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  Compatible virgin and archer. Are they compatible in love? Compatible Virgo men and Sagittarius women

Many are keen on horoscopes. Starting a new relationship, both men and women often pay attention to zodiac compatibility with a partner.

It is worth noting that the horoscope highlights both ideal couples and those who will collapse due to very different characters and temperaments. The latter include Sagittarius and Virgo. According to horoscopes, having experienced a “honeymoon” in a relationship, they invariably then break down and begin to quarrel regularly. However, even with such a forecast, such a pair always has a chance.

Virgo woman and Sagittarius man

Even if both are of the same age, then n about the emotional level the lady will seem older. Virgo is conservative, judicious, very predictable. For the Sagittarius guy, she seems boring, but at the same time such a woman can become a reliable support for him. Virgo demands respect for herself, she will not tolerate neglect, rudeness and betrayal. Sagittarius will have to keep himself in tight rein.

Love and marriage

Compatibility Virgo and Sagittarius in love  can be estimated at C grade on a five-point scale. At the very beginning of the relationship it becomes clear to both of them that they are very different. This is a momentous moment for them: they understand that they need to abandon some old habits, try to be more tolerant. The male Sagittarius is distinguished by its emotionality, it can start conflicts due to trifles. But the Virgin is restrained, does not like rudeness. And although she believes that any character can be corrected, with such a partner she often does not even want to try to do this.

For the girl, constancy will be important, she values \u200b\u200bthe other half. But here the guy will flirt with everyone, even if he loves his couple very much. Only a girl will not be aware of this immediately, since she does not always accompany the Sagittarius guy, does not interfere in his personal space. But if this happens, there can only be one solution - breakup!

They cannot become one whole even in marriage. For a wife, the house is above all, but her husband is not interested in all this, he will not be home, he loves a good rest, fun. If the husband notices that there is a tension between him and his wife, he will try to diversify his life. You can go on a trip together. But Virgo will not particularly appreciate this, she does not like extra spending and spontaneous trips.

therefore they should follow certain rules to save their marriage:

  • Spend more time together.
  • Communicate, study each other's preferences.
  • Learn to listen to a soul mate and somehow adapt to it.

Make friends will not work

Many do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. In the relationship of such a pair, this is definitely. They seem to speak different languages! Sagittarius-man is very changeable, Virgo is constant, loves practicality. There is nothing in common, therefore, they also have no common friends. They will not be able to trust each other. If, nevertheless, it is possible to spend a lot of time together, then, most likely, it comes to a love relationship, but not at all friendly.

Sagittarius woman and Virgo man

The male Virgo does not get along with the ladies of the fire zodiac signs. So the relationship here will be very difficult. He will never guess what to expect from a Sagittarius woman. It is difficult to find a common language, everyone has their own views on life, each of them is not going to change it.

Relationship Compatibility

Their compatibility, as in the previous case, is three from five. When the question arises which zodiac sign is suitable for Sagittarius-woman, they rarely remember Virgo. Such relationships are generally rare. They have too different lifestyles, so interest usually arises solely because of external attractiveness. With close communication, they will understand that they simply have nothing to do with each other!

Reviews of such relationships are mixed:

I do not believe in horoscopes, but I met a guy Virgo. Sagittarius itself - we have nothing in common, we went on dates a couple of times and everyone was terrible!

Sagittarius and Virgo can get along. I have been married to Virgo husband for five years. Yes, not without quarrels, but where do they not happen? You build your life yourself!

Ekaterina Potapova

Trusting horoscopes unconditionally is not worth it, because in addition to the general, there are also individually compiled for certain situations. The relationship can be any between two inappropriate characters.


The lady often walks with friends, longs for changes in life. She cannot live without new emotions, but the guy prefers peace and stability. Family is very important to him.. Everyone believes that it is his point of view that is true, imposing his lifestyle. There will be no change in character for both. To maintain a relationship, do not try to change each other. This will only provoke quarrels. But it’s better not to bring to conflicts, the girl will not restrain herself and will say too much. After this, they are unlikely to want to see each other.

Marriage with marriage

It’s difficult for them to get married. A lot of duties fall on her husband, for which he is often not ready. He is required to provide for his family, in this regard he will not receive support from his wife. But the wife, of course, earns, only spends money, mainly on herself. For a husband, spending a spouse is useless, and for a Sagittarius wife, buying a spouse is very boring.

They do not spend their free time together. The Sagittarius girl loves active relaxation, and the Virgo man seeks peace in everything. Sexual compatibility is also ambiguous. Maidens are cold in bed, and Sagittarius undemanding. Therefore, problems often arise here on a different plane: for a wife, passion arises unexpectedly and not always for her husband. Since he does not like extreme sports and does not need a thrill, he cannot satisfy his wife's passion.

  • Be patient.
  • Learn to understand and listen to your soulmate.
  • Do not rush to break off relations without trying to establish them.

