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How to clean an apartment using a church candle and holy water, prayer, salt?

Cleaning an apartment from negative influences does not require serious preparation. This is a fairly simple ritual that can be performed every month. How to clean an apartment using a church candle, salt or prayer?

Energy waves permeate all space. Positive and negative vibrations affect a person’s well-being and his relationships with others. Simple cleaning of the living space with salt, candles, and prayer will help eliminate negative influences.

Why clean the apartment?

Every room has the ability to accumulate energy. For an apartment or workplace, it is necessary that the energy be positive. This will have a beneficial effect on interpersonal relationships and the general condition of a person.

Frequent quarrels, scandals, and conflicts create a depressing atmosphere in the apartment. Negative energy contributes to the deterioration of health (physical and mental). It will negatively affect relationships between relatives.

Guests and strangers come into the house, objects appear in it - all of them are carriers of mental information. To prevent stagnation of negative energy-informational background in the apartment, it should be cleaned regularly. This can be done once every six months or every month.

How to clean an apartment using a church candle and salt? First you need to purchase them. You can take blessed candles, but this is not important. Salt is better coarse.

Preparing for cleansing

Before you start cleaning your apartment, you should prepare yourself. A person can generate negative energy independently or absorb it from strangers. The neighbor looked askance, they were rude in the store - and now a bundle of negativity ended up in the house.

You can clean yourself with running water. A shower will help wash away all negative manifestations. For better cleaning, magicians advise rubbing yourself with salt - applying it to a damp body. This should be done carefully so as not to injure the skin, and then wash off the salt in the shower.

Remove all jewelry - chains, rings, bracelets. Metal objects attract energy. They should also be cleaned occasionally.

Open the windows. Wear simple, comfortable clothes. Send your household members for a walk. Collect unnecessary things, old trash and throw away. Energy should circulate freely throughout the house.

The easiest way to clean an apartment using a church candle and salt is to walk around the entire apartment with a burning candle, then scatter a little salt in the corners, and after half an hour wash the floor.

Cleansing with salt

Salt has the ability to absorb negative energy. Magicians recommend pouring a handful of powder into a container made of natural material (clay, porcelain) and placing it in the bedroom or living room - it will collect all the negative energy-information waves. Once a week or once a month (depending on the atmosphere in the house), you need to throw away the used salt. It is best to take it outside, throw it under a tree or bush. As a last resort, wash it down the sink.

In order to clean the apartment, salt (1 glass) must be calcined in a frying pan. For a better effect, you can add needles and pins - sharp metal objects, like antennas, attract negativity. Calcination continues until the salt begins to crackle. After this, turn off the stove. Go around the rooms with a frying pan. Smoke all the corners, the hallway. Next, bury the salt with needles in the ground. If the ritual was carried out without sharp objects, it is enough to throw the salt into the toilet and flush it. After the ceremony, wash the dishes and house thoroughly. It's as simple as cleaning your apartment with a church candle. The principle of operation is to go around all corners.

Clear the space after the visit

If an unpleasant guest is expected to visit, you can prepare a canvas bag of salt. The fabric must be natural. Place the bag next to the place where the visitor is expected to be. After the guest, throw away the salt and rinse the bag under running water.

If a serious scandal occurs, be sure to take a shower after it. Running water will wash away negative vibrations. After a shower, prepare a saline solution for washing your apartment: 1 heaped tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Dissolve salt in water. Rinse the entire house with this solution after an unpleasant visit or a big scandal.

How to clean an apartment with a candle

You can combine several techniques. For example, a day or two before using candles, place containers with salt in the corners. They will collect negativity. After this, the ritual with a candle will eliminate all negative vibrations as much as possible.

Fire helps cleanse space and objects from negativity. If the house has a stove or fireplace, this simplifies the task. You can light a torch and go around the whole house. How to clean an apartment using a church candle? It doesn't really matter whether the candle is blessed. If this is of great importance to a person, then it is better to use a church wax candle.

There are many rituals. The simplest one is to light a candle, walk around the apartment clockwise, treat the door handles, the space under the furniture, corners, walls, hallway, and bathroom.

Corners near the ceiling and floor are a great place for negativity to accumulate. These places need to be treated especially carefully.

After cleaning the apartment, you should leave a candle at the front door. When it burns completely, bury the rest under a tree.

Preparing the candle

To prevent candle wax from dripping onto your carpeting or floor, you need to take safety precautions. Take a sheet of paper and make a small cut on it. Insert a candle into it. The wax will drip onto the paper and will not ruin the floor of the apartment.

Another way is to drip hot wax onto a saucer. Place a candle on it. It will cool quickly and fix the candle on the saucer.

Holy water

Magicians are often asked how to clean an apartment using a church candle and holy water. Only the priest can consecrate a home. Ordinary people are allowed to use church candles and holy water to cleanse the house of bad memories and unpleasant emotions.

The principle of operation with holy water is simple. You already know how to clean your apartment with a candle. Everything is similar here. The only thing is that it’s better to invite an assistant. You need to take holy water from the church. If this is problematic, a consecrated silver cross can be placed in water for an hour, after which it will be considered cleansed.

Walk around the apartment with a church candle, starting clockwise. The assistant follows and sprinkles all objects, corners, walls, floor.

Before cleaning the apartment with holy water, general cleaning is required. First, the entire house is washed with plain water (or saline solution). Then there is cleaning with a candle and holy water.

How to clean an apartment with a candle and prayer

This method is relevant for those people who know several prayers (knowing them by heart will greatly facilitate the task).

With a candle in your hands and a prayer on your lips, you need to walk around the apartment clockwise. Pay attention to the places where the candle begins to crackle and the dripping wax turns black. You should read prayer in these places until everything returns to normal.

There is another way to clean an apartment using a church candle and prayer. An icon should be placed in each corner. Place candles nearby. Near each icon, read a prayer dedicated to the depicted saint 3 times. Leave the candles to burn out and throw away the remains. Hang icons around the apartment or make a home iconostasis.

Processing of mirror surfaces

When processing an apartment, people often forget about mirrors and reflective surfaces. They also tend to collect negative vibrations. Mirrors are capable of accumulating energy-informational material for years.

Water with salt is a universal remedy for the accumulation of negativity. Use a solution (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) to wipe all mirror surfaces: glass, furniture polish, mirrors. If there are stains left after the solution, after half an hour you can wipe the reflective surfaces with plain water.

Secret signs

When cleaning the apartment, be sure to turn off phones and electrical appliances so that nothing interferes. If during the ritual someone or something tries to distract you, this is a secret sign that the house needs careful treatment.

  • If they knock on the door or ring insistently, do not be embarrassed. You should continue cleaning the apartment.
  • If a candle goes out, this is a sign that the apartment is under the influence of negative waves.
  • Where the candle crackles, black smoke appears, black wax flows down, and there is a place where negativity accumulates. It needs to be processed until everything returns to normal.

If something in the house is constantly breaking (electrical appliances, furniture, chains breaking, buttons flying off, plaster falling, wallpaper cracking, dishes breaking), then it’s time for a global cleansing of the apartment.


