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  When to clean the apartment before the new year. Clear-out for the New Year - getting ready for your favorite holiday

Everyone knows that the New Year is usually celebrated in a clean, tidy apartment. But if you want to attract wealth to your home, then ordinary cleaning will not be enough!

We suggest you turn to the origins and take a little wisdom from our ancestors. To make the next year financially favorable, we advise you to have a “cash” cleaning before the New Year holidays. After all, the New Year holidays are considered the most energetically strong in the year to attract the desired.
1. Collect and discard all old or unnecessary itemswhich you do not use. But when you throw them away, mentally thank them for their service and say: “The old leaves, and the new comes to my house.” 2. When you vacuum or knock out carpets, say: “As there is no place for dirt in my house, there is no place for lack of money in my house. May it be so". 3. Accumulate exactly 27 coins in advance (five and fifty cents), wash them well, as if to “wash off” the energy that is foreign or unnecessary to you (the number of coins is not random). Then draw clean water into the basin and put coins there for 7 minutes. After that, remove the coins, dry and remove until the next time. Pour the water into a bucket for mopping, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For example, Feng Shui experts believe that the aromas of patchouli, pine, lavender, mint and grapefruit can attract money. And when you wash the floor, say: "With my money water, I charge my floor, I attract money to the house." At the same time, think only about positive things, about what you would like for the new year to bring to you. By the way, with such money, charged water, you can still wipe the front door and other surfaces in the house.
4. After all this, according to the teachings of “Feng Shui”, you should put new Chinese coins in the southeast of your apartment in the wealth sector, stick them on your phone, computer, on folders with financial documents, put them in your wallet and in banks with cereals. Those who do not like Chinese symbols can put them on to all corners of the house ordinary spots.
5. “Cash” cleaning   Before the New Year, you can combine with the decoration of the house in Feng Shui, which will enhance the magical effects. To do this, you need to hang a Christmas wreath or a Chinese lantern on the front door - this will bring good luck, happiness and financial well-being.
6. To decorate the hall, it is required to find the Bagua zone by compass.   It should be in the northeast of the room. You need to decorate it with silver rain, serpentine or tinsel, then luck will come to the house.

7. Two candles should be placed at the southwest wall of the room. It will bring prosperity to family life. And if you want to completely change your personal life, then in the same part of the room you need to hang a picture with cranes. 8. To ensure that all households are healthy and full of energy, a fruit basket is placed in the center of the room, and the tree should be in the eastern part of the room so that there is always money in the house. The result will be surely verified. And do not forget to repay debts before the New Year. Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

An unusual holiday for the New Year is a fairy tale, the expectation of a miracle and children's faith in the fulfillment of desires. But in order for the fairy tale to succeed, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. And cleanliness is indispensable here. Clear-out before the New Year - how to manage everything so as not to fall out of strength before the chimes ?! If it even seems that you can’t do everything, the main thing is not to panic. The rule of time managers: “There are elephants piece by piece” also works effectively during the New Year's chores.

A constructive approach will help to do everything

● First of all, make a list of tasks that you plan to complete by the holiday.

● Then divide the process into steps and write a plan - when, where and what you will clean.

●   New Year's Eve is a family holiday, so bring your home to cleanliness. Children can also do what they can. Instruct them to draw up a New Year’s business plan beautifully, and tick off the completed work, put flags, snowflakes or other icons.

A common cause will strengthen the family, and save you from overload. The main thing is a positive attitude and a constructive approach.

How to do spring cleaning before the New Year

In order to be in time before the New Year holidays, devote cleanliness 30-40 minutes of your evening time every day on weekdays.

Engage household members in this activity. In 30 minutes no one will get tired, and the to-do list will gradually decrease.

Spring cleaning - where to start

● Start with the most difficult - with cabinets.

With things that you have not been using for more than a year, it is better to leave. Give them to the needy or throw them away. My friend, for example, gives old things to bedding for animals in shelters.

● Audit kitchen cabinets, mezzanines and closets. Remove excess, wash the shelves, and ventilate the cabinets.

● The next stage of the general cleaning will be cleaning from dust, shadow and invisible cobwebs of ceilings and tall cabinets. Engage your husband and older children in this activity.

● Spouse and children will help to remove tulle for washing, shake curtains, blankets, and pillows, clean carpets and upholstered furniture

● Then take care of the fixtures. All family members can also participate in this business.

