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  Conspiracies and whispers. Whispers attract love. Whisper on the fulfillment of desire

Whispers are short folk conspiracies for all occasions that can be spoken every day during ordinary everyday activities. Using whispers, you can fulfill all your desires for free and quickly.

Especially effective are whispers that you pronounce in the morning. It is right after awakening that your subconscious is the most sensitive, so conspiracies will have incredible power.

Examples of morning whispers:

  • When you just woke up, do not forget to get out of bed and step on the floor with your right foot. In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:
    “I get up and attract good luck. Everything that you plan is easy, luck with me. ”
  • Be sure to read the plot on a glass of water that you need to drink on an empty stomach. Water “remembers” all the information you put into it. For example, you can say with a smile:
    “I drink water, my health is good, I am full of strength and energy”
  • Do not forget to look at your reflection in the mirror. Be sure to smile at him, and repeat these words:
    “I am irresistible, all eyes are fixed on me. I attract good luck and have success ”
  • During the morning shower, imagine that streams of water wash away all drowsiness, a bad mood. You are filled with energy and happiness. Say:
    “Sleep, get out.” Resentment, irritation and anger - it's not about me. I am a happy and harmonious person "
  • Removing the bed, do not forget to whisper: “Meet me in the evening, thanks for the strong and happy dreams”. This whisper will begin to "work" the next night, save you from insomnia and nightmares
  • Opening your eyes after a night's sleep, immediately think about something pleasant, smile and whisper:
    “All my wishes come true, today is wonderful and happy”

Using short morning conspiracies, you will give yourself an excellent mood, create streams of positive energy and attract good luck. All affairs during the day will develop successfully.

Whispers for good luck

If you dream of something, repeat the whispers to fulfill the desire, and everything will come true, as if by magic.

  • Every time you cross any threshold (at home, at work, visiting or shopping), remember about whispers and say:
    “The next door opens up new opportunities for me to fulfill my cherished desires”
  • If you want to rectify the situation in a relationship with some person, then while communicating with him, mentally imagine that you are giving him some gift. At the same time utter quietly and whisper:
    "My gifts - your gifts. I wish you happiness, and I wish you well-being and fulfillment of desires. "
  • In anticipation of some important event, the outcome of which you are very concerned about:
    “The situation will end as I need, because I am the darling of fate and all my desires come true”

Turn on your imagination - come up with your own options. The wording is not as important as your attitude and faith in luck. Strive to think positively, use any appropriate moment to practice conspiracies.

Whispers on raising money

Let's be honest: to attract money through whispers is the most difficult. Speaking the cherished words, you call for the help of the Higher forces, and for them, money is just pieces of paper. Therefore, it is much more efficient to ask about what you plan to buy, then the desire will come true faster, the probability is higher.

Examples of cash conspiracies:

  • Buy yourself a beautiful wallet. Do not save: let it be an elegant little thing made of genuine leather, dear, but pleasing and pleasant. Each time, looking into the wallet, say:
    "Money in the wallet is not transferred, I have enough for a comfortable life"
  • When receiving a salary or some other income, take a couple of bills in hand, rub them against each other and say:
    “I’m multiplying money, where do I don’t know, it’s getting more and more, and I’m richer and richer”
  • A whisper in pregnant women is very effective. If you saw a girl somewhere in a position, whisper in her back:
    “Her baby will be born, and my profit will appear.”
      Such a conspiracy helps to attract a large amount of money, it will not appear soon, but very unexpectedly

Watch a video with other interesting whispers:

Love plots

Important: if you seek to attract love, do not read conspiracies on a specific person. They will not work, because you can not interfere in the intentions of other people - this is a love spell, and love magic always ends with negative consequences.

It is better to imagine the image of an ideal partner in your imagination, and “whisper” so that he appears in your life as soon as possible.

Examples amorous whispers:

  • If you are single now, get some paired items at home. For example, you can buy two pairs of slippers - women and men, or put a pair of toothbrushes in a glass. Looking at these items, say:
    “As this sweet couple is at my place, so I and my man are inseparable”
  • When putting on your underwear, pat yourself on the body and say:
    “I radiate love and happiness, I attract happy relationships, I wish the attention of men”
  • When combing your hair, whisper:
    “As my braid is long, so life with my husband will be cloudless and happy. Love is always with me, it comes from me and attracts everyone ”
  • From adultery. If you suspect that you have a rival, you should say a whisper of fidelity. You need to put a head of garlic under the pillow to your husband and whisper on it:
    “The smell is disgusting, the same as from the rival. You only love me, you forget about the other, you don’t pronounce her name anymore ”
  • A conspiracy for success for a loved one - pronounced on the food that you cook a man. Whisper on every dish:
    “I love you very much, you are so smart, rich and successful”

Important: all whispers must be used constantly. The more often, the more effective they will work.

Guess today with the Tarot card "Card of the Day"!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready - draw a card:

Many knowledgeable people recommend pronouncing certain words in order to avert misfortune, longing, so that there is no loneliness. There are such magical words that help punish the offender, give the begging person attractiveness and beauty.

