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  September astro forecast for scorpion. September horoscope for scorpio

  • Favorable days for Scorpions in September 2017:   September 5, 9, 14, 20, 25, 30.
  • Difficult days for Scorpions in September 2017:   September 7, 22, 26.

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio woman

Love horoscope

September 1 - September 10.   It's time to overcome embarrassment and act. But do not expect that everything will be easy - you must understand that someone is opposed to your relationship and wants to ruin everything. There may be financial problems that will not create the expected difficulties — you cannot, for example, allow yourself to visit a beautician before a date or buy a beautiful dress.

September 11 - September 20.   Due to the position of Jupiter and the Sun, you will be a very pleasant interlocutor. Use this to strengthen relationships. Call your beloved often for frankness - he will share his worries with you, and you can become absolutely necessary for him.

September 21 - September 30.   Your desire to meet an interesting man will be heard. And you will meet him in a friendly circle. True, now that Venus is in retrograde motion, you need to restrain yourself from active actions. Do nothing better and wait for the initiative from the chosen one. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is now that you will have few opportunities to make a lasting impression.

Romantic date. It’s good if friends help you in your dating device. They can specifically invite you to visit the same companies or for short trips so that you can get to know each other better. It is in communication that your most striking qualities will be revealed.

Family horoscope

Your family life will largely depend on financial matters. If you have money problems, you can quarrel with someone from your family. You will be accused of spending too much money on entertainment. Only a husband can support you, he will be on your side. When at the end of the month your relationships with family members become unmatched, you can quickly make peace with them.

The secret of happiness. Lightness and immediacy. Try to inspire your family. Even if they want to prove that you are to blame for everything, find the right words and direct the conversation in a constructive direction.

Horoscope of rest

Best of all, you will relax in the company of friends. Trips, trips to visit - you will need to communicate with them almost every day. In the company of like-minded people you will feel calm and comfortable. You will enjoy heart-to-heart talk in the kitchen after midnight and spontaneous meetings in city cafes.

A place of power. Go visit friends you know living in another city. They will take you to local attractions and you will certainly find something to your taste. During such walks you will remember a cloudless youth, a life without problems and doubts.

Horoscope of work and money

All that will seriously bother you now is a lack of money. You have big expenses planned for this month, and you do not agree to delay payment. Wealthy acquaintances can help you out, whom you persuade to give you a loan.

Purchase of the month. Now you will be happy to spend money on organizing a holiday for your friends, a picnic, and going out of town. Another expense item is gifts to relatives.

Horoscope health

During this period, you may have problems associated with irregular eating. This threatens to exacerbate gastritis. But even more you can weaken yourself with late night gatherings with plenty of food and drink. Later your health will improve.

September 2017 horoscope for Scorpio men

Love.   Your beloved Libra can pretty much pat your nerves with his almost round-the-clock communication with friends. In early September, he will announce to you that he has certain obligations to his friends, and therefore now after work he will communicate with them, and not with you. But secretly your partner hopes that you will stop his attempts to start an independent life. Put him before the fact that you are bored and really want to be with him constantly.

Tone. Friendly companies will inspire your chosen one - perhaps, under the influence of others, he will begin to write poetry, compose songs, dance or actively engage in sports. You just don’t recognize him. Especially considering that at home he is too lazy to even get off the couch.

Finance.   Because of Saturn, your loved one will have to seriously save now. It is important for you to keep him from reckless spending, debt and credit. Then next month he will thank you and will definitely make some memorable gift.

Hobbies.   Your chosen one will want to share all the hobbies of his friends. If he is invited to unwind somewhere, he will immediately leave, regardless of business. And all the offers and promises that he gave you will be forgotten.

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio child

0-6 years old.   Baby Libra will be sweet and charming, but he will really succumb to the influence of others. And if someone's toy seemed attractive to him, he would make every effort to get one. They can just give it to him - after all, he is so convincingly asking!

7-12 years old.   Little Libra will take an active part in school life. Your fidget will enroll in several circles and, as a result, abandon his studies. But they, as an activist, will meet him and will not spoil the diary.