However, if already mature representatives of these signs, closer to 40, who know how to smooth out conflicts, enter into marriage, a harmonious union is possible.

Friendly relations

It is difficult to talk about the friendship between a Virgo man and a Sagittarius woman.   Friendly chat  maybe, but no more. They do not trust each other, and this is the reason for the lack of closeness. If Virgo and Sagittarius still communicate, then their halves should not be worried - there will not be any passion between them.

So, judging by the horoscope, Sagittarius and Virgo are not suitable for each other. But the rules exist to break them. And if you are Virgo, and your chosen one is Sagittarius, or vice versa, you have every chance to live happily ever after. The main thing is to love, understand each other and be able to seek compromises.

Attention, only TODAY!

Let us consider whether such signs as Sagittarius and Virgo are compatible in different situations: as a couple in love, as a husband and wife, as parents raising children, as friends and as business partners. Under what circumstances can they get to know each other and how do such different people coexist.

Cute Virgos were born under the auspices of the planet Mercury, which endowed them with many different abilities, but, most importantly, what distinguishes them from the rest of the zodiac signs is cleanliness and accuracy. Sagittarius is patronized by the planet Jupiter - a planet named after the patron saint of the Roman nobility. This name is associated with luxury and excesses. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Sagittarius is constantly striving for something unusual and unknown. The element of people born under the sign of Virgo is earth. They are absolutely calm, but at any moment they can turn into an erupting volcano or mountain range. It depends on their mood at the moment. The element of Sagittarius is fire. They are unpredictable: they will either sparkle, then go out, then appear, then disappear. Fire gives them energy.

Elements such as earth and fire can coexist quietly together, but we cannot exclude the possibility that fire, sooner or later, can burn the earth, and it, in turn, will flood the flame.

The union between the calm and judicious Virgo and fiery Sagittarius, according to the stars, is quite possible, but it will not be easy for representatives of these signs. It will be necessary to constantly prove that you are right in a relationship. But such a struggle for superiority in relationships can be quite exciting.

A beautiful, kind, affectionate and slightly naive Virgo can be both cold-blooded and legible. She strives for perfect cleanliness. Earthly girl questions absolutely everything. The desire for sterility from her birth. If ordinary newborns ask their mother for milk, then the first requirement of this baby was clearly cleaning products and rags. Men dream of a Virgo girl, they believe that such a girl can make them happy. Her shyness gives her extra charm. Men thank fate and do not believe in their happiness, while the Virgin is thinking about the cleanliness of her home. Only having suspected any insects, she, having thrown all things, will instantly change her place of residence.

Sagittarius Man is a cheerful, easy, friendly and sociable guy, the soul of any company. From birth, I don’t know what sadness, longing, apathy and depression are. They are sincere and cheerful. Others just love to communicate with them. Girls love these fiery guys who can beautifully care for and achieve their goals. Having fallen in love, Sagittarius are ready to carry their chosen ones in their arms. But the wards of Jupiter are very unstable. Today he got the queen's favor, and the next day he already performs serenades for the peasant woman. Sagittarius men are very difficult to convince to marry, and here it is very important for the bride to understand that the stamp in the passport will not deprive Sagittarius of freedom.


Calm and pedantic women-virgins are constantly striving for the ideal. They do not like noisy companies and try to avoid large crowds. But people are pleased to communicate with this pretty person and they themselves are drawn to her. In such cases, the Virgin tries to escape and hide from everyone in a quiet secluded and cozy place. For this, they can even leave a mobile phone at home.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, is a holiday man. He is not ready to sit alone and will go to great lengths to avoid this. Silence is definitely not for him. Sagittarius can be called on holiday even at night in the middle of the work week. He is always happy to blow up and come.

The lives of Sagittarius and Virgo practically do not touch, it is very difficult to meet such different signs. But accidents also happen. The adjacent seats of the plane on which they both ended up, each setting off on their own vacation, are a great place to get to know each other. To withstand several hours of flight for Sagittarius is a real torture, and Virgo will be a very interesting conversationalist. The restless Sagittarius will not even notice how the flight went and will regret that everything has already ended.


Sagittarius - sociable guys. And if the girl hooked him, then it would not be difficult for them to pick up all the friends (and Sagittarius have them in any part of the planet) and follow the girl from the airport to the place of arrival. How earthly a girl will be surprised when, upon reaching her grandmother's house, she will see her flight neighbor with gorgeous flowers and a cake.

Virgo is very embarrassed, but offers to visit a relative together. Grandma will be delighted! Finally her shy granddaughter appeared with a companion. And when the fiery guy begins to shower with compliments, and he knows how to do it, grandmother decides that this is exactly who her granddaughter needs. She will quickly come up with the idea that she needs to flee on very important and urgent matters, and leave a couple alone. Sagittarius will very quickly get used to the apartment and turn over all grandmother's chests and food supplies, but a romantic dinner will suit. Naturally, the fiery guy didn’t plan to hold the first date so much, but the innate ability to arrange holidays from nothing will help him withstand the test with dignity.

