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Lesson plan on the world around us on the topic “When will summer come?” Topic When will summer come.docx - Lesson summary on the world around us on the topic "When will summer come?" (1st grade) How do we know that summer has come?

Topic: When will summer come?

The purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​the annual cycle - seasons, months, their sequence; show the dependence of natural phenomena on the change of seasons.


Educational objectives of the lesson:

    Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about the seasons.

    Give an idea of ​​the annual cycle - seasons, months, their sequence.

    Learn to identify the characteristic signs of the seasons.

Developmental objectives of the lesson:

    To develop cognitive interest, oral speech of students, and creative abilities.

    Develop observation skills, ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

    Develop communication skills and the ability to work in a group.

Educational objectives of the lesson:

Cultivating a sense of beauty through observing each season.

Planned results : students will learn to name the months and seasons in a certain sequence; characterize natural phenomena at different times of the year.


textbook by A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around us”;

Workbook for the 1st grade textbook “The World Around Us” by A.A. Pleshakov;

non-printed notebook by A.A. Pleshakov;

pictures depicting the Ant and the Wise Turtle;

sheets with days of the week; with months;

“magic annual circles”, colored pencils;

"multimedia projector";

coloring books on the themes: winter, spring, summer, autumn (for gifts to students).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment . Guys, today we have an unusual lesson - guests have come to us. They really wanted to plunge into the world of knowledge with us, to learn something new and unusual.

Turn to the guests and smile at them.

- So, we begin our lesson.

2. Updating knowledge.


Children, today at our lesson Ant is our guest again and he has prepared riddles and questions for us. Listen to them.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.( Days of the week.)

2. Game “What day of the week?”

What day of the week is it today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will the day after tomorrow be?

In how many days will Saturday come? Sunday?

3.Each student has a sheet with the days of the week.

Place the numbers from 1 to 7 corresponding to the days of the week.








4.Work on the topic of the lesson .

The impatient Ant found out when Saturday would come and wanted to find out what, we could guess from the crossword puzzle he had prepared for us.

Slide 1.

Bright, round, shines during the day.

It is longer in summer and shorter in winter.

With the arrival of summer, they appeared in the meadows, gardens and flower beds.

He delivers small drops from the sky

So what does Ant want to know? (When will summer come?)

He ran to the Wise Turtle and asked her, and she answered him: “Today, together with you and the guys, we will visit the old one-year-old man and find the answer to your question.”

Children, in order to give a correct and accurate answer to this question, I propose to answer Ant later, but for now, get to know the seasons better and in more detail. And at the end of the lesson we must answer Ant: When will summer come?

Now let’s go on a journey – a journey through the seasons.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Each student has “magical annual circles.”

Slide 2 -3 .

Place a circle in front of you.

This is a magic circle, and its owner is an old man. Listen to a story about him.

"Old Year-Old Man"

The one-year old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own name. The old man waved for the first time, and the first three birds flew away. It became cold. It is snowing.

The old man waved for the second time. The second three flew. The snow began to melt, the first flowers appeared in the fields.

The old man waved a third time - the third troika flew. It became hot, stuffy...

The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew and frequent rain fell. (V.I. Dal)

Who remembers what happened when the one-year-old man waved his sleeve for the first time? (It got cold, it started snowing)

What time of year is this? (Winter)

Slide 4-6 .

Color the stripes where the word “winter” is written with a blue pencil.

Who knows what kind of birds the old yearling released? (It's the winter months) Name them. (December January February)

When the one-year old man waved for the second time, what happened in nature? (The snow began to melt, the first flowers appeared)

What time of year is this? (Spring)

Slide 7-9 .

Color the stripes where the word “spring” is written with a green pencil.

Which three birds did the old man release the second time? (Spring months: March, April, May)

The old man waved for the third time, and it became very hot and stuffy. What happened? (Summer)

Slide 10-11

Color the stripes with the word “summer” yellow.

What three birds did the old yearling release in the summer? (Summer months: June, July, August)

Summer will end and the old yearling will wave his sleeve for the fourth time, it will become rainy and cold. What time of year is this? (Autumn)

Slide 12-14

Color the stripes with the word "autumn" in orange.

What birds will he release in the fall? (Autumn months: September, October, November)

Why won’t the old one-year-old wave for the fifth time? (Because in nature there are only 4 seasons)

Slide 15 .

After autumn, winter will come again, the first three birds will fly again - December, January, February, and again everything will go in a circle, like the hands on a clock, from left to right. Show this circle with your finger.

Why is this pattern called the annual circle? (The seasons follow each other so that it turns out all year round. And after one year comes the next and so on endlessly.)

* Each student has a sheet with the names of the months.

Slide 16

Let's number the months in the order they appear. Name the winter months, spring, summer, autumn.

