the main - Tools and materials
  Lecture on "types of repairs". Planning and repairs equipment

SYSTEM PLANNED-PREVENTIVE REPAIR and its content. Repair cycle and its structure, the period between repairs.

During operation, equipment undergoes various types of maintenance and repairs. In our country, a planning-preventive system of machine maintenance and repair (CPD) has been adopted, which corresponds to the principles of planned socialist production. In accordance with GOST 18322-73, the work provided for by the planning and warning system is divided into maintenance and scheduled repairs. Maintenance is a set of activities aimed at maintaining the machine’s performance in preparation for use. Maintenance includes a mandatory periodical scope of work, pre-established for this type and model of the machine in certain operating conditions.

Despite the planned nature (regularity) of maintenance work, at a certain time (resource) and degree of wear depending on the operating conditions at a certain point in time, using the machine becomes technically inexpedient or even dangerous (emergency). In this case, there is a need to perform more complex repair operations.

Repair is a complex of works on restoration of the product (machine) performance. The scope of work on the repair of machines depends on the quality of maintenance and control of the machine, operating conditions and reliability of the design. Therefore, the amount of repair work in most cases is not regulated.

In accordance with the current guidelines and provisions for PPD, the following types of maintenance and repairs are provided: daily maintenance (EO), periodic maintenance (TI), periodic accuracy checks and scheduled repairs - current (T) and capital (K).

Daily (daily) maintenance is carried out in the inter-shift time and includes inspection and inspection, adjustment of the clearances of parts of the components and their lubrication, checking fastening parts and eliminating minor faults, as well as work associated with external maintenance of the machine. Every shift maintenance is carried out by production workers in accordance with the rules of technical operation of machines during the work shift and between them.

Periodic (routine) maintenance includes all work included in daily maintenance and, in addition, diagnostic, mounting adjustment and lubrication work. Periodic maintenance is carried out by duty mechanics, electricians, lubricants, together with the repair team and production workers under the guidance of shop mechanics.

A periodic check for accuracy is carried out according to a schedule by the forces of the mechanical repair shop for equipment to which the accuracy class is set, or such a check is provided for by special instructions (for example, for rotating ovens). Geometric axes of machines, individual units, etc. are subjected to checking and adjustment.

Planned repair is a complex remedial measure of the outage system, provided for in the regulatory documentation and carried out in a planned manner. Depending on the TO-100 ; T-800 ; L4800

Fig. 8. Schedule of the structure of repair

K - overhaul; T - current repair;
  THEN - maintenance

the complexity and scope of work performed include the following types of scheduled repairs (the scope of work is determined by the technical conditions for the repair and the actual condition of the equipment).

Maintenance is carried out in the course of operation to ensure the operability of the equipment. It consists in the replacement and restoration of individual parts (parts, assemblies and assemblies), and adjustment.

The overhaul is performed with the aim of complete or near to full restoration of the equipment resource with the replacement or restoration of all its parts (units), including the base units (buildings, frames, etc.), and their adjustment. In the process of overhaul restore the original accuracy, power and performance of the equipment. Repair costs are attributed to depreciation for equipment.

In accordance with GOST 18322-73, the following terms and definitions are adopted.

The repair cycle is the smallest recurring period of equipment (machine) operation, during which the established types of maintenance and repair, as provided for in the regulatory document, are carried out in a certain sequence.

The between-repairs period is the time interval between two repairs of the equipment of the same name.

Duration of repair - the average time for a single equipment repair.

The total duration of repairs - consists of repairs carried out for a certain period of operation. The specific total duration of repairs is the ratio of the duration of all repairs to the product hours for the same period of operation.

The complexity of the repair - labor costs (in person-h) to carry out a single repair of the unit or equipment.

The total complexity of repairs - the total labor costs for repairs of the product for a certain period of "operation.

Post-warranty warranty time - product life after repair, until completion of which the repair contractor guarantees that the requirements for the product specified in the repair documentation are met, provided the customer observes the technical operation rules, including storage and transportation rules.

The structure of the turnaround cycle. The number, frequency and sequence of all types of maintenance and repairs during the turnaround cycle.

The PRD system provides for three methods of organizing the repair of equipment.

1. Post-inspection method of repair- regular monitoring (inspections) of the equipment in order to identify the state of its parts and assemblies and to resolve the issue of the need for repairs of a certain amount in the planned period. In this case, only inspections are planned, all other issues are decided on demand.
  A significant disadvantage of the method is that it is possible to plan repair work only for the nearest period of time.

