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Mystical symbols. Unicorn

The spiral horn of a unicorn was called an alicorn. It was mentioned by the Greek historian and physician Ctesias, who said that the rulers of India were so afraid of being poisoned that they used alicorn to neutralize supposed poisons in their food.

Unicorns are immortal. They live alone, usually in the forest near a creek with clear water in which you can see a reflection, because they are a little vain and know that there are no creatures in the world as beautiful and magical. Unicorns rarely pair up, and there is no place more mysterious than where a unicorn was born.

In the ancient world, he was considered to have come from India, where he was depicted as red-headed, with a white or black horn. Then he appeared in Babylon, China, Tibet, Greece. In the West, the apogee of his fame occurred in the Middle Ages. The unicorn represents power, the force that opposes the forces of darkness, maintaining balance in the Universe. It is a symbol of the sun's ray, purity, the turn towards unity, towards the center. The spiral is a reminder of what remains unchanged through time. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of transmutation, freedom and knowledge, it shows the way to those who seek the truth.

Many traditions speak of the unicorn as a mythical animal that personifies the highest power of Being. He is clothed in mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and final goal of human existence, the unity of opposites and the ability to overcome internal contradictions, universal love and compassion.

In Babylon he was represented as winged. On a cylinder amulet dating from around 1800 BC. e., on its opposite surfaces two unicorns are depicted, symbolizing the two sides of the Tree of Life. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the unicorn is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses.

In ancient China, the unicorn(qilin) ​​is interpreted as a combination of two concepts: “qi” represents the male aspect, yang, the driving force, the energy of creation; “Lin” is the feminine principle, yin. Thus, the qilin represents the creative impulse and its endless expansion, as well as the unity of the opposites of male and female. The unicorn is shown to people only in exceptional cases.

He is considered a messenger of happiness, his appearance symbolizes the rise to power of a good ruler or the birth of a true sage. The appearance of the qilin marked the birth and death of Confucius.

Qilin is associated with some historical moments of Chinese tradition. So, one day, 5 thousand years ago, Emperor Fu-si was sitting on the shore near the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly a qilin appeared, and the dirty waters of the river brightened and became crystal clear green. Qilin stopped in front of the emperor, struck the rock with his hoof three times and spoke to him in a voice that rang like a temple bell. When the qilin turned to leave, the emperor saw that his back was covered with magical marks, which he tried to copy. This is how the first written language of China appeared.

Unicorn in Tibet called "se-ru", it is mainly a gazelle or fallow deer that lives on mountain peaks. The unicorn is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, between the world of light principles and the world of dark and dense matter, manifested and unmanifested. The unicorn is a symbol of awakened consciousness, integrity and inner peace, it enlightens, shines in the darkness and, like the morning star, shows the way, inspiring people in the search for wisdom. The pediments of Himalayan monasteries invariably depict two unicorns turning the wheel of Dharma.

Unicorn in India represents the power of spiritual wealth. He is both a destroyer and a creator. The symbol of the unicorn is found in the Atharva Veda and in the Mahabharata in the myth of the flood, during which Manu tied a ship to the horn of a giant unicorn fish.

In Persia the unicorn represents the fertilizing principle, strength and ability to cleanse. In a Persian manuscript of the 15th century. it is said: “As for its horn, it appears golden, with its help all corruption and vileness will be destroyed and dispelled.”

In Hebrew tradition, the legend says that when Yahweh asked Adam to name all the animals, the unicorn was the first to receive it, and thus he was elevated to the highest rank. When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, God gave the unicorn a choice: stay in Eden or go with people. The unicorn chose the latter, and was forever blessed with compassion for people.

INGreco-Roman traditions, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, lunar goddesses, for example, Artemis (Diana).

In Christianity The unicorn's horn is a symbol of divine unity, spiritual power and nobility, in connection with this the unicorn becomes the image of Christ. The small stature of the unicorn is associated with the humiliation of Christ at his birth; its white coloring symbolizes purity, that which must be acquired by following the ways of the sons of God.

In knightly symbolism, the unicorn associated with purity of feelings. The Unicorn, accompanied by the Virgo, is the personification of chastity and purity. It often represents the devoted love of a knight for a lady. The unicorn also represents the abandonment of physical love for a purer and stronger love. This is something like a charm of purity, a miraculous purification of bodily life and sexual energy, giving the knight strength and courage.

Alchemical Unicorn represents the stage of purification, the White Work. It signifies transmutation and spiritual evolution. His horn symbolizes the possibility of the Spirit penetrating Matter.

Along with the decline of faith, the deep meaning of the unicorn symbol gradually disappears. But the mythical animal, immortalized in iconography and sacred texts, is present everywhere and is ready to reveal its message to those who are able to hear it.

Symbol of chastity - Unicorn

Unicorn - Symbolizes chastity, and also serves as an emblem of the sword. In early traditions the unicorn was depicted with the body of a bull, in later traditions with the body of a goat, and only in later legends with the body of a horse. Legend claims that he is tireless when pursued, but will obediently lie down on the ground if a virgin approaches him. In general, it is impossible to catch a unicorn, but if you do, you can only hold it with a golden bridle.

"His back was curved and his ruby ​​eyes glowed; at the withers he reached 2 meters. Just above his eyes, almost parallel to the ground, his horn grew; straight and thin. His manes and tail were scattered in small curls, and drooping and unnaturally for albinos were black eyelashes cast fluffy shadows on pink nostrils" (S. Drugal "Basilisk").

They feed on flowers, especially rosehip flowers, and honey, and drink morning dew.

They also look for small lakes in the depths of the forest in which they swim and drink from there, and the water in these lakes usually becomes very clean and has the properties of living water. In Russian "alphabet books" of the 16th -17th centuries. The unicorn is described as a terrible and invincible beast, like a horse, all the strength of which lies in the horn. Healing properties were attributed to the unicorn's horn (according to folklore, the unicorn uses its horn to purify water poisoned by a snake). The unicorn is a creature of another world and most often foreshadows happiness.

They say the horse of A. Macedonian, Bucephalus - Unicorn.

There is also a legend that the legendary horse of Alexander the Great, Bucephalus is a Unicorn, captured in Egypt by order of Queen Cleopatra as a gift to the great king. Usually Unicorns do not live in captivity and die, but Bucephalus obeyed Alexander.