● After the most complex and laborious work is completed, things will move forward much faster. Taking 30-40 minutes every day to clean the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have time to redo all the work before the New Year holidays, and on December 30 there will be only wet cleaning.


In order not to have to deal with these matters on December 31, when every minute counts, it is imperative:

▪ Prepare dishes for the holiday table in advance;

▪ wash and dry plates, vases, wine glasses and glasses, clean the darkened silver appliances;

▪ make a holiday menu with your whole family (it is better to buy products in advance before prices soar);

▪ think about how you will decorate and serve the New Year's table, many useful recommendations can be found on the Internet (this can be done by children and husband, they will show you the proposed options and together you will choose the best).

Now you know how to have time to do a general cleaning before the New Year and prepare for the holiday.

Happy New Year!!!

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Professional general pre-holiday apartment cleaning before the New Year   - on the eve of the New Year, everyone is trying to complete their business. You need to have time to get presents for your family, make a festive menu, put in order the perfect order in the house: clean the room from unnecessary things, decorate the Christmas tree.

Professional cleaners will do all the work as smoothly as possible, accurately. They regularly undergo training courses, they know the subtleties of cleaning in different rooms. At their disposal are upscale equipment, modern equipment.

The undoubted advantage of our service is the use of safe household chemicals. Effective products do not contain harmful phosphates, are absolutely hypoallergenic.

Clear-out before New Year

Full scale general cleaning before the New Year   - relevant cleaning service. Qualified master-cleaners inspect the room, outline the scope of the upcoming work, break the process into stages.

The first step is to free the rooms from old things, garbage. Getting rid of excess rubbish before the New Year is a good tradition. Therefore, empty cabinets and balconies without regret.

The second - cleaning cornices, radiators, baseboards, floor coverings.

The next step is dusting, cleaning chandeliers, mirrors, and decorative elements.

At will, furniture, carpets can be cleaned. Highly effective means remove various pollution.
Cliners pay important attention to the kitchen, bathroom, and disinfection of the bathroom.

The final step is wet cleaning.

A wonderful addition to creating a New Year’s interior is a luxurious wreath on the front door, a Christmas tree, colored garlands.

Complex cleaning of the apartment before the New Year from "Eco Cleaning"

Our cleaning service is a partner who is not afraid to entrust his own home. Pre-holiday cleaning of the apartment before the New Year   will be carried out at the proper level, promptly, at a convenient time. The main priority is customer care. Therefore, we worried not only about the quality of cleaning work, but also the pricing policy. The cost of services is low and affordable for ordinary citizens.

Ordering a service is easy. It is enough to dial a number and a competent service manager will accept the application. Take care of the cleanliness of the apartment in advance in order to fully enjoy the holiday atmosphere in the last days of the outgoing year.

Devote yourself to more enjoyable activities, and we will make sure that on the eve of the New Year your home sparkles with perfect cleanliness.

So that the next year will be materially favorable,

I advise you to carry out before the New Year holidays not simple, but “cash” cleaning.

1. Collect and discard all old or unnecessary things that you do not use. But when you throw them away, mentally thank them for their service and say:   “The old leaves, but the new comes to my house” .

According to the Feng Shui doctrine, you first need to get rid of the stagnation of energy in your home so that the influx of new fresh energy can bring something new into your life. Let's start

  • we throw out rubbish and broken objects, they absorb all new opportunities, and you constantly slip on the spot,
       And to make it easier to do, see;
  • we get rid of old clothes, it takes away your strength;
  • free windowsills from everything, including flowers, so that light and energy freely penetrate into your home;
  • we change the position of your things and furniture, move them from their places to start the circulation of energy, rearrangement is what you need, so there will be more positive energy in your house;
  • we throw out all the little things from the boxes that are waiting for their finest hour year after year;
  • we clean old files, unnecessary letters, numerous bookmarks on the computer;
  • and most importantly - letting go of old grievances and disappointments, all whom we can - forgive, whom we cannot - forget. Negative thoughts are replaced by positive ones: “so that no one is sick”, replace with “I and my loved ones are absolutely healthy.”

So you will be cleansed of bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

2. When you vacuum or knock out carpets, say: " As there is no place in my house for dirt, there is no place for lack of money in my house. May it be so".