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Cleansing your home with a candle and holy water

Cleansing with a candle and holy water

This is the strongest and most effective cleansing method. This work needs to be done together, and it is advisable that there is no one else in the house at that moment and no one disturbs you with phone calls or unexpected visits. One person holds a lit church candle in his hands, the second holds a vessel with water blessed in the church. You need to start work from the front door. Light a candle, take it in your right hand and, standing with your back to the door, looking at the fire, read the prayer “Our Father” (you can do it out loud, or you can do it silently): “Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen".

After reading this prayer, you need to start moving along the perimeter of the walls counterclockwise, continuing to read the prayer over and over again and crossing the walls with a candle flame. Particular attention should be paid to corners, including those corners formed by furniture, as well as mirrors, windows and sleeping places: they are baptized with a candle three times. The telephone and TV also accumulate a lot of negativity, and you can linger here longer. The second person follows the first and also crosswise sprinkles the walls, corners, mirrors, furniture, etc. with holy water.

If somewhere a candle begins to smoke or goes out, it means there is a lot of negative energy there: you need to stop and stand with the candle longer, especially intensively cross this place with flame and sprinkle it with holy water.

You don’t need to go into closets, bathrooms, or toilets; just open the doors there and cross the space behind the door with a candle, mentally bringing into the room the fiery cross formed by the candle flame.

Having walked around the entire apartment in this way, you need to stop again in front of the front door, but now facing it, cross the door three times with a candle and water, then open the door and splash holy water on the area behind the door. This way you will finally drive all negative energy away from your apartment. Close the door and read the Lord's Prayer again while looking at the candle flame. Now you can blow out the candle. The work is finished.

If there are places in the house where a seriously ill or dying person was for a long time, if there is a place where someone died, special work must be done with such places. After all, in the place where a person died, a stable communication channel with the afterlife is formed. This is a kind of black hole into which the energy of both the apartment itself and the people living in it is sucked. In such a place you need to put a candle, light it and not extinguish it until the candle itself burns out completely. This may have to be done more than once. Then you need to take another lit candle and make counterclockwise circular movements over this place, as if burning out the remaining negativity. Then we take another candle, light it and, looking at the flame, imagine how the golden glow emanating from the candle flame completely fills the cleared space - this way we can “patch” the black hole, fill it with the Golden glow and close the entrance to afterworld.

Place small pinches of the mixture on the burner and place on the fire. You can set the mixture on fire in a frying pan and it will create smoke, but you don’t need to walk around the apartment and fumigate all the rooms with it. The smoke itself will spread where necessary and drive away all evil spirits from particularly negative zones.

Prayer for cleansing the house

Everyone wants to cleanse their home of negativity and protect themselves from illnesses and troubles in order to say with confidence: “my home is my fortress.” Find out what cleansing prayers you can read in your apartment to protect yourself and your family.

How cleansing prayers help

Your home needs to be regularly cleansed of all unclean and negative energy. Especially after major quarrels or illnesses. This way you will finally banish unhappiness from your apartment.

Take church candles and the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Walk around the house with lit candles. Be sure to stop in every corner, this is where negativity accumulates; you need candle light to illuminate every nook and cranny in the room. After this, place these candles on the icon of St. Nicholas and read the following prayer to cleanse the house:

“I am addressing you, Saint Nicholas. You show us your miracles. Help me cleanse my house from my own and sent filth. From swearing and filth, from anger and envy, cleanse my house. With a candle and holy water, cleanse my house. From the demonic mob and vicious thoughts, cleanse my house. So let peace and love nest in him. Let it be so. Amen"

Leave the candles near the icon until they burn out. Walk around the apartment, sprinkle it with holy water. Again, pay close attention to the corners in the rooms. If after the cleansing ritual you feel heavy energy in the house that is unsuitable for living, invite a priest.

Prayer for apartment cleansing

There is another Orthodox ritual that will affect the atmosphere in the house and solve family troubles. With a church candle, stand at the door and read the Lord's Prayer, then repeat the prayer in each room in turn. Returning to the entrance, read the consolidating prayer to cleanse the apartment and protect your family:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect my home from fierce envy and from the attacks of evil people. Save us from the abyss of sin and do not test our faith with severe trials. Save our house from ruin, fire and desecration. Thy will be done. Amen"

How to perform a cleansing ritual

You must begin the ritual with a pure soul and sinless thoughts. You can achieve results by first attending the Divine service and confessing to the priest. It is advisable to fast for three days before reading cleansing prayers.

When carrying out the ritual of cleansing the house, special attention should be paid to the candle flame; if in some certain places in the house the fire behaves “restlessly”, the flame trembles and the candle crackles, or the candle has gone out, this place should be given special attention and there is a ritual several times.

After praying, you can clean the apartment yourself and achieve the desired result, the main thing is to strictly follow folk and Orthodox advice and rituals. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and don’t forget to press the buttons and

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How to clean your apartment of negativity using a church candle

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"My home is my castle". It is not for nothing that this proverb was invented by people long ago, because our home is our protection, a place where it is quiet and warm, where peace and tranquility reign.

But sometimes, in the course of everyday life, we involuntarily begin to notice some strange things that happen in our apartment. At first, we may not attach much importance to this, but later we understand that this is very serious - the energy of the house is disrupted. How to clean your apartment of negativity yourself? In our article you will find answers to this question.

How to cleanse the energy of an apartment, basic rules

This is quite possible if you believe in what you are doing and follow certain advice from people knowledgeable in this field.

Basic rules and actions for clean energy at home

  1. spring-cleaning. Every time you clean your apartment, you clear it of “dirt,” and therefore of negativity. Wash the curtains, beat the carpets, wash the windows so that cleanliness enters the house and fills it with light.
  2. Getting rid of junk. Remove all the trash from your home - and changes in energy will be noticeable immediately. After all, old and unnecessary things accumulate the negative energy of the past and prevent new things from entering the house.
  3. Sea salt. It will not only help get rid of negativity in the apartment, but also balance the energy inside it. It can be used both as crystals and in dissolved form. Be sure to do this in an open space, avoiding closets, chests of drawers, etc.
  4. Sound cleaning. Sound is the strongest vibration that a person can physically feel. That is why it is able to destroy unfavorable energy. You can use the types of sound at your discretion, the main thing is that it is pleasant to the ear.
  5. Essential oils. Using aromatic devices will protect your home from negativity and give you a pleasant feeling of cleanliness, aroma and comfort. The oil for such a ritual cannot be chosen randomly; before doing so, you need to familiarize yourself with the information about each one. Yes, and you should definitely like its smell.
  6. Green plants. The plants we grow provide oxygen to our home. This is a known and studied fact. But few people know that they can saturate the space with positivity. When choosing indoor plants, be extremely careful. After all, in addition to useful ones, there are also so-called “vampire plants”. You don’t need to have too many of them; what matters is what kind of plants they are, how and where they stand in a particular room.
  7. Energy paintings, faces of saints. They themselves are not sources of any energy; they serve as “conductors” through which it penetrates into the house. Be extremely careful when choosing such a work of art, since this thing will always be in a certain room, which means it should bring only positive things to the people who spend more time there.
  8. Energy protection. Such protection is quite individual. To do this, you just need to imagine (even invent) a protective item, then make it and place it “on guard” in a place convenient for you. Filled with your energy, it will faithfully protect the house.
  9. Family altar. This is a sacred place in the house, which is constantly located in one place (it is advisable not to make it temporary), and which only you know about. At the altar you need to carry out spiritual cleansing, which, in turn, harmonizes the energy of both yours and the entire apartment.

