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  9 pentacle tarot 78 doors value. Direct position of the card Nine Pentacles. Financial and housing situation

Even in the old days, the Denarii Nine was considered a card of financial success, gain, large and often unexpected profit. Thus, it means a turn for the better, luck and situations, which people say: "happiness has come down". Along with this, undoubtedly, the favorable value of external luck, she also promises a tangible change in personality (for the better).


In this regard, the card portends a successful business and, possibly, a very good profit. It can also mean a rather prestigious and well-paid position, or that the resume submitted to the employment service will be stunning success, or that we will pass the exam “excellent”, which could not be expected. To summarize the above, it can be noted that the card confirms our high professional level, a sense of creative enthusiasm and satisfaction from our work.


The sudden discovery of internal, and possibly external wealth. Something suddenly happens in our daily lives, an unexpected meeting occurs with someone, after which, to our own surprise, we discover in ourselves abilities that we did not know about before, new opportunities for growth and disclosure of personality. A map can also indicate a transition to a new level of consciousness, when we not only hope that we have some inner wealth, but we are already fully aware of it.

Personal relationships and love

We were “happy”, which in everyday life means “a good party”, finding a faithful life partner, an impressive meeting and other non-trivial events. However, this does not necessarily mean making new acquaintances. In a time-tested union, this is a new, bright streak of life, when partners discover their spiritual wealth before each other, as it happens, for example, during a carefree vacation, away from all worries and worries, only together.

Inner meaning

Nine Pentacles of Tarot - a sign of order, reliability in property matters and in personal life, achievements and success. Unlike the Three Pentacles, indicating that one cannot stop in aspirations, the Nine is success itself and a sense of success. You have the wisdom and experience necessary for the worthy conduct of their affairs and the solution of any problems that may arise in the future. Your goals are finally achieved or will be achieved soon.

Combinations in other cards


Chariot: self-control, discipline

Tower: following the rules of the game

8 swords: self-confidence

7 swords: betting on oneself, action of one’s own mind


Empress: Worldly Understanding

3 pentacles: teamwork

9 bowls: the game is not according to the rules

7 bowls: indiscipline, indulging your whims




Venus in Virgo

10 ° –20 ° Virgo

Original title: Lord of material profit Initial composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the card a hand is held holding a branch of a rosewood. There are nine white roses on the branch, each of which touches one of the discs

Princess Yesod color: lemon, mottled with azure
The colors of Venus on four scales: emerald green; sky blue; greenery of early spring; hot pink or cherry with pale green veins
Colors of the Virgin on four scales: green (yellowish); lilac gray; greenish gray; plum
Formula: Nine (Yesod) + Disks (Asia) + Venus in Virgo \u003d PROFIT.

Oh, how happy I am when this card is dropped in response to a question related to material matters! You may consider me spiritless, but I love this card! Six small coins, which depict very detailed and inventively elaborate avatars of the planets, surround a large solar disk, free from images and adjacent to two disks of the same size. There are few cards in the Thoth Tarot cards that are so far from the description given by Crowley in the Book of Thoth! Apparently, that description is only part of the instructions he gave to Frida Harris initially, and not the story of the finished work. But, one way or another, Nine Disks is a balanced and beautiful interpretation of what most people on our planet mean by the word “luck”. This word is used twice in the description of the card by Crowley: “This card is under the control of Venus in Virgo. She portends luck in material matters, patronage and popularity.<…>  thanks to the combination of “good luck and good leadership”. ”

Yesod in the world of Assiya takes such a low position in this lowest of the four Kabbalistic worlds that this humiliation itself becomes an advantage. Nine Disks promises big profits on the material plane and gives a blissful indifference to the worries and troubles that harassed us in most cards of other stripes. “The suit of Disks,” Crowley points out, “is too inert to worry about something like this: she only counts the profits and does not bother herself with thoughts about whether at least something is acquired when everything is acquired”

A source

Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Alistair Crowley."

Arcana Description

When the fruit ripens, it falls from the tree. At some point, it hangs on a stalk filled with juice. The next moment he falls - not because he is forced to fall or he made an attempt to jump, but because the tree realized his ripeness and simply let him go.

Direct position

Meaning of the card

If your meditation has brought you light that will not fade even at night, even death will not be death, but the door to the divine. With this light in your heart, death itself will turn into a door and you will enter the soul of the universe; you will become one with the ocean. And until you know this oceanic experience, you live in vain. It exists only now, and the fruit is always ripe. You only need to gather your courage to enter your inner forest. The fruit is always ripe, and time is always the right time. There is no wrong time (Osho).

Nine Pentacles symbolizes reliability, safety, achievement, quality factor, compliance with nature. It also indicates fertility and the possibility of conception. Means a process that is growing in the presence of great potential.