3. Accumulate evenly in advance 27 coins   (five and fifty cents), wash them thoroughly, as if to “wash off” someone else's and unnecessary energy for you (the number of coins is not accidental).
   Then draw clean water into the basin and put coins there for 7 minutes. After that, remove the coins, dry and remove until the next time.
   Pour the water into a bucket for mopping, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. For example, Feng Shui experts believe that the aromas of patchouli, pine, lavender, mint and grapefruit can attract money.
   And when you wash the floor, say: "With my money water, I charge my floor, I attract money to the house."
   At the same time, think only about positive things, about what you would like for the new year to bring to you. By the way, with such money, charged water, you can still wipe the front door and other surfaces in the house.

Note!   We carry out wet cleaning 2-3 days before the holiday, but not the day before, since in Feng Shui this can lead to financial losses.

4. After this, according to "Feng Shui," you should put new chinese coins   in the south-east of your apartment in the wealth sector, stick them on your phone, computer, on folders with financial documents, put them in your wallet and in banks with cereals.
   Those who do not like Chinese symbolism can spread common spots on all corners of the house.

5. The “cash” cleaning before the New Year can be combined with the decoration of the house in Feng Shui, which will enhance the magical effects. To do this, hang on the front door christmas wreath or chinese lantern- it will bring luck, happiness and financial well-being.

6. To decorate the hall you need to find a compass bagua zoneresponsible for the realization of its potential. It should be in the northeast of the room. You need to decorate it with silver rain, serpentine or tinselthen luck will come to the house necessarily.

7. It should be put two candles near southwest   the walls of the room. It will bring prosperity to family life.
   And if you want to completely change your personal life, then in the same part of the room you need to hang picture with cranes.

8. That all households be healthy and full of energy, in the center of the room is a fruit basket.

The result will be surely verified. And do not forget to repay debts before the New Year.

Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

There are literally two weeks left before the new year! A rare hostess will be delighted when she inspects the apartment and will be satisfied - there is a lot of dust and the floor is not very clean, and there are enough other shortcomings. Naturally, cleaning up on December 30 is not worth it, at this time you will have enough trouble - and prepare holiday dishes, invite guests, and finally dress up the Christmas tree. So our article will definitely be to your taste, because we will tell you everything about cleaning the apartment in the New Year period, dividing it into periods.

Read this article:

New Year's cleaning - do the hard work with a smile

General cleaning for the New Year should begin at least 10-14 days before the holiday. This will allow you to distribute everything by day, greatly simplifying the execution of work. The second thing you need is a good mood. The main principle of cleaning for the New Year in Feng Shui is smile and joy. Thanks to this, you will not only clean the apartment, but also benefit your home.

Another advantage of a joyful New Year's cleaning is the extra pounds that you will throw off for pleasant household chores. To make the mood really joyful, turn on your favorite melody and get to work! And we will tell you how to make a cleaning calendar before the holiday.

We schedule cleaning by day:

  • Day 1. Windows and mirrors.
  • Day 2. Dressing room or pantry.
  • Day 3. The bedroom.
  • Day 4. Living room.
  • Day 5. Children's room.
  • Day 6. Kitchen.
  • Day 7. Bath and hallway.

Step one - wash windows and other glass surfaces

Tip: wash windows only in calm weather, so that the liquid on the surface does not dry out very quickly, because because of this, stains will remain on the glass.

It is forbidden to apply:

  • soap;
  • soda and abrasive substances

It is best to use products that contain alcohol - such substances quickly remove impurities, do not leave scratches and stains. When you add a small amount of blue to the solution, you will return the surface to shine. A solution of chalk copes well with streaks - mix a couple of tablespoons of chalk with 200 ml of water, getting a homogeneous mixture, then soak a clean cloth in it and wipe the glass. After the surface dries, go dry with a rag or crumpled newspaper.

If the glass has faded, a warm vinegar solution of two tablespoons of vinegar and a liter of water will do.

Important: many housewives managed to evaluate the benefits of using acetic solution for glasses - such surfaces of flies and other insects are bypassed.

A regular potato does a good job of cleaning glass - cut the fruit into several pieces, wipe the surface, rinse off the remaining potato juice with water and wipe the glass with a clean cloth. Starch is one of the best ways to restore glitter. Salt is also able to return the surface to its former shine. If you are going to clean frosted glasses, then it is advisable to carry out the work with hot rather than cold water, adding a little vinegar.

