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  When, by law, repairs cannot be made. What time can I make repairs in the apartment?

We find out how long it is possible to make repairs in the apartment, which means, after how many hours you need to stop the noise. This applies not only to the sounds of a drill, but also to choral and solo singing. Keeping silence will not only save your nervous system from the unwanted visit of a policeman, but also keep good relations with your neighbors.

To date, there is no single legislative act on silence. Also, as there is no single federal legislative act that would resolve issues of silence in tenement houses.

Unified penalties also do not exist. Each subject of the Federation on the basis of existing legislation takes appropriate decisions. The Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population” is taken as a basis.

The capabilities of regional authorities include:

  • setting the concept of late time;
  • determining the frequency of silent mode;
  • repair routine;
  • setting noise limits;
  • an indication of concepts like peace and silence.

But one does not need to think that the regime of silence varies greatly depending on the subject of the Federation. Legislators make decisions based on the specifics of the region, as well as on the experience of neighbors and existing federal standards. Consider what time it is possible to make noise in different regions.

Silence Act in various regions

Let's see what laws have been adopted in Moscow and the region. Consider the points:

  1. The night time in 2017 is considered the period from 11 nights to 7 in the morning.
  2. Repair is prohibited: on weekdays at night from seven in the evening to nine in the morning and during the day on weekdays from one to three in the afternoon. On weekends or holidays, you can’t repair something noisily, that is, hammer a wall with a punch, drill something, knock loudly, etc.
  3. There are exceptions to these rules: the ban does not apply to those who repair an apartment in a house that was rented no more than 1.5 years ago. This is for the weekend, but these days they are forbidden to repair anything.
  4. The penalty for non-compliance reaches 5,000, and in the suburbs - 3,000 rubles.

Regional law stipulates that at a later time it is forbidden to:

  • increase the volume of receivers, music centers, televisions, etc .;
  • regardless of purpose, you can not play musical instruments;
  • sing loudly, talk and scream;
  • use pyrotechnics;
  • conduct any work or take actions that will impede the peace of citizens.

In St. Petersburg and the region, the situation after the adoption of laws is as follows:

  1. Late time in the Leningrad Region begins at 10 pm, and ends at seven in the morning.
  2. If you are actively and actively repairing an apartment, you must be interrupted for an hour every 6 hours. This will be a break not only for workers, but will also serve as a rest for neighbors.
  3. But fines in St. Petersburg are much more solid than Moscow ones. For the first violation, a monetary penalty of up to 23,400 rubles (2 minimum wages) is expected, and the second is already 4 minimum wages, that is, 46,800 rubles. Given that the minimum wage in St. Petersburg is 11,700 rubles.
  4. In the area of \u200b\u200bfines, on the contrary, is much lower. For disturbing the peace of neighbors, a fine of 2,000 rubles is threatened.
  5. All restrictions are mandatory for nightclubs, cafes and restaurants.

In Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen night time is considered the period from 22.00 to 8.00. But in Kazan - from 23.00 to 6.00.

In Novosibirsk, completely different orders. You can not make noise from eight in the evening to 8 in the morning, that is, as much as 12 hours. And at the weekend another hour in the morning is added, that is, repairs and screaming can only be from 9 a.m. The penalty, as in the suburbs, is 3,000 rubles.

In Krasnoyarsk, a differentiation of fines was introduced. On weekdays it will be 3,000, and on holidays - 4,000 rubles. The night time there is considered the period from 10 pm to 7 am, and on weekends - from 10 pm to 9 am.

Marginal boundaries

As long as you can and cannot behave noisily, it is easy to learn from the regional legislation of your region, territory or republic. It is much more difficult to answer the question, what is noise. How quietly to behave, and how to determine it.

According to federal law, the highest point of noise in the daytime is 55 dB, and at night - 45 dB. To understand these numbers, just look at the familiar noise sources:

  • 24 DB - strong wind and tree noise;
  • 42 DB - refrigerator;
  • 36 dB - the external part of the air conditioner;
  • 45 DB - a conversation of several persons;
  • 50 dB - printer noise;
  • 60 dB - screams during a quarrel;
  • 65 DB - a screwdriver (not the most powerful);
  • 80 DB - phone call;
  • 85 DB - playing musical instruments;
  • 80 DB - a modern vacuum cleaner;
  • 100 DB - a motorcycle;
  • 80 DB - crying baby;
  • 100-120 DB - sounds of repair work;
  • 110 DB - music coming from a night club;
  • 140 DB - aircraft;
  • 200 dB - sounds of an explosion.