The unicorn has the ability to purify water with its horn. This property is described in the Greek version of the Physiologus: the water in the lake was poisoned by a snake and became poisonous. The unicorn drew a cross on the water with its horn, and after that the animals were able to drink it. There is also a comparison between the unicorn and Christ, who cleanses from sin (poison) caused by the Devil (snake). The unicorn was also credited with the ability to recognize poison with its horn. The horn became covered with beads of sweat when approaching the poison, or the poisonous liquid began to boil when the horn was dipped into it. This is why cups and bowls made from horn or ground horn were so popular. The horn was believed to have miraculous powers. He allegedly cured epilepsy, fever, and other diseases, prolonged youth and strengthened potency. No wonder it was expensive.

During the Renaissance, horn trade was carried out on a large scale. Even a small piece of it was worth a fortune; the entire horn was truly priceless. By 1600, there were at least 12 horns in Europe. The elephant has long been considered the enemy of the unicorn. They always got into a fight, and it usually ended with the unicorn ripping open the elephant's belly. The unicorn also had a difficult relationship with the lion. But the lion could lure the unicorn into a trap: fleeing from the chase, he rushed to the tree and at the very last moment jumped to the side, but the unicorn stuck its horn into the tree, and the lion could easily deal with it. The lion is called the king of beasts, but the unicorn can also claim this title. They said that the unicorn lived in Eden and was on Noah's ark. But some claimed that the unicorn and its female refused to set foot on the ark, and according to another legend, the male and female unicorns were so uncontrollable that Noah himself drove them away. Some sources reported that the unicorn drowned during the flood, while others, on the contrary, believed that he escaped by swimming. The unicorn left a noticeable mark in the literature and art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Mentions of him are found in books, he is depicted in illustrations, paintings, tapestries, on religious objects, caskets, and medallions. The cult of the unicorn reached its peak in the 15th century. From the second half of the 16th century, interest in it faded, but in the 20th century it was revived again.

Man will never again be able to enjoy the beauty of the Unicorn.

But a person will never again be able to enjoy the beauty of the Unicorn, and also kill him, because the Unicorns have retired to their own country, to a parallel world, where no one can harm them.

Modern unicorn

The nature conservation center of Prato (Italy) is home to a very real unicorn, discovered a few months ago in the forest. This is a male roe deer with a single horn in the middle of his forehead; in size it corresponds more or less to medieval descriptions.

The animal is alive, healthy and doing well, despite the intense interest of tourists. However, it is not so difficult for him to hide from them in a park area the size of a hectare.

There are other similar cases mentioned in history; if until recently many people indiscriminately considered them to be a hoax, now there is clear proof for skeptics: unicorns do exist.

The mythical animal unicorn is present in many traditions. Various images of it are known: a goat in the East, and later in the West a deer or horse. He was always depicted with one horn in his forehead, most often spiral. “The unicorn is not a single, clearly defined entity, but a fairy-tale creature with many variations: for example, there are one-horned horses, donkeys, fish, dragons, scarabs, etc. Strictly speaking, we are dealing with the theme of a single horn...” (C. G. Jung, “Psychology and Alchemy”)

In the ancient world, he was considered to have come from India, where he was depicted as red-headed, with a white or black horn. Then he appeared in Babylon, China, Tibet, Greece. In the West, the apogee of his fame occurred in the Middle Ages. The unicorn represents power, the force that opposes the forces of darkness, maintaining balance in the Universe. It is a symbol of the sun's ray, purity, the turn towards unity, towards the center. The spiral is a reminder of what remains unchanged through time. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of transmutation, freedom and knowledge, it shows the way to those who seek the truth.

Many traditions speak of the unicorn as a mythical animal that personifies the highest power of Being. He is clothed in mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and final goal of human existence, the unity of opposites and the ability to overcome internal contradictions, universal love and compassion.

IN Babylon he was represented as winged. The cylinder amulet, dating from around 1800 BC, features two unicorns on its opposite surfaces, symbolizing the two sides of the Tree of Life. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the unicorn is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses.

IN Ancient China the unicorn (qilin) ​​is interpreted as a combination of two concepts: “qi” represents the male aspect, yang, the driving force, the energy of creation; “Lin” is the feminine principle, yin. Thus, the qilin represents the creative impulse and its endless expansion, as well as the unity of the opposites of male and female. The unicorn is shown to people only in exceptional cases. He is considered a messenger of happiness, his appearance symbolizes the rise to power of a good ruler or the birth of a true sage. The appearance of the qilin marked the birth and death of Confucius.

Qilin is associated with some historical moments of Chinese tradition. So, one day, 5 thousand years ago, Emperor Fu-si was sitting on the shore near the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly a qilin appeared, and the dirty waters of the river brightened and became crystal clear green. Qilin stopped in front of the emperor, struck the rock with his hoof three times and spoke to him in a voice that rang like a temple bell. When the qilin turned to leave, the emperor saw that his back was covered with magical marks, which he tried to copy. This is how the first written language of China appeared.

IN Tibet The unicorn is called "se-ru", it is mainly a gazelle or fallow deer that lives on mountain peaks. The unicorn is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, between the world of light principles and the world of dark and dense matter, manifested and unmanifested. The unicorn is a symbol of awakened consciousness, integrity and inner peace, it enlightens, shines in the darkness and, like the morning star, shows the way, inspiring people in the search for wisdom. The pediments of Himalayan monasteries invariably depict two unicorns turning the wheel of Dharma.

IN India The unicorn represents the power of spiritual wealth. He is both a destroyer and a creator. The symbol of the unicorn is found in the Atharva Veda and in the Mahabharata in the myth of the flood, during which Manu tied a ship to the horn of a giant unicorn fish.

IN Persia The unicorn represents the fertilizing principle, strength and the ability to purify. In a Persian manuscript of the 15th century. it is said: “As for its horn, it appears golden, with its help all corruption and vileness will be destroyed and dispelled.”

IN Hebrew tradition legend says that when Yahweh asked Adam to name all the animals, the unicorn was the first to receive it, and thus he was elevated to the highest rank. When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, God gave the unicorn a choice: stay in Eden or go with people. The unicorn chose the latter, and was forever blessed with compassion for people.

IN Greco-Roman traditions, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, lunar goddesses, for example, Artemis (Diana).

IN Christianity The unicorn's horn is a symbol of divine unity, spiritual power and nobility, in connection with this the unicorn becomes the image of Christ. The small stature of the unicorn is associated with the humiliation of Christ at his birth; its white coloring symbolizes purity, that which must be acquired by following the ways of the sons of God.

IN knightly symbolism The unicorn is associated with purity of feelings. The Unicorn, accompanied by the Virgo, is the personification of chastity and purity. It often represents the devoted love of a knight for a lady. The unicorn also represents the abandonment of physical love for a purer and stronger love. This is something like a charm of purity, a miraculous purification of bodily life and sexual energy, giving the knight strength and courage.