13-17 years old.   Libra teens will flirt with all friends of the opposite sex. Such illegibility can cause a real scandal - girlfriends and friends will begin to be offended until your Don Juan or your Carmen realize themselves and say that this is just a joke, nothing more. This is not the right time for a new novel.

Read the horoscope for September 2017 for other zodiac signs:

For representatives of the sign, September 2019 is a rather successful and profitable month. However, it should be assumed that it will be much more effective than the previous one, it will allow you to finish the long-begun business. Also, this is a good time for new acquaintances: in business, friendship, love. Toward the end of the month, Scorpios should make an important decision.

Scorpions can not spend a day without communication. They do not apply to those people who like to live in peace and quiet. All the time they want to develop, learn something new, take some action. The beginning of the month may be unexpected for them. Some of the plans that have been conceived may not be fulfilled; there may even be a threat that public opinion will spoil a little about the Scorpions.

Timely intervention in pressing matters will help representatives of the sign not to make irreparable mistakes. You should not hope that someone will come to the rescue, even though this has often been said before. When an important moment comes, it may turn out that the Scorpios will remain face to face with their problems.

However, the stars are advised not to be upset and not to be disappointed in people. Indeed, very soon a person will appear in their life who is capable of practically everything for them, without demanding anything in return.

Scorpios should prepare for the fact that near the end of the month they will have to make some important decision. It can concern absolutely any areas: work, business, love, family relationships. Astrologers advise Scorpions not to fall into despair and not to panic, but to take everything for granted. Will have to do, relying on their own feelings.

Scorpio Woman: Horoscope for September 2019

Like no other woman scorpion should avoid conflicts in every way, because as the stars promise, they will not bring them any good news. Astrologers also recommend that the representatives of the sign do not pay attention to the small and insidious affairs of their friends.

There will be no real threats to the female scorpion this month. However, it cannot be said that she will be able to get everything she wanted for so long. You will have to sweat a lot in order to gain confidence in your bosses and colleagues.

Astrologers advise spending more time with friends, taking a walk in the fresh air, this will help relieve stress after hard working days. In addition, even in the most stressful situations, do not say unnecessary words to your loved ones, because of this, conflicts are possible.

Scorpions love surprises very much. Toward the end of September, they will have some pleasant surprise associated with their memories, hopes. In some cases, it is possible to resume old relationships and new romantic adventures.

Scorpio Male: Horoscope for September 2019

Due to the strong influence of Jupiter, male scorpions will be able to reach new heights. If something was previously planned, then you need to implement it right now, without delay. In no case should not be shy and downplay their dignity, which is characteristic of the representatives of the sign. It is worth going as bad as possible and not be afraid of anything.

Astrologers do not recommend male scorpions to play complex roles in September this year. Also, do not play on two fronts, and ours, and they will not be able to please yours. Representatives of the sign should think about their personal life, perhaps it is time to change something in it or to establish and diversify relations with a loved one a little.

No need to continue to seek happiness among former acquaintances. It's time to close the old book and open a new one, where exciting days await.

It may seem to the scorpions that they will not be able to complete the work they have begun, but they are only misinterpreting and evaluating the situation. September is one of the most successful months this year for representatives of this sign.

The first month of autumn will be happy for the Scorpions: you will find fulfillment of desires and implementation of long-planned tasks. The horoscope for September 2018 to Scorpios predicts the fulfillment of their expectations in all endeavors. Unprecedented success awaits the representatives of this zodiac sign in self-development, self-knowledge, realization of previously hidden potential. This also applies to professional activities - you can expect to increase.

In the first decade of September 2018, Scorpios should show healthy ambitiousness: the more you wish, the more you will receive. Astrological horoscope advises: do not limit yourself to fantasies. If you make an effort, they will be able to become a reality! But in order to achieve your goals, you must have a clear plan of action; do not neglect it if you want to implement your plan. Also, you should clearly know the purpose of your efforts - without concrete motivation it is pointless to achieve any results. You must learn to visualize a successful outcome at the very beginning of the journey.