2. The standard repair method ismandatory periodic renewal of machine elements by simultaneously replacing its parts or assemblies at a predetermined time, in whatever condition they were at the time of the next repair. Repairs are carried out according to a previously developed technology, in which the scope, terms and methods for carrying out the work, the need for spare parts, labor and equipment are determined. This method is widely used in the repair of engines, transport and other equipment, i.e., when stopping the machine completely disrupts the work of the entire enterprise or threatens human life. This method of repair requires a large number of spare parts and
  significant cash costs.

3. Periodic repair method- carrying out repairs in strictly defined, previously scheduled dates (after a certain number of hours worked by the machine). Allowed to change the amount of repair work depending on the condition of parts, if they can
  to work without damage until the next scheduled repair. When planning on this method, the duration and volume of repairs are predetermined, a list of parts to be replaced, the need for labor and equipment is established.

In the building materials industry, this method of repair is most prevalent.

To maintain the schedules of the outage is a list of schedules of the outage. When entering the schedule of outage in the system, you must specify the following basic data:

  • date of the schedule;
  • the period for which you need to make a schedule;
  • the organization for which the schedule is made;
  • division for which the schedule is made;
  • the list of repair objects for which it is necessary to make a schedule;
  • list of types of maintenance and repairs for each repair facility to be included in the schedule.

For the convenience of the user, the system has the ability to automatically select a group of repair objects.

Operational planning of repair work in the system is carried out in the form of repair requests, which can include only the required materials and operations, approved in the specifications and flow charts. When creating applications, planned costs are automatically determined, and when taking into account the progress of repairs, materials and labor are written off for a specific repair.

An application can be initiated by one of the following events:

  • Identified equipment defect - in this case, an application for unscheduled repair will be generated.
  • The onset of the date of scheduled repair on the outage schedule - in this case, a request for scheduled repair will be generated.

On the basis of the generated repair requests, repair orders are formed. The outfit is issued to performers (worker, brigade) before starting work. The order is filled automatically based on the information specified in the application and contains the following information:

  • list of repairs and their technological operations;
  • turnaround time;
  • list of maintenance personnel and their qualifications;
  • rates;
  • forms of payment.

Accounting for work performed in the system is carried out by the formation of acts of work performed. The certificate of the executed works is formed on the basis of the work order. After entering and carrying out an act of work performed, the costs of logistics and labor costs can be written off.

  • Equipment maintenance: Maintenance refers to work carried out without stopping equipment, work performed by operating personnel. This is usually the work included in maintenance 0, logging inspections of equipment, recording meter readings.
  • Accounting for equipment inspections: The system provides for the possibility of automatically drawing up inspection plans. All defects found during inspections: equipment malfunctions, deviations from the normal state of the equipment, including those that do not require an immediate stop to eliminate them, should be recorded by the operating personnel in the Defects log.
  • Calculation of the need for MTO: To determine the need for spare parts, materials and tools for the required period in the system should be formed schedules of the PRD for this period. Based on information about planned regulatory maintenance and repairs, the system automatically calculates the need for spare parts, materials and tools. Information about the need for MTO is displayed in the report "MTO Plan".
  • Metrology: maintenance of measuring instruments: All repairs and verification of measuring instruments are reflected in the system in the same way as the described repairs. To keep records of the values \u200b\u200bof the monitored equipment indicators, the document "Accounting for monitored indicators" is intended.
  • Budgeting for repairs and maintenance: The system provides for the possibility of budgeting for maintenance and repairs and cost accounting. The cost amounts are displayed in the "Direct repair costs" report.
  • Controlling the costs of logistics and logistics: A report “Plan-actual analysis of costs of logistics and logistics” is intended to control the costs of logistics.
  • Control of labor costs: A report “Plan-actual analysis of labor costs” is intended to control labor costs.
  • Personnel Planning: Information on planned staffing requirements is displayed in the report "Planned employment of employees for repair work." During the operation of the system as part of "1C: UPP", all human resource management capabilities are available.

Planning is the stage of the maintenance and repair management cycle, the automation of which can bring the greatest practical benefits.


Planning repairs: choosing the best path

Planning is the stage of the maintenance and repair management cycle, the automation of which can bring the greatest practical benefits.

