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Jian is an obstacle. Associative reading of the hexagram. Explanation of each trait

Jiang (Obstacle): obstacle, delay, interference, distress; lameness, inconsistent gait; weak, crippled, unfortunate. The hieroglyph depicts a foot and a sign of cold, indicating a difficult circulation of energy or an incorrect attitude to something.

Favorable southwest.
The northeast is unfavorable.
Favorable date with a great man.
Persistence is fortunately.

You face obstacles and suffer disasters. Do not take action. Recreate the situation in your imagination. Retreating and connecting with other people (in the southwest) will benefit and enlightenment. Do not stand alone and do not linger on thoughts about the past (northeast). Look for allies to help you recognize your own greatness. This is a difficult and dangerous time, but it contains an opportunity to strengthen your inner strength. Accumulate energy for decisive performance. Now you are in danger. If you see her in time and stop, it means that you correctly understood the situation.

Disagreement in itself is an obstacle to any activity, and therefore the moment of an obstacle is characterized as the following situation. Such cases of disclosing one of the sides of the previous situation in the subsequent have already occurred, and therefore there is no need to be surprised at the hexagram, which is called Obstacle. In order to interpret the aphorism of this hexagram, we must remember that there is a certain spatial symbolism of trigrams, along which the dui trigram is placed in the south-west - “resolution”, i.e. resolution of some in the previous stress state; on the contrary, the northeast is symbolized by the gen trigram, which means a stop, i.e. "preservation". Therefore, in the Obstacle situation, all the beneficial effects can come from resolving this tense situation, especially from the situation of frustration outlined in the previous hexagram. In addition, the very presence of forces acting from outside, forces of resolution, is symbolized here in the image of a great man.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Water and Mountain

Internal restriction hinders undertakings directed outward.

Recreating a situation contains a hidden possibility of energy storage in order to direct the flow of events.


Disorder leads to difficulties. Awareness of this allows you to go around obstacles.


Obstacle implies inertia.


A stream flows over the mountain. Let.
A noble person looks at things from different angles in order to renew his strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Six first

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be praise.

Going into external circumstances is in danger. Coming (i.e. immersion in oneself) makes it possible to hide from danger. This is a time for quiet thought.

The movement from the first to the sixth position in the technical language of the “Book of Changes” is called withdrawal. On the contrary, diving from the sixth position to the first is called the arrival, i.e. to come is to go deeper into oneself. In this situation, danger is symbolized in the external. Therefore, withdrawal into oneself can be understood as a well-known circumvention of an obstacle, a circumvention of danger.

Line 2

Six second

The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle.
It is not because of him.

It’s not your fault in what is happening. Now you are serving something greater than yourself. Continue what you started. Let your actions be clear and concise.

According to the public symbolism of hexagrams, the second feature is the image of the royal servant. Therefore, we are talking here about him. He is in this position in a situation of obstacles. However, since these obstacles, as mentioned above, are one of the components of the previous situation, so far the person symbolized by this trait is not himself the culprit of these obstacles.

Line 3

Nine Three

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return to the right path.

The time of crisis, almost coinciding with the situation, which is described by the first line of the hexagram. Wait and do nothing.

Since the third line symbolizes going outside, here the “Book of Changes” once again reminds in this situation of the need to withdraw into one's isolation, which was already indicated in the first position.

Line 4

Sixth Four

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be a connection with loved ones.

If you rush forward, you will encounter difficulties. Remain in place - get help and support. Open for external influences.

In the fourth position, where there is a speech outside, to the upper trigram, which is an abyss, danger, the danger of obstacles makes itself felt with special strength. Therefore, here further movement meets a particularly strong obstacle. On the contrary, avoiding this obstacle in order to get around it in any other way leads to a return to the first line, with which the fourth stands. And thanks to this, i.e. due to complete immersion in oneself, a person achieves the opportunity, firstly, to find help, respectively, with those forces that are in the main aphorism of the hexagram, and secondly, such a person has the opportunity to find a way out of this situation of obstacles.

Line 5

Nine fifth

Great obstacle. Friends will come.

You enter the main obstacle course, and it is here that the help of friends will be more valuable than ever. Trust them.

