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  According to the female genus, the curse of how to get rid. Curses on the female line. Female Line Curse Rite

The birth curse is one of the most serious varieties. When someone from your family is in danger - this, in itself, inspires fear, but the whole horror of the family curse lies in the fact that it is not directed at one specific member of the family, but at all representatives of the clan, up to the seventh generation. It does not spare anyone - neither women, nor old people, nor children.

Fortunately, you can get rid of it. What way to use you choose, but then we will consider effective rituals and tell you how to remove the patrimonial curse by prayers.

What is a kind of curse?

In this world, there are many interconnections and interweaving whose causes are often difficult to understand. Moreover, even insignificant actions often lead to significant consequences, and it happens when you can’t even understand what are the causes of certain situations.

Next, we’ll look at a phenomenon like the birth curse, the phenomenon is more than significant and requires detailed study. In particular, if you observe some signs of a family curse in yourself or your friends, you should try to deal with this, let’s say, ailment.

Preliminarily, a very active study of situations similar to tribal curses in modern psychology should be noted. For example, there are currently popular Hellinger constellations, which generally speak of repeating scenarios in the genus and methods of correcting these scenarios. Hellinger also offers various “treatment” options, allowing people to sort out their own existence and help loved ones.

Nevertheless, it cannot be said that, as a result, the practices of modern psychology, which are postulated as based on the opinion of scientists, would help better than working with rituals and the use of effective religious methods, such as for example. By the way, even hellinger himself called the basis of his own methodology some ancient cult practices.

Any curse imposed, intentionally or sent in haste, is a serious gap in the bioenergy field of the person to whom such a curse was addressed. Due to the ritual impact, troubles begin to pour literally from everywhere - the physical and emotional health of the object of the curse suffers - it is no longer in its hands.

The flood of unfortunate misfortunes affects not only an individual person, but with a destructive force affects the whole race, even deaths. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to recognize such a powerful corruption - the masks under which the negative message is hidden are too numerous and can be misleading.

Nevertheless, you can try to trace a series of tragedies that suddenly surged up on you and did not suspect anything, and, perhaps, to reveal some patterns.

How to recognize him?

To determine the absolute presence of damage at the initial stage of its inception can only special people - magicians, sorcerers and psychics. Therefore, in order to stop the curse before it begins to show its full potential, dragging your entire future legacy into a karmic pool, you must urgently seek help from people with magical abilities.

Explicit signs  the presence of a tribal curse:

  • An abnormally large number for one family of cases of suicide, victims of unfortunate tragic incidents, mortality among young representatives of the genus, as well as the number of family members with acute mental disorders - mentally ill.
  • Infertility  in women or frequent cases of stillbirths.
  • Family members addiction  or alcoholism in the form of a heavy addiction.
  • Frequent cases termination.
  • Too similar deplorable among relatives of fate.
  • Incessant scandals  and friction within the family, up to and including assault with grave consequences.
  • Child Abdication  from my parents.
  • A large number of early widowed women.

One way or another, sooner or later, but all these signs lead to the inevitable eradication of an entire kind. And the way out of this frightening situation depends on you - humblely accept or act decisively and immediately.

How to remove it yourself?

Solving the problem independently is possible. But the mitigation of the destructive power of the tribal curse or its complete neutralization is real only on condition that the damage was sent unintentionally, “in the hearts”. Then, conspiracies and specific rituals, of which there are a whole mass, can become salvation. Another necessary condition is the presence of a completely positive attitude and positive energy.

If the tribal curse is already “not young”, but acting for several decades, which has managed to acquire an awesome scale to date, then the only way to solve the problem is to turn to serious prayer practices.

In addition, people practicing with knowledge of their field, rich experience and special gift will help to identify the sources of damage, identify its causes and find the culprit of all this horror, suggesting methods and ways to eliminate or at least weaken the effect of the curse sent to the family.

Once there is no doubt that the curse was cast, the time for decisive action. In no case should one put off the solution to the problem and wait until the damage manifests itself with all its might - urgent measures must be taken.

Whatever the reason for the curse sent, prayer must first be addressed.. Reading the prayer text on the removal of the family curse, carried out on a regular basis, can not only weaken the destructive effect of the negative message, but even completely neutralize it. Anyway - a positive result will be provided to you.

But reading one prayer, however, is indispensable. It is still necessary to perform a number of special ritual actions to achieve maximum effect. The main thing is not to give up, not to follow the frightening curse, not to lose faith and a positive mood even after the completion of tragic troubles and collapsed troubles.

Ceremonial actions

The curse is always part of the negative energy that is the embodiment of the one sending the corruption. With his negative fibers, the messenger not only enhances the effect of the illness directed at you, but also feeds on his “black” results. Therefore, your positive attitude against the negative energy of the addressee can nullify the curse. All in your hands. Here and now.

The first step is to go in and buy 7 candles. No need to skimp, get expensive and high-quality candles - future objects of the ritual. Stock up on holy water. Also, you need to have several icons: the Most Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ the Savior, the Holy Matrona of Moscow and the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer.

If there are none at home, be sure to get them on the same day with candles. On your neck you should definitely hang a consecrated cross, you need to wear it without taking it off.

At midnight, lock yourself in the room, place lighted candles, all the icons listed above, place a container of holy water nearby. Start reading the prayer “Our Father” by repeating it 7 times. Take a sip of holy water. Also, read the prayer for lifting the curse 7 times, wait until the last candle burns out.

You can use various prayer options to remove the curse from the family. For example, use this combination: first read the creed, then 90 psalm, and then the next strong prayer.

“To the King of Heaven, the Comforter of the Soul True! You are One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled.

You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal World and the Treasure of the Hearts of Devotees, giving them life.

Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Chalices of our Secret Children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Your Name. Amen.

Liberate, Almighty and Merciful, your children from evil thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from corruption, evil eye and slander, for we trust only in You, the One.

Cleanse all who thirst for Light in darkness and the passage of death, for You, the Living and True Almighty God of the Hosts of Heaven, are joy and comfort for all who despair.

Thy Love is the Sword of Fire, liberating from the chains created by the servants of One who opposes Your Will, all Your Devotees, and let those who are cruel and evil in powerlessness give up before the image of Christ, sealed in Your Inner sons and daughters.

True Comforter of the Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all those who call on Your holy name, spread the Sword of Redemption over your children, protect your devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.

I praise you in the four guises of the Holy Spirit, which is the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.
  So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever. Amen."

After that, collect all 7 cinders and wrap them in a sheet of paper on which the prayer is written, put them in a plate and set on fire. Take a sip of holy water again. Put the ashes remaining after the ceremony and burn the cinder in a bag and bury it in the ground in a place where people usually do not go.

Without turning back, return home, and in no case do not enter into conversation with anyone on the way. At home, take a sip of holy water again. Arrange the icons in their places.

When morning comes, go to church and give a note for the repose and for your health to your deceased relatives by buying 14 candles. A note for health must be transferred not only for oneself, but also for all one's living relatives - from the oldest generation to its younger representatives.

Do not forget to regularly attend church, observe fasts, read spiritual traditions and believe in the best outcome of events - only in this way, clearly following all the directions and sincerely exuding a positive attitude, you can be sure that from now on, no, even the darkest thoughts, can cause harm to you and your loved ones.

On the female line

During pregnancy, the baby is completely dependent on the mother; there is a strong bond between them. What happens after the baby is born? This connection does not disappear, it remains for life. That is why the mother needs to be careful, because she, not wanting to harm her child, can cause trouble for him.

A tribal curse has a powerful effect on a woman and she, without realizing it, can transfer it to her baby (for the most part this happens among women).

What to do in this situation? - This is the main question, since the life of the child may be in danger. Simple petitions and conspiracies will not help here, since the mother’s curse cannot be removed without a ritual called “unification”. It is necessary to periodically conduct a ceremony, attend church services, read a prayer book and give alms to those in need, there is only one condition - this must be done regularly for three years.

The tribal curse cannot be stopped; it can only be lifted. Converting to God can help in this, as well as setting candles for all deceased ancestors.. It is necessary to remember that if the candle starts to crack, then the person to whom it was installed was the first, this misfortune went from him. If this did not happen, then the curse was incited by a living person.

Then you need to buy a candle and put it in front of the icon to Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the same time having said a request for healing with the name of the one who brought this curse, of course, if there is confidence in this. After the prayer, the following should be said: “May my sins be burned! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you Lord! ” At the end, you need to order a prayer service to deceased ancestors for a year.

By male

Such a curse is dangerous in that it acts until it is removed or all the men of the family die, moreover, accidents, suicides or accidents occur more often against the background of drunkenness. This type of curse appeared in ancient times in order to crack down on powerful families.

