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  Design for a small apartment. Design of a small one-room apartment (48 photos): basic concepts, expansion of space, features of a studio apartment

Small-sized design one-room apartment  - This is a search for a compromise between functionality and comfort, improving the ergonomics of the premises, an attempt to transform the original uncomfortable layout into a more acceptable one. The shortage of space puts its uncompromising conditions when every centimeter counts. At the same time, you must remain realistic - the design of small studio apartments is best done in the Scandinavian style, minimalism, loft or fusion, but for decoration in baroque style  just not enough space.

Expanding space: ideas for small apartments

Techniques that allow you to expand the space can be divided into two types:

  • radical (redevelopment)
  • visual

Among the radical redevelopment options, the most popular is the combination of the kitchen and the adjoining room into a common space. Demolition of the wall in a separate bathroom will give an extra pair square meters  area, and the rejection of the bath in favor of the shower - the ability to place a washing machine. Additional area for the bathroom can be allocated due to the corridor  (hallway). Meters obtained by joining the loggia room will not be superfluous.

Small bright studio kitchen and sofa in the kitchen

But all these radical methods have several significant disadvantages:

  • redevelopment options are limited by the presence and location of load-bearing walls
  • the need to coordinate all ongoing redevelopments with the relevant regulatory authorities

Decorative brick wall improves the perception of the interior. A similar wall design helps bring a twist to the interior.

Sofa as a means of zoning the space of a small apartment

Visual methods do not give a physical (measured) addition of space, but due to optical illusions create the visual effect of increasing space. First of all, due to the correct selection color scheme: All warm and light shades help to expand the space optically, while this rule applies to walls and furniture.

And color accents and dark accents will help prevent the room from turning into an inexpressive monolithic bright spot. The prevailing dark colors will absorb the interior of the room - because of this, it will visually shrink.

Advice! The wallpaper pattern will allow you to optically adjust the volume of the room — a horizontal pattern will make it longer, and a vertical pattern will “lift” the ceilings.

A few more tricks that allow you to "play" with space:

  • mirrors - a win-win technique, a must for a small apartment. Mirrored doors from the ceiling to the floor of the wardrobe will add “half” of the room. A mirror opposite the window will add light to the room

  • rejection of massive dark wood - oak furniture will absorb the whole space
  • replace chandeliers, not even very impressive, with built-in lights

  • no blind facades - doors, racks, shelves should have glass transparent doors, this will allow to unload the space

  • light, more light - do not immerse the room in twilight, a well-lit room looks more spacious

  • suspended glossy ceiling eliminates the feeling of an overhanging ceiling

Interior design in a small apartment: getting rid of excess

The rational use of the premises is a broad concept, often depending on the habits of its owners, lifestyle, taste preferences, mentality and even national characteristics. Often in our apartments there are too many things that are absolutely not used. They simply take their place, turning the apartment into a kind of junk storehouse - the habit of not throwing things away with the expectation of “what if later it will come in handy” leads to an elementary clutter of the apartment. Simply remove the trash - and there will be much more space:

  • let's start small - photo albums that occupy, at best, one shelf in a bookcase. But the photos can be digitized (scanned) - in this form they practically do not take up space

  • a larger object - a balcony, which is often turned into a warehouse of unnecessary things, from children's sledges to waiting for furniture repairs. You just need to get rid of the trash, insulate the balcony and combine it with the living room - and get additional residential meters. And the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony is enough to arrange on it quite isolated and secluded workplace, where during the day you can do homework (which is very important - in natural daylight), and in the evening - parents can do their own thing.

  • another way is to replace the old ones cast iron batteries  to more modern and compact radiators. And in order to increase the efficiency of their heat transfer, install a heat-reflecting screen made of foil at the place of their installation (more precisely, the wall). This will free up an additional 6-10 cm of space along the wall.

Bright yellow table and coffee table - stack of suitcases

White cabinet and small high-performance radiator

When planning the interior design of a small apartment, it is worth considering the dismantling of old windows and replacing them with a metal-plastic analogue. This will not only increase the heat efficiency of the room, but also allow you to effectively use the windowsill.

Traditionally, the windowsill, because of its modest size, was used either to place flower pots, or simply empty. Window replacement allows you to transform the window sill into a functional element:

  • in the kitchen, a wide window sill can become a working area, and for a small family it can be turned into an analog of a dining table
  • in the room, the window sill can act as working area  or desk

The windowsill is arranged as a working area.

A carefully thought-out design of a small one-room apartment will help to solve many spatial problems and create a comfortable and beautiful home on a tiny area.

