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  Meditation to attract good luck “Light of the soul. Perfect meditation on bringing good luck to your life

The whole universe is energy. The ability to connect and get what you want is the goal of many generations of mankind. The essence of the interaction is to submit to the flows, to feel peace, bliss. The wording for success requires a more detailed explanation so that a person can imagine the task of attracting good luck and prosperity into his life.

What is cosmic energy?

Different religions have called cosmic energy differently:

  • prana (called the energy of Indian yogis);
  • the Chinese called qi;
  • buddhist monks - Om.

A person who wants to learn how to control the flow of energy must learn to find a certain emotional state. The man says: I will see - then I will believe. The universe answers: believe it - then you will see.

For a long time, scientists have denied the existence of the energy of the body and surrounding objects. The Orthodox religion denies the existence of cosmic energy, but recognizes that love is an active force. Connoisseurs call one process different words, arrange disputes. Few people offer to teach people how to use the available energy.

Meditation of success, well-being - a white streak of life

Before conducting any meditations, suggestions, you need to learn the following:

  1. Negative emotions, remorse, aggressive thoughts addressed to people, situations, will prevent finding the desired state. You need to accept what happened, forgive yourself, another person.
  2. One negative situation provokes subsequent troubles.
  3. Immoral immoral behavior will interfere with restructuring.

Prosperity is impossible without internal changes. Thoughts affect the situation, they arise against the background of emotions. The first thing to change is emotions.

Important! It has long been noticed that it is difficult for an aggressive person to remain alone with himself. You can test yourself by trying to stay alone for 2 - 3 days.

Estimated changes in the background of meditation:

  • achieving family happiness;
  • the appearance of money;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • a happy person conveys the feeling to people nearby, they can feel the changes, talk about them.

To achieve the desired state, several techniques are used:

  • sound meditation;
  • zazen - motionless sitting, concentration of attention on one aspect - breathing, an object;
  • vipassana technique - an attempt to realize your body by focusing on its processes, you can begin to learn to breathe correctly;
  • metta meditation - a feeling of a more loving attitude towards oneself, awareness of one's own uniqueness;
  • mantras - designed for a certain number of repetitions of words, syllables, to create emotional vibrations of the body;
  • yoga meditation - there are several options, you can choose the most suitable.

How to meditate

In order to conduct meditation correctly, one cannot think about business, wealth, abundance, success. The universe usually gives each person what he needs. These may be other benefits. Therefore, one cannot impede the work of the Universe.

Almost all meditation techniques involve sitting with a flat back, eyes closed. It is recommended to start with a 5 - 10 minute concentration in breathing, ongoing processes:

  • movements of the abdominal muscles;
  • the passage of air through the nose.

Beginners are not recommended to use additional factors, such as music. Having mastered the technique of turning off consciousness, immersing in oneself, one can try to meditate on the background of sounds. Experts recommend starting to meditate with a simple countdown to 10 and vice versa. For each breath, mentally pronounce the next digit. Reaching 10, start the countdown. The purpose of the technique is to shift attention to yourself, ignore extraneous sounds, thoughts, sensations, emotions.

A good indicator is the lack of fuss, rush during meditation.

Important! Meditation for good luck aims to attract prosperity or luck in life by changing the emotional state. They are a consequence of the transformation of internal sensations. Concentration on raising funds reduces the effectiveness of positive changes or.

Hand movements during meditation

Hand movements help to feel your own body, emotions. Usually, two types of movements are used in meditation: fingers and palms.

Finger rhythm

Therapeutic combinations of the fingers are called mudras. Learning to fold your fingers in the correct position, withstand a few minutes easily. Mudras contribute to success, health, well-being. Plus - you can meditate everywhere - doing work, being on the road, in the bathroom.

Palm rhythm

Research scientists have proven: concentration on the hands captures large areas of the cerebral cortex. Brushes are more important than any other parts of the body. Concentration on the palms allows you to turn off the consciousness more strongly, switch to the subconscious, which covers 97% of the events occurring in a person’s life.

Advice! To feel positive emotions, you need to try to find positive moments, concentrate on them.

