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  How to glue non-woven wallpaper meter. Some disadvantages and inconveniences. Performing all the preparatory work

You should know that there is no better and more convenient material for pasting walls than non-woven wallpaper.

If the ceiling and walls are planned to be decorated with a fillet, then it is initially necessary to glue them, and then proceed to glue the wallpaper.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper: technology

Material of this type has the following advantages:

  1. The width of the roll is approximately 1 m, resulting in the room will be much less joints than in the case of using conventional wallpaper.
  2. Increased level of wear resistance of the material and resistance to abrasion.
  3. You can hide small cracks and other defects on the base of the wall.
  4. If you want to change the finish of the walls, you can easily remove the old material from the wall in a dry form, that is, you do not need to spend time soaking up the wallpaper.
  5. High light resistance.
  6. It is possible to paste over a wall from a roll. In this case, the working area will be reduced to a minimum.
  7. You can make a wet cleaning with improvised means.
  8. The material is capable of passing steam and air, while it will not change its texture and size, which is not the case with ordinary wallpaper.
  9. Minimum amount of trash and dirt. This is due to the fact that the glue will need to be applied exclusively on the wall.
  10. It is possible to make painting many times, which allows you to change the interior design.
  11. The material is made from environmentally friendly raw materials.
  12. Wallpaper meets all standards of sanitation.
  13. The material can be glued both on the walls and on the ceiling.

The scheme of cleaning the wall from the old finish: a) cleaning, b) smoothing, c) moving the tool.

Before you glue meter non-woven wallpaper, you need to measure the height of the walls. If the joint of the wall and ceiling will be decorated with a fillet, then it must be glued before wallpapering the walls.

You will need to measure the height from floor to ceiling or fillets, if the latter is used. To the value that will be received, you will need to add 10 cm for stock.

On the wall from which the wallpapering will begin, at a distance of 1 m from the corner you will need to tap a strictly vertical line, for which you need to use a plumb line and a long ruler.

The plumb line can be made with your own hands from a cord of the desired length, while at one of its ends you must tie a heavy bolt or nut.

Elements that will be needed to glue the material on a non-woven base:

  1. The material itself is wall decoration.
  2. Construction sharp knife.
  3. Putty knife.
  4. Primer.
  5. Putty.
  6. Special glue.
  7. Plummet or long ruler.
  8. Rag.
  9. Meter.
  10. Roller or wallpaper brush.

Performing all the preparatory work

Before pasting the wallpaper, you will need to prepare the wall. You need to make sure that the wall is completely flat, there are no bumps, cracks or any other noticeable defects. The base will need to be carefully cleaned of the old coating.

So that you can easily remove the old wallpaper, you need to wet the coating. This can be done using water and a rag. Moistened material can be removed from the wall with a spatula.

If the wall is not perfectly smooth and you need to perform repair work, you need to putty before gluing the material on non-woven base in the corners and other problem areas. After that, the wall must be primed with glue or with a deep penetration primer. If glue was chosen, it is recommended to make a weaker mixture.

Speaking about how to glue non-woven wallpaper, you should know that there are 2 basic rules that must be followed:

  1. The surface on which you plan to glue the material on non-woven base, should be dry and flat.
  2. The room should not be drafts and air flow, for example, from the air conditioner. All windows in the room must be tightly closed.

Next, you need to prepare the material for pasting and coloring. To do this, cut them into strips. It is important to remember to leave allowances of 10 cm on each of the canvases. It is important to remember and respect the pattern, if there is such a need.

How to apply glue to the wallpaper?

The material must begin to glue on the corner, top to bottom. In this case, you need to consistently smooth it in the direction of the vertical, using a roller or brush for wallpaper.

You need to press lightly, so that the new layer goes back to the edge of the pasted.

Glue will need to spread not on the reverse side of the material, as is done in the case of ordinary wallpaper, but only on the wall.

The scheme of applying glue to the wallpaper: 1. The oiling of the canvas with paste. 2. Folding the canvas in half.

It is important to choose the right adhesive, which is suitable for gluing non-woven wallpaper. Any employee who specializes in the sale of materials for building and finishing can help with this choice.

It is important to know that the advantage of this material is that in this case it is not necessary to withstand a certain amount of time to soak the wallpaper.