Indeed, often the feeling of spaciousness does not depend on the volume of the room, but on a competently built interior.

How to equip small housing

Moreover, an apartment is a laborious and difficult process. At its core should be the style of minimalism. Its basic concept is convenience and functionality, borrowed from the Japanese.

When arranging a small apartment should be furnished at a minimum, only the most necessary.

There should be few pieces of furniture in a one-room apartment

To do this, you have to part with many pieces of furniture and zoning the room.

Zoning principle

  • The design of a small one-room apartment allows for large functional areas no more than two: for private use and for general.
  • Common areas include the living room and kitchen, which are usually combined in one unit. The partition between them can be removed and get a large room.
  • The border between the kitchen and the living room can be identified by a wall made of frosted glass and not reaching the ceiling, a podium - a small elevation on the floor or a bar.
  • The sleeping area in a one-room apartment can be equipped using custom made high and narrow cabinets  or multi-tier shelves. Behind them, a cozy place to relax is equipped.

Design tricks

Note! Furniture for a small apartment is better to order. Standard sofas and armchairs are too dimensional, with them it will be impossible to rationally use the space.

Of furniture, give preference to racks and tall narrow cabinets

  • The same principle should apply to others. To store things, equip a podium with drawers, you can put a sofa on it.
  • The same drawers can be equipped with a bed. You will do the right thing if the interior design of a one-room small-sized apartment does not contain a large bookcase.
  • Prefer racks or long shelves mounted under the ceiling.
  • Narrow and tall furniture in bright colors will help visually enlarge a small room.

Bright glossy ceilings will expand the space

  • The illusion of a large volume will be created by lighter ceilings than walls, as well as flat ceiling lights. It is also recommended to use local type lighting for arranging the space.
  • It can be floor or spotlights, as well as structures mounted in furniture. They will help to correctly focus on shelves or niches and change the perception of the situation.
  • Airiness small room  will give stretch glossy ceilings.
  • Properly placed mirrors will make it larger and wider.

Color selection rules

And, of course, when creating, do not forget about color. This is a unifying element for the entire interior of the home.

For a small space, wallpapers with rare, vertically extending patterns or no patterns at all are suitable. They will help to visually raise the ceilings and slightly extend the walls.

In the gamut of colors, give preference to light tones and shades. Do not hang heavy dark curtains, light color.

Studio apartment

The main advantage of studio apartments is space saving. Therefore, design options for a one-room apartment are very often created on the basis of just such a layout. The advantages of the association are obvious: expansion of the area, freedom of movement from the kitchen to the bedroom-living room.

The zones in the studio apartment can be delimited by curtains.

But not everyone can live in a completely open space, as a result of which the interior of the studio apartment should be clearly divided into functional areas: a nursery, a dining room-kitchen, a bedroom, a living room.

Advice! With such a layout, do not crush the space with rigid partitions and color. During the day, the sleeping area can be transformed into a living room, and at night it can become a place to relax.

Partitions that will delimit the space into zones can be curtains, book racks, forged slides for flowers.

Install the TV in the dining area on the bracket, this will allow you to watch it from almost anywhere in the apartment.

The main color background use one for the entire room. Since it is small, it is better to choose the lightest tone.

Advice! Leave one of the walls empty, hang on it only one small picture. This technique will give a feeling of the breadth of space, even in a tiny room.

The main color should be very light.

You can create the design of the hall in a one-room apartment by separating the kitchen area from it with the help of a corner sofa.

On the wall opposite the sofa, place a chest of drawers up to the height of the windowsill. If there is a technical possibility to remove the partition of the loggia completely, it will take place from the window to the kitchen door.

If there is a protrusion when removing the partition from it, place two, shorter chests of drawers. Due to the fact that this furniture is low, a small apartment will visually look wider.

To make the room that does not have enough natural light seem bright, choose a sand-beige tone for the floor and. You can complement it with accents of ocher or terracotta shades present in the upholstery of furniture, carpet or decor elements. In the lining of the dining table, chest of drawers, chairs, warm colors should also prevail.

Advice! Pay close attention to window decoration. If the dwelling is high and you do not need to hide from casual looks, abandon the dense curtains. Use translucent rolled fabrics of orange or yellow color, in which case even on a cloudy day the room will feel the sun.

Decorate your walls with many pictures and photos

Place photos or paintings on loose walls. It is not necessary to create a strictly rhythmic composition. If the curtains and sofa upholstery have the same tone, the wall opposite the loggia can be faced with brightly colored material.