Since the fifth position is the maximum identification of the qualities of a given hexagram, the obstacle is especially strong here. This is a great obstacle, for it is in the very middle of the abyss, i.e. danger, i.e. of what is symbolized by the upper trigram.

Line 6

Upstairs six

If you leave, there will be an obstacle. If you come, you will be great.

Favorable date with a great man. Here it is once again reminded that external overcoming is in danger, and internal concentration helps to ward off the threat. Only then will the path be open. To get out of the situation, a meeting with those who are respected is favorable.

Here, once again, a reminder sounds of the need to immerse yourself in order to temporarily stop in place to circumvent the impending obstacle. Once again reminded of help coming from outside. But that only sounds like a reminder.

The southwest is favorable; the northeast is unfavorable. Favorable date with a great man. Persistence is fortunately.

If you leave, there will be obstacles. You come - (there will be) praise.
The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle. (This) not because of himself.
If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return (on the right path).
If you leave, there will be obstacles. You come - (there will be) a connection (with loved ones).
Great obstacles. Friends will come.
If you leave, there will be obstacles. You come - (you will) be great. - Happiness. Favorable date with a great man.


Jiang (Obstacle): obstacle, delay, hindrance, distress; lameness, inconsistent gait; weak, crippled, unfortunate. The hieroglyph depicts a foot and a sign of cold, indicating a difficult circulation of energy or an incorrect attitude to something.

Shaped row

You face obstacles and suffer disasters. Do not take action. Recreate the situation in your imagination. Retreating and connecting with other people (in the southwest) will benefit and enlightenment. Do not stand alone and do not linger on thoughts about the past (northeast). Look for allies to help you recognize your own greatness. This is a difficult and dangerous time, but it contains an opportunity to strengthen your inner strength. Accumulate energy for decisive performance. Now you are in danger. If you see her in time and stop, it means that you correctly understood the situation.

Outer and Inner Worlds

Water and Mountain

Internal restriction hinders undertakings directed outward.

Recreating a situation contains a hidden possibility of energy storage in order to direct the flow of events.


Disorder leads to difficulties. Awareness of this allows you to go around obstacles.


Obstacle implies inertia.


A stream flows over the mountain. Let.

A noble person looks at things from different angles in order to renew his strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Six first

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be praise.

Going into external circumstances is in danger. Coming (i.e. immersion in oneself) makes it possible to hide from danger. This is a time for quiet thought.

Six second

The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle.
It is not because of him.

It’s not your fault in what is happening. Now you are serving something greater than yourself. Continue what you started. Let your actions be clear and concise.

Nine Three

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return to the right path.

The time of crisis, almost coinciding with the situation, which is described by the first line of the hexagram. Wait and do nothing.

Sixth Four

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be a connection with loved ones.

If you rush forward, you will encounter difficulties. Remain in place - get help and support. Open for external influences.

Nine fifth

Great obstacle. Friends will come.

You enter the main obstacle course, and it is here that the help of friends will be more valuable than ever. Trust them.

Upstairs six

If you leave, there will be an obstacle. If you come, you will be great.

Favorable date with a great man. Here it is once again reminded that external overcoming is in danger, and internal concentration helps to ward off the threat. Only then will the path be open. To get out of the situation, a meeting with those who are respected is favorable.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

Disagreement in itself is an obstacle to any activity, and therefore the moment of an obstacle is characterized as the following situation. Such cases of disclosing one of the sides of the previous situation in the subsequent have already occurred, and therefore there is no need to be surprised at the hexagram, which is called Obstacle. In order to interpret the aphorism of this hexagram, we must remember that there is a certain spatial symbolism of trigrams, along which the dui trigram is placed in the south-west - “resolution”, ie resolution of some in the previous stress state; on the contrary, the northeast is symbolized by the gen trigram, which means a stop, i.e. "preservation". Therefore, in the Obstacle situation, all the beneficial effects can come from resolving this tense situation, especially from the situation of frustration outlined in the previous hexagram. In addition, the very presence of forces acting from outside, forces of resolution, is symbolized here in the image of a great man. Therefore, in this hexagram, where the inner life of a person is characterized by immobility, and the external one by danger, the only way out is indicated by the aphorism: Obstacle. Favorable southwest. The northeast is unfavorable. Favorable date with a great man. Persistence is fortunately.

