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Sour cream muffins with raisins without butter. Step-by-step recipe for making sour cream cupcake with photo Sour cream cupcake with raisins recipe

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t bought baked goods in stores for a long time, although now there is a very large selection of various confectionery products in any supermarket. First of all, I am a little alarmed by the presence of a large number of dyes in creams and layers. And the composition sometimes also remains a mystery. I have several of my favorite cupcake recipes for different occasions.

Today I will offer you an easy-to-prepare and very tasty, airy and juicy cupcake made with sour cream and raisins. You don't need to do anything special, just mix the ingredients in a certain sequence, pour the resulting dough into the mold and let the oven turn the dough into a wonderful cupcake.

Let's prepare all the ingredients for the sour cream cupcake with raisins.

Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften a little. After that, cut it into small pieces and put it in a bowl. Let's add sugar.

Using a fork, mix the butter and sugar well.

Add eggs to the butter-sugar mixture.

Mix all the ingredients well, add vanilla sugar and baking powder. Mix all ingredients again.

Add sour cream to the rest of the dough ingredients.

Wash the raisins, dry them with a paper towel and place them in the dough.

Add flour in portions, mixing the dough well after each portion of added flour.

As a result, we will get this cake dough.

Grease the baking pan with butter and place the resulting dough into the pan. Place the form with the dough in the oven preheated to 190 degrees C for 40 minutes. Check the readiness of the sour cream and raisin cake with a wooden kebab skewer by piercing the center of the cake with it; if the skewer is dry, the cake is ready. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool in the pan.

A fragrant, rosy and very airy sour cream cupcake with raisins is served with tea or coffee. I really love eating this cake with milk.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the oven and pan.

First, turn on the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and heat the purified water in the kettle. Meanwhile, use a kitchen knife to separate the butter from the total amount. 25 grams. We grease the bottom, as well as the inner sides of the muffin pan, sprinkle the fat with two tablespoons of sifted wheat flour and put it in the refrigerator until use.

Step 2: prepare the butter.

Cut the remaining butter into cubes, place them in a small saucepan, place over medium heat and melt until liquid, stirring constantly with a tablespoon so as not to burn. Then, using a kitchen towel, move it closer to the slightly open window and cool the liquid fat to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the raisins.

Now we put the raisins on the countertop, sort them out, removing spoiled fruits, as well as any kind of rubbish, and put them in a colander. We thoroughly wash the dried grapes under streams of cold running water, place them in a small bowl, pour boiling water from the kettle and leave them like this for 10–15 minutes or until it swells. Then we move it back into the colander, rinse it with water and leave it in the sink until needed to drain the excess liquid.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

Without wasting a minute, we place chicken eggs in a deep bowl, trying to do this so that the shells do not get in. Add granulated sugar to them and beat these ingredients at medium speed using a blender or mixer until fluffy, thick foam without grains, and until the mixture increases 2–3 times.

Next, pour sour cream and cooled butter into it, add a little salt, vanilla sugar and mix everything until smooth. After this, we extinguish the baking soda with table vinegar in a bowl, shake everything again, add the dried raisins and gradually begin to add the sifted wheat flour. We proceed slowly, adding it spoon by spoon, at the same time kneading a creamy dough of medium thickness with small lumps, much like yeast pancakes.

Step 5: bake a cupcake with sour cream and raisins.

Then we transfer the finished sweet dough into a chilled baking dish and place it in a preheated oven on the middle rack. Bake the cake for 35–40 minutes. After the first half hour, we check the air product for readiness.

Simply insert the end of a wooden skewer into the pastry pulp and remove. Are there any wet, sticky lumps of dough left on it? Then keep the cake in the oven for some more time. 7–10 minutes, and if they are not there, we put oven mitts on our hands, move the mold onto a cutting board previously placed on the countertop, and allow the dessert to cool slightly.

Step 6: Bring the dessert to full readiness.

After about 25–30 minutes Transfer the flour miracle to a metal wire rack and cool completely to room temperature. After that, we decorate it with any decor, in my version it is powdered sugar sprinkled on the surface of the cupcake through a fine sieve.

Step 7: serve the cake with sour cream and raisins.

Sour cream with raisins cupcake, like any other baked goods, is served at room temperature, because it is not advisable to eat hot flour products. Serve it on a large flat dish or immediately in portions on dessert plates. Along with such sweet pastries, fresh, only prepared hot drinks are placed on the table, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, warm milk, homemade yogurt, or whatever you like best. Enjoy simple and delicious food!
Bon appetit!

