheeks, professors, there is nothing to stand on ceremony with this tribe. If he delivers pozhzhe, it means anathema came to the pub. The custom to go to the neighbors not by us is not invented by us and will end, and therefore will certainly come with cars and books. I would go to you myself, but very embarrassing and lacking courage. Excuse me a rascal for anxiety. I remain respecting you Troops Don retired constable of the nobility, your neighbor

Almost any person who ever lived in an apartment building, faced with the problem of noisy neighbors. Almost in every staircase there are tenants who do not respect the tranquility of the people living next to them.

The sources of noise, however, can be completely different.

The main sources of noise include:

  • carrying out repair work using numerous construction tools;
  • parties and parties with loud conversations and music;
  • outdoor games of small children;
  • restless dogs, (often and loudly barking);
  • rearrangement of furniture and other actions of residents.

Especially annoying loud noises at night and in the morning on weekends.

Regardless of how neighbors violate silence, they thereby violate the law that guarantees everyone the right to rest.

Faced with such a problem for the first time, many tenants simply get lost, not knowing what to do and how to protect their personal space.

Of course, you can try to endure and get into position. After all, it is very difficult, for example, to control the crying of an infant, who has a stomach ache or teething.

You can always understand the neighbors who decided once a year to celebrate an important event at home. But, more often, the tenants of apartment buildings face more unpleasant noisy neighbors.

In which cases the law is violated

First of all, it is necessary to find out whether the noise exceeds the established norms regulated in the law.

Most of the measures of influence can be applied only if noisy neighbors do not just interfere with the tenants, but when this fact is documented, proven and contrary to legislation.

In our country, a clearly defined time interval during which it is impossible to make noise. This time from 23:00 to 7:00.

There are certain exceptions. If the noise is made during the provision of emergency assistance by employees of specialized services, the consequences of the accident or natural disasters are eliminated.

Also to this list are mass events held with the permission of local authorities (these can be folk festivals and fireworks in honor of major holidays) and various religious ceremonies, that is, you can not complain about the church bells ringing at 6 am.

Another important aspect is the noise level. The law defines its maximum value for day and night time.

Usually, in order to measure it and these measurements have legal force, a special independent examination is necessary.

From 7:00 to 23:00 it should not exceed 40 decibels, and at night, from 23:00 to 7:00, 30 decibels. Regular long-term violation of these norms is a reason for taking certain measures.

You can fight noisy neighbors in various ways. It is worth a closer look at each of them.

Verbal warning

The easiest way to try to negotiate with the tenants peacefully.

In some cases, it is possible to influence people who are noisy at night simply by talking to them and asking to be quieter. They may not even suspect that everything that happens in their home is perfectly audible in the neighboring apartments, and this hinders a peaceful rest.

Some dog owners are unaware that a pet makes a lot of noise in their absence. Many car owners do not know that an alarm goes off in their car every night that the entire entrance hears.

That is why the very first step towards silence is peace negotiations with its neighbors. It is worth trying to negotiate and invite them to take action on this matter.

Written request

In some cases, the neighbors do not go to the contact, do not open the door and simply ignore the other residents. Then you can make a letter, which will be described in detail all the claims made to the owners of the apartment.

It is necessary to formulate your thoughts as tactfully as possible so as not to cause a negative attitude and not aggravate the situation even more than it is at the moment. It is very good if the letter will be collective, from people living in several apartments, which are also hampered by excessive noise.

Also, writing a letter can be a way out of the situation if you know for certain about the aggressiveness of noisy neighbors.

If you make a note with a detailed description of all the inconveniences and leave it at the door or in the mailbox, without specifying specific names and addresses, the offender will be notified that his actions, especially at night, interfere with others, but will not know who it was he who decided to point this out to him.

In such cases, anonymity will help protect your nerves and avoid unpleasant trials.

Call the police

In many cases, neither verbal nor written warnings help, and the neighbors continue to make noise at night, just as they made noise before. We'll have to resort to other measures.