Clear the apartment of negativity with a candle

But the most common way to cleanse an apartment is a church candle; it, like an invisible spiritual force, is closest to every person. very simple, but you need to remember that without faith in the heart and without righteous knowledge, it will be difficult, and almost impossible, to do this. How to clean an apartment with a church candle? Here are several ways to do this cleaning.

A candle is a symbol of the element of fire, and it is known to transform energy. Wax church candles are used for energy cleansing. You need to walk with her from the entrance to the house and further, along the perimeter of each room, clockwise.

You can linger in corners and openings where the accumulation of negativity is strongest. Don't be alarmed if the candle smokes and crackles. If it burns quietly and calmly, this is a sign that the cleaning is complete. After the ceremony, place the candle on the altar near the holy face so that it burns out on its own.

Buy a candle from the temple and clean your home according to the following rules.

How to clean an apartment using a church candle

  • Before you start cleaning, you need to sprinkle all the corners in the house with holy water, then wet your hands and face with it.
  • You need to start cleaning from the outside of the door located at the entrance.
  • Next, light the candle and move it clockwise from the door several times. Be sure to cross the candle three times over the peephole, also over the handle and bell.
  • Then do the same from the inside.
  • The apartment itself is processed from left to right. The walls are wavy, the door handles are cross-shaped. Walls, corners, and all furniture are cleaned. Remember to do this carefully to avoid any ignition.

If somewhere a candle begins to burn more intensely, crackle and melt black, it means that this is the “dirtiest” place in the house. And then you need to clean until the flame becomes even and calms down.

  • The toilet and bathroom need to be cleaned very carefully. Be sure to pay special attention to the mirrors in these rooms. All the negativity often accumulates there. Shortly before going around, wash the mirror and sprinkle it with holy water.
  • When the candle flame calms down completely, return to the front door and perform the ceremony again. Burnt candles and the fumes from it must be thrown away.
  • Finally, wash your hands, dip them in holy water and let them dry. After cleaning the apartment, you will feel the long-awaited peace.

Therefore, organize your thoughts so that they are only positive. And try not to get angry in the future, be more tolerant of others and throw the “unnecessary” out of your head. And no matter how difficult it may be, you do not invite into your home those who are unpleasant to you, who have offended you in word or deed, who have evil thoughts towards you.

Home is a place where a person rests his soul and body. Everything here should be reliable, cozy, and also clean - literally and figuratively. Spiritual energy is no less important than furniture and other furnishings. Let there be no expensive household appliances in the house; there should be no extraneous vibrations in it. In this article, you will learn how to cleanse your home with a candle. It's not difficult and anyone can do it.

Why is home cleaning necessary?

The air is inhabited by spiritual entities invisible to the eye. These are not only angels, but also unclean spirits. Out of condescension towards weak human nature, the Lord hides their appearance from view. Therefore, if strange things begin to happen in your home, or extraneous sounds are heard, you need to cleanse the house with a candle.

Fire has long been considered an assistant during various rituals. First of all, you should do some general cleaning:

  • get rid of excess dust - knock out carpets, wash curtains, wipe all open areas;
  • throwing away unnecessary, damaged things will free up space;
  • aroma lamp - essential oils can lift your spirits and act as a preventative against infections;
  • plant flowers - they will fill the apartment not only with oxygen, but also with positive vibrations.

After putting things in order, rest will become much more effective. As a result, a person will achieve better results at work. And spiritual labors will be easier. To cleanse your home with a church candle, you need to purchase it from a church shop. The size does not really matter, but it is important that it is made of wax. Many candles are now made from paraffin - this is a cheap material that does not have the natural properties of a natural bee product. Wax candles are more expensive.

Performing a cleansing ritual

When cleaning an apartment with a candle, you must start from the front door. The corridor side also needs to be cleaned. The lit candle is passed clockwise several times. Cross-shaped movements are also used - from top to bottom then from left to right. You need to go around all the necessary points:

  • door handles;
  • peephole;
  • call button;
  • corners - it is believed that the “darkest” energy is there.

To make house cleaning with a candle more effective, you must also use holy water. You can collect a little in an Orthodox church. While reading the Lord's Prayer, it is necessary to sprinkle all the corners, as well as the doorposts. This is also done with cross-shaped movements. There is no need to pour a lot, purely symbolically. Don't forget to sprinkle the threshold and the outside of the front door.

Be sure to walk through the bathroom and toilet room. Clean mirrors from dust and throw away trash. Also sprinkle holy water on all corners.

It is believed that if a church candle begins to crack, then the cleansing of the apartment is successful. You should not be afraid, you just need to wait until the flame burns evenly. If the fire goes out, it’s okay too - you need to light it again. To prevent hot wax from dripping onto your hands, you need to put a circle of cardboard or thick paper on the candle.

To calmly cleanse the house with a candle, it is better to choose a moment when there is no one in the house. etc. Some people recommend taking a shower before starting, using salt. After which you can begin the ritual. It is advisable to conduct it in a calm state of mind, so as not to add bad energy.

To finish cleaning the apartment from negativity, you need to throw away the remaining candles, then wash your hands thoroughly. This can be repeated no more than twice a year. If you feel that the effect is insufficient, you can do it again after 3 days.

To make it more convenient to use consecrated water, you can purchase a small sprinkler at the church store. You can bless not only a house, but also any objects, while a special prayer is read, it is in church collections. Or read “Our Father.”

You can clean the house not only with a candle; music also works well. Nowadays it is not difficult to find recordings of church hymns. Reading psalms and singing akathists are suitable. The ringing of bells has a good effect on energy; even the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church have noticed this.

It is necessary to maintain the achieved effect, this is not so difficult:

  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • throw away dried and diseased plants;
  • do not keep cracked dishes in the house;
  • put things back in their place, do not clutter the living space.

Images of Christ, the Mother of God and saints have a good influence on residents. Place the image on a special shelf; many also purchase a lamp. They are lit in front of icons on holidays, in the last week of Great Lent, on Easter, and also during prayer. It’s not for nothing that Orthodox images are called a window into another reality. They help a person to gather himself and find the best in himself.

The words of Orthodox prayers also have the power to drive away unclean spirits. Only they must be pronounced out loud by the owners, and not mechanically, but meaningfully. If all of the above methods do not help, you should invite a priest to consecrate the home. God bless you!