There are whispers that are pronounced on the water or only during Holy Week, there are whispers for all occasions. There are even such that after them comes the desired weight loss. Someone believes in it, and someone does not. But after correctly read the words, a miracle happens.

Sometimes it’s enough to say a whisper to your husband’s rival, as he turns his back on her. What is this, if not a miracle? How to explain that magic words work? Now even scientists agree that human thoughts, let alone words, can materialize. The modern world learned about this not so long ago, and our ancestors knew this and used the right words when needed.

In the arsenal of sorceress's grandmothers, there are whispers for different occasions, there are those that take away longing, illness, misfortune. Everyone has desires that one wants so much to be fulfilled.

To whispers act it is necessary:

  • pronounce them quietly, clearly;
  • you can pronounce them to yourself;
  • believe in what you say;
  • comply with all conditions that are negotiated specifically.

Many ask, is prayer, whispering, and conspiracy the same thing? There are differences. Conspiracies pronounce on a certain day of the week, the right hour, on water, on things, and whispers act when a certain situation is created and it needs to be quickly resolved. You just need to know these magic words by heart in order to be able to pronounce them at the right time.

Many healers and sorcerers believe that by pronouncing these words, we bring our requests and desires to the Higher powers, which help us in this life. Prayer is read in church, at home. There is a well-known prayer, like "Our Father," and there is a rare prayer. Words of prayers can be found in prayer books.

Whispers to the rival

There are many such words to discourage the lover of her husband. As you will see her, you should read the following words in her back:

How to get rid of a rival?

“You’re scared of him, I’m red to him. You are his serpent, I am his berry. You are his dirt, I am his honey. No one will reproach or interrupt my words. I knit, whisper in words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen".

You need to quickly tie a couple of knots on a handkerchief, which is always at hand. You can knit knots on a rope, it does not matter. It is important to keep this little thing with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then you need to throw it away.

If you do not know exactly who the woman is, what her name is, then you need to whisper the following:

"Whoever encroaches on my wedding bed, that one by the name of the Lord knows."

Whispers to beauty

Who doesn’t want to be beautiful and attractive, to pay attention to you, and the grooms have always been? But not everyone was destined to be beautiful. However, this is a fixable matter. There are such whispers, having pronounced that you can get rid of loneliness, acquire beauty and find yourself a suitable couple, be happy and content.

And the most important thing is that you will not bring any harm to anyone, no one will curse you for this. Just your face, eyes will radiate light, heat, secret power, incredible beauty.

Nothing in appearance will change, but the attitude of people towards you, meaning the opposite sex, will change. They will see such beauty in you that no one has noticed before.

We noticed how a completely unattractive girl was walking, and next to her was such a handsome man! Have you noticed? How does it happen? So try it. This whisper is read in water, which then needs to be washed, but not wiped, but so that the face itself dries out. Say these words:

“Voditsa-sister, red damsel. You run underground, under the sand, In the fields, fishing line, Steep banks, Between people's houses. All of you, water, love and honor, All praise and drink you. So everyone would love and praise me. Pure water, Pure and I, Pure girlish beauty. "

There is still a rather strong plot for beauty, which will bring the fulfillment of your desire to find a mate and remove melancholy. It is necessary to perform this ceremony at home so that no one was around at that moment. Before that, prepare a mirror. The best option if it will be in full growth. You should wash your hair, loose your hair, stand in front of the mirror and combing them to say:

“I will become, blessed, I will go out, crossing myself from the hut with doors, from the courtyard gate, I will go out onto a wide street, I will go east with a ridge, with my eyes to the west. On the western side, Joseph, the betrothed, is sitting there, watching and looking at Madame the Most Holy Theotokos, and I (name) would be the servants of God all the time, but they looked, but they couldn’t see enough of my beauty. ”

Whispers from loneliness

This conspiracy is good because you do not take sin into your souls, do not curse anyone, do not wish anyone harm, and ask the Higher powers to save you from loneliness, ask you to give attractiveness and beauty, to ward off melancholy so that you are nice to people and pleasant.

How to attract the second half and not be alone?

And no matter what your appearance, you should not worry, because the attention of men is provided to you. It is as if you will begin to glow from the inside, your good mood will give beauty to your features. And this is also very important.

You need to be self-confident, and even your confidence will give you inner beauty.   A whisper still helps! There are also such simple words that will help you find a betrothed:

"White washed, well dressed up, glue yes lepilo, belilo white, red rumyanitse. Beauty on the face, take the pace. Amen".

This whisper should be pronounced when walking on the street or in the place where there are a lot of people. There is also a whisper that you can pronounce every day. It is pronounced on the water, which will be washed:

“Angel of Water, you give me, the servant of God (name) of beauty, take away my wrinkles and acne, cleanse my skin with water. May it be so. Amen".

And here, too, they adhere to such a rule that after washing with a towel they do not wipe themselves, but wait until the face itself dries out. It often happens that such a simple action is quite enough for secret and cherished desires to be fulfilled in order to drive out longing and loneliness from one's life.