Color the leaf with the month where the name of the month in which you were born is written.

Raise your hand if you were born in winter (color the leaf blue); who was born in spring (in green); who was born in the summer (yellow); who was born in autumn (orange or red). - Color the leaf with the month where the name of the month in which you were born is written.

Physical education minute.

We'll take a little rest
Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward.
Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed. (walking in place)
We looked up at the sun,
And the rays warmed us all.
Miracles in our world:
The children became dwarfs. (to squat)
And then we stood up together -
Everyone became giants. (stretch on your toes)

6. Work on the topic of the lesson (continued ).

a) Game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.”

Clap if it happens; stomp if it doesn’t happen.
In autumn: leaf fall, rain, heat, drops.
In winter: thunderstorm, snow, blizzard, ice, blizzard.
In spring: thunderstorm, ice drift, snowdrops, leaf fall.
In summer: thunderstorm, drops, rainbow, blizzard, heat.

1.Work according to the textbook.

Open your textbooks to page 10 and prepare cards depicting the seasons.

Guess the riddles and place the desired picture on the annual circle.

Troika - troika flew in,
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced
How she waved her sleeve,
Everything was covered in silver.

Slide 17 .

What signs of winter do you know? (The sun shines, but does not warm. The earth freezes and is covered with snow. The reservoirs are frozen. The days in winter are short and the nights are long. Animals sleep in burrows.)

She came, smiled - the snowstorms subsided,
The drop's bell began to ring.
The river has awakened, the ice has melted.
The gardens put on a snow-white outfit.
With a roar, the tractors got to work.
And the birds sang: “It’s time to build nests!”

Slide 18

What signs of spring can you name? (In spring, the sun not only shines, but also warms. The snow melts, streams run, the first flowers appear, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. Nature wakes up and comes to life.)

It comes to visit us in the spring,
It brings with it a lot of worries.
Gives hot, long days.
So that the spikelets ripen quickly in the fields.
He commands us to reap a bountiful harvest.
Bake a rosy, fragrant loaf.
Slide 1 9

How do we recognize summer? (It’s getting very hot. Many plants are blooming. The days are getting even longer, and the nights are getting very short.

Slide 20

I walked through meadows, through forests, through fields.
She prepared supplies for us.
She hid them in the cellars, in the feed.
She said: “Winter will come for me.” (Autumn)
- What happens in nature in autumn?

(The sun is warming less. It's getting cold outside. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. Leaves fall on trees and bushes, grass turns yellow and withers. Animals are preparing for winter, birds are flying to warmer regions, insects are hiding in secluded places.)

2. Work according to the textbook.

Look, on page 11 Ant drew pictures. He tried very hard, but he got something wrong. Find errors. (...)

Listen to I. Surkov’s poem and say what the author described in his poem:

The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air
And wherever you look,
Everything around is light.
The meadow is full of bright flowers.
Covered in gold
Herbs and bushes
The forest is sleeping: not a sound,
The leaf doesn't rustle
Only the lark is loud
There's a ringing in the air. (Summer)

How can we answer Ant when summer comes? In what month? - (Summer will come when winter ends and spring passes)

Listen to the riddles and list the names of the summer months.

1. Warm long, long day,
At noon there is a tiny shadow.
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening.
What month is it, tell me? ( June).

2. Hot, sultry, stuffy day.
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
Its days are the peak of summer.
What month is this, tell me? ( July).

3. The maple leaves have turned yellow.
Flew to the countries of the south
Swift-winged swifts.
What a month
Tell me! ( August).

- So, What signs are characteristic of summer? (Answers).

4.Game Slide 21

Children, summer is also berry season.

Summer treats generously, but so that the forest does not become impoverished, take only its berries, do not uproot the bushes. Maybe your grandmother, great-grandmother or great-great-grandmother walked through these forests and fields. A blueberry bush can live for three hundred years. So may he live forever!

Imagine that you are sitting in a forest clearing, there are many beautiful flowers, ripe berries around, a small stream is running, you become quiet and hear... (recording "Birdsong")

-What did you hear? (Answers).

- That's right guys, these are birds.

– What happens in the life of birds in summer?

- Right.

Work in the textbook.

- Children, who can say what color is summer ? (Answers).

5.Work according to the textbook .

Open textbook on p. 42, look at the picture, what do you see in it?

– What colors need to be added to the picture to make it summer?

- Now color the drawing.

IV. Reinforcing what has been learned in the lesson.

– We talked a lot about summer today.

Look at the board and continue the chains

Slide 22

Days of the week: Monday...

Seasons: spring...

Spring months: March..

Summer months: June...

Winter months: December…

How many months are there in each season?

What time of year comes after spring?

Let's read the words of the Wise Turtle, the conclusion of today's lesson.