How to cleanse your house of negativity with a candle

How to clean a house or apartment with a candle was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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It’s bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it’s filled with negative energy it’s even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and loss of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. This is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time. The energy of water will best help with this. Remember our ancestors who consecrated the house by sprinkling it with holy water. As a result, black negative energy left the house. You can get rid of bad energy at home using simple rules. This energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, similar to regular general cleaning of an apartment.

Cleansing your own negative energy.

Step one.

Before you start cleaning the house, you need to remove negative energy from yourself. To do this, you need to take a shower, but not a simple one, but with salt. The fact is that salt is a conductor of energy. It can accumulate both positive and negative energy. And salt dissolved in water can wash away the negative energy that has accumulated not only in a day, but over many years, that is, destroy all the energy dirt from which you, perhaps without suspecting it, have suffered for so long.

So, first we rub the body with regular table salt. Try to cover all surfaces except the hair, but do not rub the salt very hard, do it gently so as not to feel discomfort.

After this, get in the shower and rinse off the salt with water. When you stand in the shower, mentally ask the water to wash away all the bad things from you.

Choose your words at your own discretion, address water as a living being, the main thing is that it is sincere and your words come from the heart. You will immediately feel good and light in your soul, and your body will become light and unusually clean. Water with salt will cleanse your body and your soul. It will seem to you that you have gotten rid of some heavy burden. And this will be correct, because the energetic dirt that was washed away by the water is indeed very difficult for people.

Preparing for energy cleansing at home.

Step two.

And now it’s time to start energetically cleaning your home. Dress as simply as possible, preferably a dressing gown or tracksuit. You should not be wearing any jewelry - neither metal, nor leather, nor plastic.

You must be completely energetically neutral. In the entire house or apartment where you live, open the windows, and, if possible, both the windows and the entrance doors. Don’t be afraid of a draft, all negative energy will go away through it. Let people who are not involved in cleaning leave the house. Send your household members to the cinema or for a walk so that they don’t interfere with your cleaning.

Now wipe all the mirrors in the house. To do this, take a damp cloth and make clockwise circular movements with your hand. This is the only way the energetic dirt will go away along with the visible dust.

Try to remember how many years you have had this mirror - and make circles with a wet rag for that many years. Then you will completely destroy all the negative information that has accumulated over the years. If you don't remember how old the mirror is, do thirteen circles.

Throw away old things mercilessly or give them away to the poor. Remember: everything you haven’t used for more than a year collects negative energy.

Never keep broken dishes at home, even those with a small crack. Positive energy flows through it, and with it family and home well-being. A chipped vessel is especially dangerous; it creates a strong leakage of positive charge.

Energetic cleaning of the apartment.

Step three.

You will need several thin church candles and several branches of St. John's wort, thistle or heather. Also prepare a bowl of water. It can be structured (preferably thawed) or holy, but in no case tap water.

First, spray every corner of the house with this water, then wet your face and hands with it and, without wiping, let it dry. After this, set fire to the plant branches and fumigate the entire apartment with them, carrying the smoldering branches to all corners, going clockwise. When cleaning, mentally imagine how the energetic dirt disappears.

Then take a candle and place a small circle cut out of white paper on it. It is necessary to protect your hands from negative energy that the melted wax will absorb. Remember that wax should never get on your hands. Therefore, the candle must be held by the protected end and only then lit.

If you did everything correctly, the candle will burn evenly without leaving soot. Stand at the front door from the outside and draw a candle along its perimeter from left to right.

Pay special attention to the peephole on the door and fumigate it with a candle in a cross-shaped motion clockwise.

Treat the entire surface of the door with a candle, not forgetting the handles and the bell. Then proceed to processing the inside of the door, doing the same thing. Burning the peephole with a candle, make a triple cross with it. Doors take the most time, but they are the most important gateway of negative energy.

You need to understand that by properly treating the doors, you can be sure that negative information will not penetrate your home.

Now start processing the apartment itself from left to right. Do not forget about small details - switches and sockets, of course turning off the electricity.

Carry out all candle treatment clockwise. We process not only walls, but also furniture, especially in the hallway. Also pay special attention to hangers, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them. Clean all shoes and outerwear well (just don't burn them!).

Treat the walls by running a candle along the sinusoid - sometimes lifting it up, sometimes lowering it down. Your instincts will tell you where to make the climbs and descents. In general, listen more to your inner voice and follow its prompts. Give your bathroom a good cleaning. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the bathroom mirror. After all, it is in the bathroom that you wash away the dirt from yourself, and the energetic dirt settles on the surfaces. Don't forget to treat doors and switches that are touched most often by your hands.

Go around each room from left to right, stopping near the furniture and carefully processing it.

Circle the candle in a cross-shaped motion around each furniture door and each handle.

Moreover, open cabinets and bedside tables and treat the interior surfaces. Also treat the chairs in a crosswise motion.

The largest energy storage devices are household electrical appliances, that is, a computer, refrigerator, TV, etc. They carry a huge

a charge of negative energy and ringing, especially the computer and TV.

Stay on them longer and treat them especially carefully.

Be sure to cross the bed and bedding three times, starting from the head. When walking around the apartment, do not forget about the toilet and utility rooms. Treat the toilet bowl especially carefully, where a lot of negative information goes. To prevent it from coming back, it must be “burned” thoroughly.

As you clean your apartment, you will have to change the candles, so carry them with you. As soon as the candle begins to burn out, place it on the saucer without touching the soot, otherwise you will get dirty. Now carry it on a saucer, having prepared a new candle, which you first hold in your hands, and at the end also place on the saucer.

During one cleaning, you can burn more than four candles, depending on what kind of apartment you have and how serious you are about cleaning it. Just in case, it is better to stock up on five candles. All candles must be covered with paper circles. Finally, return to the front door and process in the same way as at the beginning.

When you finish energetic cleaning, you will have several burnt candles on your saucer. Throw them away immediately, scrape off the carbon deposits with a match and also throw them into a trash can, the contents of which should be immediately sent to the garbage chute (take it to the trash).

Take the time to cleanse your apartment of negative energy. You will find clean and healthy housing in which every person will be healthy and successful.

Cleaning hands after cleaning.

Step four.

When the cleaning is finished, it is necessary to remove the remaining energy dirt from your hands, where it will inevitably fall.

To do this, wash your hands with soap under the tap. Then wash your hands with salt and wait until they dry. After this, clench your hands and remember them, stretching your fingers. First, massage each finger of your left hand with your right hand, then massage the fingers of your right hand with your left hand. Then rub the palms of both hands clockwise. And finally, shake your hands to release any remaining negative energy. In total, it will take you about ten minutes to clean your hands.

Re-cleaning the house.

Step five.

It is recommended to re-clean after six months. However, if this is your first time cleaning your apartment from energy dirt, then you will have to do it in two stages, that is, repeat the cleaning after three days. To check if you need to re-clean, light a candle and wait until half of it burns out. At this time, mentally read, without ceasing, the prayer “Our Father.” When melted wax appears on the saucer and candle, look at its shape. If it is ugly, and the wax itself is dark, then the dirt still remains, and if the wax turns out to be light and flows in smooth, beautiful streams, then your apartment is completely cleared of negative energy.