Andrey Ivanov, Roman Tokarenko

You can effectively manage organizational and economic systems without automated information systems. A quarter of a century ago, the famous English scientist, the founder of organizational cybernetics, Stafford Bir, said: "It’s wrong to ask how to use a computer at a company. It’s better to ask how to manage a company in the computer age." Since then, the functionality of information systems is rapidly expanding, there are a variety of tools for processing data and extracting information from them.

As is known, the cycle of enterprise management, including maintenance and repairs (MRO), includes the following components: goal setting, planning, execution, monitoring, analysis, the formation of management influence and adjustment. Only four components are fundamentally automated: planning,execution, monitoring and analysis. Accounting  - this is not so much a management stage as a system-wide function that covers all automated stages of the cycle. Goal settingapparently, it will never be automated, since it is a strong combination of the motives, ambitions of managers and the abilities of these people to comprehensively analyze a variety of heterogeneous, often unformalized factors. Control Formationin many respects it is similar to goal setting: it consists in “translating” deviations in the behavior of the control object into specific orders commensurate with them and understandable to lower-ranking managers and executives and the moral and material incentives that support them. Adjustment  generally based on the volitional qualities of managers. If attempts to improve artificial intelligence have been undertaken for a long time and in a number of areas have been very successful, then nothing has been heard about creating information systems of "artificial" will ...

Relevance of planning automation

Planning, in our opinion, is the stage of the maintenance and repair management cycle, the automation of which is capable of bringing the greatest practical benefits. Firstly, planning is nothing more than making planning decisions. The result of a repair campaign planning is decisions regarding the use of limited repair service resources. Secondly, planning requires a huge amount of calculations. It might be argued that analytical work requires them no less, but the analysis is performed, as a rule, once at the end of a certain period, and the planning should be sliding and flexible. The plan must be recalculated whenever the initial conditions change.

The use of maintenance and repair management information systems to automate the planning of repair work (as well as other important functions of managing them) is especially important in the conditions of the developing crisis in the economy: the systems are easily implemented without causing such difficulties as, for example, automating MRP planning in production . Unsuccessful repair management automation projects are extremely rare, therefore, the risk of unsuccessful implementation is very small, which means it is easier for the implementation team to justify the need for IT costs to management. In addition, the system implemented even in a minimum volume has a significant effect, since the costs of repairs, losses from downtime and breakdowns at Russian enterprises are extremely high. Unfortunately, in practice, usually, a "heavy" complex automation system is usually acquired, the deployment of which begins with a financial unit, and the implementation process is delayed for a long time.

As the highest-priority automation objects for today, it is advisable to single out those business processes whose automation will bring a quick and understandable return to a wide range of specialists, and most importantly, in relation to which the risk of unsuccessful or prolonged implementation is low. From this point of view, automation of maintenance and repair of equipment is very attractive. A properly structured register of serviced equipment, keeping in a single system a history of all defects and failures, as well as repairs performed, refusal from fault logs on paper — all this dramatically improves the quality of work related to the planning of both repairs and supplies. technical resources for their implementation.

A typical project for the implementation of a maintenance management system continues on average from several months to one year and has a payback period of one and a half to two years. This is a very good result. The quick payback period of the project is due to the fundamental improvement of planning procedures. In particular, the use of the system allows to increase the share of costs taken into account and significantly improve the reliability of the estimate of future maintenance and repair costs through the use of sound feasibility standards; reduce the complexity of repairs due to more accurate planning of the scope of work and the elimination of excess work; significantly reduce the volume of emergency purchases due to more precise planning of the need for spare parts and materials; an order to reduce the time spent on the formation and analysis of plans.

Ultimately, improving maintenance planning leads to understandable results for the company's top management, such as reducing accident rates, increasing equipment reliability and reducing unplanned downtime and losses from them, which can be expressed in financial terms.

Planning concepts

First in the 40s of the twentieth century, a concept emerged, the essence of which is that repairs do not require planning. The main industrial equipment at that time was the conveyor lines, which produced standardized products, which in large quantities absorbed the unsaturated market. According to this concept it is more expedient to carry out passive repairs , that is, to troubleshoot and failures upon detection. But by the 50s, the market had become saturated, economic theorists had comprehended and formulated the laws of the cyclical movement of the economy, and the task of precise production planning had arisen. It was impossible to solve it without planning equipment repairs.

