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  The sole on sneakers comes off. The sole peeled off under warranty. Do I need to repair a broken sole

In the first half of the year, specialists from the Rospotrebnadzor Office for the Voronezh Region examined 58 complaints from citizens regarding the purchase of low-quality non-food products, of which 32 were complaints regarding the return of money for purchased low-quality shoes. In every 2 cases, consumers were right. The cost of purchased low-quality shoes in the amount of 48 thousand rubles was refunded.
  The shoe return scheme is established by law.

Shoe return

There are two types of warranty for shoes: a return guarantee and a quality guarantee.
  1.Return Guarantee.
  Only unworn shoes can be changed within 14 days from the date of purchase. To do this, the shoes should not be in use, their presentation and consumer properties, as well as packaging, factory labels and a cash receipt confirming the purchase, should be preserved. Reasons for replacement: the product did not fit the consumer in shape, size, style, color, size or configuration.
  2.Quality guarantee:
  For this type of guarantee, worn shoes are returned if a defect is discovered. In this case, an examination is carried out (it is possible to involve an independent expert), where they determine whether the damage to this shoe is associated with improper wear or factory defects. Legally, shoes must be replaced if:
  - the sole has come unstuck (The side lags behind the top of the skin to a depth of more than 3 mm and a width of 1 cm or more);
  - the sole was worn out with a period of toe wear of 3 months;
  - broken thread seams;
  - showered the dye.
If the consumer during this time has discovered one of the listed defects, he “has the right to present to the seller demands for their gratuitous elimination or replacement of the goods, if he proves that the defects occurred before the goods were transferred to the consumer or for reasons arising up to this point” (Art.

19 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Russian Federation). In this case, the buyer should contact the store where he bought this pair. If the store has doubts about the claim, then the shoes are sent for examination. If the damage occurred not through the fault of the buyer, the store is obliged to make a replacement. If the buyer's requirements are not satisfied within 20 days from the date of presentation, then the consumer can simply return the amount paid.
  Shoes are not subject to exchange, return or free repair:
  - worn with defects resulting from operation under off-season conditions that do not correspond to its purpose;
  - with mechanical damage (burns, cuts, tearing, etc.); deformed as a result of improper wear, drying, lost quality as a result of chemical attack, and with other defects that arose due to the fault of the buyer;
  - repaired by the buyer prior to presentation to the store (except for replacing heel caps or gluing a preventive outsole, if such repair did not entail the formation of defects).

Who has torn shoes after the warranty period

Shoes, without losing their functionality and appearance, should serve the owner for at least three years. In reality, the service life of shoes is often shorter, and the lion's share of problems arise with the sole.

Why does the sole burst? Is it possible to prevent damage and what to do if the sole is cracked - throw out a couple or try to repair?

Why the sole of the shoe bursts

The sole is the basis of the shoe, and it is precisely on its share that slush, rain, frost, and the negative effects of chemical reagents fall. The sole is subjected to intense mechanical stress and, as a result, to multiple deformations. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the materials from which the soles are made - they must be durable and resistant to temperature and humidity changes.

However, the sole often bursts, and among the most common reasons are the low performance of the material.

Low performance

In inexpensive shoes, the sole is often made of PVC. Vinyl sole is quite durable, but does not differ in elasticity and frost resistance. While walking, bending of the sole is inevitable, inelastic vinyl bursts, and a crack appears in the sole. Most often this happens in winter cold.

Another budget option - soles made of polyurethane. They are flexible and elastic, due to the porous structure, they weigh little. The material has good cushioning properties and is resistant to abrasion. But due to the high density on cold winter days, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees, the material loses its elasticity and cracks appear in the places of bends.

Another unpleasant feature of polyurethane is that the shoes lose their condition even if they are worn very rarely. Over time, the sole of polyurethane in the literal sense of the word begins to crumble. Even proper care and use of expensive high-quality protective equipment will not save you from this.

Broken arch support

Damage is typical for demi-season and summer shoes. Damage to the arch support leads to the formation of cracks near the heel, and then to the breaking of the shoe. Therefore, if the heel began to stagger, the best way out is to contact a repair shop to replace the arch support.

Mechanical damage

Domestic roads, unlike European and American, cannot boast of cleanliness. Therefore, punctures with sharp objects are a fairly frequent phenomenon. During operation, even a small defect can turn into a deep crack. Therefore, even with minor damage to the sole, the repair should not be pulled.

How to prevent damage to the sole

In most cases, it is possible to prevent the appearance of cracks.

Two points are important:

  • The choice of quality shoes;
  • Proper care of the purchased pair.

