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  Kabbalah meaning first and last name. Fortune telling in Kabbalah. The Tarot and Kabbalah Connection

The existence of man is not accidental. Every hour, day, week, he performs a series of tasks and finds a solution to problems, which in total lead to the adoption of various small decisions. If the life goal is correct, then not so much effort is made to achieve it and it seems as if the highest powers help on the path to success. In fact get around the road to the mission  and everyone can determine the calling. Higher knowledge and the opportunity to study the inner world with the help of esoteric sciences have opened new levels of self-improvement and development.

One of the most mysterious and mystical was considered Kabbalah, which was interpreted as "the science of the divine origin of man and his world." That is, she gave an answer to all the questions of interest and, in fact, was something close to astrology and numerology.

More recently, the ancient teachings of Kabbalah were hidden and some "enlightened" had access to the interpretation. Today, thanks to Internet resources, translation into Russian (previously the science was presented in Hebrew) and opening access to various sources of information, everyone can familiarize themselves with and comprehend the main tenets of the doctrine.

At the core of knowledge - the power of the Supreme Being Godbut which in translation sounds like “tetragrammaton”. Here the meaning of the elements is hidden, each letter is responsible for a specific name - Earth, Water, Fire, Air. Part of the element is hidden in each person and in different ways shows the effect on its existence. The followers of Kabbalah believe that a detailed study of the impact of the elements on life will help change their destiny and choose for themselves the path to enlightenment.

Each letter of the alphabet in this numerology has a hidden meaning. If we compare the total name and surname, we can get a code of fate, that is, a detailed interpretation of the personality that helps to change the inner world.

Numbers as a basis

Any number has a meaning that allows you to know the divine principle. But to determine it, it is necessary to pad all the letters of the name. When a child comes into the world, he is given a name that will help in life, distinguish from other people.

In parapsychology, this moment is explained as finding fate and destiny, and already the date of birth, horoscope sign and other moments simply complement the essence as a whole.

In the Kabbalah of numbers, the first 10 digits refer to the characteristic religious branches  and have the names:

  1. The beginning, the foundation of everything.
  2. Knowledge.
  3. Mind and power.
  4. Empathy and mercy.
  5. Justice and independence.
  6. Harmony and beauty.
  7. Power and power.
  8. Glory.
  9. The form of things and essence.
  10. The goal of the soul is paradise.

Thanks to these numbers, the Jews presented a vision of the origin of the world and life, the interconnectedness of processes and their deformation from one number to another. This is not the first attempt to know life in this way. In other religions, there are also similar attachments to numbers, the interpretation of the Higher Forces as a repetition of certain formulas. In ancient Greece, numbers were a method of explaining the cyclicality and cycle of everything in the world. On these foundations, philosophy and other sciences developed.

Numbers became the foundation for ordinary people to understand the structure of the Heavenly Hierarchy. Until today, the works of ancient Greek theologians and philosophers have survived, testifying to the elements of numerology.

Categories and postulates

Like other teachings, Kabbalah has a foundation and consists of three categories, thanks to which it is restored the relationship between words and numbers:

Postulates are an inevitable attribute of Kabbalah and its meaning. The ancient doctrine distinguishes three parts:

  1. Letters and numbers are the building material for God to create peace and life in it. This is the hidden energy of the universe, allowing you to know wisdom and purpose.
  2. As people in the world are unequal and individual in their choice, so each number is responsible for different processes, and in combination with letters it allows you to characterize the fate and destiny of each person, to determine his life line.
  3. All words with the same numbers are interconnected into related concepts, but this does not make them identical in terms of the definition of human fate. Therefore, they are divided into subgroups, each of which gives an interpretation and adjustments.

Thanks to Kabbalistic numerology, a personal life chart looks like a sum of different numbers, and in combination with the ancient meaning of this knowledge, a horoscope by date of birth will be accurate and prophetic.

Numerology tools

The main weapon is considered a figure. Since in Hebrew there are only 22 letters that are marked with numbers, when translating into our language, numerologists were able to choose the necessary values \u200b\u200bfor Slavic letters, not departing from the main meaning of Kabbalah.

Numbers are organized in a table to make it easier to determine your number.

It is not difficult to find out fate with the help of Kabbalistic name and surname. It is enough to write it on a sheet and enter the corresponding figure from the table under each letter. Then plus the values. The resulting number will be the human code and the key to deciphering the mission of life.

Some online resources offer to calculate this data online, but the result is not always accurate. Better use tablesscanned from Kabbalah textbooks.

The figure as a code of fate

Interpretation of numbers will help to decrypt a person’s code.