Alchemical The unicorn represents the stage of purification, the White Work. It signifies transmutation and spiritual evolution. His horn symbolizes the possibility of the Spirit penetrating Matter.

Along with the decline of faith, the deep meaning of the unicorn symbol gradually disappears. But the mythical animal, immortalized in iconography and sacred texts, is present everywhere and is ready to reveal its message to those who are able to hear it.

The saint stood up, dropping pieces
Prayers broken by contemplation:
One who had escaped from tradition walked towards him
A whitish animal with eyes like a doe's
Stolen, and full of melancholy.

In the relaxed balance of the legs
The whiteness of ivory shimmered
And the white shine, sliding, flowed through the wool,
And on the beast’s forehead, as on a platform,
The horn shone like a tower in the moonlight
And with every step he straightened up in height.

Mouth with grayish-pink fluff
Lightly highlighted with white
Teeth that became more and more sharply marked,
And the nostrils greedily absorbed the heat,
But things didn’t catch my eye:
He threw images around,
Closing the whole cycle of blue legends.

Rainer Maria Rilke

> Unicorn feng shui

In the literature of ancient China, the first mention of Unicorn fall in 2697 BC. At least 6 types of unicorns are described: Qi Lin, Jing, Jue Duan, Pao, Xiezhi, Tu Zhong Shu. In Feng Shui, the most important thing is Unicorn Qi Lin, he is depicted with a dragon's head, deer antlers, a lion's tail, cow hooves, and covered with scales or armor.

The unicorn contains the masculine and feminine principles, so one of its essence has tenderness, unable to disturb anyone’s peace, so sensitive that it is even afraid to step on the grass, lest it be broken, and the other is capable of punishing bad deeds or sins. The unicorn is one of the 9 sons of the dragon. The lifespan of a Unicorn is at least 2000 years. Due to its qualities and abilities, images of the unicorn are often used in Imperial paraphernalia. It’s funny that Chinese sailors, the first to set foot on the shores of Africa, recognized the giraffe as the Unicorn as Qi Lin.

Photo from ru.wikipedia.org

Taoist sages used the Unicorn as a riding animal. Sometimes they ascended to heaven to bring wise children to the country, gifted with strong character and amazing abilities. The birth and death of Confucius in literature are also marked by the appearance of the Unicorn.

In China, the more common name for the talisman is Qi Lin; this talisman is called a unicorn in European countries, due to its similarity in magical power to the Unicorn Horse.

Like a talisman in the house, Qi Lin used to protect against negative energy and attract wealth. Therefore, the best place for a unicorn will be the center of the house, or as close to it as possible. Qi Lin's horns should be directed towards the front door. With his horns, he seems to push away the negativity of your home.

But this arrangement is not strict. The unicorn can be placed wherever you feel the influence of negative energy. You can place it on the windowsill, facing the window, near the door, if you see that the neighbors’ sharp roof or fence is looking into it. Qi Lin Figurines can be used in every room, and direct his gaze to sharp corners and sources of negativity.

In China, unicorns are often placed in front of the entrance to the house, but to do this you must have a pair of talismans, male and female, although they may not even look different in appearance. The male is placed to the right of the house, the female to the left (you are looking at the entrance from the street). Since the Unicorn reflects a lot of negative energy, it is necessary to clean it. You decide when you need to clean your talisman. If there is a lot of negative energy, then cleaning is carried out almost every week. On average, the frequency of cleaning is about six months. Just hold on Qi Lin under running cold water for a few minutes, and it is clean again and ready to reflect negativity. Qi Lin figurines placed outdoors can be watered with a hose and cleaned of dust as they become dirty. In ancient China, it was believed that Qi Lin loved to have his torso doused with water and cleaned.

Qi Lin brought the baby

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Girls in China believe that having Qi Lin as a talisman, will definitely help you give birth to a strong and healthy boy. Therefore, young mothers planning to conceive a boy are recommended to acquire this talisman.

As you probably already understand, Qi Lin is a strong talisman, so it does not need to be activated. But you can attract even more favor by playing cheerful Chinese folk music or fairy tales in the house. The gentle essence of the talisman, in this case, will be kinder to the owner of the house.

Nowadays, you can find many options Qi Lin figurines. One of the strong variations is the image (figurine) of a Unicorn sitting on Chinese coins or gold bars. In modern China, the power of an animal is connected to attracting wealth and good luck to the home. Even if negative energy is not felt in your home, Qi Lin can be used as a link between earth and sky. You can safely ask Qi Lin to fulfill your desires, he will try to bring them to heaven and help them come true.

Everyone wants to live in harmony of happiness, love, luck and wealth. Using different talismans will help you bring harmony into your life. But to choose a talisman, you need to know how and what it affects and how to activate its effect.

Talismans exist from examples of mythical creatures and animals that actually exist. The second ones, for example, include:

  • an elephant that needs to be placed on the windowsill so that it attracts good luck with its trunk;
  • a stork that will help maintain health;
  • carp, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Two carp bring harmony to a relationship.
  • the eagle is a symbol of success. The best location for an eagle mascot is the southern part of the house.

Mythical creatures include the Kirin, the three-legged toad, the Sky Lions, the Fu dog, the unicorn and the phoenix.

Kirin protects the house. These talismans are placed near a window or door.

The three-legged toad brings material wealth and good luck. The toad figurine has a coin in its mouth. It is believed that you will have a big monetary gain if the coin falls out of the toad's mouth.

Heavenly lions are often placed on the windowsill. This is how they protect the house from negative energy.

Fu the dog can find its place in any part of the apartment. Brings good luck and prosperity.

Unicorn in feng shui brings good luck and symbolizes a ray of sunshine, luxury, splendor and joy. The unicorn talisman repels negative energy and attracts material well-being. He should look at the front door or at the door to the room or living room. Basically, there are no special rules for placing a unicorn. But you can use this talisman for only a year. Since the unicorn has very powerful energy, it does not need activation.

Phoenix in feng shui considered a symbol of warmth and fire. The phoenix talisman should be red or fiery in color. Such a talisman will bring inspiration, help make your desires come true and fill your life with wisdom and beauty. The Phoenix should be in the southern part of the house. You must remember that you cannot place anything else next to this talisman. The phoenix must be balanced in energy when next to the dragon talisman, otherwise it will have a very negative effect on your character. To strengthen the talisman, you sometimes need to light a candle next to it and place a saucer with grain. A phoenix figurine is very difficult to find, so you can replace it with a figurine of another bird or simply hang a poster with a picture of a phoenix. It is also allowed to buy some kind of interior decoration that contains a phoenix along with a dragon. This option is perfect for any room in the house except the bedroom.