In the 60-70s, the so-called planning based on calendar (regulatory framework) according to which it was recommended to carry out repairs through well-defined calendar periods: monthly, annually, etc. Such recommendations were prepared by equipment manufacturers and industry research institutes based on long-term statistical observations. This approach was very convenient for determining the necessary resources and planning capacity utilization, but could not cover the whole variety of specific equipment operating conditions. Often repairs were carried out without taking into account the actual depreciation of fixed assets.

Further development planning based on the regulatory framework received in the concept planning by actual condition equipment . Scheduling remained as a basis, and the theory of repair planning began to accumulate knowledge about the dependence of actual equipment wear and, therefore, on the necessary types and amount of repair work on some key parameters of the equipment's operational status. Especially intensive surveys began to be carried out in connection with the massive introduction of automated process control systems in production, which monitor parameters in real time that most accurately and fully characterize the actual equipment wear. Then these parameters are fed to the input of the function that determines what needs repair.

In recent years, theoretical developments in the field of planning have shifted towards the search for methods and tools planning to achieve zero   failure rate . It is assumed that, on the basis of a representative statistical base, it is always possible to construct an adequate and accurate model, which with high probability could predict the time of occurrence of certain defects of specific equipment. Having a similar model, you can always plan the necessary repairs before a malfunction occurs. Thus, this approach theoretically allows you to avoid faults and failures in principle.


The maintenance and repair management software industry could not help but respond to the development of theoretical ideas in the field of planning, therefore today each concept (with the exception of the latter) is reflected in a certain functionality of modern information management systems for maintenance and repairs (see. Fig. 1). It should be emphasized that this functionality is present in almost all systems, only implementation options differ.

Figure 1. The structure of the functional planning of the modern information management system for maintenance and repairs

In particular, the concept of passive repairs is used when planning work on the elimination of defects and planning work on applications. When planning on the basis of the regulatory framework, schedules of preventive maintenance, maintenance and diagnostics are drawn up. The degree of detail of the planned work and the obligation to perform it can vary significantly. The simplest form of planning according to the actual state is planning based on operating time, when a certain indicator of operating time, which tends to accumulate, is considered as the most universal feature accumulating the influence of all other factors. A more complicated way is the planning of repairs according to the state of the system of preliminary diagnostics with the subsequent manual or automated adjustment of the scope of work. It is best of all when the system automatically creates an order with the necessary amount of work based on the analysis of deviations of the basic technical characteristics from their normative values.

Optimal strategy

The previous reasoning implicitly inclines us to the conclusion: since the planning concept for the actual state is the most advanced and in many modern IT systems, the TORO is reflected in its functionality, and it should be applied to all the equipment being serviced - the effect will be maximal. However, in reality, the demand for the functionality of systems is determined by the statistical laws of the costs and costs associated with maintenance and repairs.

The curve of dependence of the equipment in good condition on the cost of maintenance and repairs has a point of optimum (see. Fig. 2). The meaning of this dependence is that at a certain amount of total costs, an optimal ratio of costs and the effect of repair measures is achieved. And further investments can increase the effect, understood, for example, as the coefficient of technical readiness of equipment, but this increase will be achieved too expensive.

Figure 2. The dependence of production losses from the cumulative costs of maintenance and repairs

Similarly, the curve of the dependence of the decrease in the cost of emergency repairs on the increase in the cost of planned preventive measures, which also has a point of optimum, behaves as well. It is clear that emergency work is undesirable. Production equipment at the same time stands idle, as a rule, much longer, for example, due to the lack of necessary spare parts. Downtime leads to a breakdown of production plans and ultimately to lost revenue. Increasing the cost of preventive measures reduces the cost of emergency. However, the desire to reduce emergency work to a minimum comes up against a rigid pattern: investment in preventive measures above the optimal value makes reducing the cost of emergency work too expensive.

The considered patterns lead to the conclusion that when managing maintenance and repairs, there is, at least theoretically, an opportunity to develop a work plan that is optimal in terms of costs / results, which is the most important prerequisite for the success of the entire complex of repair activities. Optimizing the ratio of the cost of types of repair work will help increase the effect of investments in maintaining the technical readiness of equipment.

In practice, the effectiveness of maintenance and repair activities largely depends on such factors as the level of work organization, timeliness and adequacy of funding, the availability of the necessary volume of highly qualified personnel in the labor market, etc. However, this circumstance does not detract from the importance of creating optimal maintenance plans .