Many women, especially girls, want to be stately and slender, but extra pounds often interfere with this. Someone follows special diets, goes to gyms, and dances. All this is good and weight loss comes.

Weight Loss and whisper

But in addition to all this, there are also special conspiracies to cause persistent weight loss. It is necessary to read this conspiracy when the waning moon in the sky. And it will have to be done 9 nights without missing a single one. Read 9 times in a row:

“The moon is on the wane, for me to lose weight. The moon has golden horns. I have a slender body. ”

You can try and such an action, which also helps to cause weight loss, to make you more attractive and desirable. It should be at noon at an even number to buy a comb comb. Which month does not matter. But you must buy a wooden or bone comb. Moreover, one more rule must be observed when buying, you should not bargain, and change must not be taken:

"As dandruff, lice comb, and fat-fat mine, (name), comb. Yes, come true! "

This conspiracy, so that the fulfillment of desire is effective, should be repeated every time you comb with this comb. And this will have to be done for a long time. You need to pronounce the words confidently, clearly and clearly, sincerely believing what you are saying.

Then weight loss will come faster. After all, if a person believes in a miracle, then it will happen. We must passionately desire what you are achieving, what you want, think about it, if not every day, then as often as possible.

You should set yourself up for certain actions, and then the desires will come true. Even modern medicine does not deny that strong faith in its healing helps a person defeat even an incurable disease.

If you are not a professional magician, you should follow an unwritten rule so that your desires do not bring any harm to others. And you will lose weight, meet a couple, then you will not even need to speak up a torso-boredom.

There is still a whisper that causes weight loss:

“The pig is getting fat, not me. I do not get fat, but a pig. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It should be pronounced only on the waning moon, on the water, at the moment when you bathe. Then pour this water, not all, but a small part of it into any container and carefully pour it near the fence in the house where the owners contain pigs. There is another whisper, which is also aimed at losing weight. That evening, when the moon is waning in the sky, you need to look at it without blinking, whisper 3 times:

“As you decrease, so I decrease. The fat goes away, goes to the swine (pig). Amen".

It is important to pronounce the word “holy” as it is written, although this is not entirely correct. This must be observed! It is clear that losing weight will not come, as if by magic, the next day, but such actions will help to fulfill the desire faster.

You should lead an active lifestyle, not induce longing itself, meet friends, be cheerful and friendly, complementing magical actions in ways that are accessible to you. So, their impact will be more successful and faster. Losing weight will come gradually.

You will not even immediately notice that you have lost excess weight, you need to believe in what you are doing, to believe in a miracle and losing weight will be necessary. After all, there is such everyday magic that helps. And it is not always associated with any specific actions. Just a man is confident in himself, trying to be in a good mood, not to lose heart, no matter how badly he had to.

Whisper on children

There are different whispers on children that relieve them of causeless screaming, night restlessness, evil eye, and much more. Many of them are read without fail to the water. After all, it is she who is able to remove slander from us, the evil eye, helps in treatment. Here are some of the whispers that will give your child health:

Whispers that soothe children

“Good roads to your feet. Hands - power, head - mind. In the name of the father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". “Oh, mother, child! Water is off the goose, thinness is from you. ” “Grow bigger and live longer. Amen".

“I take it by the handle - so that they take it and do it. The leg take to walking and running. I take my head so that the mind and mind are. God bless the baby for a long life. "

Before bathing, a newborn is read into the water:

“Pure water - on the shoulder, health. Bass and beauty in the teles. Amen".

When they bathe a child in the water, they also read this:

"The king of the sea, but the king of the Dvina, Pinega da king, let the water on his stomach on the health of the servant of God (name), in its purity, the beauty of it."

When a child is released alone into the street, then so that nothing happens to him, you can read:

“Go, child, walk, do not lose yourself. The Lord will save you, will bring you back to me. Amen".

Whispers to work

Often at work, one has to face difficulties, picky bosses, and hostility from other employees. But we go to work almost every day, spend a lot of time there, the well-being of our and our family depends on it, so it’s best to prevent bad actions and protect ourselves from troubles.

To get hired. Before meeting with the future boss, it’s good to read three times:

“I'm going to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, the owner to look. My face is sweet to him, my soul has not shamed. At least all I am surprised, the owners smile, my words are touched. He would not have driven away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the boss is really very strict and unreasonably faulty for you, then on Thursday, when you come to work, you should whisper:

“Corners, corners, doors, doors, kings, kings. I’m coming to you with caution, and you are coming to me with affection, I am coming to you with pepper, and you are coming to me with a good heart. Amen".

It is not necessary to wait for the boss to be especially angry with you; you can read this in advance in order to forestall misfortune. It’s good to do this when you know that something important can be solved, and indeed, it will not hurt to read if there are good relations with the authorities.