The movement from the first to the sixth position in the technical language of the “Book of Changes” is called withdrawal. On the contrary, diving from the sixth position to the first is called the arrival, i.e. to come is to go deeper into oneself. In this situation, danger is symbolized in the external. Therefore, withdrawal into oneself can be understood as a well-known circumvention of an obstacle, a circumvention of danger. In this sense, the text is understood: In the beginning, a weak feature. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be praise.

According to the public symbolism of hexagrams, the second feature is the image of the royal servant. Therefore, we are talking here about him. He is in this position in a situation of obstacles. However, since these obstacles, as mentioned above, are one of the components of the previous situation, so far the person symbolized by this trait is not himself the culprit of these obstacles. Therefore, the text says here: Weak feature in second place. The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle. This is not because of himself.

Since the third line symbolizes going outside, here the "Book of Changes" once again reminds in this situation of the need to withdraw into one's isolation, which was already indicated in the first position. Therefore, the text here only says: A strong trait in third place. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return (on the right path).

In the fourth position, where there is a speech outside, to the upper trigram, which is an abyss, danger, the danger of obstacles makes itself felt with special strength. Therefore, here further movement meets a particularly strong obstacle. On the contrary, avoiding this obstacle in order to get around it in any other way leads to a return to the first line, with which the fourth stands. And thanks to this, i.e. due to complete immersion in oneself, a person achieves the opportunity, firstly, to find help, respectively, with those forces that are in the main aphorism of the hexagram, and secondly, such a person has the opportunity to find a way out of this situation of obstacles. Therefore, the text says: Weak trait in fourth place. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be a connection with loved ones.

Since the fifth position is the maximum identification of the qualities of a given hexagram, the obstacle is especially strong here. This is a great obstacle, for it is in the very middle of the abyss, i.e. danger, i.e. of what is symbolized by the upper trigram. On the other hand, since the fifth position is generally a favorable position and with it is closely connected with the second position that helps her, “her friend”, the text here only says the following: Strong line in fifth place. Great obstacle. Friends will come.

Here, once again, a reminder sounds of the need to immerse yourself in order to temporarily stop in place to circumvent the impending obstacle. Once again reminded of help coming from outside. But that only sounds like a reminder. Therefore, the text says: Upstairs a weak line. If you leave, there will be an obstacle. If you come, you will be great. Happiness. Favorable date with a great man.

Comment A.V. Swede

In the external - Immersion and danger, in the internal - Stay and stability. If an external danger arises with general internal stability, this is caused by an external obstacle.

Hayslip interpretation

Alas, this is one of the worst hexagrams. The more efforts you make, the further you will be thrown back. It is difficult to say why, but at the moment your fortune is not interested in fortune. It is best now to immerse yourself in study, reading, scientific activity, just in the whirlpool of household chores, and find calm in them. It is possible that some of your friends will support you. Try to track your expenses: during this unkind period, you may be left without funds.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world, under a blue sky, a dangerous ocean is spread wide. Very tense and dangerous situation.

At the bottom of the ocean grows a mountain. On the internal plane, confidence in the security and stability of one’s position is gaining strength.

The mountain will soon appear on the surface and displace the ocean beyond the horizon. Internal faith in one's own strength begins to manifest itself in the world of events.

Where dangerous ocean waves used to walk, tomorrow a huge mountain will leave its peak behind the clouds. What used to inspire fear and was dangerous tomorrow will cause an unshakable sense of self-confidence.

On the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, a flame burns directly on the surface of the ocean. Oil is burning. Huge clouds of steam. Very violent emotions about dangerous situations.

Fire illuminated the dangerous depths. On the subconscious, enlightenment, everything becomes clear.

The flame will soon go out and one dangerous and endless ocean will remain. Passions and emotions will leave, there will remain a tense immersion in something huge and dangerous, which has come from the depths of the subconscious.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 39

In the manifested world, the ocean symbolizes a very great danger, A POWERFUL OBSTACLE. Soon, dramatic changes will occur in the world of events: a great danger will be replaced by a reliable and solid position. The danger from the revealed reality will spread to the subtle plane and reign there for a long time. Only when you realize the magnitude of the danger are you truly scared.