Such material is able to ensure the stability of the shape and size of the sheets. Before applying the glue on the wall, it is recommended to read the information that is indicated on the packaging of the adhesive mixture and on the roll of wallpaper.

Glue must be applied to the wall, which was previously prepared.

How to glue wallpaper on non-woven base: the sequence of works

After applying the adhesive solution, you need to take the first strip of wallpaper, adjust it in height, and then stick it on the broken line on the wall. The second side needs to be turned on the corner. Do not worry if you can not get an exact match at the top of the wall, because at the end of the wallpaper, which will act, you can cut. First, you just need to tuck. Next, you need to start smoothing the material, expelling air from under it. To do this, use a wallpaper roller, spatula or a piece of clean cloth.

After completing the smoothing you need to take a spatula from a large-width metal and a sharp knife. The spatula is used as a guide for the knife, it is applied to the joint of the wall and the ceiling. After that, the knife must be cut off the excess wallpaper. If you can’t cut the raw wallpaper, you will need to wait until it dries, and then try to cut it again. If the wallpaper in some places were not fully glued, you may need to paste the material.

How to glue meter non-woven wallpaper butt?

Each layer is glued end to end. In this case, there will be no problems if the wall was aligned during the preparation phase.

In the process of sticking a new layer to the previous one, it will be necessary to adjust it in height. A clear joint is not allowed to be achieved by stretching the material.Even if it can be done first, the wallpaper will disperse after the glue dries.

If you can not achieve a perfect joint and use monotonous wallpaper without pictures, you can go to the trick. The canvas should be glued with the previous one, the intersection should be about 2-3 cm. Then, using a sharp construction knife, it is necessary to make a through cut in the place where the blades intersect. It is important to cut through 2 layers simultaneously. In the end it is necessary to remove the trim, fluff the joint adhesive mixture and straighten the layers, getting a flat joint.

How to glue wallpaper in hard to reach places and corners?

Particular attention should be paid to the process of wallpapering the walls in hard-to-reach places. In this case, referring to the location of sockets, batteries, switches and ceiling. The edges of the wallpaper should be lubricated with an adhesive mixture to ensure the reliability of their attachment to the base of the wall. It is not recommended to allow adhesives to get on the main side of the canvas. If for any reason this has happened, you will need to quickly remove the glue from the wallpaper using a damp cloth. Next, the wallpaper must be wiped with a dry base.

Glue non-woven wallpaper near the sockets and switches must be carefully, while the electricity will need to turn off. Before that, measure what size strips will be needed, and then cut them.

After the adhesive mixture dries, the necessary dimensions should be made in the hole. At the end of all the work you will need to screw in place all the sockets and other elements.

If you plan to glue the material of this type on the ceiling, then you should know that the technology is no different from pasting the walls. The only difference is that in this case you need to find an assistant who can hold a canvas of wallpaper.

In the corners, the canvas must be glued so that the overlap on the next wall is approximately 2-3 cm. If in the process of gluing a layer of large dimensions is turned, then it must be trimmed with a sharp knife to the required size.

There are 2 options for how to glue the finishing material of this type in the corners of the room:

  1. The first method is used when you need to stick material with a pattern. The canvas should be glued from the corner, with the overlap with another layer should be approximately 2-3 cm. Overlap can hide the defect, if there is an uneven angle.
  2. Another method is suitable for plain wallpaper. The canvas should be glued from the corner, after which the knife cut through 2 blades, remove the excess and at the end straighten the joint.

How to paint non-woven wallpaper?

If, after pasting the room with wallpaper, you need to paint the material, then you need to know that water-based paints that are resistant to abrasion and cleaning are best suited. It is recommended to use latex or acrylic paints that have a silk effect. If you select these materials, you can emphasize the texture of the wallpaper.

The first coat of paint is applied approximately 24 hours after the glue dries. To do this, use a roller that matches the type of paint purchased. Select it will help the employee of the same store. The second and all other layers of paint are applied in a few hours.

It is quite simple to glue such wallpapers, it is only important to prepare the base and follow the sequence of actions.

There is nothing better and more convenient, as glues non-woven meter wallpaper as a finish.

The main advantage of this material is the simplicity of the pasting process without special skills.