Meditation on success and well-being using imagination

The auto-suggestion method is suitable for units. In practice, apply the following:

  • man inspires himself that he is experiencing satisfaction, happiness;
  • emotions tell him the opposite;
  • man ceases to meditate, change.

Changes begin with the correction of the emotional state. Used associations, imagination. Comparing yourself with an idol, you need to try to achieve positive emotions, fix them consciously. Some people find it difficult to understand what positive emotions are, so they use alcohol and drugs. This indicates complete ignorance of cosmic energy, inability to use it.

Any technique is practiced for at least 2 to 3 weeks before moving on to the next. This period of time makes it possible to get used to and get small results. For 1 - 2 days of working on oneself, the human body does not have time to understand what is required, there will be no result.

Sound meditation to attract good luck

Sound meditation is the repeated repeating aloud of certain words, syllables. Any positive words are used. These should be words understandable to man. Since meditative practices came from the East, many insist on the pronunciation of phrases in the Indian language. This is not entirely correct: not knowing what they mean, a person reacts weakly to them.

Mantras for sound meditation on luck and success

Mantras consist of one or more syllables, words, sentences. Repeat in cycles. The main condition is breathing control: inhalation through the nose, exhale through the mouth. The sound begins as you exhale. The breath should be as deep as possible. The muscles work on the ribs, back, lower abdomen. Sound sensations need to be concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "third eye" and nose.

The magic of meditation begins to manifest 4 to 5 months after the start of classes. People themselves notice changes in their emotional state, believe in their own luck. People think that some kind of magical transformation took place in a person, but in reality it is the result of self-improvement, focused work on oneself.

Human nature is direct. If this

natural directness is lost

during life then man

can't be happy.

(Chinese wisdom)

The most important thing is PROVEN good luck meditation. It is called "CONTINUOUS GOOD LUCK." Immediately discover the features and benefits. GOOD LUCK MEDITATION - “CONTINUOUS GOOD LUCK” has been developing and improving for several years. Now it has become even more effective than it was before. Meditation consists of two effective methods:

Elements of visualization (they act powerfully and perfectly prepare human energy for textual self-tuning)
  Text mood (pronounced in a deep trance, connects higher vibrations)

Each element of meditation works perfectly separately. But together the effect is colossal.
This meditation does not just work. This meditation acts magically and has helped many people in different situations. She helps out especially well when a dark streak comes in people's lives and troubles drag out. In such cases, people urgently need to get out of this poor state and quickly establish a healthy and creative life by changing negative energies to the forces of the universe to attract good luck. Having put into practice this meditation the fate of these people, they are being established in the most magical way.

Attraction of luck, mood

Attraction of good luck begins. You just started reading, and now a mechanism is starting to start, which tunes the vibrations of your body to the rhythms of good luck. Good luck can be attracted! Take this fact on faith first. Soon you will have to independently and personally make sure that it is so.

In this meditation, do not dare to tune in less than a decisive faith and belief that you can do anything. Then success will come. If you were previously unlucky, it’s not scary. The barriers will be broken, you will find yourself outside the scope of ordinary circumstances. The future is near and it will be happy. Meditation on attracting luck works at 100%.

In-depth visualization
Imagine now that you are in a huge endless white field. This is your white stripe has grown to such a global size. She took up the whole space. The whole earth. All paths and all roads are open to you, everything that you want will happen and your possibilities are endless. Create your own paintings of a white, happy strip with which it is no longer possible to collapse. Come up with personal pictures of happiness, remove all negative from your future. Look, he himself disappears and he is no more. Barriers of fate dissolve, obstacles disappear. There are no barriers for you; tomorrow is happening today in your brain and in the universe.

Text gain
I tune in to the constant and constant attraction of good luck.
My life is filled with joy now and forever.
I am loved. I get love from everywhere. I accept love from everything. I accept love from people. I give love.
My mouth is clean. I say good and kind words.
I radiate love, happiness, goodness. It pays for me with the love and kindness of other people.
My eyes shine with happiness.
Every day brings me closer to my goals.
The power of the whole Universe acts in me.
The universe attracts the necessary people to me.
My beloved people. My real friends aspire to me and spend time with me with great pleasure.
The people I work with are sympathetic to me.
I am appreciated by all those who influence my destiny and career.
Now I am less and less worried, afraid and worried.
Life is a wonderful gift from the universe.
I meet every new joy and love.
Every day is a miracle and a gift of fate.
I strive for success and act for success.
I will succeed.
I am walking on a white stripe. I have no barriers.

