the main - Electrician
  The illustrations for Krylov's fables are simple but beautiful. I.A. Krylov. “Sheets and roots”, “Casket”, an outline of a lesson in literature (grade 6) on the topic. develop the ability to find the right information


Novik NG, teacher of Russian language and literature SBEI JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI".

Objectives:   introduce the fable "Sheets and Roots"; continue to develop the ability to understand the allegorical subtext of the fable and its morality.


educational :

develop the ability to find the necessary information;

identify the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fable;

emphasize the importance of morality as a composite element, which is the focus of the ideological content of the fable;

the formation of the ability to analyze the plot, the system of images and build a fable.

Good day! Our mood is excellent And smiles are a familiar thing We wish each other good, After all, it’s time for us to start the lesson!


  • Fable - A short moralizing work in which there is allegory (allegory) and moral specially singled out by the author.
  • Fabulist - the one who writes fables
  • Allegory - allegory, image of an object, behind which another object or person is hiding.
  • Moral b - moralizing conclusion.
  • Personification - animals and

inanimate objects say

think, feel.

A short story, often poetic


Using colloquial vocabulary


Aphoristic language

A special fabulous verse (lines of different lengths) that conveys colloquial speech


2 parts: main narrative and moral (moralizing)

Allegory (allegory)

Satirical image

Heroes - more often animals

V.I. Maykov

M.V. Lomonosov

A.P. Sumarokov

I. A. Krylov

I.I. Chemnitzer


  • - Did you sing everything? This case! So go dancing.
  • -Golubushka, how good!

That I, absolutely without a fight, can get into big bullies ”


1. Guess which heroes these words belong to:

  • - Did you sing everything? This case! So go dancing. (Ant)
  • -Golubushka, how good (Fox)
  • - That's what gives me the spirit

That I, without a fight, can get into big bullies ”(Pug)

Continue the offer:

1. A casket ....

2. And Vaska is listening ...

3. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down ....

4. The strong always ...

5. The cuckoo praises the rooster for ....

Continue the offer:

1. A casket ... (just opened).

2. And Vaska is listening ... (yes, eating).

3. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down ... (all in musicians are not good).

4. The strong always ... (powerless to blame).

5. The cuckoo praises the rooster for ... (that it praises the cuckoo).

Physical Fitness

And now guys stand up

Hands up slowly

Fingers squeeze, then unclench,

Hands down and so stand.

Leaned right, left

And get down to business again.

One says shame, convinces, and the other, ignoring, continues to do something bad.

They say when they want to emphasize that it is useless to persuade when decisive measures are needed, not words.

Artist A. M. Savchenko

It is usually said in a situation where a lot of time has passed, and the matter has not moved forward.

How many times have they said that we need to prepare for each lesson, "And nothing has changed" - again you are not prepared.

Instead of criticizing the flaws of others, it is better to see if you yourself have them.

It is usually said ironically in a situation where someone points out to another the shortcomings that he himself has.

Each of us in one way or another needs above all “Turn on yourself”  be stricter to yourself.

Artist G. Kupriyanov

Kuma (out of date., deb  .) - here: a friend, an appeal to a female representative.

Mutual praise is not sincere.

They speak ironically when one praises the other because he praised him.

Artist G. Kupriyanov


THAT SHALL BEEN CRUSHED suddenly on the grove "

The fable "Donkey and Nightingale" shows a comic depiction of the ignorance of a judge who is deaf to works of true art

Vocabulary work:

Marshmallows - warm, light wind

To interpret - speak

To say - to tell

Haughty - arrogant

By (wherein


- Who are the heroes of the fable?

- What do the leaves say?

-And the roots?

- What qualities are inherent in leaves? To the roots?

- What allegorical meaning is in the fable?

- What makes fun of Krylov?

Vocabulary work:

Complacent - full of self-admiring

Selfishness - self-love

sheets and roots, power and people


-What is the nature of the leaves?

-Who did Krylov mean when portraying leaves?

-And what are the roots?

-Who did he mean here?


-What did Krylov make fun of in the fable “Sheets and Roots”?

Negative character traits (inability to negotiate, idleness, cruelty, unproven accusation of someone, senseless anger, etc.)

In the fable "Sheets and Roots" Krylov writes about the equal participation of the authorities and the people in achieving the public good .