  • The number 1 means the desire for power, greed and commercialism, ambition and selfishness;
  • The number 2 shows the destruction in human life and the devastating consequences. Most often this occurs in karmic signs that have known reincarnation for redemption;
  • 3 - faith in higher powers and religiosity;
  • 4 - big mind and craving for knowledge, hidden wisdom;
  • 5 - courage;
  • 6 - labor and altruism in front of others;
  • 7 - dependence on people in terms of money, craving for committing bad deeds and crimes;
  • 8 - attraction to justice and glory through good deeds;
  • 9 - independent leadership thinking, desire for freedom;
  • 10 - inner beauty and love for the world around. These are kind and calm people who are referred to as the “salt of the Earth”;
  • 11 - violation of order and the desire to argue an opinion;
  • 12 - rejection of faith in God;
  • 13 - fortitude and possible immortality;
  • 14 - vices and sacrifice of the body;
  • 15 - strong intuition and subconscious faith in a higher entity;
  • 16 - family values \u200b\u200band a house - a full bowl;
  • 17 - sinfulness and possible misfortunes in personal life;
  • 18 - stability and strength of character;
  • 19 - lack of will and modesty. People most often have a weak disposition and are afraid to oppose others;
  • 20 - rigor and desire to constantly prove the case, inability to lose, craving for strong sadness and depression;
  • 21 - love of the world;
  • 22 - talent for new ideas, genius of thinking;
  • 23 - commission of serious crimes and punishment for actions;
  • 24 - doing good deeds, possibly doing charity work;
  • 25 - glory through deeds;
  • 26 - physical work for the benefit of other people;
  • 27 - heroism and the commission of altruistic actions;
  • 28 - thirst for understanding and openness;
  • 29 - selfishness and selfishness;
  • 30 - a good choice of spouse or wife, fame and popularity;
  • 31 - performance of fair and good deeds;
  • 32 - understanding of others;
  • 33 - mission accomplishment;
  • 34 - weakness and the demand for support, suffering for past sins;
  • 35 - knowledge of the new, opening oneself to the world;
  • 36 - the greatness of the soul;
  • 37 - karmicity of life;
  • 38 - imperfection and the desire to know yourself;
  • 39 - dementia and possible poverty;
  • 40 - strong perseverance;
  • 50 - liberation from problems and freedom from the outside world;
  • 60 - loneliness;
  • 70 - science and knowledge of the new, discovery;
  • 80 - war and loss;
  • 90 - misfortune and enlightenment;
  • 100 - life in the sight of others, the political aspect and the desire to do great things for the good of the world;
  • 200 - weak character, inability to stand up for oneself, composure;
  • 300 - philosophical thinking;
  • 400 - insight and extrasensory perception;
  • 500 - a desire for love, a constant change of partners and failure;
  • 600 - the desire for victory and a high probability of success in undertakings;
  • 700 - selfishness and pride, constancy;
  • 800 - treason and instability;
  • 900 - war and experience.

The principle of Kabbalah in other languages

Fortune telling on numbers numerologists could tie to the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic alphabet. There are several ways to interpret Kabbalah. Pythagorean makes it possible to attach modern letters to the Hebrew alphabet, to reduce numbers greater than 9 to an unambiguous result. This method is used most often and is considered the most accurate.

The second principle is based on genetic similarity. Between Cyrillic letters and Hebrew, a common meaning is sought through Greek letters.

The use of Kabbalism in characterizing a person, discovering the meaning of his life, makes it possible to get a holistic picture of the world and remove restrictions on the perception of higher powers.

The knowledge of ancient science is now available to everyone, so there is no need to deny yourself the opportunity to open new horizons and avoid mistakes in the future.

I have been interested in esoterics for several years. At home, she collected a large library of occult sciences. This is interesting, really belongs to the group of knowledge about higher forces. The whole future of a person, his capabilities and talents are spelled out in advance in the natal chart. You only need to be able to read it correctly. I didn’t think about Kabbalah, but I learned a lot of interesting things from the article. I’ll probably try.

I prefer standard numerology with the interpretation of the number and date of birth, but genealogy is important for the exact result, therefore, in addition to the name and surname, middle name is also taken into account.

A few years ago I first heard about it and even on the Internet I tried to reveal my number. But apparently, something did wrong and the result was erroneous. Then I read that for the correct interpretation, Kabbalah signs are needed, you need to translate them with numbers manually, and not online, as I did.

Now I also practice this technique and help others find their life number for solving personal issues.

Technique really gives effect, but faith and the psychological state of a person are important. After all, the way in which he perceives the information and adjusts for himself depends on the further result.

Attention, only TODAY!

One of the oldest sciences used for predictions - Kabbalistic numerology - helps to calculate the code of fate according to the date of birth and the full name of a person. Kabbalah is used in Judaism, but is suitable for a person of any faith.

Number magic

Kabbalistic theory, like any other area of \u200b\u200bnumerology, is based on a digital code - the sum of the numbers that add up to unique events:

  • date of Birth;

Numerology is based not only on the uniqueness of a person: the teachings reveal character traits donated to a person at birth, skills that he can develop in himself. In numerology, each person is an energy that receives direction. Each code has its own patronizing elements, its own amulets and talismans.

In different cultures, numerology uses individual personality factors: most often Kabbalah uses the name of a person, while other teachings are based on a combination of several codes at once (by date of birth and by name).

The essence of cabalistic numerology

Kabbalistic numerology is based on code derived from combinations of letters in a name. Additionally, they use a digital code (the basis of any numerology).

If in traditional teaching codes consist of the day, month and year of birth, then for Kabbalah the name is important - the way it describes the person.