  This meditation to attract good luck is more than it seems

Meditation on attracting luck helps a lot more than you expect. It is not only about luck as such, but the general mood of life for happiness is prosperity and a good life. But the main thing is that this is a very effective meditation to attract good luck in a person’s life. I developed it not without the help of light forces and now I use it for myself. It turned out well. As you understand, meditation contains not only textual settings, but also sets up energy based on effective visualization. When I told others about the method, people began to use it and tell different miracles that happened to them after applying the method. Always the method gives very fast and high results filled with wonderful magical effects. However, do the meditation yourself and see for yourself the effectiveness.

Steadily doing this time-tested meditation to attract good luck, at one time you will awaken from the constraint of bad, base energies. All those people who you need and who are useful to you will notice the positive changes that will happen to you. It is worth being prepared for quick, good changes in your life.

It is also an independent meditation on luck and life success. It is best to conduct it all alone, but if it is impossible it will be enough just a calm atmosphere. Meditation is a simple and very effective way to improve life. In addition, she develops extrasensory abilities and teaches to control the tremendous power of the universe.

Good luck in the development.

Practice Tasks

Turn on the news feed. Turn off the sound of the TV and with the sound off, try to understand what is happening on the screen. Compose your story.

Turn on a foreign program on the TV that runs in a language that is unfamiliar or completely unknown to you, try to translate everything said without paying attention to details.

Success Meditation

Proposed in the video below success meditation "Magical Fortune"  from psychic and parapsychologist Anton Tarasov, he transfers consciousness to the frequency of luck and charges the aura with the energy of success and prosperity.

By practicing this magical meditation regularly, you will become more fortunate and bring more happy events into your life.

The whole universe is made up of energy. And the ability to use her gifts makes life richer and happier. For this, it is worth accepting it with gratitude for its own good.

The aura of each person has energy channels connecting him with the Higher forces of the Universe. And it depends on the effective operation of these channels how successful and successful our life will be.

In this meditation, I will lead you through the activation of energy channels, and you will receive a mood for Luck and Success, a mood for the flows of Abundance and Prosperity.

To begin, take a comfortable position. Sit down, relax your body. Close your eyes. Take a slow and deep breath and slow full exhale.

Gather all your energy in the center of the crown of your head, and mentally imagine the silvery stream of cosmic energy coming from above. Take a deep breath, mentally inhaling a stream of cosmic force, and exhale. Imagine that each of your cells receives a stream of silver color.

Now you are tuned and ready to receive the energy of Prosperity from the boundless space of the Universe.

I give you the Key - Harmonizer of Higher Streams. Peer during the Higher Streams - breathe Success and Prosperity through them. Inhale - exhale ... Inhale your Happiness and the feeling of ease of life.

Repeat after me: “I am the embodiment of financial prosperity!” Now your thoughts are charged with the energy of the Higher spheres, the energy of movement and creation. Waves of success and good luck flow through you - let them fill all the processes of your life.

You feel abundant and happy! Now you have enough strength for everything! From now on, your wishes come true much faster! You are happy and excited about your future!

I want you to be even luckier! I wish your life has even more opportunities, money, friends, wonderful people! So that your life is filled with Happiness and Abundance!

Practice this technique regularly - this is the key to your Good luck.

May the Higher Powers bless you!

Friends, it was a text version success meditations, a video clip with which you can view below.

If you like meditation, then you can download it to your computer for free. To do this, click on the buttons of your social. networks below the video, and the Download button will become available.

Meditation on success “Magical Fortune”


Do you already know the Main Secret of Wish Fulfillment?

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Bedtime meditation

Abundance and Prosperity Meditation

Success and success are energies you can tune into. Tuning occurs through mental images or mental attitudes. Like attracts like - this is one of the basic magical laws. Success meditation will help us in this, which will attune subtle bodies with the necessary energy. One only needs to remember that attracting success is not a one-time action, but permanent. Therefore, you need to meditate daily until the result becomes tangible.