Qi Lin symbolizes long life, celebration, splendor, joy, famous descendants and wisdom. It is sometimes called the dragon's horse. He has gentleness, kindness and benevolence towards all living creatures. Qi Lin is also called a unicorn, although his image in the Chinese tradition is not at all similar to the usual image of his Western European “namesake”. However, the Chinese unicorn also carries a good mystical omen. The Chinese believe that he is always alone and appears only during the reign of an outstanding leader or when a great sage is born. People turn to the talisman when it is necessary to contribute to the success of children. Feng Shui recommends the use of images or figurines of Qi Lin for women who want to have a child. But the main function of a talisman in the practice of feng shui is to eliminate negative influences and attract wealth.

When placing a talisman inside an apartment, the only requirement is met: it must be facing the exit from the room. It is believed that this symbol can be used for no more than one year.

This talisman is so strong that you don’t need to perform any manipulations for it to work effectively. However, he “loves” listening to folk songs and fairy tales - this makes him even kinder to his owners.

In various legends, Qi Lin can serve Taoist sages as riding animals and bring extraordinary children from heaven. He is considered a messenger of happiness, his appearance symbolizes the rise to power of a good ruler or the birth of a true sage. The appearance of Qi Lin marked the birth and death of Confucius. In the legends of China there is also a mention of Qi Ling in connection with some important events for the history of the country. So, one day, five thousand years ago, Emperor Fu-si was sitting on the shore near the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly, Qi Lin appeared, and the dirty waters of the river brightened and acquired a crystal clear, green color. Qi Lin stopped in front of the emperor, struck the rock with his hoof three times and spoke to him in a voice that rang like a temple bell. When Qi Lin turned to leave, the emperor saw the magic marks on his back that he copied. This is how the first written language of China appeared.

Feng Shui master's story

The word “qi lin” itself is interpreted as a combination of two concepts: “qi” is the masculine principle of Yang, the driving force, the energy of creation, and “lin” is the feminine principle of Yin. He has a dragon's head, deer antlers, a lion's tail and cow's hooves. It is covered with scales and a shell. According to legend, he is one of the nine sons of the dragon; he can distinguish between good and evil.

The lifespan of the animal was, according to legend, three thousand years.

We find the first mention of him in China in Confucius, and his images appear in the era of the Later Han Dynasty (25-220 AD).

About one thousand two hundred years ago, Qi Lin “emigrated” to Japan under the name “Kirin,” which has a similar meaning in both mythology and feng shui.

The unicorn is a fictional creature that appeared thanks to the fantasy and imagination of man. In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the unicorn is considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. The unicorn talisman helps its owner become a more successful person, and also protects against troubles, the evil eye and the effects of black magic.

Do you want to use a unicorn as your amulet and talisman? In this case, you should know that not every figurine depicting this mythical creature can become a real amulet and begin to work for the benefit of its owner.

A soft or rubber toy cannot become a talisman. Also, a figurine carved from wood or made from plastic and ceramics will not be suitable for the role of a talisman. Even if you manage to find a silver or gold figurine of a unicorn, such a thing will also not be able to benefit its owner. A figurine-amulet in the form of a unicorn must be made of some semi-precious stone. The optimal material for this talisman is agate, rose quartz, jasper or some other stone.

The most powerful amulets are made from white or gray stones, as they more accurately convey the color of the unicorn. The most powerful talisman is a figurine of a unicorn, which is made of rock crystal. It is this mineral that is considered the most powerful in terms of protective and protective properties.

The main problem for those who dream of a unicorn talisman is that it is very rare to see this particular character for sale on the shelves of jewelry stores. Therefore, not every person is lucky enough to become the owner of such a powerful amulet. If you still manage to find a suitable figurine on sale, then you should buy it without hesitation. In fact, this means that the talisman itself has found its owner. The unicorn figurine will protect not only one person, but also all the people living in the house, and protect the home from otherworldly forces and dark spells.

How to activate the amulet?

In order for a decorative figurine to turn from a simple decoration into a real amulet, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual to activate its protective properties.

The figurine should be placed in a prominent place in the living room, and next to it should be placed images of various female mythical creatures, such as mermaids or fairies. Near the resulting composition you need to place several indoor plants in pots. A fern flower placed nearby can have a particularly beneficial effect on the figure of a unicorn.

The purpose of the mascot

The Chinese unicorn Qi Lin is a symbol of long life, celebrations, luxury, splendor, joy, and it also points to famous ancestors. The name “dragon horse” is also applied to the unicorn.

Unicorn Qi Lin has a soft, kind and benevolent character, and the unicorn treats all living beings exactly with its character.

According to Chinese tradition, the image of Qi Lin is not quite similar to the Western European unicorn. Although he still has the same positive energy as his “namesake”.

According to Chinese mythology, the unicorn is believed to be a loner. His appearance always indicates whether an outstanding leader is ruling or a great sage has been born.

Usually the unicorn mascot is used when you need to help children in their achievements. According to Feng Shui, figurines and images of the Qi Lin unicorn are recommended for use by women who want to have a child.

The most powerful and main function of the unicorn talisman in practical feng shui is to eliminate negative and negative influences along with attracting wealth.

To place a unicorn mascot in an apartment, you need to comply with only one requirement: The unicorn must be facing the exit from the apartment, if it is a room, then from the room. There is a certain condition regarding use - this symbol can only be used for a year.

This talisman is very strong and does not require additional activation; if positioned correctly, it works independently without our help. But in order to endow the unicorn with even greater kindness towards yourself, you need to tell him folk tales and sing folk songs - this is what the unicorn Qi Lin “loves”.

The legend says.

In Chinese legends, the unicorn serves as a riding animal for sages and to bring unusual and outstanding children from heaven.

He is considered a messenger of happiness and appears only at a time when a strong and correct ruler is in power or a true sage is born. It is believed that the birth and death of the great Confucius were marked by a unicorn.

Qi Lin is mentioned in Chinese legends when important events took place within the country.

Once upon a time, about five thousand years ago, the great Chinese Emperor Fu-hsi walked along the shore at the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly the unicorn Qi Lin appeared, and the dirty water in the river became clear and acquired a crystal green color.

Qi Lin appeared before Emperor Fu Xi, hit the stone with his hoof three times and spoke to him. His voice sounded like the ringing of temple bells.

And when the unicorn Qi Lin prepared to leave and turned his back to the emperor, the emperor saw signs on his body that were still unknown to him, which he took and copied. This is how the written language of China was “born”.