If you want to create comfort and happiness in your home, you need to not only clean up regularly, but also know how to cleanse your home of negative energy. It’s quite easy to do this yourself: there are certain practices that we will share.

Why do you need to cleanse your home of negative energy?

You've probably noticed more than once that some people's homes breathe easily and freely, while others have an oppressive atmosphere. It's all about energy - it can be positive or negative and directly affects the well-being and emotional state of people.

Cleansing your home of negative energy is necessary:

  • If you want you and your household to be healthy and energetic
  • Strive for happiness and harmony
  • Do you want to fill your home with positive energy?
  • Do you want to be successful, be fulfilled in life and easily achieve your goals?
  • You suspect that the situation in the house is unfavorable
  • You bought an apartment and want to get rid of the energy of the previous residents

If any of the above applies to you, apply the practices that we will recommend below.

How do you know if there are traces of negative energy in your home?

If you are sick, the doctor will first diagnose you and then prescribe treatment. You should follow the same scheme - first check whether you really need to clear the space of negativity.

The verification methods are as follows:

  1. Light a wax church candle and walk around the apartment. Look into each room. If a candle produces a lot of smoke, and the flame dances, it is restless and chaotic, then there is cause for concern
  2. Observe the behavior of pets. In a house with negative energy, they behave extremely restlessly. They try to run out of the apartment when the door opens, and go to bed only near the entrance. In advanced cases, pets get sick and run away
  3. Houseplants also respond well to the energy of the house. If even unpretentious indoor flowers do not take root in your apartment, and gifted bouquets wither very quickly, then it is necessary to cleanse the house of negativity

Once you have discovered that something is wrong with your home energy, begin to cleanse the space.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: simple ways

Before performing complex spiritual practices, do the basics. Few people know, but quite ordinary actions can transform the energetic atmosphere of your home.

Do some spring cleaning

There will never be positive energy in a house where disorder and chaos always reign.

  1. Get rid of all the accumulated junk. People often store a lot of unnecessary things in their closets - the habit of leaving something useful for a rainy day works. Conduct an audit of your wardrobe, sort out documents, jewelry, get rid of unnecessary little things. You should only keep items and things that you use regularly or that bring you joy.
  2. Wash windows and mirrors until they shine. These objects are energy reflectors. A dirty mirror and stained glass are the reason why negative energy accumulates in the apartment. Therefore, carefully ensure that all reflective surfaces are clean.
  3. Wash everything: the insides of cabinets, household appliances, clean the furniture. The less dirt, the more bright energy in the house

Tip: assign each item in the house its own place and make sure that it is always stored where it should be.

Fix everything that's broken

It is also very important to ensure that there are no broken, outdated or unused things at home. That's why:

  • Fix leaking faucets and remove blockages in pipes. All this overlaps to a large extent with monetary energy
  • Throw away equipment that is outdated and not used. This could be an old iron, TV or vacuum cleaner that are kept just in case

Getting rid of junk and fixing broken things is already a huge step towards cleansing your home of negative energy. You will feel that after spring cleaning it has become easier to breathe.

Even if your home is always in order, do not skip these points - in any house there is a certain amount of unnecessary things that are stored on the mezzanine.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: effective techniques

Only after you have followed the previous recommendations, begin energy practices. They are as follows:

  • Believers can walk around the premises with a lit wax church candle, sprinkle the corners of the rooms with holy water, read prayers asking to bless the home
  • After some unpleasant person visits your apartment, wash the floor with salt water. Used water should be disposed of outside the house - perhaps into the ground. Preferably in a place where people rarely go. This ritual will wash away all the negativity that came into the house with an ill-wisher
  • In sunny weather, open the windows to ventilate the room. At this time, mentally imagine how positive, fiery energy enters your apartment and fills the space
  • Use positive affirmations and visualization while cleaning. Mentally visualize pictures of a happy and prosperous life. Thank your household for everything, praise them. Wish success, health and happiness to every family member

And finally, change your thinking to a positive one:

  • Stop complaining, criticizing and being offended. At moments when such emotions visit you, mentally check yourself and formulate what you are going to say in a calm manner
  • Never look for someone to blame: take responsibility for your own life. Always try to understand by what actions and thoughts you attracted a problem or unpleasant situation.

Watch a video about cleansing your home of negative energy:

Give people compliments more often, do not envy, but rejoice in other people’s successes, thank your family, praise them

Internal changes always lead to external changes: as soon as you feel the positive energy within yourself, the surrounding space will imperceptibly change and be cleared of negativity.

How to clean your apartment from negativity and damage yourself: step-by-step instructions.

If a person has been negatively affected, it can also take over his place of residence.

Damage that is caused directly to the apartment itself, for example, using scissors or earth, is especially dangerous. In this case, you need to act immediately.

To carry out the ritual, you must take a strictly church candle. It is believed that it allows you to identify and remove all negativity. To do this, you must first walk through all the corners of the apartment, where the candle begins to crack, there is the largest accumulation of evil and negativity. In these places, it will be necessary to read the words of the ritual three times for them to take effect.

After identifying the negative and the most dangerous areas, you need to take the candles again, two more church candles are added to the first. After lighting, you need to go clockwise around all the rooms from west to east. At the same time, the words are repeated at each corner: the candle is burning, the light is coming, the negative will pass.

Purification by prayer

To clean the apartment, you need to take an icon of any Saint; the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is perfect. Before reading the prayer, you need to walk through the entire house clockwise with the help of a church candle, paying great attention to the corners. After this, a prayer is read, which must be read at the entrance.

(Name of the Saint), I ask you to help make my home clean. Remove all the dirt and filth that the enemies brought into my house. Let quarrels, resentments, misunderstandings go away, let harmony and love reign. Cleanse everyone from demonic thoughts and from the influence of demons. Amen.

The prayer is read three times at the threshold of each room, the bathroom and toilet are also taken into account. After each reading, it is necessary to cross yourself in order to attach protection to yourself. After completing the ritual, you need to take holy water and sprinkle it on every corner in the apartment. To enhance the impact, it is necessary to read this ritual two more times every three days.

Peeling with an onion

To carry out the ritual, three onions are taken; the size does not matter. Root vegetables are cleaned, after which they must be placed in all rooms. This is done using natural red thread and a thick needle. It is necessary to pierce the fruit from the top of the bulb and pass a thread through it. Having tied a strong loop around it, the onion is suspended from it.

You can use more than three bulbs if the negative is very strong and its consequences are noticeable. The peeled fruits should hang in place for a week. After this, they should be removed with gloves, each placed in a clean white sheet of paper and lightly sprinkled with salt. After wrapping the bulbs, they must be burned and the ashes scattered outside or washed into the sink under running water. You cannot throw it into the garbage chute, since the negative is completely carried away only by the wind or running water.