It is important to know that a loved one can drag the trouble, not wanting it. The most important thing is to be serious and attentive to what is happening with family and friends and, if there is any suspicion, take action immediately, as the consequences can be serious.


In conclusion, we offer you some particularly effective combinations of prayers. Here is the Orthodox prayer for the purification of the family, combined with a thank-you note:

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive all those who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I apologize to all the people whom my ancestors offended, voluntarily or involuntarily, in word, deed or thought.

Lord, I ask you, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family, and fill Your power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask you, cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, thank you for all that you give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Forces of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness. ”

Here is another effective prayer for cleansing the genus, which is also effective read for 40 days:

First you need to say Our Father.

“Lord, your eyes have seen the germ of your daughter (son) (name). In your book are written all the days assigned to her (him).

Drive away the unclean from me, so as not to be on my dangerous path. Do not let the bloodthirsty come to me. Forgive the conceived and
  my father (...) who gave birth to me, my mother (...) and all my great-grandfather from my beginning.

Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, it’s indecently stupid for honor, like a sparrow fluttering, as a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse on me, the daughter (son) of God (name) will not come true. Amen."

Perhaps only those who are principled skeptics can deny the existence of magic, spirits and unearthly forces in general. The rest do not need to explain what the evil eye, spoilage, curses, etc. are. And some have personally encountered similar phenomena. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to how to remove the birth curse, get rid of magical consequences (quarrels, loneliness, illness, death) or eliminate the unfavorable maternal desire that gradually destroys the life of the victim. In this article you can find prayers and rituals that can help in different situations, so that the whole race is not brought down from the world.

Birth curses are a separate kind of negative energy pressure on a person, as well as on his entire race. Therefore, the question of removing such spells is quite relevant.

Birth curses differ from damage, the evil eye. First of all, these are verbal spells that are not accompanied by a ritual or ceremony. It is quite simple to wish a specific person and his heirs on the female / male line of evil and death. It is enough to hate this person. Therefore, many could face curses without knowing it.

A curse can be imposed on a specific person. But when he is sent to the whole race of this person, then it is called generic. There is a curse on such a plan until all the heirs are out of the world, or until someone stops it on their own.

Removing the birth curse itself is difficult. Especially if these are the words of the mother. However, it is quite possible. To do this, there are:

  • different prayers;
  • revelations and ebbs on wax;
  • unction.

How to identify witchcraft?

In order to neutralize the curse on the male or female line, it is advisable to do this as soon as possible. But here the question may arise, but how to find out about the presence of magic, and how the removal of the curse works. You can identify witchcraft on several grounds.

You need to get rid of the curse of the genus immediately if you draw a parallel and find that:

  • mental illness accompanies the family tree for more than a dozen years (either female or male relatives suffer);
  • in the history of the genus, there have been cases of deaths of infants and newborns;
  • among blood relatives there are many unmarried, widowed, who are accompanied by loneliness;
  • the family tree contains many cases of parents abandoning children and children from parents, depriving them of shelter;
  • in every generation of blood-related relatives there are unnatural deaths.

The most powerful are the curses sent by the mother in defense of her child. Faced with such witchcraft, it will be difficult to pray for the opposite effect. Therefore, those who are interested in how to remove the curse, if it is sent to destroy the entire line (female or male), will need to be patient and faithful.

Church attendance will help

Visiting a church and reading a prayer will help those who are interested in how to remove the tribal curse. A visit to the temple of God will be especially relevant for those who have noticed a sequence of negative events on the female side.

As a rule, in order to remove the curse from a specific person or an entire family independently, you need to go to services in the temple of God for three consecutive years.

If the curse has been transmitted over a long period of time from mother to daughter, then she will also need to undergo a rite of passage and alms.

Witchcraft Ritual

In order to conduct this ritual to remove the family curse, you need to know exactly which of the relatives is the primary source. Only in this case, success is guaranteed, and it will be possible to remove the negative maternal effect.

To find out, you need to go to church and put candles. In addition, each candle should symbolize one deceased relative. With as many candles as there have been deaths in your lifetime, watch the flame. That candle, the wax will crack when heated, means the source of the curse.

While the candles you have set will burn, say silent prayers for yourself. Then buy a candle for the deceased, whom the flame and crack of wax have identified as damned. Put it in the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. As the wax melts, read the prayers to this saint. Ask him for help. Tell me how important it is to remove the curse for you and all living heirs. Say the following text between prayers:

“My sins and sins (the name of the deceased relative) will be burned. May the dust of the dead find peace, and the Lord will cover me with mercy. Thank you, Lord! ”

When the candle wax is melted, you can go home. Before leaving the church, order a prayer service from the ministers for a year. It must be dedicated to all relatives who you remember who died in the family. In addition, everyone sitting at the entrance of a needy person will be pleased with alms.

If the source is a living person

If a living curse is borne by a living person, this can also be found in the church. At the entrance to the temple, read prayers to the Lord and buy a few candles. Their number should be equal to living relatives. Place and light each candle on your own, symbolizing it with a specific person. The one whose candle will burst and burn with a blue flame bears a generic curse or the evil words of his mother. Energy negativity will accompany him through life. As a rule, this is loneliness, constant illness and loss of relatives. Therefore, prayer from curses will act towards this person.

After waiting for all the candles to burn out, you can purchase another one. Having placed it at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, say prayers, requests for removal of the curse throughout the female / male line. Also read the words:

“An evil and evil eye fell on our entire family, words are witchcraft. We were punished, but did not break and did not give up. We carry our cross, do not complain, silently reproach. Now it is our time, time to rest. Therefore, we ask for help and mercy from the Lord God and his henchman, St. Nicholas. May our sins be forgiven to us, let all evil spirits burn, like the flame of this candle. Amen".

After that, wait until the candle burns out. After that, order an annual prayer service from the temple attendants. Then, at the mercy, donate to the church, how much it is not a pity that the removal of the curse was effective. At the exit, give out one coin to the beggars sitting at the temple. Go home and try not to think about relatives this day. Especially about the victim, who became the first bearer of the tribal curse.

Eliminate exposure with wax

You can also get rid of the curse transmitted from generation to generation along the female or male line, using the rite of pouring on wax. To do this, in the morning you need to buy candles in the church. You will need to purchase so many candles that would be enough to pour the wax, as well as to arrange a few indoors. Be sure to leave the change from purchase to donation. In addition, part of the money should be given in the form of alms. How to remove the curse at home on your own using this method, read below.

Arriving home, get ready. First consecrate the room where the ritual will be held. To do this, walk around the room with candles, crossing it with flame every corner. Then put the purchased candles on the table. Also get:

  • tin can;
  • glass cup;
  • water.

Before you remove the birth curse or the evil words of the mother of the offended person, take a shower.

After the procedure, put on clean clothes. Upon entering the room, read the prayers. Then, above the flame of a candle in a can under “Our Father”, melt the wax removed from several candles. When the contents of the can are in a liquid state, quickly whisper the words:

“I ask the Lord and his son Jesus Christ for help and mother Mary for help. Have mercy on me, the servant of God (your name), remove the evil words from (the name of a relative) and from our kind a curse. Amen".

Filling the glass in advance with water, pour the melted wax into it. Now you should say these words:

“As in the spring of snow pouring into the river, as the dirt is carried away from the bottom, so let the body, soul and shell of God's servant (his name) be cleansed of evil spirits, the tribal curse, envy and evil words of the mother. I will be with God, and I will pour out the wax and I will get rid of the bad. Amen".

After waiting for the poured wax to harden, you can continue the ritual. To get rid of the negative, you will need to take out a glass with water and a wax lump in it from the house. Embark on a desert uninhabited place. Dig a hole there. Put a glass in it. Cover everything with earth above. At the end of the procedure, return home. Wash your hands first. Then ventilate the room. It is advisable to go to church on the same day. In the temple, you need to order magpie "for health."

If the victim’s behavior or unexplained female / male phenomena do not stop, a strong curse will apply. Most likely, this is a maternal spell, which is considered the most powerful form of magic. And you can remove it yourself by repeating the ceremony several times.

If the whole blood race is cursed

Very often in the family can be observed the phenomenon of celibacy. Especially on the female side. This is clearly the effect of the evil messages of someone's mother. Usually, in families with a tribal curse, everyone quarrels with each other. In addition, they are accompanied by loneliness throughout life.