In less than an hour, the ward of Mercury will be fascinated, they will spin in a dizzying dance. Sagittarius knows how to be romantic. Jupiter’s fiery son will not find this enough. But a sensible Virgo will be able to explain that to continue a romantic evening they know each other too little, and the granny’s house is not a good place.


The frustrated Sagittarius will leave for his hotel, but will never be able to fall asleep. Calling musician friends (they are also part of the circle of acquaintances of Sagittarius), they will rush in a friendly crowd to conquer the heart of an earthly shy person. Their efforts will not be in vain. After listening to midnight serenades at the window, the shy girl Virgo will throw herself into the passionate embrace of her fan.

The ardent and tender Sagittarius will do everything to arrange for the Virgin the best night in her life. Virgo will be delighted with the indefatigability of Sagittarius. The fiery guy would have remained in the seventh heaven, but the girl Virgo sends him to the shower. On the morning of the first day, Sagittarius interrupts his vacation and persuades the chosen one to go to his parents. Virgo is happy.

Relatives of Sagittarius are not respected in the beautiful and modest companion of their son. All the previous ones seemed to them too frivolous. And they only dreamed of such a neat and decent daughter-in-law. For two weeks they will forget about everything, walking in the parks and holding hands. Sagittarius will not even remember the bachelor party to which he was invited, and the neat girl-Virgin will stop noticing the gradually accumulating dust in the apartment.


Finally, that couple decides to live together. Sagittarius carries the things of Virgo to his home and for about a month they are in the seventh heaven of mutual tenderness. Earthly neat girl cleaned up and brought her lover breakfast in bed. A fiery guy organized parties every day to show off his friends who fell in love with him. But, at one fine moment, the Virgin, calm in nature, does not stand up and drives her lover's friends out of the apartment, who, having drunk, began to ridicule her love for cleanliness and litter. Sagittarius took offense and rushed off after his friends, and Virgo, without thinking twice, packed up her things and took a plane ticket to fly to her grandmother.

An unexpected wave of beloved freedom swept over Sagittarius with his head, and for several days he reveled in her. But he soon woke up and realized that he was missing morning coffee. But no one knows how to cook like Virgo does. Sagittarius began to notice a mess in the closets and throughout the apartment. Naturally, the reason is not only a mess. Jupiter’s ward fell in love for the first time. After bringing perfect cleanliness throughout the apartment, Sagittarius rushed to the airport to regain his happiness.


To convince the Virgin, who could not forgive the beloved offender, Sagittarius helped her grandmother. Having lured her granddaughter into the street, she put her in a luxurious limousine in which Sagittarius was waiting for the earthly beauty. This limousine drove them straight to the registry office, making one stop at the wedding salon. The bride should not have been left without a wedding dress. The spontaneous wedding was very fun.

Friends of the groom could not resist the taunts and cleaners came across a pile of useful gifts. But Virgo was not offended. A common dislike of the neighbors prompted the newlyweds to think of a country house with a high fence.

Soon the children of the fiery earthly couple appeared. The disciplined mom, Virgo, tries to educate her children in accordance with all the rules, and the restless father constantly violates these rules and pampers the kids, arranging them for children's happy holidays. After several years of living together, they taught each other a lot. Sagittarius began to clean up things and maintain order in the house. And the earthly girl finally realized that the beetle on the window is not a reason to urgently change her place of residence.


The little girl Virgo is very dependent on the opinions of others and is constantly suffering from this. The girl is very neat and has no comments on the discipline. Teachers adore her, and peers tease cleanliness. The exception is Sagittarius. The fiery knight will not allow to offend someone in his presence and will always disperse the crowd of bullies.

In his company, Virgo will be able to open up and those around him will immediately understand that she is a very interesting person who knows a lot of different stories, and a faithful and reliable friend. Fiery-earthly friends will be pleased to communicate, but from time to time Sagittarius will begin to bore the calm Virgin with his thirst for change and the desire for something unknown. The little ward of Mercury will have to spend a lot of patience, but still she can accustom the fiery boy to order. Relatives and Sagittarius teachers will be delighted.

This friendship will be strong until old age. When the old Virgo can no longer maintain her home in the usual cleanliness, the Sagittarius grandfather will quickly bring his grandchildren for this purpose, who will instantly wash the apartment. At this time, Jupiter’s ward will make dumplings in the kitchen under the strict guidance of the pedantic Virgin, who will ensure that they all have the same size.


Virgo is neatness itself, the embodiment of cleanliness. Not only the fly will not fly past its innate purity scanner, but the microbe will not creep. If this earthly young lady becomes the boss, then her wards will have a very difficult time. Weekly examination by doctors, moving around the office in combatant steps, strict accounting of everything. But with all this, everything will be fine with wages - the pedantic Virgo will not conceal anything.