(Slide 16)

Winter, spring, summer, autumn are the four seasons. There are twelve months in a year. The first is January. The last is December.

7. Lesson summary .

– What did we talk about today in class?

What seasons do you know? (Winter spring Summer Autumn)

Name the winter months, spring months, summer months, autumn months.

So what can we tell Ant when summer comes?

The year old man has prepared a gift for you: to those born in the fall, he gives a maple leaf, to those born in the winter - a snowflake, to those born in the spring - a sprig of mimosa, and to those born in the summer - a chamomile.

* Children go to the board according to the seasons and receive gifts.

MBOU KR OO "Gutorovskaya secondary school named after A.I. Kurentsov"

Lesson about the world around us on the topic: “When will summer come?”

Prepared by Koreneva Galina Leonidovna

Subject. When will summer come?

Form: lesson using ICT.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​the annual cycle - seasons, months, their sequence.


Educational objectives of the lesson:

    Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about the seasons.

    Give an idea of ​​the annual cycle - seasons, months, their sequence.

    Learn to identify the characteristic signs of the seasons.

Developmental objectives of the lesson:

    To develop cognitive interest and oral speech of students. Creative skills.

    Develop observation skills, ability to analyze, generalize and draw conclusions.

    Develop communication skills and the ability to work in a group.

Educational objectives of the lesson:

    Cultivating a sense of beauty through observing each season.

    Formation of behavioral skills for a healthy lifestyle.

Planned student achievements: learn the sequence in which the seasons and months change; learn to recognize the time of year by its characteristic features; learn the rules of health promotion.

Lesson Plan

    Organizing time.

    Updating knowledge.

    Learning new material:

      identifying features of different seasons;

      work from a textbook with the annual circle;

      working with a textbook drawing and talking with students about maintaining health in different seasons.

    Initial check of understanding: talking about your favorite season and working with the pictures in the textbook.


    Summing up the lesson.

    Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it.

Methods and techniques: dialogical, visual, practical, analysis and generalization, search and game method.

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.

Equipment and training facilities:

    Equipment. Students have a textbook; scissors and glue for working with a notebook; writing instruments, colored chips.

    Equipment for the teacher: multimedia projector, computer, screen, presentation

    Computer, media projector, screen.

    Presentation for the lesson.

During the classes


1. Mobilization.

The bell has now rung and (lesson) is starting.

Check if you have everything ready for the lesson.

2. Our motto.

3. Our rules.

You are sitting in classQuietly, quietly, like a mouse. A desk is not a bedAnd you can't lie on it.You sit at your desk slimlyAnd behave with dignity. Teacher ask - you need to stand up,When he allows you to sit down, sit down.If you want to answer, don’t make noise,Just raise your hand.

4. Mobilization.

Now let’s close our eyes and say: “I’m ready for the lesson!”

Updating knowledge.

1. Conversation.

- Here we are again at the “World Around” waterfall.

- What did we talk about in the last lesson?

- What is the present, past, future?

3. Conversation.

Guess the Ant's riddle.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears. (Days of the week)

What day of the week is it today?

What was it like yesterday?

What will it be like tomorrow?

Name all the days of the week in order.

So, when does Saturday come?

Self-determination for activity.

1. Introductory conversation.

The teacher reports that the Wise Turtle and the Question Ant are visiting the children again.

Ant found out when Saturday would come, but suddenly thought: “When will summer come? After all, the guys will have vacations"

He ran to the Wise Turtle, and she greeted him with a new riddle.

Students read a riddle about the seasons, guess it and explain how they guessed it.

Needlewomen weave four carpets

One by one they are placed on the ground.

White, green, motley, yellow.

The answer here is tricky, have you found it? (Seasons)

Name the seasons.

Who will help Ant figure it out when summer comes?

The teacher listens to the answers of some students.

Guess what we will talk about in class today.

Read the topic on p. 10 textbook

Learning new material:

1. Identification of signs of the seasons. Game "Find out the time of year."

The wise Turtle has prepared riddles about the seasons. Anyone want to guess them? How many riddles will there be? Why?

The teacher (students who read well) reads riddles. Students guess the season and name its characteristic features. The teacher, if necessary, supplements the children's answers.

2. Generalization.

How many seasons are there in total?

Name them.

The seasons follow each other so that it turns out all year round. And after one year comes the next. And so on endlessly.

3. Work from a textbook with the annual circle.

Look at the diagram on p. 10. Find the names of the seasons on this diagram. How many are there? Name it.

What time of year is it now?

Find it on the annual circle.

Look and tell me what time of year it was before?

And what will happen after?

And who will answer Ant when summer comes?

Can the seasons disrupt the order? In what fairy tale did this happen?

Watch an excerpt from the cartoon “12 Months” and tell me why summer can’t come now?