Before you remove the family curse of such a plan, you need to buy 7 candles in the church. Having connected all the candles together upon arrival home, you need to read the words:

“A tree cannot be without roots, branches, leaves. So let all my bloodlines (list the name of each person) be nice and friendly. Mother Ladushka, you have 7 keys, and I have 7 candles. From now on, from hostility and loneliness, may all keys be locked. ”

Roll the melted wax of the burning candles into a small candle. Light and say over it:

“I make a pledge on the way, goodness and peace in the family. May all good and good, torn by the enemy, return. ”

Stick the remnants of the wax of this candle onto a coin of the greatest value. Take the penny with wax to the intersection and, throwing it over your left shoulder, say “Paid” out loud to remove the curse from every blood person.

Family damage is transmitted along female or male lines: from a woman to daughters and granddaughters, from a man to sons and grandchildren. If it is done intentionally, for removal it is required to turn to specialists - a healer, a hereditary warlock. If a person himself uttered evil words, or the evil eye was made by an inexperienced envious, rituals and prayer will help to remove the family curse.


What is a family curse

A family spell is a wish spoken with anger. A tribal curse is intentional when a detractor consciously pronounces words with negative subtext, and unconscious, spoken in the hearts.

Examples of spells cast by a person:

  • so that you never have children;
  • damn this house;
  • what would all of you do.

Types and symptoms of birth curses

Family curses come in many forms:

Sphere of lifeSymptoms
HealthSudden deterioration of health until death.
ProcreationFailures of pregnancy and miscarriages. Infertility that cannot be explained from a medical point of view. Deaths of newborns (up to 40 days of life).
RelationsLoneliness. The same type of love affair scenario that ends with a break.
PersonalityA bleak perception of reality, prolonged depression.
LuckTotal bad luck - undulating or permanent - relating to all areas of life.
MoneyInability to earn or get rich, regular financial losses. Lack of money up to poverty.

Anna Kiryanova talks about the types and manifestations of tribal curses on her official channel.

Common symptoms

You can determine the curse on the genus by analyzing the presence of traits:

  • the presence in the family of dispossessed, exiles;
  • mortality of children under the age of 3 years;
  • poor relations on the female (mother-daughter) or male (father-son) lines;
  • causeless conflicts between generations of a family;
  • suicides;
  • lack of money;
  • alcohol, drug addiction;
  • the same type of negative scenario of love, marriage in several generations;
  • identical diseases that are not amenable to official treatment;
  • childlessness, infertility;
  • litigation between relatives;
  • birth of freaks or the presence of defects such as 6 fingers on the hand;
  • atheism, transition to another faith;
  • the renunciation of family members from the clan, at home: “You are not my daughter”, “My feet will not be in this apartment.”

As manifested in men

Manifestation of the curses in men:

  • early death, which occurred as a result of an accident, from a rapid illness;
  • serious accidents;
  • disability;
  • the impossibility of self-realization, of earning;
  • strong quarrels and divorce;
  • health problems.

What are the main symptoms in women

You can determine the birth curse by the symptoms:

  • craving for sexual intercourse with different partners;
  • pregnancy from accidental relationships;
  • the birth of troubled illegitimate children;
  • the emergence of bad habits;
  • the manifestation of criminal inclinations (including by the husband), which are punishable by law;
  • morbidity and mortality of children;
  • problems with men (frequent widowhood), including in the sexual sphere;
  • job loss, lack of money;
  • recurrent diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • mental disorders, manic tendencies;
  • bad luck;
  • incurable diseases;
  • early mortality;
  • the presence of suicides among adults and children in the family.

As manifested in the child

Negativity directed at the child has manifestations:

  • one or a series of emotional upheavals;
  • loss of interest in familiar activities and studies;
  • getting into bad companies;
  • lack of contact and understanding with parents (for no apparent reason);
  • frequent troubles;
  • accidents;
  • unwillingness to live.

How to determine the genus curse by date of birth

It is possible to determine the effect of a curse by a person’s date of birth in a way:

  1. The numbers of the date of birth are summed. For example, July 7, 1985 is 7 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 37
  2. The resulting figure is converted into a unique one by adding: 3 + 7 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1
  3. The first digit of a person’s birthday is multiplied by a deuce: 7 × 2 \u003d 14
  4. The last value is subtracted from the first received value: 37-14 \u003d 23
  5. This number is converted to a single: 2 + 3 \u003d 5

As a result, there are 4 working numbers:

  • the first is 37;
  • the second is 1;
  • the third is 23;
  • the fourth is 5.

The presence of the number 6 in the second or fourth value indicates the curse of the genus. In the first case, the damage is strong, inherited from the parents. In the second, the weaker one, which has passed through several generations.

Is it possible to find who and whom of the family cursed

You can use special rituals to establish the identity or name of the person who carried out the family curse. The simplest of them is to see the offender in a dream. It is important to completely relax and pronounce (you can read from the sheet) at night a special conspiracy.

Spell text:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Among the light ranks is St. Samson. In the name of God, the eternal and the living, I say the holy word - Saint Samson, bring me a prophetic dream. Let Saint Samson point me to my enemy, through a dream the prophetic face will show him. Alive and blessed Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and ever. Amen.

The second way to recognize the cursed race refers to black magic. To do this, you need to go to the cemetery and find there an old rusty nail. You can’t touch it with your hands - only through a piece of cloth, a glove.

He will need to be hammered over the front door while casting a spell:

Let my enemy come in three days, and if he doesn’t come, in six months he will die. Cemetery, coffin, nail, waiting for you, invited guest.

The third method involves a ceremony using wax candles (must be melted in advance). The meaning of the ritual is to pour wax into water and decipher images. The wax froze in the shape of a moon or a plant - which means that the woman was cursed by the genus. If the image looks like an animal or a geometric figure - a man. Perhaps the wax will spill over into the name or its first letter. The numbers indicate the period when the spoilage was made.

You can learn about the curse using meditation: you need to focus on the person’s field and personal acquaintance with him. Self-scan the presence of someone else’s energy in their aura - it will be distinguished by a dark color and high density. This method is only suitable for practitioners of meditation.

How can the church help in the event of a family curse

To find out with whom the curse of the clan began, you can turn to the church for help and order a requiem. It is necessary in advance to light candles for the repose of each deceased relative. At a time when the clergyman will read the names given, you need to pay attention to the reaction of candles. In the event of a magical effect, the wax will begin to darken, and the flame will burst. If they all burn evenly - the curse lies with the one who came to the temple.

If the curse of the family began with one of the dead, you need to visit his grave in the cemetery and leave the funeral food there. It can be vodka and bread, which are spelled:

You (name) of the land, take your curse!

After that, you need to order a 40-day or annual reading of the memorial service at the church. As soon as the effect of the curse is neutralized, the person will experience relief.

Orthodox prayers from tribal curses

Orthodox Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker can help get rid of the negative effects of spoilage if a certain rite is performed:

  1. Submit a note to the church about the health of living family members and the repose of the dead.
  2. Buy 3 candles and put them in front of the icon.
  3. Say the following words:

    St. Nicholas the Pleasant, save the living from the curse and remember the soul forever asleep. Amen.

  4. Cross three times and buy 12 wax candles at the exit.
  5. It is advisable to purchase a new icon of Nicholas the Ugodnik and holy water.
  6. At home, you need to retire with a purchased in a separate room.
  7. Set the icon and pour holy water into the container. Ask the Lord God for the forgiveness of sins for all members of his family (living and deceased).
  8. Light candles (1 per day) and pray.

Prayer for the removal of the family curse to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Nikolai the Miracle Worker, you are our protector and savior. Do not languish me with suffering, but deliver me from torment and disease. Do not let the evil conjurer damage to break me and my loved ones. Let relatives not suffer from this hour, their life will be improved as soon as possible. Looking at all the good things that are going on with them, it will become easier for me. But if there is no curse, I ask you, Godsend, take away all the troubles from my family. I believe in your help. Amen.

Another effective way to get rid of the curse of the genus is as follows:

  1. Hold a 7-day fast, after which confess and partake.
  2. Visit three different churches on the same day and order a magpie in them.
  3. In each church, place candles over the repose of the dead, uttering such a conspiracy: “Let me go, dead man, and my troubles will end because of your curses. Amen".
  4. Light candles in front of the icons of God and Our Lady.
  5. Order 2 funeral services for the deceased from the paternal and maternal lines. If it is known which side the corruption came from, you can file notes with the names of their relatives.

Muslim prayers

Verily, we all belong to Allah and, verily, we all return to him. Oh Lord, I will keep account of you for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience shown by me and take the trouble to the fact that it is better than her.

The order of reading the holy texts is as follows:

  1. Say the words: "I seek from Allah protection from Shaitan."
  2. Sura Fotikha.
  3. The petition for the forgiveness of sins.
  4. Prayer for removing corruption. Read 7 times.