The analysis clearly demonstrates that the maintenance of the entire complex of equipment according to its actual state is an unattainable ideal. Effective equipment diagnostics with modern high-tech tools and condition assessment systems is a rather expensive pleasure, and the total use of such a strategy is unlikely to achieve the optimal effect of the investment in the maintenance.

The main task of the functional planning of information systems for managing maintenance and repairs is precisely to ensure an optimal structure for the types of work. Taking into account the above considerations regarding the behavior of costs and costs associated with maintenance, it can be argued that the cost of work planned in accordance with the strategies based on the calendar and the actual condition of the equipment should be approximately the same and be together about 80% of the total the cost of maintenance and repairs. A small amount of funding - 15-20% - must be mortgaged for emergency work.

Maintenance in the power industry

This structure is well applicable in the planning and organization of maintenance work and repairs in thermal energy. Using the service strategy according to the calendar, the main technological thermomechanical equipment is planned to work. The state-of-the-art planning strategy is applied to facilities such as heating networks and boiler equipment. At the same time, the degree of real wear of the networks is determined during the annual technical surveys, test shafts, and the means of diagnostics of boilers may include design and adjustment tests to determine the efficiency of the boiler.

The insignificant volume of planned expenses for emergency work is explained by the fact that there are practically no technical objects in thermal power engineering, it is inexpedient to plan repairs. The exception is some imported pumps, the design of which determines their repairability in the Russian context.

As for the service strategy with zero failure rate, then for its implementation there are neither functional tools in software packages, nor real practical need. In thermal power engineering the design of operating facilities is performed with redundancy of capacities. Where such redundancy is not feasible, for example, for main heat pipelines, the effect of preventing failure is not so significant. As a rule, it is always possible to switch to a backup maintenance scheme, but this usually only impairs the quality characteristics of the heat and hot water supply.

Decisive factors

The automation system must be carefully selected "in size" as a suit: it is important that it comfortably sit. The fact that the system "can do everything" cannot be decisive in the selection, since its functionality must correspond to the real needs of the enterprise.

By and large, it will always be necessary to choose from two systems: configurable (with a large number of settings) and expandable. Configurable systems, as a rule, have a wider and deeper functionality, and with it a huge amount of settings in combination with a complex interface. In such systems, the methods and schemes for data processing are less intuitive. During the implementation, the main task is to carefully turn off the "extra" functionality and leave only the vital functions. Suppliers of such systems and their partners try to avoid any additional development, since the system in its original form is already very complex. In addition, the complexity of setting the functionality for the processes of a particular customer increases many times when setting up access rights in strict accordance with the job duties of employees.

As a rule, foreign EAM-systems and control modules of foreign ERP-systems with a long history of evolutionary development are configurable. Such systems are usually used in vertically integrated industries with a high degree of business consolidation and unification of technologies, both production and management. These are oil and oil and gas, mining, electric power industry, metallurgy.

For medium and large enterprises that are not part of "global" holdings, stackable systems are much better suited. They include only basic functionality that meets the needs of a typical maintenance and repair process. Such systems, as a rule, have a flexible and powerful development environment, which allows in a very short time to finalize the system in accordance with the requirements of a particular customer.

Scalable are the majority of CMMS systems, domestic EAM systems, and, relatively recently, the development of maintenance and repair management modules in the composition of both domestic and foreign ERP systems. Such systems are usually aimed at industries that are characterized by a significant variety of approaches to the organization of business, technological structures and technological equipment. These are machine building, transport, service, pulp and paper, food industry, as well as the production of building materials. Separate specific scalable systems can be successfully applied in the power industry, especially at network infrastructure facilities.

Andrey Ivanov  - consultant of practice of Microsoft systems of the company OXS   (GK "Optima");[email protected]

Roman Tokarenko - Microsoft Systems Practice Manager OXS   (GK "Optima");[email protected]

Perhaps most of all, the state of the repair, which was not carefully planned, is conveyed by the aphorism of the living satire classic Mikhail Zhvanetsky: “You cannot finish the repair, you can only stop it. But we do not want to live in the neighborhood with bags of cement, putty and paint cans forever? In this case, carefully prepare a plan to repair the apartment.

1 Step-by-step plan for repairing an apartment - where to start?

The lack of planned actions to be repaired is a huge risk, which is expressed not only in delaying work for long months, but also in excessive financial costs arising from alterations. For example, when on an already finished plastered wall you have to do something that you have so forgotten about.