Astrologers give advice to Scorpios: in September 2018, as often as possible, imagine yourself in the role of a lucky, wealthy person who has achieved success in all fields. Such a “winner in life” game will be of tangible benefit to you, even if you yourself are not yet aware of your potential and your capabilities. You need in no case to lose confidence in their own abilities, not to give up, no matter how hard it is. The energy of stars at the beginning of autumn feeds you with spiritual energy and inspiration.

If you were born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, then the following factors and talismans of luck will become your “companions” in September:

Plant: St. John's wort

Mascot of money: Golden Taurus (it is desirable that the figure was made of gold)

Name: Helena

Animal patron: Dog

Lucky Number: 22

Stone amulet: Garnet, garnet decoration

Happy color: Red all its shades

In September 2018, you have a real chance to realize all your most secret desires. This month is the best moment to become what you always wanted to be. Sometimes it may seem to you that you want too much, but it is not. Everyone in life has moments of disappointment in their own abilities, up to a serious decrease in self-esteem. You must understand that any of your successes is your merit, and not a successful combination of circumstances. In September 2018, you will receive what you deserve, and your work will not be in vain.

Days of September 2018 when the Scorpions are lucky: 4, 6, 12, 15, 20, 23, 28

Dangerous days for Scorpions in September 2018: 7, 16, 25, 30

Love Horoscope for Scorpions

In early September, unfortunately, you should not count on sparkling love adventures. The romantic side of your life will fully “reveal” only by the end of the first autumn month. The love horoscope for September 2018 shows that the period of a kind of “rest” from dates and walks under the Moon, Scorpio should devote to strengthening the financial and material aspects of the relationship.

The second decade of September will mark success in the personal life of Scorpios, since Venus will be in the career home of this zodiac sign. Success can expect not only you, but also your partner. You can get promoted, win the lottery or become famous. Something unexpected will happen, which will end for Scorpio and his partner with an improvement in his material condition.

After September 20, 2018, the horoscope recommends that you pay attention to friends and pals. Do not forget about colleagues, all new useful acquaintances will help you in September 2018. This may also apply to your personal life: if you are still single, you have a great chance to meet your soulmate in the company of friends.

The activation of Pluto in September 2018 will positively affect the public sphere of the Scorpions, their intellectual and cultural development. The communication sector of this sign will help not only achieve success in your career, but also become an impetus for changes in your personal life. The transformation of relationships is possible thanks to new knowledge and experience.

Scorpio financial condition in September 2018

September will be an intermediate stage for Scorpions in business and finance. During this period, the astrological horoscope recommends the completion of all important matters in order to enter a new life without old problems.

In the fall of 2018, the idea to establish your financial independence will visit you. This zodiac sign will want to show individuality and unconditionally listen only to his ideas in everything - from career growth to business plans. As in other aspects of life, the finances of the Scorpions are waiting for the adoption of very important decisions that will subsequently change their fate for a long time. Scorpions must take full responsibility for their actions. Successful earnings will result in continued success in finance. We must not forget about the possibility of professional implementation.

Your star patrons will favor the desire to achieve great success in the material sphere.

Nevertheless, astrologers recommend abandoning large expenses in September 2018, including purchases of securities and investments. It is better to postpone the start of significant projects at work for a while, especially if the activity concerns important documents. It is better to devote this period to planning and assessing the possible consequences. These recommendations are relevant not only for entrepreneurs, but also for employees.

Scorpio Health September 2018

According to the horoscope, in early September, representatives of this zodiac sign are expected to exacerbate all chronic diseases and pathological conditions. In addition, the risk of getting a new ailment is very high, and this should not be neglected. In September, it is very important to allocate time for a good rest. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the lungs and cardiovascular system.

If you have any kind of surgery planned, it is best to do all the procedures in September. Visiting a doctor is a first necessity, do not forget about it.