4.Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon “Twelve Months”

5. Physical education minute.

Let us also figure out what time of year summer follows. And Vladimir Dahl’s fairy tale “The Old Man is a Year Old” will help us with this.

6. Listening to Vladimir Dahl’s fairy tale “The Old Man is a Year Old”, completing the task

The one-year old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each with its own name. The old man waved for the first time, and the first three birds flew away. It became cold. It is snowing. What time of year is this? What are the signs of winter? What three birds did the old man release?(When a white swarm of snowflakes flies somewhere into the distance, we sometimes call December, January, February winter.) Find a picture depicting winter and the names of the three winter months and glue it (sounds a winter song).

The old man waved for the second time. The second three flew. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields. What time of year is this? What happens in nature in spring?(In the forest and in the field you can hear the hubbub of spring flocks of birds. After February comes March, followed by April and May.) Find a picture depicting spring and the names of the three spring months and glue them on (a spring song sounds).

The old man waved a third time and the third troika flew off. It became hot, stuffy... What time of year is this? Name the signs of summer. What were the names of the birds?(After May, summer will bring June to us. July will bring berry juice, and the month of August will bring honey.) Find a picture with the image of summer and the names of the three summer months and glue it (sounds a summer song). The old man waved 4 times and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew and frequent rain began to fall. What time of year is this? What is happening in nature at this time? What were the names of the birds?(During the summer and autumn, the ensemble will perform their dance. September, October, then November will fill the forest with leaves). Find a picture depicting autumn and the names of the three autumn months and glue it (sounds an autumn song).

Do you think the old man will wave again? Why? What will happen after autumn? Have you heard the expression “all year round”? What does it mean in your opinion? (the seasons will replace each other, that is, they follow each other in a circle. Hence the expression “all year round.”) Look at our sheets, what do they look like? We have a calendar. Looking at the calendar, you can answer Ant’s question: When will summer come?

7. Work from a textbook with the annual circle.

Ant and I really liked your work. We offer you a game. Open your textbook and find the annual circle. I will tell you riddles about the months, and you will find this month on the circle and mark it with a chip. How many colors do the chips have? Why? Each season has its own color: winter - blue, spring - green, summer - red, autumn - yellow. Ready?

In the frost of dawn, peonies bloomed in the garden,

The bullfinches began to turn red. Strawberries have hillside slopes.

Hey, frost, hit harder, Breeze, blow coolness,

Let's start the year. (January..) So that it’s not hot... (June)

The distance of the fields is green, the cozy garden is empty,

The nightingale sings. Cobwebs fly into the distance,

The garden was dressed in white, and the southern edge of the earth

The bees are the first to fly. The cranes arrived.

Thunder rumbles. Guess what, the school doors opened.

What month is this? ... (May) What month has come to us?


Read the names of the months on the annual circle. How many are there?

How many months are there in each season?

Name and remember the winter months, spring, summer, autumn.

In what month do you celebrate your birthday? Find this month in the picture.

What time of year does this happen?

8. Work with drawings and entertaining tasks from the textbook. Conversation about maintaining health in different seasons.

After getting acquainted with the months, the children return to the general signs of the seasons and complete the entertaining tasks of the textbook on p. 11: determining the time of year by Ant’s clothes; Finding errors in Ant's drawings. After completing the first task, students discuss issues of maintaining health in different seasons.

Initial check of understanding

1. Conversation about your favorite time of year. Group work.

The guys tell each other about their favorite time of year. Then the teacher leads the children to the idea that all seasons are beautiful in their own way, you just need to be able to notice it.

2. Working with the pictures given in the textbook. Find the mistakes the ant made. (Work in pairs)

3. While we were looking at the paintings, Ant got ready for a walk. Look at what time of year Ant went out for a walk?

(Completing task No. 2 in RT)

Consolidating knowledge and methods of action: performing a creative task.

1. Completing a creative task. (R.t., No. 3, p. 10)

The teacher invites the children to come up with their own icons for each season and draw them in the correct sequence, starting with spring. Working with conventional signs helps children identify and remember the characteristic signs of the seasons.


Summing up the lesson

Thank you all for your work; as a reminder of our lesson, you will have calendars that will help you remember the days of the week, seasons, and names of months. Return to the first sheet. It remained empty. What can you do here? I suggest you draw a picture at home of the time of year in which you were born and stick a picture icon next to it. What picture would be suitable for winter? Spring? Flying? Autumn? Thank you for the lesson!

Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

Remember the names of the months in a certain order.

Presentation for the lesson of the surrounding world, 1st grade of educational complex “School of Russia” Author: Nikiforova Natalya Vasilievna, primary school teacher of the MKOU “Gremyachenskaya secondary school”, Khokholsky district, Voronezh region

“When will summer come?”