Based on this plate, you can calculate the noise level that is emitted by your instruments. And even better: inform the residents in the neighborhood when exactly you will have intensive repairs. You can go and agree, which is preferable, or you can using the announcement on the porch door.

If the neighbors are noisy

Quite often there are cases when neighbors behave very noisily and do not respond to calls for silence. First, in order not to be inaccurate, you need to know the boundaries of night time in your area. Then you can call the police.

In this case, the following procedure should be observed:

  • put a call on record;
  • call the single service 112;
  • name yourself, address and reason for contacting;
  • say in advance that if the police do not arrive, you will file a complaint.
  • When the police arrive, you must be prepared to draft and sign a statement.

On the video about how much you can make noise in the apartment

The norms and rules for repairs in the apartment comply with the Housing, Civil and Administrative Code. Each regime has its own regime, but common norms remain the same.

Living in constant noise is very difficult, and some residents do not stand up and make comments, and if they are ignored, they turn to the district police officer. When can I make repairs in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation?

General rules

Before you begin any work, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If they are not observed, violators can be held administratively liable. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability. Every citizen should know when it is possible to make repairs in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Particular care must be taken when working with devices that create a high level of noise. Knowledge of the law will help to defend the right to rest and peace in your own apartment. Citizens who carry out repairs will be able to avoid fines and work until the permitted time without harming either their neighbors or themselves.

In order to avoid conflicts with neighbors, it is worth introducing yourself in their place. Do not delay the repair, and if it is impossible to complete it at the scheduled time, it is better to abandon it until better times. Perhaps in the neighboring apartments live small children, people with disabilities or senior citizens who are used to relaxing during the day.

Try to repair at a time when you will definitely not bother anyone. In the event that your neighbors drill and carry out repairs not at the scheduled time, you should not immediately contact the district police officer and write complaints to all authorities. Sooner or later, they will finish the repair, and you will have to live with them in the same house for a long time.

Legislative acts

At the moment, there are no general regulatory documents that clearly establish the boundaries of time. In each region, certain rules apply that indicate when it is possible to make repairs in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation. In case of non-compliance, they usually give a warning for the first time, and in some cases a fine. Repeated violation shall be sanctioned by a fine. However, in order to noisy neighborswho carry out repairs at night or make noise, received a fine, it will take a lot of nerves and time to bypass a large number of authorities.

Rules and regulations for legal entities and individuals have some differences, mainly regarding the amount of fines imposed. At the same time, the Housing, Administrative and Civil Codes are strictly observed. Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station and precinct control over the implementation of the norms. Statements and complaints are accepted by the precinct. It is very good if the precinct will be present during a controversial situation.

Law No. 52 of the Federal Law establishes noise levels and time frames when silence is necessary. According to him, it is impossible to produce noise more than 40 dB from 7.00 to 23.00. Articles of Housing Code 25 - 26 allow citizens to carry out repairs in compliance with the rules, which may vary in different regions. For example, in Moscow it is necessary to be guided by the following laws of July 12, 2002 No. 42 “On the observance of peace and silence ...”, dated November 21, 2007 No. 45 “The Moscow City Code of Administrative Offenses”.

In other regions, similar laws have been adopted that indicate how long repairs can be done in an apartment. The differences are in the amount of fines imposed and the time frame allowing work. However, the time error usually does not exceed 1 hour. If we consider the amount of fines, then it can vary from 1 to 3 thousand rubles for individuals.

Time frame

Due to the lack of a single normative act for the Russian Federation, one should be guided by regional orders, which basically have similar requirements. Law No. 52-FZ establishes the rules when it is possible to make repairs in apartments according to the law of the Russian Federation:

  • On weekdays - from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Some regions reduce the time period to 20.00 and even 19.00.
  • From 13.00 to 15.00 - a break, it is impossible to carry out work.
  • Doing repairs on weekends and holidays recognized as national is prohibited. In St. Petersburg, according to city law, it is forbidden to make noise on weekends until 12.00.
  • Work lasting more than 6 hours is prohibited. It is necessary to take an hour break. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to complete one or another noisy work in the apartment - it should be stopped for an hour if it lasts 6 hours.
  • The total period of work should not be longer than 3 months. This time is enough to complete the repair.
  • When using appliances, the noise they create should not exceed 40 A. Equipment that produces higher noise is prohibited for use in the apartment.
  • It is forbidden to interfere in foreign territory, to block passages and elevators. When moving construction debris, it should be placed in bags.