Sagittarius is a free bird and will not sit in a stuffy office, cowering over papers. Business trips - that's what his soul lies to. New cities, new acquaintances, new experiences. This spender will not allow to lie and a penny in your pocket. If money has appeared - they should be spent right away. Virgo, on the contrary, is able to live on a small salary and at the same time also save up for something necessary. Together, Virgo and Sagittarius can achieve great heights if they can initially correctly divide responsibilities.

Under the strict guidance of the Virgin Virgin, this alliance has a great future. The main thing is that this freedom-loving fiery guy does not know that he is being controlled. The prudent Virgo should make Sagittarius understand that he himself makes all decisions. Jupiter's ward is an ideal negotiator. Without fear, you can send him to any negotiations. Easy, companionable, friendly, he will convince any partner of his innocence, will find an approach to any doubters. Astrologers promise a fiery earth duo money rain.

A young man born under the sign of Virgo is an educated and erudite intellectual. Mercury’s ward is very careful in nature. He will not even lift a finger if he is not sure that this movement is safe. Earth guy is looking for an explanation of everything. He believes neither in horoscopes, nor in magic, nor in UFOs. He needs to see everything, smell it, feel it. But a Virgo guy in love is a completely different matter. He surrenders to this feeling completely and completely, and even ceases to analyze. Many women dream of such a guy - reliable, loyal and honest. This man will become an ideal husband and will do everything so that his other half does not need anything. And household appliances in this house will be only the last word. This is especially true for equipment designed to maintain cleanliness in the house, which, as you know, will be spent a decent amount.

Sagittarius Girl - light and free. She does not tolerate any encroachment on her freedom. It radiates energy, as befits fiery people. In early childhood, relatives and educators came to her with her.

Sagittarius girls are fans of flirting, easily and often start novels, are ready to rush to the ends of the world for a new lover. But the fiery girls cool off as easily and quickly as they light up. And now the former gentleman is not interested in her and she, in search of a new relationship, flirts with another. Sagittarius girl is a real lady. She prefers only the best: quality things, comfortable life, good cars. In marriage, the fiery ladies do not change. She will not marry, do not understand whom. Her husband should be a man of blue blood. And they will live in the palace, or in extreme cases, in a villa standing on the seashore.


The dream of a Virgo man is sterile cleanliness. Around everyone wears white suits and white gloves - this is perfect! It is unlikely that such a guy will go camping with a tent. He needs cleanliness and comfort. And if there is continuous unsanitary conditions around, then what a vacation it is! Here, even the purity of water for washing hands is subject to doubt.

The Sagittarius girl, on the contrary, is a perpetual motion machine. She, not knowing peace, rushes to the ends of the world in search of adventure, new experiences and new acquaintances. On the way to changing the pictures, they do not know the barriers and do not pay attention to minor inconveniences. Jupiter's ward is always at the center of events. With her, everyone is constantly having fun and interesting.

These signs can be found in the fitness club. Virgo man strives to be perfect in everything, and his body is no exception. Sagittarius, however, ran in here along the way, just to take some time, and then run to the planned party.

The Virgo guy changes clothes in the locker room, and the Sagittarius girl flies in from the corridor, not even bothering to look at the sign on the doors. After a half-hour stream of apologies, Sagittarius finally pauses and carefully looks at the object of apology. Raised, handsome, perfectly pumped up - this is what you need. And Sagittarius just said goodbye to another gentleman yesterday and made room for a new satellite for tonight.


The Virgo man clearly did not plan to communicate with a crowd of strangers at a party, but anyone can envy the skill of girls Streltsov to envy. She is also very sweet, what kind of man can stand here. But the ward of Mercury immediately set a condition: after the party, the girl will visit his home and drink a cup of coffee. Of course, she agreed, because what could be better than a planned date.

While a fiery naughty girl lit at a party and amused everyone around him, an earthly guy phoned all the best chefs. When the fiery-earth couple reached the doors of his house, they were already met by a crowd of cooks with food and drinks. The enthusiasm of the Sagittarius girl knew no bounds. She immediately rushed to kiss the earthly prince on a white horse.

Running into Virgo’s apartment, the fiery beauty was a little disappointed: the apartment was too clean for her. Well, how to communicate with such a guy? It’s even scary to sit down, everything is sterile and in covers. In this apartment, even pets are afraid to make excessive movement so as not to violate this sterility. The cat is afraid to leave the toilet until he learns to clean clean after himself.


But after a significant amount of alcoholic beverages, the fiery-earth couple ceased to be shy and even tried to dance. The cat, taking advantage of the situation, ran out of the toilet to freedom. But no one will pass unnoticed by the Virgo man. The kind Sagittarius girl will certainly intercede for the cat. She is a born trainer and it will not be difficult for her to teach the cat to use the toilet. With this act, she will win the heart of the ward of Mercury forever.

Earthly fiery couple instantly embrace unearthly passion. Pets will be able to rejoice at the appeared protector, and Cupid will breathe a sigh of relief.