You can make the design of a studio apartment n 44 lighter with the help of competent exposed lighting. Light bulbs choose a warm spectrum.

Hang the chandelier over the dining table, install a floor lamp at the couch and mount the sconce on the wall that encloses the former loggia. Place the lamp on the chest of drawers and light up the window.

To summarize

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  Jan 28, 2016

Despite the large selection of apartments in new buildings, many still live in small-sized apartments - "Khrushchev", "ships", studios and other small-sized apartments. Sometimes it seems to the owners of such housing that there is very little air in the apartment, and indeed, irrational use of space can “eat up” the air of the premises, as a result of which the house becomes crowded and uncomfortable.

Even in small rooms you can achieve the effect of a large space

Someone solves the problem radically - by demolishing curtain walls and partitions, and indeed, studio apartments with a large area room without dumb partitions separating the kitchen and bedroom areas feel more spacious than one-room options with a small kitchen and a small room. Lucky also are homeowners on high floors with good views from the windows overlooking the parks, green areas, or the water surface. In this case, you can minimally decorate windows, limiting yourself to roller blinds, then the space and air outside the window will work on the interior of the apartment.

  If for some reason related, for example, to the need for soundproofing of the zones, the partitions between them are important, then modern materials will come to the rescue - glass or transparent plastic, allowing light to penetrate through them, which will also work on the “airiness” of the interior . Same goes for interior doors  - to facilitate space, it is better to choose doors with frosted glass or stained glass inserts, if possible giving preference to sliding designs, because they save a lot of space, without creating an unnecessary load on the interior.

"The absence of partitions separating the areas of the room makes the space very spacious"

One way or another, in an apartment of any meter you can create a completely comfortable and aesthetic environment, it’s enough to know at least a few basic methods used by designers and architects to make the space more airy even in a small apartment.

Today, the best-selling apartments at Developers and in the secondary housing market are small-sized apartments, studio apartments and one-room apartments. Typically, such housing is purchased for students, young families or simply as an investment in real estate, for subsequent rental.

Nevertheless, when decorating and remodeling such apartments, the same question arises: how to increase the already small space, how to add “air”?

  • Small space implies rational use of resources. But this does not mean that a small apartment cannot be modern and beautiful. The most optimal for you will be the minimalist style, which is now gaining more and more popularity.
  • Stay tuned for technical innovations. For example, you can take a washing machine with a size of 450 x 600, rather than 600 x 600 with the function "drying clothes"; choose a plasma TV that can be mounted on the wall; ironing boards to provide folding in the built-in furniture; hob purchase 300 x 600 two-burner, and not 600 x 600 for 3-4 burners, etc. Household appliances are currently able to take much less. free spacethan before. Built-in appliances are also convenient - a microwave oven and an oven, which, by the way, many manufacturing companies now produce with a 2 in 1 function.
  • Try to place furniture rationally. Modern furniture can simultaneously perform several different functions or take miniature dimensions in case of needlessness (the so-called transformer furniture). Furniture for small apartments should provide and take into account everything you need as much as possible: wardrobe, storage systems, etc. functions. Chairs are best used not bulky, but lightweight or even transparent.
       An illusory increase in space gives the presence of mirrors, and it is not necessary to buy a mirror, but rather to purchase a cabinet with mirror paintings.
  • Glossy will also work for this purpose stretch ceiling, in combination with the color scheme of the entire apartment as a whole - definitely, it should be light pastel shades, as a rule, of neutral or cool colors. Of course, dark and “flashy” shades should be avoided.
  • Very cool expanding space is such spectacular tricks as soft painting or murals. The effect of perspective is created and the walls of the rooms are moved apart. Artistic painting of walls helps to “hide” the irregularities of the walls, communication system, “dissolve” the doors in the passage rooms, “raise” or “lower” the ceilings, and “move” the walls.
  • Provide good lighting. Subdued light is suitable for those who love chamberliness, small and comfortable rooms. If you intend to visually increase the room - use sconces, floor lamps, chandeliers and table lamps, in the afternoon do not close windows with curtains and blinds. Thanks to the bright light, the room will appear more spacious. "

"Well-lit rooms always look more spacious."

Concluding the article, I would like to recall one very wise rule that helps not only to improve the interior of the apartment, but also to facilitate daily household tasks. If you have not used a thing for a certain period of time (for example, one year), dispose of it without regret. Large items can be successfully implemented using specialized bulletin board sites, unnecessary little things - just throw it away.

Having freed your home from all that is superfluous, you will be able to breathe deeply, enjoying the renewed space and wondering how much air it turns out to be able to accommodate your seemingly small apartment.



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