Soles of thermoplastic elastomer are considered “all-weather”. Thanks to the special manufacturing technology, the sole is two-layer. The inner porous layer retains heat well, and the outer monolithic layer is particularly durable. Thus, TEP (thermoplastic elastomer) combines resistance to mechanical wear and frost resistance.

How to get money back for shoes that have started to move soles?

In such shoes, it is not slippery in winter in icy conditions - the TEP sole provides good traction and cushioning. Material loses its good properties only at extreme temperatures (above 50 degrees and below -45 degrees), which, fortunately, are very rare in most of Russia.


The sole will not burst if it is made of quality material, for example, leather or rubber. But every material, even the highest quality, needs appropriate care.

In order for the sole not to wear out, prophylaxis should be done - stick on a special, very thin rubber outsole (sticker, roll). It protects the sole from moisture, damage, external influences and prolongs the service life.

An important nuance: prevention should not be glued to brand new shoes or shoes with leather soles. Shoes should be carried a little, including the sole is also slightly worn.

Prevention will not only protect the sole from premature abrasion and cracks, but also improve the heat-shielding properties of the pair, as well as protect the wearer from falling on a slippery smooth surface and in ice.

Types of prevention

For the warm summer months, as well as for those who travel a lot by road or use shoes in the office, an excellent choice of 1 mm polyurethane stickers. If a person often walks on asphalt, it is preferable to put 2-mm-thick summer polyurethane stickers.

In the cold months, they put winter thick anti-slip protection on boots and boots with maximum wear-resistant characteristics. As a rule, prevention is enough for one season.

Folk methods

So that the sole wears out less, and the seams do not allow moisture to pass through, it is recommended to lubricate the sole and seams with castor or linseed oil before using the shoes. Also, glycerin or a mixture of equal proportions of lamb fat and wax is useful for these purposes.

If the defect is small

For minor injuries, you can try to repair a boot or other shoes yourself. You can seal a small hole with silicone glue-sealant. After the sealant has completely filled the hole and dried up, in the repaired shoes you can go outside and not be afraid of moisture.

In case of more thorough damage, the crack can be sealed with a special horseshoe made of polyurethane using thick super-glue or go to the shoe shop.

Do I need to repair a broken sole?

Before you bring shoes with a crack on the soles into the shoe shop, you should think - should it be repaired?

If the shoes are solid, expensive, it is worth spending money and time for such a serious repair. After repair, a quality product will last you one or two seasons, and possibly more. If the sole cracked at the new pair, repair such shoes - throwing money away.

It is wiser to dispose of it and the next time you buy new shoes or boots, be more attentive to the quality of the shoes.

04/13/2014 Erlykin L.A. Updated 01.31.15

Page 3 of 7

2. The sole peeled off. There can be two options: rubber sole and polyurethane.

A. Rubber outsole. The repair site is cleaned of dirt and thoroughly degreased with clean gasoline. Apply 88N glue to the sole and the workpiece (at the place of gluing), allow it to dry for 10-15 minutes, and pressurize the boot. The last operation is done in the device shown in Figure 256.

Newsprint is stuffed into a repaired shoe and placed in a box (bag) of the device, a football chamber with a nipple is inflated with a pump. The pressed boot is kept in the device for 8-10 hours.

B. Polyurethane sole. They clean the place of gluing from dirt, thoroughly degrease with clean gasoline. With a flat file (at the place of gluing), the upper (painted) layer of skin is removed. Degrease this place again. With a heated electric soldering iron, smear small pieces of polyurethane (cut off from the old sole) on the skin at the place of bonding. The sole and the upper are compressed at the place of gluing and a heated element of the burner is held between them. The element is buried to the bed (Fig. 257).

Such repairs require prior training.

Legally guaranteed shoes for 2018

It is necessary to accurately withstand the pressure between the sole and the top of the boot, as well as the temperature of the heating element of the device for burning.

If the repaired polyurethane sole has an edge extending to the top (Fig. 258), then it can be repaired as follows.

The place of gluing is cleaned of dirt and thoroughly degreased with clean gasoline, a layer of 88N glue is applied to the skin of the top and the sole at the place of gluing.

After holding for 10-15 minutes, press the sole to the top. Then, the sole is sewn (at the place of gluing) to the top of the ghoul, rubbed with a boot var. Sew using a boot hook and sew as shown in Figure 255. The seam should go 4-5 mm from the upper edge of the sole.

Next page: Torn toe top adjacent to the solePrevious page: The seam of the upper shoe

Next section: Leather dressing Previous section: Simple leather shoes with their own hands

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Warranty sole peeled off

In the process of wearing, any shoes eventually become unusable. Since the main load falls on the sole, it is with it that there are always more problems. It can deform, become covered with cracks, burst, move along the edge from the top of the shoes, or even fall off. If you can delay the repair of the output pair of shoes, then you will have to resort to repairing everyday shoes immediately. The most pressing questions of all possible are how to glue the sole yourself at home or repair a small defect in the hollow base.