But happiness in a cleanly washed apartment will soon become boring to the restless girl-Sagittarius. Having stood on the pedestal polished to brilliance for a week or two, accepting gifts and flowers, the fiery girl will understand that the picture outside the window does not change. And even the pets who have almost learned to speak and dance are no longer encouraging. She becomes unbearably bored. And while the ward of Mercury in love searches for information on new types of microbes in the global network, the fiery beauty escapes from the apartment. And she runs to a party, runs with great speed, because it was precisely a large crowd of people and fun that she lacked in recent days.

When the fiery girl arrived home, an earthly guy stood in the middle of the room with a reproachful look. The fiery girl-Sagittarius, of course, did not like the opinion of Virgo that she should rub the apartment to a shine and keep order. After all, she used to spend her life on entertainment, and household chores - this is not her addiction.


A virgin boyfriend in love cannot live without his beloved for a long time. Therefore, after a couple of days of mutual insults, he will certainly go to reconciliation. The fiery lady, in general, can not stand offense and sort things out. She swears and inflates her lips, usually in order to somehow diversify her life.

A couple in love decides to live together and see what happens. All the friends and relatives of Virgo are trying to convince him that this relationship will not lead to anything good, that the girl is too windy and frivolous, that he needs to run away from her, like from fire. But the ward of Mercury does not change his decision. Moreover, pets are already used to it.

But the Virgo guy and the Sagittarius girl are too different. Their relationship is hardly ideal. An earthly guy is used to living on his schedule and is trying to accustom his chosen one to him. But getting up in the morning on an alarm clock and going to bed at 9 pm is not for a regular party visitor. She begins to languish, she lacks freedom and communication. In such relationships, it is very difficult for both partners to adapt to each other.

But when the fiery party lover is late for dinner and comes home closer to the night, the earthly pedantic guy Virgo can not stand it. Having washed his girlfriend with all available cleaning products, the ward of Mercury will do. Everything is as it should be.


For preparation for the wedding, of course, the Virgin will take, as he is serious and accurate. Everything should be impeccable. Even the newlyweds dance the couple will rehearse a couple of months. There should not be any failures. And when the ward decides that everything is ready, then and only then it will be possible to set a date for the wedding.

The date of the solemn marriage, most likely, Virgo, too, will choose. Ideally, it should coincide with someone else's birthday so that you can reduce costs in the future.

Virgo drove even an active Sagittarius girl. All her thoughts are aimed at making this event happen sooner and you can finally get enough sleep. The bride will be swayed by the pre-wedding running leg, the loving groom will pick her up in her arms and tears will appear in the eyes of the guests. Virgo needs such an effect.

Children will also appear exactly when the father of the family planned. And they will be exactly as he wants. Sagittarius in the role of mommy Virgo will be considered irresponsible and he will be engaged in the education of offspring. After all, Virgo is a born teacher, well, or considers himself as such. But with a mom like Sagittarius, it's always fun. And she perfectly manages to parody the angry father of the family.

Stars consider a fiery-earth pair of patience and prudence. And they hope that in a few decades they will still be able to live happily.


Earthly baby very carefully and calmly chooses his friends. He will watch the Sagittarius girl for a very long time. There can be no room for error in choosing friends. The Sagittarius girl, in turn, does not lose time in vain and easily makes new friends. Being in this noisy company, she will not notice how upset the Virgo boy is. But one fine day, an earthly boy will see how the teachers scold the sorrowful Sagittarius girl and take all the blame on himself, they say, he did all these pranks, and the fiery girl at that time was playing peacefully in the sandbox.

Ward of Jupiter will not believe his ears. How could this boring and always clean boy intercede for her? Sagittarius will immediately drag the neat to his company. A fiery girl knows how to remember and value good. From this moment, the ward of Mercury becomes the best friend. She will repeatedly thank him for this service.

Decades will pass, the fiery-earth pair will age, but little will change in their relationship. Grandma-Sagittarius will still be looking for adventure, and Grandfather-Virgo will cover it and pull it out of various troubles. Unless, over the years, Virgo will have to acquire various connections for this. The grandchildren of the Virgin will consider the fiery old woman to be their own and will often come to visit pies, which, in old age, under the strict guidance of a friend of the Virgin, she will still learn how to bake.


Ward of Mercury - a true auditor. His bosses and subordinates are afraid of him. All leaders try to get such a person to their team. He is neat, meticulous and meticulous and accurate. Everyone knows for sure: if this earthly guy got down to business, then everything will go like clockwork, without any oversights and incidents.

The fiery lady is charming and irresistible. As soon as she appears in the office, everyone immediately breathes a sigh of relief: the office longing is over. Ward of Jupiter - nature is very addicted. But she very quickly and radically changes her addictions. Today she is studying law, and tomorrow she will go to Africa as part of the Red Cross.

If the ward of Mercury decides to take a fiery girl as a partner, he will have to strongly compromise his rules. More precisely, to abandon all the rules and surrender to frivolous acts and diversity.