This option is not subject to stretching, not torn or compressed.

The non-woven base wallpaper allows you to hide the defects of the uneven surfaces of the walls and with the appearance of cracks under them do not crack.

Another advantage - plain wallpaper can be painted, making it possible to update the interior of the room.

Room preparation

At the beginning, the required number of rolls of material is calculated. To do this, measure the width and height of each glued surface.

When performing the calculations, an additional reserve is added a few centimeters to the length. The material is purchased with the same batch number on each roll.

If there is a pattern, it must be identical everywhere. The preparation of the premises assumes the presence of smooth walls for their careful pasting with wallpaper.

Wide strips of material do not fit well on rough surfaces, which can affect the quality of the joints.

Switches and sockets are removed, and the wires are insulated from moisture in the box. Next is the priming of the glued surface and its drying.


To carry out the process of pasting will need the following tools:

  • Measuring tape and construction level;
  • Long pile roller and foam sponge;
  • Tray for glue and water;
  • A narrow metal spatula and another plastic with a soft edge to press the sheet material, and a brush for smoothing it;
  • Cutting knife;
  • Glue cleaning roller;
  • Pencil;
  • Film.


Due to the meter width, the number of joints is reduced.

Increased wear resistance to mechanical stress.

Ease of removal in a dry form.

UV resistant.

The possibility of pasting the wall from the roll - reducing the working area.

Good throughput of steam and air without changing the texture and size of the material.

Clean the process of pasting without debris and dirt and susceptibility to wet cleaning.

We offer to watch the video:

Environmental friendliness and functionality of use of material.

Pasting process

Before you begin to glue non-woven meter wallpaper, done with a corner. Thanks to its edge butt.

In the corners of the walls of the cloth are glued overlap. With a width of finished panels of 1.06 m, 1 m is left in both sides of the corner.

According to the master's height, a line is drawn vertically, from which the tape measure is indented to 1.06 m. This procedure is done for all walls.

The roll is laid on the film, spread on the floor, face down. The pattern should be taken into account when cutting panels.

If the wallpaper is plain, the height of their location is measured and 10 cm is added.

For even bending, the roll is adjusted to the rolled part with the coincidence of its edges. The bend is smoothed by hand and cut.

The cut sheets are rolled into rolls face inward. Glue for non-woven wallpaper divorced portions strictly according to the instructions.

In a container of water, the glue is poured little by little, constantly stirring it to obtain a homogeneous composition without lumps. After which it is left for swelling.

The roller is dipped into the glue mass and the remaining glue is squeezed out by holding it on a special grid. Now you can make the application of glue to the surface under one canvas.

Finishing material is glued on top, taking it by the edge and attaching it to the surface. Next is a gradual lowering down and smoothing brush from the middle to the edges.

Wallpaper should be well pressed to the surface without bubbles and folds.

After sticking several cloths all seams are rolled with a roller. The remaining part is cut off after drying. The plinth is completely covered with wallpaper.

The angle is prepared at. In the corners set plastic corners, attached to the putty to the wall structures.

After drying, you can proceed to the further pasting. Gluing the canvas to the corner, the wall surface and the corner is impregnated with adhesive.

Whole areas of non-woven fabrics in the corner is not recommended to glue because of their location overlap.

Because of the non-ideal angles, the wallpaper will frown, so a small overlap of 2 cm is made on the adjacent wall.

The next canvas is glued on the adjacent wall to an angle with an overlap, which is cut off with a knife with the vertical orientation of the angle.


It will be cheaper and easier than making new repairs to change the interior of the room. Care for this decor is very simple.

Master class on the topic of the article:

For their cleaning is enough to use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.

Many of those who are thinking about doing the repair themselves are interested in how to glue non-woven meter-long wallpaper. However, it is not even so important what material they are made of, since people are primarily interested in the peculiarities of gluing large-sized canvases, that is, how to glue meter-sized wallpapers in general, without reference to what they are made of.

However, the raw materials used in the production of all-so has a certain value. Nevertheless, to begin with, I would like to note that 1 meter wide wallpapers are becoming more and more popular, despite the fact that they are a fairly new type of finish. In terms of its structure and general gluing rules, this material does not differ from more familiar rolls, whose width is 0.5 meters (or, to be more precise, 53 cm). At the same time, the meter width significantly reduces the time and labor costs for sticking. Today we will talk about how to glue wide wallpapers and what are the features of such sticking.