Astrologers warn the Scorpions from possible injuries while working in the kitchen and in the garden. Handle equipment and sports equipment carefully. However, you are not in danger of traveling. All the trips planned for September will be successful and without negative consequences.

Career Achievements, Scorpio business horoscope in September 2018

In the first month of the fall of 2018, Scorpios are encouraged to concentrate on their job responsibilities. Even small mistakes can lead to problems, so it’s better to carry out the most, at first glance, the most insignificant tasks with high quality and responsibility.

Communication with high-ranking friends will bring success in your career, perhaps even lead to an increase. This month is best to eliminate all the troubles with colleagues. The horoscope recommends setting up useful contacts for further cooperation and mutual benefits. September favors Scorpio business trips, especially if trips are planned to other regions or countries.

Scorpio horoscope for September 2017.

In October 2017, Scorpios will act like moms! Moreover, regardless of age, and including male Scorpions. After all, it’s only mothers who, after swearing, can enter the room and ask, as if there’s nothing and “will you have tea with lemon?” So in September 2017, Scorpions should forget about the most acute and intense moments in communication and ask, as if there was nothing and there was “will you tea with lemon?”. Moreover, both in personal life, and in professional and other fields.

This will allow you to save on emotions, and not find out who was right. In addition, judging by the horoscope for September, next month the Scorpios will be tired in the autumn. Periodically, you will want to fall into hibernation and not wake up until Spring, or at least until October. Although, as shown by the horoscope, on the contrary, you will resemble a person flying with a tit in his hand and on a crane, and this crane, will obviously fly to “warm lands”. But, so you will look from the outside, and inside you will sit a tired little man, whom neither a titmouse in your hands nor a crane under you will delight. That is why the horoscope, advises you next month not to fend off the crane "wedge", and try to be "inside the pack" all the time. A flock will definitely not give you the opportunity to go astray, and even if you are a little tired, it will not give you, pitying itself, “stray from the right direction”. Moreover, it is the presence of friends and relatives around you that will help you correctly assess the moments when everything collapses or beats around. And although they say that the dishes are beating for happiness, but no one says why then the toilets are beating ?? !! Namely, several such situations can happen with Scorpions in September 2017. As the horoscope suggests, next month under you may crack “what you have been sitting on for so long”, or where you have been for so long, whether in the literal or figurative sense of the word. So if you run some kind of situation to the extreme, it is likely that in September it can break through. So try to be more like cats in September, and cats suddenly become affectionate if they need something, or if they have already spoiled somewhere ... Well, and in secret between us (we won’t tell anyone this), still only Scorpions and cats, they can even try to "scrub" on the parquet or tile to try to bury nasr @ nnoe. In such cases, if there’s nothing to be changed, it’s better to pretend that g @ apparently not yours, but you are kind and fluffy ... and don’t scrub where you can’t hide anyway.

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio auspicious days - 1.7, 9, 12, 17, 25 and 30.

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpiounfavorable days - in fact, in most cases, unfavorable days, they are like relatives - persistent creatures who just need something from you and urgently!

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio work, career and business. Most Scorpios since their youth have chosen such a profession for themselves - to sit at work ... And, given that even at the beginning of the horoscope, we wrote that you would be tired enough in the autumn, this could naturally affect your relationships, both with management and with customers and colleagues. Moreover, in September you will again be convinced that it is very difficult to pretend that you are working. Work is actually easier. And the general situation in the team will not be in your favor. Therefore, try to avoid gossip and intrigue. Do not brag about your accomplishments, acquaintances or status. As the horoscope shows, this will not bring you dividends, but you can ask unpleasant questions. For the same reasons, staffing issues in September should not be decided by Scorpios - either you mistakenly hire someone, or you make a mistake yourself. Yes, and “work on mistakes” Scorpions are better off either postponing or even entrusting it to someone else, this will allow you to make every effort not to spoil the future without trying to fix the past.

Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio Finance.   In September 2017, it is best for Scorpions to do budgeting for next year, or at least for Winter. Since the time has come to plan and save both expenses and expenses ...

next month try to give as much as possible to everyone - attention, love and warmth. This is what they will expect from you, and even sometimes demand in the autumn September

Love horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio. Horoscope for September 2017 Scorpio Love.   The personal life of Scorpions in September 2017 will resemble a mirror, returning you your own reflection. That is why the horoscope advises family Scorpios to look more at their actions from the side. In September 2017, not only your closest ones, but also relatives and friends will be expected to show your best human features. Therefore, try next month to give as much as possible to everyone - attention, love and warmth. That is what they will expect from you, and even sometimes demand in the autumn of September. And then the horoscope, promises you a relationship similar to baby shampoo - clean and without tears ..., despite the fact that outside the window will cry and begin to turn yellow.

Horoscope advises lonely Scorpios to provoke the opposite sex to love flirtation and romance, since most likely you yourself will not be ready to take the initiative next month and give not only love, but even a smile. Although most likely in the heart of most Scorpions next month will be Autumn and September, but even on such days, you can always find a place in your heart for new emotions.

At the end, the horoscope once again tells you that next month you will often feel tired. Therefore, you will be worried about questions, why in public transport they urge to give way only to the elderly, pregnant and with children? But what about the girls in 12-centimeter high heels, or what about the guys who are so bad now after yesterday. Therefore, in September 2017, Scorpions try to devote more time to rest, and on the other hand, do not indulge yourself in fatigue, otherwise, on the contrary, you will become completely limp. Recharge yourself with a good movie, an interesting book or company. And limit the amount of alcohol, it will make you even more tired.

The atmosphere in a love relationship in September 2017 remains quite practical, and romance appears rather towards the end of the month. However, the period is important for strengthening the material and financial aspects of relations.

The planet of love Venus in the first and second decades of the month is located in the house of Scorpio's career, so in your personal life expect achievements. They can be associated with money or be expressed in social damage, for example, your loved one will get a promotion, succeed in business, gain popularity, etc. Something of this kind will happen, as a result, the material basis of the relationship will become more solid.

20 September 2017 Venus enters the Scorpio friendship and public relations sector. This means that for love, communication and meetings with friends will be more important than usual. If you are still single, attend public events, be active in public affairs - you can expect a romantic meeting with a congenial person.

The activation of Pluto in the communications sector of Scorpio suggests that communication, knowledge and intellectual interests are among the key topics of the month. As you know, knowledge is power. A possible expression of such a planetary impact would be a desire to transform relationships through communication and the acquisition of new knowledge.

Scorpio career and finance horoscope for September 2017

This month is calling you for immediate action. In September 2017, you are able to cope with all the obstacles and achieve what the other person would spend years on. Do not miss this great opportunity! Without regret, drive away laziness, insecurity, etc., which could hinder your success.

With the support of Venus, you will be creative in completing your work tasks. Moreover, you will have a special gift to demonstrate your best qualities, which will be appreciated by colleagues, business partners and management. Time is great for finding supporters and patrons, so use your chances.

The harmonious aspects of Venus in the career house with Saturn in the Scorpio money house and with Uranus in the work house are signs of good luck with an impact on reputation and finances.

The Sun, Mercury and Mars in the house of social connections speak of the intense efforts, actions and initiative that appear in a group, in collective work or social activity.

In addition, the first month of autumn provides you with space to analyze career prospects and review plans. However, you will not want to open all your plans to the public. The influence of Jupiter in the twelfth house of Scorpio contributes to the fact that you decide to work out some of them yourself or even in secret from others. Will there be something promising, you will learn later.

For finance, the period is rather favorable, you can earn more than usual. However, stars warn you against risk with money and financial adventures. The planetary energies are such that only earned by honest labor will bring satisfaction, and one should not count on easy money.


Throughout the month you are in good physical shape, but emotionally you may not feel quite comfortable. The period is very busy, you will work hard, so a good rest is important. To relieve stress and maintain a good mood, you need to take time to relax, be in nature or engage in any creative activity.

Focus on priority matters and do not waste energy on unimportant things!



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