There is a recommendation to take a receipt from the neighbors that they are not against performing repairs in your apartment. In case of non-compliance during the performance of the required standards, a fine may be imposed or a verbal warning given.

Repair in new buildings

Quite popular at all times is the question, when can I make repairs in apartments according to the law of the Russian Federation in new buildings? Most owners have to make repairs from scratch, which can take quite a long time. Some, turning to the services of firms, already after a short period of time made repairs, and noisy neighbors prevented them from living. How long can I make repairs in apartments located in new buildings?

You can wait for silence in the new buildings of Russia only if at lunchtime and at night, as there are some exceptions. You can start work at 7.00, and finish at 23.00. Silence is required at night and drilling is prohibited.

However, you should know that making noise in such houses is allowed only for repair and construction works. In this case, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. a break is necessary. In new buildings, it is impossible to transport construction waste without preliminary packaging, clutter the landings and use equipment that emits noise of more than 40 dB.

Very often in new buildings, you can agree with your neighbors how long you can make repairs in the apartment. In this case, you should definitely ask for a receipt that the neighbors are not against your repair. This will help to avoid possible conflict situations and the involvement of higher authorities.

How to protect yourself from noisy neighbors?

If the neighbors do not respond to your requests for silence, and you need the help of higher authorities, follow simple tips:

  • It is necessary to fix the offense, and the sanitary and epidemiological station (with an increased noise level), Rospotrebnadzor and the district police must be involved in this.
  • If the company is engaged in repair, it is necessary to find out whether it has all the required documents.
  • Try to collect as many witnesses as possible.
  • Next, you must write the complaints to the authorities that were listed above.
  • It is very good if in the meantime you can collect the signatures of neighbors who are also disturbed by noise.
  • If you violate the laws, call the police - and all offenses will be recorded.
  • After that, you can go to court.

According to Article 293 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a warning or a fine may be issued to the violator. If the offense is not resolved, the local administration may appeal to the court with a request to evict the offender from his home. In this case, the apartment is sold at public auction, and the amount of proceeds minus legal costs and losses incurred is reimbursed by the law to the owner of the house. Eviction cases are quite rare.

Repair is not the cause of hostility between neighbors. A person is allowed to improve the living conditions by law - and, for how many hours to work, is established by legal acts. With a good relationship with neighbors, this schedule can be adjusted and some changes made to it, but before that, nevertheless, it is recommended to take a receipt.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is somehow aware of the presence of some. So, absolutely any person living in Russia has every right to carry out the repair of his home. However, he must not disturb the peace of close neighbors or violate, but doing so legally.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways of solving legal problems. Your case is individual.

The main question in such situations, which is of interest to repairmen, is that when carrying out repair activities. So, let's take a closer look at this topic.

How many can be drilled clearly indicated by the Law!

The legislation of the Russian Federation fully regulates practically all spheres of life of citizens of our country. Depending on one or another order determined by law, it can have clear regulation, or flexible. As for the noise standards and the repair process in apartment buildings, here the legislative case has a mixed character of regulation.

On the one hand, there are laws that regulate noise standards throughout the country; on the other hand, most of them are determined individually in each subject of the Russian Federation. Given the last nuance, it is important to understand that in order to clearly determine how much you can drill specifically in your region, you will have to contact the relevant government agencies.

Summarizing the material presented above, we state that there is no single law on noise regulation during repair work in Russia. Each region determines the legal order of such events itself. Despite this, it is possible to single out a number of basic provisions on noise standards operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. They look as follows:

  • In all regions of the Russian Federation it is forbidden to carry out repair and construction work on a weekend or any public holiday if they in any way disturb the peace of other citizens (homeowners, close neighbors, etc.).
  • On weekdays, you can carry out and, accordingly, make noise between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. (in some regions, up to 8 p.m.). In addition, some entities prohibit much noise to their residents at lunchtime (from 13 hours to 15)
  • It is strictly forbidden to exceed the permissible noise limits established by law at night (from 23 a.m. to 7 a.m.).
  • Continuing repairs should not go more than 6 hours a day.
  • Continuous repair on a long-term basis is possible for no more than 3 months.
  • In the process of repair work, it is impossible to exceed the noise standards of your region or the all-Russian ones, if earlier the possibility of such a violation was not discussed with neighbors or other persons to whom noise may cause inconvenience.
  • Repair should not only not disturb the peace of citizens, but also not bring them any property damage.
       In addition, a repairman-tenant of an apartment building does not have the right to clutter common areas with building materials for the tenant of this house, and also to use a passenger elevator to transport building materials without packing them.