Such numerology is divided into three categories:

  • Notarikon;
  • Gematria
  • Temura.

Kabbalistic theory is based on ancient religion. God in Kabbalah has a Jewish name - Jehovah. This name is denoted by four letters - this is a special combination of sounds symbolizing all natural elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air).

In Kabbalah, he who knows the truth of God knows the world - he sees more than other people, feels the true world (without good and evil, but as pure, perfect energy).

Notarikon in numerology

Notarikon in numerology is responsible for creating new words consisting of the first and last letters of each known word. In Kabbalah, the correlation between the sounds in a person’s name is important - this is a kind of vibration that charges with the necessary energy. In teaching, each person has his own unique sound in harmony with the universe. Such correlation is used in any sentence.

Gematria in numerology

Gematria is responsible for determining the exact meaning of the word number. For this, summation of letters (their numerical codes) is carried out. This is the first stage of numerological calculation: the spoken words (each sound and syllable that is used in the sentence) are additionally compared. With the help of Gematria, you can find out the truth - to see what is hidden from the eyes of a simple person.

Temur in numerology

Temur is responsible for analogies, a combination of phrases and words that enter them. It would seem that phrases are one with the sentence, but in Kabbalah, replacing letters in a syllable affects the meaning of the whole phrase. The change in meaning due to minor changes is described by Temura as the essence of the Universe (as the essence of everything that is constantly and constantly changing). Only with the help of such a teaching can a person learn to think outside the box, to notice the meaning of what has long been known and which has long lost its true nature.

Numerological calculation

Kabbalistic numerology is a clue for a person who is trying to find his place in life. Science is based on a prescribed fate. Man is a bunch of energy that is out of time. His fate was created before his birth, and until his death, the person follows his own subconscious program. For this reason, Kabbalah numerology helps to see:

  • hidden talents of a person;
  • makings to be developed;
  • emotionality, temperament of a person, his sensual side;
  • thinking;
  • luck.

Everything that forms a personality is described by numerology. Science reveals even those character traits that a person does not suspect. Life may differ from what is predicted by numerology: each person makes his own decision follows his own destiny or opposes fate.

Calculation Method

Kabbalistic numeric alphabet is a calculation by the letters of the name and surname, suitable for children and adults. The calculation depends on the native language: each culture has its own exact table of ratios of numbers and letters. The numerological alphabet is used for yourself or to obtain information about another person.

Calculation principle:

  • the full name of the person is recorded - surname, first and second name, middle name (if any);
  • numbers are written under each letter (a universal plate is used); The resulting numbers are summarized (according to a specific pattern).

Each number is additional information. In Kabbalah, the order of numbers is not so important: the calculations are based on the total amount, and not on the order of certain numbers.

The amount received determines the basic qualities of the personality character.

Assignment of a digital code

Each letter in the Latin alphabet has its own number. In the table, from the letter A to the letter K, the calculus goes from 1 to 10. This is the simplest part of the table. After that (from the letter L) for each new letter there is a new ten. So the letter L is 20, M is 30, the letter H corresponds to the number 40. Each ten increases the value of the letters. A hundred falls on Y, after which each subsequent designation increases by a hundred. So, the letter F is assigned 200, X is already 300. The alphabet ends with the letter I, which is 900.

After assigning primes, their total amount is added up. The forecast alphabetically does not take into account the letters b, b or a variation of the letter E (reverse and direct). First, all designations of the name are summarized, then the last name (middle name or middle name). Then the two values \u200b\u200bare added together - this results in one code (the last of the 4 main values). When summing the letters in most cases, a three-digit code is obtained. It needs to be decomposed into simpler components. Example: if the result is 693, the value is taken separately for 600 (first code), for 93 (second code) and 3 (third code). After that, the numbers are summed up, and the fourth, final code is obtained.

Code value

Interpretation of numbers allows you to see several important qualities for a person. The digital name code in Kabbalah is more important than the digital value by date of birth (if necessary, it is also used if the general forecast is uninformative). The number of digits varies from 1 to 1390.

The value of the first ten, which was able to calculate:

  • 1 - ambition and greed. A person born with such a code is fixated only on arranging his own life, is ready to make sacrifices, infringe on his interests for the sake of a certain distant goal. The unit also gives its owner rudeness and cruelty.
  • 2 - destruction, changes that occur against the will of man. The owner of this code suffers a lot and thinks little of himself.
  • 3 - spirituality, religiosity and devotion to their principles. The owner of the three is gifted with the belief that he cannot see or cannot touch.
  • 4 - high mental abilities. This is a strong-willed person, ready for anything to achieve the goal, ready to go to cunning or meanness for the sake of the final result.
  • 5 - courage, nobility, willingness to come to the rescue and help out even a stranger free of charge. Such people are honest and extremely frank. Often they do not need to exert excessive efforts to get what they want.
  • 6 - diligence and success, freedom and courage. People with this code can fight, they can make sacrifices, but they always know their worth.
  • 7 - poverty. These are people who do not seek to acquire new knowledge: they are content with what they already have, with what gives them physical satisfaction.
  • 8 - fighters for justice, helpers and noble people. They cannot get along with greed or greed.
  • 9 - wisdom. Such people often succeed - their fate is honorable and famous. They love freedom and do not tolerate pretense.
  • 10 - kindness, sincerity. They say about such people that the beauty of their soul overlaps with any flaws in their appearance.