By the way, if we talk about different countries, it should be noted that in Europe, the United States and other “far-abroad countries” there are often sold wallpapers that have nothing to do with our standards, which were traditionally distributed in the countries of the former USSR and the present CIS. The width of 0.8 or 1 meter for them is quite ordinary, and no one calls such canvases exclusive or non-standard.

Remember! Wider wallpapers have many advantages, including fast glueing and fewer stitches on the walls of the room.

Pros and cons of use

Let's talk in more detail about the advantages and disadvantages of this material. If you are thinking about how to glue meter wallpaper on non-woven base (however, you can talk about any other fabrics, for example, paper or vinyl), then you should consider both the positive and negative qualities that this type of decorative finishes possess.


  1. If you are accustomed to glueing wallpapers using the “butt” method, then you can greatly reduce the number of these very joints, creating a virtually seamless effect.
  2. The process itself is accelerating, because you can stick wallpaper of a meter width (including the ceiling and in the corners) much faster.
  3. In addition, it is often possible to buy such canvases at a more favorable price (in terms of 1 m2). Affordable cost is an important advantage, especially in cases where the budget for repairs is limited.


At the same time, it should be noted that the gluing of meter-sized wallpaper is fraught with difficulties, which should also be taken into account:

  1. Fairly problematic fit in length, especially for those who first decided to take up the sticky with their own hands. Sometimes this is the reason that in the end there can be some waste of material.
  2. If you do not have a scraper, then you should think about how to stick the meter wallpaper alone. The considerable size of the canvases (or, to be precise, their width) makes it difficult for one person to stick wide meter wallpapers.
  3. Before you stick the meter wallpaper with a width of 1 meter, you will need to conduct a more thorough preparation of the working surface, since these canvases are extremely demanding in terms of the quality of the walls.

How to glue non-woven meter wallpapers, video:

Step-by-step instruction

So, let's consider the process of gluing in more detail, stopping at each of the stages. Here's how to glue meter wallpaper.

Preparatory work

  1. First of all, it is necessary to conduct high-quality and thorough preparation of the walls. To do this, remove all the old finishing materials that could be there, since their remnants can interfere with good sticking. By the way, if we are talking about how to properly glue non-woven meter-size wallpapers, then here we should stipulate a little and say that in this case the task is somewhat easier, since in most cases these canvases are quite thick, which, in turn, says about the possibility of abandoning the ideal surface preparation by completing this task, if I may say so, “by four”. At the same time, it is desirable to carry out processing fairly coarse materials (including sandpaper with a large grain), since in such cases the wallpaper will be better glued to the wall (when compared to a perfectly smooth glossy surface).
  2. In addition, we must not forget that during the work on gluing it is necessary to close all windows, vents and even ventilation holes tightly to avoid drafts. At the same time, they can not be opened until it is completely dry. In some cases, it is recommended to remove the sockets and switches, previously de-energizing the electrical wiring in the apartment or house.
  3. An important step is the preparation of the glue itself. Nothing complicated, as a rule, while this happens, because almost always manufacturers print instructions for preparing the adhesive composition on the packaging. So, problems with this will not arise even from a beginner. In addition, in most cases, the preparation of the adhesive composition can be accomplished with the help of any available tools: you do not have to buy additional equipment or containers.
  4. The marking of the walls is also quite an important task. Most modern wallpaper, especially thick (vinyl and non-woven) are glued using the “butt” method. This helps to avoid the formation of ugly seams, which are formed in the case of applying the overlap method. Both for wide meter, and for standard wall-paper it is necessary to use a marking, at least, on a vertical. To do this, you need to outline at least one vertical line. To do this, you can use both the construction level and a fairly simple device - a plumb line, which you can easily make with your own hands from virtually any thread and weight. For more information about the direction of sticking you can learn from the article "".