Once again, these legislative provisions are slightly different in some regions of the Russian Federation, however, the material presented above fully elucidates the question of how long you can still drill in our country. It is worth noting that discussing the possibility of noise at the wrong time with neighbors and confirming their consent to this in writing, it is completely legal. Here is such a paradox. But it takes place only in those cases when, in addition to the neighbors who agreed to the noise, other citizens will not suffer from it in terms of their peace.

How much can you make noise in an apartment by law? The video will respond:

Noise standards in Russia

Noisy neighbors can ruin life ...

The noise norm in Russia is a flexible concept. Despite the fact that it is clearly defined by law, some situations allow its excess. So, for example, the departure of the norm is possible in a small limit to any citizen (up to 5 dB) and up to 10 dB for the territories next to which there are highways and railroad tracks.

The noise norm is determined separately for the daytime - from 7 a.m. to 23 p.m., and for the night - from 23 p.m. to 7 a.m. The maximum permissible noise value is determined in decibels (dB) and is equal to:

  • in the daytime - 55 dB;
  • at night - 45 dB.

You can determine how noisy you are with special instruments. For an approximate “noise estimate”, we present some indicators of noise and the phenomena that cause them:

  1. a conversation in a whisper or “ticking” of a standard wall clock - 25-30 dB;
  2. normal conversation or slightly elevated tone - 40-45 dB;
  3. operation of the wound motor of the machine - 50-55 dB;
  4. the functioning of the vacuum cleaner - 70-75 dB;
  5. screaming or crying a child - 75-80 dB;
  6. adult cry - 85-90 dB;
  7. drilling a powerful drill or hammer - 95-100 dB;
  8. work with a jackhammer - 115-120 dB.

It is important to understand that these norms can be violated, but only on a short-term basis (5-10 minutes). If the violations are systematic and long-term in nature, then citizens whose peace is disturbed by noise have the full right to complain about the violator to the relevant state agency.

Who monitors compliance with the "noise order"

The neighbors are making noise - a reason to call the police

It is clear that on their own initiative, not a single authorized state body will go on to deal with problems of exceeding the noise norm in any house. The main controllers for noise normality are directly residents of an apartment building or neighbors of a noise suppressor. In case of violation of personal peace by noise, any citizen has the right to contact the appropriate state bodies that will deal with the problem.

The list of authorized persons in the fight against noise cancellation is represented by the following professions:

  • Employees of the local department of the sanitary and epidemiological station - undertake, at certain time periods, to take noise level measurements in the territory of their specialization and do this at the request of citizens if they suspect violations.
  • Representatives - have a function similar to previous persons, however they work on a more global scale than the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Territorial precinct police - are authorized to receive complaints from citizens affected by noise and organize the elimination of the problem.

It is worth noting that in the presence of any noise disturbances, first of all, it is necessary to try to solve everything peacefully. If violators of the order do not agree to a peaceful settlement of the conflict, then the victims should contact the local police who oversee their territory. It is he who must solve the problem by connecting, if necessary, a sanitary epidemiological station or Rostpotrebnadzor.

To prevent problems associated with noise disturbance, be sure to agree with all residents of your house or close neighbors about the implementation of the event and repair hours before the start of the repair, in which noise will not hurt anyone.

Punishment for disturbance of citizens

Noise disturbance - administrative violation

Noise disturbance is an administrative offense. Depending on the region of the offense and the standards established therein, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular case, the order and severity of the sentence may vary. If we generalize the punishments for such things in our country, we can distinguish the following:

  • An administrative warning is imposed on persons who have not previously been held accountable to the law.
       A fine of 500 to 3,000 rubles is imposed on individuals with serious violations or recidivism.
  • From 2,000 to 10,000 rubles, a fine is possible for leaders of construction or repair groups who knowingly incorrectly organized the activities of their wards.
  • A fine of 40,000 to 100,000 rubles is imposed on legal entities.
  • In especially difficult situations, citizens may be required to carry out any corrective work.
  • It is also worth considering that construction at night is punishable by law more severely. If this norm is ignored, a fine of up to 40,000 rubles is imposed on the leaders of the construction group, and up to 300,000 rubles on the organization as a whole.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to sort out the repair-noise issue in the territory of the Russian Federation. The main thing in this process is to carefully consider the material presented above. Good luck in repairing and asserting your rights!