The name of the unicorn Qi Lin means the unification of two energies: “Qi” is the male principle of Yang, and “Lin” is the female principle of Yin. The unicorn has a dragon's head, deer antlers on it, a lion's tail behind it, and cow hooves on its feet. Its skin is covered with scales and shell.

The Chinese believed that the unicorn is one of the 9 sons of the dragon, he knows what is good and what is evil and knows how to distinguish between them. Legends say that the life of an animal unicorn can last three thousand years.

In China, the unicorn is revered on a par with the dragon. It is not uncommon for a unicorn to be included among the four most noble animals. It is believed that the dragon protects people from the sky, and the unicorn from the earth.

According to legend, the unicorn has a scaly skin, horse hooves, a dragon's head and deer antlers. But, despite its somewhat frightening appearance, this animal is very kind. The unicorn feeds only on cereals of cultivated plants. The lifespan of this animal is almost like that of a turtle - 2 thousand years.

The Chinese believe that the unicorn has a sacred power with which it brings good to people. The unicorn also symbolizes a ray of sunshine, purity and unity. And its horn in the form of a spiral indicates that it will be unchangeable in time. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of transmutation, knowledge and freedom. He will definitely tell the right path to those who want to find the truth.

Unicorn mascot target

The Chinese unicorn or Qi Lin symbolizes longevity, luxury, celebration, splendor, happiness and joy. The unicorn is popularly called the dragon's horse. The Chinese unicorn has a kind and gentle character, and therefore it treats all living things on earth very well.

The Chinese portray it very differently than the Europeans, but both the Chinese and Western unicorns have the same positive energy.

In Chinese mythology, the unicorn is believed to love being alone. And he always appears at the moment when a sage is born or when an outstanding ruler rules the country.

The unicorn talisman in Feng Shui has two strong functions - attracting wealth and eliminating negative influences.

There are no special rules for placing a unicorn. The main thing is to place it so that it faces the door, no matter where it is standing, in a room or in a hallway. But the use of this talisman has a limitation - it can only be used for one year.

Chinese unicorn mascot activation

This talisman, in principle, does not need to be activated, since it itself has great power. And if it is positioned correctly, it will work on its own, without anyone’s help. But if you want the unicorn to love you even more, then tell him fairy tales and sing songs. Both fairy tales and songs should be folk. Feng Shui unicorn loves them very much.

The myth of the Chinese unicorn

If you believe Chinese mythology, the sages had a unicorn instead of a horse, and brought chosen and extraordinary children from heaven.

The unicorn is the messenger of happiness. As stated above, he appears only when a sage is born. The Chinese believe that at the birth and death of Confucius, a unicorn appeared on earth. The unicorn Qi Lin was also mentioned in the history of Chinese traditions. Once upon a time, a thousand years before the advent of the teachings of Feng Shui, the then famous Emperor Fu-hsi walked at the mouth of the Yellow River. And suddenly a Chinese unicorn appeared in front of him, and immediately the water in the river became crystal clear and turned green. The unicorn appeared before the emperor, hit the stone with its hoof three times and suddenly spoke to him. His voice was like the ringing of bells. After talking with the emperor, the unicorn was about to leave and the emperor saw on its back some symbols and signs unknown to him now. The emperor copied these characters and this is where the written Chinese language came from.

But in fact, the unicorn was first seen in India. There he was described as a red-headed horse with a black or white twisted horn. Among the Indian people, he personified spiritual wealth. In those days, the unicorn was both a destroyer and a creator. Much later, he began to appear in Babylon, Tibet, Greece, and then in China. In the West it was recognized only in the Middle Ages.

In Babylon, this animal was depicted with a horn and wings. It was a symbol of the moon and virgin goddesses.

In Tibet, the unicorn is called Se-ru. It represents two animals - a gazelle and a fallow deer, which live on the tops of the mountains. The unicorn is a kind of rope that connects earth and sky, light and dark forces. This mythical animal in Tibet also symbolizes inner peace, integrity and enlightenment. He is like a morning star, showing the way to people who want to gain wisdom. On Hawaiian monasteries, namely on their pediments, there are two unicorns that spin the wheel of Dharma.

The unicorn has always symbolized strength and power, which defeats darkness and maintains balance in the entire Universe.

The legend of the unicorn talisman according to feng shui

Qi Lin is the name of the Chinese unicorn, which means the unification of the masculine and feminine principles, the unification of the two Qi energies. The unicorn has a body covered with scales and a shell, instead of paws, cow hooves, and a lion's tail at the back.

In ancient times, the Chinese believed that the unicorn was one of the sons of the dragon, of which there were nine. The unicorn can distinguish between good and evil. In life, the unicorn loves solitude, so the unicorn talisman should be in one copy.

Natalya Kombarova 11/25/2016

The unicorn is a magical creature created by the human imagination.

The meaning of the Unicorn symbol: attracts happiness and good luck, protects from misfortune and witchcraft.

What should the symbol be?

If you want to use a unicorn figurine as a talisman, please note that not just any figurine is suitable for this purpose. A children's toy unicorn made of fabric, fur, plastic or rubber will never become a mascot. Wooden, porcelain, plaster and ceramic figurines are not suitable for the role of talismans, even if they are very beautiful, cute and have a downright “magical” appearance. Even the most expensive unicorns made of gold and silver will forever remain only products made of precious metals.

According to Feng Shui, the Unicorn, which will serve as a talisman, should be made of semi-precious stone: jasper, carnelian, agate, amethyst, rose quartz. The most powerful talismans are made from milky white cacholong, because the color of this stone repeats the color of a unicorn. A talisman made from transparent rock crystal will work perfectly, as this stone has strong protective properties.

However, there is one catch - unicorns made of semi-precious stones are no more common on sale than live white horses with a horn in their forehead. This rarity further increases the value of the talisman. If you are lucky enough to see such an exclusive product on the counter of a jewelry or souvenir store, this means that the talisman itself found you. In this case, buy a figurine - it will bring a lot of benefits, protecting the house and the people living in it from evil spells.

Activation of the talisman

In order for the figurine to turn into a talisman, you need to activate it. To do this, the unicorn is placed in a place of honor in the living room and porcelain figurines depicting young girls, shepherdesses, marquises or heroines of fairy tales, such as fairies, are placed around. There should be an indoor flower in a pot next to the composition. House ferns activate the Unicorn well.

Legend of the Unicorn

Figures of horses with a horn in the forehead are found on ancient Egyptian papyri. They knew about these animals in ancient India. The Greeks and Romans considered Unicorns to be real creatures living in Africa, and dedicated them to the virgin goddess Artemis.