  1. Turning to glueing you should first cut the wallpaper of the desired length. In those cases when you need to join the pattern in the neighboring canvases, you will have to leave a sufficiently large margin. In any case, even if there are no drawings and there is no need to dock them, always leave an overlap, both from above and below. Its length should be at least 10 cm. On the one hand, it creates, but with a strong desire, you can use them, or something else.
  2. Go directly to the gluing. Before you begin to apply the adhesive composition, it is desirable to re-mix. Gluing meter wallpaper on non-woven base (however, not only meter, but also any other size, including standard ones) is good because the glue can be applied only on the wall itself. It is not necessary to spread the wrong wallpaper. If you stick wallpaper of other types, then it will be necessary to spread glue both on their surface (by itself, on the reverse side) and on the wall.
  3. Lay the wallpaper against the wall. This should be done as carefully as possible. In addition, the first sheet should be glued, focusing on a flat vertical line, which you have outlined beforehand. In order to avoid the appearance of “bubbles”, glued wallpaper canvases should be smoothed using a special plastic comb, designed specifically for this purpose. This can be purchased at almost any hardware store.
  4. Having finished with the first sheet, continue using the same technology to glue the rest. Of course, you also need to know how to glue non-woven meter wallpapers in the corners. Video or special instructions do not differ from the principle of sticking standard wallpaper in the corners. Below is a video on how to do it correctly:

Tip! Any excess glue that is released when using a plastic spatula should be disposed of. This will help you dry clean cloth or sponge.

What else needs to be considered

In addition to all the instructions, you need to remember and useful tips, which, in any case, it is desirable to take into account before you think about sticking. Here are some recommendations:

  • In addition to ensuring the absence of drafts, it is worth thinking about the fact that the temperature regime was also favorable. This parameter has a significant effect on the drying of the wallpaper.
  • The second tip is related to this: try to complete the sticking to the moment when the batteries begin to heat up. The fact is that in those places where there are working batteries, the temperature will be higher, which will affect the uneven drying of the canvases.
  • If you are interested in how to glue non-woven wide wallpaper, then please note that for each type of canvas there are special adhesive compositions. Although, on the other hand, some experts fully allow the use of universal adhesives.
  • Since the width of meter wallpapers far exceeds the standard, when gluing them, it is best to use two step-ladders (or 2 stools, if you decide to do with them). Since you will be working with an assistant, then using a pair of stepladders or stools, you can more accurately attach the wallpaper sheet and better align it.
  • By the way, even if you made a mistake when sticking meter-long wallpapers and attached a sheet a little unevenly, this is fixable. For a short period of time (maximum 10-15 minutes) you will have the opportunity to align the sheet several times. This should be done carefully, trying not to tear or damage the wallpaper.
  • To make the interior more attractive, you can. They, by the way, are also glued end-to-end. At the same time, make sure that the thickness of the combined canvases is the same.


As for the time, during which the wallpaper of different types finally dry, then it certainly differs. For drying vinyl wallpapers, the temperature between 18 and 30 degrees is considered normal. Of course, at the same time in all places of the room it should be the same: if, say, the temperature is 22 degrees in one part of the room, then it should be kept at the same level in other corners.

In general, heavier and denser varieties of canvases tend to dry longer. Some (under certain circumstances) - up to 7 days. As for paper wallpaper, they, as the lightest, dry no more than three days, and even then, if we are talking about the so-called "duplex" (two-layer canvases). More simple, single-layer options are sometimes quite enough, and 20 hours.

Remember! It is better not to try to use certain types of heating, including heat guns, heaters, and so on. Wallpapers should dry naturally. This applies not only to how to glue the meter wallpaper on non-woven base, but also to any other canvases.


In any case, before sticking, it is recommended to watch a video on how to glue wide meter wallpapers. Flizelinovye, vinyl or paper - this is a separate conversation. Of course, each of these species has its own specific features. Not only the durability of the wallpaper covering, but also the attractiveness of the interior of your room, and in general, of the whole apartment depends on the proper sticking. Therefore, try to approach repair with full responsibility and remember that everything is in your hands!

The variety of textures and sizes, reliability and practicality, convenience and simplicity of the pasting process brought non-woven wallpaper into the leaders of wall finishing materials. The most popular are canvases, conventionally referred to as meter-long, whose width is 90–140 cm, in contrast to the standard 53 cm. Finishing wizards recognize that it is a pleasure to glue non-woven meter-long wallpaper. Due to the structure of non-woven material from cellulose fibers, fastened with polymer, they do not stretch, do not tear and easily slide on the working surface.