In turn, the ward of Jupiter will not let Virgo get stuck in one place. In her head there are so many different ideas and plans that Virgo will only need to organize everything correctly, but earth guys have never had problems with this.

Stars believe that with such a partnership, the competitors of the fiery-earth duo will leave the market in a hurry. They will be much better off living in huts located in the wilderness. Since if this pair of wards of Mercury and Jupiter chooses the right direction, then the prosperity of their business cannot be avoided. And on this occasion it will be possible to organize a party, the fiery lady knows a lot about this.

From all the above, we can conclude. Virgo and Sagittarius can be wonderful loyal friends all their lives. With the right organization of partnerships, they are able to achieve dizzying heights in business. But the joint life of these signs is possible only with patience and work on their relations on the part of both partners.

A sufficiently interesting union can be obtained from representatives of the signs of Virgo and Sagittarius. At first glance, the relationship can be very difficult, the process of getting used to is quite difficult. The prospect of their relationship will depend on each other's mood and desire to build a strong long-term alliance.

Sagittarius and Virgo compatibility in love

If we talk about the relationship of the Virgin to love, then this is always an experiment. It is always important for this sign to understand your partner, to attach importance to any trifles. She does not immediately strive to rush into the pool with her head, she wonders when she is looked after.

Sagittarius, on the contrary, loves short-lived non-binding novels. It’s easy and quick for him to start a relationship and also to quickly end a relationship with his partner. This does not mean that Sagittarius is not capable of a serious relationship.

The compatibility of such zodiac signs as Sagittarius and Virgo, largely depends on the ability to agree among themselves, understand and accept some habits and. If this happens, then there is a high probability that the novel will turn into a strong union of loving each other people.

Sagittarius complements the Virgin with its light and cheerful disposition, generosity of the soul. Representatives of this sign are always the soul of the company, they have a bunch of friends and acquaintances.

Virgo is a little dry and pragmatic, it is difficult for her to let people into her circle, she often likes to sit at home. Trying to avoid noisy companies. For all their gloom, they are kind and helpful people who try to help. They have a great sense of duty and responsibility.

If Virgo and Sagittarius will be able to appreciate the positive traits of each other, then they will expect quite good compatibility in marriage. At the same time, both of them are waiting for a long work on relations, Sagittarius needs to be patient. Virgo in turn, she is able to direct her partner in the right direction, push him to the beginning of a successful career. Provides Sagittarius with a solid home rear.

In addition, Virgo will not allow Sagittarius to take a walk and spend the entire family budget, most likely she will firmly take it into her own hands. In turn, Sagittarius may not like this, and he will rebel for the first time, and then he will get used to and calm down.

Compatibility in sex with Sagittarius and Virgo is almost perfect. Both complement each other. Sagittarius is able to ignite the humble Virgo with her Puritan mores. This combination adds a chance for the birth of love, which will gradually move to family life and children.

Both of these signs are almost incompatible with each other.  They practically differ from each other in everything, beginning with character and ending with their views on the world. Virgo is distinguished by its desire to restore order in everything, practicality and dryness.

The Sagittarius, however, does not like order, he does not care what happens next to him, he cares about higher goals, he is more open and sometimes more frivolous. If both of them are not united by some business, the benefit of which is important to both of them, then they are unlikely to even be able to talk to each other. Most often, everyone’s behavior will only annoy each other.

Compatibility in love, marriage, if he is a Sagittarius, she is a virgin

In harmony, this pair practically does not exist.  They constantly have disagreements, quarrels and it is rather difficult for them to come to a common opinion. To make the relationship stronger, and last as long as possible, they need to set an attempt to change each other.

Because neither one nor the other intends to change under any pretext, or even for the sake of his partner:

  • The greatest interest in each other arises in this pair at the first meeting.  They immediately find friend in a friend such character traits that he himself does not have. This is becoming attractive. But to admire and give compliments to continue the relationship will not be enough. They will need to find a compromise in order to continue their acquaintance. Indeed, thanks to the qualities laid down by nature, they will not even allow them to find a common topic for conversation.
  • The woman is most responsible for maintaining this union.  If she can express her discontent as little as possible, and it is better to do without them at all, then the relationship may continue.
  • If home comfort will be important for another man, and he will be grateful to his woman for this, then the archer can hardly be interested in and retained. And if his chosen one starts to blame him for this, he will quickly find someone on the side.
  • Woman maiden likes to do home and children, but she will not be completely happy if she does not feelthat everyone is also interested in her partner as a woman, that she is protected and taken care of. Also, the archer is not recommended to leave her alone with all the household chores and make her often jealous.
  • To keep their pair, each of them must constantly work on their relationship.  Otherwise, everything that they are so dissimilar to may cause separation.
  • If a woman begins to constantly talk with a Sagittarius, only on topics related to their family, life, children, then he will quickly get bored. In his partner, it is important for him to see an interlocutor and a friend with whom he will be interested in talking on many topics, but so that this does not concern the family and the problems associated with it. A woman should not dwell on this.
  • If the relations of this pair are combined with business and the common cause should ultimately lead to financial benefits, then most likely they will work out. Together, it is fairly easy for both of them to improve their financial situation. But as soon as one goal is achieved, relations again become tense and again efforts and compromises will be required to continue them.