The unicorn symbolizes purity and virginity, so according to legend, only innocent girls could see the magical animal and make friends with it. Despite the legend, in the Middle Ages unicorns were persistently hunted by those who could not be called young females: sorcerers, magicians and alchemists. They hoped to take possession of the horn of a rare animal - it was believed that this object could fulfill any desire.

Safety precautions

In Feng Shui, it is believed that the Unicorn talisman can only serve faithfully those who do not engage in occult practices. Even harmless home fortune telling with cards can turn the Unicorn against the owner, and the talisman will stop working.

Love has ruled the world at all times. This feeling is amazingly beautiful, but achieving harmony in it is incredibly difficult. Love is necessary for happiness, like air is for life, which is why it occupies such an important place in Feng Shui. If there is something missing in your relationship, or you are going through a streak of bad luck, or your loved one has left you, or you are single and trying to find the perfect match, try experimenting with symbols, and changes for the better will not be long in coming.

Two swallows in feng shui symbol of family well-being

These birds symbolize home comfort, purity and success in love relationships, as well as numerous offspring.

How and where to place swallows according to Feng Shui

The image of these birds will be appropriate anywhere in your home or apartment.

Feng Shui butterflies will bring joy to your relationship

Butterflies are a talisman of love, joy and fulfillment of desires. Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks, as if they naturally flew into your room.

How and where to place butterflies according to Feng Shui

You can decorate your bedroom walls with fluttering butterflies to intensify romantic relationships, to add a fresh air to your partners’ sex life and to make your cherished dreams come true. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people quickly improve their personal lives and keep the fire of existing relationships alive. Every morning, when you open your eyes, you will see butterflies fluttering and start the day with joy and new hopes.

Mandarin ducks in Feng Shui harmonize love relationships

The most famous symbol of love in Feng Shui according to Chinese beliefs are mandarin ducks. They are truly very affectionate and sweet creatures. A pair of tangerines symbolizes strong and tender love bonds.

The duck is generally an emblem of good luck. The royal duck or mandarin duck received its name for its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. This talisman will give your family well-being, prosperity and good luck, shake up cold feelings and significantly improve marital relationships.

If you are single, mandarin ducks will save you, because they tend to attract good luck in romantic relationships.

Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a symbol of marriage. In Feng Shui, in general, any paired sign is especially favorable for family relationships, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner once for their entire life and die if they have to be separated. Therefore, tangerines are also a symbol of marital fidelity.

Legend has it that one Chinese mandarin decided to divorce his wife and send her to her parents' house. In the evening, before telling her about his decision, he decided to take a walk along the shore of the lake. He walked for a long time, thinking about the upcoming conversation with his wife, and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a noise - two mandarin ducks landed on the water. The Mandarin involuntarily fell in love with them: they so tenderly bowed their graceful necks to each other, cleaned each other’s feathers with such love that the man remembered all the wonderful moments that he experienced with his wife. The love that had died out flared up in him with renewed vigor. This is how the ducks saved a marriage that was on the verge of collapse.

How and where to place mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui

Mandarin ducks are one of the best Feng Shui talismans for activating the sector of love and marriage. The optimal place for this symbol is the southwestern sector of the apartment, the sector of love and relationships, or the bedroom, regardless of the sector in which it is located. If you already have a partner, then the ducks are placed next to each other so that they seem to say: “we are sailing through life together.” It would be good if they were mounted on the same stand. If you want to attract new love relationships into your life, then it is better to place the ducks so that they are directed towards each other, that is, symbolize the search and meeting.

Geese will protect you from infidelity

Geese symbolize fidelity in marriage and spiritual unity of spouses. It is believed that geese miss their soulmate very much and never fly alone. Geese are so devoted to their partners that they never create families again,

which makes them also a symbol of eternal love. The Chinese even say about those who remain faithful to a deceased loved one that they have the soul of a goose.

If your family’s lifestyle is such that you are forced to spend a lot of time apart (frequent business trips, work away from home, unforeseen circumstances that provoked separation), then an image or figurine of a pair of flying geese will help you not to lose spiritual closeness with your soul mate.

How and where to place geese according to Feng Shui

A pair of geese is appropriate in the southwestern sector of the house.

Couple of lovers for positive energy

The energy of love is very alive and strong. Remembering this and dreaming of a life partner, you will be able to realize your thoughts into a real picture, that is, after some time, your chosen one will visit your home, conquering your heart forever.

Images that personify love in our understanding create the appropriate atmosphere, set us in a certain mood, enrich us with romance and sensuality.

Such a picture not only promotes harmony in our lives, saturates us with positive energy and self-confidence, but also has a positive effect on success in other areas of life. This image symbolizes the natural union of two principles - male and female.

How and where to place the image of a couple of lovers according to Feng Shui

In the love sector (southwest), almost any paired symbols and talismans work well. And a picture depicting a couple in love would be very appropriate here!

Two doves in Feng Shui to strengthen marriage

Two kissing doves with open wings mean love, friendship and marital fidelity. A pair of pigeons is also used to maintain long-term partnerships.

How and where to place pigeons according to Feng Shui

This symbol would be appropriate in the southwestern sector.

Feng Shui symbol “double happiness” (double luck) for stability of relationships or new love

The Double Happiness symbol, drawn on or cut out from red paper and decorated with gold, is prominently displayed by the Chinese at any wedding. This symbol is very effective for activating romantic luck.

This talisman has its own legend. During the Tang Dynasty, one student went to the capital to take a very important exam for him, based on the results of which candidates for ministers were selected. But, passing through a small mountain village, he felt that he was sick. A rural healer and his daughter sheltered the student at home. Thanks to the skill of the doctor (and maybe not only him), the guy quickly recovered, but when the time came to move on, he realized that it was difficult for him to part with the daughter of his savior. The young people fell in love with each other. In parting, the girl wrote the student the first part of a reverse poem and asked him to compose the second. In a very free translation (otherwise it is impossible to translate poems from Old Chinese), the stanza sounded like this:

“Green trees are carried into the sky by darkness. Spring rain".

“Well, I can handle it, even though it’s not easy. But only after the exam,” said the student. The young man passed the exam best of all, and was noted by the emperor himself. The monarch personally talked with the winners and offered them several riddles. One of them was to add the first stanza to the poem. The second one was like this:

“Scarlet flowers in the grass sway in the breeze. The earth glowed with the kiss.”

The young man realized that the first stanza that the girl gave him was ideal for this text, and he immediately wrote it. The emperor admired the young man’s talent so much that he appointed the young man a minister, and before taking office he allowed him to see his family. The guy returned to the girl and read the emperor’s verse to her. Soon they got married. Before the wedding, they wrote two connected Chinese characters "si" ("happiness") on red paper and hung the paper on the wall. This is how the “Double Happiness” symbol was born. It is double because it is intended for both spouses.