The combination of numbers affects the overall prediction. It is important to consider how the codes are in harmony with each other.

Digits 11 to 31

The value of the second group of codes:

  • 11 - a sign of crime, greed, lack of moral values;
  • 12 - lack of faith in God;
  • 13 - spiritual development;
  • 14 - sign of the victim, inability to resist difficulties;
  • 15 - strong faith in God;
  • 16 - well-being and love;
  • 17 - depravity;
  • 18 - willpower;
  • 19 - spinelessness;
  • 20 - sadness and preoccupation with evil;
  • 21 - love for loved ones;
  • 22 - wisdom;
  • 23 - enslavement by fear;
  • 24 - virtue;
  • 25 - glory;
  • 26 - sincerity;
  • 27 - courage and strong-willed character;
  • 28 - good luck in love;
  • 29 - the ability to use other people to achieve their goals;
  • 30 - a successful marriage;
  • 31 - thirst for justice.

Digit value 32 to 50

The following code values \u200b\u200btell about those character traits that affect a person’s life:

  • 32 - fidelity to loved ones, inability to betrayal;
  • 33 - the beauty of soul and body;
  • 34 - the ability to find reasons for new suffering;
  • 35 - the greatness of the soul;
  • 36 - the desire for development;
  • 37 - family happiness;
  • 38 - vices that prevent building harmonious relationships;
  • 39 - poverty of body and soul;
  • 40 - perseverance;
  • 41 - sadness and constant failure;
  • 42 - success through work;
  • 43 - lack of craving for the sublime;
  • 44 - energy;
  • 45 - frequent diseases;
  • 46 - wealth, both spiritual and material;
  • 47 - longevity;
  • 48 - punishment for committed acts;
  • 49 - greed;
  • 50 is freedom.

Digits between 60 and 90

The value of the figures, reaching hundreds, shows the strength of the personality:

  • 60 - loneliness, fear of opening up to other people;
  • 70 - power of mind, high intelligence;
  • 80 - great misfortune;
  • 90 - political activity.
  • 73, 75, and 77 are codes that speak of abilities. If you do not develop them, you will not succeed.
  • 87 is responsible for sincere faith.

Digit value from 100 to 500

Three codes up to 200 symbolize strength of character. Politicians and creative personalities are born with them.

200 is composure, and 300 is deep thought that allows a person to develop. 350 is responsible for the strength of character, 360 describes a public figure, 365 falls to travelers.

400 speaks of love for science, and code 500 indicates love of man.

Digits between 600 and 1390

Kabbalistic numerology helps to see how much people invest in their principles and beliefs. This is the energy that a person gives and cannot draw from the outside world. Code 600 is success, and code 700 is pride. If a person works a lot, but does not appreciate the work of other people, its positive qualities are leveled. 800 describes its owner as unlucky and quarrelsome; he does not see anything good in the people around him.

900 speaks of sacrifice, and 1000 describes a love of art (such people are gifted with talent). Modesty and cunning depend on the code 1095. A person tries to succeed, but with the wrong methods. Everything he does is of no use to anyone. The value of 1260 determines how much a person suffers from the opinions of others. He should not form an opinion of himself as a social individual. First of all, he is a person with opinions that are sometimes censured. The last code symbolizes the danger emanating from the individual himself.


Kabbalistic numerology is a special direction in ancient science, which describes the name as a hidden life code. Each letter in the name and surname means inclinations and hidden possibilities of the individual.

The name given at birth affects a person’s success in personal, professional and social life.

Simple calculations and universal tables allow you to describe the nature and fate of a person.

Kabbalah is perhaps the most mystical of religious-isoteric teachings. The roots of the teachings of Kabbalah on the unraveling of the secrets of the Universe, based on the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the letters of the Hebrew language, go back to the beginning of the XII century, and gained wide popularity by the XVI century.

A bit of history

The rabbis claimthat with the help of Kabbalistic numerology one can comprehend the essence of all things in our world and even correct the fate of man. Some of the experts on the roots of the origin of the Jewish people and Judaism, as a religion, argue that the secret doctrine is more than 5,778 years old and was "born" in ancient Babylon. It completely revealed itself more than 3,000 years ago in the vastness of ancient Israel, then about 2,000 were banned, and now Kabbalah is gaining a new round of popularity, after which it should no longer disappear from sight.

Experts say that the Hebrew letters and kabalistic meanings are direct formulas of the world around us and stars. It is noteworthy that some of the letters that are really certain in their fragments resemble parts of the constellations known to science, so Kabbalah in the literal sense can be considered "knowledge of the stars."

At present, Kabbalistic fortune telling by name and surname will help establish what the personality actually has and what it should focus on when achieving the goal. The calculation process can be done both online and independently using a piece of paper, a pen and numerical values \u200b\u200bof the letters of the alphabet.