Rites for the removal of family curses

You can independently get rid of the birth curse with the help of rituals from black magic. One of the most effective is the "Mirror" conspiracy. For its implementation, you will need 2 mirrors installed in front and behind the damned person.

At midnight, you must light a wax church candle and pronounce the following text three times:

You, black night, you, a dark mirror, reflect evil words from me, a human curse, a sign of hell. I ask you for the first time. Amen.

It is important to look in your own eyes.

After reading the plot, you need to wash yourself with holy water and wipe your face with a T-shirt or other clothes. After the candle burns out, the cinder is placed on sheet A4. Next to the wax, you need to draw a cross, and then fold the paper and bury it under any tree. Mirrors are cleaned in a closet - away from prying eyes. Next Sunday, you need to put a candle in the temple in front of the icon of "God, Our Lady and the Holy Spirit" with words of gratitude.

Step-by-step instructions for getting rid of birth curses with the help of rituals and rituals. Taken from the Simplemagic Channel.

Getting rid of the curse on the male line

To remove the negative program, which is transmitted through the male line, it is necessary to wait for Easter. Three male relatives need to go up to the bell and ring it exactly 12 times, while holding on to the rope. Then the bell ringer is served eggs and money asking them to pray for these people.

Ringing from Heaven, Christ is Risen! Death conquered, hell destroyed. So our Christian family, the baptized forgiveness, will rise again, death will triumph, the curse will destroy. As the church of Christ is strong, so our male race will be strong. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Female line curse

3 important rules for breaking this curse:

  • attend church services;
  • pray;
  • give alms.

Such damage is removed in the following way:

  1. Put 3 wax candles in the shape of a triangle, in the center of which should be a photograph of a person.
  2. Wet your fingers in holy water and cross the picture three times.
  3. Say the words: “Lord, have mercy and bless. Thanks to the Higher Powers, I close the tribal curse forever. ”
  4. Put an egg on the photo and untwist it with the words:

    A continuous circle collects famously, spoilage and the whole disastrousness and pushes a chicken into an egg. Like the sun is red, it spins. It does not stop for a moment, until the terrible evil in it disappears. Let sorcery not pass on to close people, to small children. Let it dye the yolk black and leave the women of our family forever.

How to remove the curse imposed by relatives

If one of the relatives intentionally or accidentally cursed, the following ritual must be performed:

  1. Buy black poppy and 7 church candles.
  2. Pour seeds into any small container and place under the kitchen table for a week.
  3. Light a candle daily and stick it in the center of the bowl.
  4. After she goes out, say: “What came with evil, sweep (name) into the house. Damn the hell, but good to me. Amen!".
  5. Take the poppy to the threshold of a relative, once again reading the plot. An important condition for the return of the curse is the sincere forgiveness of the one who imposed it.

Mother curse

In order to get rid of the maternal curse, you need to perform a series of actions:

  1. Order a magpie to all members of his family and himself.
  2. Put candles to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ. Then - before the images of the Mother of God and the Matron.
  3. Three times read Psalm 90 and Our Father before the face of every saint.
  4. Carry out these actions for 40 consecutive days.

How to get rid of a money curse

To remove material damage, you can use one of the following rituals:

  1. On a banknote of any denomination, it is necessary to cross out all the numbers with a black pen. After this, you need to fold it 4 times and sew it with a white thread on the inside of the outer clothing. During sewing, the following words are pronounced:

    “Happiness for happiness, money for money, will bypass me, a servant / servant of God (name), any misfortune. Amen".

  2. Use black threads with which the banknote needs to be sewn around the edges with the words:

    “I am stitching failure, sewing up money, sewing up debts and problems. Good luck will come back to me. May it be so".

  3. After that, the money must be buried under a tree or thrown into the river.

How to remove the curse of loneliness

Specialists should help in removing the "crown of celibacy", it is very difficult to get rid of it yourself.

It is necessary to purchase the “Seven-shot” icon in the church and place it at home on a cotton scarf. Before a lit candle, a prayer is read to the Mother of God, at the end of which one needs to pronounce a conspiracy. You need to do this 12 times, after which the icon is wrapped in a scarf and placed under the pillow. After 3 days, it can be installed in the iconostasis.

Conspiracy text:

Mother of God is long-suffering! Accept me with your mercy! Cover me under your shelter! The words of this curse amazed me with loneliness. Protect me with your name! Let me fulfill God's destiny! Amen.

Ridding the gypsy curse

To remove the damage from the gypsies, it is necessary to come to the river for 12 days and pronounce such a conspiracy:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My mother gave birth to me, the Virgin blessed. Lord help, Lord protect: from the evil gypsy evil eye, from any witching uraz, from enemies, enemies, from ghosts, bites, damned speeches, eye-catching eyes. And if there is already superficial, take, take off my body, and free my soul: from all relics, eyes, elbows, from speeches, from blood, from relatives. Lord save, save and defend, wash away from me, rinse, free from any damage. In a word I will shroud with saints, I will wipe myself with wind. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.


The video provides a powerful prayer to remove the tribal curse. Taken from the official channel of Viktor Gurchik.

Prayer service for the removal of the family curse (read 40 days in a row, without interruption).

The prayer service consists of two parts, one of which is aimed at removing the tribal curse, the second allows you to fill the free inner space of the karma of the genus, which was formed as a result of transmutation of involutional programs, with the energies of abundance and prosperity. The minimum period of work with each part of the prayer service is 40 days, because 40 days is the time of the existence of demonic entities, vampires and possessors, deforming both individual and karma of the genus, if they do not receive additional energy from the activity of the lower "I" »Embodied personality and its immediate karmic environment. There is no maximum term of service; it is determined only by the striving for this type of spiritual work of our individual Divine Soul and its willingness to take responsibility for an evolutionary fate of its kind.

Prayer Creed

I believe in the one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, even from the Father born before all ages, Light from Light, God the truth from God is truth, Born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, but He is all that is. We are for the sake of man and ours for the salvation of one who came down from heaven And embodied from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and become human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, And the sufferer, and buried. And risen on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and the Father is seated at the right hand. And packs to come with glory to judge the living and the dead, but His Kingdom will have no end. And in the spirit of the saint, the Lord, the Life-giving One, From the outgoing Father, From the Father and the Son We are worshiped and glorified, having spoken the prophets. In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I drink the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the next century.


He who lives under the shelter of the Most High under the shadow of the Almighty rests, He says to the Lord: "My refuge and my protection, My God, in whom I trust!" He will deliver you from the catcher’s net, from a fatal ulcer, With His Feathers they will overshadow you, and under His wings you will be safe; the shield and the fence are His truth. You will not be afraid of the horrors in the night, the arrow flying in the afternoon, the Ulcer walking in the darkness, the infection that devastates at noon. A thousand and ten thousand at the right hand of you shall fall near you; but it will not come near you: Only you will look with your eyes and see the wicked's retribution. For you said: “Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; Evil shall not come unto thee, and the plague shall not come near thy dwelling; For it is His commandment to the Angels that you guard over all your paths: They will carry you in your arms, so that you will not stumble upon your stone with your feet; You will tread on Aspida and the Basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. "For the fact that he loved Me, I will deliver him;

i will protect him, because he has known My name. He will call to me, and I will hear him; with him I am in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him, I will saturate him with the longitude of days, and I will show him My salvation. "

1 part  To the King of Heaven, the Comforter of the Soul True! You are One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled. You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal World and the Treasure of the Hearts of Devotees, giving them life. Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Chalices of our Secret Children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call on Your Name.   Amen.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal and Merciful! Have mercy on us, forgive us, awaken sleeping hearts to repentance and teach us to listen to your Inner. Grant spiritual insight and send peace to the mind of a human, fussy and rebellious, kindle the Light of Prayer in the True of your devotees. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus, Son of God, save us! Cathedral of the Saints of Eastern and Western Churches, pray God for us! The all-merciful Mother of our Lord Jesus! Aren't you, the Most Holy One, giving birth to your Son, in order to give him as an atonement for the sins of the human race? I pray you in the name of the Love and Forgiveness of Jesus: remember the names of all my relatives for flesh and blood, with whom I am connected (a) karmically in this life and in this incarnation, both living and dead, forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, in earthly life you are perfect, and by the goodness of your prayers, grant liberation from the tribal curse, from corruption, the evil eye and slander, from all sorcery and shamanism, from all involutionary programs and demonic programs. Accept the souls, the salvation of the afflicted, under your maternal cover and show them the way to the Abode of the Enlightened and Righteous, to the Worlds of Bliss and Joy. Oh, the Empress of All Sovereign, the All-Merciful Lady of Our Lady, the Mother of the Comforter, the Protector of the human race, the Table of the Fire Testament in hearts and Infinite Mercy! This is your kiss that blesses us to create the One Being of Eternal Life. Do not leave us in the chosen path! Oh, Amrita the Fragrant of Eternity! Hear our prayers and accept humble petitions in the name of the transformation of the future. Oh, the Hope of the Devotees, the all-blessing Mother of Mankind! Place in the Ark of your Heart all souls suffering from your Love and Grace, and exalt to the Blessed Abode. I ask you with hope and faith: spread your Protection of Love over all who live on Earth and are in the Purgatory of the Worlds Transitional relatives of mine in flesh and blood, and do not leave them without their blissful guidance, for the sake of innocent babies have mercy on your parents and atone for the sins and prayers of mothers children. By the prayers of the Righteous, may the Gates of the High Mountain be opened for them!   Amen.