A POWERFUL OBSTACLE will soon be overcome in the manifested world, but it will remain on the subconscious for a long time. Fear of the past will fill a subtle plan. The meaning of the hexagram is an obstacle to the spiritual development of man. POWERFUL OBSTACLE - this is the main node (granthi) on the path of creativity in the Vishuddha chakra. The lump in the throat is the most powerful obstacle to the divine energy of the Kundalini (with which the yogis directly connect the spiritual growth of a person). Kundalini already crawled up with a snake and approached Vishudha chakra (throat). The potential for accomplishment is huge and has long been accumulated. The energy of creativity is bubbling inside and cannot be realized. Obstacle in you or in circumstances. In the throat, in Vishuddha chakra com, locking subtle energy. It should be difficult to overcome all obstacles and realize their potential. Inaction clogs up energy. Which will lead, ultimately, to its explosion, to the flood. On the physical plane, this can be manifested, like any destructive actions, most often associated with mental or bodily illness.

This is one of the most dangerous hexagrams, because the situation is on the verge of flooding in the subtle plane. Only by getting rid of internal fears and realizing creative ideas can a powerful obstacle be completely overcome.



FORTUNA - the maximum degree of luck when there are no obstacles to the implementation of ideas. FORTUNA testifies to the deep correspondence of your intentions to the flow of events. Everything develops in the most favorable way. Perhaps FORTUNA is a companion of a person who does not have internal blocks and wants the same that God wants. However, life is a chessboard in black and white. No one can always walk only on happy cells. Now FORTUNA, tomorrow POWERFUL OBSTACLE. That is life!


TIME TO CREATE, IN spite of anything in the world ...



Positions for awareness:

1. When it comes to energy bubbling in us, we should act decisively, regardless of any obstacles.

2. In any situations, and even more so in situations related to the flow of subtle energy, one should coordinate one’s actions with the Higher, one cannot act recklessly.

3. A powerful obstacle in the throat (in the vishudha chakra) is one of the main obstacles in the life of any person. It is God through us breaking out. It’s better not to fight with God, but to help him!

4. First of all, “a lump in the throat,” the energy node in the vishudha chakra indicates a very high spiritual level of human development. Energy has risen so high! Creativity is the gateway to the release of this beautiful energy into the outside world.

5. A POWERFUL OBSTACLE is, first of all, the presence in our life of such people or phenomena that we cannot fully accept with LOVE. In this world, everything consists of the subtle energy of love and there is nothing but love, this is what the "Basic Law of Subtle Energy Exchange" says.

6. “The mind is the main cause of happiness and sadness. Sacred wisdom proclaims: the mind is the cause of slavery and liberation, ”Sathya Sai Baba.

8. You can engage in other spiritual practices for as long as you like, but if your consciousness is limited by a narrowly defined circle, if you care only about your immediate environment, then you can never leave this circle in which you placed yourself! You will always stay in one limited place. For positive development, it is absolutely necessary to overcome one’s own barriers and limitations.

9. “Drive away thoughts that make you unhappy, do things that you like, meet people with whom you feel good,” - Louise Hay.

10. “Everyone, including me, is fully responsible for all the events in their lives - both the best and the worst,” - Louise Hay.

11. “You will never solve a problem if you think in the same way as those who created it,” - A. Einstein.

One of the worst hexagrams. Your plans cannot be realized, your possibilities do not correspond to your desires. You should completely abandon any activity, any attempts to move forward are doomed to failure. Try to find the reasons that led to this state of things, this can help you turn the tide. Contacts with others should be limited, at least one should not take initiative in them, refrain from participating in noisy and crowded events.

your wish

In relation to your desire - do not rush things. If your desire is fulfilled earlier than necessary, it will bring no harm, but harm.