For this, it is not necessary to have special skills. It is enough to get the right glue for shoe repair and follow the simple advice of professionals.

Popular brands of shoe glue

The market is saturated with various adhesives for shoe production. Each of them is designed to work with a certain type of glued surfaces. Which glue is better to use, you can check with the seller of the relevant products. Before gluing the sole, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions attached to the product.


The glue contains polyurethane resins and modifying fillers. It is used for quick bonding of the base of shoes made of rubber, polyurethane, leather, PVC, thermoplastic elastomers and the upper made of dense materials, synthetic, genuine leather. After drying, it gives a transparent adhesive seam, does not allow moisture to pass through.

The adhesive composition includes polychloroprene rubber, synthetic resins, thermal vulcanizers, organic solvents. Bonding parts does not require long-term fixation. Used in the repair of shoes made of leather, rubber, with a textile upper. Not suitable for gluing polyurethane soles.

Glue "Moment" for shoes

It is used to attach the peeled-off shoe platform made of rubber, thermoplastic elastomers, leather, plastic to the top of leather, fabric, and leather substitute. Due to its ease of use, it is popular among consumers. The composition includes resins, rubber, acetone, hydrocarbons. After the sole has been glued at home, the product can be used in a day.

Important! When purchasing glue for the sole of the shoe, you need to make sure that it can be used for reliable and high-quality bonding of exactly the materials from which the upper and sole of the shoe are made. The scope of application of the composition is indicated on the package.

Necessary materials and tools

The quality of the shoes does not always meet the established requirements, which often leads to the failure of the product at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, even before the shoe platform began to peel off, or visible damage appeared on it, one should stock up on everything necessary for repair. A beginner shoe master will need:

Product preparation and glue application

Before gluing the sole to the shoe, you need to carefully inspect the product and assess the degree of damage. Metal heels must be removed. If the sole has peeled off at once in several places, and with the slightest impact it moves away from the top, it is better to tear it off completely and re-stick it.

The surfaces on which the adhesive will be applied are cleaned of dirt, degreased, the remaining glue is removed with a spatula, dried. For better adhesion of parts, they are treated with sandpaper, creating roughness.

The glue is applied to both surfaces, evenly distributed with a brush in a thin layer. Before sticking the product, you must wait 10 - 15 minutes until the glue dries a little. If the elements have a porous base, after this time the composition is applied repeatedly and aged for another 15 minutes.

Important! Regardless of what it is supposed to stick the sole to the shoe, you should make sure that the room is well ventilated (all known compounds contain easily evaporating toxic substances). When working, do not smoke and be near open flame sources.

Watch the video to find out more:

Sole gluing options

There are two ways to reliably join surfaces used at home. How to glue the sole, which method is better to choose depends on the skills and desire of the master.

Cold way

The method does not require special devices, it is simple to execute. After applying the adhesive, the joined surfaces are pressed against each other with maximum force. It is imperative to control that there are no voids between the base of the top and the sole in the sealed product. After connecting the parts, the boot is installed under oppression for at least 10 hours.

Hot way

The method is most often used when repairing shoes with hard soles, provides perfect grip over the entire surface. After application, the glue is left to dry completely (usually it takes 30 minutes). Then, the soles of the shoes are heated with a hairdryer or over a gas burner and intensively pressed to the top of the shoes for 15 to 20 seconds. Shoes that are glued in this way can be used after 48 hours.

From the video you will learn how to apply hotmelt:

Features of repairing soles with voids

Before sticking the sole on the sneakers, you need to inspect the rubber covering the honeycomb base. In damaged areas it is removed. The cavities are cleaned of dirt, filled with scraps of porous rubber and filled with sealant.
  Shoes with cracked soles are best taken to a repair shop.

If you treat the work with due attention and diligence, you can extend the life of your favorite shoes by a few more years on your own.

You will need

  • - glue;
  • - Acetone;
  • - Rags or cotton;
  • - Press;
  • - Sealant (MS polymer), silicone sealant;
  • - Porous rubber;
  • - Cardboard;
  • - Insoles;
  • - Rubber outsole;
  • - A piece of cotton fabric;
  • - Knife and scissors.

Instruction manual

Repairing the sole with durable rubber glue is the most common way to bring. This is usually a temporary measure. If the front edge of the sole has peeled off a little (“asks for porridge”), clean the surfaces to be glued from dirt and, after drying, treat them with acetone. Usually, super-glue and “Moment” are used. Epoxy glue (EPD), Crazy Handles sealant and Desmokol polyurethane agent have proven themselves in the practice of self-repairing soles.