Oh, all-good! Four Angels of Light from the Throne of the Lord went to my prayer, so that by the power and authority granted to them at the time of the Creation of the World, they would free the relatives of my soul from all energies, qualities and conditions, which are lower than the Perfection of God, so that they would protect them from the activity of demonic entities, larv, larv and essays, which prevent the manifestation of the true and innermost essence of your devotees. Oh Beloved Azazel, Angel of Destruction! You are the Divine Reaper of the Holy Grain of the Lord. With the sickle of the Spirit shining in your hand, ripe ears are separated from the chaff, and with a lightning of Truth give the opportunity for God's souls to recognize the face of wolves, dressing in the skins of the lamb.

Oh Beloved Angel of Israel, Keeper of the Tablets of Fire! In prayer, my redeeming one, premiumly created, possessing by faith my power of purification and liberation, remove the names of my relatives from the scrolls of the Tempter and draw them with the Flame of Love in the scrolls of Eternal Life. Oh, Beloved Darion, the Angel of Renaissance, guarding the Star of the Transfiguration of the planet! Strengthen the hearts of the devotees of the Light with the power of Love, which you have been shown to manifest in the source of the Divine World, awakening the Grain of the Spirit of every creature. Oh Beloved Angel of Prosperity Jeremil! From the graceful vessel of Eternal Life in your hands pour out perfumed amrita, so that every Grain of the Spirit turns into a ripe spike and brings its fruits to Eternity. In the name of the Great Mother of All Life, I call you, Angels of Light: Azazel, Israel, Darion and Jeremil! Liberate, purify, revive and exalt into the Light all the souls with which my True is bound by indissoluble karmic bonds in the ancestral tree. Our Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and everyone’s being! Strengthen the power of prayer with the Light of True Love and with Your Mercy, grant liberation, purification, spiritual resurrection and transformation to all souls who call on Your Holy Name in the days of the Great Exodus. The heavenly gifts of the earth have been sent to all their children on this day and protected from temptation and from the evil done to those who do not obey your law, do not honor your commandment and oppose your will. Forgive, Lord, all arrogant for slander and malice, for all witchcraft, shamanism, black magic and curses shown in relation to my family, and strengthen me in the power of unconditional forgiveness to all who, by unconsciousness, wished evil to all souls before the 12th generation in my family tree, both inside and outside. With the fiery power of Forgiveness, free, cleanse, and save your children, Lord! In your High Name, Almighty, All-Benevolent and Forgiving, protect us in the path of Peace, Love and Light, and direct our footsteps along the roads of Enlightenment to the Abode of Your Devotees, for You, Lord, Lord of the True Worlds, am the hope and support of the afflicted, and in Your hands , Almighty, the life of all those born of Your Eternal Spirit. You alone, Unforgettable, Unspoken, All-merciful, for all your children deliverance from misfortunes, comfort in sorrows, healing from wounds, damage, witchcraft, shamanism, evil eye, obsession - holy cleansing, from the curse of the uttered and sent - true liberation. I praise you in the four guises of the Holy Spirit, which is the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light. So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever. Amen.

Liberate, Almighty and Merciful, your children from evil thoughts, from evil words, from bitter curses, from all shamanism and witchcraft, from corruption, evil eye and slander, for we trust only in You, the One. Cleanse all who thirst for Light in darkness and the passage of death, for You, the Living and True Almighty God of the Hosts of Heaven, are joy and comfort for all who are desperate. Thy Love is the Sword of Fire, liberating from the chains created by the servants of One who opposes Your Will, all Your Devotees, and let those who are cruel and evil in powerlessness give up before the image of Christ, sealed in Your Inner sons and daughters. True Comforter of the Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all those who call on Your holy name, spread the Sword of Redemption over your children, protect your devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope. I praise you in the four guises of the Holy Spirit, which is the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light. So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever. Amen.

Our Heavenly Father! Holy Light Untold! Hear my prayer May this prayer of the heart of a devotee reach you. You, the Just and Merciful, who owns everything, empowered the holy apostles with the power to trample the feet of snakes and scorpions, crowned the Mother of our Lord Jesus as Queen of the Sovereign Peace, grant all your children, calling on Your Holy Name, the grace of purification and liberation from all energies that are below Perfection Of God, from all demons - internal and external, from all corruption, evil eye, shamanism, witchcraft, from all black magic and the destructive power of the curse uttered, which do not allow us to come close to you. May the Soul be awakened to Eternal Life, may the human heart be filled with the Light of Love, Peace and Joy, may the Light of Salvation shine for all who live in the darkness and the shadow of death. Lord, fill us with your Holy Spirit! Lord, live in us, Lord, dwell in us. Lord, reign in us! Lord, guide us! Lord, love our neighbors in us! Lord, conquer and resurrect in us! This is the power of Your Love, Lord, granting salvation and renewal to the world. This is the power of Your Love, Lord, gives hope for the transformation and resurrection of tormented hearts, tormented bodies, the human race. God, the protector of the human race! Have mercy on your children, from the Radiant Residences in the Shining Worlds went the Great Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Jofiel, Raphael, Samuel, Zadkiel, Uriel, so that with their might and power, given to them in the source of Eternal Bliss, they would help to free and purify the children of God, of all my relatives in flesh and blood, both now living and dead, from all energies, qualities and conditions, which are lower than the Perfection of God. May the Light of Forgiveness and Transfiguration be lit for them in the heart of Infinity and descend upon them! May it be established in the hearts of Your Faithful Children! Heavenly Purity, True World, Infinite Love, and may God Live and Eternal have mercy on all!   Amen.

To the King of Heaven, the Comforter of the Soul True! You are One in everything, and by Your Will everything is fulfilled. You are the Unfading Light, the Eternal World and the Treasure of the Hearts of Devotees, giving them life. Abide in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour out into the world through the Chalices of your Secret Children, grant Hope, Forgiveness and Salvation to all who call on Your Name. Amen.

I praise you in the four guises of the Holy Spirit, which is the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light. So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever. In conclusion, thank the Angels of the Archangel Michael for the protection of subtle bodies (their and those around them) ...   Amen.

2 part: Prayer for the prosperity of the family tree (read next 40 days) Lord, the Light Spoken, by its Love and Mercy, which bestowed the hope of salvation to the Devotees of Eternal Life! I will call Thy name - and I will find Peace in peace and quiet prayer. I will call Thy name, and the Gates of Heaven will open. I will call Your name - and the Kingdom will shine in glory ... I will shake off the mortal dust from my feet at the Gates of Eternity and, taking communion from the Chalice of Bliss, may I ascend into the City of Enlightened, Jubilant and Gracious.

Lord, the Savior of the soul and body of mankind, who has corrected death by death, He has granted Eternal Life to this world, the embodiment of Love and Mercy, the personification of Faith and Eternity! Awaken the souls of my relatives in the ancestral tree to contemplate the Glories of the Heavenly Father, so that they might tremble before the Light of His Truth and crave reunion with the Devotees in the bright bosom, in the everlasting bosom, in the bosom of Abraham, in the Immaculate Heart of the Holy Mother, and forgive them all the mistakes made in word, deed or thought, for You are Hope and Promise, King of the World, Loving and Forgiving, for You are Resurrection and Eternal Life, Your Law and Your Word are true. I sing the glory to you, Our Father, and I ask for the prosperity of all your children, my relatives in the family tree. Rushing to the Light, I pray to You, the Invisible One, for the generation of fathers and mothers who rejected the Lord and do not accept the Grace of Salvation in their True, forgive them for spiritual blindness and spiritual vanity, awaken the inner ear with the fiery verb, awaken the heart's eye to contemplate the Savior in glory, direct their feet along the Road of Life leading to the Throne of Heavenly Father, and may this be done according to Your Mercy in the name of the resurrection of the Inner Christ in the Secret of all who live on Earth. Turn the hearts of the insightful to the sacred mystery of the Great Unity and grant the world of prosperity and prosperity to the whole Earth and to all streams of Life in the Infinite. So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever.   Amen, amen, amen.