No vanilla sugar? Use pure vanillin or liquid extract of this spice. Also, very often, for a richer aroma, cinnamon is added to the dough to taste, and for a brown color, a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder;

An alternative to baking soda and table vinegar is a teaspoon of baking powder, sour cream - full-fat yogurt, kefir or cream, and butter - margarine for premium baking, 75-78% fat, with a minimum water content;

Be sure to sift your flour before using it for baking. Due to this process, this ingredient is loosened, dried, and also gets rid of any kind of litter, which very often ends up in bags with it;

Along with the raisins, you can add some soaked dried fruits or dried berries, for example, dried apricots, prunes, strawberries, cherries or others.

The sour cream and raisin cupcake differs from other baked goods in its tenderness and sophistication. The recipe is easy to prepare, but is not inferior in quality to even the most famous desserts all over the world.

Basic principles of cooking

The recipe for making cupcakes dates back to the 16th century. Then in Ancient Rome it was customary to add nuts, pomegranate, and dried fruits to the dough.

Subsequently, in England they began to increasingly prepare cakes with sour cream and raisins, diluting the dough with salt, sugar, and adding herbs.

You can bake cupcakes with sour cream in different shapes; they can be small muffins or a large dessert. This type of baking is known all over the world and everyone loves it. For example, in England it is customary to eat it at 5 pm with tea for afternoon tea.

You can add more than just raisins as a filling to these cupcakes. This could be the addition of nuts, syrups, vanilla, cocoa, chocolate, or fruit. In general, you can safely try at home and diversify the recipe to suit your taste.

The main thing is that the dough is thick and homogeneous in composition. For these purposes, you need to mix the dry ingredients separately from the liquid ones, and therefore mix them together.

Baking with sour cream is very popular in our country. Well aware of this fact, I decided to present you with a classic recipe for muffins, which are prepared on dough with sour cream.

Sour cream cupcake

It can be called classic. The dessert will be better in taste and quality than if you went to the store and bought pastries. It will not contain dyes or non-natural products.

The cupcake will be easy to prepare, but very tasty, airy and juicy. It’s easy to make – you just need to mix the ingredients in a certain sequence, put the dough in a mold and bake in the oven.


2 tbsp. flour; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 tsp each baking powder and van. Sahara; 1 tbsp. sugar and sour cream; half st. raisins; 200 gr. sl. oils; half st. raisins

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix words. butter with sugar. Sl. The butter must be crushed into small pieces in advance and allowed to soften to room temperature.
  2. I mix the mixture with a fork. butter and sugar. I bring in chickens. eggs. I stir.
  3. I add a van. sugar, dough powder.
  4. I add sour cream to the rest of the products.
  5. I wash the raisins and let them dry on a paper napkin, then add them to the batch.
  6. I introduce the sifted flour, eliminating the lumps.
  7. I grease the mold. butter, put it in the mold. I bake at 190 degrees. 40 minutes. I check readiness with a wooden toothpick. I pierce the cupcake in the center with it. If the skewer is empty of dough, it's time to take out the pastry and let it cool.
  8. When the cake has cooled, you need to remove it from the pan.

That's it, all that remains is to serve the sour cream baked goods to the table. It is very tasty to eat it with milk.

Cupcake with raisins in a slow cooker

A modern way of baking. It is very convenient because you will need to bake it in a slow cooker. All owners of this device know about the benefits of cooking with it.


400 gr. sour cream and so on margarine, sugar, raisins; 4 tbsp. flour; 20 gr. baking powder; 4 gr. vanilla and 4 pcs. chickens eggs

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put margarine in a slow cooker and cut it into pieces first. I turn on the “Frying” program. The margarine should melt, but not completely. I let it cool down.
  2. I mix the chickens in a bowl. eggs, sugar. I stir.
  3. Pour the cooled margarine into the previous mixture. I add sour cream and mix using a blender. You can work by hand with a whisk.
  4. Mix all ingredients with flour. I stir constantly so that there are no lumps in the dough. The dough should not be very dense. I add washed raisins.
  5. Place the dough in the bowl and bake for 1 hour on the “Baking” mode.
  6. When the baking completion signal sounds, you need to let the cake stand for 10 minutes on the “Warming” mode in the multicooker.
  7. I turn the cake over onto a plate. I sprinkle sugar. powder, but only when the baked goods have cooled completely.

To bake a delicious cupcake with raisins and sour cream dough, you should follow some recommendations. I propose to talk about them below:

  • You need to bake until a crust appears on the cake. You should not open the door often or move the pan in the oven, as the dough will settle and the dessert will be spoiled.
  • You can add fresh fruit to the muffins. But remember that they need to be washed and dried thoroughly. Fatty dough should not contain unwanted moisture.
  • You need to bake cupcakes only from fresh ingredients. This rule applies not only to baked goods with sour cream, but also to all flour products. The quality of your dishes will directly correspond to the freshness of the ingredients
  • You only need to remove the cupcakes from the pan when they have cooled down. The whole point is that this way you will not damage their shell. If this happens, you can cover the cupcakes with frosting. You can find its recipes on the pages of my culinary blog.