Advantages of wide non-woven fabrics

Meter non-woven wallpaper have a number of important advantages over other finishing materials due to the combination of composition and increased width.

  • Such coatings are sometimes called “seamless”, since the number of strips glued to the wall is less than the standard version. Consequently, the number of joints decreases. The relief surface of the material additionally helps to make the seams almost invisible.
  • The installation of meter canvases saves time, as it is necessary to mark, cut, attach, customize and dock fewer strips.
  • The price of one wide roll is not equal to the cost of two standard, which means that the cost of material and repair in general are reduced.

Some disadvantages and disadvantages

Along with the advantages, it is worthwhile to point out a few drawbacks of this type of wall covering, which turn into inconvenience during installation.

  • The main uncomfortable point: despite the fact that non-woven wallpaper can mask out small defects and working surface flaws, to finish with meter-long canvases you will need to properly and efficiently prepare. At differences on the surface there will be problems with joining of sheets.
  • It is difficult and tiring to work with wide canvases alone, especially when pasting the ceiling.
  • Calculate and adjust meter wallpaper, taking into account difficult areas, more difficult than standard ones. The lack of a pair of centimeters in width will entail the purchase of an additional roll.
  • Before sticking wide canvases it is necessary to align the corners and transitions between the wall and the ceiling. With curved joining surfaces, it is not an easy task to dock non-woven meter coatings.

Tools and materials

Gluing non-woven fabrics should occur quickly to prevent the glue from drying out. So, the necessary materials and tools should worry about in advance. A sample list is as follows:

  • special wallpaper glue for non-woven fabric, diluted and aged according to the instructions;
  • paint brushes or roller for applying the adhesive solution;
  • rubber roller for leveling webs and removing air;
  • a sponge or dry cloth for excess glue;
  • sharp knife (wallpaper or clerical);
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • table (stepladder).

Surface preparation

The stages of the rough finish for pasting with meter-size non-woven wallpaper are standard, but are carried out very carefully. The surface should be flat, dry, clean and one-color.

  • The working space is freed from sockets, switches, electrical appliances, the previous finish is completely removed. How to remove different types of old coatings, read.
  • Detected lesions of the fungus or mold are treated with an antibacterial composition.
  • Irregularities are puttied, after drying, rubbed with sandpaper.

Note! If the hung wallpaper is not planned to be painted, the surface color will have to be leveled, otherwise you can get a surprise in the form of spots translucent through the translucent fleece.

  • The final stage to improve adhesion applied one or two layers of primer.

Tip! If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the height of the ceiling allow, to quickly level the surface, the joints and corners are better than drywall.

Preparation GKL for pasting wallpaper described in detail in.

Marking and cutting cloths

Non-woven meter wallpaper glue butt. To simplify the work, it is better to pre-mark the surface and cut the required number of strips.

  • Experts recommend starting pasting with a corner. From the selected starting point, a distance of two to three centimeters shorter than the width of the roll is measured. An even vertical bar is drawn. For example, if the width of the cloth is 106 cm, the distance from the corner to the marking line will be 104 cm.
  • Then the vertical lines across the width of the wallpaper marks the surface to the next corner.
  • Since the whole meter strips are not glued to the corners, the roulette starts from the resulting extreme line around the corner by 2 cm, marking is applied, then (to the next angle) the width of the cloth is measured from this line.
  • One-piece strips of the desired length are cut with a margin of up to 10 cm each. They will be carefully trimmed after drying the wallpaper. If the design uses a ceiling plinth, it is necessary to leave an allowance only at the bottom - 2-3 cm is enough.
  • In the same way, stripes are cut for the angles of the required width, resulting in the marking.

Glueing process

When the surface is prepared, dried and marked up, the sheets are cut, the inventory is selected, proceed to pasting.

Pay attention to the temperature of the room. While working with wallpaper and about a day after they finish, drafts and dry air should be avoided.

  • A paint brush or roller is applied to the wall glue with a slight overshoot of the marking line.
  • A dry non-linen fabric is applied, the wall-ceiling is leveled at the junction and at the same time combined with a vertical line.