Whisper for sale

On the day of trade, before the beginning, the prayer “Our Father” is read and say: “Bless God!” Then they baptize everything that they are going to sell and read the plot for successful trading:

“Deeds, Lord, of her rivers and with thy pure lips, for without me you cannot do anything. My goodness. Lord, my soul faith volume Pomozov me, a sinner, the servant of God (name) this very life of our trade in the purchase, sale, menyalstve and around. You, Lord God, do it yourself in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Holy Archangel Michael, we trade in your holy name. Save, save and bless with holy prayers the servant of God (name) to begin and complete a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

If you definitely need to sell a thing, you have brought it to the market, but no one is buying it, then you need to take a moment when its buyer will hold it in his hands and examine it, and at that moment say quietly:

“Here and now, if you buy, you will remove the evil eye. Amen".

It is important to have time to say this until the person puts the thing in the place where he took it. So you will be able to make a successful sale, and the buyer, apparently, will save you from the unkind. There are a lot of whispers for a successful trade and the sale of any items and livestock. It is necessary to cross the goods and say:

“I am a good merchant, my product is useful. I’ll sell everything. Goods to you, money to us. Full of bins, replenish the treasury. Amen".

As soon as you sell something first, then with these bills that you receive, fan your goods and again quietly pronounce the same thing. They also say about successful trading:

“I am a good merchant! I will sell our goods to you! Money for the money! We have your money, you - our product! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

But before you say this, you need to cross the goods or animals that need to be sold. Before leaving the house for a successful trade, you should spit in the palm of your hand and hold it through your hair:

“Oh, I'm a merchant, oh, yes, well done! To every merchant-well done, to all merchants-well done merchant-well done! Bargain with all sorts of merchants. Their first word, and my second. Their word is copper, and mine is golden! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Such a rite is also used for good trade. If the house has Thursday salt, then they read it three times:

“Do not count the stars, do not scatter the plowing with your hands, my word cannot be removed from me! I’m a good merchant, God's crown is on me! Like bees fly to honey, everyone looks at my product, they want to buy from me! Money is in my wallet, and for customers - a product! May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Then this salt should be thrown over the left shoulder and go to the market. This action promises good trading. You can also, to make trade successful, say the water like this:

“I am a good merchant, well done for all merchants. The buyer is to us, I will sell you the goods. You need the goods, the treasury to us. And money to money in my pocket. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

This procedure should be done when the first rays of the sun appear, read the plot three times. Then, in order to make trade successful, goods are sprayed on the market with this water.

Whisper on the enemy

These conspiracies are pronounced to get rid of enemies, ill-wishers, offenders.   Most often they are pronounced in the back of a person leaving you. For the fulfillment of this desire to happen, it is necessary at this moment to see the one whom you consider your enemy.

“A bunch of grapes at your feet, no way for you, no way. Amen".

But such a prayer will help from any enemy, and here it is not necessary that he be in front of his eyes. You can read this at crucial moments, before an expensive or other important event in life, in order to get rid of the offender:

A whisper will help you punish the enemy

“Do not touch me with the enemy, either by word, or by deed, or by fire, or by a sword, or by a damask knife, or by ice, or by revenge, or by night, or by day, or at the dawn of rosy. Not a single hair fall at the hands of enemies and enemies Amen. ”

And such a prayer will help not only get rid of any offender on the road, but also protect from all misfortunes:

“I went on a journey - I took the Lord God with me. Guardian Angels ahead run up, clearing my way. God save and have mercy on me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen".

If you suddenly began to notice that the house became uncomfortable, empty, as if the light had dimmed, and the husband returned home from work tired and angry, there was no former caress and attention on his part, that is, such magical actions that would help return happiness to the house. There is a special day when they honor Fedot.

Remember that this name is often remembered, saying: “Fedot, not that one!” This is March 15th. You should cook the porridge that your husband loves, flavor it with three spoons of charmed honey and read:

“Fedot, help him!” I’m cooking a cup, I’m calling my husband. Honey porridge, with love and reverence. Fedot, blow it, blow it happiness. Fedot is not a cold, give passion. In the name of all the holy saints. Amen!".

The most difficult thing is that you cannot say a word to your husband until he at least eats some porridge, and while he eats, they will repeat this plot further. And he acts for exactly a year.

Whisper on the fulfillment of desire

If there is a cherished desire, then it is necessary to perform magical actions. On a new handkerchief, read the following:

“My great desire will be fulfilled in the spirit of the help of the Lord, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will grow in reality, events will take a path for fulfillment, and the spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. I’ll tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

Then tie a knot and carry a scarf with you until the fulfillment of desire comes. Then it must be burned without untying.

It is important to believe in a miracle, to believe in your strengths and capabilities, and they, as village magic shows, the actions of whisper grandmothers and healers are practically unlimited. Therefore, whispers help people that pronounce for happiness, whispers from enemies. A quick whisper said at the right moment helps many.

Black whisper

There are black whispers, there are such conspiracies, but they should be used very carefully, because everything bad that you wish for someone will certainly come back to you. They are usually pronounced in the back of their enemy, so that there is no luck in business, on the road, in life in general.