How and where to place the “Double Happiness” symbol according to Feng Shui

This symbol can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. If you're desperate for love in your life, place a double luck symbol in your bedroom. You can put the corresponding amulet under the mattress or carry it with you in your purse. The sign of “Double Happiness” is decorated with the marital bed, chairs and other furniture used in the bedroom. In addition, it is applied to silks and brocades intended for wedding celebrations.

Red Chinese lanterns in Feng Shui will help bring back lost feelings

Lanterns are used to attract good luck and prosperity. Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns further enhances their effect. Place two lanterns in the southwestern sector of the apartment, and they will help restore the lost ardor of feelings. In addition, they create comfort and decorate the interior, thereby attracting positive energy and activating almost any sector of Feng Shui.

How and where to place red lanterns according to Feng Shui

You can hang them in the bedroom, kitchen, living room or hallway, and believe me, they will enliven your home with their festive look. You can hang Chinese lanterns at the front door, thereby attracting positive energy into the house and preventing it from escaping.

Chuangong and Chuanmu - Feng Shui talisman for married couples

Since ancient times in the East, near the marital bed, especially for newlyweds, there hung images of the deity of the marriage bed Chuangong (“lord of the bed”) and his wife, Chuanmu or Chuanpo (“mother of the bed”). They promoted harmonious relationships in marriage, guarded the spouses' bedroom and helped produce numerous offspring.

Where and how to place Chuangong and Chuanmu according to Feng Shui

It is best to place figurines of these deities in the bedroom, as close to the bed as possible.

A pyramid of three turtles is a talisman to strengthen the connection between generations

Three turtles in the form of a pyramid: the largest is at the bottom, the middle one is on it, the smallest one is on the middle one - this is a wonderful symbol of the unity of a family in which everyone supports each other and takes care of each other. The largest turtle is the head of the family, on whom the entire house rests. This talisman is especially good for families in which several generations live together - parents, children, grandchildren... Such a talisman will bring peace and tranquility to the family.

Where and how to place a pyramid of three turtles according to Feng Shui

The best place for this symbol is the eastern sector. And also any room in the house (regardless of the sector) where all family members like to get together, for example: dining room, living room, etc.

Snail-makara (dragon snail) - will create harmony between lovers

This mythical animal is a hybrid of a snail, crocodile, snake and dragon. Agree, a very unusual combination! An image or figurine of a makara snail helps maintain harmony in the home, in relationships between people who love each other. The presence of this symbol sharply reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and conflicts between spouses, as well as among children (which is especially important if there are two or more children in the family). This symbol also represents the search for the right solution and finding a compromise in case of quarrels in the family.

How and where to place a makara snail according to Feng Shui

It is best to place the makara snail figurine in the family sector (east) or in the room where household members most often gather.

Zaoshen - keeper of the hearth

Zaoshen is the keeper of the hearth and is also a symbol of fulfillment of desires, health, happiness, wealth and prosperity. Zaoshen protects the home from destructive influences, helps overcome family problems, brings peace, reliability and family happiness. Sometimes he is depicted with a round tablet in his hand, where all the needs and wishes are written down. On December 24, Zaoshen goes to heaven and reports to the heavenly office about how he protects the house and helps with the household, conveys all his wishes, and they are sure to be fulfilled.

Zaoshen often has attributes that symbolize health and longevity, such as a magic peach, a gourd with clear water, and a deer. If a bag is depicted next to Zaoshen, then in addition to wishes for health and happiness, you can add wishes for wealth and prosperity.

How and where to place Zaoshen according to Feng Shui

Traditionally, the Zaoshen figurine is made in the netsuke style. It is favorable if you have such a figurine in the eastern sector, or in the living room, regardless of the sector of the room

The unicorn in Feng Shui is a symbol of fertility for those who want to get pregnant

In principle, this kind and magical animal will bring good luck in many endeavors. We know about unicorns mainly from medieval knightly legends and fairy tales, but in India this animal is revered as a symbol of fertility (pregnancy).

Where and how to place a unicorn according to feng shui

Feng Shui stork talisman for speedy pregnancy

The stork symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, is the Annunciation bird, and also an assistant in the speedy appearance of an heir in the family.

In different cultures, the stork as a talisman has slightly different meanings. For example, among Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, respect, and is considered a symbol of new life. According to Russian folk beliefs, the stork is a bird that brings happiness. The stork patronizes the birth of children. Among the Egyptians, it personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork fed its parents in old age. In Greek mythology, the goddess of storks was depicted as a woman - the giver of life, a nurse, and was an attribute of Hera. Among the Romans, the stork symbolized respect and filial affection.

It is especially favorable if you purchase a figurine of Lao Tzu on a stork. Lao Tzu is an ancient sage, in his hands he holds a peach (a symbol of longevity and good health). Lao Tzu flies on a stork, which symbolizes the imminent birth of a child.

Where and how to place a stork according to Feng Shui

A figurine of a stork can be placed in the hallway, as if it were flying into your house, at the entrance to the bedroom, or in the western sector.

Guan Yin - patroness of women

The name Guan Yin means “She who listens to the sounds of the world.” As Buddhists say, Guan Yin hears all people's prayers and helps everyone who turns to her.

Altars dedicated to this Mother of Mercy can be found in churches, houses, and roadside grottoes throughout the East. She is revered as a Mother figure, a divine mediator who takes to heart the daily affairs of all who turn to her. Kuan Yin's role as a Buddhist Madonna can be compared to the role of Mary - the mother of Jesus - in the West. In China, as well as in Korea and Japan, Guan Yin is perhaps the most popular image of a Buddhist saint among the people.

Devoted followers of Guan Yin often visit local temples and make pilgrimages to larger ones when important events occur in their lives or when they are especially burdened with any problems. Every three years, celebrations are held in her honor on the nineteenth day of the second month (celebrating her birthday), the sixth month and the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

Often Guan Yin can be seen in the image “Patroness of Children”, which is found in many houses and temples of the East. A large white veil covers her entire figure, and she sits on a lotus. Sometimes Guan Yin is depicted with a child in her arms, at her feet, or on her knees, or with several children standing around her. In the Eastern tradition, it is generally accepted that Guan Yin bestows longevity, youth, fulfillment of desires and immortality for many thousands of years, and also helps those wishing to have children, protects pregnant women and facilitates childbirth.

Where and how to place Guan Yin according to Feng Shui

A figurine or image of Guan Yin can be placed in the northwestern or western sectors, as well as in the bedroom near the bed itself, for example, on the bedside table.