Important! When working with coatings on non-woven base, there is a possibility of adjustment and adjustment: a 10-minute amount of time before the adhesive solution sets completely. Therefore, for independent work is not recommended to use quick-drying composition.

  • The strip is pressed tightly in the center, then leveled with a special roller. The movements resemble the drawing of a Christmas tree: from the center to the side and simultaneously from top to bottom. Speaking of surplus glue cleaned with a sponge or cloth.

  • Each subsequent non-woven fabric tightly fitted and fit in with the pasted.
  • The resulting overlap in the corners is cut through in the middle, the extra strips of wallpaper are removed, resulting in a smooth, inconspicuous seam.

Pasting of difficult sites

Technology pasting non-woven wallpaper straight sections is simple. Difficulties are usually caused by such “uncomfortable” places as the surface of the wall behind the radiator, openings and external corners.

  • To glue part of the wall behind the radiator, it is necessary to cut the non-woven sheets in small fragments, and the presence of the pattern complicates the assembly of such a “puzzle”.
  • External corners are glued similarly to internal ones: by overlapping with subsequent cutting and removal of excess. At corners and openings, where there is a chance to hook and tear off the wallpaper, the overlap should be done not in the center, but with an offset of 3-4 cm. More detailed methods of pasting the corners are described.


Paint non-woven wallpaper designed for this purpose is possible after complete drying. This will happen in 2-4 days after gluing.
  You can use water-based, acrylic, latex compositions. Apply paint on the wallpaper you need in 2 layers. After applying the first surface should dry, it usually takes 12 hours.

Recruit relevance annually. This is not surprising, since pokleit such wallpaper will turn out at least 2 times faster than the material of the standard footage. To stick such wallpaper no special skills are required. It is important to align the concrete walls very well, otherwise the joints will be uneven. Once the walls are aligned, you have to wait until the putty dries out and primed, then glue the wallpaper.

How to glue non-woven meter wallpaper - where to start

After the wall is prepared according to the rules, it is necessary to apply pre-prepared glue on it.

The advantages of this type of finishing material are obvious:

  • Gluing takes little time;
  • There is not much waste left;
  • After work, the joints are less.

All this can not affect the quality of work and appearance. But, in spite of the advantages of wide non-woven wallpapers, there are still suspicious people who buy ordinary wallpapers, believing that they can be pasted on without any problems, faster and better. In fact, working with non-woven wallpaper is quite simple. The main thing is to properly prepare the walls and stick with your own hands, it will turn out flawlessly.

It is important to remember that a special glue is used for this, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

After the glue is applied, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take a canvas wallpaper, adjust it in height.
  2. Start gluing the web along the broken line on the wall surface.
  3. We turn the second side of the canvas to the corner.
  4. Immediately begin to smooth down the wallpaper from top to bottom, expelling air bubbles.

Tools such as a rubber spatula, wallpaper roll, or a piece of clean, dense fabric are well suited for smoothing. As soon as smoothing is finished, it is necessary to cut off the excess remnants of wallpaper at the ceiling and at the bottom plinth. It is convenient to cut off with a sharp stationery knife, and use a metal spatula as a guide. If cropped badly, you can wait until the material dries.

Self-sticking non-woven wallpaper butt

Butt-wrap technology will be fully completed if the walls were carefully aligned. When the walls are perfectly flat non-woven fabric glued end-to-end to the second glued canvas, without overlap.

The process of gluing end-to-end is carried out as follows:

  1. Special glue is applied on the wall.
  2. The canvas is glued to the height butt.
  3. Once the joint is made, it is urgent to expel the air.
  4. It is forbidden to seek a joint by stretching the web, when the wallpaper is dry, there will be gaps between the web.
  5. Surplus at the ceiling and floor are cut off with a stationery knife.

Masters recommend using one small trick. If you cannot butt-glue, you can stick it with an overlap of about 3-4 cm, and after the wallpaper has dried with a sharp clerical knife, you can make a through cut in the place where the sheets intersect. In this case, both blades are cut through. After the cut is made, trimming must be removed, the joint greased with glue, and straighten the canvas, the result will be a smooth, neat joint.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners of the room

The first method is applied when pasting a room.