Guys, the Wise Turtle said that today in the lesson we will learn about the different seasons. And what is it?

But listen to the riddle:

Needlewomen weave four carpets

One by one they are placed on the ground.

White, green, variegated yellow

The answer here is tricky, have you found it?

click on the question


The beautiful maiden is coming

The sun leads brightly,

And the old lady is cold

He backs away in front of them,

Hiding in the wilderness of the forest.

You can swim and fish,

You can wander through the forest with a basket,

Run through puddles in the warm rain

And don’t be afraid to get wet to the skin.

Snow-white mistress

Everything will be covered with a blanket,

He'll smooth everything out, tidy it up,

And then the tired earth

He will sing a lullaby.

I walked through meadows, through forests, through fields. She prepared supplies for us. She hid them in cellars and bins. She said: “Winter will come for me.”

Guess the riddles, click on the riddle again to test yourself.

Guys, the Wise Turtle also said that today in the lesson we will learn about months.

And what is it?

But listen to the riddle:

twelve brothers

They are called differently

And different things

Are they doing?

click on the question

Months of the year

Guess the winter months. To test yourself, click on the riddle.

Name it, guys, the month in this riddle, Its days are shorter than all days, Longest than nights, Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We will celebrate the New Year.

He comes first in the count, and the new year will begin with him. Open your calendar soon, read!

Written -...

Last winter

It's a shame it's a short month

Guess the spring months. To test yourself, click

to a riddle.

Streams run faster

The sun is shining warmer.

Sparrow is happy about the weather -

Visited us

The bear crawled out of the den,

Dirt and puddles on the road,

In the sky a lark trills

Visit us

The distance of the fields is green,

The nightingale sings.

The garden is dressed in white,

The bees are the first to fly.

Thunder rumbles. Guess,

What month is this?

Warm, long, long day.

At noon there is a tiny shadow.

The ear of corn blooms in the field,

Hot, sultry,

Stifling day.

Even chickens seek shade.

The mowing of grain has begun,

Time for berries and mushrooms.

The month is warm, generous, glorious,

He considers himself to be in charge -

Because he is rich in gifts,

Everyone is happy about the harvest.

Guess the summer months. To test yourself, click

to a riddle.


Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!

Our Queen, Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret,

Who is your second servant?

The field became black and white:

It rains and snows.

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

The winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month is it, tell me?

Guess the autumn months. To test yourself, click

to a riddle.

Guys, help me arrange the seasons correctly, starting with spring.

Guess what time of year is in the picture.

To test yourself, click on the picture.

Guys, position it correctly

months of the year.



Guys, I realized that the seasons follow each other so that it turns out all year round, with one year leading to the next. And so on endlessly.

That's right, Ant. What time of year is it now? What time of year was it before? And what will happen after? So now answer the question

“When will summer come?”

click on the question

What time of year are these clothes worn?

What time of year are these clothes worn?

What time of year are these clothes worn?

Thank you children

Teacher Seasons Summer Spring Autumn Winter Puzzles Months Puzzles

The drawings on slide 11 were scanned from the textbook by A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around us”, grade 1, part 1

Seasons Seasons Cloth Cloth Cloth

Internet sources

Goals: to form ideas about the annual cycle - seasons, months, their sequence, learn to identify the characteristic features of the seasons


  • textbook by A.A. Pleshakov “The World Around Us”;
  • Workbook for the 1st grade textbook “The World Around Us” by A.A. Pleshakov;
  • non-printed notebook A.A. Pleshakov “Let's test ourselves. 1 class";
  • pictures depicting the Ant and the Wise Turtle;
  • colored chips: blue, green, yellow, orange;
  • sheets with days of the week; with months;
  • “magic annual circles”, colored pencils;
  • pictures depicting the seasons;
  • cards from the Workbook Appendix with images of the seasons;
  • maple leaves, mimosa sprigs, snowflakes, daisies (for gifts to students)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Repetition of the studied material.

A) - Let’s complete the task in the notebook “Let’s test ourselves” on pp. 26-27.

(Notebook on a printed basis by A.A. Pleshakov “Let’s test ourselves. 1st grade”)

B) - Place the numbers from 1 to 7 corresponding to the days of the week.

* Each student has a sheet with the days of the week.








3. Message the topic of the lesson.

Ant found out when Saturday would come, but suddenly he thought: “When will summer come? After all, the guys are on vacation?

He ran to the Wise Turtle and asked her, and she answered him: “Today, together with you and the guys, we will visit the old one-year-old man and find the answer to your question.”

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

* Each student has “magic annual circles.”

Place a circle in front of you. This is a magic circle, and its owner is an old man. Listen to a story about him.

"Old Year-Old Man"

The one-year old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own name. The old man waved for the first time, and the first three birds flew away. It became cold. It is snowing.