At what time is it allowed to make repairs in the apartment and is it possible to "make noise" at the weekend?

Any repair work and redevelopment in the apartment is impossible without the noise, rumble and sounds of an endlessly working puncher. Each of us who thinks about carrying out noisy repair work should first of all think -
how many hours can I make repairs in the apartment so as not to violate any laws of the Russian Federation in 2016? Questions of this kind should concern not only the repair workers, but also their neighbors.

Below you will find out:

It often happens that you have to actually fight for your rights and peace, and the neighbors continue to drill and hammer with a hammer even on weekends, and sometimes at night. In this case, knowledge of the basic laws and norms of the repair will save you from unnecessary problems. About authorized repair hours in Moscow and the Russian regions - read below.

Can I use a hammer drill on weekends?

The procedure for repair work in Moscow and the Moscow region

  1. Carrying out repairs on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays (non-working) days from 22:00 to 10:00 in the morning.
  2. Work on weekdays (Monday-Friday) from 21:00 to 8:00.
  3. No work allowed from 13.00 to 15.00 hours   daily regarding protected objects.
  4. Use tools and equipment whose noise threshold exceeds generally accepted standards.
  5. To carry out work that threatens to cause damage to neighboring premises, as well as to pollute the public area with construction waste.

Documents on the law governing how much and how much you can make noise in an apartment

Click on the image to enlarge the documents.

The basic rules for repairs in apartment buildings throughout Russia

Unfortunately, such a law that would regulate the level of permissible noise and the time frame for repair work does not exist. Different laws, norms and requirements apply for different regions of the Russian Federation, and in some cases they contradict each other.

  In the regions:
  • it is forbidden to make repairs on weekends   (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays (non-working) days
  • on weekdays, repairs can be made from 9:00 to 19:00 (in some regions until 22:00)

In any case, it makes sense to indicate the laws, the effect of which extends completely to the whole territory of Russia:

  1. Weekend repairs. Russian legislation prohibits repair work on weekends as well as on holidays. which are national holidays;

When can I make repairs. Although the time frame for repairs is different in all corners of the country, it’s better to lean toward such a time.

How many repairs can be done. the beginning should be no earlier than 9:00, and the end of work no later than 19:00 (in some regions until 22:00). So you will be able to avoid conflicts with neighbors and do not break any laws;

  • The duration of any kind of construction work is limited to 6 hours per day. Only those cases where a longer intervention is needed can be excluded. Such work is carried out with an hourly break;
  • The duration of repairs in an apartment building is limited to three months. and regardless of how long they were held;
  • The noise level in the daytime is up to 40 dBA, so the use of tools, equipment or units whose noise and vibration barrier exceeds this indicator is prohibited;
  • It is also forbidden to cause damage to adjacent rooms, for example, damage to load-bearing or interior walls;
  • In addition to the time frame, the laws of the Russian Federation prohibit loading public construction and evacuation places with construction waste, materials and waste;
  • Transportation of building materials without the necessary packaging in passenger elevators is also prohibited;
  • In the event that you need more time to complete the repair project or the repair work must be carried out at a time not specified by law, it is worth securing the written agreement of the neighbors. Such a document will allow to realize any ideas at a convenient time.
  • Services that monitor the standards for repairs in apartments

    Any rules, laws and requirements for the repair work must be regulated by special services. These include the sanitary and epidemiological station, whose function is to measure and normatively fix the noise level. Processing applications Rospotrebnadzor   and district. which, if necessary, must be present at the place of work. The law of the Russian Federation states that violations of this kind provide for administrative liability, which can be carried out in the form of a warning or a fine.

    As mentioned above, the Russian Federation provides for the consideration of norms and laws at a purely regional level. Special acts regulate time, days and limit the maximum permitted noise level.

    So, to maintain public peace, all work related to the redevelopment of the premises or its repair. should be carried out in accordance with the law. In the event that your neighbors do not comply with any cultural standards and work as a puncher at night or on weekends, you can immediately contact a local police officer, a sanitary epidemiological station, or Rospotrebnadzor. Such instances will be required to sort out and resolve the situation.

    This, perhaps, can be finished. We found out that it is impossible to make repairs in Moscow after 22:00 and until 9:00 on weekdays. And on weekends you can not carry out noisy work after 21:00 and until 8:00 in the morning.

    In the regions, you cannot make noise after 19:00 and until 9:00 on weekdays. And it is forbidden to make repairs on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and holidays (non-working) days.

    And finally, smile ;-)




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