Well, finally, I would like to note that when preparing baked goods at home you should be in a great mood, then the result of your work and effort in the kitchen will definitely please not only you, but also other sweet tooths while drinking tea together!

My video recipe

Cupcake recipes with simple step-by-step photo instructions

sour cream cupcake

1 hour

370 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Homemade fresh muffins are amazing and can't compare to store-bought baked goods. Anyone can bake a cupcake, it is important not to forget to put anything in and follow all the stages of preparation. I have prepared my own special recipe for a cupcake with sour cream, which is quite simple to prepare, and the result will exceed all your expectations. Its peculiarity is that when finished it rises well, it turns out airy and tender, and even when cut, the bubbly structure of the dough is noticeable.

Cupcake recipe with sour cream and raisins in the oven

For lovers of classic fluffy dough with the addition of raisins, I recommend trying this easy and quick recipe. Adjust the amount of raisins to your taste. We present a recipe with a photo of a sour cream cake with raisins, which will change your ideas about baking in general.

From kitchen appliances we will need: deep bowl, mixer, cake pan, sieve.

What ingredients do you need to prepare?

Prepare a sour cream cupcake recipe in the oven

Did you know? In order not to waste time 30 minutes before starting to prepare the cake, you need to pour boiling water over the raisins for half an hour.

  1. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar and beat everything together with a mixer until a white airy mass forms.

  2. In the same container add sour cream and soft butter, which was previously removed from the refrigerator for a couple of hours. And beat all the ingredients again just to mix them.

  3. Pour flour into a separate bowl, add baking powder and mix with a fork (spoon).

  4. Sift the flour and baking powder through a sieve over a bowl with the previously whipped liquid mixture so that there are no lumps and the flour is saturated with oxygen - this is very important for creating a fluffy cake.

  5. Sift the flour in parts and at the same time mix our dough with a spoon, each time after introducing the flour.

  6. Place the steamed and swollen raisins on a paper towel, so the towel will absorb excess moisture and the raisins will be crumbly and dry.

  7. Add our raisins to the prepared dough and mix gently with a spoon.

  8. Both metal and silicone molds are suitable for baking. You can take different shapes: rectangular, round, square or a special cake pan. The mold should be greased with vegetable oil.
  9. Pour the dough into the prepared pan so that the mixture fills a little more than half of the total volume of the container.

  10. Bake for 50 minutes in a preheated oven to 180°.

  11. Place the finished cake on a flat plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar (it is better to sprinkle powder on a hot cake so that the powder does not fall off when serving).

The cake is best served chilled; it can be cut into pieces and eaten with tea.

Did you know? To ensure that your cake does not crumble and is beautiful when cut, you need to let it cool and only then cut it.

Video recipe for chocolate cake with sour cream

Watch a detailed video on what and how to cook:

Chocolate cake

TRY ALSO COCONUT CAKE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAfCLhHR6xg
3 eggs;
150 grams of butter;
200 grams of sugar;
200 grams of sour cream;
300 grams of flour;
3 tbsp. cocoa;
2 tsp baking powder;
for glaze:
100 grams of sugar;
50 grams of butter;
2 tbsp. cocoa;
3 tbsp. water.




Sour cream cupcake in a slow cooker

Prepare the most delicious sour cream cupcake in a slow cooker. This recipe is as simple as shelling pears, even a schoolboy can do it. The cake rises just fine in the slow cooker. And thanks to its special ingredients, you will be the owner of the secret of a lush and airy cupcake that will surprise all your guests.

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • The cupcake is designed for 10 servings.
  • You need to take the following kitchen utensils: deep bowl, whisk, sieve, cake pan.

Ingredients we will need:

How to cook a cupcake

  1. Wash the lemon and grate it on a fine grater, removing the zest without touching the lemon peel.

  2. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer at low speed until white.

  3. Without stopping the mixer, add sugar little by little. In general, whisking will take 10-15 minutes. The result should be a fluffy, dense and white mass.

  4. Add sour cream to the beaten eggs and sugar and mix with a mixer.

  5. Sift the flour over all the ingredients through a sieve, add soda and lemon zest.

  6. Mix the dough with a spoon or whisk until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

  7. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter.

  8. We spread the prepared dough and bake in the “baking” mode for 1 hour.

  9. Check readiness with a wooden stick.

  10. Let the cake cool slightly and place on a flat plate.

For decoration, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Serve a delicious tender cake with tea or milk.
And if you liked the cake baked in a slow cooker, try it again



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