Salt ritual

To carry out the ritual, you need to take any salt that is available in your home. The ceremony can be performed at any time of the day, which is especially convenient. But the lunar cycle is still worth observing; for good energy for your apartment, rituals are carried out during the growing phase of the celestial body. This significantly enhances the magical effect.

First you need to sprinkle salt in every corner of your home; it is better to do this on a canvas cloth. It will not only enhance the effect of the mineral, but will also allow you to collect all the salt grains, which is especially important.

After spilling salt in all corners of the rooms, it is necessary to say the words: just as salt cleans, so my apartment is fresh and free from evil. After this, the mineral will begin to absorb all the negativity, you will even notice how the color of the salt and its structure will change. After three days, we collect all the salt and take it out of the house to any intersection. It can also be washed into the sink, but there must be a constant flow of clean water. After this, it is necessary to perform two more rituals every nine days.

Ritual using wormwood

With the help of wormwood it is necessary to fumigate the house. To do this, take a small bunch of dry grass and light it a little. As soon as the characteristic smell begins, the wormwood must be extinguished immediately. After this, the room is walked clockwise. All corners are fumigated with wormwood, since they contain the greatest concentration of evil, negativity and damage. To strengthen the ritual, it should be reinforced with the words:

Wormwood will fumigate my house,

He will cleanse us from all evil.

All the collected negativity will go away,

will not leave a trace of itself.

The words should be repeated three times in each corner of the apartment. In the rest of the territory, they simply need to be spoken during the fumigation ritual.

What are the dangers of making a mistake when performing a ritual?

If the ritual did not work or there were errors during its execution, the following consequences may occur:

  • strange noises will appear, especially at night;
  • things may go missing;
  • objects will begin to move around the apartment on their own;
  • misunderstanding between residents will increase, which will only manifest itself within the walls of the living space;
  • strange outbursts of aggression may occur;
  • the atmosphere in the house will be heavy and uncomfortable;
  • guests will stop coming to the apartment without explanation.

At the same time, you will not only cleanse your home of damage, but also return it all to your offender. Everything comes back threefold, and by watching, you can even understand who wanted to exterminate you from the world. The one who caused the damage will begin to get sick and suffer, and love and harmony will reign in your home again.

According to reviews from those who performed similar cleansing rituals, they actually began to work within the first minutes after they were performed. The atmosphere in the apartment became cleaner, more pleasant and warmer. The ritual with prayer turned out to be especially difficult to perform, since it still requires certain skills in correctly singing such verses. Most of those who left their reviews spoke positively about cleaning their homes with a candle and salt. Wormwood, according to many, is more suitable for scaring away evil spirits than for directly cleaning the home when evil has already taken up residence.

ZagovorMaga.ru Damage and the evil eye Methods for cleaning your home from negative influences

The home in which a person spends most of his time may suffer from a negative program induced by an enemy or ill-wisher. Every person needs to know how to cleanse an apartment of negativity.

How to clean your apartment of negativity yourself

If you clean your apartment of negativity in time, you can avoid negative consequences - illnesses of household members, money problems and quarrels between lovers. Home is a place where there should be no negativity and magical dirt.

Negative energy in the house

How to properly clean your apartment from negativity? Cleaning the house is carried out for two reasons - to prevent problems in monetary and emotional terms or to get rid of accumulated problems, the consequences of the tricks of ill-wishers. Every person can clean an apartment or house, regardless of belief in higher or otherworldly powers. Walls, furniture and everything that surrounds the household every day are cleaned of negativity.

Removing a negative program caused by an ill-wisher is a simple and simple matter. Consistent actions will help get rid of all everyday problems that plague a person. Cleaning your home for prevention and installing protection is the easiest way to prevent money problems and avoid conflicts in the family.

Envy, anger, thirst for revenge – there are many reasons that push people to inflict damage or the evil eye.

Enemies perceive any situation in their own way and, out of despair, resort to the most radical measures. Damaging a home or apartment is one of the most popular ways to purposefully harm a person, to hit him where it hurts the most. It is difficult to get rid of this kind of negativity, because various problems are rarely associated with damage. A woman and a man can independently film a program, even those who have not previously encountered esotericism and magic.

Residential diagnostics

You can check an apartment or home at any time convenient for a person. Carry out the procedure yourself or resort to the help of a magician - the decision remains with the owner of the living space. To diagnose an apartment for the presence of negativity, you should perform a simple ritual. It is better to carry out the ceremony alone without prying eyes and ears. Even a beginner, not only an experienced magician, can clean the home space with a candle or salt.

The first step for a person who suspects damage is to inspect the living space. It’s not enough to just look through the apartment, you need to examine every corner of it. Damage through the lining is the most popular among professional magicians. If no attributes for inducing negativity have been identified, then you can safely proceed to the second stage of diagnosis - conducting a ritual to determine damage.

Negative energy leaves a trace, like dirt on the floor or streaks on glass. A ritual that can reveal this trace does not save you from damage. Diagnostics is just the beginning of cleaning up your home space. To remove the evil eye, additional rituals will be required. Prayer before starting a diagnosis will help you find inner strength for further struggle. For the ceremony you will need a candle. The fire of a church candle must go around every corner of the room. For support, the Lord's Prayer is read.

If the candle fire is calm and it does not smoke, there is no negative energy in the house. If all the wax has darkened from soot, the person’s fears are not groundless. Apartment cleaning without diagnostics is not carried out. Other signs of damage that will help confirm the evil eye:

  • bad premonitions that arise only in the house;
  • the feeling that someone is present in the house;
  • constant knocking or creaking sounds of unknown origin;
  • bad behavior of children and animals in the house - they cannot be near negative energy;
  • constant breakdowns in the house.

Signs of damage, the results of the ritual of checking negative energy with a church candle are good reasons for carrying out additional rituals. Cleaning will not only free up the premises, but will also help household members improve all areas of life. There is no need to be afraid of negative energy; you should fight it and return the evil eye to the customer.

Every person can correctly remove damage with holy water, silver, salt and attract only positive energy. For these purposes, you do not need to study magic for many years or perform multi-stage rituals. Only faith in a good outcome and the help of higher powers will allow you to overcome all difficulties. Defending your territory is not stupid and dangerous. Only protection shows how valuable his family hearth and the mood of his relatives are to a person.

Methods for energy cleaning at home

If there is a desire, then there will certainly be ways to implement it. How to cleanse your own home from the evil eye? The simplest and at the same time difficult task is to reverse the damage caused by a professional magician. On the one hand, traces of destructive energy can be found in a matter of minutes, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to get rid of them. A magician who knows his business puts strong spells. They literally take root in a person’s home, causing irreparable harm to all household members.

To protect yourself and your family, you should carry out cleaning in any convenient way:

  • universal house cleaning from bad energy;
  • cleaning the home with salt;
  • rituals with a broom to get rid of destructive energy;
  • protective ritual on the door.

Energy cleansing is needed not only from enemies, but also from negative thoughts of envious people. Thoughts, words and intentions sent into space become energy that harms the entire family. Damage fueled by hatred and malice is considered the most terrible. It works for a long time and is harder to remove than a simple evil eye through the lining.