Daily Meditation for Success

The first thing to do on the road to success is to align your thoughts with the vibrations of good luck. Our thoughts are also a stream of energy with a certain frequency of vibrations. Therefore, the frequencies must match. If in the morning you are set to succeed, and at lunch allow yourself to think about failure, nothing good will come of it. If you took the start for good luck and prosperity, you need to run without looking back.

When you put your thoughts in order and forbid yourself to think about failures, things will move forward. Meditation on luck is best done in the morning, when thoughts and body are at rest. This will be a powerful positive impulse, a good charge of positive energy for the whole day. Remember that meditation is not magic, but painstaking work. Therefore, do not wait for an instant result, but continue to work in the chosen direction.

Imagine that you are in a pleasant place where you are free and easy. It can be a familiar place, or it can be invented by you. Imagine that all your desires come true - just click your fingers or wave your hand. Suppose you need luck in signing a contract or success in a business. A picture of the successful completion of the case should appear in your imagination.

Imagine as many details as possible of the successful completion of the business. Enjoy complete success in your plan. Click with your fingers - this will be a sign of your success, a personal symbol of good luck. You only need to snap your fingers when you in your mind gain complete confidence in the success of the plan. Open your eyes, smile at the new day and go about your business. You will be lucky and successful.

In the evening, write down the result of your achievements in a special notebook - a notebook of success. Record whenever your intentions come true. Over time, this notebook will become a powerful artifact of good luck: all you have to do is touch it to attract the energy of success. But for this it is necessary to work constantly - to conduct meditation.

White streak in life

Life seems striped to everyone - a white strip endlessly alternates with a black one. How to break out of this scheme and arrange a life of your own mind? It is necessary to expand the white strip so that it fills with itself the entire living space. This can be done in meditation on success and well-being. Let's get started.

Retire and tune into meditation. You can turn on some nice positive music, but not too loud. Close your eyes and imagine a white stripe in front of you. How is it located - horizontally or vertically? Now, by force of will, turn it so that it stretches into the distance, like a road. Happened?

What do you see around the white stripe? Black background. Now, with the effort of will, begin to expand the white strip so that it occupies as much space as possible and displaces the black stripes from the sides. Happened? Proceed further. You need to make the white stripe expand to infinity and fill the whole space.

Now you need to imagine yourself on this endless white background. Wherever you turn, everywhere there is a white stripe, a white background. Recognize that your luck and streak of luck has no end and no edge. Enjoy this feeling - now you are lucky in life. Repeat this meditation daily until you become self-confident. It can be carried out in the morning after sleep or in the evening before bedtime - at this time the body is in a borderline state.

It is the correct (borderline) state of the psyche that will help to more deeply realize and accept changes in life. Why is this condition called correct for this meditation? Because the brain works in an alpha rhythm that is closest to our subconscious. And the subconscious mind decides everything in a person’s life, with its help you can achieve any heights.

This meditation is also based on visualization, only your assistant, a dragon, will become the artifact of good luck. Get a dragon figurine in a gift shop and start meditation. To make friends with your personal dragon of luck, you must first find him. To do this, close your eyes, relax as much as possible and tune in to meditation. In your imagination, you should move to a beautiful calm place where you will be safe and comfortable. It can be a magical forest or a beautiful green lawn.

Once in this place, sit on the grass and look around. You see a green egg in front of you, it is much larger than a chicken. You see how the egg begins to swing and crack. From it comes a little dragon. He has kind eyes and a pleasant appearance. Imagine that a bowl of milk appeared in front of you - offer a dragon to eat. Your friend begins to grow before our eyes and turns into a great kind dragon who possesses power.

Now you need to invite the dragon to your home. Tell us that he will live comfortably in your home. Show him his place. When you feel inside that the dragonfly agrees to move to your house, open your eyes and pick up the figurine. Now this is your personal dragon of luck, who will always help you. Press the figure to your heart and send a ray of love, perhaps you will feel a response.