Kabbalah numerology - simple fortune telling

The simplest and most generalized may be the following Kabbalistic fortunetelling, in which the total number of the name is calculated. So, for this it is necessary to write on paper in capital letters and separately, preferably one above the other, so that it is easier to read the name and surname of the person you are interested in. Further, in the list below, it is worth looking at which letter of your data is characterized by a number, and make simple mathematical calculations. An unambiguous simple numerical value from 1 to 9 is assigned to the following letters:

Double-digit rounded symbolism with zeros  the ancient Jews appropriated such ten letters and some of their combinations as:

  • And, J - 10,
  • K - 20,
  • L - 30,
  • M - 40,
  • H - 50,
  • the combination of letters KS, KZ, KSh - 60,
  • O - 70,
  • P, F - 80,
  • C - 90.

And three-digit numbers  correspond to the remaining six letters of the alphabet without soft and hard characters:

  • O is 70,
  • K - 20,
  • C - 300,
  • A - 1,
  • H - 50,
  • A - 1.

The number of the name when added is 442. Next, we consider the value of the generic symbol, i.e. last names:

  • And - 10,
  • AT 6,
  • A - 1,
  • H - 50,
  • O is 70,
  • AT 6,
  • A - 1.

Prediction Number Values

The enumeration of values \u200b\u200bis indicated through a fraction, since the indicated personality qualities are different sides of the “same coin”.

Single digits:

Double digits:

Three-digit characters:

As can be seen from the above, the numbers 666, 60, and others with a predominance of sixes, have the most negative values. As in most beliefs, Judaism endowed the figure 6 with a negative value.

Since our number 586 was not in the list of values, it’s worth simplifying and breaking it down to simpler meanings, at 500 and 8 and 6, since 86 is also not on the list. As a result, we get the necessary information about the person, namely, the calculation of the meaning of the name and surname showed that a person with this combination, on the one hand, behaves nobly, royally, but, on the other hand, is simple and loving. Its third characteristic is greatness and wisdom, which reinforces the first interpretation of the number, and also has a diligence, thanks to which it is successful.

In a similar way, you can calculate the number that carries the middle name of a person. For example, let Oksana Ivanova be according to Father Gavrilovna, then by the already known method we will get the figure 395 in total, which adds the personality of Oksana Gavrilovna Ivanova to the depth of thought and philosophical mindset. The number 90 indicates that, despite the above qualities, a woman is often mistaken and may fail because of this. The number 5 reveals in the character of Oksana Gavrilovna Ivanova honesty, courage and, thanks to honesty, well-being.

Second popular fortune telling

There is also a popular divination called "Arab Cabalist". This type of online answers to questions of interest is also based on ancient knowledge and provides answers to clearly formulated questions. For example, it is worth giving out the plan in the following format, without hesitation “either, or,” “Will Oksana Ivanova marry Sergey Petrov this year?”

The received answer looks like a set of words that will give information for reflection on the question of interest.

Kabbalah worshipers believe that the first of the Kabbalists on our earth was Adam. It was he, possessing the necessary knowledge in this area, who was able to calculate correctly and gave the names to all living things in the world. At present, Kabbalah is actively studied by world stars of various sizes, such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie. The rabbis speak of those who are interested in this teaching, as pure souls seeking enlightenment and correction of life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Kabbalistic numerology

Numerology is one of the most interesting sections of Kabbalah. Kabbalists expanded the Pythagorean concept using numbers in magic squares for various purposes.

Kabbalistic numerology is based on the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter corresponds to its number, and, therefore, each combination of letters (in a word, in a phrase) has its own number. The equality of numbers of different Hebrew words and phrases is never accidental; it speaks of the kinship of concepts and ideas expressed by these words and phrases. These values \u200b\u200bare then multiplied in the reverse order of the letters, and the results are then added up. The generalized value of the sum of these results is a Kabbalistic key number. Correlating this key number with the Tarot, they get interpretation.

Kabbalistic numerology, originating in Jewish religious culture, is largely built on numerical symbols and analogies between numbers and stages of development. In the so-called "Tree of Life", the Kabbalistic "Tree of the Sephiroth", there are ten "emanations of the Divine," which together constitute "heavenly people." The Book of Creation says: “The ten Sephiroth at the end are connected with their beginning, and their beginning is connected with their ends, and they are connected, like: a flame with coals, because the Lord is the Supreme, and there is no other like Him. What can you count before One? ”

In Kabbalistic numerology, three techniques are distinguished: gematria, notarikonand temura.

Sephiroth Tree

In addition to establishing the numerical value of each letter, word and sentence, the Kabbalists were interested in the sacred meaning of all numbers, especially those that make up the top ten. It was believed that they symbolize the ten spiritual spheres, or Sephiroth.

Sephiroth are organized in a single system, called the “Sephiroth Tree”.

Each subsequent Sephira is an emanation of the previous. Here are the names of the ten Sephirus:

1. Kether (Crown, Crown).

2. Hochma (Wisdom).

3. Bina (Reason).

4. Hesed (Charity, Greatness).

5. Geburah (Justice, Severity).

6. Tipheret (Beauty, Harmony).

7. Netzah (Victory).

8. Move (Glory).

9. Iesod (Base, Form).

10. Malkuth (Kingdom).

The ten Sephiroth of Kabbalah correspond to the first ten Great Arcana of the Tarot. Together with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, they represent the thirty-two paths of divine wisdom through which the world was created. By these same paths, a person can return to the Creator and know Him, because the cards of the Great or Senior Arcana symbolize the life path of a person.