This method involves sticking the canvas strictly from the corner with an overlap of the previous canvas of 2-3 cm. This method allows you to hide flaws in the case of a curved angle. The second method is ideal for non-woven, material without a pattern.

Phased implementation methodology

  1. The canvas is glued on the corner.
  2. Both canvases are cut by a stationery knife.
  3. Excess cleaned.
  4. The joint is coated with glue.
  5. Cloths neatly aligned.

This technique can not be applied when gluing wallpaper with a pattern, since the structure of the pattern will be disturbed when trimming. It is also important to properly glue the glue, it should not be as much, just enough so that the canvases could be fastened to the wall. An equal amount is applied to the concrete wall and the drywall glue, and the composition is not applied to the canvas at all. As you can see, it is very simple to paste a wide wallpaper, a little time, patience and the result will impress you. At least, it is much easier and faster to glue non-woven fabrics than ordinary narrow wallpapers.

If a person has bought non-woven wallpaper and plans to repair it himself, then he will be interested to know a few nuances, for example, information on which surface you can and better glue the finishing material.

Non-woven wallpaper can be glued to different surfaces, including:

  • Porous concrete;
  • Plaster;
  • Drywall and others.

To glue non-woven wallpaper on the paint should not be, as they are unstuck, you also can not glue the canvas on the old wallpaper. Masters say that the old ones have a peculiarity after re-pasting to bubble, which will not have a positive effect on the result of the work. Why it is impossible to glue on the old wallpaper and paint is clear, so the best option is to remove the old coating, preparing the wall and pasting good, high-quality non-woven wallpaper. When pasting this type of wallpaper, you should eliminate the possibility of a draft, besides, you need to turn off the air conditioner, and begin to glue from the window or corner.

As mentioned above, gluing non-woven wallpaper on the old surface is not recommended. The result may not please. Interior decorators recommend working with a pre-cleaned and prepared wall.

Masters like to work with this material, and they note the following advantages of non-woven wallpapers:

  1. Long service life.
  2. The canvas does not stretch, does not dry out, does not deform.
  3. Easy to glue, easy to remove.
  4. The canvas has a different relief and pattern, which makes it possible to play with the design of the room.
  5. Wallpapers increase sound insulation.
  6. Improve fire resistance.
  7. The cloth well passes air.
  8. Environmentally friendly composition.

To make the repair easy, experts recommend getting started with the rules, which describe in detail what you should pay attention to and what you should not do. Knowing the rules to properly glue each one, special skills in this case are not required.

Home master: the rules of sticking non-woven wallpaper

Before you unpack the wallpaper, you must check for defects. Next, experts recommend to study the icons and their description, located on the wallpaper. Carefully read the rules for preparing the walls. If you plan to glue thin non-woven wallpaper, then you need to prepare the surface as well as with glueing and thin paper wallpaper. Next, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material used. When cutting canvases it is necessary to comply with the technique, then it will be possible to avoid a large expense. Clay should be bought just for non-woven wallpaper and before breeding it, you should carefully read the instructions. The glue is applied not to the canvas, but to the wall; one should not forget about this nuance.

During the work it is necessary to apply only the qualitative tool, the wallpaper spatula which:

  • Smoothes the wallpaper;
  • Removes excess air;
  • Will remove excess glue.

It is necessary to work only in the daytime, when it is possible not to turn on the light, it will allow to avoid electric shocks during pasting of wallpaper around the outlets. Also avoid cold air currents. For the device of a border it is necessary to apply special glue. If the canvas is smooth, then you can glue the border already on the glued canvas, if it is relief, then you should first glue the border, and then begin work on pasting the room.

For trimming perfect metal ruler and a sharp knife.

The room should be warm and dry, the optimum temperature in the room is 22 degrees. In order to glue the place around the outlet, it is necessary to turn off the electricity, remove the outlet, paste the canvas, cut the cross inside and cut off the corners. It is necessary to work with glue as carefully as possible, do not smear a lot of glue, you should also avoid getting glue on the front side of the wallpaper. It is better to glue end-to-end, because when overlapping, the result will be horrendous, the wallpapers are very dense. It is necessary to glue very quickly, as the glue dries quickly.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper (video)



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