The figure should be in a certain place, pay attention to it - wipe the dust, bathe in water. As long as the dragon is with you, good luck will accompany you in everything. You can mentally ask the dragon to help in a particular case, but you don’t need to tell anyone about it - luck can turn away from you. It is not necessary to carry the figurine with you, the dragon can stay at home. A mental appeal to the figure is enough to get help.

Guess today with the Tarot card "Card of the Day"!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready - draw a card:

Success Meditation

All people on planet Earth see their future as bright and happy. We sincerely hope that we will find excellent health, find our soul mate, climb the career ladder and never need financial resources. As life shows, not everyone gets what their thoughts are filled with. Not all dreams come true, unfortunately. More precisely, not at all.

How to become the lucky one who only needs to want something once, and now it is already in your hands? The answer is sought by many. But the truth was revealed only to yogis who share their unique ability to meditate with the whole world.

Eastern sages revealed many secrets that greatly simplify the lives of ordinary people. One of these is success meditation  - an amazing mystery that changes the karmic component of man.

Signs of the Universe

The universe is in constant communication with each of us. It may not sound quite real, but she hears and sees everything that happens to us and around us. What does this mean? The fact remains - it is only necessary to find the channel of this connection, to catch all its frequencies. And instantly before us the veil from many mysteries and secrets will disappear.

Our body and our mind in the aggregate are a great energy substance. This information has long been proven in the scientific field. That is, our task is to learn how to work with our own energy. Due to the state in which a person plunges during Eastern practices, the mind and heart are cleansed. We get rid of negativity, from mental garbage, from our own misunderstanding. Powerful success meditation works in the direction of fulfilling wishes. It helps us to properly create our signal and send it to the Higher Forces.

What is luck and success in life?

First of all, a healthy body and well-being. Then comes financial success and family building. Basically, these three components together create a pleasant and happy life path for each of us. The Universe can give all this, but care should be taken about the request form.

Modern life and proper immersion in meditation do not quite fit together. Time is not always found for a full-fledged lesson, and a person does everything in a hurry. And then the question arises - why does not one of the eastern practices help me?

The meditation on success under consideration will bring the desired results only if there is a special situation and the ability to concentrate. Any other atmosphere will not allow you to understand and comprehend the sound of mantras, nor will it convey a signal into space.

Regular practice brings success

If you are so busy that you cannot even devote ten minutes to practice, try reading mantras at work. But choose the moments when you yourself are not in motion. For example, for a start, the time you spend in the subway is suitable.

Your first mantras should be easy-to-pronounce options. You will remember them faster. If you pronounce sounds incorrectly, you can achieve the opposite effect. And instead of a successful life, you will get something completely different.

In order for success meditation to best change your life for the better, take a few minutes after waking up. This time is most favorable, and around it is still quiet and calm. Get up a little earlier. Do not worry that you will go sleepy all day - meditation on success will give you such a strong charge of energy that you will not even recognize yourself.

Mantras for good luck and success

The following mantras are suitable for beginners - they are very simple:

OM SHRIM SHRIM OM - reveals talents, helps in work.
OM MANI PADME HUM  - needed when starting your own business, entering a university.
OM GAM GANAPATAE NAMAHA  - Suitable for work, travel or school.
OM HRIM CLIM SCREAM NAMAH  - attracts money wealth, which is earned by honest labor.
  OM NAMO BHAGAVATE WASUDEWAYA  - A call to a goddess who bestows finance on people.

Mantras that will suit more experienced in meditation:

OM HRIM KSHIM SHRIM SRI LAKSHMI NRISINHAYE NAMAH  - a morning mantra with unique power. Gives incredible success in various fields.
AUM JAYA JAYA SRI SH  - Gives confidence and accurate understanding of their desires.
MANGALAM DISHTU ME MAHESHVARICH  - The practitioner receives a blessing in all his affairs.
OM BHUR BHUVAH SWAHA GIRL DHI MAHI DHIYO YOMAH HIRT  - A very powerful meditation on luck, giving success, happiness, prosperity.

As you have noticed, there are many options by which success meditation  gives a person everything he wants. You should choose for yourself only a single mantra and pronounce it for thirty days. Only in this way will the Universe hear you and give you everything you ask for.

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