If you decide to read such conspiracies, you must deal with it with extreme caution, but you can greatly harm yourself. And even if you want to punish the offender, then first think about yourself, about your well-being. One of the black whispers that are pronounced in the back, leaving the enemy on his own business:

“Where you go there and you come, you will not gain either talent or daring. Empty road and dare to please. Amen". Looking at your enemy, you can say to his back: "The road to the forest and an empty cart."

These conspiracies are at least aimed at the enemy, but do not bear fatal results. It is important that such conspiracies are not. Practice shows that magic rituals are very effective, so you need to be careful with them. Any magic spells, actions, actions should be performed consciously and not try to bring trouble to someone.

Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles. But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be pronounced at any time, anywhere, more precisely when the situation requires it. This is a kind of magical ambulance, which will always help in difficult times.

As whispers conspiracies read.

A whisper is a short, but very effective slander, which seems to be accidentally uttered in a whisper when they want to achieve something without attracting someone else's attention, since this attention can reduce your slander to nothing.

As a rule, whispers are pronounced in a specific situation. For example, in order to get rid of the negative after a quarrel, a person is told in the back a whisper. Home whispers are aimed at attracting good luck, love and prosperity. They are pronounced on the things that a person uses every day. These things are charged with positive energy, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Morning whispers:

* Get up with your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, say a whisper: “I get up to meet my happiness!”

* Leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is good luck attraction”, and smile.

* If in the morning you drink tea or coffee and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your circle: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

Evening whispers:

* When washing or taking a shower, say: “I wash off the negative, wash off the grievances, wash the longing.” This will help you relieve the stress and stress received during the day and will bring your emotional state in order.

* Spread the bed, say: “A blanket, a sheet is my protection, and a pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I won’t tell her will come true.” After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia, nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on a pillow, think about your desires, then they will come true faster.

* Closing your eyes, say a whisper: “Let it be in a dream and in reality as I want.”

  Whispers of luck:

If you want to attract good luck, then, crossing the threshold of the house, whisper: “The truth is that beyond this threshold my strength”.

If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of the boss: “I am on the left bank, you are on the right. Scream - don’t scream, you won’t scream anyway. ” This whisper should be pronounced before talking with the boss, if he is not satisfied with something.

If you want the day to go well, get up on the right foot in the morning and say: “Where the right foot is, there is the left one. Wherever I am, my luck is there. ”

  Whispers for money:

Getting money, whisper: "Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase."

Whisper on the wallet: “My wallet is ringing, getting fat from the money. Every day my luck is greener. ”

If you give money: "I give money, but I wait for them back."

* If you see a pregnant woman passing by, do not miss the chance to utter a whisper to attract money:   "You have to give birth, but I multiply the good". Meeting with a pregnant woman is considered a good omen.

  Whispers in the back:

Whispers in the back are pronounced in order to punish the offender or to protect himself from his malicious intent.

If you wanted something bad, then say: "What I wish, take yourself."

If you are rude in a public place: "Your negativity, you live with him, but I don’t need someone else's."

A whisper in the back of the enemy: "Your speech is on your shoulders."

  Whispers on love:

If you want to attract the attention of a person, say a love whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will lay before me.”

If you want to discourage your beloved from another woman, imperceptibly put a head of garlic in his pocket and say: “Throw out the garlic, throw it out of the heart and (the name of the rival)”. Naturally, finding garlic in his pocket, a man will take it out and throw it away.

If the husband leaves, say after him: “As water returns from earth to heaven, you are destined to return to me.”

From cash loss, theft and loss:

So that the money is always safe and sound, as well as for its rational use, on the day of profit, on the way home, say a whisper: “I bring wealth, I go with money, I hold it tightly with my hands. I’m not carrying it for strangers, but for my own. Amen".

To increase profits:

At the new moon, take a bowl of water. Put a coin there. Splash a little of this water on the threshold of your house with the words: “Water is water, money is a river. Amen."

So that the house always has prosperity:

Take grain or cereal, sprinkle near your home or under the window with the words: “Birds, fly, gather grain, bring me prosperity. Amen."

To drive money away:

If you want to get rid of financial problems by whispering for money, bake a cake, put a coin inside. Putting the cake in the oven or oven, say:   “Peku, peku, wealthy self for nothing. To the world - bread, to me - a life of comfort ”. Cut the cake into several pieces and distribute to people.

To attract money:

This whisper plot is read on the day you receive the money. Returning home with money, hold a purse in your hands and say the words: “I carry a purse of coins, the devil will flow away, but the servant of God (name) does not.”

Charm followed:

There is a whisper after those people whose work is dangerous. Whisper conspiratorial words in the back of your husband when he goes to work:

In thy mercy, Lord, I trust and entrust to you, our keeper, the servant of God (name). Amen.

In bed for love:

You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.

Whisper to the ceiling (in abundance):

To make you happy and rich, go to the house where you live well and richly, look at the ceiling and whisper:

As you have the way and the treasure, what you will have will be ours. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whisper to the wallet so that the money is not transferred:

As there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always is enough. Amen.