Use glue according to the instructions on the package. Usually it is applied with a not very thick layer (2-3 mm), can withstand 10 minutes and squeeze shoes heavily with cargo from night to morning. Ideally, this will be done in a shoe workshop using a special press. In the same use the means at hand, trying not to deform the shoes. It is ideal to use a “g” -shaped pad with extra weight.

If a leaky sole has a honeycomb structure, voids form in it when worn out - the heel falls through, the shoes in this place become thinner. Tear off the insole and thoroughly clean the honeycomb from dirt, glue residue and torn cardboard. After that, you can fill them with sealant (for example, MS polymer) and let them dry properly. Cut cardboard templates in the shape of the old insole, soak them with the same tool and glue them on the sole, then install new insoles.

Sometimes the cellular sole leaks due to a small puncture. In this case, the insole is also disconnected (if it is in order, this can only be done at the puncture site). Fill the honeycombs with silicone sealant, fill them with scraps of porous rubber (micropores) and apply silicone again. Lay the insole on top and squeeze it firmly until the repaired sole is dry.

It is almost impossible to fix the sole cracked across at home. To do this, turn to the shoemakers and make a rubber sticker ("prevention"). The same should be done when abrading heels and toes.

If you managed to get a thin rubber sole to the size of your shoes, try sticking it yourself. Use strong shoe glue. In order for the rubber part to adhere to the base of polyurethane or nylon, first weld a finely cut cotton lining onto it with a hot iron. When sticking a rubber sole on the skin, it is recommended to make a 45-degree edge. However, only experienced craftsmen can more reliably repair a kink or abrasion of shoes.

Useful advice

If you plan to wear shoes for a long time, immediately take them to the workshop and ask for polyurethane stickers. Then you will not have to think soon how to glue the sole. Such prevention is inexpensive, and it is easily replaceable. In winter, stickers will protect you from ice. At this time of the year, artisanal methods of repairing shoes are just a short-term measure, since boots and boots quickly fail from frost.


  • Million Useful Tips

We usually use rubber boots only a few times a year, for example, for fishing trips or to the forest for mushrooms. But the flow is often given, since we walk in them not through the Canadian greenery, but through forests and slums. So a dilemma arises - and I feel sorry for the money to buy boots, and I don’t want to go to a specialized workshop, since repairing boots there can cost, if not more, then on a par with the cost of a new product. In this case, it is more rational to stick the boots on yourself.

Instruction manual

Carefully cut the patch out of old rubber by puncture or cut on boots requiring repair. The sides to be glued, both on the boot and on the prepared patch, are cleaned with a large file, and then with sandpaper or sandpaper.

Using a brush or a piece of foam rubber, spread both fat-free surfaces with a thin layer of glue suitable for working with rubber products. Leave the parts to partially dry the glue for 15-20 minutes. After the indicated time, apply the second layer of glue in the same way.

Press the patch to the damaged area, supporting it from the inside with the fingers of one hand, and from the outside with the fingers of the other. Try to do this with the utmost effort to ensure optimum contact between the parts to be glued. Do not use glued shoes during the day after the procedures.

In order to mask the cut patch, you can smooth its surface by thinning its edges with sandpaper. If desired, paint the patch with special paint.


  • how to seal pvc boots in 2018

Most often, for self-repairing sneakers, shoes, sandals and other shoes, second glue is used. Household adhesives are divided into liquid, contact, reaction and thermal. They allow you to solve almost any task related to home repair.

Liquid glue

Liquid adhesives, both with and without solvent, made on a water basis, are used by the "wet" method, that is, they are applied to one side, which must be glued. Such products are best suited for bonding porous surfaces: paper, cardboard, fabrics, leather and wood. For example, with their help, it is easy to glue a new insole or fix the tongue on sneakers using a patch of leather or dense fabric.

Contact adhesive

If you plan to fasten surfaces that are devoid of pores, for example, rubber, porcelain, plastic, as well as objects that must maintain their elasticity (soles or belts), it is best to use contact adhesive in tubes or in the form of a spray. Unlike liquid glue, contact must be applied to both parts to be glued. In addition, it is necessary to allow the glue to dry slightly for 10-15 minutes before joining the surfaces. The glue sticks instantly, but it takes a lot of effort to hold the two parts together. When repairing the soles of shoes, it is best to use a load, for example, an old iron. In order not to disturb the shape of the pads, you can lay a layer of thick cardboard between the shoe and oppression.