Learn the fable "Sheets and Roots", prepare for expressive

reading fables.


well learned

perfectly learned and can put into practice

learned well

but there are questions

much is incomprehensible

    On a beautiful summer day
    Casting a shadow across the valley
    Sheets in a tree with marshmallows 1 whispered,
    They boasted of their density, their greenness
    And here is how they explained themselves to marshmallows:
    "Is not it true that we are the beauty of the valley of the whole?
    That we tree is so magnificent and curly,
    Sprawling and majestic?
    What would be in it without us? Well right
    We can praise ourselves without sin!

    We are not from the heat of a shepherd
    And shelter in the cool shade of a stranger?
    Are we not our beauty
    Are we attracting the shepherds to dance here?
    We have an early and late dawn
    The nightingale is whistling.
    Yes you marshmallows yourself
    Almost never part with us. "
    “One could say thanks here and to us,”
    A voice answered them humbly from under the ground.
    “Who dares to speak so arrogantly and arrogantly!”
    Who are you there
    What began to reckon with us so boldly? ”-
    The sheets, noisy on the tree, fluttered,
    “We are those -
    They answered from below, -
    Who rummaging in the dark here
    We feed you. Can’t you recognize?
    We are the roots of the tree on which you are blooming.
    Show off at good time!
    Yes, just remember that difference between us:
    That with the new spring a new leaf is born,
    And if the root withers out, -
    There will be no tree, nor you. ”

"Sheets and Roots." Engraving by the artist K. Trutovsky. 1864

One of the predecessors of I. A. Krylov, a well-known writer M. N. Muravyov, wrote the fable “Top and Root”. By Verkhushka he meant government, and by Root he meant ordinary people. Once, the Root, unhappy with his miserable fate, rebelled and stopped "feeding, drinking and wearing it" on top. The result was deplorable:

    The tree attracted, branches twisted suddenly,
    And finally, the Top is a bang;
    And my root has since been turned into a deck.

The prosperity of society and the state depends, according to M.N. Muravyov, from Verkhushka, and the Root of the Roots only undermines the strength of the state.

Krylov also reflected on the same problems of Russian life and any society and state. He does not argue with M.N. Muravyov at all about the fact that each estate should carry out its characteristic work. He does not object to the place occupied by nobles and ordinary people. He agrees that the nobles have an important role in the state and society, the role of rulers, must lead the state to prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, he condemns the Sheets for the fact that they are beautiful, magnificent and majestic. Krylov’s roots do not rebel against the Sheets. On the contrary, they tell them: “Squint at the good hour!” But Roots condemns the Sheets for boasting and arrogance, for not appreciating their hard work.

The prosperity of the state and society in Krylov’s fable depends not only on the Sheets, like MN Muravyov’s, but also on the Roots, who, “rummaging in the dark”, nourish the ascendants above them.

Krylov’s thought is clear: if a tree denotes an entire state, then all its parts are important. Forgetting the invisible Roots is detrimental to the state and society.

Krylov opposes all extremes: both Lista and Root are equally dear to him, but he strongly condemns the arrogance and bragging of the Sheets, who only attribute to themselves activities that are useful to the state and society.

1 Marshmallows warm summer winds.

“Lesson The root of the word” - Find out skillfully the line of kinship- Likewise pick up the words. Lesson. The lesson is research. The purpose of the lesson. Independent work. Actualization of knowledge. "Opening". Study. Water Water Harness? Select the root. Give a pencil a mark. Root of the word RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 3 CLASS. Problem. The purpose of the lesson: -Check your work.

“Modification of the leaves” - Mustache. For what purpose are organs modified? c) Insectivorous leaves. b) Antennae. ? What are the functions of the sheet? ? Peas. Venus flytrap is an insectivorous plant. Variations of the leaves. Leaf modifications: Nepentes. Cereus. Barberry. Mouse peas. Dewdrop is round-leaved. Pemphigus. Trichozerus. a) Spines.

“Trees and Leaves” - Poplar. Trees are coniferous and deciduous. Oak. The most common deciduous trees. Birch tree. Linden. We meet trees everywhere. Trees and leaves.

“Mobius strip” - Mobius is one of the founders of modern topology. Art and technology. Monument at the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences in Minsk. The Mobius strip is a symbol of mathematics, Which serves the highest wisdom as the crown ... Mobius strip and ball. Monument to the Mobius strip in Moscow. Director of the Leipzig Astronomical Observatory, A. Mobius was a versatile scientist.