Pomegranate fruits are a symbol of multiple pregnancy

The pomegranate was a symbol of fertility in Greek and Roman mythology. He was also a symbol of Pluto's wife, Proserpina, who returns from the underworld every spring to renew the earth.

In the East, pomegranate flowers and fruits symbolize friendship, therefore, when visiting people, they often take pomegranate with them as a gift. Pomegranate fruits also symbolize multiple pregnancy.

In the Bible, the pomegranate is mentioned as a symbol of the unity of the Universe. In Christian culture, the pomegranate has become a symbol of hope for resurrection and immortality.

Where and how to place pomegranate fruits according to Feng Shui

It is appropriate to place pomegranate fruits or a pomegranate tree (you can have a picture showing a pomegranate tree with fruits) in the western sector of your house or apartment.

Glomerulus-amulet (five elements) protection of pregnancy

This symbol protects children and pregnant women, brings peace and peace of mind. It symbolizes the five primary elements: Space, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth. The glomerulus helps maintain the harmony of the elements even in an unfavorable place and protects its owner from all evil.

The amulet is a thread twisted into a small ball, where one color smoothly transitions into another. In principle, you can make such a ball yourself: take five threads of different colors (green, red, yellow, blue and white), intertwine them together and twist a small ball. In the East it is made according to the ancient Tibetan method, passed on to us by the Tibetan master Sa Che.

Where and how to place a ball-amulet according to Feng Shui

This ball can be placed in the baby's crib (for example, under a mattress or pillow), and expectant mothers can carry it with them or put it in their bed.

The unicorn is a fictional creature that appeared thanks to the fantasy and imagination of man. In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the unicorn is considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. The unicorn talisman helps its owner become a more successful person, and also protects against troubles, the evil eye and the effects of black magic.

Do you want to use a unicorn as your amulet and talisman? In this case, you should know that not every figurine depicting this mythical creature can become a real amulet and begin to work for the benefit of its owner.

A soft or rubber toy cannot become a talisman. Also, a figurine carved from wood or made from plastic and ceramics will not be suitable for the role of a talisman. Even if you manage to find a silver or gold figurine of a unicorn, such a thing will also not be able to benefit its owner. A figurine-amulet in the form of a unicorn must be made of some semi-precious stone. The best material for this talisman is agate, jasper or some other stone.

The most powerful amulets are made from white or gray stones, as they more accurately convey the color of the unicorn. The most powerful talisman is a unicorn figurine, which is made from. It is this mineral that is considered the most powerful in terms of protective and protective properties.

The main problem for those who dream of a unicorn talisman is that it is very rare to see this particular character for sale on the shelves of jewelry stores. Therefore, not every person is lucky enough to become the owner of such a powerful amulet. If you still manage to find a suitable figurine on sale, then you should buy it without hesitation. In fact, this means that the talisman itself has found its owner. The unicorn figurine will protect not only one person, but also all the people living in the house, and protect the home from otherworldly forces and dark spells.

How to activate the amulet?

In order for a decorative figurine to turn from a simple decoration into a real amulet, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual to activate its protective properties.

The figurine should be placed in a prominent place in the living room, and next to it should be placed images of various female mythical creatures, such as mermaids or fairies. Near the resulting composition you need to place several indoor plants in pots. A fern flower placed nearby can have a particularly beneficial effect on the figure of a unicorn.

Which are considered useful in almost all traditions. In the modern understanding, it is simply a mysterious beautiful horse with one horn. The traditional unicorn is a symbol that is represented slightly differently: with a goat's beard, a lion's tail and cloven hooves.

History of the unicorn as a symbol

Unicorns occupy a place of honor in Greek mythology, Chinese traditions, and the art of the Indus Valley and India. Greek writers, including Pliny the Elder and Aristotle, mention them in their writings. There are at least eight mentions of the unicorn in the Old Testament of the Bible.

In the art of the Middle Ages, the unicorn is a symbol with religious meaning. According to legend, a beautiful maiden in the image of the Virgin Mary managed to catch this wondrous beast and tame it in such a way that the animal trustingly laid its head on her lap.

Here the unicorn is a symbol of rethinking, the incarnation of Christ, and his death was seen as the Passion of Christ. The pagan image of a horse with one horn became highly valued by the church.

Unicorn magic

The unicorn is a symbol of magic. His magical powers are also legendary. His horn is harder than the strongest diamond, and is capable of neutralizing poisons. And the tears of a unicorn can heal both physical wounds and sorrows of the heart. Some of them can fly and talk to all kinds of other living things. The magical unicorn is a symbol of freedom, healing and beauty. Powerful magic wands had unicorn hair at their core, and its blood could heal a person who was dying.

What does the unicorn mean as a symbol?

The legendary white horse or pony with one horn is a symbol of purity and innocence in European mythology. Only a virgin could catch and tame him. What is the meaning of the symbol?

  • Protection. The unicorn is the protector and patron of all virgins. Its horn has magical healing powers and was a popular ingredient in medieval medicines. It was a powerful antidote and protection from evil.
  • Virtue. The white unicorn is a symbol of dignity, chastity and purity.
  • Love and harmony. Unicorns are associated with the light of the moon, love, harmony and understanding. In medieval Europe, this gentle creature stood in opposition to the lion, which represented the more violent solar influence.
  • Another meaning of the symbol is associated with courage, strength, and sometimes cruelty.

Unicorns in heraldry

The unicorn is also a prominent and significant figure in heraldic symbolism and is usually represented with a spiral horn of red, black or any other color.

The unicorn in 15th century heraldry is profiled with the tail of a lion and the hooves of a goat, symbolizing the breaking of the shackles of slavery. This was prompted by the sacred status of the unicorn in medieval times. Becoming more refined, it was associated with the attributes of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.

These solitary creatures personified the model of monastic life. The connection with the Holy Spirit made them a symbol of mysticism and spiritual values. In Scotland, two unicorns are depicted on the royal coat of arms; the British coat of arms displays a unicorn with a lion.

Belief in unicorns

Of all the mythical and legendary creatures, from the scaly dragon to the cunning sphinx, the unicorn has always been the most beautiful and most beloved. At the same time fierce and proud, he was noble and kind. While many magical creatures foreshadowed danger, the unicorn usually brought good luck. For many centuries, Europeans believed in its existence, as if it were a real animal that lived in a foreign country, such as India, Persia or Abyssinia. There was an opinion that it was not a magical creature, but simply a sample of foreign zoology. At present, there is hardly a person who believes in their real existence.

Description of unicorns

One day, a fragment of a description of an unknown beast was found, made by Photias, Patriarch of Constantinople (circa 810-893 AD). He's writing.



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