Reaction glue

In cases where it is required to glue highly loaded objects devoid of pores, or if heat resistance is required, professionals recommend the use of reaction adhesives, also known as second-hand adhesives. They work instantly as soon as the active component reacts with another component of the adhesive or with a certain element of the external environment. When choosing a reaction adhesive, pay attention to the requirements for operating conditions. If ordinary single-component glue is sufficient for its oxidation in air to work, then more specialized products may require special environments and factors for effective operation. Second glue is suitable for repairing heels, straps, as well as quick repair of soles on leaking winter boots and boots. Under the brand "Moment" there are many varieties of reaction glue, including those specialized in repairing shoes.

Hot glue

Universal in everyday life and hot glue, widely used for repair and creativity. It does not need to be dosed or mixed, and it does not contain solvent, therefore it is suitable for bonding any materials, including varieties of plastics that are unstable to solvents. The glue is heated to 110 ° C and applied to the surface using a special gun. With it, you can not only glue the sole or insole, but also fix the torn off decorative elements or decorate a pair of shoes with rhinestones, sequins and other decorations.


  Use for repair polyurethane adhesive

the store.

Watch more video tutorials:

  How to glue the sole

the sole is unsticked, the sole has come off, the sole has fallen off, the sole has come unstuck, shoe repair, how to glue, glue the sole, how to glue, glue shoes, how to glue hot, shoe glue

"Sole sizing" is not an entertaining video, but an educational one.

Be careful about what it says. I have shown the principle. I want to add some very important tips:

1. glue the shoes "dear to your heart" only after you try a couple of times on the old, unnecessary. glue the neighbor-grandmother, among the elderly, as a rule, shoes are not expensive, the main thing for them is not to leak or fall off, you will practice and grandmother is pleased.

2. If you are not too lazy, grease - dry, and then again grease - dry (ie apply a double layer of glue), then the hitch will be much stronger. this is especially true for textile and suede shoes, since these and other porous materials absorb glue well and there is less adhesive on the surface to be glued, for this a second layer is needed. only after each smear, be sure to let the glue dry (set) - this is with hot sizing.

3. How to glue on the "cold", you all know. We missed both sides, let the glue dry for about 10 minutes, so that the smeared parts did not touch and pressed in the “grandmother's way”, i.e. leg of a sofa or table .

  Use for repair polyurethane adhesivefor desmokol shoes and its varieties.

How to glue the sole at home

Buy it in stores "all for repair and sewing shoes." It is sold for bottling, a half liter will cost you no more than 150 rub .. This is glue for everything, the main thing is to be able to use it. An irreplaceable thing in the household, and such an operation as shoe repair with your own hands will be quite feasible for you.

My advice, learn to glue "hot method". When you learn this and that, you will decide for yourself where to use which method. Glue can be bought on the website in the store.  It will cost more than a spill, but without searches and proven. Glues almost all materials

Watch more video tutorials:

peeled off peeled off peeled off the sole

shoe repair how to glue glue the sole

how to glue glue shoes how to glue hot method

  How to glue the sole

the sole is unsticked, the sole has come off, the sole has fallen off, the sole has come unstuck, shoe repair, how to glue, glue the sole, how to glue, glue shoes, how to glue hot, shoe glue

"Sole sizing" is not an entertaining video, but an educational one. Be careful about what it says. I have shown the principle. I want to add some very important tips:

1. glue the shoes "dear to your heart" only after you try a couple of times on the old, unnecessary. glue the neighbor-grandmother, among the elderly, as a rule, shoes are not expensive, the main thing for them is not to leak or fall off, you will practice and grandmother is pleased.

2. If you are not too lazy, grease - dry, and then again grease - dry (ie apply a double layer of glue), then the hitch will be much stronger. this is especially true for textile and suede shoes, since these and other porous materials absorb glue well and there is less adhesive on the surface to be glued, for this a second layer is needed. only after each smear, be sure to let the glue dry (set) - this is with hot sizing.

3. How to glue on the "cold", you all know. We missed both sides, let the glue dry for about 10 minutes, so that the smeared parts did not touch and pressed in the “grandmother's way”, i.e. leg of a sofa or table .

  Use for repair polyurethane adhesivefor desmokol shoes and its varieties. Buy it in stores "all for repair and sewing shoes." It is sold for bottling, a half liter will cost you no more than 150 rub .. This is glue for everything, the main thing is to be able to use it. An irreplaceable thing in the household, and such an operation as shoe repair with your own hands will be quite feasible for you.

My advice, learn to glue "hot method".