On a successful purchase:

To whisper to the wallet where the money is, seven times: "Everything evil is forgotten, everything intended is bought. Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"
   A whisper is pronounced before leaving the house for a purchase.

Whisper on wallet

On Friday, looking at the birds flying, you need to repeat to yourself as often as possible: "How many feathers on the birds will be born, so much money in the wallet is not transferred."

To argue:

Before starting a new business or while continuing the previous one, it is very correct to set yourself up, and then everything will work out. Say this whisper to the instrument of your work (pen, computer) "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, teach, Lord, help the servant of God (name). Hallowed be Your name today, tomorrow, always. Amen, amen, amen " Cross yourself three times.

* If you are rude   or a not very good conversation took place, say a whisper in the direction of the interlocutor, preferably looking into his neck from the back: “Go in peace and I will go”. Or: “I give you free of charge to me. Someone else's evil is not necessary. "

* If stumbled   or hit something, say a whisper: "I stand on my feet firmly, like a turnip in the ground."

* Cleaning the house,   say: “I clean my house, I fill it with luck, money and love”.

* When you pick up moneyDo not be too lazy to read a whisper for money:   “How many fingers on my hands, so many times the money in my wallet will increase”.

* Before putting on clothesshake it off with your hand and say: "Shake it, work hard for me!"   Then the things in your wardrobe will begin to bring good luck.


When cutting   cabbage- I chop cabbage, add money. I chopped cabbage, I fall into my wallet for money.

Soup- soup to cook each ate zdorovel and richer, that a man will have my soup, happiness, and love knows.

On the porridge- Porridge cook boil money, multiply, add. (stirring)


Dust   I erase - I remove all the bad (evil, negative, etc.). Dust will be erased all the bad (or whatever you want to remove) will be removed.

Flowers   watering - you grow me in bloom in wealth, how do you grow so I can not lime money.

Well, that’s it - I’m putting the house in order so that happiness (who needs something here too) lives in it. (Good for tidying up little things, decorating).

If spilling salt:
Take a pinch or a grain from the spilled, with your right hand and throw over the left shoulder with the words: Salt, salt, salt, pain, pain, pain, but not the same. Amen.

There is a good way to accelerate hair growth:
   on a growing moon cut off a small strand of hair and with the words "grow my hair as fast as this water flows" throw it into a strong stream of water ... for example, pronounce the words, throw them in the toilet and wash off .. 100% ACT

Before leaving the house for shopping,   whisper, speak directly to the front door:
   The door opens, the door closes, and (his name) with which he plans to return.

So that the money after large purchases back.
   after the purchase, become facing upwind and as you exhale say: came, gone, twisted, turned, brought back. Yes it will be so!

Words on the Wind when it blows on you:

   So that the bad and bad could not hold on me,

Conspiracy for good luck:

You want happiness and luck to come to your home. Then take a dusty rug, a handful of potato peels and a broom. Potato peeling should be thoroughly washed under the tap, squeezed and scattered on the carpet, and then sweep with a broom, but in no case towards the front door. During this procedure, you need to chant: “A broom walks on the carpet, walks from corner to corner, the old grandfather of the brownie, you will not be offended by me!”

According to an old legend, the house keeper should like such a song, and he will definitely make you a present.

These whispers will help in difficult situations, set up in the right way and attract good luck. Remember that when pronouncing any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to put all your energy and strength into your words.

In olden times, women possessed magic. ALL. Our great-grandmothers lived in harmony with nature and knew a lot. Their bodies were not spoiled by artificial food, poor water and electromagnetic radiation. Then there was natural selection, and on earth there were only healthy people with powerful energy, which is subject to everything.

Unfortunately, World War II broke the chain of continuity in the transfer of magic from mother to daughter and mutilated the fate of many people.
  Now ancient knowledge is being revived, and we can apply it to our health and well-being.

Whispers in a love relationship

If you like a guy who does not pay attention to you, every time you pass him, you need to whisper:

"Look at me, all of you are yours, get closer to me, together we are on fire."

The power of your thoughts will gradually penetrate the young man and he will soon draw attention to you.

Whispers in the distance

All whispers act from a distance. The speed and strength of their action depends on how much energy power, desire to receive and faith you have invested in them.

Whispers on marriage

If you have problems with your personal life, but it's time to get married, then practice the following whispers, and no later than in a year your dream will come true:

  “Paths-roads, take me without alarm to my betrothed, destined life for me. May our path to one another be free. Amen".

Whispers on passion

If you and your husband have long been together, and the passion has subsided, it can be revived with the following whispers:

“You are my eagle, I am your eagle, you are my bullfinch, I am your tit. Our passion is eternal, our love is infinite. May it be so".

The main thing is to do every day.

Whispers to work

If you don’t have a job, whisper more often when you leave home or when you go for an interview:

Whispers are good protection

Whispers from enemies

Whispers will help protect against enemies. Suppose you saw a negative person who did not look at you kindly, or even said something unpleasant. To avoid the evil eye, fold quietly “blew” on both hands and whisper three times:

  "Salt in your eyes, salt in your tongue more than once, but three times."