The old man waved for the second time. The second three flew. The snow began to melt, the first flowers appeared in the fields.

The old man waved a third time - the third troika flew. It became hot, stuffy...

The old one-year-old waved for the fourth time - and three more birds flew. A cold wind blew and frequent rain fell. (V.I. Dal)


* A picture depicting winter is hung on the board.

Who remembers what happened when the one-year-old man waved his sleeve for the first time? (It got cold, it started snowing)

What time of year is this? (Winter)

Color the stripes where the word “winter” is written with a blue pencil.

Who knows what kind of birds the old yearling released? (It's the winter months) Name them. (December January February)

* A picture of spring is hung on the board.

When the one-year old man waved for the second time, what happened in nature? (The snow began to melt, the first flowers appeared)

What time of year is this? (Spring)

Color the stripes where the word “spring” is written with a green pencil.

Which three birds did the old man release the second time? (Spring months: March, April, May)

* A picture of summer is hung on the board.

The old man waved for the third time, and it became very hot and stuffy. What happened? (Summer)

Color the stripes with the word “summer” yellow.

What three birds did the old yearling release in the summer? (Summer months: June, July, August)

* A picture of autumn is hung on the board.

Summer will end and the old yearling will wave his sleeve for the fourth time, it will become rainy and cold. What time of year is this? (Autumn)

Color the stripes with the word "autumn" in orange.

What birds will he release in the fall? (Autumn months: September, October, November)

Why won’t the old one-year-old wave for the fifth time? (Because in nature there are only 4 seasons)

After autumn, winter will come again, the first three birds will fly again - December, January, February, and again everything will go in a circle, like the hands on a clock, from left to right. Show this circle with your finger. And after one year comes the next year and so on without end.

Open your textbooks to page 70 and prepare cards depicting the seasons.

Guess the riddles and place the desired picture on the annual circle.

Troika - troika flew in,
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced
How she waved her sleeve,
Everything was covered in silver.

What signs of winter do you know? (The sun shines, but does not warm. The earth freezes and is covered with snow. The reservoirs are frozen. The days in winter are short and the nights are long. Animals sleep in burrows.)

She came, smiled - the snowstorms subsided,
The drop's bell began to ring.
The river has awakened, the ice has melted.
The gardens put on a snow-white outfit.
With a roar, the tractors got to work.
And the birds sang: “It’s time to build nests!”

What signs of spring can you name? (In spring, the sun not only shines, but also warms. The snow melts, streams run, the first flowers appear, the days become longer and the nights become shorter. Nature wakes up and comes to life.)

It comes to visit us in the spring,
It brings with it a lot of worries.
Gives hot, long days.
So that the spikelets ripen quickly in the fields.
He commands us to reap a bountiful harvest.
Bake a rosy, fragrant loaf.

How do we recognize summer? (It’s getting very hot. Many plants are blooming. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting very short. People are harvesting.)

I walked through meadows, through forests, through fields.
She prepared supplies for us.
She hid them in the cellars, in the feed.
She said: “Winter will come for me.”

What happens in nature in autumn? ( The sun is warming less. It's getting cold outside. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. Leaves fall on trees and bushes, grass turns yellow and withers. Animals are preparing for winter, birds are flying to warmer regions, insects are hiding in secluded places.)

Tell me, what time of year is it now? (...) Cover the annual circle with a blue chip.

Look at the annual circle and tell me what time of year was before it? (...) Cover it with an orange chip.

What time of year will it be after winter? (Spring) Cover it with a green chip.

How can we answer Ant when summer comes? (Summer will come when winter ends and spring passes)

Let’s complete the task in the “Workbook” on page 30 No. 2.

5. Physical education minute.

We'll take a little rest
Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward.
Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed. (walking in place)
We looked up at the sun,
And the rays warmed us all.
Miracles in our world:
The children became dwarfs. (to squat)
And then we stood up together -
Everyone became giants. (stretch on your toes)

6. Work on the topic of the lesson (continued).

Guess the riddle:

Twelve brothers have different names
And they do different things.
(Months of the year)

* Each student has a sheet with the names of the months.


Let's number the months in the order they appear. Name the winter months, spring, summer, autumn.

Color the leaf with the month where the name of the month in which you were born is written.

Raise your hand if you were born in winter (color the leaf blue); who was born in spring (in green); who was born in the summer (yellow); who was born in autumn (orange or red).

Look at the top picture in the textbook on page 71. Tell me, at what time of year do they wear such clothes? (Summer, autumn, winter)

Look, on page 71 Ant drew pictures. He tried very hard, but he got something wrong. Find errors. (...)

Guys, the Wise Turtle came up with these symbols for each season on page 70. Guess what season each sign corresponds to. Why? (Spring - many flowers bloom, summer - the sun shines brightly, autumn - it often rains, winter - there is snow.)