Step two - erase curtains and blinds

Well, you managed to wash the windows. But if you do not update the curtains and tulle, we can assume that all your work was superfluous. That is why it is so important to know how to wash such products. For example, if we are talking about curtains, which are difficult to remove because of their heavy weight, just vacuum them. After that, you can start cleaning the tulle. Take a closer look at the products - the tulle that adorns the kitchen most often has an ugly yellow hue. To restore their whiteness, be sure to soak the cloth in slightly salted water before washing.

If this bleaching method does not help, the tulle will have to be soaked in another solution. The way to cook it is simple:

  • pour hot water into an enameled bucket or other container;
  • add two tablespoons of peroxide, preferably 3%, and ammonia;
  • submerge the tulle in water and stir.

Let the fabric lie in the solution for at least 30 minutes, after which it needs to be rinsed and hung to dry. And so that the tulle does not wrinkle and is not damaged during drying, do not twist it much. If necessary, you can iron the product slightly - the iron should be barely warm.

You can refresh the appearance of the curtains with milk and blue - just add a spoonful of each product to the rinse and that’s all!

If you caress the beige color tulle, you can return the original color of the fabric with tea or coffee. Simply strain the selected drink and add a little to the water when rinsing.

If you prefer blinds more, then you need to act differently. If we are talking about vertical fabric products, then it is better to simply wipe them with a cloth without washing in a typewriter. The thing is that such products are impregnated with a composition that protects the fabric from pollution - after washing it will just come off, which means that dirt and dust will stick to the surface with tripled strength.

Tips: try not to wet the iron parts of the blinds during the work so that they do not become rusty.

We clean carpets for the holidays according to all the rules

For the job to succeed, clean the carpets before you sweep and mop the floor. Otherwise, you will have to do it again. Following a few of our tips, you will quickly achieve the cleanliness of the soft flooring in your apartment:

If the carpet is too dirty - it happens if the hostess touches them only once a year - just before the New Year, you will have to act more decisively. First, wipe the carpet with ammonia or brine, then wipe with a brush, wetting it with a soap mixture with the addition of 30 ml of turpentine per liter of solution. To remove dirt, first rinse the carpet with warm water and then cold, remembering to add a little acetic acid to return bright colors. After that, carefully dry the carpet so that it does not smell and does not become a dwelling for mold.

In order not to spoil during cleaning, be sure to check out our article, where you will find important and practical recommendations for cleaning furniture.

They spilled juice on the upholstery of a soft chair and do not know what means will help to remove pollution? Ours will help you quickly deal with the problem.

We clean the walls - how to clean up the rooms?

New Year’s cleaning in the apartment can’t be imagined without cleaning the walls and especially the wallpaper. Well, of course, if you do not want to meet the next year with old spots of fat, foods, dirty fingerprints. Such pollution is unlikely to decorate your home, right? Therefore, it is so important to know how to clean the wallpaper and what means are suitable for cleaning.

Vinyl is considered washable wallpaper. Therefore, if you find a stain on them, you can safely prepare a soap solution to remove impurities. The only difference between several types of detergents is the tool for applying the solution. Types of wallpaper and cleaning method:

  • Compact vinyl is so strong that it can be cleaned with a brush.
  • Foamed vinyl is best cleaned with a soft cloth.

Textile wallpaper cleaning with water is undesirable if you do not want the fabric base to move away from the wall. It is best to simply wipe them with a dry cloth or remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Spot Removal Tips:

Important: the use of organic solvents is contraindicated for any kind of wallpaper.

Soon New Year or cleaning the kitchen as one of the most important steps

Cleaning the kitchen should be allocated at least a whole day, especially if you forget about regular cleaning. With our tips, you will do everything much faster, while the quality will not suffer.

At first it is best to wash the stove and the hood. If you regularly cleaned the hob before, then you won’t spend much time cleaning it. Then go to the dishes. Wash it, and all broken cups and plates should be thrown away - do not be “plush”.

After that, go to the hanging cabinets and remove dust from them.

Next, household appliances - wash and remove the smell from the microwave oven, remove the scale from the kettle, clean the coffee machine, refrigerator. By the way, it is better to defrost the refrigerator and freezer a couple of days before cleaning, so as not to lose precious days. The only thing is that you can wash the shelves, at the same time conduct an audit - what you have, what remains to buy at the festive table.



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