So, let's begin. It does not matter whether you will contact the interior designer or decide how to decorate an apartment - take a lot of blank sheets of paper, color pencils, a lot of magazines with fashionable interiors (as a hint) and set about creating a design project. Even if you later entrust this work to an experienced specialist, it will be easier for you to convey to him the wishes, because they will be clearly formed.

To draw up a design project, you will need a detailed and accurate apartment layout with all the parameters of the rooms, the current location of communications, windows and doors. Next, determine which budget you are counting on, whether you intend to invest in repairs as much as you need, or should fit in a certain amount. For repairs without budget constraints, you can recommend such interior styles as classic, decorative modern, hi-tech, country, oriental.

But if you have to save, take a look at the constructive modernity, which differs from the decorative with a more practical look at the furniture and decoration and minimizes the decorative details, while reducing costs. Minimalism and eclecticism (mixing several styles) will also be more economical directions. In any case, do not expect to save on building materials - otherwise the result of the repair will be short-lived.

Decide how long you plan to operate an apartment or house without a major overhaul. Taking into account the emergence of heavy-duty modern materials, you can repair an apartment for the next 30–40 years. For example, polyurethane self-leveling floors allow you to get a smooth and surprisingly durable surface that is not afraid of moisture, acids and alkalis, acrylic filler compositions have the same properties. Here are just a significant disadvantage of such building materials - their high cost and unnatural.

If the high price is justified by a long service life, then the chemical origin of building materials scares many away, because you want to live in a safe environment. In fact, polymeric materials and components are found everywhere today, and they are not at all harmful to our health. Only suspiciously cheap materials from unknown manufacturers can be harmful - in this case, only charge yourself.

2 Exact calculation - half the work

Do not forget to solve everyday issues, such as where the family will go for the period of repair work, and how to pacify the neighbors so that during the loudest construction work they do not write complaints to public utilities.

Surely, your apartment already has some kind of furniture. Perhaps you are planning to throw a part of it in a landfill — don’t be in a hurry to do this, for a period of repair work such a table, chair or sofa will surely come in handy for the workers. Consider which room you will start renovating, how you will be replacing the furniture. Most often begin work from the farthest room, and finish the kitchen.

The procedure for carrying out the main stages in the overhaul is as follows:

  • Dirty work, namely the dismantling of old coatings, the dismantling of walls during redevelopment, the alignment of concrete surfaces, the installation of sound insulation and insulation.
  • Replacing the wiring shield. Consider how the furniture will be located in the future so as not to install an outlet in the place where the cabinet will be. In the kitchen and in the bathroom it is better to foresee the number of holes for sockets with a margin and install the most high-quality electrical wiring.
  • Replacing the heating system, installing plumbing.
  • Basic plastering of surfaces - usually it takes several days to dry the plaster, while other works are being done that do not affect the walls.
  • The final alignment of all surfaces - the installation of self-leveling floors or screed, putty walls and ceiling.
  • Replacing windows and doors - only after leveling the walls and floor. Only in this case, you can be sure of the accuracy of the distance from the windows to the floor.
  • Installation of sockets and switches in previously prepared holes. If there are small children in the house, get stubs for sockets - the cost of acquiring them is penny, but less risks for the curious kids.
  • Installation of shelves, eaves, plinths and fillets, platbands and slopes. Some slopes are set at the stage of plaster or putty.

If the apartment has a loggia or a balcony, the repair of this room should be started in the last place - it is most convenient to store the remnants of building materials that may be needed to correct some moments, as well as tools and equipment. An important point - try to carry out all the welding work in one step before laying the final coating.  Otherwise, sparks from welding will inevitably ruin your labors.

3 Calculation of building materials for repair - control costs

It does not matter whether you will perform repairs yourself or invite craftsmen - the calculation of building materials for repairs is necessary in both cases. In the first version, you will avoid the lack of the right mixture at the most inappropriate moment, and in the second, an accurate calculation will protect the repair budget from banal embezzlement.

If possible, buy building materials in parts and be sure to ask for a check. In this case, you can check back the excess if the package has not been damaged. That's just the time for such a return from you - two weeks from the date of purchase. Therefore, it is desirable to buy materials in stages, as they are needed.