Let's read the words of the Wise Turtle, the conclusion of today's lesson.

The game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.”

Clap if it happens; stomp if it doesn’t happen.
In autumn: leaf fall, rain, frost, drops.
In winter: thunderstorm, snow, blizzard, ice, blizzard.
In spring: thunderstorm, ice drift, snowdrops, leaf fall.
In summer: thunderstorm, drops, rainbow, blizzard, heat.

7. Lesson summary.

What seasons do you know? (Winter spring Summer Autumn)

Name the winter months, spring months, summer months, autumn months.

The year old man has prepared a gift for you: to those born in the fall, he gives a maple leaf, to those born in the winter - a snowflake, to those born in the spring - a sprig of mimosa, and to those born in the summer - a chamomile.

* Children go to the board according to the seasons and receive gifts.

Complete the task in the “Workbook” on pp. 29 -30 No. 1, No. 3.

Subject. When will summer come?
Objectives: to form ideas about the annual cycle - seasons, months and
their sequences; show the dependence of natural phenomena on change
Form of delivery: lesson using ICT.
Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge
Educational objectives of the lesson:
1. Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seasons.
2. Give an idea of ​​the annual cycle - seasons, months, their
3. Learn to identify the characteristic signs of the seasons.
Developmental objectives of the lesson:
1. To develop cognitive interest, oral speech of students, creative
2. Develop observation, ability to analyze, generalize and do
3. Develop communication skills and the ability to work in a group.
Educational objectives of the lesson:
1. Cultivating a sense of beauty through observing every time
of the year.
2. Formation of behavioral skills of a healthy lifestyle, ability
use the healing power of nature to improve health
of your region.
Planned achievements of students: learn in what sequence
seasons and months change; learn to recognize the time of year by its characteristic
signs; learn the rules of health promotion.

Preliminary work: a walk to observe winter phenomena
in nature.
Equipment: computer, signs with the names of the days of the week, months,
cards for working in pairs, students have colored pencils, scissors, glue.
I. Organizational moment
During the classes
Hello guys, guests! Today we have not an ordinary lesson, we have
guests are present. They came to see how you can work, why
Let's smile at each other and have a lesson in a friendly atmosphere.
II. Updating knowledge
Guess the Ant's riddle.
There are exactly seven of these brothers.
You all know them
Every week around
Brothers walk after each other.
The last one will say goodbye -
The front one appears. (Days of the week.)
List all the days of the week in order.
2. Game “What day of the week?”
What day of the week was yesterday?
What day of the week will the day after tomorrow be?

3. Game “Week, line up!”
(The teacher prepares signs in advance with the names of the days of the week. Calls to the board
seven students, gives each a tablet. At the command “Week, line up!”
children must quickly line up in order, starting from the day that
the teacher will call.)
Work in pairs. Match the names of the days of the week with their numbers in order.(2
Check (How did you connect the days of the week by their numbers in order? And the other
III. Self-determination for activity
(Slides 23) The sun is burning,
Linden blossoms,
The rye is ripening.
When does this happen? (In summer.)
And when does summer come? (Children's answers.)
What is the topic of our lesson? (When will summer come?)
What other seasons do you know? How many are there? Name them in order. Which
does the month end the year? Which one starts?
(Not all students can answer the proposed questions; some get confused.)
Guess what we will talk about in class today. (About the seasons.)
What learning goal will we set for ourselves? What should we find out?
(How do the seasons change? In what order? What months
correspond to each season?
IV. Work on the topic of the lesson
So our Ant became interested: when will everything come?
summer? He ran to the Wise Turtle, and she met him with a new one
a mystery. (Slide 4)
The needlewomen are weaving four carpets,

One by one they are placed on the ground.
White, green, motley, yellow.
The answer here is tricky, have you found it?
Guys, who guessed what the riddle is about? (About the seasons.)
What time of year is it now? (Children's answers.)
Look at the drawing - diagram on p. 10. Find the name of the times on this diagram
of the year. How many are there? Name it. (Winter spring Summer Autumn.)
The wise Turtle has prepared riddles about the seasons. Does anybody want
guess them? How many riddles will there be? Why?
(Children guess and show this time of year on the diagram.)
(Slide 5) The bird - the troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve,
Everything was covered in silver. (Winter.)
Find this time of year on the annual circle on page 10 of the textbook.
What happens in nature in winter?
(Slide 6) She came, smiled, and the snowstorms subsided.
The drop's bell began to ring.
The river has awakened, the ice has melted.
The gardens put on a snow-white outfit.
With a roar, the tractors got to work,
And the birds sang: “It’s time to build nests!”