The meaning of numbers in the Kabbalistic tradition

1 - God, essence, root cause.

2 - biner, connection. Opposites.

3 - Turner, reproduction.

4 - quarterner, law, universal stability.

5 - quinterner, knowledge, pentagram.

6 - double turner, progress, balance and harmony, hexagram.

7 - septerner, truth.

8 - heptaner, double quarterner, unity of forces and means.

9 - triple turner, consciousness, complete perfection, number of initiation and sacrament.

11 - the number that carries a warning: people of the number 11, as a rule, occupy a position on the verge between good and evil, God and the devil.

12 - a strong symbol expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bintegrity - the number of zodiac signs, the number of months in a year.

13 - traditionally unlucky number.

22 - the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the number of paths between the sephirs of the Tree of Sephiroth, the number of great Arcana of the Tarot.

40 - absolute completeness and integrity; forty days of Moses fellowship with God on Mount Sinai; forty days of the flood; forty days Christ spent in the wilderness; forty magpies.


Gematria is a technique for calculating the numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters, words, and phrases. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet can have several numerical values:

Absolute value (primary gematria).Letter Aleph (

- the first in the alphabet) corresponds to the number 1, the letter Beth (

- second in order) - two, and so on up to the tenth letter - Iodine, the number of which is 10. Dozens follow: the eleventh letter of Kaf is 20, the twelfth letter of Lamed is 20. When dozens end, hundreds begin: the letter Kof ( in the nineteenth alphabet) - 100, the last letter Tav (twenty-second) - 400.

The five final letters (Kaf, Mem, Nun, Pe and Zadi) in this system can have different meanings. Sometimes they are not given special values \u200b\u200b(that is, they are the same 20, 40, 50, 80 and 90, respectively), sometimes they are sort of arranged in order after the letter Tav, and then hundreds of values \u200b\u200bfrom 500 to 900 are assigned to them. In this case the alphabet, as it were, turns into a spiral, and after Tzadi (900) Aleph goes on a new level, the value of which is 1000. (Accordingly, at this level Beth \u003d 2000, and so on.)

There are no uppercase and lowercase letters in the Hebrew writing, but in the sacred texts some letters may have a larger size than the rest, and this may indicate that thousands of letters should correspond to this letter during hematical analysis. Sometimes the final form of the letter in violation of all the rules is written in the middle of the word. This should be taken as an indication that, when calculating the sum of a word, this letter should be considered, for example, not as 40, but as 600 (in the case of the letter Mem).

Ordinal value.In this counting system, letters are simply assigned numbers from 1 (Aleph) to 22 (Tau). The five final letters line up after Tav and receive values \u200b\u200bfrom 23 (the final Kaf) to 27 (the final Tsadi).

Shortened value (low gematria).In this case, the numerical value of each letter is reduced to a single digit. All digits in the decimal notation of the number are added until we get a value from 1 to 9, for example:

19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1;

400 = 4 + 0 + 0 = 4;

In this case, the absolute and ordinal values \u200b\u200bof any letter are reduced to the same abbreviated value. For final letters, abbreviated values \u200b\u200bcan be considered as for ordinary letters, or they can be according to their special rules.

Full gematria letters- This is the addition of the numerical values \u200b\u200bof all the letters that make up the name of a given letter. For example, the name of the letter Het is made up of the letters Heth - Iodine - Tav:

Hat \u003d 8 + 10 + 400 \u003d 418.

The name of the letter Aleph consists of the letters Aleph - Lamed - Pe:

Aleph \u003d 1 + 30 + 80 \u003d 111 (in this case, the "hundred" values \u200b\u200bof the final letters are usually not taken into account).

The situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that some letters may have more than one spelling of their name. For example, the name of the letter He can be written as He - Yod, He - He or He - Aleph. Accordingly, we get different full gematria - 15, 10 and 6, respectively.


Notarikon is the most important methodology of Kabbalistic numerology: expanding words into whole phrases and folding phrases into words.

In the first case, each letter of the analyzed word is understood as the first (or last, or middle - different variants are possible) of another word.

In the second case, one word is added from the first (or last, or middle) letters of each word in the phrase, explaining or modifying the meaning of this phrase.

The word "temura" in translation into Russian means "replacement", "substitution". Therefore, in this method, instead of some letters in the word, others are substituted, and a new word is obtained that explains or modifies the meaning of the first. Several varieties of temur are known: atbash, albam, aik - bekar (nine chambers).

Atbash.With this theme, couples make up the first and last letters of the alphabet, the second and penultimate, third from the beginning and third from the end, and so on. AtbashIs the abbreviation of the first two pairs: Aleph - Tav, Bet - Shin.

Albam.With this theme, couples make up letters from the first (1-11) and second (12-22) halves of the alphabet. Albam is an abbreviation of the first two pairs: Aleph - Lamed, Bet - Mem.