The simplest method of destroying a bad energy program is cleaning the house in combination with a magical ritual. After the damage goes away, protective blocks must be placed that will prevent enemies from harming the house again. Your family hearth should become a fortress.

Universal home cleaning

Universal cleaning is called cleaning, which is suitable not only for a special occasion, but also as a preventative measure. By cleaning the home in advance, a man or woman prevented disaster. Cleaning an apartment or private houses consists of several stages. Consistent actions will help get rid of problems of any kind.

To clean, you will need regular table salt and household utensils. Several stages of cleaning the house from energy waste:

  1. Spring-cleaning. The universal law of the Universe is that in order to get something new you must get rid of the old. Without general cleaning, searching for pads or diagnosing your home is a waste of time. By cleaning every corner of the house, a woman or a man cleanses their own soul. There is no need to hold on to things that no longer bring you benefit or joy.
  2. Throwing out unnecessary trash. Saving and saving are habits that many people have. Accumulating useless garbage not only wastes time, but also energy. Don't be afraid of losing what you no longer need. After cleaning, you need to throw everything that has long been outdated into the trash bin.
  3. Cleaning the room with salt. For these purposes, regular table salt will be useful. With the help of small white grains you will be able to absorb all the negativity that has accumulated in the house. Cleaning with salt is the easiest and most effective for beginners.

It is not recommended to do serious cleansing without the help of an experienced magician. To clean with salt you will need several saucers. Plates with small handfuls of salt are placed in all corners of the house. There is no need to hide salt under the sofa or in cabinets; it should be in a visible place. The contents of the saucer are changed every two months.

Another cleaning method is to sprinkle salt on the carpet and sweep it well after an hour. It is recommended to wash the floors and walls in the house with a saline solution (a high concentration of salt diluted with water). Salt baths combined with effective cleaning will remove negativity from your body. Simple actions will prevent foreign influence from penetrating a person’s home and life.

Cleaning the house with incense

Essential oils will help cleanse your room, work and living space. Incense sticks with a pleasant and soothing scent are suitable for cleaning. It is best to choose orange peel or basil oil. Such aromatic substances will destroy all negativity in a short time.

Pads with herbs will become a talisman for your home. They are hung to hang in closets, closets or in prominent places. You can add a couple of drops of essential oils to dried herbs. Simple and effective amulets serve a person for several years.

How to install protection?

Without proper protection, repeated negativity from the enemy cannot be avoided. The easiest way to protect your living space is to connect your own energy. To do this, you should visualize the wall around your own apartment every day. Create a mental shield. Daily practice will become an invisible defense against negative energies.

Magicians recommend setting up a family altar in the house, a place where all household members will invest their own positive energy. A positively charged place will serve as the best protection against negative energies coming from outside. For preventative purposes, the house is cleaned several times a year. It is necessary to clean not only your living space, but also your own thoughts. It depends only on the person in which house he will live.

Cleansing a room from negativity using lime salt

How to remove damage yourself in your home - quart

Cleansing things from negativity There is a lot about negative energy


You don't need a reason to protect your home. Everything that depends on a person must be done without expecting any favors from fate. Damage through lining or negativity induced at a distance affects the entire family.

Children, adults and even babies suffer from such actions of the enemy. Sitting idly by is stupid and dangerous, so cleaning should be done at least once a year. A safe and life-saving procedure will allow you to thrive without depending on the mood and desires of others.

How to bring good luck to your home

Money, health and prosperity come only to those people whose home is full of positive energy and goodness. However, this is now very rare. People are accustomed to doing routine cleaning at home, trying to make only the appearance of their home look idle. And no one even thinks about energy cleansing. But it is the energy of the house that affects all areas of a person’s life.

How to cleanse the energy at home and attract good luck

Before you begin energy cleaning, it is recommended to cleanse yourself of negative energy. To do this, just sit for a few minutes in the bathtub with regular salt added to the water. Salt will remove all negativity and cleanse unwanted energy.

Then you need to do the usual cleaning of the house: wipe the floors, wash the mirrors and windows, remove dust. At this stage of cleaning, it is important to throw away all old, unnecessary and broken items. Cracked mirrors, broken household appliances, torn clothes and the like are carriers of negative energy, which causes you to show negative emotions and make mistakes in life. Get rid of everything you don't need and haven't used for a long time. You will immediately feel your soul become lighter. After this preparation, you can move on to cleaning the house from negativity.

Natalya Banteeva named the three most effective ways to cleanse your home of negative energy. Firstly, you can use church candles. Take three candles, place them in a cup so that the wax does not drip on your hands, and walk with them to all the corners and doors in your house. Smoking with candles will help quickly expel dark energy and normalize the atmosphere in the room.

If the house is old and has had many tenants, then wormwood is suitable for cleaning it. Take a couple of branches of wormwood, set it on fire and fumigate the whole house with it.

The easiest way to cleanse your home of negative energy and attract good luck is to clean with onions. Take some fresh onions and use a needle to hang them on red threads. Hang the bulbs throughout your home, especially in the places you visit most often. The bow should hang for exactly seven days. Only after this will the house be completely cleared of negativity.

When there is clean energy in the house, you will be able to feel how easily and freely you can breathe. Your mood will improve and you will feel a surge of strength and energy. And in a few days, luck, money and health will come into your life. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Psychic Ekaterina Ryzhikova talked about how to get rid of negative energy in the house. Negative, by.

All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists.

What indoor plants have a negative impact on the surrounding space and attract bad luck? Esotericists identify 5 indoor flowers that are not worth it.

Have you ever thought about what exactly is in your home? There is a high probability that practically.

If you begin to feel bad in your own home, if quarrels with loved ones become more and more frequent, and literally everything falls out of hand, then your home definitely needs immediate cleaning. One of the most popular ways is to clean the house with a candle. How to perform this ritual correctly?

Why do you need house cleaning?

In what cases should the cleansing ritual begin immediately? What is it for?

  • Let's start with the fact that, regardless of your general condition, cleansing your home with a candle and prayer should be done several times a year. But at least 2 times. This is explained by the fact that, over time, whether you like it or not, negative energy accumulates in the room. This can happen from emerging quarrels, conflicts, and even simply resentment towards each other.
  • After guests have visited your home, it is also recommended to clean your home. It doesn’t matter what thoughts and wishes your guests had. There are people who, even without wanting anything bad, are capable of bringing destruction, confusion and quarrels into the house. Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is better to play it safe and clean it.
  • When you have purchased a new apartment or house, cleaning is a must! Firstly, you don’t know what kind of people lived there before you, and how they lived. Perhaps some of them had damage or illnesses, the energy of which remained in your apartment. In order not to take over all the troubles of the previous residents, you should definitely clean the new living space before moving.
  • In the event that, God forbid, such grief as a funeral occurs in your family, after the deceased is taken out of the house, as soon as you have the opportunity, be sure to carry out a cleansing in order to get rid of the “dead” energy.