An inverted card means: danger, loss of faith, deceived hopes, in women can mean a miscarriage or abortion.

Dragon Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

Nine Pantacles

The old god of the pagans and the new god of Christianity reached a compromise in the souls of men.

Direct position of the card Nine Pentacles:


Original value cards coming with a deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the card Nine Pentacles:

Nine Pentacles - Satisfaction with financial position. Creativity, regulated by a certain amount of prudence.

Original value cards coming with a deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

Nine - a woman with a bird on her wrist stands amid a huge abundance of vine in the garden of a large house.

Direct position of the card Nine Pentacles:

Values \u200b\u200bfor Fortune-telling: caution, safety, success, beautification, confidence, insight.

The reverse position of the card Nine Pentacles:

Reverse meanings: scam, deceit, empty plans, bad omen.

Original value cards coming with a deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

When the fruit ripens, it falls from the tree. At some point, it hangs on a stalk filled with juice. The next moment he falls - not because he is forced to fall or he made an attempt to jump, but because the tree realized his ripeness and simply let him go.

The direct position of the card Nine Rainbow - Maturity:

The meaning of the card:

If your meditation has brought you light that will not fade even at night, even death will not be death, but the door to the divine. With this light in your heart, death itself will turn into a door and you will enter the soul of the universe; you will become one with the ocean. And until you know this oceanic experience, you live in vain. It exists only now, and the fruit is always ripe. You only need to gather your courage to enter your inner forest. The fruit is always ripe, and time is always the right time. There is no wrong time.

  Last updated: Sep 18 2018 year

Nine Pentacles

  • Lord of Material Benefit
  • “Seize the moment!”
  • Astrological equivalents: Jupiter / Venus as a symbol of a major gain.
  • Sagittarius, Moon, Neptune, Ninth House, Venus in Virgo
  • The second decade of the Virgin from September 2 to 12

General value in the layout

  • Even in the old days, the Pentacle Nine was considered a card of financial success, material growth and wealth, gain, large and often unexpected profit. Thus, it means a turn for the better, luck and situations, which the people say: "happiness fell." Traditional values \u200b\u200bare very positive: implementation, goal achievement, success, all kinds of abundance, reward for prudent choice. It is believed that this card describes the "consolidation of success." The key word is security. This is a map of contentment and prosperity. The meaning of this Arcana is a skillful approach to any benefits of life, the ability to manage them in the best way.
  • The subtle difference between the Nine Pentacles and the Nine Cups: The Nine Cups is a good day off, and the Nine Pentacles is a good weekday. This pleasure is not from self-indulgence, but from well-done labor before. This is not cheerful carefreeness, but peace and stability, because a clean conscience is fulfilled. Orderliness of life, lack of worries, confident position - this is the message of the Nine Pentacles. And whatever you say, most of us appreciate it.
  • The nine Pentacles are the gates of very earthly wisdom. She teaches to put things in order, to conduct them with dignity, to observe daily discipline so as not to disturb comfort, focus on achievements and prosperity, live a stable and respectable personal life, show experience and prudence in solving life problems, take care of prosperity, stability and security . Another common value of the card is the ability to quickly wrap any good moment to your advantage. There is also the meaning of excitement and chance - chance, luck, gain, a pleasant surprise. The card is a signifier of gifts, good and valuable things that go to the questioner, as well as inheritance.
  • The appearance of this card in the layout usually indicates that life has now turned to the questioner on the bright side, and fate is generous with gifts. Nine Pentacles Brings Opportunities and Changes for the Better

Personality status

  • Epicurean and hedonistic. Self-confidence and peace. The ability to bliss in their well-groomed garden without any strain and tension of strength can be appreciated by those who darkened in their eyes from the works of the righteous, and drove waves of despair from the chaos reigning in business to their hearts. The Man of Nine Pentacles likes an orderly life. Moreover, in this case, it is more likely the ordering of the hereditary English estate than the factory working in three shifts.
  • A person feels himself the sovereign master of his life and his possessions. This is a map of life wisdom and experience, and in this case, “experience” is not what they received when they did not receive what they wanted. This is what they have accumulated, comprehended and successfully used for a beautiful life - so to speak, Dolce Vita in action and in practice.
  • The beauty of the man of the Nine Pentacles is the result of investments and labor, expensive care, cares and procedures. This is not the case when "fell from the sky" - every detail is well tuned. A man knows how to dress elegantly, has a great taste, and spreads an aura of prosperity around him, even if it breathes some loneliness from her - something like the inimitable Lord Goring performed by Rupert Everett. His element is achievement, success, self-development and self-sufficiency, well-being and security. It should be noted that the man of the Nine Pentacles is not one of those in a hurry at the crown - he is so good. He ponders for a long time whether the “second half” is capable of making his beautiful life even better. If this seems doubtful to him, he will not take any steps. In itself, it is usually a “tidbit”, because everything with it is status, money, appearance, the ability to live well.
  • The Man of Nine Pentacles is often distinguished by impressive insight, the ability to see in advance what will happen. It is more earthly wisdom and life experience than extrasensory guessing. He has the ability to see the positive aspects of the situation and partners, a favorable attitude towards people. Among his carefree life, he develops a positive outlook on things. the tendency to see clearly the auspicious and not notice the unfavorable. Anyone who walks through life with such a view of things seems somewhat naive, but despite this (and maybe due to this), he goes unscathed through obstacles.