What glue is better to glue the sole of the shoe

When you learn this and that, you will decide for yourself where to use which method. Glue can be bought on the website in the store.  It will cost more than a spill, but without searches and proven. Glues almost all materials

Watch more video tutorials:

peeled off peeled off peeled off the sole

shoe repair how to glue glue the sole

how to glue glue shoes how to glue hot method

  Glue for shoes. DIY shoe repair

   Details Updated 11/05/2017 22:36

Shoe repair is not as scary as it seems.

Shoe repair is a familiar situation for most of us. Fortunately, usually only shoe glue and skillful hands are needed to rectify the situation.

Problems with shoes? Take it easy.

If there are problems with the shoe, there are only three options: throw the shoes out, hand them in for repair and repair them yourself. It is clear that it is quite difficult to replace a broken heel or a leaky sole yourself, because few people have the right materials at hand, and knowledge is required quite specific. However, gluing a lagging sole is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Classic shoe glue instruction manual

The surfaces to be glued must be washed thoroughly, scrubbed with sandpaper, degreased with acetone or gasoline, and wiped with a dry cloth. Then apply evenly. glue for shoes  on both cleaned surfaces and wait 10-15 minutes. If the materials are absorbent and porous, once again apply a layer of glue to the surface and let stand for about 10 minutes. The glued surfaces must be pressed firmly for a short time. Usually the most important thing here is compression force, not its duration at all. However, there are exceptions for which instructions are drawn up. This is the standard way that you should focus on. However, when repairing shoes, you should always carefully read the instructions, and not rely on your knowledge. The longest period for reliable bonding of surfaces is one day. Usually a few hours is enough. Watch the video “How to glue shoes”

Choosing glue for fixing shoes

How to choose the right one glue for shoes? This is a rather serious question, because manufacturers today produce many varieties of shoe glue, and about half of them have the inscription “universal”. This is far from true, because each of them has certain characteristics. It is extremely rare that good glue for metal will be just as good for shoes. For example, “Moment” universal glue should not be used for shoes. It adheres perfectly to any surface, only the surface of the sole will crack quickly. After solidification, it becomes “glass”, breaking the sole.

The main types of shoe glue

The most common types of glue for shoes are rubber, epoxy, polyurethane, PVC, “super-glue”, “Moment” and several others. The main thing is to carefully watch that the inscription " for shoes". Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be remembered. I will give two varieties as an example.

Rubber glue for shoes

Natural rubber glue provides an interesting opportunity to glue without activating the adhesive film, but its adhesive ability is quite low. There are other disadvantages. Nevertheless, for secondary and auxiliary operations (gluing insoles, preliminary mounting of the sole), it is quite suitable.

Polyurethane adhesive for shoes

Polyurethane glue is excellent in cases where other types of shoe glue are not able to provide the proper fastening of parts.

How to glue the sole on your own? Which glue to choose?

For example - heavily greased leathers or compound parts with polyurethane and polychloride coating.

Self-repairing shoes is not so difficult. Other types of glue are more versatile and are great in most cases. In a word, if you take shoe repair responsibly, but without too much reverence, it will be possible to significantly extend the life of your shoes. In the vast majority of cases, repair does not require special skills and knowledge. It is enough only attentiveness and minimal skills to work with hands.

How to seal sneakers?

The most comfortable and versatile shoes are sneakers.

How and how to glue the sole to the boot?

When buying even expensive shoes, the situation is not excluded that during operation, the sneakers begin to leak, deform, and eventually wear and tear. If they are expensive for you or you have a lot to do with them, then of course it will be a pity to throw away your favorite shoes. Do not worry, in this article we will show you how to glue the sneakers, because the simplest and most affordable way to repair is to use glue for shoes.

How to choose glue for shoe repair?

  To date, effective adhesive compositions for shoes have almost completely replaced traditional fasteners, such as threads and nails. In the production of 80% of modern shoes also use different adhesive compositions.

To tighten the blanks of the upper part, polychloroprene, polyurethane compositions in the form of aqueous dispersions of polymers, rubber latexes are used. The main advantages of such formulations:

  • lack of integrity violations of materials joined with glue;
  • durability and reliability of adhesive joints;
  • elasticity of adhesive joints;
  • water resistance, frost resistance;
  • the bonding strength is independent of the thickness of the part.