First of all - call the police. No need to immediately run to the noisy company and announce to them that the police will arrive soon. Otherwise, on arrival, the ministers of law and order will not find any violations.

Arriving at a call to a specific address for the first time, police officers can only conduct an educational conversation.

For some, this is enough to change their behavior, to improve and not to disturb the rest of the tenants in the future.

If this has not taken any action, then it is necessary to call the police squad again. Repeated offense is a pretext for an administrative fine.

Its amount for individuals is not very large, but still this fact can affect offenders and make them think about whether it is worthwhile to continue disturbing the peace of their neighbors or it will cost too much. And in case of refusal to pay the fine, the neighbor has every chance to go to the temporary detention center for 15 days, which is also unlikely to please anyone.

It is imperative that each time the law enforcement officers call, they must draw up a statement that they must accept. It is necessary to keep all copies of such statements - later they will be useful if you have to file a claim in court.

Appeal to the precinct

If the neighbors have the habit of regularly making noise at night, then you can write a statement and give it to the district officer. It is best to do it not alone, but collectively, gathering all who are dissatisfied with the situation.

The application is submitted in two ways - in person, by signing up for an appointment, or by mail.

If the second option is chosen, then it is necessary to make it correctly.

  1. In the upper right corner indicates the address, surname, name and patronymic of the district. This information can be found by calling "02".
  2. Below you need to specify from whom the application (with the full address and contact phone).
  3. Further, in the middle of the sheet, the word "Statement" is written. Starting with the next line describes the essence of the problem.
  4. In conclusion, you must specify what the tenants expect from a representative of the authorities. Most often use the standard phrase "Please take action."

In order to be able to trace how and what measures have been taken to address this situation, there must be documented evidence that the statement was taken.

In a personal transfer to his precinct, he must issue a document reflecting the fact of registration of the appeal. The application must be sent by mail only by registered letter with notification. Refund notice and will be proof that the application has been accepted.


The extreme measure for the fight with neighbors, constantly rustling at night, is a statement of claim to the civil court. Few people are ready to take such a serious step and continue to call and write statements to the police.

But, if the tenants themselves do not take the initiative in the struggle for their own peace of mind, then this problem may remain unresolved.

It should be understood that excessive noise that interferes with sleep at night, not only seriously on your nerves, but also can lead to health problems. After all, often the mere fact of summoning to the court may be enough for the restless neighbor to stop disturbing the tenants' peace.

In order for the action to be taken, it will be necessary to prove that the neighbor is really constantly noisy and does not respond to any requests and exhortations. For this, prudently stored copies of letters and statements will come in handy. Also suitable for recording sounds made with an ordinary voice recorder.

Considerable weight will have the testimony of neighbors. If repeated disturbance of peace has led to the fact that it was necessary to seek qualified help from doctors, then any documents confirming this should also be attached to the suit.

Often, uninterrupted repairs from neighbors can lead to the fact that in the neighboring apartments there are cracks in the walls and plaster is showered due to prolonged strong vibrations. These negative effects also need to be recorded and presented as evidence.

The court will consider the claim, and if all the evidence presented is deemed sufficient, the necessary measures will be taken to pacify restless residents.

What they will be - the court will decide. This may be just another fine, compensation for moral and material damage to all neighbors affected by noise, and sometimes it comes to eviction.

Some people are so peaceful that they do not want to get involved in any proceedings.

They can advise only one thing: to improve sound insulation in their own apartment.

This move will somewhat reduce the floor space, but you can no longer worry about noise.

January 14th, 2013, 04:19 pm

There are different types of neighbors - top, side, bottom. The most problematic of them, of course, is from above.

As practice shows, it is very rarely possible to agree peacefully with them, so I did not waste time on empty talk and decided to decide to try to find a way to solve the problem using alternative means. Search in RuNet did not give anything special, so minor mischief and a challenge to the police, but recently I came across an interesting article in which there are two interesting ways of real struggle.

Yes, in this case we have a problem in the form of loud music.