At a deeper level

  • The victory of common sense over the chaotic and destabilizing impulses of the subconscious. Calmness, confidence and silence. This is neither good nor bad - everything has its time in life. The nine Pentacles announce life in harmony with the rhythm of nature and space. This is a supremely epicurean map, and Epicurus, as you know, preached not at all a crazy pursuit of pleasures. His teaching: live and enjoy today so that nothing prevents you from living and rejoice tomorrow.
  • The map shows an elegantly dressed woman in a well-tended garden, where grapes hang from bushes. On the woman’s shoulder is a falcon, a symbol of aristocracy. She can afford to indulge in sophisticated entertainment - falconry - because all her tasks are currently completed and in the sphere of its functioning the ideal order reigns.
  • The second decade of the Virgo expresses a synthesis of theory and practice, productive labor and respect for the individual, when a person’s activity brings benefit and pleasure both to others and to himself, and the perfection of action leads to a high level of culture and knowledge in general. This decade is characterized by an understanding of the hierarchical structure of the world and the subordination of life processes, the ability to obey and lead, not to impede the natural course of things and control it. This decade expresses the idea that the highest aristocracy of man, his human dignity, is the ability to act for the benefit of others and at the same time to realize that he does this for his own sake. Venus patronizes this decade, and the ability to manage life, achieved here, often leads to the absolutization of the earthly order.
  • Nevertheless, the Nine Pentacles is not only prosperity in the space of three dimensions, but also the liberation of the spirit from close material frameworks - simply because you can no longer worry about them. The gradual departure from the sphere of purely material interests, which began as early as the Seven Pentacles, is revealed in the Nine with particular force. Banzhaf and Teler write that on a spiritual level, this map corresponds to amazing and valuable discoveries.
  • In metaphysical terms, the Nine Pentacles means a process that is gaining growth in the presence of great potential. Map descriptions often emphasize this point. A man in a richly embroidered mantle stands in the garden, on some versions of this card a woman is depicted here, on others - a man. A bird sits on his gloved hand (often a falcon). Nine denarii are scattered between bunches of grapes. This man is rich and noble, he achieved everything that he wanted - and was left alone. Not because he lost relatives and friends: his spiritual wealth is also great, and he is always ready to help people. But in his development, he has gone so far from them that now they hardly understand him. He himself chose this path, and now asks himself: was the choice right? And there is no turning back (the garden is surrounded by a fence).

Tip: concentrate on skillfully and disciplinedly solving problems step by step, bringing strength and beauty to life. Cultivate grooming, stability, security and well-being. Make sound choices and live in such a way that nothing prevents you from rejoicing. Solve issues as they become available. Use the opportunity to earn or make an acquisition.

Trap:  to retreat from their life tasks for fear of losing “convenience”, to abandon development for the sake of greenhouse conditions, to sit in a “golden cage”.

Professional situation

  • Achievements through discipline and business dexterity. The nine Pentacles are by no means a map of lazy people and loafers; it corresponds to a very eventful and fruitful business life. It portends serious success, achievement of the set goals, bringing started enterprises to a successful conclusion.
  • This card can herald career advancement and great offers. Recognition and respect, great professional authority. Successful development of projects, "cultivating your garden." Reliable business security. A well-paid job or a profitable business, a salary increase. With this card, the investment pays off. She describes a skillful approach to money in general. Prizes, rewards also often pass on this card.
  • Occasionally on this card is a vacation.
  • Professionally - doctors, bioenergetics, specialists in working with the body. Designers, jewelers, fashion designers, creators of all kinds of "haute couture". People who can afford not to work and do it just for fun.

Financial and housing situation

  • A map of wealth and security, order and reliability in property matters. This is a great signifier for property and financial affairs. Surely - freedom from want. Stability, prosperity, material prosperity, abundance, wealth. Permanent sources of income, security. The right moment to negotiate long-term contracts or plan future investments.
  • On the Nine Pentacles there is an inheritance, inherited from generation to generation. Once it was acquired, now it can be used. In this sense, the Nine Pentacles logically follows the Seven and Eight.
  • The card loves large purchases (up to the acquisition of real estate). It is a signifier of jewelry and art.