Hexagram Explanation

full explanation of the 39th hexagram → Jian: Obstacle

Explanation of each trait

an explanation of the features of the hexagram from bottom to top

Disagreement in itself is an obstacle to any activity, and therefore the moment of an obstacle is characterized as the following situation. Such cases of disclosing one of the sides of the previous situation in the subsequent have already occurred, and therefore there is no need to be surprised at the hexagram, which is called Obstacle. In order to interpret the aphorism of a given hexagram, we must remember that there is a certain spatial symbolism of trigrams, along which the dui trigram is placed in the south-west - “resolution”, i.e. resolution of some in the previous stress state; on the contrary, the northeast is symbolized by the gen trigram, which means a stop, i.e. "preservation". Therefore, in the Obstacle situation, all the beneficial effects can come from resolving this tense situation, especially from the situation of frustration outlined in the previous hexagram. In addition, the very presence of forces acting from outside, forces of resolution, is symbolized here in the image of a great man. Therefore, in this hexagram, where the inner life of a person is characterized by immobility, and the external one by danger, the only way out is indicated by the aphorism: Obstacle. Favorable southwest. The northeast is unfavorable. Favorable date with a great man. Persistence is fortunately.

The movement from the first to the sixth position in the technical language of the Book of Changes is called withdrawal. On the contrary, diving from the sixth position to the first is called the arrival, i.e. to come is to go deeper into oneself. In this situation, danger is symbolized in the external. Therefore, withdrawal into oneself can be understood as a well-known circumvention of an obstacle, a circumvention of danger. In this sense, the text is understood: In the beginning, a weak feature. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be praise.

According to the public symbolism of hexagrams, the second feature is the image of the royal servant. Therefore, we are talking here about him. He is in this position in a situation of obstacles. However, since these obstacles, as mentioned above, are one of the components of the previous situation, so far the person symbolized by this trait is not himself the culprit of these obstacles. Therefore, the text says here: Weak feature in second place. The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle. This is not because of himself.

Since the third line symbolizes going outside, here the "Book of Changes" once again reminds in this situation of the need to withdraw into one's isolation, which was already indicated in the first position. Therefore, the text here only says: A strong trait in third place. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return [on the right path].

In the fourth position, where there is a speech outside, to the upper trigram, which is an abyss, danger, the danger of obstacles makes itself felt with special strength. Therefore, here further movement meets a particularly strong obstacle. On the contrary, avoiding this obstacle in order to get around it in any other way leads to a return to the first line, with which the fourth stands. And thanks to this, i.e. due to complete immersion in oneself, a person achieves the opportunity, firstly, to find help, respectively, with those forces that are in the main aphorism of the hexagram, and secondly, such a person has the opportunity to find a way out of this situation of obstacles. Therefore, the text says: Weak trait in fourth place. If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be a connection with loved ones.

Since the fifth position is the maximum identification of the qualities of a given hexagram, the obstacle is especially strong here. This is a great obstacle, for it is in the very middle of the abyss, i.e. danger, i.e. of what is symbolized by the upper trigram. On the other hand, since the fifth position is generally a favorable position and with it in close connection is the second position that helps her, “her friend”, the text here says only the following: Strong line in fifth place. Great obstacle. Friends will come.

Here, once again, a reminder sounds of the need to immerse yourself in order to temporarily stop in place to circumvent the impending obstacle. Once again reminded of help coming from outside. But that only sounds like a reminder. Therefore, the text says: Upstairs a weak line. If you leave, there will be an obstacle. If you come, you will be great. Happiness. Favorable date with a great man.

In an attempt to achieve a goal or fulfill ambitions, temporary obstacles will invariably be present. This is not always bad. Obstacles, difficulties and even setbacks that are ultimately overcome can be activators. Without annoying grains of sand, oysters will never make pearls.

The obstacles indicated here are not permanent, but they are in the way. Once a large boulder falls in the middle of your route, the best way to do this is to get around it, rather than trying to get it out of the way. Temporary obstacles must be in sight because they are - temporary - and cannot be of much importance.

The positive aspect of even the most difficult stumbling block is that it can make a person look inside, gain more depth of character and self-knowledge. While the ignorant mourn their fate and try to blame others for their problems, the wise always try to find out if the cause of the problem is within themselves. Through introspection, obstacles can become a means of personal growth and self-knowledge. Without air resistance, no plane could fly.

If you are faced with interruption in your progress, do not worry. Challenges are part of achieving every goal and every undertaking. Failures and U-turns can affect morale, but maintaining self-confidence in the face of obstacles is part of a successful solution to many, if not most, problems. Briefly temporary hurdles are best passed with a compliant attitude. Go around the boulder.