In shoe production, the following types of products are most in demand:

  • Nairite glue. It is mainly used for attaching soles and rubber heels, tightening workpieces of the upper part of the product, as well as for attaching elastic toes. Advantages: water resistance, creates a durable seam, glues almost all materials (leather, synthetics, rubber), fast bonding. The disadvantage is that it does not work if you need to fasten the top and the sole of polyurethane. Given these properties, it is perfect for solving the problem of how to glue sneakers.
  • Polyurethane. They grease the workpieces and glue the soles. Advantages: fastening strength, hardens quickly, reliably fastens porous surfaces. It glues such materials well: textiles, leather, rubber, synthetics. The most popular shoe shoe is Desmacol.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. This composition is used for textile and leather insoles, braid. Advantages: elasticity, well fastens textile layers, leather details, suitable in order to cope with the task of gluing sneakers.
  • Rubber glue. This composition is used for gluing insoles and rubber soles. Most suitable for repairing summer shoes. The disadvantage is that it does not provide resistance to moisture and frost;
  • Combined adhesive. Used for attaching rubber soles, as well as for covering the edges of the workpiece. Used for construction and adhesive bonding. They are used for sealing joints and greasing welts.

Which glue is better?

Experts consider Eva glue to be one of the best adhesive compositions for working with shoes. Advantages of this composition:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • elasticity;
  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • transparency when drying.

The disadvantage is not suitable for working with PVC.

Important! Carefully read the instructions on the packaging of the adhesive to determine what materials and purposes it is intended. If necessary, consult the seller.

If you decide to do the repair of sneakers yourself, then you need to purchase good glue.

The most common brands of glue

Sneaker Repair Instructions

Before sticking sneakers, wash them and determine the damage. Then:

  1. Degrease the surfaces to be bonded with alcohol or acetone.
  2. Dry the surface with a clean cloth.
  3. Apply shoe repair glue with a layer of 2-3 mm. Depending on the brand, two layers may be required.
  4. Allow the glue to dry (10 minutes).
  5. Squeeze the mating surfaces with a load. Use a rubber bandage to wrap shoes.
  6. Leave glued shoes for a day. Glue hardening period from 3 to 10 hours.
  7. Remove excess glue.

A defect in a cracked sole or worn out heel of a shoe can be removed with a piece of thin rubber. In this case, use only extra strong shoe glue.

Important! Perform all repairs in a well-ventilated area.

If high-quality shoe repair is difficult to do at home, it is better to contact experienced craftsmen.

How to store shoe glue?

The remaining adhesive for shoe repair can be stored until the following cases. Stick to some tips:

  1. Store the adhesive in a dark, cool place, but not in the refrigerator to prevent condensation.
  2. Keep the tube upright.
  3. Glue the sticker with the date of opening on the tube so as not to forget to update on time.
  4. Wipe the tip of the tube with a lint-free cloth to extend the life of the glue.
  5. After use, tighten the cap tightly.
  6. When storing, adhere to temperature conditions, as well as humidity. Optimal conditions - 22-24C, 50-60% humidity.

Important! Carefully read the storage instructions for your brand of adhesive.

We hope that the tips you receive will help repair your favorite sneakers, and they will serve you in any environment for a long time to come.

How to repair the sole of the shoe with your own hands

It is not easy to deal with complicated shoe repair on your own without special skills and knowledge. It is better to entrust this work to a good shoemaker. But everyone can cope with the task of sticking the sole of a shoe or a leaky sneaker. This will not require any special means and devices, nor special efforts.

Read this article:

Winter shoe sole restoration

Usually, for the restoration of small damages on the sole of shoes at home, adhesive materials that are quite affordable are used. This is an epoxy sealant. Crazy handles, universal adhesive. Moment, polyurethane adhesive. Desmokol.


  1. Since in most models of winter shoes the sole has a honeycomb structure, honeycombs are processed first. The rubber covering the membrane layer is removed and all holes are thoroughly cleaned of accumulated dirt.
  2. After cleaning, the honeycomb is filled with microporous material cut into small pieces, compacted well, and filled with silicone sealant.
  3. The next stage of the restoration of the sole proceed only after the final hardening of the sealing composition.
  4. If the crack on the sole is small, it is simply pressed in with a mixture of silicone sealant and pieces of micropore, which was used to fill the honeycomb.
  5. To repair bulk damage and deep cracks, cut a piece of micropore or elastic rubber of such a size that it completely fills the hole in the sole.
  6. A "insole" is cut out of dense rubber, which exactly matches the shape and size of the sole of the shoe.
  7. Glue the blank over the entire area using a pre-selected adhesive.

This completes the shoe repair. It remains only to put the shoes under the press and wait for the glue to dry. It is impossible to say exactly how much is required for this time. You need to focus on the data in the instructions for the adhesive. On average, it takes 10-12 hours to dry.

Sneaker Repair

Sports shoes should be repaired best with epoxy glue or Seamgrip (USA) designed specifically for this purpose.

How to glue the sole on sneakers? To begin with, all the treated surfaces must be cleaned of dirt and degreased with an alcohol-containing liquid, solvent.