Aik is a baker (nine "chambers").With this theme, twenty-two ordinary letters of the alphabet and five end letters are distributed across nine “chambers” according to the absolute numerical values: in the first “chamber” - three letters, the gematria of which is reduced to one (Alef - Yod - Kof), in the second - to two ( Bet - Kaf - Resh) and so on:

Kabbalistic numerology in Latin and Cyrillic

Can the principles of Kabbalistic numerology be applied to other languages? Is it possible to analyze Greek, Latin, English, Russian texts and words with the help of gematria, notarikon and temura?

Numerologists believe that the non-Jewish “Kabbalah of words” is possible in one of two ways:

1. Pythagorean, when letters in the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic alphabet receive continuous serial numbering on the model of the Hebrew alphabet. Therefore, the number of any letter is its gematria (numbers greater than 9 are reduced to unique).

2. Genetic, when the letters of the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic are reduced to certain Hebrew letters through Greek and receive the corresponding gematria.

The approaches, as you see, are quite different, but they all have something in common? It is the complexity of the application.

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I. Early Kabbalistic Literature

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Part 1 Numerology Practical Numerology

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The Kabbalistic method of researching the world of Kabbalah is a science that is intended for all mankind, all the peoples of the earth. This knowledge of what is hidden from the five senses of the person is not perceived by them. She operates only with spiritual concepts and considers only

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Section II Kabbalistic theory of the development of the world “The Creator is not a noble and kind old man who sits somewhere and thinks about us. The Creator, about what Einstein imagined, is a single law of the universe. This is the most global law descending upon us, building

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Part 2: The Kabbalistic Creation Model

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Final conclusions on the section: “The Kabbalistic Model of the Creation of the World” Kabbalah is the science of spiritual comprehension of reality. There is a gap between Kabbalah and humanity, more precisely, the ways of its perception, the ability of people to accept and process concepts

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Kabbalistic group or people. Adam's disciples were one. Abraham already had dozens of them. Gradually, by the period of Egyptian slavery, this group of like-minded people reached a huge number - 600,000 men, and all of them were at the level of understanding of the Supreme

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Chapter 10 Kabbalistic and philosophical thought in search of an answer to “eternal questions” 10.1. Man and Nature 10.2. The question of the origin of the world and the essence of man in Western philosophy 10.3. The crisis of traditional systems of thinking 10.4. Why it is necessary to compare Kabbalah and philosophy 10.5.

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Section V Kabbalistic Anthropology Content: This section is devoted to one of the most controversial topics - the correlation of body and soul. The first chapter discusses the most common theories regarding this issue that the great Kabbalist of the last century, Baal

  Despite its name, this science is quite simple. Everyone can control it and learn to determine the character of a person only by his name. it's easy. You use numerological tables and simple calculations. Kabbalistic numerology is one of the sections of the teachings of Kabbalah.

For those who are fond of numbers, it will be interesting to get to know her, because she gives a complete picture of the personality of another person.

Start with yourself, and then you can find out all the secrets of your lover, colleague, boss or even an occasional fellow traveler. The secret becomes apparent if you can understand the language of numbers.

Kabbalah and numbers

Any process or reaction can be expressed in the language of mathematics. Simple addition, subtraction is the foundation of our world. More sophisticated calculation methods have been added by progress. Who knows what other theorems will be proved, how algebra, geometry, physics will be simplified in 100 years, 50, 10? The ancient science of Kabbalistic numerology has been known for many centuries. Sages and scholars were engaged in it, studying and improving. This knowledge was secret, after forbidden. Now, anyone can delve into the study of number magic. With the help of numerology, you can reveal the secrets of the character of any person.

  If you find out the name and surname, you can, through simple calculations, find out everything about what your name is:

  • colleague;
  • new chosen one;
  • friend, buddy;
  • well-wisher;
  • leader, chief.

Everything is simple if you think well. For those who are not confident in their abilities - a calculator to help. In these calculations, accuracy is very important, without it you will receive incorrect information.

Name table working method

Everything is very simple. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number or number. They were not chosen by chance; each of them is a special code. I can learn more about this if I turn to the Kabbalah of numbers for serious study.

Table Alphabet - Numbers
A 1 TO 10 At 100
B 2 L 20 F 200
IN 3 M 30 X 300
G 4 N 40 Ts 400
D 5 ABOUT 50 H 500
E 6 P 60 W 600
F 7 R 70 U 700
3 8 FROM 80 YU 800
AND 9 T 90 I 900

As you can see, not all letters are present in this alphabet. If your name has one that is not presented in the table, then simply instead of it is written 0. Only these letters and their numerical values \u200b\u200bare important. They will be used for all calculations.

It is easy to work, you need to find a letter - number, and then calculate the amount. For example, the person who interests us Ivanov Nikolay.

Naturally, you need to use the full name, not an abbreviated version. If you know the middle name, then count it. So, the sum of the name is 133, the sum of the last name is 130.

Now that we have two values, add up from 133 + 130 \u003d 163. Now this number needs to be found in the second table. As you can see, not all numbers in a row are represented in it. If there is no such number, then it adds up the numbers 1 + 6 + 3 \u003d 10 \u003d 1. It will definitely be found. If the number is large, for example 1503, then it can be divided into three simple components.