How to choose candles for cleansing your home

There are a large number of candles of different colors. And each of them works better in one situation, where a candle of a different color would not be as strong.

  • White candle. It is considered a universal candle for most rituals. Symbolizes comfort, tranquility, spiritual harmony.
  • Red candle. It is used very rarely for rituals. Mainly to gain material well-being and maintain existing success.
  • Pink candle. Used in romantic rituals to help bring back love.
  • Yellow and orange candles. Helps in finding spiritual harmony, opens flows of positive energy, helps to relax. Most often, church candles are of these colors. It is best to use it for negativity.
  • Purple candle. Capable of providing magical protection. However, it is recommended for use only by professionals.
  • Brown candle. Helps improve household management, help get rid of illnesses, and create comfort in the home.
  • Black candle. Such a candle can very quickly eliminate all existing negativity, however, it is recommended to use it only by specialists.

Negative areas in the house

Every home has particularly negative areas. Those in which all the negative energy especially accumulates. Before cleaning the house completely, these areas will need to be given special attention. What places are these?

  • Places where dirty shoes accumulate. After cleaning your home, it is advisable to get into the habit of washing your shoes when you get home. This way you can avoid the accumulation of negative energy brought from the street.
  • Places where there are dirty dishes. It is advisable to never leave dishes unwashed for a long time, especially at night.
  • Pillow. Oddly enough, a large amount of negative energy accumulates on this bedding item. This is connected with your thoughts, dreams.
  • Places where found things are located. In general, it is better not to pick up, much less bring into the house, things that you found on the street. However, if you already have such things, you must definitely clean the place where they are stored.
  • Mirrors. They are considered magical attributes and carry a lot of energy. And they “see” not only how you smile at your reflection, but also, for example, how you quarrel with your household.
  • Cracked, chipped dishes. To begin with, even before you clean the place where such dishes are stored, get rid of them. Firstly, you are clearly not inspired by its appearance, and secondly, such dishes carry a lot of negative energy.
  • Worn out slippers. Same as dishes. No matter how much you love your old worn-out slippers, get rid of them and clean the place where they were stored when you didn't wear them.
  • Jewelry made of precious metals. Such metals are capable of absorbing a large amount of information, including negative ones. Therefore, not only they are cleaned, but also the place where they are stored.
  • Artificial or dried flowers. Both of them carry “dead” energy. Be sure to get rid of them and clean the place where they stood.

What should you keep in mind before you start cleaning your home? What to take care of, what to do?

  • The cleansing ritual is carried out only in a clean, tidy apartment or house. Be sure to thoroughly clean all areas. Clean up the closets, clean the windows, hang clean tulle.
  • To perform the ritual, you must be alone in the house. No one and nothing should distract you. If an elderly person or a small child lives in the same area with you, clean the empty rooms, and then transfer the household members there and continue the ritual.
  • When you start the ritual you need to be in a good mood. In addition, you should discard all negative thoughts. Tune in to harmony and spiritual harmony.
  • Before starting the ceremony, be sure to open the front door (if you live in a private house) or window. This is necessary so that the negative energy you expel can freely leave your home.
  • It is advisable to fast 2-3 days before the planned cleansing. There is nothing complicated about it, but you will be considered spiritually cleansed.
  • Before you begin cleaning, remove all jewelry, including earrings. Wear comfortable, simple clothes that will not restrict your movements. Make sure that these clothes have as few fasteners, buttons and zippers as possible.
  • It is best to start the ritual on the waning moon. This way it will be more effective. However, if cleaning needs to be done immediately, you do not need to focus on the moon.
  • After the ceremony is completed, remove and wash the clothes you were wearing, take out any trash left over from the ceremony (for example, candle stubs) and take a shower. This way you will finally get rid of negative energy.

Cleansing the house with a church candle

How to carry out the ritual of cleansing your home using a candle bought in a church? In what order should all actions be performed?

  1. Take holy water, wet your face and hands with it, and then sprinkle all the corners of your house.
  2. Place paper circles on the prepared church candles so that the melted wax does not drip onto the floor and your hands.
  3. Start cleaning from the outside of the front door.
  4. Light a candle and circle the door 3 times clockwise.
  5. Pass the candle in a cross-shaped motion over the peephole, bell and doorknob.
  6. Then do all the same manipulations, but from the inside of the door.
  7. After the front door has been treated, we begin cleaning the house itself, starting from the left and moving to the right.
  8. Near the walls we hold the candle in wave-like movements.
  9. We trace all sockets and door handles with a candle crosswise. Do not forget that all manipulations are carried out at a certain distance from objects to avoid fire.
  10. If you notice that in some place the candle begins to smoke, crackle or even fade, continue processing until all these phenomena disappear.
  11. Clean mirrors, bathrooms and toilets especially carefully.
  12. After you have cleared all the rooms, walk through them with a candle again. If the flame is even everywhere, the candle does not crackle or smoke, and you, in turn, feel peace, the ceremony can be considered complete.
  13. Be sure to remove all cinders from the house, wash your hands, shower, and wash any clothes that were used for cleaning.

Possible signs during the cleansing ritual

It is possible that while you are cleaning your home, your doorbell or telephone may ring. Therefore, it is recommended to turn them off in advance, as well as turn off the power to all electrical appliances.

Such situations indicate that there is a large accumulation of negative energy in your home, and cleaning should be carried out especially carefully.

If they start knocking on the door, do not interrupt the ceremony, do not respond.

If the candle goes out, smokes or crackles during the ceremony, this also means a large accumulation of negative energy. Continue cleaning until these phenomena stop completely.

How to Protect Your Home After Cleaning

And now you have carried out a ritual of cleansing your home with the help of a church candle, you feel peace and harmony. How to maintain these sensations for a longer period?

  • Try to leave all work problems and conflicts with friends outside the door.
  • Get rid of old, broken and unnecessary things without any regret. There is no benefit from them, and the flows of negative energy from them are the most powerful.
  • Make it a habit to wash your shoes as soon as you come in from outside. This way you will get rid of all the negative energy brought from the street.
  • Do not add to your belongings those things that were given or given to you. Wash them, even if they are clean, or better yet, clean them with a candle.
  • When accepting gifts, even from those closest to you, always listen to your feelings. If you feel uncomfortable, it is better to get rid of such a gift.
  • Try to avoid serious conflicts in your home. If possible, try to conduct all serious and unpleasant conversations on neutral territory.
  • Keep your home clean. Do not allow dust or cobwebs, debris or dirty dishes to accumulate. Mirrors in your home should be especially clean.
  • Try not to invite unkind, envious people. They will not bring anything good with their arrival.
  • Hang an amulet over the front door. It will help cope with negative energy coming from outside.
  • When you get home, wash your hands immediately. This way you will not only get rid of physical impurities, but also wash away all negative energy.
  • Get some cacti. Negative energy breaks on their sharp thorns.
  • Make it a rule to clean your home not from time to time, but 3-4 times a year.

If you listen to the tips above, you will forever get rid of negative energy in your home, and comfort, grace and peace will settle in it! Be happy!



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