If the damage is voluminous, the hole must be filled with a sickle (fiberglass mesh). Then dilute the epoxy glue, as stated in the instructions, and apply with an even thin layer (no more than 3 mm) to a crack or hole.

The adhesive will dry for several hours. At this time, it is recommended to close the crack on the outside with masking tape.

So the sole will remain flat and not deformed.

If the sole of the shoe is cracked in half, then stick it on your own do not even think. It will require complex repairs, possibly a multi-stage restoration or a complete replacement of a damaged shoe part. At home, this work is impossible. It is better to immediately take the shoes to the shoe shop.

Each adhesive is accompanied by an instruction that clearly explains each stage of the work. Before you repair the sole of winter shoes with your own hands, you need to carefully read the instructions, paying special attention to safety measures.

The fact is that such products contain toxic substances. Therefore, it is undesirable to inhale their vapor, and if glue gets on the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose), immediately rinse the skin with plenty of running water.

The peeled-off sole is a common problem that can be solved in two ways: contact a repair shop or stick the sole at home.

The second option is the most common, but at the same time, the quality of gluing with the wrong choice of glue and the gluing method is “lame”.

In the article we will tell you how to choose glue for the pasted shoes and how to stick the sole to the bootso that it lasts as long as possible and does not come off before the end of the wearing season.

How to glue the sole

Manufacturers of shoes and shoe makers share adhesive compositions for use for gluing soles, gluing stitching elements and for gluing insoles.

Glue for the sole  after drying, it should have strength and elasticity, resistance to low and high temperatures, moisture resistant properties.

When choosing the composition, it is important to understand what materials the sole and the main part of the shoe is made of (information can be found on the sticker / stamp in the shoe or on the shoe box).

  • Polychloroprene adhesive, also known as nairitic / neoprene, is created on the basis of chloroprene rubbers of low-temperature polymerization.

Suitable for bonding rubber, leather, fabric, wood and polymer parts.

Nairite glue for shoes is available in small tubes for home use, as well as in cans for industrial needs.

The best representatives for gluing the soles of shoes:

  1. Nairit glue (88, Nairit-1, Nairit)  - a common Russian adhesive composition, glues a lot of materials for which it is popular among masters. Many note the high quality of products in cans, however, the glue in the tube has earned bad fame.
  2. Shoe glue Octopus.
  3. Glue for shoes Marathon, moment.
  4. KLEYBERG shoe glue for soles.
  5. Glue shoe professional SAR 30E Kenda Farben .
  6. Clay nairit BOTERM GTA, BOCHEM.

Chloroprene adhesive requires a proper bonding process with activation of the adhesive film by heating.

  • Polyurethane adhesive is made from urethane rubber mixed with an isocyanine hardener. Such glue is suitable for gluing the leather base of the shoe to the sole of leather, rubber, thermoplastic / TEP and polyvinyl chloride / PVC.

Best shoe glue:

  1. Shoe glue Desmokoll / Desmokoll.
  2. Uranus.
  3. Polyurethane adhesive UR-600.
  4. "Professional" glue.
  5. Glue for shoes BONIKOL PUR, BOCHEM.
  6. Glue polyurethane shoe SAR 306, Kenda Farben - a professional Italian composition for leather goods and shoes, withstands high loads and copes well with bonding natural and artificial leather, fabric, rubber and plastics.

For gluing the soles, proper surface preparation is required, as well as glue exposure to the moment of gluing.

How to glue the sole to the boot - instructions

For high-quality bonding of the sole with shoes, it is necessary to observe the technology of applying the adhesive composition.

Choosing a polyurethane or nairite composition, you can rely on this instruction, since both types of glue are applied using a similar technology.

  • Cleaning and degreasing the glued place - ordinary acetone is suitable.
  • For good adhesion, the sole and the glued part of the shoe made of leather or a sneaker need to be sanded a little. Fabric and cardboard parts are not sanding.
  1. We apply a thin layer of glue on both glued surfaces of the boot, without sticking, we withstand time in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (time may vary) - an average of 5-15 minutes.
  2. After drying the first layer of glue, apply the second and again wait for the formation of an adhesive film, the composition should not be fluid - about 10-15 minutes.


In order for the glue to glue the sole of the shoe qualitatively, it is necessary to create the thermal activation of the adhesive film, at home this can be done using a household or building hair dryer.

It is important that the heating temperature should correspond to the exposure time of warm air:

  1. 80-100 ° C 30-90 seconds,
  2. 120-140 ° С 20-40 sec.
  • After heating, the sole is firmly pressed with high pressure to the shoe for 20 seconds. Further, the shoes must be left glued for a period of 24 to 48 hours.



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