Line Interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Your path forward is blocked; time for direct action is not suitable. Stand back, think about the situation and wait for the right moment to overcome the obstacle. When you encounter a threatening obstacle, it is a mistake to go forward blindly. Look for a hole or detour around what's in your way. Also, wait for the right time to move.

Usually, if a large boulder blocks your road, you better find another road. The only exception is when a debt or previous obligations require you to face an obstacle directly, that is, try to remove the stone. Even if confronting an obstacle involves personal risk, debt and moral obligations must be respected, since personal integrity is a resource that is difficult to replenish.

When a person is in a state of responsibility or leadership, caution should be exercised when faced with an obstacle. A broader spectrum of needs and consequences needs to be considered. Unexpected decisions and actions in such situations can lead to disaster. However, the leader must remain firm and decisive as soon as the course of action is established. Remember your priorities. Those who rely on you will be glad to see that you also remember them.

Large obstacles often cannot be overcome alone. To move a large boulder that is in the way, for a large number of hands this work will seem easy. Do not face a serious obstacle until you find reliable supporters who will help you.

In real emergencies, one should not wait and develop a cautious strategy or enlist the support of others. In such cases, immediate action precedes strategy, and your determined spirit will push others to pitch. Bold action brings good luck. At such moments, as a rule, it is best to do 51 percent in your efforts to overcome an obstacle than to do 100 percent wrong, neglecting this.

Line 6 (top line)

When a difficult situation develops into a real mess, only bold, direct action can make a difference and bring success. This line indicates a situation where the person standing in front of the roadblock moves forward and collides with an obstacle from behind. There is no way forward, no return. The situation is so complicated that it seems like a trap that has no way out. When that happens, redouble your efforts. Do your best not to worry about the results right now. Seek help from others in positions of authority. When you find strong support, a breakthrough is likely. Have faith in your own experience and you can save the situation. Good luck awaits.

Overcoming obstacles; Feel constrained or retarded.


Jiang (Obstacle): obstacle, delay, interference, distress; lameness, inconsistent gait; weak, crippled, unfortunate. The hieroglyph depicts a foot and a sign of cold, indicating a difficult circulation of energy or an incorrect attitude to something.

Shaped row

Favorable southwest.
The northeast is unfavorable.
Favorable date with a great man.
Persistence is fortunately.

You face obstacles and suffer disasters. Do not take action. Recreate the situation in your imagination. Retreating and connecting with other people (in the southwest) will benefit and enlightenment. Do not stand alone and do not linger on thoughts about the past (northeast). Look for allies to help you recognize your own greatness. This is a difficult and dangerous time, but it contains an opportunity to strengthen your inner strength. Accumulate energy for decisive performance. Now you are in danger. If you see her in time and stop, it means that you correctly understood the situation.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Water and Mountain

Internal restriction hinders undertakings directed outward.

Hidden opportunity:

Recreating a situation contains a hidden possibility of energy storage in order to direct the flow of events.


Disorder leads to difficulties. Awareness of this allows you to go around obstacles.


Obstacle implies inertia.


A stream flows over the mountain. Let.
A noble person looks at things from different angles in order to renew his strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Six first

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be praise.

Going into external circumstances is in danger. Coming (i.e. immersion in oneself) makes it possible to hide from danger. This is a time for quiet thought.

Six second

The royal servant is an obstacle after an obstacle.
It is not because of him.

It’s not your fault in what is happening. Now you are serving something greater than yourself. Continue what you started. Let your actions be clear and concise.

Nine Three

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, you will return to the right path.

The time of crisis, almost coinciding with the situation, which is described by the first line of the hexagram. Wait and do nothing.

Sixth Four

If you leave, there will be obstacles. If you come, there will be a connection with loved ones.

If you rush forward, you will encounter difficulties. Remain in place - get help and support. Open for external influences.

Nine fifth

Great obstacle. Friends will come.

You enter the main obstacle course, and it is here that the help of friends will be more valuable than ever. Trust them.

Upstairs six

If you leave, there will be an obstacle. If you come, you will be great.

Favorable date with a great man. Here it is once again reminded that external overcoming is in danger, and internal concentration helps to ward off the threat. Only then will the path be open. To get out of the situation, a meeting with those who are respected is favorable.



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