“Mobius strip” - The result was an interesting and informative presentation. The little man is a changeling. Mobius strip is an amazing phenomenon. Now the second question. More precisely, two halves of the sheet. Stock up on a few sheets of plain white paper, glue, and scissors. Mathematical flower garden of Yu.A. Danilov. Two, like any other?

“Franz Liszt” - As a child, he was fascinated by gypsy music and the cheerful dances of Hungarian peasants. In 1844, Liszt became the bandmaster at the ducal court in Weimar. Liszt’s Vienna debut took place on December 1, 1822. Most of the composer's piano heritage is transcriptions and paraphrases of music by other authors. Ferenc Liszt was born on October 22, 1811 in the village of Doboryan (Hungary).

I.A. Krylov. “Sheets and roots”, “Casket”.

1. O.N.U.

2. Check for d / s

3. Motivation-target stage

In the last lesson, we started talking about the fables of I.A. Krylova.

What is a fable?

How do you understand the word allegory (allegory)?

Allegory (allegory) - the image of an abstract concept through a specific image (donkey - stupidity, fox - cunning)

To the question: why did you choose this kind of poem, Ivan Andreevich said:

“After all, my animals speak for me.” And then he expressed his thoughts in the moral of the fable.

A moral fables are ... (Morality is a moralizing conclusion.)

What do you like about Krylov’s fables? (few descriptions, dialogue, clear meaning, many phrases became “winged”, heroes are easy to remember, fables are easy to play, and serious conclusions are easy to understand through laughter.)

So, you know that every job should have a goal.

What is your goal in this lesson?

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

1) Listening to phonohrestomaty “Sheets and roots”

What is the nature of the leaves? (smug, moody, arrogant)

Whom did Krylov mean when portraying leaves? (high society, power, superiors)

And what are the roots? (hardworking, patient)

Who did he mean here? In order to better understand morality, I will tell you. The fable was written in 1811 (Krylov speaks of the equal participation of the government and the people in public life. This was very important before the start of the Patriotic War of 1812)

What makes fun of Krylov? (human qualities - complacency, selfishness and social inequality)

Who is opposed in this fable? (sheets and roots, power and people)

The contrast is called  antithesis.

Is the fable relevant in our time?

Consider the illustration of the artist K. Trutovsky to the fable "Sheets and Roots"?

What do you see in Trutovsky’s illustration?

How are they depicted by the artist?

What are the poses, gestures of portrayed people telling us?

What idea, in your opinion, is dear to the artist?

How do you explain the fact that there are no Sheets or Roots in the illustration?

2) Listening to phonohrestomaty "Casket"

What is this fable about? (criticism of the imaginary master, bouncer)

Why are we funny? (The mechanic is trying, but he can’t do anything)

In the fable “Larchik” two kinds of comparisons are striking: on the one hand, the “master”, who skillfully made Larets, and on the other, “the mechanics of the sage,” who, after passing for “the sage,” has not done anything.

3) Make a synquine with the words sheets and roots, casket (1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, proverb, 1 noun)

5. Summary

In his instructive stories under the guise of animals, birds, plants means people. Fables teach us to recognize ourselves, help us discover flaws, and tells us how to get rid of them.

6. D / s Team up and play fables. Use props and costume details.

Once Sly Fox
  I decided to make up my mind
  Tea, eat rabbits for nothing
  I decided to move a couple of things.
  But, here's the trouble, the fox did not believe
  And like her fire fled.
  Then decided Sly in the face,
  In clothes and habits, change the details,
  And to everything ...

https: //

A look, even for beginners. You can not buy a special deck, but use a regular game deck, the benefit is developed cards  Lenormand based on them. You just have to remember the associative series, which is pretty simple. For example, House, Messenger ... another rune system was developed - Armanic Futark. It consisted of 18 runes and was designed by Guido von Leaf. This system was widely used by the Nazis. For example, the last rune of the Armanian Futhark is a stylized swastika. By the way ...

https: //


Rooster licked cuckoo
  Cook, as a reward, to a cock,
  But two, in luxurious feathers, carcasses
  They warmed a vile flea.

And she multiplied, the infection!
  The result is bad for both -
  Cook doesn’t get off the toilet,
  And the cock is almost dead.



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