On our website you will find specific recommendations and formulas for calculating virtually all the work and the necessary materials, for example, the number or number of bags of cement. In each case, its own nuances are possible, but basically you should always buy 8-10% more building materials. The cost estimate should also include the cost of transport, garbage collection before and after completion of work, payment of employees.

Stock up with all the necessary utility numbers, because in case of a major overhaul, you will probably need to turn off the water in the risers or turn off the electricity for a while.

If you intend to do repairs with your own hands, consider what work you may not be able to do alone, in order to foresee the possibility of calling the help in the form of a more experienced builder. Do not allow idle time in work - while in one room it dries, in the other you can do cleaning and leveling surfaces. Only in the case of careful planning, you can expect that in a few months you will have time to overhaul.

Even an apartment acquired in a new building requires repair work to create a beautiful and comfortable environment for living and corresponding to your idea of \u200b\u200bcomfort.

What to say about the apartments purchased in the secondary housing market, in 90% of cases they need redecoration, and in 30-50% - in overhaul. But in the event that you did not acquire a new home, but gathered to “start a new life” by changing the environment around you, you will have to repair it. The fact that this process is accompanied by significant financial investments, a large amount of labor and emotional stress, many people know not by hearsay. It is not possible to do without a detailed planning for the repair of an apartment, drawn up before the start of the work. And this moment is so important that in its absence, you can face a lot of problems and troubles.

Many have probably heard the recommendations of family budget planners or planning their own time. I don’t know the exact figures, but I’m not mistaken if I say that 95% of those who listened to these recommendations agreed that it was useful and necessary and .... they didn’t do anything. With respect to repair, it is impossible to do this in any way! Not a single specialist, even having vast experience in such matters, will start work without having a detailed and detailed plan. As Marshal Shaposhnikov said, “Mobilization is war,” it means that at that moment when you sat down to make a repair plan you actually started this repair and took your first step towards its implementation.

What you need to pay attention to if you decide to use the services of firms specializing in repairs? Firstly, the best choice of the company is the choice made on the recommendation of friends.

  • When signing the contract should clarify and, if necessary, adjust all items estimates.
  • The deadlines for repairs should be clearly stated in the contract, and sanctions for violation of these deadlines should be specified. When bringing repairs with significant investments and the use of expensive materials, it is not at all superfluous to insure the responsibility of compliance with the contract. Having spent 2-5% of the cost of work, you seriously protect yourself from various surprises and additional costs.
  • During the repair, accept and sign acts of acceptance at each stage of fulfillment of the contract. For better control, you can invite a third-party specialist who can give an objective assessment of quality.

If you decide to do the repair yourself, then the planning of works and the compilation of the list and cost of materials will have to be doubly careful. First of all, the seasonal factor - such types of work as replacement of radiators and heated towel rails are possible only with the heating off and the drain system.

Of course, most people try to repair the apartment in the summer, but there is one nuance. Putty mixes, the use of which is unavoidable during any repair, do not dry well when the heating is turned off. Of course it is difficult to match, but the best option would be to start the repair at the end of the summer and finish the finishing of the heating season.

When making a plan, consider the sequence of work. To be honest, for 10 years of my practice, I have not seen a single object where the stages of the work were carried out as expected. Absolutely always there are moments that have missed or did not have time before the start of the next stage. It was not for nothing that, in ancient Greece, a statement arose - “no construction ends on time and within the limits of the established estimate”. But striving for consistency is still necessary.

Having drawn a sketch by hand or using programs such as BCAD or 3D Apartment and Condo Desinger we draw up a draft of the future type of apartment and proceed to dismantling. This is the dirtiest stage of the work is performed in the first place. Then all the construction waste is taken out and the windows are replaced.

The next stage is the leveling of the floors, which is required in almost any apartment. Next, replace the pipes and electrical wiring, and it is necessary to combine these actions with the construction of new walls and structures of plasterboard. Walls and, if necessary, ceilings are plastered, and the final finish is finished.

The time of each stage, as well as the call of specialists (where you can’t cope on your own), the required amount of materials and cash costs should be considered when planning repairs. Having a clear plan with a description of the necessary materials and a sequence of actions in front of you will cope with the task much easier. And as a supplement to this article - the book in the electronic version "Renovation from A to Z". The book has easy navigation, contains high-quality illustrations and competent advice. I am sure it will be useful to many, laid out in the form of an archive of 35 MB, and you can download it.



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