Judgment Day is approaching, the last day of the Great Exodus for all living on Earth, hidden secrets will be revealed, Books of Conscience will be presented. O Jesus, who has always loved everyone! Forgive all my relatives for the family tree, both now alive and those who have crossed, may the heavenly angels sing with glory to you with boundless love. Hallelujah (3 times).

To the Quiet Light, to the Light of Jerusalem, Who has justified death by love, grant spiritual insight to all the children of the One Being, who are now on the Earth and in the dwellings of the transitional worlds, so that they are reconciled with the Lord and accept His Truth in their hearts, so that they can be reconciled with each other before the Gates of Eternity! Celebrate with glory those who call on Your Name and cover the hearts of the sleeping with omophorion, bless the Sacred Mother with the Protection of the Sick and Sorrowful of Love and Light, and send Mary down to where there is no hope, where darkness and decay, where sorrow and despair, so that the children of all the Lord can be resurrected and bestowed upon them the grace of salvation. May the Day of Judgment be the day of Grace and Forgiveness, may the Sacred be resurrected in the hearts of all embodied on Earth with the prayers of Your Devotees. So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever! Amen.

Glorify before the Angels and Saints all who stood above my children's bed, who grew up with me, who shared my sorrows and sufferings, my dreams and hopes, may the heavenly goodness of Forgiveness be poured out for all living on Earth and transferred to other abodes of my relatives mind and body. Amen. God bless them, their Secret and grant the opportunity to reign in the new Universe, combining in Love with the Enlightened and Radiant. Communion of Prayer. By the Council of the Righteous, may Your children be saved, Lord! The prayer we make is a candle in the spheres lit and the face of Christ sealed in the heart. I pray to you, Lord, for all of my relatives living on Earth with my family tree. May the prayer performed by the arrow of fiery Love, the souls who have slept sleeping, may the prayer performed by them the hope of salvation, may the prayer performed by them the way leading to Eternity. The word of fiery prayer is streaming Light into the Inner Devotees of the Lord. The word of fiery prayer is forgiveness for vanity and vanity, for pride and arrogance, for deviation from the True. The word of fiery prayer is healing sent down for the soul and body of the afflicted and eternal salvation. Jesus, Jesus, the Sun, illuminate and warm the hearts of their Devotees. Jesus, Jesus, Eternal Life, combine us with joy before the Throne of Jehovah and make us one with Love and Mercy. Resurrect in the hearts of those who live on Earth and have passed into other worlds of the Infinity of my relatives in the family tree. Purity and Holiness, Peace and Welfare. Joy and Hope, Youth and Enlightenment, Love and Mercy, Abundance and Prosperity may they find on the road leading to the Temple of Heaven.   Hallelujah (3 times).

So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever! Amin.
  God, I praise the glory of you, and call upon your mercy. The Resurrecting Word of Fire will illuminate the Universe, and my kindred, led by its true power, will become my relatives on the road of salvation, may the endless and generous gifts from the Spiritual Heart of Infinity flow upon them, for You, the One, thirst for all your children of Abundance, Prosperity and Welfare. I ask You, Almighty, humbly bowing before the Throne of Thy Eternal Glory, for mercy for those who live and have passed my relatives in spirit, soul and body at the hour of the hour of deciding fate. May the highest mercy, compassion and forgiveness be blessed.

Amen and hallelujah.
Glory to you


PRAYER FOR THE WHOLE KIND “REPENTANCE FOR THE KIND” (I personally read 40 days without a break)

I appeal to you, Heavenly Father, and want to pray for myself and for my kind. I want the closest people, my children, grandchildren and all future generations to be happy and healthy. So that they feel the power of their kind. I appeal to You, Lord, for I know that a Rod is considered strong when the roots of its tribal tree are strong - when 7 generations in a genus are strong ... ("when the source of a generic genus is strong," I speak for all generations in general) And now I I appeal to you, my great-great-great-grandparents, and I want to pray for you and ask for forgiveness from YOU. Forgive me dear Sorry !!! I'm sorry that I know so little about you, about my family, that I don’t bear the traditions of the family and ... I truly thank you for standing at the origins of my family. I sincerely repent, sorry ............ And if you can come to my aid. I want to repent for everyone who lives next to me, my relatives. I understand how great my responsibility is, but I take it upon myself. I pray for my whole family. And I’m not afraid of this responsibility, because I know that I am able to help my family and friends. I take this responsibility because my task is to help my Family. My dear, great-great-great-grandparents, I feel that you are close, that you have come to my aid. You are here, you rejoice at my repentance, you are happy that the REVIVAL of our tree has begun. Thank you and forgive me for the fact that I may not always live right ......... Thank you and forgive me for the fact that I may not always live correctly, I think, I forget to love, to pray, in the bustle I do not notice the main thing, I’m offended, I smile a little, I don’t always do it as my heart tells me. Sorry. I forget to LOVE, to focus on LOVE, to pray for love, to be offended, to be discouraged, to act in the mind and not in the heart. FORGIVE!

Lord, forgive me and my ancestors for imperfection; I pray for THEM. It is possible that among them there are murderers, suicides, perhaps someone cursed our family for something, there must have been ardent communists, destroying the shrines. I'm sorry, Lord. I do not hold them angry and forgive sincerely from the bottom of my soul. I thank you, my great-great-great-grandparents, for living - and this is grace. And I live because you once lived. I bow low to YOU. You went through your karmic lessons. Thanks you . Lord forgive them! ... I already feel the roots of my family tree being cleared. I feel life energy saturating its trunk. This is the power of My Family! THANKS TO YOU LORD! And now, Lord, I want to remember my grandparents to pray for them and ask them for forgiveness (and it doesn’t matter in this world or otherwise) FORGIVE ME! I apologize to you for everything bad, for all unseemly actions on my part towards you, for the fact that I did not always understand you, I was offended, I rarely remember YOU. EXCUSE ME! I know that deep down you love me as I love you. SORRY . And I forgive you, my dears, for everything! For insulting words, for unjust reproaches, punishments in childhood, an unkind look. I know that you sometimes come to me in a dream, but I do not always understand these dreams and do not remember what you are asking me to do. But today I pray for YOU FORGIVE THEIR LORD. Sorry for all the mistakes they made. I am grateful to you, my dears, I have something to remember. After all, there was a lot of good, thanks for the tales, smiles, kindness and love, for the lessons ... THANKS. I bow to you. Lord forgive them! And now, Lord, I pray for those people thanks to whom I was born. You are my parents: mom and dad. I clearly see your faces and apologize to you for everything that is to blame for you: for ugly actions and words towards you, for disobedience, for your sleepless nights, for rare calls for everything. Sorry. Beg. I know that your hearts now feel, hear and rejoice in my prayer. And I forgive you, my dear parents, for your imperfection, for your mistakes. I cannot change you, I accept you as you are. I forgive you your weaknesses, the fact that you did not always understand me and tried to impose your opinion, did not see me as a person. I forgive absolutely all the unpleasant moments that were in the past, letting go of all insults. I forgive YOU! I give you my love. And I thank you for all the bright days that you gave me, for the happy hours spent together, for the lessons that I remembered for my whole life, for the eyes in which there are tears of joy. I thank you for your love and want my love to help YOU, even if you are in another world. Lord, forgive them !!! Now is the time to pray for their husbands, wives, young people, girls, their spouses from previous marriages. Lord, I pray for them and apologize to them. I apologize to you, my dear (my dear), for all the unpleasant situations in our lives, omissions, quarrels, insults, mutual reproaches, irritations. For the inability to forgive, for the unwillingness to change your habits, your character, for the desire to take more than give. Sorry. Beg. Sorry for jealousy, for wanting to consider you your property. Sorry. Now I feel and understand the deep meaning of what we met for, why the Lord God brought us together .. Forgive me.