Never show your back to enemies. Better wait and wait until the unpleasant person turns away from you, and then whisper the same thing after him again.

Whispers on the fulfillment of desire

Whispers on desires can be slandered on water and food, as well as anywhere and anytime:

“Whatever I want, I’ll get everything. May it be so".

At the same time, you need to constantly think about your desire and behave as if it had already come true for you.

You can also slander your health on the water at any time when you come into contact with it. Speak three times:

"Health to me, ailments away."

Whispers to beauty

You can whisper the beauty at any time when you come in contact with water. As you know, water is the best energy information carrier. It perceives any information and, penetrating into your body, acts at the molecular level, healing and rejuvenating it.

You can whisper into the water while in the bathroom, taking a shower, simply washing your face or when you drink water.
  You can come up with your own version of whispers, laying in them the program you need.
For example, you want to have beautiful and healthy skin. You can say:

  "My skin is soft, silky, like a child’s skin."

Whispers on relatives

For example, you have a bad relationship with any member of the family. To fix them, you need to spray each room in the house with holy water and say:

“Dear, dear, dear, you and I are not enemies. Friendship and love are with us forever. Leave hostility into the earth like water. ”

Whispers for the exam

Excited students may read the following whisper:

“My thoughts are bright, my plans are clear. My grades are excellent. May it be so".

From bugs in the house

Bed bugs are very unpleasant insects, so it is better to get rid of them as follows. Read over the water, and then blow on it and spray it with all the corners in the apartment:

Whispering rules

To whisper no rules are needed. Whispers in a low voice should be pronounced three times. If you whisper on food or drink, just lean closer to them. It is advisable that no one hear your voice, and in general, no one needs to know what you are doing. Not every person will understand and treat you kindly. Whispers need to know by heart. They can be used at any time and on any phase of the moon.

For example, you woke up in the morning and did not get enough sleep, what should I do? You pour yourself a cup of coffee, tea or water, lean over the drink and whisper the following words:

“I am power. I am health. I am positive. ”

Say it three times. We guarantee that cheerfulness and pleasant emotions are provided to you for the whole day, which will pass, surprisingly, successfully.
  In the evenings, showering is generally recommended. After all, water not only makes your body clean, but also flushes away from your aura the negative, or even evil eye, that has accumulated during the day. It is very important, standing in the shower, to pronounce:

  “Vodichka-vodichka, wash away the negative from me, wash away envy from me, wash away the evil eye from me. May it be so".

  At this time, it is also recommended that you imagine in detail how bad energy, which your subtle bodies have chosen, goes into the sewers along with dirt.

What are whispers?

Whispers are small positive moods, something like affirmations (as they say now with statements with a built-in optimistic program), which are pronounced in a whisper or in an undertone so that no one will hear.

Morning whispers:
  * Get up with your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, say a whisper: “I get up to meet my happiness!”
  * Leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is good luck attraction”, and smile.
* If in the morning you drink tea or coffee and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.” Evening whispers:
  * When washing or taking a shower, say: “I wash off the negative, wash off the grievances, wash the longing.” This will help you relieve the stress and stress received during the day and will bring your emotional state in order.
  * Spread the bed, say: “A blanket, a sheet is my protection, and a pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I don’t tell her will come true.” After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia, nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on a pillow, think about your desires, then they will come true faster.
  * Closing your eyes, say a whisper: “Let it be in a dream and in reality as I want.”

  Whispers of luck:
   If you want to attract good luck, then, crossing the threshold of the house, whisper: “The truth is that beyond this threshold my strength”.
   If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of the boss: “I am on the left bank, you are on the right. Scream - don’t scream, you won’t scream anyway. ” This whisper should be pronounced before talking with the boss, if he is not satisfied with something.
   If you want the day to go well, get up on the right foot in the morning and say: “Where the right foot is, there is the left one. Where am I, to my good fortune. "

  Whispers for money:
   Getting money, whisper: "Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase."
   Whisper on the wallet: “My wallet is ringing, getting fat from the money. Every day my luck is greener. ”
   If you give money: "I give money, but I wait for them back."
  * If you see a pregnant woman passing by, do not miss the chance to utter a whisper to raise money: "You give birth, but I multiply the good." Meeting with a pregnant woman is considered a good omen.

  Whispers in the back:
   Whispers in the back are pronounced in order to punish the offender or to protect himself from his malicious intent.
   If you wish something bad, then say: "Take what you want, take it for yourself."
   If you are rude in a public place: "Your negativity, you live with him, but I don’t need someone else's."
   A whisper in the back of the enemy: "Your speech is on your shoulders."

  Whispers on love:
   If you want to attract the attention of a person, say a love whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will lay before me.”
   If you want to discourage a beloved from another woman, imperceptibly put a head of garlic in his pocket and say: “Throw out the garlic, throw it out of the heart and (the name of the rival)”. Naturally, finding garlic in his pocket, a man will take it out and throw it away.
If the husband leaves, say after him: “As water returns from earth to heaven, you are destined to return to me.”