So, the first way:

A 1.5-2 kW transformer with an input of ~ 220 V and an output of ~ 6.3-9 V is needed. A powerful load resistor of 300-500 ohms must be connected to one of the output wires, and a rasp after it. At the second end - a screwdriver. This screwdriver is necessary to hammer, that is urine, on a rasp. The effect of the device - all the equipment from the neighbors goes crazy from the widest range of interference.

The second way. much harder.

It will take a steel bar with a diameter of 80-100 mm and with the same height. It is necessary to wind the coil of inductance (such as drosel) with a wire sew or PEL diameter of 1-1.5 mm in a clockwise direction. Then you need to wind the same coil on it counterclockwise and solder their contacts in parallel. To prevent them from breaking the fields, all this household should be put in a plastic box from the cake and filled with epoxy.
After that, turn off all the outlets, it is safer to take the laptop to parents or friends altogether, and from a stationary PC it is better to pull out even a BIOS battery. This design is placed closer to the evil neighbors and is included in the outlet for 30-90 seconds. As a result, all working electronics in a radius of 8-10 meters die.

Now the question is: do the above methods really work and can there be something alternative, but no less fun?

The first thing I wanted to point out is that there is no need to take revenge and act in a similar way, because this can only aggravate the situation and the neighbors will start making more noise. Therefore, you should not be tempted to find out the power of the neighbors' stereo system.

To get started, try to talk with your neighbors, who make you uncomfortable with their noise. After all, the neighbors may not know that their stereo sounds so loud, or that everything that happens in their apartment - the creak of the bed, the volume of the TV, the karaoke is so well heard to you. And the majority of owners who are madly in love with their dogs may not even suspect that their pets create a certain kind of noise. Therefore, it would be appropriate to first tell the neighbors about the noise that they themselves or their favorite dog reproduce. It is also advisable to propose specific actions that could solve this problem. For example, you can agree that you can only turn on loud music until 10 pm and not later.

It would be nice to know the regulations of the authorities of your city, which regulate the allowable noise level. And if after the conversation the neighbors continue to make noise, then get or print a copy of the official decree, which indicates the permissible noise level (a copy can be easily found on the Internet, or you can contact the city mayor’s office). In such a decree, the allowable noise level is usually specified in decibels. It also notes at what time of day it is forbidden to make noise.

Rally with the rest of the neighbors

Talk to other neighbors who may also be concerned about the same noise as you. With a positive answer, they will be happy to join you to put an end to this noise.

Write a complaint in writing

Tactfully, but accurately write a letter to the neighbors. In the letter, describe the essence of the problem, specify the date and time when they were noisy. In the letter, also indicate the details of the previous conversation, in which you asked to turn down the sound or stop making noise altogether. Also, in the letter, inform that if they do not stop making noise, then you will have to call the police or sue them. Be sure to attach a copy of the official decree to the letter that prescribes the regulatory noise level. Collect signatures from neighbors who, like you, suffer from noise, and attach them to the letter (you can give the neighbors a copy of the letter and signatures and keep the originals).

If you live in rented accommodation, then complain to the landlord, who is unlikely to want to risk their tenants. If you belong to a homeowners association, you can ask about the statutes or regulations based on which the organization can apply measures to noisy neighbors.

Use mediation

You can try to talk with noisy neighbors, resorting to the help of an intermediary. It is desirable that this person in the local community had more influence than you. There is no guarantee that the neighbors will meet, but you can try.

Police call

It is best to call the police when neighbors exceed the permissible noise level. And you can go to the police and at the precinct to leave a statement on the neighbor, which makes it difficult to live peacefully. In this case, the precinct will first warn noisy neighbors, and if they ignore the warning, the precinct will take action as part of their authority.

You can fight with your neighbors through the court, if the neighbors do not understand differently. In this case, you will have to prove in court that the noise reproduced by neighbors violates public order and is excessive. Also in court it is necessary to indicate what measures you have already resorted to, trying to stop the violations (you can submit the original letters to the neighbor and the signatures of the neighbors). Subscribers in court may be witnesses.

In any case, a tactful approach to the problem will allow solving it faster.



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