Compatibility in love, sex, if he is a virgin, she is a Sagittarius

From the first acquaintance, these zodiac signs should immediately like each other. To attract a woman with her certain obstinacy and love of freedom, these representatives are also quite attractive in appearance.

  In a man, she will like that he can become a reliable support for her and a defender:

  • The first period of relations for them is the most beautiful and romantic.  A man will look after him beautifully in order to achieve his goal, despite the fact that by nature he is more mundane and far from romance.
  • But as soon as this period ends outward, the moments that distinguish them greatly.  Everyone becomes what he is in ordinary life, and this will not always suit a partner. Then, as a rule, mutual reproaches and first quarrels begin.
  • Sagittarius, by virtue of its nature, seeks personal growth. She cares about social life. She with pleasure can protect herself, her rights, and with no less interest the rights of her relatives. Virgo is more comfortable with a calm life, and comfort. And if at the very beginning they were interested in observing each other's behavior, then after all these differences it becomes the cause of constant quarrels.
  • To achieve a more harmonious relationship, they just need to sit down and agree with each other.  It is important to establish a framework regarding physical and moral freedom. For the relationship to bring pleasure to both of them, it is necessary to find a way to realize themselves in other areas. And if both of them begin to engage in a business that will unite them both, it will only strengthen their union. Unfortunately, often such relationships almost never reach marriage.
  • Even a small conflict between these men and women can lead to separation.  Therefore, they should be carefully avoided. Well, if a scandal did happen, then a woman should be the first to reconcile, since the virgin will never come to put up on her own, even if this quarrel causes a break.
  • If at the very beginning of their relationship they were united by one common goal related to financial gain, then in the future there will be less conflicts and claims against each other. Sagittarius will find himself in the implementation as a specialist in his profile, and the maiden will assume the role of a getter.

The negative sides of the union

These are perfect polar signs.  Without mutual sympathy, they will not succeed. But even under such a condition, they will have to face a lot of difficulties.

One freedom-loving and frivolous, the other practical and down to earth. It will be possible to find a compromise to continue the relationship only with the great desire of each and strong mutual feelings.

Sex compatibility

If most people at the first acquaintance attract physical strengths of a person, then these signs pay more attention to intellectual abilities. It is because of this that they can find an approach to each other and in terms of sex.

Although most often virgins find it difficult to understand the attitude of archers to an intimate life, too loose a relationship.  And archers consider the maidens too democratic and dry in this area. Therefore, if these people met without love for the sake of sex, then this is unlikely to last long.

Friendship Compatibility

Friendship between them is rare.  The virgins for the archer are of little interest, and the archers for the virgin are too windy. They may just be familiar, but their conversation can easily turn into an argument. But on intellectual topics, they can talk endlessly.

Business Compatibility

If they work in a team, then it is unlikely that joint work will lead to a quick and stunning result.  But they will not be able to spoil all of them either. Everyone works at their own pace and with their own tasks, so a joint business is unlikely for them.

Even if they can agree, then at the first great failure, neither one nor the other will be able to quickly find a way out of the situation.

Percentage Compatibility

  • Virgin woman compatibility  and male archer in love - 80%, in marriage - 50%.
  • Female archer compatibility  and virgin men in love - 90%, in marriage - 50%.

Sagittarius is naturally endowed with all the qualities necessary for friendship. Representatives of this zodiac sign are sociable, enthusiastic, they are happy to share a good mood and new ideas. But, despite this, there are people whom Sagittarius understand at a glance, and there are those with whom it is so difficult to establish relationships. Consider this situation in astrological terms.

Two surveys were conducted on the Sagittarius Club website. Here are the questions we asked Sagittarius:
  1. What signs of the zodiac do you have a good relationship with?
  2. With what signs of the zodiac do you STRESSLY develop relationships?

In each of the polls, 300 people voted. We also note that when voting, it was possible to choose several answer options, so if you add up the total number of votes in each poll, you get a number significantly more than 300.

Zodiac sign
Good relationship
Strained relations
  49 votes, 16%
  31 votes, 10%
  36 votes, 12%  35 votes, 12%
  45 votes, 15%  39 votes, 13%
  40 votes, 13%  46 votes, 15%
  a lion
  73 votes, 25%  18 votes, 6%
  27 votes, 9%  56 votes, 19%
  43 votes, 14%  10 votes, 3%
  35 votes, 12%  52 votes, 17%
  61 votes, 20%  17 votes, 6%
  25 votes, 8%  42 votes, 14%
  47 votes, 16%  28 votes, 9%
  22 votes, 7%  58 votes, 19%

For greater clarity, we present the data in the form of diagrams:

The survey results were predictable. Consider in order the relationship of Sagittarius with each of the signs of the zodiac.