Personal relationships

  • The value of this card is satisfaction. It depicts a man who finally found peace. “There is no happiness, but there is peace and will” - this statement is completely in the spirit of the Nine Pentacles. Astral shakes, “a paradise in a hut,” for a loved one at night, headlong and the like do not belong to her. Usually this person already knows how much a pound of love affair, and he made his choice.
  • Moreover, this choice is not necessarily loneliness - it can also be very stable, predictable relationships, the main thing in which is a pleasant joint pastime, not overshadowed by any “headaches”. One of the meanings of the card is “chains of love”. An alternative to “paradise in a hut” in this case is the “golden cage”.
  • But very often this card describes the self-sufficiency, independence and comfortable loneliness with which a person is truly satisfied, which he has built for his true needs and therefore he will think more than once or twice, suggest someone to change something. He will not defend himself and persevere “with fire in his chest,” as the owner of the Nine Wands, freaking out, stirring like the Nine of Swords, but he will think very much without losing his calm and make a positive decision only if he comes to the conclusion that the offeror can really to brighten his life and make it even better.
  • And if it is in doubt - ciao, bambino, sorry. The nine Pentacles cherish what they have, and, as a rule, are not looking for good from good. If this card falls out as a signifier of a man whom the forgiving one hopes to lure down the aisle, then the matter is extremely complicated - the bachelors of the Nine Pentacles are a very "hard-to-work" breed, albeit precious. Hints of lonely old age only make them shrug philosophically - they know that their old age will be much more comfortable than the “flowering years” of many others.

Health status

  • Stable condition, good health, well-groomed appearance. This is a map of physical well-being, in every sense and relationship.
  • Additional value: the possibility of conceiving a child.
  • In cases where the card is a signifier of the disease, it can indicate a hereditary ailment (contrary to the benevolent nature of the card, it can be very formidable, for example, cancer). However, before drawing conclusions, one must carefully consider all the cards of the deal and talk with the forgiving.

Inverted Card Nine Pentacles

  • Traditional meanings are very unfavorable and indicate the loss of something that a person values \u200b\u200bvery much, whether it is property, health or relationships. But more often the warning concerns material issues - big losses, big expenses, losses, bankruptcies.
  • It is also a hazard map, it can portend a collision with threats, robberies, violence, or simply the destruction of familiar comfort for some reason. Something threatens established life and threatens to turn it upside down.
  • It is believed that through the inverted Nine Pentacles, the lower Sagittarius recoups. This is a fraud, a lie, inconsistency in relationships, delusions, especially delusions related to teaching (the situation of a black teacher, which leads you to the light, and leads to the abyss). Fraud, empty promises, futile expectations, frustrated plans. Treachery, betrayal, loss of faith (for example, if the card indicates the reason for dismissal, it will most likely be the notorious “loss of confidence”).
  • Weakness, "disfavor." One of the traditional meanings of the card is miscarriage, abortion, severe pregnancy, but there must be other indications. Sometimes the card serves as an indicator of infertility, problems with conception. However, later it may also relate to creative stagnation, the inability to complete a business, to realize a project.
  • Lack of discipline and order in life, in professional and monetary matters.

Manifestation in combinations

  •   - the triumph of earthly thinking. Gunenheim’s cards are considered mutually weakening, but even a cursory glance at the images in the Arkans says that this is “a value in a square,” the woman’s dress is dotted with images of Venus, like a shield. Empresses. So what card can weaken the meaning of the Nine Pentacles, but not the Empress.
  •   - self-control, discipline, subjugation of different forces to oneself. Strengthening the value (the woman controls the falcon, like the charioteer - the team).
  •   - Guggenheim speaks about strengthening of value that seems paradoxical. Moreover, the value that he ascribes to this combination of cards looks completely arbitrary: "following the rules of the game." But maybe he is right?
  • With the Seven of Swords - bet on yourself, action of your own mind.
  • With Eight Swords - at Guggenheim, cards are considered to be mutually reinforcing and are treated as self-confidence.
  • With the Seven Cups - undisciplined, indulging your whims, weakening value
  • With the Nine Cups, Guggenheim has “playing by the wrong rules,” weakening of significance. This combination is interpreted as the opposite of the combination with the Tower and causes great doubts.
  • With the Three Pentacles - teamwork (as opposed to the self-sufficiency of the Nine Pentacles, is considered a weakening value).
  • Inverted with - a very bad combination. Violence.
  • Inverted with the Seven Pentacles - dishonest debtor
  • Inverted with auspicious cards - a silly joke (from an old scholar).



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