And I forgive you for everything bad, apparently, I had to experience everything that was between us, to learn to accept you as you are, without trying to change, without imposing my opinion. You have been given to me karmically, thanks to you my soul has gone through these lessons. I became wiser, stronger, I learned to feel, love and understand people. I forgive you. I release all resentment and annoyance. I thank you for all the happy moments of our life together (they were after all), for love, for great earthly love, for all the good things that were. And I know that it will be even better. You were a teacher to me, and I for you. Lord, I want to love and be loved. I pray for my life partner. Let everything in his life work out. Lord forgive him !! And I also want to pray for my children and grandchildren. Forgive me, Lord, for the emotional wounds inflicted upon him, for the nit-picking, for the unjust punishment. You came into my life, thanks to you I learned the joy of motherhood. Forgive me, my dear. Sorry for everything. Sorry. Maybe I paid little attention to you, doing other things when you most needed me, my smile, understanding, sympathy. When you most of all wanted not moralizing, but human warmth. SORRY . And I forgive you for your irritation, rude words, for your grievances, claims and jealousy for the fact that you do not always hear and understand me. I forgive you for your desire to take more than give a blow, for your rare calls. I forgive you for everything and love you for who you are, and may my love help you in life, protect you from fears and failures. And I thank you for what you are, for your first words: “mother,“ father ”,“ woman ”,“ grandfather ”. For your sunny eyes, for your smile, for the joy of communication and unity, for support in difficult times, for the fact that you also taught me a lot. I thank you for coming to my family and are a continuation of it. I love you and bless you. Forgive them, Lord !! And I also apologize to my unborn children (possibly from past lives), which were sent to me by God and which I did not want / was afraid to have. EXCUSE ME . Lord, forgive my spouse (parents, relatives), who at one time agreed to an abortion. Forgive us Lord  We got a serious lesson for life. SORRY. I sincerely repent I appeal to you, FATHER HEAVENLY. I pray for my whole family. Forgive my family: my grandparents, my grandfathers, my mother, my father, my brothers, sisters, spouse, children. News of the genus to the 7th knee. (I say from the beginning of the centuries) And I also apologize to all the people who met on my way, to my DOCTORS, FRIENDS, ACQUAINTED, distant RELATIVES, TEACHERS, NEIGHBORS, random PEOPLE, SERVANTS, FRIENDS. You all left some mark on my life. I remember all of you. Excuse me. Maybe I offended one of you voluntarily or involuntarily, rude someone, thought badly about someone, didn’t want to understand someone, refused help. Maybe I’m still condemning someone’s behavior or words. Thank you for appearing in my life. You helped me become kinder, taught me how to cope with difficulties, emotions, troubles. I forgive you for everything, let go of grievances and thank you, Lord, for the lessons of life for learning to accept mistakes, correct them and not repeat them anymore. Lord Forgive these people! I tried to remember everyone, pray for everyone to understand and accept everyone.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness, for your help and your love. For the fact that I feel my ancestral tree, I see it blossoming and fruiting, beautiful and strong, And I feel the power of the tree, the power of my Family! Thank you, Heavenly Father, for I live on the holy earth (name) and thanks to the revival of my KIND she becomes stronger, her power grows. I thank you, Lord, for living on the beautiful planet Earth. And then, when I feel the power of my Family, the Earth feels His power, the power of oneness with all of humanity. I thank you, Heavenly Father, for your wisdom, for the fact that in my heart a place has been made free for LOVE and light, for warmth and beauty for true creativity. Thank you for being closer to you, Lord, for the fact that I feel how you love me, for harmony and happiness in my soul! You gave me the opportunity to help yourself, your loved ones, children, grandchildren, our Mother Earth. THANK YOU ! Amen.

Purification of Karma You can purify karma with the prayer “For the purification of the family”. It removes the "karmic" or birth problems of several generations, such as intrauterine spoilage or the birth curse. It may be a sin that was committed in one of the generations and imposed on the next “for the sins of the parents”. It may be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this is reflected in us here and now. In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors in order to stop being responsible for their misconduct according to the law of karma. After having pardoned the sins of the ancestors and cleared the kind of energy-informational field, you can break the karmic connection and start living your life without being responsible for your ancestors and free yourself from the "tribal" corruption and curses. Cleansing should take place daily for 40 days.

Cleansing Karma with Prayers:   Read the prayer “Our Father”: Our Father, Say, Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, may Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and leave our debts to us, just as we leave our debtor; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Thine is the Kingdom and power and glory. Amen.

Read the prayer “The Virgin, Virgin, rejoice”: Virgin of the Virgin, rejoice, Blessed Mary, Lord be with you, Blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, for the Savior has given birth to our souls. Amen.

Read the prayer  “To cleanse the family”: Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I have voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives. Lord, I forgive all those who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives. Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives. Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives. Lord, I apologize to all the people whom my ancestors offended, voluntarily or involuntarily, in word, deed or thought. Lord, I ask you, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family, and fill Your power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health. Lord, I ask you, cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Read all prayers thrice!Read a prayer of thanks   once in conclusion: Lord, thank you for all that you give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Forces of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.

By the power of Prayer of Creativity, may the living spiritual connection between all members of my family tree, both now living and those who have passed, and the Great Wisdom of True Life and the Power of the Unique Experience of the Transformation of Divine Love, gained by 12 generations of the light bearers of the race, with whom my soul be revived and strengthen, be strengthened. indissolubly bound by the finest karmic bonds, indisputably obeying the Will of the Creator of the Universe, sealed in the God-flame of the Law of Image and Similarity.

Spirit is the Keeper of my Tree, in the Heart of Eternity we are One! Resurrect in me! Transform me! Pour through the Chalice of the Secret, which keeps the Light of My True One, an endless stream of Divine Grace for all relatives of my soul in flesh and blood, both now alive and crossed, for it is granted to you from the Source of Infinity to protect and increase the treasures of the Spirit in Eternity, incorrupt, which generations insisted upon Husbands and Wives of my Family Tree in the process of self-realization of their original immortal nature and their manifestation in all forms of their realized activity.

The Spirit is the Keeper of the Family, day and night, rejoicing for the purity of the incarnation of the Divine Plan, sent down by the Masters of Fates for my Tree, awaken the Concealed of all my relatives and kindle in their hearts the flame of true aspiration to free our consciousness and conductors of the Presence from all energies, qualities, properties and states which are lower than God's Holy Perfection, teach to listen to the words of your Angel and grant enlightenment to the Light of Truth.

With the prayers of the Righteous, stop the souls possessed by demons of vanity and vanity / and feed the Inner of these with the fragrant amrita of the World of Inescapable! Remove the seals of insanity and blindness, arrogance and hatred, pride and pride, abuse of Your gifts and blasphemous arrogance, for which they have been punished so many times by the Masters of Fates, who instructed souls on the Righteous Path.

With a flash of sudden illumination, awaken the petrified hearts and fill the Cup of Christ consciousness with the fragrant omophorion of Mercy and Forgiveness.

By the power of realizing the divine right of your spiritual birthright, bind the ignorance and self-will of the earthly person and kindle the aspiration in the True to life bright and joyful!

In a flame of shame, call upon all those who have denied, departed from the Law of God and violated the Commandments of the Almighty, and cleanse their hearts from all filth!

By the power of repentance, in the spirit of what is done, free the soul from the obsession and obsession with the destructive sent by the Tempter, and empower you to contemplate the Savior in Glory!

The fragrant amrita of the Emerald Flame emanating from the Heavenly Source of all divine life, heal the hearts and bodies of my weak relatives in flesh and blood!

In the name of the Eternal Great Oneness, I ask for the remission of sins to my Tree to the twelfth tribe!

By your submission, Almighty Defender of the Family, may the smashing Sword of Justice of the Universe be stopped, may the cup of God's wrath be shed at the hour of Grace and Forgiveness, may the vessels be cleansed by the remembrance of the departed.

Combine the dead and the living for the never-ending joy of renewal and forgiveness in the bosom of the Bright Mother of Humanity, Mary, the Empress of the Sovereign World.

Yes, the deceased will be known to You, the Keeper of My Family, through the furnace of fire of Love of the All-Creator and rest in the Kingdom of Spirit and Light forever, by the Mercy of the Father.

By the power of the prayers of the Awakened, raise the dead to the Convent of Light, into the arms of the Lord, bring their petitions to the Lords of Reason and Individuality and begged to inscribe the names of those who passed in the Book of Lives, on the Tablets of the Immaculate.

May they leave their sins for the faithful of the Word of the Lord, who honor his commandments and the law!

Let the living’s intercession become a dead Ladder to Heaven!

I pray to you, the Spirit of Light, who grants his protection and protection to all my relatives in flesh and blood, both now living and who have passed, help to heal the Tree of My Family from all the involutionary programs and demonic developmental programs transmitted from generation to generation, from the moment of the first violation of the Great Law, manifested as disobedience to the High Will of the Creator, the result of which are all forms of low-conscious behaviors initiated by entities - possessors of a foreign nature, and hereditary diseases Niya, the true essence of which is embodied in a wave holograms become antichakrami Human Space, containing in itself the totality of "the sorrowful experience" 12 generations of men and women, koi incarnated in the body of my Tree, centers of space presence, connecting the individual soul with the universe unmanifested Chaos.