Our life is connected with numbers

Characteristics of personality according to the table

1 Rudeness, destruction 21 Success, friendship, partnership 41 Sadness, Depression, Loss 150 Victory, Triumph, Capture
2 Evil, doom, fall 22 Genius, depth of feelings 42 Travel, adventure, excitement 200 Reflections, Philosophy
3 The pursuit of God, religion 23 Misfortune, punishment 43 Stupidity, loss, nearness 300 Composure, oblivion, resentment
4 Power, mind, perfection 24 Virtue, good deeds 44 Success, joy, happiness 315 True evil, longing for darkness
5 Courage, honor, dignity 25 Glory, honor, respect 45 Imprisonment, loss, death 318 Good, forgiveness, understanding
6 Labor, success, the path to the stars 26 Good for all, labor 46 Wealth, health, deception 350 Righteousness, justice
7 Stupidity, passion, poverty 27 Respect, Value 47 Long life 360 Politics, Science, Society
8 Just Judge, Greatness 28 Good luck love and happiness 48 Courts, punishment, curse 365 Travel, knowledge, study
9 Honor, thinker, meaning 29 Insidious plans, misfortunes 49 Selfishness, stinginess, stupidity 400 Love for God, monasticism
10 Soul beauty, kind heart 30 Good luck in family life 50 Freedom, love, poetry 409 Mind insight
11 Against the law, against order, foolishness 31 Human virtues 60 Loneliness, ruin 500 Values, Availability
12 Immortality, the dark beginning 32 Pure souls, health 70 Mind, interest, science 600 Beauty and fullness of life
13 Disbelief, lack of ideals 33 Beauty inside and out 73 Teaching, knowledge 666 Evil, murder, darkness
14 Depravity 34 Suffering, fast old age 75 Mental abilities, depression 700 Self love, pride
15 Mind, discernment, wisdom 35 The pursuit of knowledge 77 Remorse, loss, poverty 800 Disaster, misfortune, loss
16 Family, love, roots 36 Supreme meaning, justice 80 Big woes, wars 900 Victim, war, trouble
17 Depravity, Evil, Bad End 37 Happiness in the family, peace 87 Nearness, error 1000 Beauty, harmony, balance, poetry
18 Strong nature, sincerity 38 Depravity, Wormhole 90 Loss, stupidity, trouble 1095 Modesty, love
19 Indecision, simplicity, silence 39 Poverty, stupidity 100 Politics, State 1260 Suffering, torment
20 Strictness, will 40 Perseverance, purpose 120 Homeland, patriotism, death for the motherland 1390 Danger

The obtained value can be found in the table. So, who is he, our Ivanov Nikolai? The numbers 163 could not be found, but there are 9 - Honor, think, meaning. Obviously, this is a very noble and pleasant person whom everyone respects. But, it’s difficult to verify. It is much easier to see an example that everyone would know.

An example of determining the character of a person by his name

The simplest thing is to consider famous personalities. Who to take? The one anyone knows and loves. Our most famous poet of all time.

Alexander Pushkin

His work, fate and tragic death are known to any student. The power of words, love, family, inexpressible poetry. If Kabbalah recognizes him, then this method can be trusted.

  • Amount of name 233
  • Amount of surname 819

The sum of the first and last names is 1052. There is no such number, so we divide it into three simple 1000.50.2.

1000 - poetry, beauty, balance.

50 - freedom, love, poetry

2 - evil, death, fall.

Does this description remind you of a poet? In two of the three numbers there is a description of "poetry." This man was destined to become a poet. But 2 speaks of tragedy, death.

In the same way, you can calculate the character, and sometimes the fate, of any person. The sages of antiquity did not rely on the magic of numbers for nothing. They considered them the language of the universe. Universal, understandable to anyone. Today, mystical science once again conquers the hearts of people. Many actors, famous personalities are engaged in compiling their Kabbalistic calendar, using their name, exact date of birth, important information. In accordance with them, you can calculate the most successful day, as well as the day when it is better not to leave the house. All this is numerology.

Choosing a name for a child

For someone who has already become acquainted with numerology, it is obvious that a dialogue is possible with numbers. So why not create fate for your child? You need to choose what you think is best suited to his future life. You already have a piece of data - a surname. Of course, this is for those who are already married. If you know the number of the last name, then select the first name. Moreover, the meaning of the names very often corresponds to the character.

On the example of Pushkin it can be seen that the name Alexander with the number 233 or 8 corresponds to the definition of "greatness, justice." This beautiful name is one of the most common in the world. Alexander, Alex, Alejandro is present in most languages. It’s not easy, people choose it for their child. Such a fate is not always simple. Very often forms a strong, adamant personality, striving for a fight. If you dream about it for your child, then this is great.

Many parents choose fun or unusual names for a reason. Their alphanumeric code corresponds to a happy fate, and avoids the unfortunate one. This program is laid from birth. You can go deeper into these considerations if you connect related science - astrology. Do not laugh at unusual names, but rather check what parents wanted to give their child for a happy life and success.



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