Hit parade of the zodiac signs for friendship with Sagittarius

1st place - Leo
  Most Streltsov voted for good relations with the Lions - 24% of the total number of voters. While tensions with the Lions noted only 6%.
Both signs of the zodiac belong to the same element of Fire, therefore they perfectly understand each other and get along with each other. Sagittarius attracts self-confidence and the vivid character of Leo, and Leo likes the centaur's immediacy and optimism.

2nd place - Sagittarius
  For good relations between the two Centaurs 20% of respondents voted, only 6% noted the tension in relations. Two Sagittarius understand each other perfectly. They have similar habits, hobbies. Who better than a fellow to understand and share the love of freedom?

3rd place - Aries
  Three leaders closes another fiery sign. A good relationship with Aries is supported by 16% of respondents, while only 10% have difficulties with Aries. The strength of Aries, the energy of movement and the steady striving forward conquer Sagittarius. Two representatives of the fire element can turn mountains (and break a few heaps of firewood).

4th place - Aquarius
  Freedom-loving Aquarius - a representative of the air element, also appeals to many Sagittarius. 16% of respondents voted for good relations with him, only 9% noted tension in relations. Centaurs enjoy the openness of Aquarius and the desire for friendly communication. Sagittarius and Aquarius have many common interests.

5th place - Gemini
  Another representative of the Air. Friendly relations with Gemini were noted by 15% of those who voted, while conflicts - 13%. Sagittarius and Gemini are two opposite signs. But does this not explain their attraction to each other? In addition, both signs are very sociable, so they certainly will not be bored in silence.

6th place - Libra
  And here is the last Air sign. Good relations with Libra were noted by 14% of respondents, tension in relations occurs only in 3% (and this is the lowest indicator among all zodiac signs). Libra is a non-conflict sign. They like warm, hassle-free relationships. In addition, representatives of related elements - Fire and Air - will always be able to understand each other.

The first half of the hit parade is over. The next part discusses relationships with those zodiac signs that Sagittarius cannot always understand and accept.

7th place - Cancer
  Cancer is a representative of the Water element. The element of Water is opposite to the element of Fire. Therefore, Sagittarius is not always able to understand the vulnerable and emotional Cancer. 13% of those polled voted for good relations, and 15% voted for difficulties and conflicts. At the same time, the Centaur is attracted by the deep emotionality and sensuality of Cancer, and Cancer is attracted by the life energy of Sagittarius.

8th place - Taurus
In eighth place of the Hit Parade is the sign of the Earth element. 12% of those polled voted for good relations with Taurus, and 12% also voted for contacts. Sagittarius attracts practicality and a sober look at the world of Taurus, and at the same time annoys his earthliness and attachment to the material side of life. The Taurus Centaur seems rather frivolous and changeable, therefore unreliable. However, sexual attraction often occurs between these signs.

9th place - Scorpio
  Another representative of the Water element. For good relations with Scorpions, 12% of those polled voted for difficulties in communication - 17%. Sagittarius and Scorpio invisibly attracted to each other. But as soon as the prospect of a permanent relationship appears, a different perception of the world by these signs begins to appear. Sagittarius considers Scorpio too secretive, jealous, "on his mind." Scorpio is annoyed by the Centaur’s desire to be here and there, to catch everything and try everything. Sagittarius may seem superficial to Scorpio, but at the same time capable of optimism to help cope with mental torment.

10th place - Virgo
  We return to the representatives of the Earth element. Good relations with Virgo were noted by 9% of those who voted, while 19% voted for tension. Virgo seems to Sagittarius too dry, pragmatic, picky and grouchy. The centaur for the Virgin is like a child who is not even capable of caring for himself. The zodiac signs Sagittarius and Virgo are in the aspect of quadrature, which portends the complexity and misunderstanding of each other.

11th place - Capricorn
  The last representative of the Earth element. Only 8% of those polled voted for good relations with Capricorn, while 14% had problems with contacts. Sagittarius believes that Capricorn devotes too much time to his work, instead of enjoying life and arranging holidays. Capricorn considers the Centaur frivolous and too self-confident.

12th place - Pisces
  Closes the hit parade sign Pisces. These zodiac signs are in the aspect of quadrature, which creates difficulties in communication and understanding of each other. Good relations with Pisces are supported by 7% of respondents, while conflicts and problems arise in 19%. Surprisingly, Pisces and Sagittarius are connected by the planet Neptune, which is the daily ruler of Pisces and the night ruler of Sagittarius. But even this factor is not enough for a strong friendship.

Concluding this material, I would like to remind all readers that you yourself create your fate. Therefore, do not look again at the statistics of relationships with the zodiac signs. Any statistics provide food for thought, but not direct instructions for action.



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