Find spring on the annual circle. What changes in nature are taking place during this time?
(Slide 7) It comes to visit us in the spring,
It brings with it a lot of worries.
He gives long, hot days so that the ears of corn can quickly ripen in the fields.
He commands us to reap a bountiful harvest.
Bake a rosy, fragrant loaf.
Find summer there too. What happens in nature in the summer?
(Slide 8) I walked through meadows, through forests, through fields.
She prepared supplies for us.
She hid them in cellars and bins.
She said: “Winter will come for me.”
And find the last time of the year on the annual circle. What changes in nature
take place in the fall?
Has anyone guessed why this pattern is called the annual circle? (Times
the years follow each other, so it turns out all year round. And after 1 year
the next one comes. And so on endlessly.)
Guys, do you know why the seasons change?
(Slide 9)
(Because the Earth revolves around the sun, and we will talk in more detail about
this is in another lesson)
Tell me again what time of year it is?
Find it on the annual circle. Look and tell me what time of year it was
before him?
And who will answer Ant when summer comes? (Summer will come when
spring will end)
Can the seasons disrupt the order?

In what fairy tale did this happen? (12 months) (Slide 10)
Why did this happen?
Guess the Ant's riddle
(Slide 11) Twelve brothers
They are called differently
And different things
Are they doing? (Months of the year)
Find the names of the months on the annual circle. How many are there? (12)
Read their names.
How many months are there in each season?
Name and remember the winter months (December, January, February), spring
months (March, April, May), summer (June, July, August), autumn (September,
October, November) (slide 12)
Guys, do you know why the months of the year are called that? Do you want to know?
Some guys have prepared messages about this. Listen to them.
In many countries and here too, months are called as they were invented in the Ancient
Rome. At first they called the months simply by numbers: first, second, third,
and they started counting in March.
The first month is January. This month is named after Rome's favorite god.
time, the patron saint of travelers and sailors - Janus.
February. In the middle of this month, the Romans celebrated a big holiday: Day
cleansing from all sins and bad deeds. They called this holiday “Dies”
Februtus", and then the whole month began to be called februaris, and in Russian -
March. The Romans named this month Martus in honor of the Roman god of war.
April. In Latin, “apricus” means “warmed by the sun”, and “aprire”
open, blossom. Is it really suitable for the spring month?
May. Named after the goddess of spring and mountains, the goddess of fertility “Maya”.

June. It was named by the Romans in honor of the goddess Juno, wife of the ruler of the sky.
July. Named after the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.
August. Named after another emperor - Octavian Augustus.
September. "September" means "seventh" in Latin. Remember that the Romans
We began to count the months not in January, as we did, but in March. Therefore the month numbers
theirs are not like ours.
October. Oktober – Latin for “eighth”
November. November, which means “ninth”
December. December, which means "Tenth"
I think you were interested in learning about the formation of the names of the months.
V. Physical education minute
We'll take a little rest
Let's stand up and take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward.
Children walked through the forest
Nature was observed. (walking in place)
We looked up at the sun,
And the rays warmed us all.
Miracles in our world:
The children became dwarfs. (to squat)
And then we stood up together -
Everyone became giants. (stretch on your toes)
VI.Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson
1. Work according to the textbook: p. 11
Look at Ant's drawings, he was in a hurry and made mistakes, find
2. Completing tasks in the workbook
No. 1 page 9
Find the appendix for the assignment, cut out the pictures. Place the pictures in
in the correct order.

The picture with which season should be pasted first?
Complete the task (Check in pairs)
№2 p.9
Look at the pictures. Compare them. How are they similar? What is the difference? Think about it
what clothes should Ant wear at different times of the year?
No. 3 p.10
(Work in groups)
Read the names of the first 3 months
What time do they belong to?
Create an icon to represent winter.
(Students come up with an icon for each season. Check. Each
The group talks about the results of their work)
No. 4 p.10.
Read the names of the months. What did you notice?
What month does the year start from? (From January)
Place the number 1 in the circle next to January.
Continue numbering in the correct order.
VII. Summing up the lesson
Look at the board and continue the chains (the entry is written in advance)
Autumn months: September………………..
Winter months: December………
Seasons: spring,……….
Spring months: March,…..
Summer months: June……….
So what do we answer to Ant? When will summer come (Children's answers)

Let's return to the purpose of the lesson. How do the seasons change? We found out when
will summer come? (In a certain sequence, one after another) Did you find out that
each season has its own months (Name)
VIII. Reflection
Guys, imagine that summer has come, and you know that in the summer they bloom
many beautiful flowers. So I put 3 flowers on your desk. Let's
You and I will put together a bouquet.
If anyone really liked the lesson, everything was clear, let him stick the red one
But who experienced minor difficulties, who did not cope with all
tasks, let him stick a white flower.
Who found it difficult to understand the topic of the lesson, who still needs the teacher’s help,
comrades, glue a yellow flower.



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