From cash loss, theft and loss:
  So that the money is always safe and sound, as well as for its rational use, on the day of making a profit, on the way home, say a whisper: “I bring wealth, I go with money, I hold it tightly with my hands. I’m not carrying it for strangers, but for my own. Amen".

To increase profits:
  At the new moon, take a bowl of water. Put a coin there. Splash a little of this water on the threshold of your house with the words: “Water is water, money is a river. Amen."

So that the house always has prosperity:
  Take grain or cereal, sprinkle near your house or under the window with the words: “Birdies, fly, collect grain, bring me prosperity. Amen."

To drive money away:
  If you want to get rid of financial problems by whispering for money, bake a cake, put a coin inside. Putting the cake in the oven or oven, say: “Bake, bake, bake rich on the spot. To the world - bread, to me - a life of comfort ”. Cut the cake into several pieces and distribute to people.

To attract money:
  This whisper plot is read on the day you receive the money. Returning home with money, hold a purse in your hands and say the words: “I carry a purse of coins, the devil will leak them, but the servant of God (name) does not.”

Charm followed:
  There is a whisper after those people whose work is dangerous. Whisper conspiratorial words in the back of your husband when he goes to work:
  In thy mercy, Lord, I trust and entrust to you, our keeper, the servant of God (name). Amen.

In bed for love:
  You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.

Whisper to the ceiling (in abundance):
  To make you happy and rich, go to the house where you live well and richly, look at the ceiling and whisper:
  As you have the way and the treasure, what you will have will be ours. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Whisper to the wallet so that the money is not transferred:
  As there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always is enough. Amen.

On a successful purchase:
  To whisper to the wallet where the money is, seven times: "Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. May it be so! May it be so! May it be so!"
  A whisper is pronounced before leaving the house for a purchase.

Whisper on wallet
  On Friday, looking at the birds flying, you need to repeat to yourself as often as possible: "How many feathers will be born on the birds, so much money will not be transferred to the wallet."

To argue:
Before starting a new business or while continuing the previous one, it is very correct to set yourself up, and then everything will work out. Say this whisper to the instrument of your work (pen, computer) “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, teach, Lord, help the servant of God (name). Hallowed be Thy name today, tomorrow, always. Amen, amen, amen. " Cross yourself three times.

* If you were rude or had a not very good conversation, say a whisper in the direction of the interlocutor, preferably looking in his neck from the back: "Go in peace and I will go." Or: “I give it back to you for free. Someone else's evil is not necessary. "

* If you stumble or hit something, say a whisper: "I stand on my feet firmly, like a turnip in the ground."

* When cleaning the house, say: “I clean my house, I fill it with luck, money and love.”

* When you pick up money, don’t be too lazy to read a whisper on money: “How many fingers on my hands, so many times the money in my wallet will increase”.

* Before putting on clothes, shake it off with your hand and say: “Shake it, work hard for me!” Then the things in your wardrobe will begin to bring good luck.

  When cutting cabbage, I chop cabbage, add money. I chopped cabbage, I fall into my wallet for money.
  Soup- I cook soup so that everyone ate, becomes healthier and richer, so that whoever becomes my soup will know happiness and love.
  On the porridge, Kashka boil some money, multiply, increase. (stirring)

  I erase the dust - I remove all the bad (evil, negative, etc.). Dust will be erased all the bad (or whatever you want to remove) will be removed.
  Watering flowers - you grow me in bloom wealth, how you grow so I can not lime money.
  Well, that’s it - I’m putting the house in order so that happiness (who needs something here too) lives in it. (Good for tidying up little things, decorating).

If spilling salt:
  Take a pinch or a grain from the sprinkled, with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder with the words: Salt, salt, pain, pain, pain, but I don't care. Amen.

There is a good way to accelerate hair growth:
  on a growing moon cut off a small strand of hair for yourself and with the words "grow my hair as fast as this water flows" throw it into a strong stream of water ... for example, pronounce the words, throw them in the toilet and wash off .. 100% ACT

Before leaving home shoppingwhisper, speak directly to the front door:
  The door opens, the door closes, and (his name) with which he plans to return.

So that the money after large purchases back.
  after the purchase, become facing upwind and on the exhale say: it’s come, gone, twisted, turned, brought back. Yes it will be so!

Words on the Wind when it blows on you:
So that the bad and bad could not hold on me,

Conspiracy for good luck:
  You want happiness and luck to come to your home. Then take a dusty rug, a handful of potato peels and a broom. Potato peeling should be thoroughly washed under the tap, squeezed and scattered on the carpet, and then sweep with a broom, but in no case towards the front door. During this procedure, you need to chant: “A broom walks on the carpet, walks from corner to corner, the old grandfather of the brownie, you will not be offended by me!”
  According to an old legend, the house keeper should like such a song, and he will definitely make you a present.
  These whispers will help in difficult situations, set up in the right way and attract good luck. Remember that when pronouncing any whisper or conspiracy, it is important to put all your energy and strength into your words.



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