The Spirit is the Protector, Patron of the Tree of the Family, with the power of the radiant experience of the ancestors strengthen in the Faith and increase the Strength of Aspiration of my True. The true of all my relatives in flesh and blood, to the realization and fulfillment in my activity of the Law of Love and Creative Complementarity of the two Great Principles of all life and the Idea of \u200b\u200bUnity, Brotherhood and Cooperation of all Evolution, in the name of liberating the Objective World Reality from the creature’s destructive and poisoning presence, representing the legions of Chaos, in the name of the establishment and development of the new Kingdom, in the name of the spiritual resurrection and healing of everyone’s being.

So it was at the beginning, it is so fulfilled now, it will be so forever and ever!


To clean the Family Read Our Father. Lord, Your eyes Saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In your book are written all the days assigned to her (him). Drive away the unclean from me, so as not to be on my dangerous path. Do not let me bloodthirsty. Forgive the father (...) who conceived and gave birth to me, my mother (...) and my entire righteous race from the beginning of it. Like snow in summer and rain during harvest, it’s indecently stupid for honor, like a sparrow fluttering, as a swallow flies away, so undeserved curse on me, my daughter (son) and R.B. Of God (name)  will not come true.   Amen.  (Read in front of the icon 40 days as many times as you want intuitively. I read until yawning stopped, everything went through yawning :))

We inherit from our parents good or bad genes that are responsible for our appearance, character, beliefs, tendency to be overweight or problem skin, and much, much more. We often hear about the similarity of eyes with the mother or gait with the father. Some of the comments make us happy, others upset. A tribal curse is, one might say, the same inherited gene passed from generation to generation. The negative effects of your ancestors can cause great damage to your life. How to determine if you are under the influence of a family curse and find out how to remove it?

The concept of a family curse

The tribal curse is one of the most powerful and powerful effects of black magic. If ordinary spoilage persecutes only one person, then this spell applies to his entire family. You have to pay for the misconduct of your ancestors, and then it will be for your descendants.

It is sent to offenders because of intense anger and hatred, in order to cause significant harm. This curse has a special force when it is sent to a person in the last minutes of his life.

Signs of a Family Curse

The indicators, thanks to which it is possible to identify the active birth spoilage, are diverse. There are the following main symptoms, read them to find out the truth:

  • For a long time, you and your family have been haunted by negative events. It can be a financial collapse, serious illness and even the death of relatives. If you find out this situation, you should immediately contact the healers, otherwise the gloomy chain of tragedies will continue.
  • In your family, relations are tense to the limit, you constantly quarrel and break off ties with your next of kin. Such conflicts can lead to the complete disappearance of your family.
  • Among relatives there are many representatives with drug or alcohol addiction. Often, addictions to alcohol are attributed to stress and problems at work, but a very probable reason is the birth curse.
  • Serious diseases are transmitted from generation to generation. These include cancer, infertility, mental disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Maybe this is not just bad genetics?
  • Young family members, including young children, die at an early age, or suffer serious illnesses from childhood.
  • Strong and friendly families break up due to ridiculous reasons.

Female line curse

Such curses are popular for many reasons. Women perceive the world around them a little differently, their feelings have a strong influence on actions and sometimes cloud the mind. An increased emotional background often leads to the use of black magic in order to get even with ill-wishers. Here are the characteristic signs of female curses:

  • They largely affect children regardless of gender. They are born weak, suffer from serious diseases, sometimes there are deviations. Often there is infant mortality. Some children avoid the curse so that the clan has a continuation.
  • A woman gives birth to a child without a husband; she has to raise him alone.
  • Financial instability, manifested in the constant lack of funds for the maintenance of children.
  • Diseases on the female side, leading to infertility.
  • Addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The consequences of these bad habits can be fatal.
  • A woman becomes pregnant not from her husband, but from other men.

A mother can impose an incredibly strong curse on her child, which will be passed on to future generations (most often this happens on the female side). When this happened, a person is faced with a huge number of problems, serious health problems and even premature death. To remove such a curse, it is not enough to have a simple plot.

Removal of maternal spoilage occurs within three years. A person must regularly attend church, attend services, give alms to the poor and destitute, and sincerely read prayers. This curse has no expiration date, which means it will continue until it is withdrawn.

Male line curse

The male line curse is less common, but very powerful. A man, unlike a woman, does not take the signs of a birth curse seriously, and for a long time he has been deceiving himself with excuses. If he continues to turn a blind eye to all the unfortunate circumstances and troubles, then the consequences can be fatal, up to the disappearance of the family. There are a number of signs thanks to which you can learn about the birth curse and avoid an undesirable fate:

  • A man is not able to successfully complete any of his undertakings. He becomes a loser, changing work at work, losing courage and self-confidence. He ceases to control his emotions, loses his composure and respect of others.
  • A person is prone to chronic diseases, serious diseases threaten death at an early age.
  • Due to the curse, a man abandons his family for no apparent reason and dooms himself to life alone until the end of his days.
  • Passion for alcoholic drinks, regular drinking, which will lead to death - from cirrhosis of the liver, drunken brawl or drowning. Having no willpower to resist narcotic attraction, he drowns out alcohol problems.
  • At an early age, a man may lose his mind - due to severe stress or a difficult life situation.
  • High probability of death in a car accident.
  • Suicide is a strong consequence of the curse, when men full of energy and energy, successful at work and in their personal lives, kill themselves.

How to remove a family curse

Rite number 1

To determine the relative who caused the tribal curse, you need to conduct a ceremony in the church. Order a prayer service in the church for the removal of tribal corruption. Prepare in advance a list of all the dead relatives you know before the third or fourth generation and put candles for each of them. When lighting a candle, mentally address it to a cousin, try to remember each of them and keep it in mind.

When one of the candles begins to burst, it indicates the person from whom misfortunes and troubles went in your family. If all of them continue to burn smoothly, then you yourself are the object of a curse, and a living person has brought it to you. Read the prayer and do not stop until all the candles burn out to a third of their length.

Get one more candle and place it in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. As you read the text of the prayer, think about getting rid of the curse, ask him for healing. At the end, say the following words:

“May my sins be burned! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord! ”

After that, it is recommended to order a prayer service for all deceased relatives for a whole year. If the culprit is declared, and it’s not you, you need to do the following. Go to his grave, take a mention in the form of vodka, brown bread and boiled eggs and read this text:

“You (name) of the land, take your own curse!”

If this method helps you and the birth curse disappears, then you will feel a surge of strength and relief, things begin to improve, and problem situations disappear.

Rite number 2

This ritual is performed on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, at 12 o’clock. You need to prepare candles and holy water in advance. Stand in front of the mirror, place another mirror behind you. You must wear underwear that you have worn for at least two days. It is advisable that it be a T-shirt or a combination.
  Light three candles, and looking into your eyes, read the text of the prayer from memory, being careful not to blink (or blink as little as possible). Speak in a confident, even voice, without stumbling or peeping.

“I look into the clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. Neither a demon, nor a hell, nor an evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, the Mother of God is with me. That is not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God in front of me. It’s not a mirror behind me, then the shield of God behind me. I’ll defend myself with a shield, defend myself with a shield, I’m not afraid of anyone. God is the Lord with me, an angel behind me, Mother of God in advance. Amen."

Take a container of holy water prepared in advance, dry your face with a T-shirt, without removing it from yourself. Stand at the mirror for as long as you want. Do not extinguish candles until they burn out.

Rite number 3

Relatives are sometimes the worst enemies. Various disputes, in particular with regard to the division of property, can lead to a tribal curse when the disgruntled party finds a way to take revenge. In this case, church prayer will help. A person who has caused corruption must repent of his sins and give alms. At dawn, you need to read these words:

“There was a simple-haired girl, towards her the holy elder Simeon. "Where are you going, girly maiden?" - “I'm going to dry swamps, pick up rotten moss.” - “Why do you need rotten moss?” - “Twist the ropes.” - “Why do you need ropes?” - “To catch wild ducks.” - “Why do you need ducks?” “Milk milk.” How not to twist ropes from rotten moss, how not to catch wild ducks with these ropes, how not to milk milk from ducks, how not to spoil, not to curse the servant of God (name), baptized, born, born of God’s will, by the grace of God. The Lord creates, the Lord gives birth, the Lord protects. Depart, sworn word, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Sometimes parents doom their child with corruption without any ritual. This happens when a mother and father constantly scold and humiliate her child, calling him a "backdoor" or "parental misfortune." The curse itself will pester the child and doom him to an unhappy life. Therefore, parents should keep their mouth shut and in no case offend. Of course you can scold, but without malice.



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